Ejemplo n.º 1
def measure_image_moments(image):
    """Compute 0th, 1st and 2nd moments of an image.

    NaN values are ignored in the computation.

    image :`astropy.io.fits.ImageHDU`
        Image to measure on.

    image moments : list
        List of image moments:
        [A, x_cms, y_cms, x_sigma, y_sigma, sqrt(x_sigma * y_sigma)]
    x, y = coordinates(image, lon_sym=True)
    A = image.data[np.isfinite(image.data)].sum()

    # Center of mass
    x_cms = (x * image.data)[np.isfinite(image.data)].sum() / A
    y_cms = (y * image.data)[np.isfinite(image.data)].sum() / A

    # Second moments
    x_var = ((x - x_cms) ** 2 * image.data)[np.isfinite(image.data)].sum() / A
    y_var = ((y - y_cms) ** 2 * image.data)[np.isfinite(image.data)].sum() / A
    x_sigma = np.sqrt(x_var)
    y_sigma = np.sqrt(y_var)

    return A, x_cms, y_cms, x_sigma, y_sigma, np.sqrt(x_sigma * y_sigma)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def _to_image_bbox(catalog, image):
    """@todo: make the usage of bbox an option of the function
    _to_image_simple, otherwise we duplicate a lot of code!

    Function takes catalog and an empty image.
    It returns the image of the catalog.
    catalog = atpy.Table
    image = kapteyn.FITSimage

    @todo: This function should have NO explicit references to
    morphology column names.
    Do something like:
    for p in morphology.morph_pars:
        exec('p = {0}'.format(p))

    and then
    pars = [eval('[??? for x in eval('morphology.{0}_par'.format(???
    logging.info('Building image out of catalog.')
    # Select sources in FOV
    # TODO: improve this check by reading the min, max from
    # the FITS header instead of finding the min of the array.
    l, b = utils.coordinates(image)  #, glon_sym=True)

    # Get catalog columns common to all morph types
    morph_type = catalog.field('morph_type')
    glon = catalog.field('glon')
    glat = catalog.field('glat')
    S_PWN = catalog.field('S_PWN')
    S_SNR = catalog.field('S_SNR')
    ext_in_SNR = catalog.field('ext_in_SNR')
    ext_out_SNR = catalog.field('ext_out_SNR')
    ext_out_PWN = catalog.field('ext_out_PWN')

    contributing = np.all([
        l.min() < glon + ext_out_SNR, glon - ext_out_SNR < l.max(),
        b.min() < glat + ext_out_SNR, glat - ext_out_SNR < b.max(), S_SNR > 0

    # Make image, adding one source at a time
    nsources = contributing.sum()
    logging.info('Adding {0} sources.'.format(nsources))
    logging.info('Skipping {0} sources.'.format(catalog.size - nsources))
    for i in range(catalog.size):
        # Skip sources that are not contributing
        if not contributing[i]:
            # logging.debug('Skipping source {0:6d}.'.format(i))

        # Make a list of parameters appropriate for the morph_type
        pars = [glon[i], glat[i]]
        if morph_type[i] == 'sphere2d':
            pars += [S_PWN[i], ext_out_PWN[i]]
        elif morph_type[i] == 'shell2d':
            pars += [S_SNR[i], ext_out_SNR[i], ext_in_SNR[i]]

        logging.debug('Adding source {0:6d}.'.format(i))
        _add_source(image, morph_type[i], pars, l, b)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def measure_image_moments(image):
    """Compute 0th, 1st and 2nd moments of an image.

    NaN values are ignored in the computation.

    image :`astropy.io.fits.ImageHDU`
        Image to measure on.

    image moments : list
        List of image moments:
        [A, x_cms, y_cms, x_sigma, y_sigma, sqrt(x_sigma * y_sigma)]
    x, y = coordinates(image, lon_sym=True)
    A = image.data[np.isfinite(image.data)].sum()

    # Center of mass
    x_cms = (x * image.data)[np.isfinite(image.data)].sum() / A
    y_cms = (y * image.data)[np.isfinite(image.data)].sum() / A

    # Second moments
    x_var = ((x - x_cms)**2 * image.data)[np.isfinite(image.data)].sum() / A
    y_var = ((y - y_cms)**2 * image.data)[np.isfinite(image.data)].sum() / A
    x_sigma = np.sqrt(x_var)
    y_sigma = np.sqrt(y_var)

    return A, x_cms, y_cms, x_sigma, y_sigma, np.sqrt(x_sigma * y_sigma)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def measure_containment_radius(image, glon, glat, containment_fraction=0.8):
    """Measure containment radius.

