Ejemplo n.º 1
def main_menu(highscore, global_running, chosen, rocket_rects_locked,
              rocket_imgs_locked, rocket_imgs, rocket_rects, scr, scr_width,
              scr_height, volume, factor):
    running = True
    play_game = False
    settings = False
    load_images = False
    controls = False
    credit_scr = False
    unlocked = True
    pressed = False
    rocket_idx = 0

    # image and text info. Also place here to avoid referencing before assignment
    background_img, background_rect = makeimg("main_menu.png", False, factor)
    pointer_img, pointer_rect = makeimg("pointer.png", True, factor)
    scr_txt1, scr_txt1_rect = makefont(
        "GOTTA CATCH E'LON", 10, (int(scr_width / 2), int(scr_height * 0.3)),
    txt_score1, txt_score1_rect = makefont("HIGHSCORE", 5, (0, 0), factor)
    txt_score2, txt_score2_rect = makefont(f"{highscore:,.2f} KM", 5, (0, 0),
    scr_txt2, scr_txt2_rect = makefont(
        "PLAY GAME", 5, (int(scr_width / 2), int(scr_height * 0.5)), factor)
    scr_txt3, scr_txt3_rect = makefont(
        "QUIT", 5, (int(scr_width / 2), int(scr_height * 0.7)), factor)
    scr_txt4, scr_txt4_rect = makefont(
        "SETTINGS", 5, (int(scr_width / 2), int(scr_height * 0.55)), factor)
    txt_controls, txt_controls_rect = makefont(
        "CONTROLS", 5, (int(scr_width / 2), int(scr_height * 0.6)), factor)
    txt_credits, txt_credits_rect = makefont(
        "CREDITS", 5, (int(scr_width / 2), int(scr_height * 0.65)), factor)

    # Pointer conditions
    choice = 1
    choice_position = int(scr_height * 0.5)
    while running and global_running:
        if load_images:  # if the screen size is changed the images need to be loaded again to get the right size
            background_img, background_rect = makeimg("main_menu.png", False,
            pointer_img, pointer_rect = makeimg("pointer.png", True, factor)
            scr_txt1, scr_txt1_rect = makefont(
                "GOTTA CATCH E'LON", 10,
                (int(scr_width / 2), int(scr_height * 0.3)), factor)
            txt_score1, txt_score1_rect = makefont("HIGHSCORE", 5, (0, 0),
            txt_score2, txt_score2_rect = makefont(f"{highscore:,.2f} KM", 5,
                                                   (0, 0), factor)
            scr_txt2, scr_txt2_rect = makefont(
                "PLAY GAME", 5, (int(scr_width / 2), int(scr_height * 0.5)),
            scr_txt3, scr_txt3_rect = makefont(
                "QUIT", 5, (int(scr_width / 2), int(scr_height * 0.7)), factor)
            scr_txt4, scr_txt4_rect = makefont(
                "SETTINGS", 5, (int(scr_width / 2), int(scr_height * 0.55)),
            txt_controls, txt_controls_rect = makefont(
                "CONTROLS", 5, (int(scr_width / 2), int(scr_height * 0.6)),
            txt_credits, txt_credits_rect = makefont(
                "CREDITS", 5, (int(scr_width / 2), int(scr_height * 0.65)),

            load_images = False


        # Re-orient positions if the game loop has been started before
        background_rect.center = (scr_width, int(scr_height / 2))
        scr.blit(background_img, background_rect)
        scr.blit(scr_txt1, scr_txt1_rect)
        txt_score1_rect.center = (int((scr_width / 15) +
                                      txt_score1.get_size()[0] / 2),
                                  int(scr_height / 15))
        txt_score2_rect.center = (int((scr_width / 15) +
                                      txt_score2.get_size()[0] / 2),
                                  int(scr_height / 10))
        scr.blit(txt_score1, txt_score1_rect)
        scr.blit(txt_score2, txt_score2_rect)
        scr.blit(scr_txt2, scr_txt2_rect)
        scr.blit(scr_txt3, scr_txt3_rect)
        scr.blit(scr_txt4, scr_txt4_rect)
        scr.blit(txt_controls, txt_controls_rect)
        scr.blit(txt_credits, txt_credits_rect)

        # Position pointer accordingly
        if choice == 1:  # Play game
            choice_position = int(scr_height * 0.5)
        if choice == 2:  # Choose settings
            choice_position = int(scr_height * 0.55)
        if choice == 3:  # Controls
            choice_position = int(scr_height * 0.6)
        if choice == 4:  # Credits
            choice_position = int(scr_height * 0.65)
        if choice == 5:  # Quit
            choice_position = int(scr_height * 0.7)
        pointer_rect.center = (int(scr_width / 3), choice_position)
        scr.blit(pointer_img, pointer_rect)

        keys = pg.key.get_pressed()
        if keys[pg.K_DOWN] and choice != 5 and not pressed:
            choice += 1
            pressed = True
        if keys[pg.K_UP] and choice != 1 and not pressed:
            choice -= 1
            pressed = True
        if not keys[pg.K_DOWN] and not keys[pg.K_UP]:
            pressed = False
        if keys[pg.K_SPACE] and not chosen:
            if choice == 1:
                play_game = True
            if choice == 2:
                settings = True
            if choice == 3:
                controls = True
            if choice == 4:
                credit_scr = True
            if choice == 5:
                global_running = False
            chosen = True
        if not keys[pg.K_SPACE]:
            chosen = False

        for event in pg.event.get():
            if event.type == pg.QUIT:
                global_running = False

        if running and global_running:

        if play_game:
            # Screen scrolls when going to rocket_menu
            ax = 150 * factor
            vx = 0
            dx = 0
            t = pg.time.get_ticks() / 1000

            arrowright_img, arrowright_rect = makeimg("pointer.png", True,
            arrowleft_img = pg.transform.flip(arrowright_img, True, False)
            arrowleft_rect = arrowleft_img.get_rect()
            pointer_rect2 = pointer_img.get_rect()
            lock_img, lock_rect = makeimg("lock.png", True, factor)
            textbox_img, textbox_rect = makeimg("descriptiontextbox.png", True,

            scr_txt6, scr_txt6_rect = makefont("MAIN MENU", 7, (0, 0), factor)
            scr_txt7, scr_txt7_rect = makefont("LAUNCH", 7, (0, 0), factor)
            scr_txt8, scr_txt8_rect = makefont(
                rocket_names[rocket_idx].upper(), 10, (0, 0), factor)
            txt_locked1, txt_locked1_rect = makefont("LOCKED", 10, (0, 0),
            txt_locked2, txt_locked2_rect = makefont(
                f"REACH {milestones[rocket_idx]:,.2f} KM TO UNLOCK.", 5,
                (0, 0), factor)

            x_rocket = int(scr_width / 7)
            y_rocket = int(scr_height - 32 * factor -
                           (rocket_imgs[rocket_idx].get_size()[1] / 2))

            # read rocket explanations from texts
            font = pg.font.Font(main_font, factor * 5)
            f = open(
                get_folder_file("Text", rocket_names[rocket_idx] + ".txt"),
            lines = f.readlines()

            while vx >= 0 and global_running:
                # Clock
                t0 = t
                t = pg.time.get_ticks() / 1000
                dt = t - t0
                if dx < scr_width / 1.99:
                    vx += ax * dt
                    dx += vx * dt
                elif vx >= 0 and dx < scr_width:
                    vx -= ax * dt
                    dx += vx * dt
                    dx = scr_width
                    vx = -5
                background_rect.center = (int(scr_width - dx),
                                          int(scr_height / 2))
                scr.blit(background_img, background_rect)
                textbox_rect.center = (int(scr_width * 3 / 2 - dx),
                                       int(scr_height * 3 / 20))
                scr.blit(textbox_img, textbox_rect)
                scr_txt1_rect.center = (int(scr_width / 2 - dx),
                                        int(scr_height * 0.3))
                scr.blit(scr_txt1, scr_txt1_rect)
                scr_txt2_rect.center = (int(scr_width / 2 - dx),
                                        int(scr_height * 0.5))
                scr.blit(scr_txt2, scr_txt2_rect)
                scr_txt3_rect.center = (int(scr_width / 2 - dx),
                                        int(scr_height * 0.7))
                scr.blit(scr_txt3, scr_txt3_rect)
                scr_txt4_rect.center = (int(scr_width / 2 - dx),
                                        int(scr_height * 0.55))
                scr.blit(scr_txt4, scr_txt4_rect)
                pointer_rect.center = (int(scr_width / 3 - dx),
                scr.blit(pointer_img, pointer_rect)
                arrowleft_rect.center = (int(scr_width * 1.65 -
                                             scr_width / 3.5 - dx),
                                         int(scr_height / 2))
                scr.blit(arrowleft_img, arrowleft_rect)
                arrowright_rect.center = (int(scr_width * 1.65 +
                                              scr_width / 3.5 - dx),
                                          int(scr_height / 2))
                scr.blit(arrowright_img, arrowright_rect)
                pointer_rect2.center = (int(scr_width / 4 + scr_width - dx),
                                        int(scr_height / 2))
                scr.blit(pointer_img, pointer_rect2)
                scr_txt6_rect.center = (int(scr_width * 0.65 + scr_width - dx),
                                        int(scr_height / 1.35))
                scr.blit(scr_txt6, scr_txt6_rect)
                scr_txt7_rect.center = (int(scr_width * 0.65 + scr_width - dx),
                                        int(scr_height / 1.5))
                scr.blit(scr_txt7, scr_txt7_rect)
                txt_controls_rect.center = (int(scr_width / 2 - dx),
                                            int(scr_height * 0.6))
                scr.blit(txt_controls, txt_controls_rect)
                txt_credits_rect.center = (int(scr_width / 2 - dx),
                                           int(scr_height * 0.65))
                scr.blit(txt_credits, txt_credits_rect)

                if unlocked:
                    rocket_rects[rocket_idx].center = (int(x_rocket +
                                                           scr_width - dx),
                    scr.blit(rocket_imgs[rocket_idx], rocket_rects[rocket_idx])
                    scr_txt8_rect.center = (int(scr_width * 0.65 + scr_width -
                                                dx), int(scr_height / 2))
                    scr.blit(scr_txt8, scr_txt8_rect)

