Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _get_object(self):

        hlr, flux = self._get_hlr_flux()

        disk_hlr = hlr

        if self.g_pdf is None:
            disk_g1, disk_g2 = 0.0, 0.0
            disk_g1, disk_g2 = self.g_pdf.sample2d()

        all_obj = {}

        if 'bulge' in self['pdfs']:
            hlr_fac, fracdev, gfac, bulge_offset = self._get_bulge_stats()

            bulge_hlr = disk_hlr * hlr_fac
            bulge_g1, bulge_g2 = gfac * disk_g1, gfac * disk_g2

            disk_flux = (1 - fracdev) * flux
            bulge_flux = fracdev * flux

            bulge = galsim.DeVaucouleurs(
            all_obj['bulge'] = bulge

            disk_flux = flux

        disk = galsim.Exponential(
        all_obj['disk'] = disk

        if 'knots' in self['pdfs']:
            nknots, knots_flux = self._get_knots_stats(disk_flux)

            knots = galsim.RandomWalk(
            ).shear(g1=disk_g1, g2=disk_g2)

            all_obj['knots'] = knots

        obj_cen1, obj_cen2 = self.position_pdf.sample()
        all_obj['cen'] = np.array([obj_cen1, obj_cen2])
        return all_obj
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def _get_knots(self, spec, hlr, knot_flux):
     return galsim.RandomWalk(
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_randwalk_defaults():
    Create a random walk galaxy and test that the getters work for
    default inputs

    # try constructing with mostly defaults
    hlr = 8.0
    rng = galsim.BaseDeviate(1234)
    rw=galsim.RandomWalk(npoints, hlr, rng=rng)

    assert rw.npoints==npoints,"expected npoints==%d, got %d" % (npoints, rw.npoints)
    assert rw.input_half_light_radius==hlr,\
        "expected hlr==%g, got %g" % (hlr, rw.input_half_light_radius)

    assert ngauss == npoints,"expected %d gaussians, got %d" % (npoints, ngauss)

    assert pts.shape == (npoints,2),"expected (%d,2) shape for points, got %s" % (npoints, pts.shape)

    # Run some basic tests of correctness
    psf = galsim.Gaussian(sigma=0.8)
    conv = galsim.Convolve(rw, psf)
    check_basic(conv, "RandomWalk")
    im = galsim.ImageD(64,64, scale=0.5)
    do_shoot(conv, im, "RandomWalk")
    do_kvalue(conv, im, "RandomWalk")
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_randwalk_defaults():
    Create a random walk galaxy and test that the getters work for
    default inputs

    # try constructing with mostly defaults
    npoints = 100
    hlr = 8.0
    rw = galsim.RandomWalk(npoints, hlr)

    assert rw.npoints == npoints, "expected npoints==%d, got %d" % (npoints,
    assert rw.input_half_light_radius==hlr,\
        "expected hlr==%g, got %g" % (hlr, rw.input_half_light_radius)

    g = rw.gaussians
    ngauss = len(g)
    assert ngauss == npoints, "expected %d gaussians, got %d" % (npoints,

    pts = rw.points
    assert pts.shape == (
        2), "expected (%d,2) shape for points, got %s" % (npoints, pts.shape)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_randwalk_valid_inputs():
    Create a random walk galaxy and test that the getters work for
    valid non-default inputs

    # try constructing with mostly defaults
    npoints = 100
    hlr = 8.0
    flux = 3.5

    seed = 35
    rng = galsim.UniformDeviate(seed)

    rw = galsim.RandomWalk(npoints, hlr, flux=flux, rng=rng)

    assert rw.npoints == npoints, "expected npoints==%d, got %d" % (npoints,
    assert rw.input_half_light_radius==hlr,\
        "expected hlr==%g, got %g" % (hlr, rw.input_half_light_radius)
    assert rw.flux==flux,\
        "expected flux==%g, got %g" % (flux, rw.flux)

    g = rw.gaussians
    ngauss = len(g)
    assert ngauss == npoints == npoints, "expected %d gaussians, got %d" % (
        npoints, ngauss)

    pts = rw.points
    assert pts.shape == (
        2), "expected (%d,2) shape for points, got %s" % (npoints, pts.shape)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_randwalk_repr():
    test the repr and str work, and that a new object can be created
    using eval

    npoints = 100
    hlr = 8.0
    flux = 1
    rw = galsim.RandomWalk(npoints, hlr, flux=flux)

