from cube_analysis.rotation_curves import update_galaxy_params from paths import fourteenB_HI_data_path, fourteenB_HI_data_wGBT_path # The models from the peak velocity aren't as biased, based on comparing # the VLA and VLA+GBT velocity curves. Using these as the defaults folder_name = "diskfit_peakvels_noasymm_noradial_nowarp_output" param_name = \ fourteenB_HI_data_path("{}/rad.out.params.csv".format(folder_name)) param_table = gal = Galaxy("M33") update_galaxy_params(gal, param_table) # Load in the model from the feathered data as well. folder_name = "diskfit_peakvels_noasymm_noradial_nowarp_output" param_name = \ fourteenB_HI_data_wGBT_path("{}/rad.out.params.csv".format(folder_name)) param_table = gal_feath = Galaxy("M33") update_galaxy_params(gal_feath, param_table)
# import libraries import numpy as np from astropy.table import Table from astropy.table import Column from galaxies import Galaxy import matplotlib as mpl import plfit_mcstat as plf import scipy.stats as ss mpl.rcParams[''] = 'serif' mpl.rcParams['font.serif'] = 'Times New Roman' mpl.rcParams['font.size'] = 12 # get info about m83 mygalaxy = Galaxy("M83") print(mygalaxy) # load fits file tin ='m83.co10.K_props_clfind.fits') minmass_global = 3.35e5 minmass = 3.35e5 # find cloud's galactocentric distance rgal = mygalaxy.radius(ra=(tin['XPOS']), dec=(tin['YPOS'])) colrgal = Column(name='RGAL_PC', data=(rgal)) tin.add_column(colrgal) t = Table(names=['Rmin', 'Rmax', 'Rmean', 'R_tpl', 'p_tpl', 'index', 'index_tpl', 'Mtrunc_tpl', 'M1', 'M5', 'Mean5', 'Mmean',
R = np.arange(10,1000) S = np.power(np.pi,1/2)*R/3.4 sigmav = np.sqrt(S) one = np.arange(10000,10000000000,10000) #Virial Mass best fit line M_vir = 540*np.power(R,2) #Luminous Mass best fit line M_lum = 2000*np.power(np.power(M_vir/39,1.234567901)/130,0.8) #Sigma_0, Mass Density, R_gal sigma0 = mytable['VRMS_EXTRAP_DECONV']/np.sqrt(mytable['RADRMS_EXTRAP_DECONV']) M_den = mytable['MASS_EXTRAP']/(np.pi*np.power(mytable['RADRMS_EXTRAP_DECONV'],2)) mygalaxy = Galaxy("M100") cpropstable ='m100.co10.kkms_props_cprops.fits') rgal=mygalaxy.radius(ra = cpropstable['XPOS'], dec = cpropstable['YPOS']) #indexes for low R_gal group index = np.where(rgal.value < 1100) ##PLOTS## #Virial mass vs.luminous mass plot figure = plt.figure(figsize=(4.5,4)) #figure size in inches line1, line2 = plt.loglog(one,one, mytable['MASS_EXTRAP'],mytable['VIRMASS_EXTRAP_DECONV']) line1.set_linestyle('-') line1.set_color('k') line2.set_linestyle('None') line2.set_marker('.')