                    explain_txts = []
                    explain_txts_rects = []
                    j = 0
                    for q in lines:
                        explanation = q.strip()
                            font.render(explanation.upper(), False,
                                        (255, 255, 255)))
                        explain_txts_rects[j].center = (
                            int(scr_width / 2 + scr_width - dx),
                            int(scr_height / 10 + j * scr_height / 20))
                        j += 1
                    for k in range(len(explain_txts)):
                        scr.blit(explain_txts[k], explain_txts_rects[k])
                    rocket_rects_locked[rocket_idx].center = (int(scr_width +
                                                                  x_rocket -
                    lock_rect.center = (int(scr_width + scr_width / 7 - dx),
                                        int(scr_height - 34 * factor -
                                            (20 * factor)))
                    scr.blit(lock_img, lock_rect)
                    txt_locked1_rect.center = (int(scr_width * 1.65 - dx),
                                               int(scr_height / 2))
                    scr.blit(txt_locked1, txt_locked1_rect)
                    txt_locked2_rect.center = (int(3 * scr_width / 2 - dx),
                                               int(scr_height / 10 +
                                                   scr_height / 20))
                    scr.blit(txt_locked2, txt_locked2_rect)
                txt_score1_rect.center = (int((scr_width / 15) +
                                              txt_score1.get_size()[0] / 2 -
                                              dx), int(scr_height / 15))
                txt_score2_rect.center = (int((scr_width / 15) +
                                              txt_score2.get_size()[0] / 2 -
                                              dx), int(scr_height / 10))
                scr.blit(txt_score1, txt_score1_rect)
                scr.blit(txt_score2, txt_score2_rect)

                if running and global_running:
                for event in pg.event.get():
                    if event.type == pg.QUIT:
                        global_running = False
            if global_running:
                highscore, unlocked, global_running, chosen, rocket_idx, rocket_rects_locked, rocket_imgs_locked, \
                    rocket_imgs, rocket_rects = rocket_menu(highscore, unlocked, global_running, chosen, rocket_idx,
                                                            rocket_rects_locked, rocket_imgs_locked, rocket_imgs,
                                                            rocket_rects, scr, scr_width, scr_height, volume, factor)
                play_game = False
            load_images = True

        if settings:
            highscore, unlocked, global_running, chosen, rocket_rects_locked, rocket_imgs_locked, rocket_imgs, \
                rocket_rects, scr, scr_width, scr_height, volume, factor = \
                settings_menu(highscore, unlocked, global_running, chosen, rocket_idx, rocket_rects_locked,
                              rocket_imgs_locked, rocket_imgs, rocket_rects, scr, scr_width, scr_height, volume, factor)
            settings = False
            load_images = True

        if controls:
            global_running, chosen = controls_menu(global_running, chosen, scr,
                                                   scr_width, scr_height,
            controls = False
            load_images = True

        if credit_scr:
            global_running, chosen = credits_menu(global_running, chosen, scr,
                                                  scr_width, scr_height,
            credit_scr = False
            load_images = True
Ejemplo n.º 2
def game_loop(highscore, global_running, unlocked, chosen, rocket_idx,
              rocket_imgs, scr, scr_width, scr_height, volume, factor):
    # Load images (and convert for smoother blitting (note: don't convert transparent images; they lose
    # transparency))
    rocket0_imgs = []
    rocket0_rects = []
    if rocket_idx == 0:
        for idx in range(1, 5):
            temp_img, temp_rect = makeimg("Water Rocket" + str(idx) + ".png",
                                          True, factor)
        rocket1_img = rocket_imgs[rocket_idx]
        rocket1_rect = rocket1_img.get_rect()
        rocket1_img = rocket_imgs[rocket_idx]
        rocket1_rect = rocket1_img.get_rect()

    # Size of skyloop and spaceloop should be equal
    skyloop_img, skyloop_rect1 = makeimg("cloudrandom3.png", False, factor)
    skyloop_rect2 = skyloop_img.get_rect(
    )  # two images are needed for infinite scrolling of the background
    spaceloop_img, spaceloop_rect1 = makeimg("spaceloop.png", False, factor)
    spaceloop_rect2 = spaceloop_img.get_rect()
    skytospace_img, skytospace_rect = makeimg("skytospace.png", False, factor)
    launchpad_img, launchpad_rect = makeimg("launchsite.png", False, factor)

    if rocket_idx == 0:
        flames_img = []
        flames_rect = []
        for p in range(1, 5):
            flame_temp_img, flame_temp_rect = makeimg(
                "water" + str(p) + ".png", True, factor)
    elif rocket_idx == 6:
        flames_img = []
        flames_rect = []
        for p in range(1, 4):
            flame_temp_img, flame_temp_rect = makeimg(
                "rainfume" + str(p) + ".png", True, factor)
        flames_img = []
        flames_rect = []
        for p in range(1, 4):
            flame_temp_img, flame_temp_rect = makeimg("fume" + str(p) + ".png",
                                                      True, factor)

    # asteroid also gets loaded in loop, to choose random asteroid images each time
    rand = random.randint(1, 4)
    asteroid_img, asteroid_rect = makeimg("asteroid" + str(rand) + ".png",
                                          True, factor)

    bird1_img, bird1_rect = makeimg("bird1.png", True,
                                    factor)  # birds initially look to the left
    bird2_img, bird2_rect = makeimg("bird2.png", True, factor)

    exps_img = []  # explosion images
    expsw_img = []  # white explosion images
    exps_rect1 = []  # rects to animate multiple explosions at once
    exps_rect2 = []
    exps_rect3 = []
    expsw_rect1 = []
    expsw_rect2 = []
    for y in range(1, 17):
        exp_temp_img, exp_temp_rect = makeimg("exp" + str(y) + ".png", True,
        expw_temp_img, expw_temp_rect = makeimg("expw" + str(y) + ".png", True,
        ))  # use command get_rect again to make a complete new rect

    heart_img, dummy_heart_rect = makeimg(
        "heart.png", True, factor)  # use dummy since amount of hearts can vary
    heart_rects = []
    number_lives = lives[rocket_idx]

    unlock_img, unlock_rect = makeimg("unlock.png", True, factor)
    unlock_rect.center = (int(scr_width * 8.5 / 10), int(scr_height * 9 / 10))

    pointer_img, pointer_rect = makeimg("pointer.png", True, factor)
    backgroundpause_img, backgroundpause_rect = makeimg(
        "backgroundpause.png", True, factor)
    backgroundpause_rect.center = (int(scr_width / 2), int(scr_height / 2))

    plane_img, plane_rect = makeimg("A380.png", True,
                                    factor)  # plane initially looks to left

    sat_img, sat_rect1 = makeimg("satellite.png", True,
                                 factor)  # satellites (two)
    sat_rect2 = sat_img.get_rect()

    moon_img, moon_rect = makeimg("moon.png", True, factor)
    moon_x = scr_width * random.uniform(0.3, 0.7)
    moon_y = -scr_height / 2
    moon_rect.center = (int(moon_x), int(moon_y))
    moon = False

    # Rocket movement
    x_rocket = int(scr_width / 7)
    if rocket_idx == 0:
        y_rocket = int(scr_height - 32 * factor -
                       (rocket1_img.get_size()[1] / 2))
        for s in range(len(rocket0_imgs)):
            rocket0_rects[s].center = (x_rocket, y_rocket)
        rocket1_rect.center = (x_rocket, y_rocket)
        y_rocket = int(scr_height - 32 * factor -
                       (rocket1_img.get_size()[1] / 2))
        rocket1_rect.center = (x_rocket, y_rocket)
    vx_rocket = 0  # speed in [pixels/s]
    ax_rocket = 2 * (factor + rocket_ax_lst[rocket_idx]
                     )  # acceleration in [pixels/s^2]
    vx_rocket_lim = (rocket_ax_lst[rocket_idx]**
                     2) * 25 * factor  # speed limit in [pixels/s]
    vy_rocket = 0  # only just after launch, to bring the rocket down a bit
    ay_rocket = factor * 2 + rocket_ax_lst[rocket_idx] / (
        2 * factor)  # only just after launch, lower the rocket

    # Background movement
    x_skyloop = int(scr_width / 2)
    y_skyloop0 = int(scr_height - (skyloop_img.get_size()[1] / 2))
    y_skyloop = y_skyloop0
    vy_skyloop = 0  # speed in [pixels/s]
    ay_skyloop = factor * (3 + rocket_ax_lst[rocket_idx] / 3
                           )  # acceleration in [pixels/s^2]
    vy_skyloop_lim = rocket_ax_lst[rocket_idx] * 200 * factor

    y_skytospace = 0

    x_launchpad = int(scr_width / 2)
    y_launchpad0 = int(scr_height - (launchpad_img.get_size()[1] / 2))
    y_launchpad = y_launchpad0

    y_asteroid, diff_vy_asteroid, x_asteroid, vx_asteroid = get_asteroid_info(
        vy_skyloop, scr_width, scr_height, factor)

    bird_flip = False
    y_bird, diff_vy_bird, x_bird, vx_bird, bird1_img, bird2_img, bird_flip = \
        get_bird_info(vy_skyloop, bird1_img, bird2_img, bird_flip, scr_width, scr_height, factor)
    t_birds = 0

    plane_flip = False
    y_plane, diff_vy_plane, x_plane, vx_plane, plane_img, plane_flip = \
        get_plane_info(vy_skyloop, plane_img, plane_flip, scr_width, scr_height, factor)

    # two satellites, since they are slow and it shouldn't be too easy
    y_sat1, diff_vy_sat1, x_sat1, vx_sat1 = get_sat_info(
        vy_skyloop, scr_width, scr_height, factor)
    y_sat2, diff_vy_sat2, x_sat2, vx_sat2 = get_sat_info(
        vy_skyloop, scr_width, scr_height, factor)

    # Game loop
    running = True
    t = pg.time.get_ticks() / 1000
    t_local = 0
    y = (y_skyloop - y_skyloop0) / 3000  # in km
    bird_flying = True
    plane_flying = False
    first_plane = True  # see when the plane starts blitting (otherwise vx_plane will stay constant thus never blit)
    change_plane = True  # set to false if plane has changed (so that it doesn't have to make the img every time)
    sat_flying1 = False
    first_sat1 = True
    sat_flying2 = False
    first_sat2 = True
    asteroid_flying = False
    in_space = False
    collidecheck = True  # have a 5 second no-hit time after you have been hit
    timeout = 3  # seconds
    check_timeout = 0  # seconds  (if you get hit but still have lives left)

    unlock_note = 5  # seconds (message appears if you unlock a new rocket)
    # See if a new rocket is unlocked: find next locked rocket
    next_rocket = 0
    for g in milestones:
        if highscore >= g:
            next_rocket += 1
    t_check = 0  # reference time to remove message after x seconds
    a_note = 500 * factor  # make the notification fly in/out screen
    v_note = 0
    x_note = scr_width + unlock_img.get_size()[0]

    pause_clock = 0  # use pause time to continue where you left off after pausing game

    aa = 0

    to_rocket_menu = False  # see if user goes to rocket menu after dying or pause screen
    pressed = False  # see if arrow keys are pressed

    time_passed_music = 0.  # used for timing of song intro and song loop
    intro_time = 3.50  # seconds    (time the intro of the song plays)
    intro_running = True
    intro_music = pg.mixer.Sound(
        get_folder_file("Music", "GAME_MAIN_THEME_INTRO.ogg"))
    channel_1.set_volume(volume / 100)
    countdown = pg.mixer.Sound(get_folder_file("Music", "countdown3.ogg"))
    channel_2.set_volume(volume / 100)
    channel_3.set_volume(volume / 100)

    while running and global_running:
        # Clock
        t0 = t
        t = (pg.time.get_ticks() - pause_clock) / 1000
        dt = t - t0
        t_local += dt
        t_birds += dt

