Ejemplo n.º 1
class GeneralizedGaussianTemporalModel(TemporalModel):
    r"""A generalized Gaussian temporal profile

    .. math::
            F(t) = exp( - 0.5 * (\frac{ \lvert t - t_{ref} \rvert}{t_rise}) ^ {1 / \eta})   for  t < t_ref
            F(t) = exp( - 0.5 * (\frac{ \lvert t - t_{ref} \rvert}{t_decay}) ^ {1 / \eta})   for  t > t_ref

    t_ref : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
        The time of the pulse's maximum intensity.
    t_rise : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
        Rise time constant.
    t_decay : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
        Decay time constant.
    eta : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
        Inverse pulse sharpness -> higher values implies a more peaked pulse

    tag = ["GeneralizedGaussianTemporalModel", "gengauss"]

    _t_ref_default = Time("2000-01-01")
    t_ref = Parameter("t_ref", _t_ref_default.mjd, unit = "day", frozen=False)
    t_rise = Parameter("t_rise", "1d", frozen=False)
    t_decay = Parameter("t_decay", "1d", frozen=False)
    eta = Parameter("eta", 1/2, unit = "", frozen=False)

    def evaluate(time, t_ref, t_rise, t_decay, eta):
        val_rise = np.exp( - 0.5 * (np.abs(u.Quantity(time - t_ref,"d")) ** (1/eta)) / (t_rise ** (1/eta)))
        val_decay = np.exp( - 0.5 * (np.abs(u.Quantity(time - t_ref,"d")) ** (1/eta)) / (t_decay ** (1/eta)))
        val = np.where(time < t_ref, val_rise, val_decay)
        return val
    def integral(self, t_min, t_max, **kwargs):
        """Evaluate the integrated flux within the given time intervals

        t_min: `~astropy.time.Time`
            Start times of observation
        t_max: `~astropy.time.Time`
            Stop times of observation

        norm : float
            Integrated flux norm on the given time intervals
        pars = self.parameters
        t_rise = pars["t_rise"].quantity
        t_decay = pars["t_decay"].quantity
        eta = pars["eta"].quantity
        t_ref = Time(pars["t_ref"].quantity, format = "mjd")

        integral = scipy.integrate.quad(self.evaluate, t_min.mjd, t_max.mjd, args=(t_ref.mjd,t_rise,t_decay,eta))[0]
        return integral / self.time_sum(t_min, t_max).to_value("d")
Ejemplo n.º 2
def covariance_diagonal():
    x = Parameter("x", 1, error=0.1)
    y = Parameter("y", 2, error=0.2)
    z = Parameter("z", 3, error=0.3)

    parameters = Parameters([x, y, z])
    return Covariance(parameters=parameters)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, radiative_model, distance=1.0 * u.kpc, seed=None):
        import naima

        self.radiative_model = radiative_model
        self._particle_distribution = self.radiative_model.particle_distribution
        self.distance = u.Quantity(distance)
        self.seed = seed

        if isinstance(self._particle_distribution, naima.models.TableModel):
            param_names = ["amplitude"]
            param_names = self._particle_distribution.param_names

        parameters = []

        for name in param_names:
            value = getattr(self._particle_distribution, name)
            parameter = Parameter(name, value)

        # In case of a synchrotron radiative model, append B to the fittable parameters
        if "B" in self.radiative_model.param_names:
            value = getattr(self.radiative_model, "B")
            parameter = Parameter("B", value)

Ejemplo n.º 4
class ExpDecayTemporalModel(TemporalModel):
    """Temporal model with an exponential decay.

        t0 : Decay time scale
        t_ref: The reference time in mjd

            F(t) = exp(t - t_ref)/t0


    tag = "ExponentialDecayTemporalModel"

    t0 = Parameter("t0", "1 d", frozen=False)
    t_ref = Parameter("t_ref", 55555, frozen=True)

    def evaluate(self, time, t0, t_ref):
        return np.exp(-(time.mjd - t_ref) / t0.to_value("d"))

    def integral(self, t_min, t_max):
        pars = self.parameters
        t0 = pars["t0"].quantity
        t_ref = pars["t_ref"].quantity
        val = self.evaluate(t_max, t0, t_ref) - self.evaluate(t_min, t0, t_ref)
        integ = u.Quantity(-t0 * val)
        return (integ / self.time_sum(t_min, t_max)).to_value("")
Ejemplo n.º 5
class ShellSpatialModel(SpatialModel):
    r"""Shell model.