    Uses `scipy.optimize.brentq`.

    image : `astropy.io.fits.ImageHDU`
        Image to measure on.
    glon : float
        Source longitude in degree.
    glat : float
        Source latitude in degree.
    containment_fraction : float (default 0.8)
        Containment fraction

    containment_radius : float
        Containment radius (pix)
    from scipy.optimize import brentq

    GLON, GLAT = coordinates(image, lon_sym=True)
    rr = (GLON - glon)**2 + (GLAT - glat)**2

    # Normalize image
    image.data = image.data / image.data[np.isfinite(image.data)].sum()

    def func(r):
        return measure_containment_fraction(r, rr,
                                            image.data) - containment_fraction

    containment_radius = brentq(func, a=0, b=np.sqrt(rr.max()))
    return containment_radius
Ejemplo n.º 5
def measure_containment_radius(image, glon, glat, containment_fraction=0.8):
    """Measure containment radius.

    Uses `scipy.optimize.brentq`.

    image : `astropy.io.fits.ImageHDU`
        Image to measure on.
    glon : float
        Source longitude in degree.
    glat : float
        Source latitude in degree.
    containment_fraction : float (default 0.8)
        Containment fraction

    containment_radius : float
        Containment radius (pix)
    from scipy.optimize import brentq

    GLON, GLAT = coordinates(image, lon_sym=True)
    rr = (GLON - glon) ** 2 + (GLAT - glat) ** 2

    # Normalize image
    image.data = image.data / image.data[np.isfinite(image.data)].sum()

    def func(r):
        return measure_containment_fraction(r, rr, image.data) - containment_fraction

    containment_radius = brentq(func, a=0, b=np.sqrt(rr.max()))
    return containment_radius
Ejemplo n.º 6
def _to_image_bbox(catalog, image):
    """@todo: make the usage of bbox an option of the function
    _to_image_simple, otherwise we duplicate a lot of code!

    Function takes catalog and an empty image.
    It returns the image of the catalog.
    catalog = atpy.Table
    image = kapteyn.FITSimage

    @todo: This function should have NO explicit references to
    morphology column names.
    Do something like:
    for p in morphology.morph_pars:
        exec('p = {0}'.format(p))

    and then
    pars = [eval('[??? for x in eval('morphology.{0}_par'.format(???
    logging.info('Building image out of catalog.')
    # Select sources in FOV
    # TODO: improve this check by reading the min, max from
    # the FITS header instead of finding the min of the array.
    l, b = utils.coordinates(image)#, glon_sym=True)

    # Get catalog columns common to all morph types
    morph_type = catalog.field('morph_type')
    glon = catalog.field('glon')
    glat = catalog.field('glat')
    S_PWN = catalog.field('S_PWN')
    S_SNR = catalog.field('S_SNR')
    ext_in_SNR = catalog.field('ext_in_SNR')
    ext_out_SNR = catalog.field('ext_out_SNR')
    ext_out_PWN = catalog.field('ext_out_PWN')

    contributing = np.all([l.min() < glon + ext_out_SNR, glon - ext_out_SNR < l.max(),
                           b.min() < glat + ext_out_SNR, glat - ext_out_SNR < b.max(), S_SNR > 0], axis=0)

    # Make image, adding one source at a time
    nsources = contributing.sum()
    logging.info('Adding {0} sources.'.format(nsources))
    logging.info('Skipping {0} sources.'.format(catalog.size - nsources))
    for i in range(catalog.size):
        # Skip sources that are not contributing
        if not contributing[i]:
            # logging.debug('Skipping source {0:6d}.'.format(i))

        # Make a list of parameters appropriate for the morph_type
        pars = [glon[i], glat[i]]
        if morph_type[i] == 'sphere2d':
            pars += [S_PWN[i], ext_out_PWN[i]]
        elif morph_type[i] == 'shell2d':
            pars += [S_SNR[i], ext_out_SNR[i], ext_in_SNR[i]]

        logging.debug('Adding source {0:6d}.'.format(i))
        _add_source(image, morph_type[i], pars, l, b)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def _to_image_gaussian(catalog, image):
    """Add catalog of asymmetric Gaussian sources to an image.