        # Music handling
        time_passed_music += dt
        if time_passed_music > intro_time and intro_running:
                get_folder_file("Music", "GAME_MAIN_THEME_LOOP.ogg"))
            intro_running = False

        # Key handling
        keys = pg.key.get_pressed()
        if keys[pg.K_LEFT] and x_rocket > rocket1_img.get_width():
            x_rocket -= vx_rocket * dt
        if keys[pg.K_RIGHT] and x_rocket < (scr_width -
            x_rocket += vx_rocket * dt
        if keys[pg.K_SPACE] and not chosen:  # enter pause menu
            play_again = False
            paused = True
            chosen = True
            choose_rocket = False

            # Pointer properties
            choice = 1
            choice_position = int(scr_height * 0.5)

            rel_y = (y_skyloop - y_skyloop0) % skyloop_img.get_size()[
                1]  # to prevent that that it is undefined
            y = ((((y_skyloop - y_skyloop0) / factor) + aa ** (1 + t_local / 100)) ** 1.2) * altscale[rocket_idx] / \

            scr_txt1, scr_txt1_rect = makefont("ALTITUDE", 5, (0, 0), factor)
            scr_txt1_rect.center = (int((scr_width * 14 / 15) -
                                        scr_txt1.get_size()[0] / 2),
                                    int(scr_height / 15))
            scr_txt2, scr_txt2_rect = makefont(f"{y:,.2f} KM", 5, (0, 0),
            scr_txt2_rect.center = (int((scr_width * 14 / 15) -
                                        scr_txt2.get_size()[0] / 2),
                                    int(scr_height / 10))
            txt_pause1, txt_pause1_rect = makefont(
                "GAME PAUSED", 10, (int(scr_width / 2), int(scr_height * 0.4)),
            txt_pause2, txt_pause2_rect = makefont(
                "RESUME", 5, (int(scr_width / 2), int(scr_height * 0.5)),
            txt_pause3, txt_pause3_rect = makefont(
                "RESTART", 5, (int(scr_width / 2), int(scr_height * 0.55)),
            txt_pause6, txt_pause6_rect = makefont(
                "CHOOSE ROCKET", 5,
                (int(scr_width / 2), int(scr_height * 0.6)), factor)
            txt_pause4, txt_pause4_rect = makefont(
                "MAIN MENU", 5, (int(scr_width / 2), int(scr_height * 0.65)),
            txt_pause5, txt_pause5_rect = makefont(
                "QUIT", 5, (int(scr_width / 2), int(scr_height * 0.7)), factor)

            while paused and global_running and running:
                # Clock
                t0 = t
                t = pg.time.get_ticks() / 1000
                dt = t - t0

                pause_clock += dt
                # Add second picture to fill up empty space
                if rel_y >= (skyloop_img.get_size()[1] - scr_height
                             ) and y_skytospace < scr_height and running:
                    scr.blit(skyloop_img, skyloop_rect2)
                if rel_y >= (spaceloop_img.get_size()[1] - scr_height
                             ) and y_skytospace > scr_height and running:
                    scr.blit(spaceloop_img, spaceloop_rect2)

                if y_skytospace < scr_height and running:
                    scr.blit(skyloop_img, skyloop_rect1)
                if in_space:
                    scr.blit(spaceloop_img, spaceloop_rect1)
                if y >= 100 and y_skytospace < skytospace_img.get_size(
                )[1] * 2:  # transition from sky to space
                    skytospace_rect.center = (
                        int(y_skytospace - skytospace_img.get_size()[1] / 2))
                    scr.blit(skytospace_img, skytospace_rect)

                if y_launchpad <= launchpad_img.get_size(
                )[1] * 2:  # only shows during launch
                    launchpad_rect.center = (int(x_launchpad),
                    scr.blit(launchpad_img, launchpad_rect)
                if moon:
                    scr.blit(moon_img, moon_rect)

                # Altitude meter
                scr.blit(scr_txt1, scr_txt1_rect)
                scr.blit(scr_txt2, scr_txt2_rect)

                # Hearts / lives
                for j in range(number_lives):
                    heart_rects[j].center = (
                        int((scr_width / 15) +
                            j * heart_img.get_size()[0] * 1.5),
                        int(scr_height / 15))
                    scr.blit(heart_img, heart_rects[j])

                rocket1_rect.center = (int(x_rocket), int(y_rocket))
                scr.blit(rocket1_img, rocket1_rect)

                if t_local > 4:
                    flames_rect[0].center = (
                        int(y_rocket + factor * 20 +
                            rocket1_img.get_size()[1] / 2))
                    scr.blit(flames_img[0], flames_rect[0])

                if next_rocket != 7:
                    unlock_rect.center = (int(x_note),
                                          int(scr_height * 9 / 10))
                    scr.blit(unlock_img, unlock_rect)

                if bird_flying and t_local > 5:
                    bird1_rect.center = (int(x_bird), int(y_bird))
                    scr.blit(bird1_img, bird1_rect)

                if plane_flying:
                    plane_rect.center = (int(x_plane), int(y_plane))
                    scr.blit(plane_img, plane_rect)

                if sat_flying1:
                    sat_rect1.center = (int(x_sat1), int(y_sat1))
                    scr.blit(sat_img, sat_rect1)
                if sat_flying2:
                    sat_rect2.center = (int(x_sat2), int(y_sat2))
                    scr.blit(sat_img, sat_rect2)

                if asteroid_flying:
                    asteroid_rect.center = (int(x_asteroid), int(y_asteroid))
                    scr.blit(asteroid_img, asteroid_rect)

                scr.blit(backgroundpause_img, backgroundpause_rect)
                scr.blit(txt_pause1, txt_pause1_rect)
                scr.blit(txt_pause2, txt_pause2_rect)
                scr.blit(txt_pause3, txt_pause3_rect)
                scr.blit(txt_pause6, txt_pause6_rect)
                scr.blit(txt_pause4, txt_pause4_rect)
                scr.blit(txt_pause5, txt_pause5_rect)

                # Position pointer accordingly
                for num in range(1, 6):
                    if choice == num:
                        choice_position = int(scr_height * (0.45 + num * 0.05))
                pointer_rect.center = (int(scr_width / 3), choice_position)
                scr.blit(pointer_img, pointer_rect)

                keys = pg.key.get_pressed()
                if keys[pg.K_DOWN] and choice != 5 and not pressed:
                    choice += 1
                    pressed = True
                if keys[pg.K_UP] and choice != 1 and not pressed:
                    choice -= 1
                    pressed = True
                if not keys[pg.K_DOWN] and not keys[pg.K_UP]:
                    pressed = False
                if keys[pg.K_SPACE] and not chosen:
                    if choice == 1:
                        paused = False
                    if choice == 2:
                        play_again = True
                    if choice == 3:
                        choose_rocket = True
                    if choice == 4:
                        running = False
                    if choice == 5:
                        global_running = False
                    chosen = True
                if not keys[pg.K_SPACE]:
                    chosen = False

                if running and global_running:

                if play_again:
                    highscore = update_highscore(
                        y, highscore
                    )  # update again to make new rocket detection work
                    highscore, global_running, unlocked, to_rocket_menu, chosen = \
                        game_loop(highscore, global_running, unlocked, chosen, rocket_idx, rocket_imgs, scr, scr_width,
                                  scr_height, volume, factor)
                    running = False
                if choose_rocket:
                    to_rocket_menu = True
                    running = False

                for event in pg.event.get():
                    if event.type == pg.QUIT:
                        global_running = False
            if global_running and running:
        if not keys[pg.K_SPACE]:
            chosen = False

        # Integration of speeds and accelerations (up to a maximum)
        if 4 < t_local and y_rocket < scr_height - 32 * factor - (
                rocket1_img.get_size()[1] / 3.3):
            vy_rocket += ay_rocket * dt
            y_rocket += vy_rocket * dt
        elif vy_rocket > 0:
            vy_rocket -= ay_rocket * dt
            y_rocket += vy_rocket * dt
            vy_rocket = 0
        if vx_rocket < vx_rocket_lim and t_local > 6:
            vx_rocket += ax_rocket * dt
        if vy_skyloop < vy_skyloop_lim and t_local > 4:
            vy_skyloop += ay_skyloop * dt
        y_skyloop += vy_skyloop * dt

        # Check if the image has scrolled its own length, then let it loop again. Note: rel_y starts at zero and
        # continues from there again if it exceeds the image size (e.g. when the image fully leaves the screen)
        rel_y = (y_skyloop - y_skyloop0) % skyloop_img.get_size()[1]
        skyloop_rect1.center = (int(x_skyloop), int(rel_y + y_skyloop0))
        skyloop_rect2.center = (int(x_skyloop),
                                int(rel_y + y_skyloop0 -
        spaceloop_rect1.center = (int(x_skyloop), int(rel_y + y_skyloop0))
        spaceloop_rect2.center = (int(x_skyloop),
                                  int(rel_y + y_skyloop0 -

        # Draw screen
        # Add second picture to fill up empty space
        # Use skytospace transition to figure out if the images should be blitted. If skytospace is in the center of
        # the screen, it covers the whole screen.
        if rel_y >= (skyloop_img.get_size()[1] -
                     scr_height) and y_skytospace < scr_height and running:
            scr.blit(skyloop_img, skyloop_rect2)
        if rel_y >= (spaceloop_img.get_size()[1] -
                     scr_height) and y_skytospace > scr_height and running:
            scr.blit(spaceloop_img, spaceloop_rect2)

        if y_skytospace < scr_height and running:
            scr.blit(skyloop_img, skyloop_rect1)
        if in_space:
            scr.blit(spaceloop_img, spaceloop_rect1)
        if y >= 100 and y_skytospace < skytospace_img.get_size(
        )[1] * 2:  # transition from sky to space
            y_skytospace += vy_skyloop * dt  # y_skytospace is location of BOTTOM of image!
            skytospace_rect.center = (int(x_skyloop),
                                      int(y_skytospace -
                                          skytospace_img.get_size()[1] / 2))
            scr.blit(skytospace_img, skytospace_rect)
            if y_skytospace > skytospace_img.get_size()[1] - scr_height:
                in_space = True

        y_launchpad += vy_skyloop * dt
        if y_launchpad <= launchpad_img.get_size(
        )[1] * 2:  # only shows during launch
            launchpad_rect.center = (int(x_launchpad), int(y_launchpad))
            scr.blit(launchpad_img, launchpad_rect)

        if y > 384400 and moon_y < scr_height * 1.5:
            moon = True
            moon_y += 0.5 * vy_skyloop * dt
            moon_rect.center = (int(moon_x), int(moon_y))
            scr.blit(moon_img, moon_rect)
            moon = False

        if rocket_idx == 0 and running:
            if not collidecheck:
                if (check_timeout %
                        0.6) > 0.3:  # make rocket flicker to indicate timeout
                    for r in range(len(rocket0_imgs)):
                        rocket0_rects[r].center = (int(x_rocket),
                    animate(rocket0_imgs, rocket0_rects, 5, t, scr)
                    rocket1_rect.center = (int(x_rocket), int(y_rocket))
                for r in range(len(rocket0_imgs)):
                    rocket0_rects[r].center = (int(x_rocket), int(y_rocket))
                animate(rocket0_imgs, rocket0_rects, 5, t, scr)
                rocket1_rect.center = (int(x_rocket), int(y_rocket))
            if not collidecheck:
                if (check_timeout % 0.6) > 0.3:
                    rocket1_rect.center = (int(x_rocket), int(y_rocket))
                    scr.blit(rocket1_img, rocket1_rect)
                rocket1_rect.center = (int(x_rocket), int(y_rocket))
                scr.blit(rocket1_img, rocket1_rect)

