Ejemplo n.º 1
def make_room(width, height):
    global size, camera, zombie_pics, zombie
    size = (width, height)
    camera = gamebox.Camera(size[0] * CELLSIZE + 2 * EDGEBUFFER,
                            size[1] * CELLSIZE + 2 * EDGEBUFFER)
    zombie_pics = gamebox.load_sprite_sheet("Monster-zombie.png", 8, 7)
    zombie = gamebox.from_image(EDGEBUFFER + CELLSIZE / 2,
                                EDGEBUFFER + CELLSIZE / 2, zombie_pics[0])
    zombie.width = CELLSIZE
Ejemplo n.º 2
#   Health Meter
We plan on giving players three lives to get across the path of obstacles. Upon losing a life,
players will be sent back to the starting location. If they lose all three lives, they will
lose the game and we will indicate that visually.
#   Music/Sound Effects
This is another option we will be able to pursue, especially if we find a source file of the
original audio.

import pygame
import gamebox

camera = gamebox.Camera(442, 500)
background = gamebox.from_image(221, 250, 'background.png')
roadlines = gamebox.from_image(221, 405, 'road_lines.png')
roadlines2 = gamebox.from_image(221, 440, 'road_lines.png')
roadlines3 = gamebox.from_image(221, 370, 'road_lines.png')
roadlines4 = gamebox.from_image(221, 335, 'road_lines.png')
roadlines5 = gamebox.from_image(221, 300, 'road_lines.png')
show_splash = True
ticks = 0

def splash(keys):
    global show_splash
        gamebox.from_text(camera.x, camera.y - 150, "Frogger", "Arial", 40,
Ejemplo n.º 3
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

import pygame  # Gets the pygame library
import gamebox  # Gets the gamebox library
import random  # Imports the random library
This is a bricks like game made as an assignment for CS-1111 Game project. This project was done using the gamebox module developed by Professor Luther Tychonievich.
This is the section of the game that runs a simple bricks game.

width = 800  # This is the width of the screen
height = 600  # This is the height of the screen
camera = gamebox.Camera(width,
                        height)  # Sets the camera to view in these many pixels

walls = \
        gamebox.from_color(400, 600, "yellow", 1000, 20),       # This is the bottom wall on the screen
        gamebox.from_color(400, 0, "yellow", 1000, 20),         # This is the top wall on the screen

def bricks(keys):

    for wall in walls:  # For every wall in the game
        camera.draw(wall)  # Draws the wall for the game.

Ejemplo n.º 4
import pygame
import gamebox
camera = gamebox.Camera(800, 600)  # width, height of the window

box = gamebox.from_image(
    600, 200, "https://www.python.org/static/opengraph-icon-200x200.png")
walls = [
    gamebox.from_color(camera.x, camera.bottom, "black", 500, 50),
    gamebox.from_color(400, 200, "black", 50, 500),
    gamebox.from_color(80, 120, "black", 50, 50)
goal = gamebox.from_text(100, 400, 'goal', 'Arial', 20, 'blue')

def tick(keys):

    if pygame.K_RIGHT in keys:
        box.x += 10
    if pygame.K_LEFT in keys:
        box.x -= 10
    if pygame.K_UP in keys:
        box.y -= 10
    if pygame.K_DOWN in keys:
        box.y += 10

    for wall in walls:
        box.move_to_stop_overlapping(wall, -30, -30)

    for wall in walls:
Ejemplo n.º 5
#Overview: we will make an underwater/ocean themed game where the user plays a fish/turtle/mermaid and has to
#collect shells, and avoid being eaten by sharks

import pygame
import gamebox, sys
import random
import urllib, os.path
# if 'urlretrieve' not in dir(urllib):
#     from urllib.request import urlretrieve as _urlretrieve
# else:
#     _urlretrieve = urllib.urlretrieve
# pygame.init()

camera = gamebox.Camera(1024, 576)
score = 0
scoreboard = gamebox.from_text(750, 10, "SCORE:  " + str(score), "Arial", 20,
fish = gamebox.from_image(350, 300, 'f3.png')
underline = gamebox.from_color(350, 350, "black", 100, 20)

r1 = gamebox.from_image(100, 600, 'r1.png')
# gamebox.from_color(250, 600, 'black', 50, 100),
# gamebox.from_color(400, 600, 'black', 70, 30),
r2 = gamebox.from_image(600, 600, 'r2.png')

rocks = [r1, r2]
Ejemplo n.º 6
        scores.write(score + '\n')

def readScore():
    with open("highscores.txt", 'r') as scores:
        max = 0
        for line in scores:
            line = int(line)
            if line > max:
                max = int(line)
        return str(max)

# title and instruction screens
Width, Length = 800, 700
camera = gamebox.Camera(Width, Length)
imageLink = "https://virginia.box.com/shared/static/"  # used to shorten code in the future