    For more information see :ref:`shell-spatial-model`.

    lon_0, lat_0 : `~astropy.coordinates.Angle`
        Center position
    radius : `~astropy.coordinates.Angle`
        Inner radius, :math:`r_{in}`
    width : `~astropy.coordinates.Angle`
        Shell width
    frame : {"icrs", "galactic"}
        Center position coordinate frame
    See Also

    tag = ["ShellSpatialModel", "shell"]
    lon_0 = Parameter("lon_0", "0 deg")
    lat_0 = Parameter("lat_0", "0 deg", min=-90, max=90)
    radius = Parameter("radius", "1 deg")
    width = Parameter("width", "0.2 deg")

    def evaluation_radius(self):
        r"""Evaluation radius (`~astropy.coordinates.Angle`).

        Set to :math:`r_\text{out}`.
        return self.radius.quantity + self.width.quantity

    def evaluate(lon, lat, lon_0, lat_0, radius, width):
        """Evaluate model."""
        sep = angular_separation(lon, lat, lon_0, lat_0)
        radius_out = radius + width

        norm = 3 / (2 * np.pi * (radius_out**3 - radius**3))

        with np.errstate(invalid="ignore"):
            # np.where and np.select do not work with quantities, so we use the
            # workaround with indexing
            value = np.sqrt(radius_out**2 - sep**2)
            mask = sep < radius
            value[mask] = (value - np.sqrt(radius**2 - sep**2))[mask]
            value[sep > radius_out] = 0

        return norm * value

    def to_region(self, **kwargs):
        """Model outline (`~regions.CircleAnnulusSkyRegion`)."""
        return CircleAnnulusSkyRegion(
            outer_radius=self.radius.quantity + self.width.quantity,
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self, r_s=None, rho_s=1 * u.Unit("GeV / cm3")):
        r_s = self.DEFAULT_SCALE_RADIUS if r_s is None else r_s

        self.parameters = Parameters([
            Parameter("r_s", u.Quantity(r_s)),
            Parameter("rho_s", u.Quantity(rho_s))
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(
        reference="1 TeV",
        self.name = name
        axis = map.geom.get_axis_by_name("energy")

        if axis.node_type != "center":
            raise ValueError('Need a map with energy axis node_type="center"')

        self.map = map
        self.norm = Parameter("norm", norm)
        self.tilt = Parameter("tilt", tilt, unit="", frozen=True)
        self.reference = Parameter("reference", reference, frozen=True)
        self.meta = {} if meta is None else meta
        self.filename = filename

        interp_kwargs = {} if interp_kwargs is None else interp_kwargs
        interp_kwargs.setdefault("interp", "linear")
        interp_kwargs.setdefault("fill_value", 0)
        self._interp_kwargs = interp_kwargs

        # TODO: onve we have implement a more general and better model caching
        #  remove this again
        self._cached_value = None
        self._cached_coordinates = (None, None, None)

        super().__init__([self.norm, self.tilt, self.reference])
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_parameters_from_stack():
    a = Parameter("a", 1)
    b = Parameter("b", 2)
    c = Parameter("c", 3)

    pars = Parameters([a, b]) + Parameters([]) + Parameters([c])
    assert pars.names == ["a", "b", "c"]
Ejemplo n.º 9
class MyModel(Model):
    x = Parameter("x", 2)
    y = Parameter("y", 3e2)
    z = Parameter("z", 4e-2)
    name = "test"
    datasets_names = ["test"]
    type = "model"
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def __init__(self, name=""):
     self.name = name
     self.parameters = Parameters(
         [Parameter("x", 2),
          Parameter("y", 3e2),
          Parameter("z", 4e-2)])
     self.data_shape = (1, )
Ejemplo n.º 11
class GaussianTemporalModel(TemporalModel):
    """A Gaussian Temporal profile