        # Generate random obstacles. Range is amount of obstacles to be blitted.
        # Check if bird has left screen so that it doesn't disappear when a new bird appears (only 1 bird img available)
        if y_bird > random.uniform(
                1.15, 1.3
        ) * scr_height or -scr_width * 0.35 > x_bird or x_bird > scr_width * 1.35:
            y_bird, diff_vy_bird, x_bird, vx_bird, bird1_img, bird2_img, bird_flip = \
                get_bird_info(vy_skyloop, bird1_img, bird2_img, bird_flip, scr_width, scr_height, factor)
            if y > 5:  # check if too high to fly, check nested because bird should not suddenly disappear
                bird_flying = False
            t_birds = 0
        if y > 5 and not bird_flying:
            if y_plane > random.uniform(1.3, 2) * scr_height or - scr_width * random.uniform(3, 6) > x_plane or \
                    x_plane > scr_width * random.uniform(3, 6) or first_plane:
                plane_flying = True
                first_plane = False
                if y > 40 and change_plane:  # change airplane type. Dynamics stay the same
                    plane_img, plane_rect = makeimg(
                        "concorde.png", True,
                        factor)  # plane initially looks to left
                    plane_flip = False
                    change_plane = False
                y_plane, diff_vy_plane, x_plane, vx_plane, plane_img, plane_flip = \
                    get_plane_info(vy_skyloop, plane_img, plane_flip, scr_width, scr_height, factor)
                if y > 100:  # nested because otherwise a plane might disappear suddenly at y = 100
                    plane_flying = False
        if y > 100 and not plane_flying:  # check if satellites should fly
            if y_sat1 > random.uniform(1.2, 2) * scr_height or - scr_width * 0.11 > x_sat1 \
                    or x_sat1 > scr_width * 1.11 or first_sat1:
                sat_flying1 = True
                first_sat1 = False
                y_sat1, diff_vy_sat1, x_sat1, vx_sat1 = get_sat_info(
                    vy_skyloop, scr_width, scr_height, factor)
                if y > 35000:
                    sat_flying1 = False
            if y_sat2 > random.uniform(1.2, 2) * scr_height or - scr_width * 0.11 > x_sat2 \
                    or x_sat2 > scr_width * 1.11 or first_sat2:
                sat_flying2 = True
                first_sat2 = False
                y_sat2, diff_vy_sat2, x_sat2, vx_sat2 = get_sat_info(
                    vy_skyloop, scr_width, scr_height, factor)
                if y > 35000:
                    sat_flying2 = False

        if y > 35000 and not sat_flying1 and not sat_flying2:  # if asteroid should appear
            asteroid_flying = True
            if y_asteroid > random.uniform(1.2, 5) * scr_height or - scr_width * 0.15 > x_asteroid \
                    or x_asteroid > scr_width * 1.15:     # check if asteroid has left screen
                y_asteroid, diff_vy_asteroid, x_asteroid, vx_asteroid = get_asteroid_info(
                    vy_skyloop, scr_width, scr_height, factor)
                rand = random.randint(1, 4)
                asteroid_img, asteroid_rect = makeimg(
                    "asteroid" + str(rand) + ".png", True, factor)

        if bird_flying and t_local > 5:
            vy_bird = vy_skyloop / diff_vy_bird
            y_bird += vy_bird * dt
            x_bird += vx_bird * dt
            bird1_rect.center = (int(x_bird), int(y_bird))
            bird2_rect.center = (int(x_bird), int(y_bird))
            birds_img = [bird1_img, bird2_img]
            birds_rect = [bird1_rect, bird2_rect]
            animate(birds_img, birds_rect, 3, t, scr)
        if plane_flying:
            vy_plane = vy_skyloop / diff_vy_plane
            y_plane += vy_plane * dt
            x_plane += vx_plane * dt
            plane_rect.center = (int(x_plane), int(y_plane))
            scr.blit(plane_img, plane_rect)
        if asteroid_flying:
            vy_asteroid = vy_skyloop / diff_vy_asteroid
            y_asteroid += vy_asteroid * dt
            x_asteroid += vx_asteroid * dt
            asteroid_rect.center = (int(x_asteroid), int(y_asteroid))
            scr.blit(asteroid_img, asteroid_rect)
        if sat_flying1:
            vy_sat1 = vy_skyloop / diff_vy_sat1
            y_sat1 += vy_sat1 * dt
            x_sat1 += vx_sat1 * dt
            sat_rect1.center = (int(x_sat1), int(y_sat1))
            scr.blit(sat_img, sat_rect1)
        if sat_flying2:
            vy_sat2 = vy_skyloop / diff_vy_sat2
            y_sat2 += vy_sat2 * dt
            x_sat2 += vx_sat2 * dt
            sat_rect2.center = (int(x_sat2), int(y_sat2))
            scr.blit(sat_img, sat_rect2)

        # Fume animation
        for j in flames_rect:
            j.center = (int(x_rocket),
                        int(y_rocket + factor * 20 +
                            rocket1_img.get_size()[1] / 2))
        if t_local > 4:
            if not collidecheck:
                if (check_timeout % 0.6) > 0.3:
                    animate(flames_img, flames_rect, 15, t, scr)
                animate(flames_img, flames_rect, 15, t, scr)

        # Altitude meter
        if t_local > 4:
            aa += aa_lst[rocket_idx] * dt
        y = ((((y_skyloop - y_skyloop0) / factor) + aa**(1 + t_local / 100))**
             1.2) * altscale[rocket_idx] / 15000
        scr_txt1, scr_txt1_rect = makefont("ALTITUDE", 5, (0, 0), factor)
        scr_txt1_rect.center = (int((scr_width * 14 / 15) -
                                    scr_txt1.get_size()[0] / 2),
                                int(scr_height / 15))
        scr_txt2, scr_txt2_rect = makefont(f"{y:,.2f} KM", 5, (0, 0), factor)
        scr_txt2_rect.center = (int((scr_width * 14 / 15) -
                                    scr_txt2.get_size()[0] / 2),
                                int(scr_height / 10))
        scr.blit(scr_txt1, scr_txt1_rect)
        scr.blit(scr_txt2, scr_txt2_rect)

        # Hearts / lives
        for j in range(number_lives):
            heart_rects[j].center = (int((scr_width / 15) +
                                         j * heart_img.get_size()[0] * 1.5),
                                     int(scr_height / 15))
            scr.blit(heart_img, heart_rects[j])

        # Check if altitude is above the next milestone
        if next_rocket != 7 and running:
            if y > milestones[next_rocket] and t_check < unlock_note:
                t_check += dt
                if t_check < 0.45:
                    v_note += a_note * dt
                elif 0.45 < t_check < 0.9:
                    v_note -= a_note * dt
                elif unlock_note - 0.9 < t_check < unlock_note - 0.45:
                    v_note -= a_note * dt
                elif t_check > unlock_note - 0.45:
                    v_note += a_note * dt
                    v_note = 0
                x_note -= v_note * dt
                unlock_rect.center = (int(x_note), int(scr_height * 9 / 10))
                scr.blit(unlock_img, unlock_rect)
            if t_check > unlock_note:
                next_rocket += 1
                t_check = 0
                x_note = scr_width + unlock_img.get_size()[0]

        # Update screen
        if running and global_running:

        if not collidecheck:
            check_timeout += dt
            if check_timeout >= timeout:
                check_timeout = 0
                collidecheck = True

        # Check collisions
        if (rocket1_rect.colliderect(asteroid_rect)
                or rocket1_rect.colliderect(bird1_rect)
                or rocket1_rect.colliderect(plane_rect)
                or rocket1_rect.colliderect(sat_rect1)
                or rocket1_rect.colliderect(sat_rect2)) and check_timeout == 0:
            number_lives -= 1
            if number_lives != 0:
            collidecheck = False
        if (rocket1_rect.colliderect(asteroid_rect)
                or rocket1_rect.colliderect(bird1_rect)
                or rocket1_rect.colliderect(plane_rect)
                or rocket1_rect.colliderect(sat_rect1)
                or rocket1_rect.colliderect(sat_rect2)
            ) and number_lives == 0 and check_timeout == 0:
                get_folder_file("Music", "game_over_music3.ogg"))
            for k in exps_rect1:
                k.center = (int(x_rocket + rocket1_img.get_size()[0] / 5),
            for n in exps_rect2:
                n.center = (int(x_rocket - rocket1_img.get_size()[0] / 2),
                            int(y_rocket - rocket1_img.get_size()[1]))
            for m in exps_rect3:
                m.center = (int(x_rocket - rocket1_img.get_size()[0]),
                            int(y_rocket + rocket1_img.get_size()[1] / 1.5))
            for p in expsw_rect1:
                p.center = (int(x_rocket + rocket1_img.get_size()[0] / 3),
                            int(y_rocket - rocket1_img.get_size()[1] / 3))
            for z in expsw_rect2:
                z.center = (int(x_rocket + rocket1_img.get_size()[0]),
                            int(y_rocket + rocket1_img.get_size()[1]))

            t00 = t

            play_again = False
            rocket_choose = False

            # Pointer properties
            choice = 1
            choice_position = int(scr_height * 0.5)

            # Screen fade. alpha1 is fade out for game play, alpha2 is fade in for menu
            alpha1 = 0  # transparency; 0 is transparent, 255 is opaque
            fade_time1 = 0
            alpha2 = 255
            fade_time2 = 0
            while running and global_running:
                # Clock
                t0 = t
                t = ((pg.time.get_ticks()) / 1000) - t00
                dt = t - t0

