Ejemplo n.º 1
def gen_players(game):
    for ind, pl in enumerate(game.players):
        while True:
            p = game.planets
            if any(dist(pl, game.players[i]) <
                   pl.rad + game.players[i].rad
                   for i in xrange(ind)): continue
            if all(dist(pl, p[i]) >
                   pl.rad + p[i].rad + Const.PLANETS_GAP
                   for i in xrange(len(p))): break
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def is_a_planet_between(planets, obj1, obj2):
        x1, y1 = obj1.x, obj1.y
        x2, y2 = obj2.x, obj2.y
        c = dist(obj1, obj2)
        A, B = y2-y1, x1-x2
        C = -x1 * A - y1 * B
        T = math.sqrt(A*A + B*B)

        good = False
        for p in planets:
            a = dist(obj1, p)
            b = dist(obj2, p)
            if a*a + c*c < b*b or b*b + c*c < a*a: continue
            d = math.fabs(A * p.x + B * p.y + C) / T

            if d < Const.CLOSE_DISTANCE + p.rad:
                good = True

        return good
Ejemplo n.º 3
def gen_bonus(game):
    gen = True
    game.bonus = Bonus()
    while gen:
        gen = False

        for pl in game.players + game.planets:
            if dist(pl, game.bonus) < pl.rad + game.bonus.rad + 2:
                gen = True
Ejemplo n.º 4
def gen_planets(game):    
    planets_count = random.randint(4, 8)
    while True:
        game.planets = [Planet()
                        for _ in xrange(planets_count)]

        p = game.planets
        if all(dist(p[i], p[j]) >
               p[i].rad + p[j].rad + Const.PLANETS_GAP
               for i in xrange(planets_count)
               for j in xrange(i)): break
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def move_objects(self):
        Moves bonuses and bullets.
        Checks whether bullet has collided with some other object
        if self.bonus is not None:
            b = self.bonus
            b.dwh += b.delta
            if b.dwh == b.DELTA_MAX: b.delta = -b.DELTA
            if b.dwh == -b.DELTA_MAX: b.delta = b.DELTA

        if self.bullet is not None:
            self.bullet.ttl -= 1
            if self.bullet.ttl < 0 or not self.bullet.is_visible_far():
                self.bullet = None
                self.active_player ^= 1

            ndx, ndy = 0, 0
            for planet in self.planets:
                d = dist(planet, self.bullet)
                angle_to_planet = math.atan2(planet.y - self.bullet.y,
                                             planet.x - self.bullet.x)
                d = d ** 1.8
                ndx += math.cos(angle_to_planet) * planet.force / d
                ndy += math.sin(angle_to_planet) * planet.force / d

            self.bullet.turn(ndx/320, ndy/320)

            for planet in self.planets:
                d = dist(planet, self.bullet)

                # check if the bullet is near the planet
                if d < planet.rad:

                    # if player has used BonusType.ENLARGE
                    if self.bullet.bonustype == Bonus.BonusType.ENLARGE:
                        planet.rad += planet.rad / 3
                        for player in self.players:
                            if dist(planet, player) < planet.rad + player.rad:
                                # score point

                    # if player has used BonusType.SHRINK
                    if self.bullet.bonustype == Bonus.BonusType.SHRINK:
                        planet.rad -= planet.rad / 3

                    # recalc planet force just in case
                    planet.force = planet.rad ** 2 * planet.density

                    # kill bullet and change player
                    self.bullet = None
                    self.active_player ^= 1

            for player in self.players:
                gap = 0
                if self.bullet.bonustype == Bonus.BonusType.ELECTRO and\
                    player != self.bullet.owner:
                    gap = 30
                if dist(player, self.bullet) < Player.PLAYER_RAD + gap:

            if self.bonus is not None:
                d = dist(self.bonus, self.bullet)
                if d <= self.bonus.rad + 1:
                    self.players[self.active_player].bonustype = self.bonus.type
                    self.bonus = None
                    self.bullet = None
                    self.active_player ^= 1