# music
music = gamebox.load_sound(imageLink + "cb5aac92sf9r1zm9ztmb5vxu7g19s4pa")
musicplayer3 = music.play(-1)

# loading screens
splashscreen1 = gamebox.load_sprite_sheet(
    imageLink + "v661x3zpy4fge6wi8ubbinp3ey0r4495", 1, 16)
splashscreen1dummy = gamebox.from_color(camera.x, camera.y, 'black', 800, 700)
splashscreen2 = gamebox.load_sprite_sheet(
    imageLink + "g7wvy29g47qjgkrdobmiqctyuhxnjtil", 1, 16)
splashscreen2dummy = gamebox.from_color(camera.x, camera.y, 'black', 800, 700)

# conditions that control appearance of menus and other items
Ejemplo n.º 7
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

import pygame       # Gets the pygame library
import gamebox
import random       # Imports the random module

This is a Pong like game made as an assignment for CS-1111 Game Project. This project was done using the gamebox module developed by Professor Luther Tychonievich.
This is the classic Pong game - Try to score more than your opponent :-) 

width = 800     # This is the width of the screen
height = 600        # This is the height of the screen

camera = gamebox.Camera(width, height)      # This is the screen shown
number = random.randint(0, 4)       # A random number between 1-4 is chosen

p_width = 10        # The player width
p_height = 80       # The player heights
ball_velocity = 15      # The ball velocity
player_speed = 15       # The player speeds
red_score = 0       # The score for the red team
green_score = 0     # The score for the green team
game_on = False     # The game status
numberLimit = 10        # The limit of the game     <------------------- This is the max score of the game

walls = \
        gamebox.from_color(400, 600, "yellow", 1000, 20),       # This is the bottom wall on the screen
        gamebox.from_color(400, 0, "yellow", 1000, 20),         # This is the top wall on the screen
Ejemplo n.º 8
import pygame
import gamebox
camera = gamebox.Camera(200, 200)

ship = gamebox.from_image(
    100, 100, "http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~up3f/cs1111/images/spaceship.jpg")
# try different x,y coordinate  (notice the screen size (200, 200) above)

def tick(keys):

    if pygame.K_LEFT in keys:
        ship.x -= 5
    if pygame.K_RIGHT in keys:
        ship.x += 5
    if pygame.K_UP in keys:
        ship.y -= 5
    if pygame.K_DOWN in keys:
        ship.y += 5


gamebox.timer_loop(30, tick)
Ejemplo n.º 9
# Scrolling Level - The game will expand beyond the screen with new blocks and obstacles moving across the screen
# Multiple Levels - The game can have multiple levels with different obstacles
# Save Points - Allow users to return to beginning of level or to previous levels

# All file and source code can be found at https://github.com/thh4yj/CS1111FinalProject


import pygame
import gamebox

# set up display
pygame.display.set_caption("SANTA RUN!")
screen_width = 500
screen_height = 400
camera = gamebox.Camera(screen_width, screen_height)

# IMAGES - all are from www.gameart2d.com
# -------- images and sprites are copyright/royalty free and free to use!

# walking animation images
run_stages = ["Run (1).png", "Run (2).png", "Run (3).png", "Run (4).png", "Run (5).png", "Run (6).png",
              "Run (7).png", "Run (8).png", "Run (9).png", "Run (10).png", "Run (11).png"]

# sliding animation images
slide_stages = ["Slide (1).png", "Slide (2).png", "Slide (3).png", "Slide (4).png", "Slide (5).png", "Slide (6).png",
                "Slide (7).png", "Slide (8).png", "Slide (9).png", "Slide (10).png", "Slide (11).png"]

# jumping animation images
Ejemplo n.º 10
Archivo: game.py Proyecto: mjq4my/Games
#Michael Quinn mjq4my & Daniel Forsman dhf5qe
import pygame
import gamebox
import random

camera = gamebox.Camera(1200, 700)
shooter = gamebox.from_image(
    135, 350,
backgr = gamebox.from_image(
    600, 350,
start_pic = gamebox.from_image(
    600, 350,
intro = gamebox.from_text(camera.x, 100, "Welcome to Zombies", "Impact", 60,
instructions = gamebox.from_text(
    camera.x, 600,
    "Instructions: Press up and down to move, space to shoot. Defeat all three waves of zombies.",
    "Impact", 30, "white")
names = gamebox.from_text(camera.x, 170,
                          "Michael Quinn (mjq4my) & Daniel Forsman (dhf5qe)",
                          "Impact", 30, "white")
starting = gamebox.from_text(camera.x, 650, "Press s to start", "Impact", 40,
wave1 = gamebox.from_text(camera.x, 50, "WAVE 1", "Impact", 30, "red")
wave2 = gamebox.from_text(camera.x, 50, "WAVE 2", "Impact", 30, "red")
Ejemplo n.º 11
# Modified from example by Prof. Tychonievich