import numpy as np from astropy.table import Table from astropy.table import Column # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import powerlaw from galaxies import Galaxy import matplotlib as mpl from sklearn.cluster import k_means mpl.rcParams[''] = 'serif' mpl.rcParams['font.serif'] = 'Times New Roman' mpl.rcParams['font.size'] = 12 # get info about m83 mygalaxy = Galaxy("M83") print(mygalaxy) # load fits file tin ='m83.co10.K_props_clfind.fits') minmass_global = 4e5 minmass = 4e5 # find cloud's galactocentric distance tin = tin[tin['MASS_GCORR'] > minmass_global] rgal = mygalaxy.radius(ra=(tin['XPOS']), dec=(tin['YPOS'])) xgal, ygal = mygalaxy.radius(ra=(tin['XPOS']), dec=(tin['YPOS']), returnXY=True) _, labels, _ = k_means(np.c_[xgal.value, ygal.value], 20) colrgal = Column(name='RGAL_PC', data=(rgal)) tin.add_column(colrgal)
sigmav = np.sqrt(S) one = np.arange(10000, 10000000000, 10000) #Virial Mass best fit line M_vir = 540 * np.power(R, 2) #Luminous Mass best fit line M_lum = 2000 * np.power(np.power(M_vir / 39, 1.234567901) / 130, 0.8) #Sigma_0, Mass Density, R_gal sigma0 = mytable['VRMS_EXTRAP_DECONV'] / np.sqrt( mytable['RADRMS_EXTRAP_DECONV']) M_den = mytable['MASS_EXTRAP'] / (np.pi * np.power(mytable['RADRMS_EXTRAP_DECONV'], 2)) mygalaxy = Galaxy("M100") cpropstable ='m100.co10.kkms_props_cprops.fits') rgal = mygalaxy.radius(ra=cpropstable['XPOS'], dec=cpropstable['YPOS']) #indexes for low R_gal group index = np.where(rgal.value < 1100) ##PLOTS## #Virial mass vs.luminous mass plot figure = plt.figure(figsize=(4.5, 4)) #figure size in inches line1, line2 = plt.loglog(one, one, mytable['MASS_EXTRAP'], mytable['VIRMASS_EXTRAP_DECONV']) line1.set_linestyle('-') line1.set_color('k') line2.set_linestyle('None')
M_vir = 540*np.power(R,2) #Luminous Mass best fit line M_lum = 2000*np.power(np.power(M_vir/39,1.234567901)/130,0.8) #Sigma_0, Mass Density, R_gal sigma0 = mytable['VRMS_EXTRAP_DECONV']/np.sqrt(mytable['RADRMS_EXTRAP_DECONV']) M_den = mytable['MASS_EXTRAP']/(np.pi*np.power(mytable['RADRMS_EXTRAP_DECONV'],2)) #Surface density derived from radarea instead of radrms high_Mden = np.where(M_den > 1000) den_check = mytable['MASS_EXTRAP']/(np.pi*np.power(mytable['RADAREA_DECONV'],2)) test = [40,44,94,104] # Marks the arm cloud that moves to a higher density #galactocentric radii mygalaxy = Galaxy("M100") cpropstable ='m100.co10.kkms_props_cprops_subsets_improved.fits') x, y = mygalaxy.radius(ra = mytable['XPOS'], dec = mytable['YPOS'], returnXY = True) rgal=mygalaxy.radius(ra = cpropstable['XPOS'], dec = cpropstable['YPOS']) #indexes for low R_gal group index = np.where(rgal.value < 1100) centre_in = np.where(mytable['Nuclear'] == True) arm_in = np.where(mytable['Arms'] == True) interarm_in = np.where(mytable['Interarm'] == True) outliers = np.where(mytable['Outliers'] == True) #Area of each region in kpc2 sr kpc^2 as found by area_arm = 99.0712520445 area_interarm = 106.465208911 area_nuc = 4.20965755925
from astropy.table import Table from scipy.spatial import Voronoi import matplotlib.path as mplPath import astropy.wcs as wcs from import fits import astropy.units as u import numpy as np from galaxies import Galaxy m100 = Galaxy('M100') tbl ='m100.co10.kkms_props_cprops_withSFR_subsets.fits') hdr = fits.Header.fromtextfile('m100.header') w = wcs.WCS(hdr) ypix,xpix = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0,799,800),np.linspace(0,799,800)) ra,dec = w.celestial.wcs_pix2world(xpix,ypix,0) radius = m100.radius(ra=ra,dec=dec) rclds = m100.radius(ra=tbl[~tbl['Outliers']]['XPOS'],dec=tbl[~tbl['Outliers']]['YPOS']) maxrad = np.max(rclds.value) xcloud,ycloud,zcloud = w.wcs_world2pix(tbl['XPOS'],tbl['YPOS'],tbl['VPOS'],0) vor = Voronoi(zip(xcloud,ycloud)) label = np.zeros((800,800),dtype=np.str) keys = ['Nuclear','Interarm','Arm'] for idx,region in enumerate(vor.regions): verts = vor.vertices[region] path = mplPath.Path(verts) inout = path.contains_points(zip(xcloud,ycloud)) regions = path.contains_points(zip(xpix.ravel(),ypix.ravel())) thislabel = tbl[inout][keys] print(thislabel)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #import libraries import astropy import astropy.table import numpy as np from astropy.table import Table from astropy.table import Column import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import powerlaw from galaxies import Galaxy import astropy.units as u from tabulate import tabulate #get info about m83 mygalaxy = Galaxy("M83") print(mygalaxy) #load fits file t ='/home/pafreema/Documents/m83.co10.K_props_cprops.fits') #find cloud's galactocentric distance rgal = mygalaxy.radius(ra=(t['XPOS']), dec=(t['YPOS'])) #add those distances to the fits table colrgal = Column(name='RADIUS_PC', data=(rgal)) t.add_column(colrgal) #print(t) #create a loop to input multiple bin noundaries inneredge = np.array([0, 450, 2300, 3200, 3900])
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #import libraries import astropy import astropy.table import numpy as np from astropy.table import Table import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from galaxies import Galaxy import astropy.units as u mygalaxy = Galaxy("M83") print(mygalaxy) mytable ='/home/pafreema/Documents/m83.co10.K_props_cprops.fits') idx = np.where(np.isfinite( mytable['VIRMASS_EXTRAP_DECONV'])) #removes values that are infinite/NaN rgal = mygalaxy.radius(ra=(mytable['XPOS'][idx]), dec=(mytable['YPOS'][idx])) #print rgal #get radii in parsecs sigma = (mytable['VRMS_EXTRAP_DECONV'][idx]) / np.sqrt( (mytable['RADRMS_EXTRAP_DECONV'][idx])**2) #sigma naught dens = (mytable['MASS_EXTRAP'][idx]) / (np.pi * ( (mytable['RADRMS_EXTRAP_DECONV'][idx])**2)) #mass density m, b = np.polyfit(np.log(dens), np.log(sigma), 1) x = np.linspace(10, 10e4, 100) figure = plt.figure(figsize=(4.5, 4)) plt.scatter(dens, sigma, c=rgal, marker='s')
import astropy # import astropy.table import numpy as np from astropy.table import Table from astropy.table import Column import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # import powerlaw from galaxies import Galaxy # import astropy.units as u import matplotlib as mpl import as fits mpl.rcParams[''] = 'serif' mpl.rcParams['font.serif'] = 'Times New Roman' mpl.rcParams['font.size'] = 14 #get info about m83 mygalaxy = Galaxy("M83") print(mygalaxy) # load fits file t ='m83.co10.K_props_clfind.fits') # import astropy.wcs as wcs data = fits.getdata('m83.co10.tmax.fits') hdr = fits.getheader('m83.co10.tmax.fits') rgal_img = (mygalaxy.radius(header=hdr)).value # find cloud's galactocentric distance rgal = mygalaxy.radius(ra=(t['XPOS']), dec=(t['YPOS'])) colrgal = Column(name='RGAL_PC', data=(rgal))
from import fits from astropy.table import Table from galaxies import Galaxy import matplotlib.pyplot as mpl import aplpy import numpy as np from radial_profile import lundgren_surfdens import astropy.units as u mpl.rcParams[''] = 'serif' mpl.rcParams['font.serif'] = 'Times New Roman' mygalaxy = Galaxy("M83") hdu ='m83.co10.tmax.fits') rgal = mygalaxy.radius(header=hdu[0].header) / 1e3 hdr = hdu[0].header del hdr['CDELT3'] del hdr['CRPIX3'] del hdr['CRVAL3'] # del hdr['NAXIS3'] del hdr['CTYPE3'] del hdr['CUNIT3'] hdr['WCSAXES'] = 2 newhdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(hdu[0].data, hdr) radii = fits.PrimaryHDU(rgal, hdr) map = aplpy.FITSFigure(newhdu) map.show_colorscale(cmap='Greys', vmin=2.4, vmax=8, stretch='sqrt') map.add_colorbar() map.tick_labels.set_font(family='serif') map.colorbar.set_axis_label_text(r'$T_{\mathrm{max}}\ (\mathrm{K})$')
