Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_abs(g_agg, gl_ab, e_opts1, e_land, Sg, lon, lat, DatLists, map_lons,
            map_lats, s_o_lons, s_o_lats, typeof):

    dist_from_o = []
    for si, val in enumerate(s_o_lons):
        d = fxns.haversine(val, s_o_lats[si], lon, lat)

    dist_from_o = np.array(dist_from_o)
    geo_match = (g_agg / (g_agg + dist_from_o))

    p_or_a_geo = np.random.binomial(1, geo_match, Sg)

    lon = min(map_lons, key=lambda x: abs(x - lon))
    lat = min(map_lats, key=lambda x: abs(x - lat))

    i1 = map_lons.tolist().index(lon)
    i2 = map_lats.tolist().index(lat)

    matches = []
    for ii, ls in enumerate(DatLists):
        e_val = ls[i2][i1]

        diff = np.abs(e_opts1[ii] - e_val)
        match = (0.1 / (0.1 + diff))

    avg_match = np.mean(matches, axis=0)

    p_or_a_env = np.random.binomial(1, avg_match, Sg)

    sad = []
    if typeof in ['model1', 'model2']:
        sad = geo_match * p_or_a_geo

    if typeof in ['model3', 'model4', 'model5', 'model6']:
        sad = geo_match * p_or_a_geo * gl_ab

    if typeof in ['model7', 'model8']:
        sad = avg_match * p_or_a_env

    elif typeof in ['model9', 'model10']:
        sad = avg_match * p_or_a_geo * gl_ab

    elif typeof in ['model11', 'model12']:
        sad = avg_match * p_or_a_geo * gl_ab * e_land

    return sad
Ejemplo n.º 2
    print(len(lons), len(lats))


    Is = range(len(lons))

    for i in range(100000):
        i1, i2 = np.random.choice(Is, size=2, replace=False)

        lon1 = lons[i1]
        lat1 = lats[i1]

        lon2 = lons[i2]
        lat2 = lats[i2]

        if lon1 < -180 or lon1 > 180: continue
        if lon2 < -180 or lon2 > 180: continue
        if lat1 < -90 or lat1 > 90: continue
        if lat2 < -90 or lat2 > 90: continue

        D = fxns.haversine(lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2)

        outlist = [name, D]
        outlist = str(outlist).strip('[]')
        outlist = outlist.replace("'", "")
        outlist = outlist.replace(" ", "")
        OUT.write(outlist + '\n')

        print(i, name)

Ejemplo n.º 3
def run_model(j, typeof, ldg):

    r = int(1000)  # number of sites
    Sg = int(1000)  # number of species
    num_iter = int(10000)

    lat = np.random.uniform(-90, 90)  # starting latitude
    lon = np.random.uniform(-180, 180)  # starting longitude
    loc1 = [lat, lon]  # starting location

    DatLists = [
        PopDat, TopoDat, LandDat, VegDat, SeaDat, NppDat, ChlDat, RainDat,
        IceDat, PermDat, SicsDat, LaiDat

    geoDs = []  # geo distances
    maxDs = []  # max geo distances
    Slopes = []  # DDR slopes

    s_o_lons = []
    s_o_lats = []

    if ldg == 0:
        ed = float(pi * 6371.0087714150598)
        method = 'great_circle'
        lons_lats = fxns.get_pts(Sg, loc1, ed, method)

        for lon_lat in lons_lats:

    elif ldg == 1:
        s_o_lats = np.random.normal(0, 25, Sg).tolist()

        for indx, val in enumerate(s_o_lats):
            if val < -90:
                s_o_lats[indx] = -90
            elif val > 90:
                s_o_lats[indx] = 90

        s_o_lons = np.linspace(-180, 180, Sg)

    terrestrial = np.random.binomial(1, 0.5, Sg)
    # whether species is terrestrial or not
    # 1 == terrestrial
    # 0 == aquatic

    e_opts1 = []  # list to species environmental optimums
    for ie in range(12):  # each species gets 12 env optimums
        opts = np.array(np.random.uniform(0, 1, Sg))

    if typeof in ['model5', 'model6']:
        g_agg = 10**np.random.uniform(1, 3, Sg)
        g_agg = np.ones(Sg) * 10**3

    gl_ab = 10**np.random.uniform(1, 4, Sg)

    Ds = [
        0, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500,
        3000, 3500, 4000, 4500, 5000, 5500, 6000, 6500, 7000, 7500, 8000, 8500,
        9000, 9500, 10000, 11000, 12000, 13000, 14000, 15000, 16000, 17000,
        18000, 19000, 20015.1

    ######################### RUN SIMULATIONS #################################
    for i in Ds:

        pts = []
        if i < 600:

            lat1, lon1 = loc1
            lat_o, lon_o = loc1
            ed = float(pi * 6371)

            for ii in range(r):
                b = np.random.uniform(-180, 180)
                di = (np.random.uniform(i) + np.random.uniform(i)) / 2

                origin = geopy.Point(lat_o, lon_o)
                destination = great_circle(kilometers=di).destination(
                    origin, b)
                lat1, lon1 = destination.latitude, destination.longitude

                pts.append([lon1, lat1])

            method = 'great_circle'
            pts = fxns.get_pts(r, loc1, i, method)  # get locations for samples

        geoDs2 = []  # mean geo distances
        comDs2 = []  # community distances
        s_by_s = []  # site-by-species matrix

        for pt in pts:

            lon, lat = pt

            is_lnd = is_land(lon, lat)
            if is_lnd is False:
                terrestrial = 1 - terrestrial

            sad = get_abs(g_agg, gl_ab, e_opts1, terrestrial, Sg, lon, lat,
                          DatLists, map_lons, map_lats, s_o_lons, s_o_lats,

            if max(sad) != 0:
                s_by_s.append([0] * Sg)

        s_by_s = np.asarray(s_by_s)  # Site by species matrix

        #for ind1 in range(len(pts)):
        #    for ind2 in range(len(pts)):
        for ii in range(num_iter):
            ind1, ind2 = np.random.choice(range(len(pts)), 2, replace=False)
            if ind1 >= ind2: continue

            lon1, lat1 = pts[ind1]
            sad1 = s_by_s[ind1]

            lon2, lat2 = pts[ind2]
            sad2 = s_by_s[ind2]

            if max(sad1) == 0 or max(sad2) == 0: continue

            dx = fxns.haversine(lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2)

            sadr = np.asarray([sad1, sad2])
            sadr = np.delete(sadr, np.where(~sadr.any(axis=0))[0], axis=1)
            sad1 = sadr[0]
            sad2 = sadr[1]

            pair = np.asarray([sad1, sad2])
            dy = 1 - spatial.distance.pdist(pair, metric='braycurtis')[0]

            if np.isnan(dy) == True or dy < 0 or dy > 1: continue


        g = np.array(geoDs2) / max(geoDs2)
        c = np.array(comDs2) / max(comDs2)
        slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = stats.linregress(g, c)

        avgD = np.mean(geoDs2)

        pstr = str(j) + ' : ' + str(np.round(i, 1)) + ' ' + str(
            np.round(avgD, 1))
        pstr += ' |  BC: ' + str(np.round(np.mean(comDs2), 3)) + ' : slope:'
        pstr += str(np.round(slope, 3)) + ' | model:' + str(typeof)


    geoDs, maxDs, Slopes = zip(*sorted(zip(geoDs, maxDs, Slopes)))

    clr = randcolor()
    return [list(geoDs), list(maxDs), list(Slopes), clr]