    @type catalog: atpy.Table
    @type image: maputils.FITSimage
    @return: maputils.FITSimage"""
    from kapteyn.maputils import FITSimage
    logging.info('Adding %d sources.' % len(catalog.data))

    # Read catalog
    l_center = catalog.data['glon']
    b_center = catalog.data['glat']
    a = catalog.data['a']
    b = catalog.data['b']
    theta = catalog.data['theta']
    flux = catalog.data['flux']

    # Compute matrix entries that describe the ellipse, as defined in
    # the section "9.1.6. Ellipse parameters" in the SExtractor Manual.
    # Note that clb already contains the factor of 2!
    # Another reference giving formulas is
    # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaussian_function
    cll = np.cos(theta) ** 2 / a ** 2 + np.sin(theta) ** 2 / b ** 2
    cbb = np.sin(theta) ** 2 / a ** 2 + np.cos(theta) ** 2 / b ** 2
    clb = 2 * np.cos(theta) * np.sin(theta) * (a ** -2 - b ** -2)

    # Add sources to image
    data = image.dat
    header = image.hdr
    for i in range(len(catalog)):  # Loop sources
        l, b = utils.coordinates(image)
        # convert l to the range -180 to +180
        l = np.where(l > 180, l - 360, l)
        exponent = cll[i] * (l - l_center[i]) ** 2 + \
            cbb[i] * (b - b_center[i]) ** 2 + \
            clb[i] * (l - l_center[i]) * (b - b_center[i])
        data += flux[i] * np.exp(-exponent)

    # Return image with sources
    image_out = FITSimage(externalheader=header,
    return image_out
Ejemplo n.º 8
def _to_image_simple(catalog, image):
    """Add sources from a catalog to an image.

    catalog = atpy.Table
    image = kapteyn.maputils.FITSimage

    Note: This implementation doesn't use bounding boxes and thus is slow.
    You should use the faster _to_image_bbox()"""
    from kapteyn.maputils import FITSimage
    from morphology.shapes import morph_types
    nsources = len(catalog)
    data = image.dat
    logging.info('Adding {0} sources.'.format(nsources))

    # Get coordinate maps
    l, b = utils.coordinates(image)

    # Add sources to image one at a time
    for i in range(nsources):
        logging.debug('Adding source {0:3d} of {1:3d}.' ''.format(i, nsources))
        # nans = np.isnan(data).sum()
        # if nans:
        #    logging.debug('Image contains {0} nan entries.'.format(nans))

        # Get relevant columns
        morph_type = catalog[i]['morph_type']
        xpos = catalog[i]['glon']
        xpos = np.where(xpos > 180, xpos - 360, xpos)
        ypos = catalog[i]['glat']
        ampl = catalog[i]['ampl']
        sigma = catalog[i]['sigma']
        epsilon = catalog[i]['epsilon']
        theta = catalog[i]['theta']
        r_in = catalog[i]['r_in']
        r_out = catalog[i]['r_out']

        pars = {
            'delta2d': (xpos, ypos, ampl),
            'shell2d': (xpos, ypos, ampl, r_in, r_out),
            'gauss2d': (xpos, ypos, ampl, sigma, epsilon, theta)
        par = pars[morph_type]

        data += morph_types[morph_type](par, l, b)

    return FITSimage(externalheader=image.hdr, externaldata=data)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def _to_image_gaussian(catalog, image):
    """Add catalog of asymmetric Gaussian sources to an image.