def data(galaxyname, data, n_bins=1, r_nuc=0): # Import the libraries. from galaxies import Galaxy from astropy.table import Table from astropy.table import Column import astropy import powerlaw import numpy as np import astropy.table import astropy.units as u import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib as mpl # Load its FITS file. t = # Load the information about the galaxy. gxy = Galaxy(galaxyname) # Calculate the galaxy's properties. distance = np.asarray(gxy.distance) inclination = np.asarray(gxy.inclination) rgal = gxy.radius(ra=(t['XPOS']), dec=(t['YPOS'])) rgal = rpgal = np.asarray(rgal) # Append these to the FITS table. col_rgal = Column(name='RADIUS_KPC', data=(rgal)) t.add_column(col_rgal) # Sort the masses according to galactocentric radius. mass = t['MASS_EXTRAP'].data i_sorted = np.argsort(rgal) rgal_sorted = np.asarray(rgal[i_sorted]) mass_sorted = np.asarray(mass[i_sorted]) # Initiate a loop to calculate the bin boundaries and the indeces of these boundaries in the sorted list. totmass = np.sum(mass) / n_bins edge_f = 1.1 * np.max(rgal_sorted) edges = np.zeros(n_bins - 1) start = 0 mass_equiv = [0] #indeces for the sorted mass bins of equal mass mass_area = [0] #indeces for the sorted mass bins of equal area rgal_equiv = [ 0, 2, 8**0.5, 12**0.5, 4, 20**0.5, 24**0.5, 28**0.5, 32**0.5, 6 ] r = 1 #equal-area radial index e = 0 #edge index f = 0 #loop flag to skip the mass_area loop c = 0 #loop counter for i in range(len(mass_sorted)): #Find the indeces for bins of equal mass (equivalent to totmass) if np.sum(mass_sorted[start:i]) > totmass: edges[e] = 0.5 * (rgal_sorted[i] + rgal_sorted[i - 1]) start = i mass_equiv = np.append(mass_equiv, i) e = e + 1 #Find the indeces for bins of equal area (4pi kpc^2) if rgal_sorted[i] > rgal_equiv[r] and not f: if rgal_sorted[i] < rgal_equiv[3] and not f: mass_area = np.append(mass_area, i) r = r + 1 c = 0 if rgal_sorted[i] > rgal_equiv[3]: f = 1 mass_area = np.append(mass_area, i) mass_equiv = np.append(mass_equiv, i) inneredge = np.concatenate(([0.000000], edges)) outeredge = np.concatenate((edges, [edge_f])) # Create a template for a new table. column_names = [ 'Inner edge (kpc)', 'Outer edge (kpc)', 'GMC index', 'R', 'p', 'Truncation mass ($M_\mathrm{\odot}$)', 'Largest cloud ($M_\mathrm{\odot}$)', '5th largest cloud ($M_\mathrm{\odot}$)' ] column_types = ['f4', 'f4', 'f4', 'f4', 'f4', 'f4', 'f4', 'f4'] table = Table(names=column_names, dtype=column_types) # Fill the table. for inneredge, outeredge in zip(inneredge, outeredge): idx = np.where((t['RADIUS_KPC'] >= inneredge) & (t['RADIUS_KPC'] < outeredge)) mass = t['MASS_EXTRAP'][idx].data fit = powerlaw.Fit(mass) fit_subset = powerlaw.Fit(mass, xmin=3e5) R, p = fit.distribution_compare('power_law', 'truncated_power_law') table.add_row() table[-1]['R'] = R table[-1]['p'] = p table[-1]['GMC index'] = -fit.alpha table[-1]['Inner edge (kpc)'] = inneredge table[-1]['Outer edge (kpc)'] = outeredge table[-1]['Largest cloud ($M_\mathrm{\odot}$)'] = np.nanmax(mass) table[-1][ 'Truncation mass ($M_\mathrm{\odot}$)'] = 1 / fit.truncated_power_law.parameter2 table[-1]['5th largest cloud ($M_\mathrm{\odot}$)'] = np.sort( t['MASS_EXTRAP'][idx])[-5] # Write the data to a FITS file. table.write('../Data/' + galaxyname + '_data.fits', overwrite=True) # Plot the mass distribution trends for equal-mass bins. t ='../Data/' + galaxyname + '_data.fits') inneredge = t['Inner edge (kpc)'].data outeredge = t['Outer edge (kpc)'].data subplot_label = ('(a)', '(b)', '(c)', '(d)', '(e)', '(f)') for i in range(len(mass_equiv) - 1): binmass = mass_sorted[mass_equiv[i]:mass_equiv[i + 1]] myfit = powerlaw.Fit(binmass) R, p = myfit.distribution_compare('power_law', 'truncated_power_law') fig = myfit.truncated_power_law.plot_ccdf(label='Truncated\nPower Law') myfit.power_law.plot_ccdf(label='Power Law', ax=fig) myfit.plot_ccdf(drawstyle='steps', label='Data', ax=fig) # Format the plot. plt.legend(loc=0) #plt.title(galaxyname+'Equal-mass Mass Distribution, bin '+repr(i+1)) plt.ylim(ymin=10**-3) plt.xlabel(r'$M_\mathrm{\odot}$', fontsize=20) plt.ylabel('CCDF', fontsize=20) mpl.rc('xtick', labelsize=16) mpl.rc('ytick', labelsize=16) plt.text(0.01, 0.5, subplot_label[i], ha='left', va='center', transform=fig.transAxes, fontsize=16) plt.text( 0.35, 0.01, r'$M_{bin}\ =\ %e M_\mathrm{\odot}$' % (totmass) + '\n' + r'$R_{gal}\ =\ %5.4f\ \mathrm{kpc}\ \mathrm{to}\ %5.4f\ \mathrm{kpc}$' % (inneredge[i], outeredge[i]) + '\n' + r'$\mathrm{R}\ =\ %5.4f,\ \mathrm{p}\ =\ %5.4f$' % (R, p) + '\n' + r'$\alpha\ =\ %5.4f,\ M_\mathrm{0}\ =\ %5.4eM_\mathrm{\odot}$' % (-myfit.alpha, 1 / myfit.truncated_power_law.parameter2), ha='left', va='bottom', transform=fig.transAxes, fontsize=16) plt.savefig('../Data/' + galaxyname + '_power_law_equal_mass_' + repr(i + 1) + '.png') plt.close() # Plot the mass distribution trend for equal-area bins. for i in range(len(mass_area) - 1): f = 0 #loop flag if mass_area[i + 1] - mass_area[i] < 3: f = 1 if not f: binmass = mass_sorted[mass_area[i]:mass_area[i + 1]] myfit = powerlaw.Fit(binmass) R, p = myfit.distribution_compare('power_law', 'truncated_power_law') fig = myfit.truncated_power_law.plot_ccdf( label='Truncated\nPower Law') myfit.power_law.plot_ccdf(label='Power Law', ax=fig) myfit.plot_ccdf(drawstyle='steps', label='Data', ax=fig) # Format the plot. plt.legend(loc=0) #plt.title(galaxyname+'Equal-area Mass Distribution, bin '+repr(i+1)) plt.ylim(ymin=10**-3) plt.xlabel(r'$M_\mathrm{\odot}$', fontsize=20) plt.ylabel('CCDF', fontsize=20) mpl.rc('xtick', labelsize=16) mpl.rc('ytick', labelsize=16) plt.text(0.01, 0.5, subplot_label[i], ha='left', va='center', transform=fig.transAxes, fontsize=16) plt.text( 0.35, 0.01, r'$R_{gal}\ =\ %5.4f\ \mathrm{kpc}\ \mathrm{to}\ %5.4f\ \mathrm{kpc}$' % (rgal_equiv[i], rgal_equiv[i + 1]) + '\n' + r'$\mathrm{R}\ =\ %5.4f,\ \mathrm{p}\ =\ %5.4f$' % (R, p) + '\n' + r'$\alpha\ =\ %5.4f,\ M_\mathrm{0}\ =\ %5.4eM_\mathrm{\odot}$' % (-myfit.alpha, 1 / myfit.truncated_power_law.parameter2), ha='left', va='bottom', transform=fig.transAxes, fontsize=16) plt.savefig('../Data/' + galaxyname + '_power_law_equal_area_' + repr(i + 1) + '.png') plt.close() return [distance, inclination]
def param(galaxyname, data, r_nuc=0): # This is a module that will plot graphs of the clouds' virial parameter, surface density, # and linewidth on a one-parsec scale to its galactocentric radius. # import the libraries that are needed. from scipy import stats as sps from galaxies import Galaxy from astropy.table import Table import numpy as np import astropy.units as u import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib as mpl # Load all of the data. gxy = Galaxy(galaxyname) cpropstable = # Extract different data set lw = cpropstable['VRMS_EXTRAP'] xval = cpropstable['XPOS'] yval = cpropstable['YPOS'] vmass = cpropstable['VIRMASS_EXTRAP_DECONV'] mass = cpropstable['MASS_EXTRAP'] radrms = cpropstable['RADRMS_EXTRAP_DECONV'] rgal = gxy.radius(ra=xval, dec=yval) rgal = # Sort the masses according to galactocentric radius. i_sorted = np.argsort(rgal) rgal_sorted = np.asarray(rgal[i_sorted]) mass_sorted = np.asarray(mass[i_sorted]) # Calculate