    # just make sure str() works, don't require eval to give
    # a consistent object back
    st = str(rw)

    # require eval(repr(rw)) to give a consistent object back

    new_rw = eval(repr(rw))

    assert new_rw.npoints == rw.npoints,\
        "expected npoints=%d got %d" % (rw.npoints,new_rw.npoints)

    mess = "expected input_half_light_radius=%.16g got %.16g"
    assert new_rw.input_half_light_radius == rw.input_half_light_radius,\
        mess % (rw.input_half_light_radius,new_rw.input_half_light_radius)
    assert new_rw.flux == rw.flux,\
        "expected flux=%.16g got %.16g" % (rw.flux,new_rw.flux)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_randwalk_hlr():
    Create a random walk galaxy and test that the half light radius
    is consistent with the requested value

    Note for DeV profile we don't test npoints=3 because it fails

    # for checking accuracy, we need expected standard deviation of
    # the result
    interp_npts = np.array(
        [6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 20, 30, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200, 500, 1000])
    interp_hlr = np.array([
        7.511, 7.597, 7.647, 7.68, 7.727, 7.827, 7.884, 7.936, 7.974, 8.0,
        8.015, 8.019, 8.031, 8.027, 8.043
    ]) / 8.0
    interp_std = np.array([
        2.043, 2.029, 1.828, 1.817, 1.67, 1.443, 1.235, 1.017, 0.8046, 0.6628,
        0.5727, 0.4703, 0.4047, 0.255, 0.1851
    ]) / 8.0

    hlr = 8.0

    # test these npoints
    npt_vals = [3, 10, 30, 60, 100, 1000]

    # should be within 5 sigma
    nstd = 5

    # number of trials
    ntrial_vals = [100] * len(npt_vals)

    profs = [
    for prof in profs:
        for ipts, npoints in enumerate(npt_vals):

            # DeV profile will fail for npoints==3
            if isinstance(prof, galsim.DeVaucouleurs) and npoints == 3:

            ntrial = ntrial_vals[ipts]

            hlr_calc = np.zeros(ntrial)
            for i in range(ntrial):
                #rw=galsim.RandomWalk(npoints, hlr)
                rw = galsim.RandomWalk(npoints, profile=prof)
                hlr_calc[i] = rw.calculateHLR()

            mn = hlr_calc.mean()

            std_check = np.interp(npoints, interp_npts, interp_std * hlr)
            mess = "hlr for npoints: %d outside of expected range" % npoints
            assert abs(mn - hlr) < nstd * std_check, mess
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_randwalk_defaults():
    Create a random walk galaxy and test that the getters work for
    default inputs

    # try constructing with mostly defaults
    npoints = 100
    hlr = 8.0
    rng = galsim.BaseDeviate(1234)
    rw = galsim.RandomWalk(npoints, half_light_radius=hlr, rng=rng)

    assert rw.npoints == npoints, "expected npoints==%d, got %d" % (npoints,
    assert rw.input_half_light_radius==hlr,\
        "expected hlr==%g, got %g" % (hlr, rw.input_half_light_radius)

    nobj = len(rw.points)
    assert nobj == npoints, "expected %d objects, got %d" % (npoints, nobj)

    pts = rw.points
    assert pts.shape == (
        2), "expected (%d,2) shape for points, got %s" % (npoints, pts.shape)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(rw.centroid.x, np.mean(pts[:, 0]))
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(rw.centroid.y, np.mean(pts[:, 1]))

    gsp = galsim.GSParams(xvalue_accuracy=1.e-8, kvalue_accuracy=1.e-8)
    rw2 = galsim.RandomWalk(npoints,
    assert rw2 != rw
    assert rw2 == rw.withGSParams(gsp)