    @type catalog: atpy.Table
    @type image: maputils.FITSimage
    @return: maputils.FITSimage"""
    from kapteyn.maputils import FITSimage
    logging.info('Adding %d sources.' % len(catalog.data))

    # Read catalog
    l_center = catalog.data['glon']
    b_center = catalog.data['glat']
    a = catalog.data['a']
    b = catalog.data['b']
    theta = catalog.data['theta']
    flux = catalog.data['flux']

    # Compute matrix entries that describe the ellipse, as defined in
    # the section "9.1.6. Ellipse parameters" in the SExtractor Manual.
    # Note that clb already contains the factor of 2!
    # Another reference giving formulas is
    # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaussian_function
    cll = np.cos(theta)**2 / a**2 + np.sin(theta)**2 / b**2
    cbb = np.sin(theta)**2 / a**2 + np.cos(theta)**2 / b**2
    clb = 2 * np.cos(theta) * np.sin(theta) * (a**-2 - b**-2)

    # Add sources to image
    data = image.dat
    header = image.hdr
    for i in range(len(catalog)):  # Loop sources
        l, b = utils.coordinates(image)
        # convert l to the range -180 to +180
        l = np.where(l > 180, l - 360, l)
        exponent = cll[i] * (l - l_center[i]) ** 2 + \
            cbb[i] * (b - b_center[i]) ** 2 + \
            clb[i] * (l - l_center[i]) * (b - b_center[i])
        data += flux[i] * np.exp(-exponent)

    # Return image with sources
    image_out = FITSimage(externalheader=header, externaldata=data)
    return image_out
Ejemplo n.º 10
def _to_image_simple(catalog, image):
    """Add sources from a catalog to an image.

    catalog = atpy.Table
    image = kapteyn.maputils.FITSimage

    Note: This implementation doesn't use bounding boxes and thus is slow.
    You should use the faster _to_image_bbox()"""
    from kapteyn.maputils import FITSimage
    from morphology.shapes import morph_types
    nsources = len(catalog)
    data = image.dat
    logging.info('Adding {0} sources.'.format(nsources))

    # Get coordinate maps
    l, b = utils.coordinates(image)

    # Add sources to image one at a time
    for i in range(nsources):
        logging.debug('Adding source {0:3d} of {1:3d}.'
                      ''.format(i, nsources))
        # nans = np.isnan(data).sum()
        # if nans:
        #    logging.debug('Image contains {0} nan entries.'.format(nans))

        # Get relevant columns
        morph_type = catalog[i]['morph_type']
        xpos = catalog[i]['glon']
        xpos = np.where(xpos > 180, xpos - 360, xpos)
        ypos = catalog[i]['glat']
        ampl = catalog[i]['ampl']
        sigma = catalog[i]['sigma']
        epsilon = catalog[i]['epsilon']
        theta = catalog[i]['theta']
        r_in = catalog[i]['r_in']
        r_out = catalog[i]['r_out']

        pars = {'delta2d': (xpos, ypos, ampl),
                'shell2d': (xpos, ypos, ampl, r_in, r_out),
                'gauss2d': (xpos, ypos, ampl, sigma, epsilon, theta)}
        par = pars[morph_type]

        data += morph_types[morph_type](par, l, b)

    return FITSimage(externalheader=image.hdr, externaldata=data)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def measure_containment(image, glon, glat, radius):
    Measure containment in a given circle around the source position.

    image : `astropy.io.fits.ImageHDU`
        Image to measure on.
    glon : float
        Source longitude in degree.
    glat : float
        Source latitude in degree.
    radius : float
        Radius of the region to measure the containment in.
    GLON, GLAT = coordinates(image, lon_sym=True)
    rr = (GLON - glon) ** 2 + (GLAT - glat) ** 2
    return measure_containment_fraction(radius, rr, image.data)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def measure_containment(image, glon, glat, radius):
    Measure containment in a given circle around the source position.

    image : `astropy.io.fits.ImageHDU`
        Image to measure on.
    glon : float
        Source longitude in degree.
    glat : float
        Source latitude in degree.
    radius : float
        Radius of the region to measure the containment in.
    GLON, GLAT = coordinates(image, lon_sym=True)
    rr = (GLON - glon)**2 + (GLAT - glat)**2
    return measure_containment_fraction(radius, rr, image.data)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def lookup_max(image, GLON, GLAT, theta):
    """Look up the max image values within a circle of radius theta
    around lists of given positions (nan if outside)"""
    from .utils import coordinates
    GLON = np.asarray(GLON)
    GLON = np.where(GLON > 180, GLON - 360, GLON)
    GLAT = np.asarray(GLAT)
    n_pos = len(GLON)
    theta = np.asarray(theta) * np.ones(n_pos, dtype='float32')