import pygame
import gamebox
camera = gamebox.Camera(300, 300)

character = gamebox.from_color(150, 150, 'brown', 10, 10)
things = [
    gamebox.from_color(150, 250, 'green', 200, 50),
    gamebox.from_color(220, 200, 'white', 20, 100),
    gamebox.from_color(80, 100, 'black', 80, 20),
moving = [
    gamebox.from_color(120, 150, 'red', 20, 20),
for thing in moving:
    thing.being_carried = False

def tick(keys):

    if pygame.K_LEFT in keys:
        character.x -= 5
    if pygame.K_RIGHT in keys:
        character.x += 5

    if pygame.K_UP in keys:
        for thing in things + moving:
            if character.bottom_touches(thing):
                character.speedy = -15
Ejemplo n.º 12
# Daniel Zarco - dz7as
# Andrew Carl - ac2mx
import pygame
import gamebox
import random

camera = gamebox.Camera(1300, 700)
game = 0
count = 0
t = 0
speed = 0
rotate = 0
p1_score = 100

plane1 = gamebox.from_image(400, 100, "http://i.imgur.com/Ay7WRQQ.png")
title_png = gamebox.from_image(650, 125, "http://i.imgur.com/HpLlOk5.png")
top_barrier = gamebox.from_color(650, -20, "red", 1300, 40)
bottom_barrier = gamebox.from_color(650, 720, "red", 1300, 40)
random_s = random.randrange(50, 650)
s = gamebox.from_image(1400, random_s, "http://i.imgur.com/ULNNSrE.png")
mama = gamebox.from_image(100, 350, "http://i.imgur.com/7CaRxO9.png")

stars = []
for y in range(0, 1301, 2):
        gamebox.from_color(random.randrange(0, 1305), y, 'white', 2, 2))

asteroids_20 = []
for y in range(0, 1100, 50):
        gamebox.from_image(random.randrange(200, 1450), y,
Ejemplo n.º 13
# Andrew Walsh, abw9yd, CS 1111, Fall 2016
import pygame
import gamebox
import random
screen_width = 1000
screen_length = 600
camera = gamebox.Camera(screen_width, screen_length)
counter_space = 0
counter_coins = 0
counter_enemy = 0
counter_side = 0
counter_air = 0
life = 500
heal = 0
# Keeps character facing the same directions
orientation = 'R'
sheet = gamebox.load_sprite_sheet('images2.png', 5, 8)
enemy_sheet = gamebox.load_sprite_sheet('flameskull.png', 4, 3)
coin_sheet = gamebox.load_sprite_sheet('coins.png', 4, 8)
arrow_sheet = gamebox.load_sprite_sheet('play_arrow.png', 2, 1)
inst_button_sheet = gamebox.load_sprite_sheet('inst_button.png', 2, 1)

character = gamebox.from_image(screen_width / 2, screen_length / 2,
enemies = [
    gamebox.from_image(random.randint(10, 990), 30, enemy_sheet[counter_enemy])
kills = 0

character_speed = 0
coins = []
Ejemplo n.º 14
# Very simple character movement example.
# Craig Dill (cd9au)
# When gamebox.timer_loop() method calls the tick method it sends a set of keys pressed to the keys parameter.
# pygame defines the keys with constants and these constants are used to test if particular key (combinations)
# are currently pressed by the user.
import pygame
import gamebox

camera = gamebox.Camera(800, 600)  # size of window
character = gamebox.from_color(camera.x, camera.y, "green", 10, 10)

def tick(keys):
    # Use pygame key definitions to detect user keyboard input.  Parameter keys can  have more than one key
    # if the decision statements below are converted into if elif, only one key is detected each tick, even though
    # multiple keys are pressed
    if pygame.K_RIGHT in keys:
        character.x += 1
    if pygame.K_LEFT in keys:
        character.x -= 1
    if pygame.K_UP in keys:
        character.y -= 1
    if pygame.K_DOWN in keys:
        character.y += 1

ticks_per_second = 30
pokemon2_1 = Pokemon(
    input("Player 2, what is your first Pokemon "
          "(This will be the first pokemon sent out during the battle)? "))
pokemon2_2 = Pokemon(input("What is your second Pokemon? "))
pokemon2_3 = Pokemon(input("What is your third Pokemon? "))
pokemon2_4 = Pokemon(input("What is your fourth Pokemon? "))
pokemon2_5 = Pokemon(input("What is your fifth Pokemon? "))
pokemon2_6 = Pokemon(input("What is your sixth Pokemon? "))