    # Run some basic tests of correctness
    psf = galsim.Gaussian(sigma=0.8)
    conv = galsim.Convolve(rw, psf)
    check_basic(conv, "RandomWalk")
    im = galsim.ImageD(64, 64, scale=0.5)
    do_shoot(conv, im, "RandomWalk")
    do_kvalue(conv, im, "RandomWalk")
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_randwalk_config():
    test we get the same object using a configuration and the
    explicit constructor

    hlr = 2.0
    flux = np.pi
    gal_config1 = {
        'type': 'RandomWalk',
        'npoints': 100,
        'half_light_radius': hlr,
        'flux': flux,
    gal_config2 = {
        'type': 'RandomWalk',
        'npoints': 150,
        'profile': {
            'type': 'Exponential',
            'half_light_radius': hlr,
            'flux': flux,

    for gal_config in (gal_config1, gal_config2):
        config = {
            'gal': gal_config,
            'rng': galsim.BaseDeviate(31415),

        rwc = galsim.config.BuildGSObject(config, 'gal')[0]

        rw = galsim.RandomWalk(

        assert rw.npoints==rwc.npoints,\
            "expected npoints==%d, got %d" % (rw.npoints, rwc.npoints)

        assert rw.input_half_light_radius==rwc.input_half_light_radius,\
            "expected hlr==%g, got %g" % (rw.input_half_light_radius, rw.input_half_light_radius)

        nobj = len(rw.points)
        nobjc = len(rwc.points)
        assert nobj == nobjc, "expected %d objects, got %d" % (nobj, nobjc)

        pts = rw.points
        ptsc = rwc.points
        assert (pts.shape == ptsc.shape),\
                "expected %s shape for points, got %s" % (pts.shape,ptsc.shape)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_randwalk_valid_inputs():
    Create a random walk galaxy and test that the getters work for
    valid non-default inputs

    # try constructing with mostly defaults
    npoints = 100
    hlr = 8.0
    flux = 3.5

    seed = 35
    rng = galsim.UniformDeviate(seed)

    args = (npoints, )
    kw1 = {'half_light_radius': hlr, 'flux': flux, 'rng': rng}
    prof = galsim.Exponential(half_light_radius=hlr, flux=flux)
    kw2 = {'profile': prof, 'rng': rng}

    # version of profile with a transformation
    prof = galsim.Exponential(half_light_radius=hlr, flux=flux)
    prof = prof.shear(g1=-0.05, g2=0.025)
    kw3 = {'profile': prof, 'rng': rng}

    for kw in (kw1, kw2, kw3):
        rw = galsim.RandomWalk(*args, **kw)

        assert rw.npoints == npoints, "expected npoints==%d, got %d" % (
            npoints, rw.npoints)

        assert rw.flux==flux,\
            "expected flux==%g, got %g" % (flux, rw.flux)

        if kw is not kw3:
            # only test if not a transformation object
            assert rw.input_half_light_radius==hlr,\
                "expected hlr==%g, got %g" % (hlr, rw.input_half_light_radius)

        pts = rw.points
        nobj = len(pts)
        assert nobj == npoints == npoints, "expected %d objects, got %d" % (
            npoints, nobj)

        pts = rw.points
        assert pts.shape == (npoints,
                             2), "expected (%d,2) shape for points, got %s" % (
                                 npoints, pts.shape)
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def add_point_sources(self, n_points, frac_gal_flux=0.05, frac_r_e=1.0, 
                         total_flux=None, point_fwhm=None):

        r_e = self.pars.r_e.to('arcsec').value * frac_r_e
        flux = total_flux if total_flux else self.gal.flux * frac_gal_flux
        points = galsim.RandomWalk(n_points, half_light_radius=r_e, flux=flux)
        points = points.shear(q=self.pars.b_a, beta=(0.0 * galsim.degrees))
        points = points.rotate(
            self.pars.PA.to('degree').value * galsim.degrees)
        if total_flux is None:
            self.gal = self.gal.withFlux(self.gal.flux * (1-frac_gal_flux))
        if point_fwhm is not None:
            point_psf = galsim.Gaussian(
                flux=1.0, fwhm=point_fwhm.to('arcsec').value)
            points = galsim.Convolve([points, point_psf])
        self.gal = galsim.Add([self.gal, points])
        self._original_gal = self.gal
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_randwalk_hlr():
    Create a random walk galaxy and test that the half light radius
    is consistent with the requested value