                # add second picture to fill empty space
                if rel_y >= (skyloop_img.get_size()[1] - scr_height
                             ) and y_skytospace < scr_height and running:
                    scr.blit(skyloop_img, skyloop_rect2)
                if rel_y >= (spaceloop_img.get_size()[1] - scr_height
                             ) and y_skytospace > scr_height and running:
                    scr.blit(spaceloop_img, spaceloop_rect2)

                if y_skytospace < scr_height and running:
                    scr.blit(skyloop_img, skyloop_rect1)
                if in_space:
                    scr.blit(spaceloop_img, spaceloop_rect1)
                if y >= 100 and y_skytospace < skytospace_img.get_size(
                )[1] * 2:  # transition from sky to space
                    skytospace_rect.center = (
                        int(y_skytospace - skytospace_img.get_size()[1] / 2))
                    scr.blit(skytospace_img, skytospace_rect)

                if y_launchpad <= launchpad_img.get_size(
                )[1] * 2:  # only shows during launch
                    launchpad_rect.center = (int(x_launchpad),
                    scr.blit(launchpad_img, launchpad_rect)

                if moon:
                    scr.blit(moon_img, moon_rect)

                if bird_flying and t_local > 5:
                    scr.blit(bird1_img, bird1_rect)
                if plane_flying:
                    scr.blit(plane_img, plane_rect)
                if asteroid_flying:
                    scr.blit(asteroid_img, asteroid_rect)
                if sat_flying1:
                    scr.blit(sat_img, sat_rect1)
                if sat_flying2:
                    scr.blit(sat_img, sat_rect2)
                scr.blit(scr_txt1, scr_txt1_rect)
                scr.blit(scr_txt2, scr_txt2_rect)
                ani_duration = (len(exps_img)) / 20
                if t < 2 * ani_duration:
                    animate(exps_img, exps_rect1, 20, t, scr)
                if (ani_duration / 5) < t < (
                    (ani_duration / 5) + 2 * ani_duration):
                    t = t - (ani_duration / 5)
                    animate(expsw_img, expsw_rect1, 20, t, scr)
                    t = (pg.time.get_ticks() / 1000) - t00
                if (2 * (ani_duration / 5)) < t < (
                    (2 * ani_duration / 5) + 2 * ani_duration):
                    t = t - 2 * ani_duration / 5
                    animate(exps_img, exps_rect3, 20, t, scr)
                    t = (pg.time.get_ticks() / 1000) - t00
                if (3 * (ani_duration / 5)) < t < (
                    (3 * ani_duration / 5) + 2 * ani_duration):
                    t = t - 3 * ani_duration / 5
                    animate(expsw_img, expsw_rect2, 20, t, scr)
                    t = (pg.time.get_ticks() / 1000) - t00
                if (4 * (ani_duration / 5)) < t < (
                    (4 * ani_duration / 5) + 2 * ani_duration):
                    t = t - 4 * ani_duration / 5
                    animate(exps_img, exps_rect2, 20, t, scr)
                    t = (pg.time.get_ticks() / 1000) - t00

                if t > ani_duration:
                    fade_time1 += dt
                    if fade_time1 > 4 / 255:  # fade is 2 seconds
                        alpha1 += 2
                        fade_time1 = 0
                    fade = pg.Surface((scr_width, scr_height))
                    fade.fill((0, 0, 0))
                    fade_rect = fade.get_rect()
                    fade_rect.center = (int(scr_width / 2),
                                        int(scr_height / 2))
                    scr.blit(fade, fade_rect)

                    if alpha1 > 255:
                        # Blit text
                        scr_txt1, scr_txt1_rect = makefont(
                            "YOU'RE OUT!", 10,
                            (int(scr_width / 2), int(scr_height * 0.3)),
                        scr.blit(scr_txt1, scr_txt1_rect)
                        scr_txt2, scr_txt2_rect = makefont(
                            "PLAY AGAIN", 5,
                            (int(scr_width / 2), int(scr_height * 0.5)),
                        scr.blit(scr_txt2, scr_txt2_rect)
                        txt_choose_rocket, txt_choose_rocket_rect = makefont(
                            "CHOOSE ROCKET", 5,
                            (int(scr_width / 2), int(scr_height * 0.55)),
                        scr.blit(txt_choose_rocket, txt_choose_rocket_rect)
                        scr_txt3, scr_txt3_rect = makefont(
                            "MAIN MENU", 5,
                            (int(scr_width / 2), int(scr_height * 0.6)),
                        scr.blit(scr_txt3, scr_txt3_rect)
                        scr_txt4, scr_txt4_rect = makefont(
                            "QUIT", 5,
                            (int(scr_width / 2), int(scr_height * 0.65)),
                        scr.blit(scr_txt4, scr_txt4_rect)
                        txt_final_score, txt_final_score_rect = \
                            makefont(f"YOU REACHED {y:,.2f} KM.", 4, (int(scr_width / 2), int(scr_height * 0.38)),
                        scr.blit(txt_final_score, txt_final_score_rect)

                        # Position pointer accordingly
                        if choice == 1:  # Play again
                            choice_position = int(scr_height * 0.5)
                        if choice == 2:  # Choose rocket
                            choice_position = int(scr_height * 0.55)
                        if choice == 3:  # main menu
                            choice_position = int(scr_height * 0.6)
                        if choice == 4:  # quit
                            choice_position = int(scr_height * 0.65)
                        pointer_rect.center = (int(scr_width / 3),
                        scr.blit(pointer_img, pointer_rect)

                        keys = pg.key.get_pressed()
                        if keys[pg.K_DOWN] and choice != 4 and not pressed:
                            choice += 1
                            pressed = True
                        if keys[pg.K_UP] and choice != 1 and not pressed:
                            choice -= 1
                            pressed = True
                        if not keys[pg.K_DOWN] and not keys[pg.K_UP]:
                            pressed = False
                        if keys[pg.K_SPACE] and not chosen:
                            if choice == 1:
                                play_again = True
                            if choice == 2:
                                rocket_choose = True
                            if choice == 3:
                                running = False
                            if choice == 4:
                                global_running = False
                            chosen = True
                        if not keys[pg.K_SPACE]:
                            chosen = False

                        fade_time2 += dt
                        if fade_time2 > 4 / 255 and alpha2 > 0:  # make sure it stays positive
                            alpha2 -= 2
                            fade_time2 = 0
                        scr.blit(fade, fade_rect)

                if running and global_running:

                # Event handling
                if play_again:
                    highscore, global_running, unlocked, to_rocket_menu, chosen = \
                        game_loop(highscore, global_running, unlocked, chosen, rocket_idx, rocket_imgs, scr, scr_width,
                                  scr_height, volume, factor)
                    running = False
                if rocket_choose:
                    to_rocket_menu = True
                    running = False

                for event in pg.event.get():
                    if event.type == pg.QUIT:
                        global_running = False

        # Event handling
        for event in pg.event.get():
            if event.type == pg.QUIT:
                global_running = False
        # always update highscore if game_loop is left
        if not running or not global_running:
            highscore = update_highscore(y, highscore)

    return highscore, global_running, unlocked, to_rocket_menu, chosen
def settings_menu(highscore, unlocked, global_running, chosen, rocket_idx,
                  rocket_rects_locked, rocket_imgs_locked, rocket_imgs,
                  rocket_rects, scr, scr_width, scr_height, volume, factor):
    running = True
    load_images = False
    reset_scr = False
    pressed = False
    pressed2 = False
    choice = 1
    choice_position = int(scr_height * 0.5)
    reset_choice = 2

    # also load images here to avoid referencing before assignment
    background_img, background_rect = makeimg("main_menu.png", False, factor)
    background_rect.center = (int(scr_width), int(scr_height / 2))
    pointer_img, pointer_rect = makeimg("pointer.png", True, factor)
    arrowright_img, arrowright_rect = makeimg("pointer.png", True, factor)
    arrowright2_rect = arrowright_img.get_rect()
    arrowright_rect.center = (int(scr_width / 2 + 100 * factor),
                              int(scr_height * 0.5))
    arrowright2_rect.center = (int(scr_width / 2 + 100 * factor),
                               int(scr_height * 0.6))
    arrowleft_img = pg.transform.flip(arrowright_img, True, False)
    arrowleft_rect = arrowleft_img.get_rect()
    arrowleft2_rect = arrowleft_img.get_rect()
    arrowleft_rect.center = (int(scr_width / 2), int(scr_height * 0.5))
    arrowleft2_rect.center = (int(scr_width / 2), int(scr_height * 0.6))
    scr_txt1, scr_txt1_rect = makefont(
        "SETTINGS", 10, (int(scr_width / 2), int(scr_height * 0.3)), factor)
    scr_txt2, scr_txt2_rect = makefont(
        "RESOLUTION", 5, (int(scr_width / 3), int(scr_height * 0.5)), factor)
    scr_txt3, scr_txt3_rect = makefont(
        "MAIN MENU", 5, (int(scr_width / 3), int(scr_height * 0.8)), factor)
    scr_txt5, scr_txt5_rect = makefont(
        "AUDIO VOLUME", 5, (int(scr_width / 3), int(scr_height * 0.6)), factor)
    scr_txt4, scr_txt4_rect = makefont(
        "RESET PROGRESS", 5, (int(scr_width / 3), int(scr_height * 0.7)),

    font = pg.font.Font(main_font, factor * 5)

    reso_lst = []
    for q in range(1, 7):
                str(original_width * q) + " X " + str(original_height * q),
                False, (255, 255, 255)))
    reso1_rect = reso_lst[0].get_rect()
    reso1_rect.center = (int(scr_width / 2 + 50 * factor),
                         int(scr_height * 0.5))

    vol_lst = []
    for j in range(0, 11):
        vol_lst.append(font.render(str(j * 10) + " %", False, (255, 255, 255)))
    vol1_rect = vol_lst[0].get_rect()
    vol1_rect.center = (int(scr_width / 2 + 50 * factor),
                        int(scr_height * 0.6))

    while running and global_running:
        if load_images:  # reload images if screen size is changed
            scr_width = original_width * factor
            scr_height = original_height * factor
            reso = (scr_width, scr_height)
            scr = pg.display.set_mode(reso)