pokemon1_active = pokemon1_1
pokemon2_active = pokemon2_1

# ------ DISPLAY --------
#displays the initial pokemon sprites and health bars that are updated when changed
# ------ SMALL CAMERA ------
camera = gamebox.Camera(600, 450)
pokemon1_out = gamebox.from_image(
    150, 250, "Sprites/" + str(pokemon1_active.get_name()) + ".png")
pokemon2_out = gamebox.from_image(
    450, 50, "Sprites/" + str(pokemon2_active.get_name()) + ".png")
pokemon1_health = gamebox.from_color(
    150, 210, "green",
    pokemon2_active.get_battle_hp() / pokemon2_active.get_hp() * 100, 5)
pokemon2_health = gamebox.from_color(
    450, 15, "green",
    pokemon2_active.get_battle_hp() / pokemon2_active.get_hp() * 100, 5)
walls = [
    gamebox.from_color(298, 375, "black", 4, 150),
    gamebox.from_color(400, 300, "black", 800, 4)
player1_done = False
Ejemplo n.º 16
import pygame, gamebox

camera = gamebox.Camera(1400,600)

walkSheet = gamebox.load_sprite_sheet( "Rambo Walk.png", 1,4)
gunSheet = gamebox.load_sprite_sheet("Rambo Gun.png",1,4)
badTankSheet = gamebox.load_sprite_sheet('badTank.png',1,7)
uvaTankSheet = gamebox.load_sprite_sheet('UVATank.png',1,7)
vtVillanSheet = gamebox.load_sprite_sheet('vtBadGuy.png',1,4)
explosionSheet = gamebox.load_sprite_sheet('explosion.png',1,3)
flyRambo = gamebox.from_image(0,0,'flyRambo.png')
flySheet = gamebox.load_sprite_sheet('flySheet.png',1,4)
coverPic = gamebox.from_image(700,300,'CoverPic.png')

wallList = [ gamebox.from_color(3500,600,"black",8000,100),

weaponList = [gamebox.from_image(350,340,'MachineGun.png'),gamebox.from_image(10000,460,'unmannedTank.png'),

villanList = [gamebox.from_image(2500,468,vtVillanSheet[0]),gamebox.from_image(1500,468,vtVillanSheet[0]),
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def __init__(self, kind=1, start=None):
        """Robot() makes a robot in the corer of a square grid, as does Robot(1)
        Robot(2) makes a robot in the corer of a rectangular grid
        Robot(3) makes a robot randomly placed in a rectangular grid
        Robot(4) makes a robot randomly placed in a random mess of rooms
        xx xxx xx
        xxxx xxxx
        xxxx xxxx
        xx xxx xx
        xxx   xxx
        ''') makes a robot inside a smiley face
        All versions have an optional "start position" parameter; if given
        it should be an x,y coordinate, with (0,0) the top left corner
        with x increasing to right and y to bottom"""
        import pygame
        self.scale = 35
            self.scale = min(pygame.display.Info().current_w,
                             pygame.display.Info().current_h) // 24
        surf = pygame.surface.Surface((self.scale * 2, self.scale * 2),
                                      pygame.SRCALPHA, 32)
        pygame.draw.polygon(surf, (95, 47, 0), [(0, 0),
                                                (self.scale, self.scale),
                                                (0, self.scale * 2)])
        pygame.draw.polygon(surf, (191, 255, 0), [(0, 0),
                                                  (self.scale, self.scale),
                                                  (self.scale * 2, 0)])
        pygame.draw.polygon(surf, (63, 0, 63),
                            [(self.scale * 2, 0), (self.scale, self.scale),
                             (self.scale * 2, self.scale * 2)])
        pygame.draw.polygon(surf, (207, 191, 63),
                            [(0, self.scale * 2), (self.scale, self.scale),
                             (self.scale * 2, self.scale * 2)])
            surf, (191, 191, 191),
                self.scale // 4,
                self.scale // 4,
                6 * self.scale // 4,
                6 * self.scale // 4,
        self.room = gamebox.SpriteBox(0, 0, surf, None)
        self.door = gamebox.from_color(0, 0, (0, 127, 127), 1, 1)
        self.b = gamebox.from_circle(self.scale * 3, self.scale * 3, 'white',
                                     self.scale // 2, 'black',
                                     3 * self.scale // 8)
        self.eye = gamebox.from_circle(self.scale * 3, self.scale * 3, 'black',
                                       self.scale // 2, 'white',
                                       7 * self.scale // 16)
        self.pupil = gamebox.from_circle(self.scale * 3, self.scale * 3,
                                         'black', self.scale // 4)
        self.ok = True
        self.look = (0, 0)