    # for checking accuracy, we need expected standard deviation of
    # the result
    interp_npts = np.array(
        [6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 20, 30, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200, 500, 1000])
    interp_hlr = np.array([
        7.511, 7.597, 7.647, 7.68, 7.727, 7.827, 7.884, 7.936, 7.974, 8.0,
        8.015, 8.019, 8.031, 8.027, 8.043
    ]) / 8.0
    interp_std = np.array([
        2.043, 2.029, 1.828, 1.817, 1.67, 1.443, 1.235, 1.017, 0.8046, 0.6628,
        0.5727, 0.4703, 0.4047, 0.255, 0.1851
    ]) / 8.0

    hlr = 8.0

    # test these npoints
    npt_vals = [3, 10, 30, 60, 100, 1000]

    # should be within 4 sigma
    nstd = 4

    # number of trials
    ntrial_vals = [100] * len(npt_vals)

    for ipts, npoints in enumerate(npt_vals):

        ntrial = ntrial_vals[ipts]

        hlr_calc = np.zeros(ntrial)
        for i in range(ntrial):
            rw = galsim.RandomWalk(npoints, hlr)
            hlr_calc[i] = rw.calculateHLR()

        mn = hlr_calc.mean()

        std_check = np.interp(npoints, interp_npts, interp_std * hlr)
        mess = "hlr for npoints: %d outside of expected range" % npoints
        assert abs(mn - hlr) < nstd * std_check, mess
Ejemplo n.º 13
def test_randwalk_config():
    test we get the same object using a configuration and the
    explicit constructor

    gal_config = {
        'type': 'RandomWalk',
        'npoints': 100,
        'half_light_radius': 2.0,
        'flux': np.pi,
    config = {
        'gal': gal_config,
        'rng': galsim.BaseDeviate(31415),

    rwc = galsim.config.BuildGSObject(config, 'gal')[0]

    rw = galsim.RandomWalk(

    assert rw.npoints==rwc.npoints,\
        "expected npoints==%d, got %d" % (rw.npoints, rwc.npoints)

    assert rw.input_half_light_radius==rwc.input_half_light_radius,\
        "expected hlr==%g, got %g" % (rw.input_half_light_radius, rw.input_half_light_radius)

    ng = len(rw.gaussians)
    ngc = len(rwc.gaussians)
    assert ng == ngc, "expected %d gaussians, got %d" % (ng, ngc)

    pts = rw.points
    ptsc = rwc.points
    assert (pts.shape == ptsc.shape),\
            "expected %s shape for points, got %s" % (pts.shape,ptsc.shape)
    def drawRandomWalk(self, gsObject, psf=None):
        Draw the image of a RandomWalk light profile. In orider to allow for
        reproducibility, the specific realisation of the random walk is seeded
        by the object unique identifier, if provided.

        @param [in] gsObject is an instantiation of the GalSimCelestialObject class
        carrying information about the object whose image is to be drawn

        @param [in] psf PSF to use for the convolution.  If None, then use self.PSF.
        if psf is None:
            psf = self.PSF
        # Seeds the random walk with the object id if available
        if gsObject.uniqueId is None:
            rng = None
            rng = galsim.BaseDeviate(int(gsObject.uniqueId))

        # Create the RandomWalk profile
        centeredObj = galsim.RandomWalk(npoints=int(gsObject.npoints),

        # Apply intrinsic ellipticity to the profile
        centeredObj = centeredObj.shear(q=gsObject.minorAxisRadians/gsObject.majorAxisRadians,