the virial parameter, surface density, and linewidth on a one-parsec scale. alpha = vmass / mass sigma = mass / (radrms**2) lwo = lw / ((radrms)**0.5) # Initialize the arrays to extract the glactic disk cloud properties. rad_sorted = radrms[i_sorted] alpha_sorted = np.log10(alpha[i_sorted]) sigma_sorted = np.log10(sigma[i_sorted]) lwo_sorted = np.log10(lwo[i_sorted]) #lwo_sorted = lwo[i_sorted] lw_sorted = lw[i_sorted] mass_disk = [] #mass of each disk GMC rad_disk = [] #radius of each disk GMC alpha_disk = [] #virial parameter of each disk GMC sigma_disk = [] #suface density of each disk GMC lwo_disk = [] #normalized linewidth of each disk GMC lw_disk = [] #linewidth of each disk GMC # Create a loop to extract the galactic disk GMC properties. for i in range(len(mass_sorted)): if rgal_sorted[i] > r_nuc: if not np.isnan(alpha_sorted[i]) and not np.isnan( sigma_sorted[i]) and not np.isnan( lwo_sorted[i]) and not np.isnan(lw_sorted[i]): mass_disk = np.append(mass_disk, mass_sorted[i]) rad_disk = np.append(rad_disk, rad_sorted[i]) alpha_disk = np.append(alpha_disk, alpha_sorted[i]) sigma_disk = np.append(sigma_disk, sigma_sorted[i]) lwo_disk = np.append(lwo_disk, lwo_sorted[i]) lw_disk = np.append(lw_disk, lw_sorted[i]) # Separate the data into bins, then calculate the mean values. binaxis = [0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5, 6.5, 7.5, 8.5, 9.5, 10.5] bin_means, bin_edges, binnumber = sps.binned_statistic( rgal, mass, statistic='mean', bins=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]) bin_medians, bin_edges, binnumber = sps.binned_statistic( rgal, mass, statistic='median', bins=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]) lwo_medians, bin_edges, binnumber = sps.binned_statistic( rgal, lwo, statistic=np.nanmedian, bins=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]) alpha_medians, bin_edges, binnumber = sps.binned_statistic( rgal, alpha, statistic=np.nanmedian, bins=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]) sigma_medians, bin_edges, binnumber = sps.binned_statistic( rgal, sigma, statistic=np.nanmedian, bins=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]) # Plot the parameters with respect to the galactocentric radius. figure1 = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5)) ax = plt.subplot(1, 3, 1) l1 = plt.plot(rgal, alpha) plt.yscale('log') plt.setp(l1, marker='D', markersize=5, linestyle='None', color='b', label='GMC', alpha=0.7) plt.errorbar(binaxis, alpha_medians, xerr=0.5, linestyle='None', marker='o', color='k', lw=5, alpha=0.7, label='Median') plt.legend(loc=0) mpl.rc('xtick', labelsize=16) mpl.rc('ytick', labelsize=16) plt.text(0.5, 0.99, '(a)', ha='center', va='top', transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=16) plt.xlabel(r'$R_g\ (\mathrm{kpc})$', fontsize=20) plt.ylabel(r'$\alpha$', fontsize=20) #plt.title('(a)',fontsize=20) ax = plt.subplot(1, 3, 2) l1 = plt.plot(rgal, sigma) plt.yscale('log') plt.setp(l1, marker='D', markersize=5, linestyle='None', color='b', label='GMC', alpha=0.7) plt.errorbar(binaxis, sigma_medians, xerr=0.5, linestyle='None', marker='o', color='k', lw=5, alpha=0.7, label='Median') plt.legend(loc=0) mpl.rc('xtick', labelsize=16) mpl.rc('ytick', labelsize=16) plt.text(0.5, 0.99, '(b)', ha='center', va='top', transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=16) plt.xlabel(r'$R_g\ (\mathrm{kpc})$', fontsize=20) plt.ylabel(r'$\Sigma\ (\frac{M_\mathrm{\odot}}{\mathrm{pc}^{2}})$', fontsize=20) #plt.title('(b)',fontsize=20) ax = plt.subplot(1, 3, 3) l1 = plt.plot(rgal, lwo) plt.setp(l1, marker='D', markersize=5, linestyle='None', color='b', label='GMC', alpha=0.7) plt.errorbar(binaxis, lwo_medians, xerr=0.5, linestyle='None', marker='o', color='k', lw=5, alpha=0.7, label='Median') plt.legend(loc=0) mpl.rc('xtick', labelsize=16) mpl.rc('ytick', labelsize=16) plt.text(0.5, 0.99, '(c)', ha='center', va='top', transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=16) plt.xlabel(r'$R_g\ (\mathrm{kpc})$', fontsize=20) plt.ylabel(r'$\sigma_{0}\ (\frac{\mathrm{km}}{\mathrm{s}})$', fontsize=20) #plt.title('(c)',fontsize=20) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig('../Parameters/' + galaxyname + '_param.png') plt.close() # Make a figure of the median mass for a given radius. figure2 = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8)) plt.errorbar(binaxis, bin_means, xerr=0.5, linestyle='None', marker='D', color='b', label='Mean', alpha=0.7) plt.errorbar(binaxis, bin_medians, xerr=0.5, linestyle='None', marker='D', color='g', label='Median', alpha=0.7) plt.yscale('log') plt.legend(loc=0) mpl.rc('xtick', labelsize=16) mpl.rc('ytick', labelsize=16) plt.xlabel(r'$R\ (\mathrm{kpc})$', fontsize=20) plt.ylabel(r'$M_{\mathrm{lum}}\ (M_{\odot})$', fontsize=20) #plt.title('GMC Mass Distribution in '+galaxyname,fontsize=20) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig('../Parameters/' + galaxyname + '_dist.png') plt.close() return [mass_disk, rad_disk, alpha_disk, sigma_disk, lwo_disk, lw_disk]
def __init__(self,area=4.0*math.pi,lowz=0.0,highz=1.0): Galaxy.__init__(self) self.initSurvey(area,lowz,highz)
import astropy import astropy.table import numpy as np from astropy.table import Table, Column import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from galaxies import Galaxy import astropy.units as u import matplotlib as mpl import astropy.constants as con mpl.rcParams['']='serif' mpl.rcParams['font.serif'] = 'Times New Roman' mygalaxy=Galaxy("M83")'m83.co10.K_props_clfind.fits') #note that matplotlib understands LaTeX math in the code m rgal=mygalaxy.radius(ra=(mytable['XPOS']), dec=(mytable['YPOS'])) colrgal=Column(name='RGAL_PC',data=(rgal)) mytable.add_column(colrgal) condition = np.ones(len(mytable),dtype=np.bool) condition = (mytable['MASS_GCORR']>4.6e5) # & (mytable['RADRMS_EXTRAP_DECONV']>20) idx = np.where(condition) mytable = mytable[idx] edge_in = np.array([0,450,2300,3200,3900,4500]) edge_out = np.array([450,2300,3200,3900,4500,10000]) for ins,outs in zip(edge_in,edge_out): subset = (mytable['MASS_EXTRAP']>3e5)*(mytable['RGAL_PC']<=outs)*(mytable['RGAL_PC']>ins) tt = mytable[subset]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # a plot of virial mass vs luminous mass # a plot of radius vs line width # a plot of luminous mass vs radius import astropy import astropy.table import numpy as np from astropy.table import Table, Column import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from galaxies import Galaxy import astropy.units as u mygalaxy = Galaxy("M83") # load the file mytable ="/home/pafreema/Documents/m83.co10.K_props_cprops.fits") # note that matplotlib understands LaTeX math in the code m rgal = mygalaxy.radius(ra=(mytable["XPOS"]), dec=(mytable["YPOS"])) colrgal = Column(name="RADIUS_PC", data=(rgal)) mytable.add_column(colrgal) idx = np.where(np.isfinite(mytable["VIRMASS_EXTRAP_DECONV"])) # removes values that are infinite/NaN m, b = np.polyfit(np.log(mytable["MASS_EXTRAP"][idx]), np.log(mytable["VIRMASS_EXTRAP_DECONV"][idx]), 1) figure = plt.figure(figsize=(4.5, 4)) # figure size in inches plt.scatter(mytable["MASS_EXTRAP"], mytable["VIRMASS_EXTRAP_DECONV"], c=mytable["RADIUS_PC"], marker="s") test_mass = np.logspace(5, 9, 100) plt.plot(test_mass, np.exp(m * np.log(test_mass) + b)) # fit line for m83