        if kind == 1:
            # square, corner
            s = random.randrange(2, 10)
            self.open = {(a, b) for a in range(s) for b in range(s)}
            self.c = gamebox.Camera(self.scale * s * 2, self.scale * s * 2)
            if start not in self.open: start = (0, 0)
            self.b.center = (start[0] * 2 + 1) * self.scale, (start[1] * 2 +
                                                              1) * self.scale
        elif kind == 2:
            # rectangle, corner
            w, h = random.randrange(2, 10), random.randrange(2, 10)
            self.open = {(a, b) for a in range(w) for b in range(h)}
            self.c = gamebox.Camera(self.scale * w * 2, self.scale * h * 2)
            if start not in self.open: start = (0, 0)
            self.b.center = (start[0] * 2 + 1) * self.scale, (start[1] * 2 +
                                                              1) * self.scale
        elif kind == 3:
            # rectangle, not corner
            w, h = random.randrange(2, 10), random.randrange(2, 10)
            self.open = {(a, b) for a in range(w) for b in range(h)}
            self.c = gamebox.Camera(self.scale * w * 2, self.scale * h * 2)
            if start not in self.open: start = random.choice(list(self.open))
            self.b.center = (start[0] * 2 + 1) * self.scale, (start[1] * 2 +
                                                              1) * self.scale
        elif kind == 4:
            # diamond, top
            s = random.randrange(1, 5)
            self.open = set()
            for i in range(s * 2 + 1):
                dist = s - abs(i - s)
                for k in range(s - dist, s + dist + 1):
                    self.open.add((i, k))
            self.c = gamebox.Camera(self.scale * (2 * s + 1) * 2,
                                    self.scale * (2 * s + 1) * 2)
            if start not in self.open: start = (s, 0)
            self.b.center = (start[0] * 2 + 1) * self.scale, (start[1] * 2 +
                                                              1) * self.scale
        elif kind == 5:
            # diamond, random
            s = random.randrange(1, 5)
            self.open = set()
            for i in range(s * 2 + 1):
                dist = s - abs(i - s)
                for k in range(s - dist, s + dist + 1):
                    self.open.add((i, k))
            self.c = gamebox.Camera(self.scale * (2 * s + 1) * 2,
                                    self.scale * (2 * s + 1) * 2)
            if start not in self.open: start = random.choice(list(self.open))
            self.b.center = (start[0] * 2 + 1) * self.scale, (start[1] * 2 +
                                                              1) * self.scale
        elif kind == 6:
            # spiral
            s = random.randrange(3, 7)
            rot = random.randrange(4)
            self.open = set()
            p = [0, 0]
            for side in range(s):
                dx, dy = 0, 0
                side += rot
                if side & 1: dx = (side & 2) - 1
                else: dy = (side & 2) - 1
                side -= rot

                for k in range(side + 1):
                    p[0] += dx
                    p[1] += dy
            mx, Mx = min(_[0] for _ in self.open), max(_[0] for _ in self.open)
            my, My = min(_[1] for _ in self.open), max(_[1] for _ in self.open)
            w = Mx - mx + 1
            h = My - my + 1
            self.open = {(_[0] - mx, _[1] - my) for _ in self.open}
            self.c = gamebox.Camera(self.scale * w * 2, self.scale * h * 2)
            if start not in self.open: start = (-mx, -my)
            self.b.center = (start[0] * 2 + 1) * self.scale, (start[1] * 2 +
                                                              1) * self.scale
        elif kind == 7:
            # spiral, random placement
            s = random.randrange(3, 7)
            rot = random.randrange(4)
            self.open = set()
            p = [0, 0]
            for side in range(s):
                dx, dy = 0, 0
                side += rot
                if side & 1: dx = (side & 2) - 1
                else: dy = (side & 2) - 1
                side -= rot

                for k in range(side + 1):
                    p[0] += dx
                    p[1] += dy
            mx, Mx = min(_[0] for _ in self.open), max(_[0] for _ in self.open)
            my, My = min(_[1] for _ in self.open), max(_[1] for _ in self.open)
            w = Mx - mx + 1
            h = My - my + 1
            self.open = {(_[0] - mx, _[1] - my) for _ in self.open}
            self.c = gamebox.Camera(self.scale * w * 2, self.scale * h * 2)
            if start not in self.open: start = random.choice(list(self.open))
            self.b.center = (start[0] * 2 + 1) * self.scale, (start[1] * 2 +
                                                              1) * self.scale
        elif kind == 8:
            # random
            cells = [(0, 0)]
            w, h = 1, 1
            while w < 10 and h < 10:
                x, y = random.choice(cells)
                if random.randrange(2) == 0:
                    x += random.randrange(-1, 2, 2)
                    y += random.randrange(-1, 2, 2)
                if (x, y) not in cells:
                    cells.append((x, y))
                w = 1 + max(_[0] for _ in cells) - min(_[0] for _ in cells)
                h = 1 + max(_[1] for _ in cells) - min(_[1] for _ in cells)
            mx, my = min(_[0] for _ in cells), min(_[1] for _ in cells)
            self.open = {(a - mx, b - my) for (a, b) in cells}
            self.c = gamebox.Camera(self.scale * w * 2, self.scale * h * 2)
            if start not in self.open: start = random.choice(list(self.open))
            self.b.center = (start[0] * 2 + 1) * self.scale, (start[1] * 2 +
                                                              1) * self.scale
        elif type(kind) is str:
            cells = set()
            for y in range(len(kind.split('\n'))):
                row = kind.split('\n')[y]
                for x in range(len(row)):
                    cell = row[x]
                    if not cell.isspace():
                        cells.add((x, y))
            w = 1 + max(_[0] for _ in cells) - min(_[0] for _ in cells)
            h = 1 + max(_[1] for _ in cells) - min(_[1] for _ in cells)
            mx, my = min(_[0] for _ in cells), min(_[1] for _ in cells)
            self.open = {(a - mx, b - my) for (a, b) in cells}
            self.c = gamebox.Camera(self.scale * w * 2, self.scale * h * 2)
            if start not in self.open: start = random.choice(list(self.open))
            self.b.center = (start[0] * 2 + 1) * self.scale, (start[1] * 2 +
                                                              1) * self.scale
            raise ValueError('Invalid room kind: ' + repr(kind))