        # Apply weak lensing distortion.
        centeredObj = centeredObj.lens(gsObject.g1, gsObject.g2, gsObject.mu)

        # Apply the PSF.
        if psf is not None:
            centeredObj = psf.applyPSF(xPupil=gsObject.xPupilArcsec,

        return centeredObj
Ejemplo n.º 15
def main(argv):
    Make a fits image cube using parameters from an input catalog
      - The number of images in the cube matches the number of rows in the catalog.
      - Each image size is computed automatically by GalSim based on the Nyquist size.
      - Only galaxies.  No stars.
      - PSF is Moffat
      - Each galaxy is bulge plus disk: deVaucouleurs + Exponential.
      - A fraction of the disk flux is placed into point sources, which can model
        knots of star formation.
      - The catalog's columns are:
         0 PSF beta (Moffat exponent)
         1 PSF FWHM
         2 PSF e1
         3 PSF e2
         4 PSF trunc
         5 Disc half-light-radius
         6 Disc e1
         7 Disc e2
         8 Bulge half-light-radius
         9 Bulge e1
        10 Bulge e2
        11 Galaxy dx (the two components have same center)
        12 Galaxy dy
      - Applied shear is the same for each galaxy
      - Noise is Poisson using a nominal sky value of 1.e6
    logger = logging.getLogger("demo4")

    # Define some parameters we'll use below and make directories if needed.
    cat_file_name = os.path.join('input', 'galsim_default_input.asc')
    if not os.path.isdir('output'):
    multi_file_name = os.path.join('output', 'multi.fits')

    random_seed = 8241573
    sky_level = 1.e6  # ADU / arcsec^2
    pixel_scale = 1.0  # arcsec / pixel  (size units in input catalog are pixels)
    gal_flux = 1.e6  # arbitrary choice, makes nice (not too) noisy images
    gal_g1 = -0.009  #
    gal_g2 = 0.011  #

    # the fraction of flux in each component
    # 40% is in the bulge, 60% in a disk.  70% of that disk light is placed
    # into point sources distributed as a random walk

    bulge_frac = 0.4
    disk_frac = 0.6
    knot_frac = 0.42
    smooth_disk_frac = 0.18

    # number of knots of star formation.  To simulate a nice irregular (all the
    # flux is in knots) we find ~100 is a minimum number needed, but we will
    # just use 10 here to make the demo run fast.

    n_knots = 10

    xsize = 64  # pixels
    ysize = 64  # pixels

    logger.info('Starting demo script 4 using:')
    logger.info('    - parameters taken from catalog %r', cat_file_name)
    logger.info('    - Moffat PSF (parameters from catalog)')
    logger.info('    - pixel scale = %.2f', pixel_scale)
    logger.info('    - Bulge + Disc galaxies (parameters from catalog)')
    logger.info('    - 100 Point sources, distributed as random walk')
    logger.info('    - Applied gravitational shear = (%.3f,%.3f)', gal_g1,
    logger.info('    - Poisson noise (sky level = %.1e).', sky_level)

    # Read in the input catalog
    cat = galsim.Catalog(cat_file_name)

    # save a list of the galaxy images in the "images" list variable:
    images = []
    for k in range(cat.nobjects):
        # Initialize the (pseudo-)random number generator that we will be using below.
        # Use a different random seed for each object to get different noise realizations.
        # Using sequential random seeds here is safer than it sounds.  We use Mersenne Twister
        # random number generators that are designed to be used with this kind of seeding.
        # However, to be extra safe, we actually initialize one random number generator with this
        # seed, generate and throw away two random values with that, and then use the next value
        # to seed a completely different Mersenne Twister RNG.  The result is that successive
        # RNGs created this way produce very independent random number streams.
        rng = galsim.BaseDeviate(random_seed + k + 1)