            background_img, background_rect = makeimg("main_menu.png", False,
            background_rect.center = (int(scr_width), int(scr_height / 2))
            pointer_img, pointer_rect = makeimg("pointer.png", True, factor)
            arrowright_img, arrowright_rect = makeimg("pointer.png", True,
            arrowright2_rect = arrowright_img.get_rect()
            arrowright_rect.center = (int(scr_width / 2 + 100 * factor),
                                      int(scr_height * 0.5))
            arrowright2_rect.center = (int(scr_width / 2 + 100 * factor),
                                       int(scr_height * 0.6))
            arrowleft_img = pg.transform.flip(arrowright_img, True, False)
            arrowleft_rect = arrowleft_img.get_rect()
            arrowleft2_rect = arrowleft_img.get_rect()
            arrowleft_rect.center = (int(scr_width / 2), int(scr_height * 0.5))
            arrowleft2_rect.center = (int(scr_width / 2),
                                      int(scr_height * 0.6))
            scr_txt1, scr_txt1_rect = makefont(
                "SETTINGS", 10, (int(scr_width / 2), int(scr_height * 0.3)),
            scr_txt2, scr_txt2_rect = makefont(
                "RESOLUTION", 5, (int(scr_width / 3), int(scr_height * 0.5)),
            scr_txt3, scr_txt3_rect = makefont(
                "MAIN MENU", 5, (int(scr_width / 3), int(scr_height * 0.8)),
            scr_txt5, scr_txt5_rect = makefont(
                "AUDIO VOLUME", 5, (int(scr_width / 3), int(scr_height * 0.6)),
            scr_txt4, scr_txt4_rect = makefont(
                "RESET PROGRESS", 5,
                (int(scr_width / 3), int(scr_height * 0.7)), factor)

            font = pg.font.Font(main_font, factor * 5)

            reso_lst = []
            for q in range(1, 7):
                        str(original_width * q) + " X " +
                        str(original_height * q), False, (255, 255, 255)))
            reso1_rect = reso_lst[0].get_rect()
            reso1_rect.center = (int(scr_width / 2 + 50 * factor),
                                 int(scr_height * 0.5))

            vol_lst = []
            for j in range(0, 11):
                    font.render(str(j * 10) + " %", False, (255, 255, 255)))
            vol1_rect = vol_lst[0].get_rect()
            vol1_rect.center = (int(scr_width / 2 + 50 * factor),
                                int(scr_height * 0.6))

            rocket_imgs = []
            rocket_rects = []
            rocket_imgs_locked = []
            rocket_rects_locked = []
            for q in range(len(rocket_names)):
                temp_rocketimg, temp_rocketrect = makeimg(
                    rocket_names[q] + ".png", True, factor)
                temp_rocketlocked, temp_rocket_rectlocked = makeimg(
                    rocket_names[q] + "locked.png", True, factor)

            load_images = False

        if reset_scr:
            # Let the pointer start at 'no' for safety reasons
            question_img, question_rect = makefont(
                (int(scr_width / 2), int(scr_height * 0.4)), factor)
            yes_img, yes_rect = makefont(
                "YES", 5, (int(scr_width / 2), int(scr_height * 0.5)), factor)
            no_img, no_rect = makefont(
                "NO", 5, (int(scr_width / 2), int(scr_height * 0.55)), factor)

            scr.blit(background_img, background_rect)
            scr.blit(question_img, question_rect)
            scr.blit(yes_img, yes_rect)
            scr.blit(no_img, no_rect)

            if reset_choice == 1:  # Yes
                choice_position = int(scr_height * 0.5)
            if reset_choice == 2:  # No
                choice_position = int(scr_height * 0.55)
            pointer_rect.center = (int(scr_width / 6), choice_position)
            scr.blit(pointer_img, pointer_rect)

            keys = pg.key.get_pressed()
            if keys[pg.K_DOWN] and reset_choice != 2 and not pressed:
                reset_choice += 1
                pressed = True
            if keys[pg.K_UP] and reset_choice != 1 and not pressed:
                reset_choice -= 1
                pressed = True
            if not keys[pg.K_DOWN] and not keys[pg.K_UP]:
                pressed = False
            if keys[pg.K_SPACE] and reset_choice == 1 and not chosen:
                reset_scr = False
                txt = open(get_folder_file("Text", "highscore.txt"), "w")
                highscore = 0
                if highscore >= milestones[rocket_idx]:
                    unlocked = True
                    unlocked = False
                chosen = True
                reset_choice = 2
            if keys[pg.K_SPACE] and reset_choice == 2 and not chosen:
                reset_scr = False
                chosen = True
            if not keys[pg.K_SPACE]:
                chosen = False

            scr.blit(background_img, background_rect)
            scr.blit(scr_txt1, scr_txt1_rect)
            scr.blit(scr_txt2, scr_txt2_rect)
            scr.blit(scr_txt3, scr_txt3_rect)
            scr.blit(scr_txt4, scr_txt4_rect)
            scr.blit(arrowleft_img, arrowleft_rect)
            scr.blit(arrowright_img, arrowright_rect)
            scr.blit(reso_lst[factor - 1], reso1_rect)
            scr.blit(arrowleft_img, arrowleft2_rect)
            scr.blit(arrowright_img, arrowright2_rect)
            scr.blit(vol_lst[round(volume / 10)], vol1_rect)
            scr.blit(scr_txt5, scr_txt5_rect)

            # Position pointer accordingly
            if choice == 1:  # Resolution
                choice_position = int(scr_height * 0.5)
            if choice == 2:  # Volume
                choice_position = int(scr_height * 0.6)
            if choice == 3:  # Main menu
                choice_position = int(scr_height * 0.7)
            if choice == 4:  # Reset highscore
                choice_position = int(scr_height * 0.8)
            pointer_rect.center = (int(scr_width / 6), choice_position)
            scr.blit(pointer_img, pointer_rect)

            keys = pg.key.get_pressed()
            if keys[pg.K_DOWN] and choice != 4 and not pressed:
                choice += 1
                pressed = True
            if keys[pg.K_UP] and choice != 1 and not pressed:
                choice -= 1
                pressed = True
            if not keys[pg.K_DOWN] and not keys[pg.K_UP]:
                pressed = False
            if keys[pg.K_SPACE] and choice == 4 and not chosen:
                running = False
                chosen = True
            if keys[pg.K_SPACE] and choice == 3 and not chosen:
                reset_scr = True
                chosen = True
            if not keys[pg.K_SPACE]:
                chosen = False

            if choice == 1 and keys[pg.K_LEFT] and not pressed2:  # resolution
                if factor == 1:
                    factor -= 1
                    load_images = True
                pressed2 = True
            if choice == 1 and keys[pg.K_RIGHT] and not pressed2:  # resolution
                if factor == 6:
                    factor += 1
                    load_images = True
                pressed2 = True
            if choice == 2 and keys[pg.K_LEFT] and not pressed2:  # volume
                if volume == 0:
                    volume -= 10
                pressed2 = True
            if choice == 2 and keys[pg.K_RIGHT] and not pressed2:  # volume
                if volume == 100:
                    volume += 10
                pressed2 = True
            if not keys[pg.K_RIGHT] and not keys[pg.K_LEFT]:
                pressed2 = False

        if running and global_running:
        pg.mixer.music.set_volume(volume / 100)
        channel_3.set_volume(volume / 100)
        channel_2.set_volume(volume / 100)
        channel_1.set_volume(volume / 100)
        for event in pg.event.get():
            if event.type == pg.QUIT:
                global_running = False
    return highscore, unlocked, global_running, chosen, rocket_rects_locked, rocket_imgs_locked, rocket_imgs, \
        rocket_rects, scr, scr_width, scr_height, volume, factor
Ejemplo n.º 4
def rocket_menu(highscore, unlocked, global_running, chosen, rocket_idx,
                rocket_rects_locked, rocket_imgs_locked, rocket_imgs,
                rocket_rects, scr, scr_width, scr_height, volume, factor):
    running = True

    launchpad_img, launchpad_rect = makeimg("launchsite.png", False, factor)
    x_launchpad = int(scr_width / 2)
    y_launchpad0 = int(scr_height - (launchpad_img.get_size()[1] / 2))
    launchpad_rect.center = (x_launchpad, y_launchpad0)
    arrowright_img, arrowright_rect = makeimg("pointer.png", True, factor)
    arrowright_rect.center = (int(scr_width * 0.65 + scr_width / 3.5),
                              int(scr_height / 2))
    arrowleft_img = pg.transform.flip(arrowright_img, True, False)
    arrowleft_rect = arrowleft_img.get_rect()
    arrowleft_rect.center = (int(scr_width * 0.65 - scr_width / 3.5),
                             int(scr_height / 2))
    pointer_img, pointer_rect = makeimg("pointer.png", True, factor)
    heart_img, dummyheartrect = makeimg(
        "heart.png", True,
        factor)  # rect is dummy since amount of hearts will vary
    lock_img, lock_rect = makeimg("lock.png", True, factor)
    lock_rect.center = (int(scr_width / 7),
                        int(scr_height - 34 * factor - (20 * factor)))
    textbox_img, textbox_rect = makeimg("descriptiontextbox.png", True, factor)
    textbox_rect.center = (int(scr_width / 2), int(scr_height * 3 / 20))

    scr_txt1, scr_txt1_rect = makefont(
        "MAIN MENU", 7, (int(scr_width * 0.65), int(scr_height / 1.35)),
    scr_txt4, scr_txt4_rect = makefont(
        "LAUNCH", 7, (int(scr_width * 0.65), int(scr_height / 1.5)), factor)
    txt_locked1, txt_locked1_rect = makefont(
        "LOCKED", 10, (int(scr_width * 0.65), int(scr_height / 2)), factor)

    choice = 1
    new_choice = False
    to_menu = False
    pressed = False
    pressed2 = False
    play_game = False
    choice_position = (0, 0)

    # also put info here to avoid referencing before assignment
    x_rocket = int(scr_width / 7)
    y_rocket = int(scr_height - 32 * factor -
                   (rocket_imgs[rocket_idx].get_size()[1] / 2))
    rocket_rects[rocket_idx].center = (x_rocket, y_rocket)
    rocket_rects_locked[rocket_idx].center = (x_rocket, y_rocket)

    scr_txt3, scr_txt3_rect = makefont(
        rocket_names[rocket_idx].upper(), 10,
        (int(scr_width * 0.65), int(scr_height / 2)), factor)

    # read rocket explanations from texts
    font = pg.font.Font(main_font, factor * 5)
    f = open(get_folder_file("Text", rocket_names[rocket_idx] + ".txt"), "r")
    lines = f.readlines()
    explain_txts = []
    explain_txts_rects = []
    j = 0
    for q in lines:
        explanation = q.strip()
            font.render(explanation.upper(), False, (255, 255, 255)))
        explain_txts_rects[j].center = (int(
            scr_width / 2), int(scr_height / 10 + j * scr_height / 20))
        j += 1

    txt_locked2, txt_locked2_rect = makefont(
        f"REACH {milestones[rocket_idx]:,.2f} KM TO UNLOCK.", 5,
        (int(scr_width / 2), int(scr_height / 10 + scr_height / 20)), factor)

    while running and global_running:

        if new_choice:
            x_rocket = int(scr_width / 7)
            y_rocket = int(scr_height - 32 * factor -
                           (rocket_imgs[rocket_idx].get_size()[1] / 2))
            rocket_rects[rocket_idx].center = (x_rocket, y_rocket)
            rocket_rects_locked[rocket_idx].center = (x_rocket, y_rocket)

            scr_txt3, scr_txt3_rect = makefont(
                rocket_names[rocket_idx].upper(), 10,
                (int(scr_width * 0.65), int(scr_height / 2)), factor)