        t_ref: The reference time in mjd
        sigma : `~astropy.units.Quantity`

    tag = "GaussianTemporalModel"
    t_ref = Parameter("t_ref", 55555, frozen=False)
    sigma = Parameter("sigma", "1 d", frozen=False)

    def evaluate(self, time, t_ref, sigma):
        return np.exp(-((time.mjd - t_ref)**2) / (2 * sigma.to_value("d")**2))

    def integral(self, t_min, t_max, **kwargs):
        r"""Integrate Gaussian analytically.

        t_min, t_max : `~astropy.time`
            Lower and upper bound of integration range

        pars = self.parameters
        norm = pars["sigma"].quantity * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi)
        u_min = norm * ((t_min.mjd - pars["t_ref"].quantity) /
                        (np.sqrt(2) * pars["sigma"].quantity))
        u_max = norm * ((t_max.mjd - pars["t_ref"].quantity) /
                        (np.sqrt(2) * pars["sigma"].quantity))

        integ = 1.0 / 2 * (scipy.special.erf(u_max) - scipy.special.erf(u_min))
        unit = getattr(pars["sigma"], "unit")
        return integ / self.time_sum(t_min, t_max).to_value(unit)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_model_class_par_init():
    x = Parameter("x", 4, "cm")
    y = Parameter("y", 10)

    model = MyModel(x=x, y=y)

    assert x is model.x
    assert y is model.y
Ejemplo n.º 13
def test_unique_parameters():
    a = Parameter("a", 1)
    b = Parameter("b", 2)
    c = Parameter("c", 3)
    parameters = Parameters([a, b, a, c])
    assert parameters.names == ["a", "b", "a", "c"]
    parameters_unique = parameters.unique_parameters
    assert parameters_unique.names == ["a", "b", "c"]
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def __init__(self, lon_0, lat_0, radius, width, frame="icrs"):
        self.frame = frame
        self.lon_0 = Parameter("lon_0", Angle(lon_0))
        self.lat_0 = Parameter("lat_0", Angle(lat_0), min=-90, max=90)
        self.radius = Parameter("radius", Angle(radius))
        self.width = Parameter("width", Angle(width))

        super().__init__([self.lon_0, self.lat_0, self.radius, self.width])
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def __init__(self, table, time_0, phase_0, f0, f1=0, f2=0):
        self.table = table
        self.time_0 = Parameter("time_0", time_0)
        self.phase_0 = Parameter("phase_0", phase_0)
        self.f0 = Parameter("f0", f0)
        self.f1 = Parameter("f1", f1)
        self.f2 = Parameter("f2", f2)

        super().__init__([self.time_0, self.phase_0, self.f0, self.f1, self.f2])
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def __init__(self, r_s=None, alpha=None, rho_s=1 * u.Unit("GeV / cm3")):
        alpha = self.DEFAULT_ALPHA if alpha is None else alpha
        r_s = self.DEFAULT_SCALE_RADIUS if r_s is None else r_s

        self.parameters = Parameters([
            Parameter("r_s", u.Quantity(r_s)),
            Parameter("alpha", u.Quantity(alpha)),
            Parameter("rho_s", u.Quantity(rho_s)),
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def __init__(self, lon_0, lat_0, sigma, e=0, phi="0 deg", frame="icrs"):
        self.frame = frame
        self.lon_0 = Parameter("lon_0", Angle(lon_0))
        self.lat_0 = Parameter("lat_0", Angle(lat_0), min=-90, max=90)
        self.sigma = Parameter("sigma", Angle(sigma), min=0)
        self.e = Parameter("e", e, min=0, max=1, frozen=True)
        self.phi = Parameter("phi", Angle(phi), frozen=True)