        self.moves = 0
        self.looks = 0
        print('Correct answer:', len(self.open))
Ejemplo n.º 18
    - make special attack for when connecting with hammer if space is pressed.
    - more speed = more damage


import pygame
import gamebox   # gamebox written by Luther Tychonievich
import math

walksprite_frame = 0
framecountforplayerwalk = 0
camera = gamebox.Camera(CAMERA_WIDTH, CAMERA_HEIGHT)  # size of window and camera points to the center
player = gamebox.from_image(camera.x, camera.y,
                            gamebox.load_sprite_sheet("/Users/rezamirzaiee/Desktop/GAME/Graphics/chara5.png", 8, 12)[1])

hammer = gamebox.from_color(player.x, player.y, "black", 10, 10)

hammer_thrown = False
has_stood = False
playerdirection = gamebox.from_image(camera.x, camera.y,
                            gamebox.load_sprite_sheet("/Users/rezamirzaiee/Desktop/GAME/Graphics/chara5.png", 8, 12)[1])
player_xspeed = 0
player_yspeed = 0
hammer_xspeed = 0
hammer_yspeed = 0
hammer_air = { 'hammer_xspeed_air': 0, 'hammer_yspeed_air': 0}
Ejemplo n.º 19
Boardgame with minigames! (needs a better title)
Ben Life & Oliver Song
HooHacks 2021
Built on PyGame and Gamebox
Gamebox was built by Luther Tychonievich ([email protected])

import pygame
import gamebox
import random

camera = gamebox.Camera(1000, 700)
miniGames = ["ClickingRainbow", "Maze", "AstroidDodge", "CrossStreet", "PatternRepeat"]
miniGame = None
gamePaused = True
currentIndex = 0
num_of_rolls = 0
rollingActive = False
final_roll = None
miniGameIndex = 0

astroid_timer = 10
astroid_tick_counter = 0
astroid_player_speed = 15
astroids = [
    gamebox.from_image(0, 0, "asteroid.png"),
    gamebox.from_image(500, 0, "asteroid.png"),
    gamebox.from_image(1000, 0, "asteroid.png"),
    gamebox.from_image(0, 900, "asteroid.png"),
Ejemplo n.º 20
# Ruolin Chen, rlc8my
# Christine Li, cjl4ev

import pygame
import gamebox

camera = gamebox.Camera(1142, 636)
background = gamebox.from_image(camera.x, camera.y, "night_time.png")
creators = gamebox.from_text(280, 20, "Creators: Christine Li (cjl4ev), Ruolin Chen (rlc8my)", "Snap ITC", 18, "white")
game_name = gamebox.from_text(camera.x, 280, "Counting Sheep", "Snap ITC", 60, "white")
description = gamebox.from_text(camera.x, 340, "How long can you jump fences for?", "Snap ITC", 24, "white")
rules1 = gamebox.from_text(camera.x, 370, "Jump fences without touching them or you lose a life!", "Snap ITC", 24,
rules2 = gamebox.from_text(camera.x, 400, "You get three lives, collect clovers to recover lives.", "Snap ITC", 24,
p1_instructions = gamebox.from_text(camera.x, 440, "Press SPACE to Jump", "Snap ITC", 24, "white")
to_start = gamebox.from_text(camera.x, 480, "Press ENTER to Start", "Snap ITC", 32, "white")
music = gamebox.load_sound('crickets_compressed.wav')
music_player = music.play(-1)

ground = gamebox.from_color(600, 634, "black", 1200, 50)

fence = gamebox.from_image(1000, 550, "fence.png")

character = gamebox.from_image(350, 545, "sheep.png")

lives = gamebox.from_text(950, 40, "Lives left:", "Snap ITC", 24, "white")

health3 = gamebox.from_image(1075, 100, "sheep.png")
Ejemplo n.º 21
#J Preston Harvey jph8rw
#George Wilson gaw8cf

import pygame
import gamebox
import random

state = 'intro'
counter = 0
timer = 0
timer2 = 0
camera = gamebox.Camera(600, 800)

