Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self,

        # Check for obsolete dx parameter
        if dx is not None and scale is None:
            from galsim.deprecated import depr
            depr('dx', 1.1, 'scale')
            scale = dx

        # If the "image" is not actually an image, try to read the image as a file.
        if not isinstance(image, galsim.Image):
            image = galsim.fits.read(image, hdu=hdu)

        # make sure image is really an image and has a float type
        if image.dtype != np.float32 and image.dtype != np.float64:
            raise ValueError(
                "Supplied image does not have dtype of float32 or float64!")

        # it must have well-defined bounds, otherwise seg fault in SBInterpolatedImage constructor
        if not image.bounds.isDefined():
            raise ValueError("Supplied image does not have bounds defined!")

        # check what normalization was specified for the image: is it an image of surface
        # brightness, or flux?
        if not normalization.lower() in ("flux", "f", "surface brightness",
            raise ValueError((
                "Invalid normalization requested: '%s'. Expecting one of 'flux', "
                + "'f', 'surface brightness', or 'sb'.") % normalization)

        # set up the interpolants if none was provided by user, or check that the user-provided ones
        # are of a valid type
        if x_interpolant is None:
            self.x_interpolant = galsim.Quintic(tol=1e-4)
            self.x_interpolant = galsim.utilities.convert_interpolant(
        if k_interpolant is None:
            self.k_interpolant = galsim.Quintic(tol=1e-4)
            self.k_interpolant = galsim.utilities.convert_interpolant(

        # Store the image as an attribute and make sure we don't change the original image
        # in anything we do here.  (e.g. set scale, etc.)
        self.image = image.view()
        self.use_cache = use_cache

        # Set the wcs if necessary
        if scale is not None:
            if wcs is not None:
                raise TypeError(
                    "Cannot provide both scale and wcs to InterpolatedImage")
            self.image.wcs = galsim.PixelScale(scale)
        elif wcs is not None:
            if not isinstance(wcs, galsim.BaseWCS):
                raise TypeError(
                    "wcs parameter is not a galsim.BaseWCS instance")
            self.image.wcs = wcs
        elif self.image.wcs is None:
            raise ValueError(
                "No information given with Image or keywords about pixel scale!"

        # Set up the GaussianDeviate if not provided one, or check that the user-provided one is
        # of a valid type.
        if rng is None:
            if noise_pad: rng = galsim.BaseDeviate()
        elif not isinstance(rng, galsim.BaseDeviate):
            raise TypeError(
                "rng provided to InterpolatedImage constructor is not a BaseDeviate"

        # Check that given pad_image is valid:
        if pad_image:
            if isinstance(pad_image, str):
                pad_image = galsim.fits.read(pad_image)
            if not isinstance(pad_image, galsim.Image):
                raise ValueError("Supplied pad_image is not an Image!")
            if pad_image.dtype != np.float32 and pad_image.dtype != np.float64:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Supplied pad_image is not one of the allowed types!")

        # Check that the given noise_pad is valid:
            noise_pad = float(noise_pad)
        if isinstance(noise_pad, float):
            if noise_pad < 0.:
                raise ValueError("Noise variance cannot be negative!")
        # There are other options for noise_pad, the validity of which will be checked in
        # the helper function self.buildNoisePadImage()

        # This will be passed to SBInterpolatedImage, so make sure it is the right type.
        pad_factor = float(pad_factor)
        if pad_factor <= 0.:
            raise ValueError("Invalid pad_factor <= 0 in InterpolatedImage")

        if use_true_center:
            im_cen = self.image.bounds.trueCenter()
            im_cen = self.image.bounds.center()

        local_wcs = self.image.wcs.local(image_pos=im_cen)
        self.min_scale = local_wcs.minLinearScale()
        self.max_scale = local_wcs.maxLinearScale()

        # Make sure the image fits in the noise pad image:
        if noise_pad_size:
            import math
            # Convert from arcsec to pixels according to the local wcs.
            # Use the minimum scale, since we want to make sure noise_pad_size is
            # as large as we need in any direction.
            noise_pad_size = int(math.ceil(noise_pad_size / self.min_scale))
            # Round up to a good size for doing FFTs
            noise_pad_size = galsim._galsim.goodFFTSize(noise_pad_size)
            if noise_pad_size <= min(self.image.array.shape):
                # Don't need any noise padding in this case.
                noise_pad_size = 0
            elif noise_pad_size < max(self.image.array.shape):
                noise_pad_size = max(self.image.array.shape)

        # See if we need to pad out the image with either a pad_image or noise_pad
        if noise_pad_size:
            new_pad_image = self.buildNoisePadImage(noise_pad_size, noise_pad,

            if pad_image:
                # if both noise_pad and pad_image are set, then we need to build up a larger
                # pad_image and place the given pad_image in the center.