        # Take the Moffat beta from the first column (called 0) of the input catalog:
        # Note: cat.get(k,col) returns a string.  To get the value as a float, use either
        #       cat.getFloat(k,col) or float(cat.get(k,col))
        beta = cat.getFloat(k, 0)
        # A Moffat's size may be either scale_radius, fwhm, or half_light_radius.
        # Here we use fwhm, taking from the catalog as well.
        fwhm = cat.getFloat(k, 1)
        # A Moffat profile may be truncated if desired
        # The units for this are expected to be arcsec (or specifically -- whatever units
        # you are using for all the size values as defined by the pixel_scale).
        trunc = cat.getFloat(k, 4)
        # Note: You may omit the flux, since the default is flux=1.
        psf = galsim.Moffat(beta=beta, fwhm=fwhm, trunc=trunc)

        # Take the (e1, e2) shape parameters from the catalog as well.
        psf = psf.shear(e1=cat.getFloat(k, 2), e2=cat.getFloat(k, 3))

        # Galaxy is a bulge + disk(+knots) with parameters taken from the catalog:

        # put some fraction of the disk light into knots of star formation

        disk_hlr = cat.getFloat(k, 5)
        disk_e1 = cat.getFloat(k, 6)
        disk_e2 = cat.getFloat(k, 7)
        bulge_hlr = cat.getFloat(k, 8)
        bulge_e1 = cat.getFloat(k, 9)
        bulge_e2 = cat.getFloat(k, 10)

        smooth_disk = galsim.Exponential(flux=smooth_disk_frac,

        knots = galsim.RandomWalk(n_knots,

        disk = galsim.Add([smooth_disk, knots])
        disk = disk.shear(e1=disk_e1, e2=disk_e2)

        # the rest of the light goes into the bulge
        bulge = galsim.DeVaucouleurs(flux=bulge_frac,
        bulge = bulge.shear(e1=bulge_e1, e2=bulge_e2)

        # The flux of an Add object is the sum of the component fluxes.
        # Note that in demo3.py, a similar addition was performed by the binary operator "+".
        gal = galsim.Add([disk, bulge])

        # This flux may be overridden by withFlux.  The relative fluxes of the components
        # remains the same, but the total flux is set to gal_flux.
        gal = gal.withFlux(gal_flux)
        gal = gal.shear(g1=gal_g1, g2=gal_g2)

        # The center of the object is normally placed at the center of the postage stamp image.
        # You can change that with shift:
        gal = gal.shift(dx=cat.getFloat(k, 11), dy=cat.getFloat(k, 12))

        final = galsim.Convolve([psf, gal])

        # Draw the profile
        image = galsim.ImageF(xsize, ysize)
        final.drawImage(image, scale=pixel_scale)

        # Add Poisson noise to the image:
        image.addNoise(galsim.PoissonNoise(rng, sky_level * pixel_scale**2))

        logger.info('Drew image for object at row %d in the input catalog' % k)

        # Add the image to our list of images

    # Now write the images to a multi-extension fits file.  Each image will be in its own HDU.
    galsim.fits.writeMulti(images, multi_file_name)
    logger.info('Images written to multi-extension fits file %r',
Ejemplo n.º 16
def test_randwalk_invalid_inputs():
    Create a random walk galaxy and test that the the correct exceptions
    are raised for invalid inputs

    npoints = 100
    hlr = 8.0
    flux = 1.0

    # try sending wrong type for npoints
    with assert_raises(GalSimValueError):
        galsim.RandomWalk('blah', half_light_radius=1, flux=3)

    # try sending neither profile or hlr
    with assert_raises(GalSimIncompatibleValuesError):

    # try with rng wrong type
    with assert_raises(TypeError):
        galsim.RandomWalk(npoints, half_light_radius=hlr, rng=37)

    # wrong type for profile
    with assert_raises(GalSimIncompatibleValuesError):
        galsim.RandomWalk(npoints, profile=3.5)

    # wrong type for npoints
    npoints_bad = [35]
    with assert_raises(TypeError):
        galsim.RandomWalk(npoints_bad, half_light_radius=hlr)

    # wrong type for hlr
    with assert_raises(GalSimRangeError):
        galsim.RandomWalk(npoints, half_light_radius=-1.5)