walls = []
powerup_speed = []
powerup_clear = []
powerup_wrap = []
coins1 = []
coins2 = []
coins3 = []
coins4 = []

powerup_bomb = []
points = 0
wall_left = gamebox.from_color(0, 400, 'cyan', 15, 800)
wall_right = gamebox.from_color(600, 400, 'cyan', 15, 800)
colors = [
    'green', 'cyan', 'yellow', 'magenta', 'orange', 'blue1', 'chartreuse1',
sheet = gamebox.load_sprite_sheet(
Ejemplo n.º 22
# Matthew Keitelman (mak2vr)
# Fernando Mata Cordero (fm5ew)

import pygame
import gamebox

camera = gamebox.Camera(1000,800,True)
alien = gamebox.from_image(150, 10, "alien.png")
alien.yspeed = 0

levels = gamebox.from_image(400,400,"levels.png")

blue_hole_sheet = gamebox.

platforms = [
    # gamebox.from_color(-100, 600, "black", 3000, 100),
    # ground1

def tick(keys):

    alien.yspeed += 1
    alien.y = alien.y + alien.yspeed

    if pygame.K_s in keys:
        alien.image = "alien_top.png"
    elif pygame.K_d in keys:
Ejemplo n.º 23
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

import pygame  # Imports the pygame module
import gamebox  # Imports the gamebox module
import random  # Imports the random module
This is a flappybird like game made as an assignment for CS-1111 Game project. This project was done using the gamebox module developed by Professor Luther Tychonievich.
Other sources of help include google images where I acquired the images for the project and altered them to my fitting. This made the game look better :-)

width = 800  # This is how wide the screen is
height = 600  # This is how tall the screen is

camera = gamebox.Camera(width,
                        height)  # This is the camera that pans the screen.

bird_straight = 'http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1jNuB1HkF7KFI5z2BZ3DZ2lDDvktAgC2c'  # Normal bird view when not falling
bird_down = 'http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1f0dvy0JAq3q-CqvS1U8MgBZWoetbAt4l'  # Bird view when falling
obstacle_bottom = 'http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1JEC3kpyrVkw9pzZt40Lf5PHifYQRB0B1'  # This is the obstacle coming from the top.
obstacle_top = 'http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1AuHD1JOaQ4sLt_wqivfvWtL0J2SmnFxZ'  # This is the obstacle coming from the bottom
background = 'http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1uxUB5tClq-I3YgSRQ0bPzYZ95PBlT8Kt'  # This is the background image for the screen
fall_speed = 1  # This is how fast the bird falls ar first <---------------------- This value changes exponentially as the bird falls more.
obstacle_speed = -4  # This is how fast the game moves (negative to go in the opposite direction) <----------------- Change this value to alter the speed of the game.
obstacles_generation = 10  # This is how many obstacles are generated every 10 seconds of the game. (1 every seconds)
score_number = 0  # This is the score of the game <-------------------------- This value changes as more obstacles are avoided.
counter = 0  # This is a counter to generate more obstacles.
position = 800  # This is the position that the obstacle is made.

bird = bird_straight  # Initial making of the bird sprite.
bird_game = gamebox.from_image(width / 2, height / 2,
Ejemplo n.º 24
# Olivia Goodrich (otg5nt) and Camille Favero (caf3wu)

# health code ~ line 136

# Game idea: Xtreme Tetris
# Iterates through multiple levels of modifications as the player progresses,
# including enemy fire, base triangle pieces, and the Flappy gauntlet.

# Optional features: enemy, timer, health meter, multiple levels

import pygame
import gamebox
import random
import t_pieces
camera = gamebox.Camera(320, 640)
ticker = 0

# Game conditions
time_s = 0
score = 0
health = 3
past_pieces = []
game_on = False
trimode = True
enemy_mode = False
if trimode:
    current_piece = t_pieces.tritrominoes[random.randint(
        0, 5)]  # keeps current_piece from reassigning every frame
    current_piece = t_pieces.tetrominoes[random.randint(0, 6)]
Ejemplo n.º 25
#Some notes: after collecting 50 coins, the game gets faster. Collect 100 and 130, and the game gets even faster.
#Try to get a 'Flawless' game -- getting 130 coins without going below 100 health!

import pygame
import gamebox
import random
camera = gamebox.Camera(400, 400)

randsize = random.randrange(30, 60)
platforms = [
    gamebox.from_color(camera.x, camera.bottom, 'dark green',
                       camera.right + 10, 40)

rain = [
    gamebox.from_color(camera.left + 100, camera.top, 'red', 10, 10),
    gamebox.from_color(camera.left + 200, camera.top, 'red', 10, 10),
    gamebox.from_color(camera.left + 300, camera.top, 'red', 10, 10)

healthplus = [
    gamebox.from_image(camera.right + 1000, camera.top + 300, 'plus.png')
healthplus[0].size = 15, 15
music = gamebox.load_sound("savantsplinter.wav")

box = gamebox.from_text(40, 200, "HE", "Arial", 35, "red")

lava = gamebox.from_color(camera.x, camera.bottom, 'red', randsize, 40)
coins = [
Ejemplo n.º 26
Timer:  have a visible timer that counts to 60, game ends if you don't have enough points by the time it hits 60