            # read rocket explanations from texts
            font = pg.font.Font(main_font, factor * 5)
            f = open(
                get_folder_file("Text", rocket_names[rocket_idx] + ".txt"),
            lines = f.readlines()
            explain_txts = []
            explain_txts_rects = []
            j = 0
            for q in lines:
                explanation = q.strip()
                    font.render(explanation.upper(), False, (255, 255, 255)))
                explain_txts_rects[j].center = (int(
                    scr_width / 2), int(scr_height / 10 + j * scr_height / 20))
                j += 1

            txt_locked2, txt_locked2_rect = makefont(
                f"REACH {milestones[rocket_idx]:,.2f} KM TO UNLOCK.", 5,
                (int(scr_width / 2), int(scr_height / 10 + scr_height / 20)),

            new_choice = False

        if highscore >= milestones[rocket_idx]:
            unlocked = True
            unlocked = False

        scr.blit(launchpad_img, launchpad_rect)
        scr.blit(textbox_img, textbox_rect)
        if unlocked:
            scr.blit(rocket_imgs[rocket_idx], rocket_rects[rocket_idx])
            scr.blit(scr_txt3, scr_txt3_rect)
            for p in range(len(explain_txts)):
                scr.blit(explain_txts[p], explain_txts_rects[p])
            scr.blit(txt_locked1, txt_locked1_rect)
            scr.blit(txt_locked2, txt_locked2_rect)
            scr.blit(lock_img, lock_rect)
        scr.blit(arrowleft_img, arrowleft_rect)
        scr.blit(arrowright_img, arrowright_rect)
        scr.blit(scr_txt1, scr_txt1_rect)
        scr.blit(scr_txt4, scr_txt4_rect)

        # Position pointer accordingly
        if choice == 3:  # Main menu
            choice_position = (int(scr_width / 4), int(scr_height / 1.35))
        if choice == 2:  # Play game
            choice_position = (int(scr_width / 4), int(scr_height / 1.5))
        if choice == 1:  # Choose rocket
            choice_position = (int(scr_width / 4), int(scr_height / 2))
        pointer_rect.center = choice_position
        scr.blit(pointer_img, pointer_rect)

        keys = pg.key.get_pressed()
        if keys[pg.K_DOWN] and choice != 3 and not pressed:
            choice += 1
            pressed = True
        if keys[pg.K_UP] and choice != 1 and not pressed:
            choice -= 1
            pressed = True
        if not keys[pg.K_DOWN] and not keys[pg.K_UP]:
            pressed = False
        if keys[pg.K_SPACE] and choice == 3 and not chosen:
            to_menu = True
            chosen = True
        if keys[pg.K_SPACE] and choice == 2 and not chosen and unlocked:
            play_game = True
            chosen = True
        if keys[pg.K_SPACE] and choice == 2 and not chosen and not unlocked:
            chosen = True
        if not keys[pg.K_SPACE]:
            chosen = False

        # choose rocket
        if choice == 1 and keys[
                pg.K_LEFT] and rocket_idx != 0 and not pressed2:
            rocket_idx -= 1
            pressed2 = True
            new_choice = True
        if choice == 1 and keys[pg.K_RIGHT] and rocket_idx != (
                len(rocket_names) - 1) and not pressed2:
            rocket_idx += 1
            pressed2 = True
            new_choice = True
        if not keys[pg.K_RIGHT] and not keys[pg.K_LEFT]:
            pressed2 = False

        if play_game:
            # Screen scrolls when going to game_loop
            ax = 150 * factor
            vx = 0
            dx = 0
            t = pg.time.get_ticks() / 1000

            scr_txt6, scr_txt6_rect = makefont("MAIN MENU", 7, (0, 0), factor)
            scr_txt7, scr_txt7_rect = makefont("LAUNCH", 7, (0, 0), factor)
            scr_txt8, scr_txt8_rect = makefont(
                rocket_names[rocket_idx].upper(), 10, (0, 0), factor)
            scr_txt9, scr_txt9_rect = makefont("ALTITUDE", 5, (0, 0), factor)
            scr_txt10, scr_txt10_rect = makefont("0.00 KM", 5, (0, 0), factor)

            # read rocket explanations from texts
            font = pg.font.Font(main_font, factor * 5)
            f = open(
                get_folder_file("Text", rocket_names[rocket_idx] + ".txt"),
            lines = f.readlines()

            heart_rects = []
            number_lives = lives[rocket_idx]

            while vx >= 0 and global_running:
                # Clock
                t0 = t
                t = pg.time.get_ticks() / 1000
                dt = t - t0
                if dx < scr_width / 1.99:
                    vx += ax * dt
                    dx += vx * dt
                elif vx >= 0 and dx < scr_width:
                    vx -= ax * dt
                    dx += vx * dt
                    dx = scr_width
                    vx = -5

                scr.blit(launchpad_img, launchpad_rect)
                textbox_rect.center = (int(scr_width / 2 + dx),
                                       int(scr_height * 3 / 20))
                scr.blit(textbox_img, textbox_rect)
                arrowleft_rect.center = (int(scr_width * 0.65 -
                                             scr_width / 3.5 - dx),
                                         int(scr_height / 2))
                scr.blit(arrowleft_img, arrowleft_rect)
                arrowright_rect.center = (int(scr_width * 0.65 +
                                              scr_width / 3.5 - dx),
                                          int(scr_height / 2))
                scr.blit(arrowright_img, arrowright_rect)
                pointer_rect.center = (int(scr_width / 4 + dx),
                                       int(scr_height / 1.5))
                scr.blit(pointer_img, pointer_rect)
                scr_txt6_rect.center = (int(scr_width * 0.65 + dx),
                                        int(scr_height / 1.35))
                scr.blit(scr_txt6, scr_txt6_rect)
                scr_txt7_rect.center = (int(scr_width * 0.65 + dx),
                                        int(scr_height / 1.5))
                scr.blit(scr_txt7, scr_txt7_rect)
                scr.blit(rocket_imgs[rocket_idx], rocket_rects[rocket_idx])
                scr_txt8_rect.center = (int(scr_width * 0.65 - dx),
                                        int(scr_height / 2))
                scr.blit(scr_txt8, scr_txt8_rect)
                scr_txt9_rect.center = (int((scr_width - scr_width / 15) -
                                            scr_txt9.get_size()[0] / 2),
                                        int(scr_height / 15 - scr_width + dx))
                scr.blit(scr_txt9, scr_txt9_rect)
                scr_txt10_rect.center = (int((scr_width - scr_width / 15) -
                                             scr_txt10.get_size()[0] / 2),
                                         int(scr_height / 10 - scr_width + dx))
                scr.blit(scr_txt10, scr_txt10_rect)

                # Hearts / lives
                for j in range(number_lives):
                    heart_rects[j].center = (
                        int((scr_width / 15) +
                            j * heart_img.get_size()[0] * 1.5),
                        int(scr_height / 15 - scr_width + dx))
                    scr.blit(heart_img, heart_rects[j])

                explain_txts = []
                explain_txts_rects = []
                j = 0
                for q in lines:
                    explanation = q.strip()
                        font.render(explanation.upper(), False,
                                    (255, 255, 255)))
                    explain_txts_rects[j].center = (int(scr_width / 2 + dx),
                                                    int(scr_height / 10 +
                                                        j * scr_height / 20))
                    j += 1
                for k in range(len(explain_txts)):
                    scr.blit(explain_txts[k], explain_txts_rects[k])

                if running and global_running:
                for event in pg.event.get():
                    if event.type == pg.QUIT:
                        global_running = False
            if global_running:
                highscore, global_running, unlocked, running, chosen = \
                    game_loop(highscore, global_running, unlocked, chosen, rocket_idx, rocket_imgs, scr, scr_width,
                              scr_height, volume, factor)
            play_game = False
            arrowright_rect.center = (int(scr_width * 0.65 + scr_width / 3.5),
                                      int(scr_height / 2))
            arrowleft_rect.center = (int(scr_width * 0.65 - scr_width / 3.5),
                                     int(scr_height / 2))
            lock_rect.center = (int(scr_width / 7),
                                int(scr_height - 34 * factor - (20 * factor)))
            textbox_rect.center = (int(scr_width / 2),
                                   int(scr_height * 3 / 20))
            new_choice = True

            pg.mixer.music.load(get_folder_file("Music", "GAME_MENU.ogg"))

        if to_menu:
            # Screen scrolls when going to game_loop
            ax = 150 * factor
            vx = 0
            dx = 0
            t = pg.time.get_ticks() / 1000

            background_img, background_rect = makeimg("main_menu.png", False,

            scr_txt1, scr_txt1_rect = makefont("GOTTA CATCH E'LON", 10, (0, 0),
            scr_txt2, scr_txt2_rect = makefont("PLAY GAME", 5, (0, 0), factor)
            scr_txt3, scr_txt3_rect = makefont("QUIT", 5, (0, 0), factor)
            scr_txt4, scr_txt4_rect = makefont("SETTINGS", 5, (0, 0), factor)
            scr_txt6, scr_txt6_rect = makefont("MAIN MENU", 7, (0, 0), factor)
            scr_txt7, scr_txt7_rect = makefont("LAUNCH", 7, (0, 0), factor)
            scr_txt8, scr_txt8_rect = makefont(
                rocket_names[rocket_idx].upper(), 10, (0, 0), factor)
            txt_controls, txt_controls_rect = makefont(
                "CONTROLS", 5, (int(scr_width / 2), int(scr_height * 0.6)),
            txt_score1, txt_score1_rect = makefont("HIGHSCORE", 5, (0, 0),
            txt_score2, txt_score2_rect = makefont(f"{highscore:,.2f} KM", 5,
                                                   (0, 0), factor)
            txt_credits, txt_credits_rect = makefont("CREDITS", 5, (0, 0),

            pointer_rect2 = pointer_img.get_rect()