    # wrong type for flux
    with assert_raises(TypeError):
        galsim.RandomWalk(npoints, flux=[3.5], half_light_radius=hlr)

    # sending flux with a profile
    prof = galsim.Exponential(half_light_radius=hlr, flux=2.0)
    with assert_raises(GalSimIncompatibleValuesError):
        galsim.RandomWalk(npoints, flux=flux, profile=prof)

    # sending hlr with a profile
    with assert_raises(GalSimIncompatibleValuesError):
        galsim.RandomWalk(npoints, half_light_radius=3, profile=prof)

    # bad value for npoints
    npoints_bad = -35
    with assert_raises(GalSimRangeError):
        galsim.RandomWalk(npoints_bad, half_light_radius=hlr)

    # bad value for hlr
    with assert_raises(GalSimRangeError):
        galsim.RandomWalk(npoints, half_light_radius=-1.5)

    # negative flux
    with assert_raises(GalSimRangeError):
        galsim.RandomWalk(npoints, flux=-35.0, half_light_radius=hlr)
Ejemplo n.º 17
def test_randwalk_invalid_inputs():
    Create a random walk galaxy and test that the the correct exceptions
    are raised for invalid inputs

    # try with rng wrong type

    npoints = 100
    hlr = 8.0
    rng = 37

    args = (npoints, hlr)
    kwargs = {'rng': rng}
    with assert_raises(TypeError):
        galsim.RandomWalk(*args, **kwargs)

    # try sending wrong type for npoints
    npoints = [35]
    hlr = 8.0
    args = (npoints, hlr)
    with assert_raises(TypeError):

    # try sending wrong type for hlr
    npoints = 100
    hlr = [1.5]
    args = (npoints, hlr)
    with assert_raises(TypeError):

    # try sending wrong type for flux
    npoints = 100
    hlr = 8.0
    flux = [3.5]
    args = (npoints, hlr)
    kwargs = {'flux': flux}
    with assert_raises(TypeError):
        galsim.RandomWalk(*args, **kwargs)

    # send bad value for npoints

    npoints = -35
    hlr = 8.0
    args = (npoints, hlr)
    with assert_raises(ValueError):

    # try sending bad value for hlr
    npoints = 100
    hlr = -1.5
    args = (npoints, hlr)
    with assert_raises(ValueError):

    # try sending wrong type for flux
    npoints = 100
    hlr = 8.0
    flux = -35.0
    args = (npoints, hlr)
    kwargs = {'flux': flux}
    with assert_raises(ValueError):
        galsim.RandomWalk(*args, **kwargs)
Ejemplo n.º 18
def test(ntrial=1, dim=2000, show=False):
    import galsim
    import biggles
    import images

    rng = np.random.RandomState()

    nobj_per = 4
    nknots = 100
    knot_flux_frac = 0.001
    nknots_low, nknots_high = 1, 100

    nband = 3
    noises = [0.0005, 0.001, 0.0015]
    scale = 0.263

    psf = galsim.Gaussian(fwhm=0.9)
    dims = 64, 64
    flux_low, flux_high = 0.5, 1.5
    r50_low, r50_high = 0.1, 2.0

    fracdev_low, fracdev_high = 0.001, 0.99

    bulge_colors = np.array([0.5, 1.0, 1.5])
    disk_colors = np.array([1.25, 1.0, 0.75])
    knots_colors = np.array([1.5, 1.0, 0.5])

    sigma = dims[0]/2.0/4.0*scale
    maxrad = dims[0]/2.0/2.0 * scale

    tm0 = time.time()
    nobj_meas = 0

    for trial in range(ntrial):
        print("trial: %d/%d" % (trial+1, ntrial))
        all_band_obj = []
        for i in range(nobj_per):

            nknots = int(rng.uniform(low=nknots_low, high=nknots_high))

            r50 = rng.uniform(low=r50_low, high=r50_high)
            flux = rng.uniform(low=flux_low, high=flux_high)