Health Meter: Your collectibles refill Slenderman's health. If you hit too many hazards and it goes to below zero, you


import pygame
import gamebox
import random

# images

width = 800
height = 600
camera = gamebox.Camera(width, height)
slenderman = gamebox.from_image(400, 560, "http://www.pngonly.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Slender-Man-Small-PNG.png")
background = gamebox.from_image(300, 300,

# variables

game_on = False
score_count = 0
counter = 0  # how many times tick is run
milk = []  # he's lactose intolerant! very bad
capri_sun = []  # that good stuff
points = 0  # corresponds to energy

instructions = """ Hey, it's Slenderman! I'm back at my lair trying to refuel with my favorite power-up, Capri-Sun.
Ejemplo n.º 27
# Thomas Rochman (ttr5n)

Character designs and running animations by Hope Radel


import random, gamebox, pygame

camera = gamebox.Camera(1280, 800)
p1 = gamebox.from_color(100, 50, "red", 30, 60)
p2 = gamebox.from_color(700, 50, "red", 30, 60)
ground = gamebox.from_color(400, 450, "black", 750, 100)
backgroundimg = gamebox.from_image(640, 300, "background.png")
groundimg = gamebox.from_image(400, 600, "Ground.png")
on_button = gamebox.from_color(550, 650, "red", 100, 50)
off_button = gamebox.from_color(730, 650, "green", 100, 50)
platform_1 = gamebox.from_color(200, 250, "black", 100, 10)
platform_2 = gamebox.from_color(600, 250, "black", 100, 10)
platform_3 = gamebox.from_color(400, 100, "black", 200, 10)
platform_4 = gamebox.from_color(750, 300, "black", 200, 10)
platform_5 = gamebox.from_color(50, 300, "black", 200, 10)
platforms = [platform_1, platform_2, platform_3, platform_4, platform_5]
platformimage1 = gamebox.from_image(platform_1.x, platform_1.y,
platformimage2 = gamebox.from_image(platform_2.x, platform_2.y,
platformimage3 = gamebox.from_image(platform_3.x, platform_3.y,
platformimage4 = gamebox.from_image(platform_4.x, platform_4.y,
Ejemplo n.º 28
# pharma game

import pygame
import gamebox
import random
from pygame.locals import *

camera = gamebox.Camera(800, 750)
display = pygame.display.set_mode((800, 750))
image = pygame.image.load("hospital.jpg")

sheet1 = gamebox.load_sprite_sheet(
    4, 6)

sheet1 = [

obstacles = [
    # patient room
    gamebox.from_color(625, 315, 'green', 20, 20),
    # pharmacy room
    gamebox.from_color(295, 630, 'green', 20, 20),
    gamebox.from_color(340, 255, 'green', 20, 20),
    gamebox.from_color(135, 375, 'green', 20, 20),
Ejemplo n.º 29
# Christopher Geier (cpg3rb)
# Pong (Starter Code)

import pygame
import gamebox
import random
import time
camera = gamebox.Camera(800, 600)

p_width = 10
p_height = 80
ball_velocity = 15
player_speed = 14
p1_score = 0
p2_score = 0
game_on = False

ticker = 0

walls = [
    gamebox.from_color(400, 600, "green", 1000, 20),
    gamebox.from_color(400, 0, "green", 1000, 20),

top_barrier = gamebox.from_color(700, -100, "red", 20, 600)
bot_barrier = gamebox.from_color(700, 700, "red", 20, 600)

p1 = gamebox.from_color(20, 400, "red", 15, 15)
count = 0
#ball.xspeed = ball_velocity
#ball.yspeed = ball_velocity
Ejemplo n.º 30

def spawn_jetpack(x, y):
    jetpack = gamebox.from_image(x, y, jetpack_sprite_sheet[0])

def draw_collection(collection):
    for item in collection:

# Preparation

camera = gamebox.Camera(CAMERA_WIDTH, CAMERA_HEIGHT)
player_sprite_sheet = gamebox.load_sprite_sheet(SPRITESHEET_PATH,
# 0-8 in increasing size, 9 and 10 for left and right
jetpack_sprite_sheet = gamebox.load_sprite_sheet("Jetpack_spritesheet.png", 1,

player = gamebox.from_image(200, 550, player_sprite_sheet[8])
player.speedy = -20
platforms = [
                       "Green", PLATFORM_WIDTH, PLATFORM_HEIGHT)
    for i in range(PLATFORM_COUNT)