Ejemplo n.º 1
def evaluate(classifier, dataset, groundTruth, confusion=None, verbose=True):
    """Evaluate the classifier on the given dataset and returns the confusion matrix.

    Uses only the points that are in the groundTruth parameter for the evaluation.


    classifier  : a function which given a point returns its class
    dataset     : the dataset from which to get the points
    groundTruth : a map from the points to classify to their respective class

    progress = TextProgress(len(groundTruth))
    done = 0

    confusion = confusion or ConfusionMatrix()

    for pointId, expected in groundTruth.items():
            found = classifier(dataset.point(pointId))
            confusion.add(expected, found, pointId)

        except Exception as e:
            log.warning('Could not classify point "%s" because %s' %
                        (pointId, str(e)))

        done += 1
        if verbose: progress.update(done)

    return confusion
Ejemplo n.º 2
def evaluate(classifier, dataset, groundTruth, confusion = None, verbose = True):
    """Evaluate the classifier on the given dataset and returns the confusion matrix.

    Uses only the points that are in the groundTruth parameter for the evaluation.


    classifier  : a function which given a point returns its class
    dataset     : the dataset from which to get the points
    groundTruth : a map from the points to classify to their respective class

    progress = TextProgress(len(groundTruth))
    done = 0

    confusion = confusion or ConfusionMatrix()

    for pointId, expected in groundTruth.items():
            found = classifier(dataset.point(pointId))
            confusion.add(expected, found, pointId)

        except Exception, e:
            log.warning('Could not classify point "%s" because %s' % (pointId, str(e)))

        done += 1
        if verbose: progress.update(done)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def evaluateNfold(nfold, dataset, groundTruth, trainingFunc, *args, **kwargs):
    """Evaluate the classifier on the given dataset and returns the confusion matrix.

    The evaluation is performed using n-fold cross validation.
    Uses only the points that are in the groundTruth parameter for the evaluation.


    nfold        : the number of folds to use for the cross-validation
    dataset      : the dataset from which to get the points
    groundTruth  : a map from the points to classify to their respective class
    trainingFunc : a function which will train and return a classifier given a dataset,
                   the groundtruth, and the *args and **kwargs arguments
    log.info('Doing %d-fold cross validation' % nfold)
    classes = set(groundTruth.values())
    progress = TextProgress(nfold, 'Evaluating fold %(current)d/%(total)d')

    # get map from class to point names
    iclasses = {}
    for c in classes:
        iclasses[c] = [ p for p in groundTruth.keys() if groundTruth[p] == c ]

    # get folds
    folds = {}
    for i in range(nfold):
        folds[i] = []
        for c in iclasses.values():
            foldsize = (len(c)-1)//nfold + 1 # -1/+1 so we take all instances into account, last fold might have fewer instances
            folds[i] += c[ foldsize * i : foldsize * (i+1) ]

    # build sub-datasets and run evaluation on them
    confusion = None
    pnames = [ p.name() for p in dataset.points() ]

    for i in range(nfold):
        if log.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO):

        trainds = DataSet()
        trainds.addPoints([ dataset.point(pname) for pname in pnames if pname not in folds[i] ])
        traingt = GroundTruth(groundTruth.className, dict([ (p, c) for p, c in groundTruth.items() if p not in folds[i] ]))

        testds = DataSet()
        testds.addPoints([ dataset.point(str(pname)) for pname in folds[i] ])
        testgt = GroundTruth(groundTruth.className, dict([ (p, c) for p, c in groundTruth.items() if p in folds[i] ]))

        classifier = trainingFunc(trainds, traingt, *args, **kwargs)
        confusion = evaluate(classifier, testds, testgt, confusion, verbose = False)

    return confusion
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def readResults(self, dir):
        """Reads all the results file contained in the given directory, and generates the
        associated ConfusionMatrix for each one."""

        resultFiles = glob.glob(join(dir, '*.result'))
        progress = TextProgress(len(resultFiles))

        for i, filename in enumerate(resultFiles):
            cm = ConfusionMatrix()

            paramFile = splitext(filename)[0] + '.param'
            params = yaml.load(open(paramFile).read())

            self.results += [ (filename, cm, params) ]

Ejemplo n.º 5
    def readResults(self, dir):
        """Reads all the results file contained in the given directory, and generates the
        associated ConfusionMatrix for each one."""

        resultFiles = glob.glob(join(dir, '*.result'))
        progress = TextProgress(len(resultFiles))

        for i, filename in enumerate(resultFiles):
            cm = ConfusionMatrix()

            paramFile = splitext(filename)[0] + '.param'
            params = yaml.load(open(paramFile).read())

            self.results += [ (filename, cm, params) ]