            dx, dy = rng.normal(scale=sigma, size=2).clip(

            g1d, g2d = rng.normal(scale=0.2, size=2).clip(max=0.5)
            g1b = 0.5*g1d+rng.normal(scale=0.02)
            g2b = 0.5*g2d+rng.normal(scale=0.02)

            fracdev = rng.uniform(low=fracdev_low, high=fracdev_high)

            flux_bulge = fracdev*flux
            flux_disk = (1-fracdev)*flux
            flux_knots = nknots*knot_flux_frac*flux_disk
            print("fracdev:", fracdev, "nknots:", nknots)

            bulge_obj = galsim.DeVaucouleurs(
            ).shear(g1=g1b, g2=g2b)

            disk_obj = galsim.Exponential(
            ).shear(g1=g1d, g2=g2d)

            knots_obj = galsim.RandomWalk(
            )  # .shear(g1=g1d, g2=g2d)

            band_objs = []
            for band in range(nband):
                band_disk = disk_obj.withFlux(flux_disk*disk_colors[band])
                band_bulge = bulge_obj.withFlux(flux_bulge*bulge_colors[band])
                band_knots = knots_obj.withFlux(flux_knots*knots_colors[band])

                obj = galsim.Sum(band_disk, band_bulge, band_knots).shift(
                obj = galsim.Convolve(obj, psf)


        jacob = ngmix.DiagonalJacobian(
        wcs = jacob.get_galsim_wcs()
        psfim = psf.drawImage(wcs=wcs).array
        psf_obs = get_psf_obs(psfim, jacob)

        dlist = []
        for band in range(nband):
            band_objects = [o[band] for o in all_band_obj]
            obj = galsim.Sum(band_objects)

            im = obj.drawImage(nx=dims[1], ny=dims[0], wcs=wcs).array
            im = obj.drawImage(nx=dims[1], ny=dims[0], scale=scale).array

            im += rng.normal(scale=noises[band], size=im.shape)
            wt = im*0 + 1.0/noises[band]**2


        mer = MEDSifier(dlist)

        mg = mer.get_meds(0)
        mr = mer.get_meds(1)
        mi = mer.get_meds(2)
        nobj = mg.size
        print("        found", nobj, "objects")
        nobj_meas += nobj

        list_of_obs = []
        for i in range(nobj):

            gobslist = mg.get_obslist(i, weight_type='uberseg')
            robslist = mr.get_obslist(i, weight_type='uberseg')
            iobslist = mi.get_obslist(i, weight_type='uberseg')
            mbo = ngmix.MultiBandObsList()


        for mbo in list_of_obs:
            for obslist in mbo:
                for obs in obslist:

        prior = moflib.get_mof_prior(list_of_obs, "bdf", rng)
        mof_fitter = moflib.MOFStamps(
        band = 2
        guess = moflib.get_stamp_guesses(list_of_obs, band, "bdf", rng)

        if show:
            # corrected images
            tab = biggles.Table(1, 2)
            rgb = images.get_color_image(
            rgb *= 1.0/rgb.max()

            tab[0, 0] = images.view_mosaic(
                titles=['image', 'seg', 'detim'],
                # dims=[dim, dim],

            imlist = []
            for iobj, mobs in enumerate(list_of_obs):
                cmobs = mof_fitter.make_corrected_obs(iobj)

                gim = images.make_combined_mosaic(
                    [mobs[0][0].image, cmobs[0][0].image],
                rim = images.make_combined_mosaic(
                    [mobs[1][0].image, cmobs[1][0].image],
                iim = images.make_combined_mosaic(
                    [mobs[2][0].image, cmobs[2][0].image],

                rgb = images.get_color_image(
                rgb *= 1.0/rgb.max()

            plt = images.view_mosaic(imlist, show=False)
            tab[0, 1] = plt
            tab.show(width=dim*2, height=dim)

            if ntrial > 1:
                if 'q' == input("hit a key: "):

    total_time = time.time()-tm0
    print("time per group:", total_time/ntrial)
    print("time per object:", total_time/nobj_meas)