def shell(self, show_motd=True, initial_location="~"):
        if show_motd:

        ended = False
        location = initial_location
        while not ended:
            args = gameio.read_line().split()

            if len(args) > 0:
                command = args[0]

            # Comments
            if command.lstrip().startswith('#'):
            # Internal Commands
            elif command == "exit":
                ended = True
            elif command == "pwd":
                gameio.write(location + "\n")
            elif command == "cd":
                location = self._cd(location, args)
            else:  # External Commands
                if not self.run_program(location, command, args):
                    gameio.error("Command `" + command + "` not found!\n")
Ejemplo n.º 2
def rm_game(name):
    # Is there actually a game there?
    if not save_fs.path_is_dir(name):
        gameio.error("Path does not exist!")
    # If so, delete the game!
    save_fs.rm_dir(name, recursive=True)
    return True
    def _cd(self, location, args):
        if len(args) > 1:
            args = args[1:]
            relative = " ".join(args)
            absolute = path_push(location, relative)
            absolute = path_clean(absolute)
            # Error checking
            if self._file_is_dir(absolute):
                location = absolute
                gameio.error("Path `" + absolute + "` is not a directory!\n")

        return location
 def run_program(self, location, command, args):
     # The one and only special case needed for this, hopefully.
     if command == "save":
         # Get the log and trim the save command out!
         input_log = gameio.get_input_log()
         if saveload.save_game(game.now_playing, input_log):
             gameio.write("Game saved successfully.\n")
             gameio.error("Game could not be saved.\n")
         return True
         return Computer.run_program(self, location, command, args)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def run_program(self, location, command, args):
        if command == "ls":
            if len(args) > 1:
                location = computers.path_push(location, args[1])
            # To avoid crashes...
            if not self.get_FS().path_is_dir(location):
                gameio.error("The path `"+ location +"` is not a directory or does not exist.\n")
                return True
            for file in self.get_FS().ls(location):
                if self.get_FS().path_is_dir(computers.path_push(location, file)):
                    gameio.write(file + "\t")
        elif command == "load":
            if len(args) <= 1:
                gameio.error("Command `load` requires a name as it's argument.\n")
                return True

            if not load_game(computers.path_push(location, args[1])):
                gameio.error("Could not load game, `" + args[1] + "`.\n")
                gameio.write("\nGame `" + args[1] + "` quit.\n")
            return True

        elif command == "new":
            if len(args) <= 1:
                gameio.error("Command `new` requires a name as it's argument.\n")
                return True

            if new_game(computers.path_push(location, args[1])):
                gameio.write("Created new game, `" + args[1] + "`.\nRun the command `load " + args[1] + "` to play!\n")
                gameio.error("Could not create new game `" + args[1] + "`.\n")
            return True
        elif command == "rm":
            if len(args) <= 1:
                gameio.error("Command `rm` requires a name as it's argument.\n")
                return True

            location = computers.path_clean(computers.path_push(location, args[1]))
            if location == "/":
                gameio.error("Cannot delete whole saves directory (the root directory) `/`.\n")
                return True

            if rm_game(location):
                gameio.write("Deleted game, `" + args[1] + "`.\n")
                gameio.error("Could not delete game, `" + args[1] + "`.\n")
        elif command == "mkdir":
            if len(args) <= 1:
                gameio.error("Command `mkdir` requires a folder name as it's argument.\n")
                return True
            location = computers.path_clean(computers.path_push(location, args[1]))
            if self.get_FS().path_exists(location):
                gameio.error("Cannot create new directory, path `" + location + "` already exists.\n")
            return False
        return True