def cora(): G = nx.barabasi_albert_graph(1000, 3) # G = nx.watts_strogatz_graph(1000, 5, 0.3) # G = nx.random_regular_graph(4, 1000) p = Population(G) e = Evolution() g = game.PDG(2) e.set_population(p).set_game(g) # p.strategy = np.ones(len(p), f, axs = plt.subplots(3, 4) axs = axs.reshape(12) for r in range(11): if r > 5: r_ = 10 - r p.strategy = np.zeros(len(p), s = 1 else: r_ = r p.strategy = np.ones(len(p), s = 0 n = int(round(len(p) / 10.0 * r_)) selected_list = np.random.choice(range(len(p)), n) p.strategy[selected_list] = s # print p.strategy g.strategy = p.strategy p.show_degree(axs[r])
def repeat_b(): # 博弈收益参数不同,合作率曲线 e = Evolution(has_mut=False) G = nx.random_regular_graph(4, 1000) p = Population(G) b = 5 for i in range(b): g = game.PDG(i * 2 + 2) e.set_population(p).set_game(g).set_rule(u) print('Control Variable b: %d' % (i * 2 + 2)) e.evolve(100000, restart=True, quiet=True, autostop=False)[i], label="b=%d" % (i * 2 + 2)) plt.legend(loc='lower right')
def repeat2d(): e = Evolution() bs = np.linspace(1, 10, 3) # fig, axes = plt.subplots() colors = 'brgcmykwa' symbs = '.ox+*sdph-' for i in range(1, 10): i = 4 G = nx.random_regular_graph(i + 1, 1000) p = Population(G) a = [0] * len(bs) for j, b in enumerate(bs): g = game.PDG(b) e.set_population(p).set_game(g).set_rule(u) e.evolve(10000) a[j] = e.cooperate[-1] plt.plot(bs, a, colors[j] + symbs[j], label='b=%f' % b) break
def repeat_start_pc(): # 初始Pc不同的合作变化曲线 # G = nx.watts_strogatz_graph(1000, 4, 0.2) G = nx.barabasi_albert_graph(1000, 3) p = Population(G) g = game.PDG(b=10) u = rule.DeathBirth() e = Evolution(has_mut=False) e.set_population(p).set_game(g).set_rule(u) for i in range(5): pc = (2 * i + 1) / 10.0 p.init_strategies(g, [pc, 1 - pc]) print('Initial P(C) is %.2f' % pc) e.evolve(100000, restart=True, quiet=True, autostop=False)[i], label=r'start $P_C$=%.2f' % pc) plt.legend(loc='lower right') plt.title(r'Evolution under Different Start $P_C$') plt.xlabel('Number of generations') plt.ylabel(r'Fraction of cooperations, $\rho_c$')
def repeat_ss_rewire(): # 策略固定,连接倾向进行演化 from network import LatticeWithLongTie p = LatticeWithLongTie(30) g = game.PDG(b=8) # u = rule.DeathBirth() u = rule.Fermi(0.1) a = adapter.Preference(3) e = StaticStrategyEvolution() e.set_game(g).set_rule(u).set_adapter(a) e.set_population(p) e.bind_process() p.init_longtie() # p.degree_distribution(loglog=False) p_copy1 = p.copy() plt.figure() for i in range(6): i = 5 pc = i / 5.0 # 复制演化前的状态 p_copy = p.copy() e.set_population(p) a.dynamic = p.dynamics a.bind(p) # if i > 0: # p.is_equal(p_copy1) # break p.init_strategies(g, [pc, 1 - pc]) # p.check_cache() # 重置网络连接,重置节点的连接策略 p = p_copy print('static P(C) is %.2f' % pc) e.evolve(100, restart=True, quiet=True, autostop=False)[i], label=r'static $P_C$=%.2f ' % pc) break plt.legend(loc='upper left') plt.title('Static Strategy Evolution') plt.xlabel('Number of generations') plt.ylabel('Rewire Strategies') plt.ylim(0, len(p))
def repeat_ll_rewire(): # 策略固定,连接倾向进行演化 from network import LatticeWithLongTie # G = nx.random_regular_graph(5, 1000) p = LatticeWithLongTie(30) g = game.PDG(b=8) u = rule.DeathBirth() # u = rule.Fermi(.1) a = adapter.Preference(3) e = CoEvolution() e.set_game(g).set_rule(u).set_adapter(a) e.set_population(p) e.bind_process() p.degree_distribution() print('start evolving') e.evolve(10000, restart=True, quiet=True, autostop=False) plt.figure()[0], label='LLN Co-Evolution') plt.legend(loc='upper left') plt.title('LLN Co-Evolution') plt.xlabel('Number of generations') plt.ylabel('Rewire Strategies') p.degree_distribution()
def evolve(self, turns, **kwargs): self.rewire = None self.prefer = np.zeros((turns, self.adapter.category), super(self.__class__, self).evolve(turns, **kwargs) def show(self, fmt, label, wait=False, *args, **kwargs): super(self.__class__, self).show(True) f = plt.figure(2) color = 'brgcmykw' # symb = '.ox+*sdph' label = ['random', 'popularity', 'knn', 'pop*sim', 'similarity'] for i in xrange(self.adapter.category): plt.plot(self.prefer[:, i], color[i], label=label[i]) plt.title('CoEvolutionary Game') plt.xlabel('Step') plt.ylabel('Strategies') plt.legend() # if __name__ == '__main__': G = nx.random_regular_graph(5, 10) pp = Population(G) gg = game.PDG() rr = rule.BirthDeath() e = Evolution() e.set_population(pp).set_game(gg).set_rule(rr) e.evolve(10000)
# G = nx.star_graph(10) # G = nx.watts_strogatz_graph(1000, 5, 0.2) G = nx.barabasi_albert_graph(1000, 3) # G = nx.powerlaw_cluster_graph(1000, 10, 0.2) # G = nx.convert_node_labels_to_integers(nx.davis_southern_women_graph()) # G = ["/../../DataSet/ASU/Douban-dataset/data/edges.csv", ','] # G = {"path":"/../wechat/barabasi_albert_graph(5000,100)_adj.txt", "fmt":"adj"} # G = "/../wechat/facebook.txt" # 网络结构 p = Population(G) # print # p.degree_distribution() # 博弈类型 g = game.PDG(b=5) # g = game.PGG(3) # g = game.PGG2(3) # 学习策略 # u = rule.BirthDeath() u = rule.DeathBirth() # u = rule.Fermi() # u = rule.HeteroFermi( # 连接策略 a = adapter.Preference(3) # 绘图参数 colors = 'bgrcmykw' markers = '.,ov^v<>1234sp*hH+xDd|-'