'logB': [], 'logC': [], 'logA_std': [], 'ind_std': [], 'logB_std': [], 'logC_std': [] } # for gal in ['M33', 'M31']: for gal in ['M31']: plot_folder = osjoin(data_path, "{}_plots".format(gal)) if not os.path.exists(plot_folder): os.mkdir(plot_folder) gal_obj = Galaxy(gal) gal_obj.distance = fitinfo_dict[gal]['distance'] if gal == 'M31': # Add 180 deg to the PA gal_obj.position_angle += 180 * u.deg filename = osjoin(data_path, gal, fitinfo_dict[gal]['filename']) hdu_coldens = proj_coldens = Projection.from_hdu( fits.PrimaryHDU(hdu_coldens[0].data[0].squeeze(), hdu_coldens[0].header)) # Get minimal size
from astropy.table import Table from scipy.spatial import Voronoi import matplotlib.path as mplPath import astropy.wcs as wcs from import fits import astropy.units as u import numpy as np from galaxies import Galaxy m100 = Galaxy('M100') tbl ='m100.co10.kkms_props_cprops_withSFR_subsets.fits') hdr = fits.Header.fromtextfile('m100.header') w = wcs.WCS(hdr) ypix, xpix = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0, 799, 800), np.linspace(0, 799, 800)) ra, dec = w.celestial.wcs_pix2world(xpix, ypix, 0) radius = m100.radius(ra=ra, dec=dec) rclds = m100.radius(ra=tbl[~tbl['Outliers']]['XPOS'], dec=tbl[~tbl['Outliers']]['YPOS']) maxrad = np.max(rclds.value) xcloud, ycloud, zcloud = w.wcs_world2pix(tbl['XPOS'], tbl['YPOS'], tbl['VPOS'], 0) vor = Voronoi(zip(xcloud, ycloud)) label = np.zeros((800, 800), dtype=np.str) keys = ['Nuclear', 'Interarm', 'Arm'] for idx, region in enumerate(vor.regions): verts = vor.vertices[region] path = mplPath.Path(verts) inout = path.contains_points(zip(xcloud, ycloud)) regions = path.contains_points(zip(xpix.ravel(), ypix.ravel()))
import as fits import astropy.units as u from spectral_cube import SpectralCube from galaxies import Galaxy from pandas import DataFrame, read_csv import pandas as pd import statsmodels.formula.api as smf # Calculate line width, sigma; and surface density, Sigma. alpha = 6.7 sigma = I_mom0 / (np.sqrt(2*np.pi * I_max)) Sigma = alpha*I_mom0 # Importing radius of each data point. gal = Galaxy('NGC1672') hdr = fits.getheader('ngc1672_co21_12m+7m+tp_mom0.fits') rad = gal.radius(header=hdr) rad = (rad * * u.kpc / u.Mpc # Converts rad from Mpc to kpc. # Calculating width of each pixel, in parsecs. pixsizes_deg = wcs.utils.proj_plane_pixel_scales(wcs.WCS(hdr)) # The size of each pixel, in degrees. Ignore that third dimension; that's pixel size for the speed. pixsizes = pixsizes_deg[0] * np.pi / 180. # Pixel size, in radians. pcperpixel = pixsizes*d # Number of parsecs per pixel. pcperdeg = pcperpixel / pixsizes_deg[0] # Number of parsecs per degree. # Getting beam width, in degrees and parsecs. beam = hdr['BMAJ'] # Beam size, in degrees beam = beam * pcperdeg # Beam size, in pc # Import data from .fits files. I_mom0 = fits.getdata('ngc1672_co21_12m+7m+tp_mom0.fits') # Mass density at each pixel.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # import libraries import astropy import astropy.table import numpy as np from astropy.table import Table from astropy.table import Column import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import powerlaw from galaxies import Galaxy import astropy.units as u mygalaxy = Galaxy("M83") print(mygalaxy) t ="/home/pafreema/Documents/m83.co10.K_props_cprops.fits") rgal = mygalaxy.radius(ra=(t["XPOS"]), dec=(t["YPOS"])) colrgal = Column(name="RADIUS_PC", data=(rgal)) t.add_column(colrgal) # print(t) # fit for the whole galaxy mass = t["MASS_EXTRAP"].data # pulls out the mass variable myfit = powerlaw.Fit(mass) idxnuc = np.where(t["RADIUS_PC"] < 1000) idxmass = np.where((t["MASS_EXTRAP"] > 3e5) & (t["RADIUS_PC"] < 1000)) massnuc = t["MASS_EXTRAP"][idxnuc].data