Ejemplo n.º 1
 def load(self):
     Loads up the settings from gado.conf and instantiates objects for:
         The Scanner
         The Robot
         The Webcam
     self.scanner = Scanner(**self.s)
     self.robot = Robot(**self.s)
     self.camera = Webcam(**self.s)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def mainloop(self):
        Repeating loop that constantly checks to see if the in-queue (the Gui) has any new
        messages for the system
        A Series of if/elses is then used to determine the appropriate action to take for
        each message received
        #Set database interface, the system-to-gui queue and the robot as local vars
        dbi = self.dbi
        q = self.q_out
        robot = self.robot
        #add_to_queue(q, messages.READY)
        #Loop until told to stop
        while True:
            expecting_return = False
                #Grab a message from the gui-to-system queue (if on exists)
                msg = fetch_from_queue(self.q_in)
                #Add an new artifact set to the local database
                if msg[0] == messages.ADD_ARTIFACT_SET_LIST:
                    i = dbi.add_artifact_set(**msg[1])
                #Grab the full lits of artifact sets and pass it back
                #using the system-to-gui queue
                elif msg[0] == messages.ARTIFACT_SET_LIST:
                    expecting_return = messages.ARTIFACT_SET_LIST
                    i = dbi.artifact_set_list()
                    add_to_queue(q, messages.ARTIFACT_SET_LIST, i)
                #Delete a specified artifact set
                elif msg[0] == messages.DELETE_ARTIFACT_SET_LIST:
                #Grab the user's settings and either update the settings for
                #the robot, scanner and webcam; or reinstantiate those objects
                #with the new setttings
                elif msg[0] == messages.RELOAD_SETTINGS:
                    settings = import_settings()
                    self.s = settings
                    del self.camera
                    self.camera = Webcam(**settings)
                    del self.scanner
                    self.scanner = Scanner(**settings)
                #Restart the robot
                elif msg[0] == messages.RESET:
                #Attempt to connect to the robot (via serial port)
                #Pass back to Gui whether or not it was sucessfull
                elif msg[0] == messages.ROBOT_CONNECT:
                    expecting_return = messages.ROBOT_CONNECT
                    success = self.connect()
                    self.logger.info('ROBOT_CONNECT: %s' % success)
                    add_to_queue(q, messages.ROBOT_CONNECT, robot.connected())
                #Delete the current scanner object (if it exists)
                #and instantiate a new one
                #Pass back to Gui whether or not this was sucessfull
                elif msg[0] == messages.SCANNER_CONNECT:
                    expecting_return = messages.SCANNER_CONNECT
                    try: del self.scanner
                        self.logger.exception("Exception while connecting to scanner")
                    self.scanner = Scanner(**import_settings())
                    add_to_queue(q, messages.SCANNER_CONNECT, self.scanner.connected())
                elif msg[0] == messages.SCANNER_CONNECTED:
                    add_to_queue(q, messages.SCANNER_CONNECTED, self.scanner.connected())
                #Scan an inmage using the scanner
                elif msg[0] == messages.SCANNER_PICTURE:
                    expecting_return = messages.SCANNER_PICTURE
                    add_to_queue(q, messages.SCANNER_PICTURE, self.s['scanned_image'])

                #Set the passed in artifact set as the currently selected
                elif msg[0] == messages.SET_SELECTED_ARTIFACT_SET:
                    self.selected_set = msg[1]

                #Starts the robot's overall procedure for moving/scanning artifacts
                elif msg[0] == messages.START:
                #Grabs a list of available webcams and returns them to the Gui thread
                elif msg[0] == messages.WEBCAM_LISTING:
                    expecting_return = messages.WEBCAM_LISTING
                    opts = self.camera.options()
                    self.logger.debug('WEBCAM_LISTING - %s' % opts)
                    add_to_queue(q, messages.WEBCAM_LISTING, opts)
                #Attempt to connect to the selected webcam
                elif msg[0] == messages.WEBCAM_CONNECT:
                    self.logger.debug('WEBCAM_CONNECT switch made it')
                    expecting_return = messages.WEBCAM_CONNECT
                    #If the webcam object exists
                    if self.camera:
                        self.logger.info('Camera already exists')
                        #And it is connected
                        if self.camera.connected():
                            self.logger.info('Already connected to the webcam')
                            #Relay that information back to the Gui thread
                            add_to_queue(q, messages.WEBCAM_CONNECT, self.camera.connected())
                        #Otherwise, disconnect
                        else: self.camera.disconnect()
                    #Reinstantiate the webcam object with the user settings
                    self.camera = Webcam(**import_settings())
                    #Connect to webcam and let the Gui thread know if it was sucessfull
                    self.logger.info('self.camera.connected() %s' % self.camera.connected())
                    add_to_queue(q, messages.WEBCAM_CONNECT, self.camera.connected())
                elif msg[0] == messages.WEBCAM_CONNECTED:
                    add_to_queue(q, messages.WEBCAM_CONNECTED, self.camera.connected())
                #Take a picture using the currently connected webcam
                elif msg[0] == messages.WEBCAM_PICTURE:
                    expecting_return = messages.WEBCAM_PICTURE
                    #Save the picture as the temp image name
                    #Pass that name back to the Gui thread
                    add_to_queue(q, messages.WEBCAM_PICTURE, self.s['webcam_image'])
                #Grab a list of artifact sets, with weights so we can figure out the most
                #recently used
                elif msg[0] == messages.WEIGHTED_ARTIFACT_SET_LIST:
                    expecting_return = messages.WEIGHTED_ARTIFACT_SET_LIST
                    li = self.dbi.weighted_artifact_set_list()
                    add_to_queue(q, messages.WEIGHTED_ARTIFACT_SET_LIST, arguments=li)
                #Kill the program!!!
                elif msg[0] == messages.MAIN_ABANDON_SHIP:
                    add_to_queue(q, messages.GUI_LISTENER_DIE)
                    add_to_queue(self.q_in, messages.MAIN_ABANDON_SHIP)
                elif msg[0] == messages.STOP or msg[0] == messages.LAST_ARTIFACT or msg[0] == messages.RESET:
                    # These commands are only relevant if the robot is already running.
                #Pass the robot object to the Gui thread
                elif msg[0] == messages.GIVE_ME_A_ROBOT:
                    add_to_queue(q, messages.GIVE_ME_A_ROBOT, self.robot)
                    # add it back to the in queue, was somebody else waiting for that message?
                    add_to_queue(self.q_in, msg[0], (msg[1] if len(msg) > 1 else None))
            #Something went horribly wrong, if the Gui thread is expecting a response,
            #Tell it things went poorly
                self.logger.exception("EXCEPTION GENERATED")
                if expecting_return:
                    add_to_queue(q, expecting_return)