            # read rocket explanations from texts
            font = pg.font.Font(main_font, factor * 5)
            f = open(
                get_folder_file("Text", rocket_names[rocket_idx] + ".txt"),
            lines = f.readlines()

            while vx >= 0 and global_running and running:
                # Clock
                t0 = t
                t = pg.time.get_ticks() / 1000
                dt = t - t0
                if dx < scr_width / 1.99:
                    vx += ax * dt
                    dx += vx * dt
                elif vx >= 0 and dx < scr_width:
                    vx -= ax * dt
                    dx += vx * dt
                    dx = scr_width
                    vx = -5

                background_rect.center = (int(dx), int(scr_height / 2))
                scr.blit(background_img, background_rect)
                textbox_rect.center = (int(scr_width / 2 + dx),
                                       int(scr_height * 3 / 20))
                scr.blit(textbox_img, textbox_rect)
                scr_txt1_rect.center = (int(-scr_width / 2 + dx),
                                        int(scr_height * 0.3))
                scr.blit(scr_txt1, scr_txt1_rect)
                scr_txt2_rect.center = (int(-scr_width / 2 + dx),
                                        int(scr_height * 0.5))
                scr.blit(scr_txt2, scr_txt2_rect)
                scr_txt3_rect.center = (int(-scr_width / 2 + dx),
                                        int(scr_height * 0.7))
                scr.blit(scr_txt3, scr_txt3_rect)
                scr_txt4_rect.center = (int(-scr_width / 2 + dx),
                                        int(scr_height * 0.55))
                scr.blit(scr_txt4, scr_txt4_rect)
                pointer_rect.center = (int(scr_width / 3 - scr_width + dx),
                                       int(scr_height * 0.5))
                scr.blit(pointer_img, pointer_rect)
                arrowleft_rect.center = (int(scr_width * 0.65 -
                                             scr_width / 3.5 + dx),
                                         int(scr_height / 2))
                scr.blit(arrowleft_img, arrowleft_rect)
                arrowright_rect.center = (int(scr_width * 0.65 +
                                              scr_width / 3.5 + dx),
                                          int(scr_height / 2))
                scr.blit(arrowright_img, arrowright_rect)
                pointer_rect2.center = (int(scr_width / 4 + dx),
                                        int(scr_height / 1.35))
                scr.blit(pointer_img, pointer_rect2)
                scr_txt6_rect.center = (int(scr_width * 0.65 + dx),
                                        int(scr_height / 1.35))
                scr.blit(scr_txt6, scr_txt6_rect)
                scr_txt7_rect.center = (int(scr_width * 0.65 + dx),
                                        int(scr_height / 1.5))
                scr.blit(scr_txt7, scr_txt7_rect)
                txt_controls_rect.center = (int(-scr_width / 2 + dx),
                                            int(scr_height * 0.6))
                scr.blit(txt_controls, txt_controls_rect)
                txt_credits_rect.center = (int(-scr_width / 2 + dx),
                                           int(scr_height * 0.65))
                scr.blit(txt_credits, txt_credits_rect)

                if unlocked:
                    rocket_rects[rocket_idx].center = (int(x_rocket + dx),
                    scr.blit(rocket_imgs[rocket_idx], rocket_rects[rocket_idx])
                    scr_txt8_rect.center = (int(scr_width * 0.65 + dx),
                                            int(scr_height / 2))
                    scr.blit(scr_txt8, scr_txt8_rect)

                    explain_txts = []
                    explain_txts_rects = []
                    j = 0
                    for q in lines:
                        explanation = q.strip()
                            font.render(explanation.upper(), False,
                                        (255, 255, 255)))
                        explain_txts_rects[j].center = (
                            int(scr_width / 2 + dx),
                            int(scr_height / 10 + j * scr_height / 20))
                        j += 1
                    for k in range(len(explain_txts)):
                        scr.blit(explain_txts[k], explain_txts_rects[k])

                    rocket_rects_locked[rocket_idx].center = (int(x_rocket +
                    lock_rect.center = (int(scr_width / 7 + dx),
                                        int(scr_height - 34 * factor -
                                            (20 * factor)))
                    scr.blit(lock_img, lock_rect)
                    txt_locked1_rect.center = (int(scr_width * 0.65 + dx),
                                               int(scr_height / 2))
                    scr.blit(txt_locked1, txt_locked1_rect)
                    txt_locked2_rect.center = (int(scr_width / 2 + dx),
                                               int(scr_height / 10 +
                                                   scr_height / 20))
                    scr.blit(txt_locked2, txt_locked2_rect)
                txt_score1_rect.center = (int((-14 * scr_width / 15) +
                                              txt_score1.get_size()[0] / 2 +
                                              dx), int(scr_height / 15))
                txt_score2_rect.center = (int((-14 * scr_width / 15) +
                                              txt_score2.get_size()[0] / 2 +
                                              dx), int(scr_height / 10))
                scr.blit(txt_score1, txt_score1_rect)
                scr.blit(txt_score2, txt_score2_rect)

                if running and global_running:
                for event in pg.event.get():
                    if event.type == pg.QUIT:
                        global_running = False
            running = False

        if running and global_running:
        for event in pg.event.get():
            if event.type == pg.QUIT:
                global_running = False
    return highscore, unlocked, global_running, chosen, rocket_idx, rocket_rects_locked, rocket_imgs_locked, \
        rocket_imgs, rocket_rects
def credits_menu(global_running, chosen, scr, scr_width, scr_height, factor):
    running = True

    txt1, txt1rect = makefont(
        "GOTTA CATCH E'LON", 12,
        (int(scr_width / 2), int(scr_height * 1.25 / 10)), factor)
    txt2, txt2rect = makefont("PRODUCTION CREW", 7,
                              (int(scr_width / 2), int(scr_height * 2.5 / 10)),
    txt2_2, txt2_2rect = makefont(
        (int(scr_width / 2), int(scr_height * 3.1 / 10)), factor)
    txt2_3, txt2_3rect = makefont(
        "FRANK MEIJERING", 4, (int(scr_width / 2), int(scr_height * 3.4 / 10)),
    txt3, txt3rect = makefont("PROGRAMMING DIRECTOR", 7,
                              (int(scr_width / 2), int(scr_height * 4.2 / 10)),
    txt3_2, txt3_2rect = makefont(
        "FRANK MEIJERING", 4, (int(scr_width / 2), int(scr_height * 4.8 / 10)),
    txt4, txt4rect = makefont("VISUAL ARTS DIRECTOR", 7,
                              (int(scr_width / 2), int(scr_height * 5.6 / 10)),
    txt4_2, txt4_2rect = makefont(
        (int(scr_width / 2), int(scr_height * 6.2 / 10)), factor)
    txt5, txt5rect = makefont("MUSIC COMPOSER AND SOUND DESIGNER", 7,
                              (int(scr_width / 2), int(scr_height * 7 / 10)),
    txt5_2, txt5_2rect = makefont(
        "FRANK MEIJERING", 4, (int(scr_width / 2), int(scr_height * 7.6 / 10)),
    txt6, txt6rect = makefont("STORYBOARD AND GAME FLOW COORDINATOR", 7,
                              (int(scr_width / 2), int(scr_height * 8.4 / 10)),
    txt6_2, txt6_2rect = makefont(
        (int(scr_width / 2), int(scr_height * 9 / 10)), factor)

    while running and global_running:

        scr.fill((0, 0, 0))
        scr.blit(txt1, txt1rect)
        scr.blit(txt2, txt2rect)
        scr.blit(txt2_2, txt2_2rect)
        scr.blit(txt2_3, txt2_3rect)
        scr.blit(txt3, txt3rect)
        scr.blit(txt4, txt4rect)
        scr.blit(txt3_2, txt3_2rect)
        scr.blit(txt4_2, txt4_2rect)
        scr.blit(txt5, txt5rect)
        scr.blit(txt5_2, txt5_2rect)
        scr.blit(txt6, txt6rect)
        scr.blit(txt6_2, txt6_2rect)


        keys = pg.key.get_pressed()
        if keys[pg.K_SPACE] and not chosen:
            running = False
            chosen = True
        if not keys[pg.K_SPACE]:
            chosen = False

        for event in pg.event.get():
            if event.type == pg.QUIT:
                global_running = False
    return global_running, chosen
def controls_menu(global_running, chosen, scr, scr_width, scr_height, factor):
    running = True

    background_img, background_rect = makeimg("main_menu.png", False, factor)
    background_rect.center = (int(scr_width), int(scr_height / 2))
    pointer_img, pointer_rect = makeimg("pointer.png", True, factor)
    pointer_rect.center = (int(scr_width / 3), int(scr_height * 5 / 6))
    arrowkeys_img, arrowkeys_rect = makeimg("arrowkeys.png", True, factor)
    arrowkeys_rect.center = (int(scr_width * 15 / 20), int(scr_height * 1 / 4))
    spacebar_img, spacebar_rect = makeimg("spacebar.png", True, factor)
    spacebar_rect.center = (int(scr_width * 15 / 20),
                            int(scr_height * 18.5 / 32))

    txt_mainmenu, txt_mainmenu_rect = makefont(
        "MAIN MENU", 7, (int(scr_width / 2), int(scr_height * 5 / 6)), factor)
    txt_arrowkeys, txt_arrowkeys_rect = makefont(
        "ARROW KEYS", 9, (int(scr_width / 4), int(scr_height * 3 / 16)),
    txt_expl_arrowkeys1, txt_expl_arrowkeys1_rect = makefont(
        (int(scr_width / 4), int(scr_height * 8.5 / 32)), factor)
    txt_expl_arrowkeys2, txt_expl_arrowkeys2_rect = makefont(
        "STEER ROCKET", 5, (int(scr_width / 4), int(scr_height * 5 / 16)),
    txt_spacebar, txt_spacebar_rect = makefont(
        "SPACE BAR", 9, (int(scr_width / 4), int(scr_height * 1 / 2)), factor)
    txt_expl_spacebar1, txt_expl_spacebar1_rect = makefont(
        "SELECT", 5, (int(scr_width / 4), int(scr_height * 18.5 / 32)), factor)
    txt_expl_spacebar2, txt_expl_spacebar2_rect = makefont(
        "PAUSE GAME", 5, (int(scr_width / 4), int(scr_height * 10 / 16)),
    txt_expl_spacebar3, txt_expl_spacebar3_rect = makefont(
        "SKIP STORY", 5, (int(scr_width / 4), int(scr_height * 43 / 64)),

    while running and global_running:

        scr.blit(background_img, background_rect)
        scr.blit(pointer_img, pointer_rect)
        scr.blit(txt_mainmenu, txt_mainmenu_rect)
        scr.blit(arrowkeys_img, arrowkeys_rect)
        scr.blit(spacebar_img, spacebar_rect)
        scr.blit(txt_arrowkeys, txt_arrowkeys_rect)
        scr.blit(txt_spacebar, txt_spacebar_rect)
        scr.blit(txt_expl_arrowkeys1, txt_expl_arrowkeys1_rect)
        scr.blit(txt_expl_arrowkeys2, txt_expl_arrowkeys2_rect)
        scr.blit(txt_expl_spacebar1, txt_expl_spacebar1_rect)
        scr.blit(txt_expl_spacebar2, txt_expl_spacebar2_rect)
        scr.blit(txt_expl_spacebar3, txt_expl_spacebar3_rect)


        keys = pg.key.get_pressed()
        if keys[pg.K_SPACE] and not chosen:
            running = False
            chosen = True
        if not keys[pg.K_SPACE]:
            chosen = False

        for event in pg.event.get():
            if event.type == pg.QUIT:
                global_running = False
    return global_running, chosen