    ll, bb = coordinates(image)

    val = np.nan * np.ones(n_pos, dtype='float32')
    for ii in range(n_pos):
        mask = ((GLON[ii] - ll)**2 + (GLAT[ii] - bb)**2 <= theta[ii]**2)
            val[ii] = image.data[mask].max()
        except ValueError:
    return val
Ejemplo n.º 14
def lookup_max(image, GLON, GLAT, theta):
    """Look up the max image values within a circle of radius theta
    around lists of given positions (nan if outside)"""
    from .utils import coordinates
    GLON = np.asarray(GLON)
    GLON = np.where(GLON > 180, GLON - 360, GLON)
    GLAT = np.asarray(GLAT)
    n_pos = len(GLON)
    theta = np.asarray(theta) * np.ones(n_pos, dtype='float32')

    ll, bb = coordinates(image)

    val = np.nan * np.ones(n_pos, dtype='float32')
    for ii in range(n_pos):
        mask = ((GLON[ii] - ll) ** 2 +
                (GLAT[ii] - bb) ** 2 <=
                theta[ii] ** 2)
            val[ii] = image.data[mask].max()
        except ValueError:
    return val
Ejemplo n.º 15
def _add_source(image, morph_type, pars, l, b):
    """Adds a specified source at a given position."""
    from gammapy.morphology.shapes import morph_types
    # Get position and extension info
    # TODO: this won't work for delta2d, which doesn't
    # have a pars[3] entry!
    glon, glat, ext = pars[0], pars[1], pars[3]
    logging.debug('Adding source of type {0} at position '
                  '{1}, {2} with extension {3}'
                  ''.format(morph_type, glon, glat, ext))

    # Get indices of position
    #import IPython; IPython.embed()
    x_pix, y_pix = np.arange(image.header['NAXIS1']), np.arange(

    # Correct pixel numbering
    x_pix = np.floor(x_pix) - 1
    y_pix = np.floor(y_pix) - 1

    # Get data
    data = image.data
    pixsize = image.header['CDELT2']

    # Compute boxsize with one pixel margin
    boxsize = 2 * np.floor(ext / pixsize + 2)

    # Determine corner pixels
    left_bottom = [y_pix, x_pix] - boxsize / 2
    right_top = [y_pix, x_pix] + boxsize / 2

    # Determine image boundaries
    y_bound, x_bound = data.shape

    # Correct Behaviour at the boundaries
    if left_bottom[1] < 0 or left_bottom[0] < 0 or right_top[
            1] > x_bound or right_top[0] > y_bound:
        logging.debug('Source is not completely in image.')

        # Get out of range coordinate map
        l, b = utils.coordinates(image, x_pix, y_pix, boxsize)

        # Get image of source
        box_image = morph_types[morph_type](pars, l, b)

        # Get slices
        s_x, s_y, b_x, b_y = _get_slices(left_bottom, right_top, x_bound,

        # For debugging
        logging.debug('left_bottom: {0}'.format(left_bottom))
        logging.debug('right_top: {0}'.format(right_top))
        logging.debug('box_image.shape: {0}'.format(box_image.shape))
        logging.debug('s_x: {0}'.format(s_x))
        logging.debug('s_y: {0}'.format(s_y))
        logging.debug('b_x: {0}'.format(b_x))
        logging.debug('b_y: {0}'.format(b_y))
        logging.debug('box_image.shape: {0}'.format(box_image[b_y, b_x].shape))
        logging.debug('data.shape: {0}'.format(data[s_y, s_x].shape))

        # Add box to image
        data[s_y, s_x] += box_image[b_y, b_x]

        logging.debug('Source is completely in image.')
        s_x = slice(left_bottom[1], right_top[1])
        s_y = slice(left_bottom[0], right_top[0])
        # Get image of source
        box_image = morph_types[morph_type](pars, l[s_y, s_x], b[s_y, s_x])
        # Add box to image
        data[s_y, s_x] += box_image
Ejemplo n.º 16
""" Script to determine what fraction of source and diffuse flux is found in the large and small region"""

from astropy.io import fits

filename = raw_input('Image filename: ')
source = fits.open(filename)[1]