                # We will change the bounds here, so make a new view to avoid modifying the
                # input pad_image.
                pad_image = pad_image.view()
                pad_image.setCenter(0, 0)
                new_pad_image.setCenter(0, 0)
                if new_pad_image.bounds.includes(pad_image.bounds):
                    new_pad_image[pad_image.bounds] = pad_image
                    new_pad_image = pad_image

            pad_image = new_pad_image

        elif pad_image:
            # Just make sure pad_image is the right type
            pad_image = galsim.Image(pad_image, dtype=image.dtype)

        # Now place the given image in the center of the padding image:
        if pad_image:
            pad_image.setCenter(0, 0)
            self.image.setCenter(0, 0)
            if pad_image.bounds.includes(self.image.bounds):
                pad_image[self.image.bounds] = self.image
                pad_image.wcs = self.image.wcs
                # If padding was smaller than original image, just use the original image.
                pad_image = self.image
            pad_image = self.image

        # GalSim cannot automatically know what stepK and maxK are appropriate for the
        # input image.  So it is usually worth it to do a manual calculation (below).
        # However, there is also a hidden option to force it to use specific values of stepK and
        # maxK (caveat user!).  The values of _force_stepk and _force_maxk should be provided in
        # terms of physical scale, e.g., for images that have a scale length of 0.1 arcsec, the
        # stepK and maxK should be provided in units of 1/arcsec.  Then we convert to the 1/pixel
        # units required by the C++ layer below.  Also note that profile recentering for even-sized
        # images (see the ._fix_center step below) leads to automatic reduction of stepK slightly
        # below what is provided here, while maxK is preserved.
        if _force_stepk > 0.:
            calculate_stepk = False
            _force_stepk *= self.min_scale
        if _force_maxk > 0.:
            calculate_maxk = False
            _force_maxk *= self.max_scale

        # Due to floating point rounding errors, for pickling it's necessary to store the exact
        # _force_maxk and _force_stepk used to create the SBInterpolatedImage, as opposed to the
        # values before being scaled by self.min_scale and self.max_scale.  So we do that via the
        # _serialize_maxk and _serialize_stepk hidden kwargs, which should only get used during
        # pickling.
        if _serialize_stepk is not None:
            calculate_stepk = False
            _force_stepk = _serialize_stepk
        if _serialize_maxk is not None:
            calculate_maxk = False
            _force_maxk = _serialize_maxk

        # Save these values for pickling
        self._pad_image = pad_image
        self._pad_factor = pad_factor
        self._gsparams = gsparams

        # Make the SBInterpolatedImage out of the image.
        sbii = galsim._galsim.SBInterpolatedImage(pad_image.image,
                                                  pad_factor, _force_stepk,
                                                  _force_maxk, gsparams)

        # I think the only things that will mess up if getFlux() == 0 are the
        # calculateStepK and calculateMaxK functions, and rescaling the flux to some value.
        if (calculate_stepk or calculate_maxk
                or flux is not None) and sbii.getFlux() == 0.:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "This input image has zero total flux. "
                "It does not define a valid surface brightness profile.")

        if calculate_stepk:
            if calculate_stepk is True:
                # If not a bool, then value is max_stepk
        if calculate_maxk:
            if calculate_maxk is True:
                # If not a bool, then value is max_maxk

        # If the user specified a surface brightness normalization for the input Image, then
        # need to rescale flux by the pixel area to get proper normalization.
        if flux is None and normalization.lower() in [
                'surface brightness', 'sb'
            flux = sbii.getFlux() * local_wcs.pixelArea()

        # Save this intermediate profile
        self._sbii = sbii
        self._stepk = sbii.stepK() / self.min_scale
        self._maxk = sbii.maxK() / self.max_scale
        self._flux = flux

        self._serialize_stepk = sbii.stepK()
        self._serialize_maxk = sbii.maxK()

        prof = GSObject(sbii)

        # Make sure offset is a PositionD
        offset = prof._parse_offset(offset)

        # Apply the offset, and possibly fix the centering for even-sized images
        # Note reverse=True, since we want to fix the center in the opposite sense of what the
        # draw function does.
        prof = prof._fix_center(self.image.array.shape,

        # Save the offset we will need when pickling.
        if hasattr(prof, 'offset'):
            self._offset = -prof.offset
            self._offset = None

        # Bring the profile from image coordinates into world coordinates
        prof = local_wcs.toWorld(prof)

        # If the user specified a flux, then set to that flux value.
        if flux is not None:
            prof = prof.withFlux(float(flux))

        # Now, in order for these to pickle correctly if they are the "original" object in a
        # Transform object, we need to hide the current transformation.  An easy way to do that
        # is to hide the SBProfile in an SBAdd object.
        sbp = galsim._galsim.SBAdd([prof.SBProfile])

        GSObject.__init__(self, sbp)