from gammapy.image.utils import coordinates, solid_angle
lats, lons = coordinates(source)
solid_angle = solid_angle(source)
region_glat_high = 5
region_glat_low = -5
region_glon_high = 100
region_glon_low = -100

mask1 = (region_glat_low < lats) & (lats < region_glat_high)
mask2 = (region_glon_low < lons) & (lons < region_glon_high)
mask = mask1 & mask2

a = source.data  #/ solid_angle.value
source_flux_frac = a[mask].sum() / a.sum()
print "Total Flux in Image"
print a.sum()

print "Galactic Flux"
print a[mask].sum()

print "Source Flux Fraction"
print source_flux_frac
Ejemplo n.º 17
def _add_source(image, morph_type, pars, l, b):
    """Adds a specified source at a given position."""
    from gammapy.morphology.shapes import morph_types
    # Get position and extension info
    # TODO: this won't work for delta2d, which doesn't
    # have a pars[3] entry!
    glon, glat, ext = pars[0], pars[1], pars[3]
    logging.debug('Adding source of type {0} at position '
                 '{1}, {2} with extension {3}'
                 ''.format(morph_type, glon, glat, ext))

    # Get indices of position
    #import IPython; IPython.embed()
    x_pix, y_pix = np.arange(image.header['NAXIS1']), np.arange(image.header['NAXIS2'])

    # Correct pixel numbering
    x_pix = np.floor(x_pix) - 1
    y_pix = np.floor(y_pix) - 1

    # Get data
    data = image.data
    pixsize = image.header['CDELT2']

    # Compute boxsize with one pixel margin
    boxsize = 2 * np.floor(ext / pixsize + 2)

    # Determine corner pixels
    left_bottom = [y_pix, x_pix] - boxsize / 2
    right_top = [y_pix, x_pix] + boxsize / 2

    # Determine image boundaries
    y_bound, x_bound = data.shape

    # Correct Behaviour at the boundaries
    if left_bottom[1] < 0 or left_bottom[0] < 0 or right_top[1] > x_bound or right_top[0] > y_bound:
        logging.debug('Source is not completely in image.')

        # Get out of range coordinate map
        l, b = utils.coordinates(image, x_pix, y_pix, boxsize)

        # Get image of source
        box_image = morph_types[morph_type](pars, l, b)

        # Get slices
        s_x, s_y, b_x, b_y = _get_slices(left_bottom, right_top, x_bound, y_bound)

        # For debugging
        logging.debug('left_bottom: {0}'.format(left_bottom))
        logging.debug('right_top: {0}'.format(right_top))
        logging.debug('box_image.shape: {0}'.format(box_image.shape))
        logging.debug('s_x: {0}'.format(s_x))
        logging.debug('s_y: {0}'.format(s_y))
        logging.debug('b_x: {0}'.format(b_x))
        logging.debug('b_y: {0}'.format(b_y))
        logging.debug('box_image.shape: {0}'.format(box_image[b_y, b_x].shape))
        logging.debug('data.shape: {0}'.format(data[s_y, s_x].shape))

        # Add box to image
        data[s_y, s_x] += box_image[b_y, b_x]

        logging.debug('Source is completely in image.')
        s_x = slice(left_bottom[1], right_top[1])
        s_y = slice(left_bottom[0], right_top[0])
        # Get image of source
        box_image = morph_types[morph_type](pars, l[s_y, s_x], b[s_y, s_x])
        # Add box to image
        data[s_y, s_x] += box_image
Ejemplo n.º 18
""" Script to determine what fraction of source and diffuse flux is found in the large and small region"""

from astropy.io import fits
import numpy as np

filename = raw_input('Image filename: ')
source = fits.open(filename)[1]

from gammapy.image.utils import coordinates, solid_angle
lats, lons = coordinates(source)
solid_angle = solid_angle(source)
region_glat_high = 5
region_glat_low = -5
region_glon_high = 100
region_glon_low = -100

mask1 = (region_glat_low < lats) & (lats < region_glat_high)
mask2 = (region_glon_low < lons) & (lons < region_glon_high)
mask = mask1 & mask2

a = np.nan_to_num(source.data)
source_flux_frac = a[mask].sum()/a.sum()
print "Total Flux in Image"
print a.sum()

print "Galactic Flux"
print a[mask].sum()

print "Source Flux Fraction"
print source_flux_frac