            [self.lon_0, self.lat_0, self.sigma, self.e, self.phi])
 def __init__(self, index, amplitude, reference, mean, width):
             Parameter("index", index, min=0),
             Parameter("amplitude", amplitude, min=0),
             Parameter("reference", reference, frozen=True),
             Parameter("mean", mean, min=0),
             Parameter("width", width, min=0, frozen=True),
Ejemplo n.º 19
def test_parameter_quantity():
    par = Parameter("spam", 42, "deg", 10)

    quantity = par.quantity
    assert quantity.unit == "deg"
    assert quantity.value == 420

    par.quantity = "70 deg"
    assert_allclose(par.factor, 7)
    assert par.scale == 10
    assert par.unit == "deg"
Ejemplo n.º 20
class PowerLawTemporalModel(TemporalModel):
    """Temporal model with a Power Law decay.

    For more information see :ref:`powerlaw-temporal-model`.

    alpha : float
        Decay time power
    t_ref: `~astropy.units.Quantity`
        The reference time in mjd. Frozen by default, at 2000-01-01.
    t0: `~astropy.units.Quantity`
        The scaling time in mjd. Fixed by default, at 1 day.

    tag = ["PowerLawTemporalModel", "powerlaw"]

    alpha = Parameter("alpha", 1.0, frozen=False)
    _t_ref_default = Time("2000-01-01")
    t_ref = Parameter("t_ref", _t_ref_default.mjd, unit="day", frozen=True)
    t0 = Parameter("t0", "1 d", frozen=True)

    def evaluate(time, alpha, t_ref, t0=1 * u.day):
        """Evaluate at given times"""
        return np.power((time - t_ref) / t0, alpha)

    def integral(self, t_min, t_max):
        """Evaluate the integrated flux within the given time intervals

        t_min: `~astropy.time.Time`
            Start times of observation
        t_max: `~astropy.time.Time`
            Stop times of observation

        norm : float
            Integrated flux norm on the given time intervals
        pars = self.parameters
        alpha = pars["alpha"].quantity
        t0 = pars["t0"].quantity
        t_ref = Time(pars["t_ref"].quantity, format="mjd")
        if alpha != -1:
            value = self.evaluate(t_max, alpha + 1.0,
                                  t_ref, t0) - self.evaluate(
                                      t_min, alpha + 1.0, t_ref, t0)
            return t0 / (alpha + 1.0) * value / self.time_sum(t_min, t_max)
            value = np.log((t_max - t_ref) / (t_min - t_ref))
            return t0 * value / self.time_sum(t_min, t_max)
Ejemplo n.º 21
def test_get_subcovariance():
    a = Parameter("a", 10)
    b = Parameter("b", 20)
    c = Parameter("c", 30)

    pars_0 = Parameters([a, b, c])
    pars_0.covariance = np.array([[2, 3, 4], [6, 7, 8], [10, 11, 12]])

    pars_1 = Parameters([a, b])

    assert_equal(pars_0.get_subcovariance(pars_1), np.array([[2, 3], [6, 7]]))
    assert_equal(pars_0.get_subcovariance([c]), np.array([[12]]))
Ejemplo n.º 22
class LogParabolaSpectralModel(SpectralModel):
    r"""Spectral log parabola model.

    For more information see :ref:`logparabola-spectral-model`.

    amplitude : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
    reference : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
    alpha : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
    beta : `~astropy.units.Quantity`

    tag = "LogParabolaSpectralModel"
    amplitude = Parameter("amplitude", "1e-12 cm-2 s-1 TeV-1")
    reference = Parameter("reference", "10 TeV", frozen=True)
    alpha = Parameter("alpha", 2)
    beta = Parameter("beta", 1)

    def from_log10(cls, amplitude, reference, alpha, beta):
        """Construct from :math:`log_{10}` parametrization."""
        beta_ = beta / np.log(10)
        return cls(amplitude=amplitude,

    def evaluate(energy, amplitude, reference, alpha, beta):
        """Evaluate the model (static function)."""
        xx = energy / reference
        exponent = -alpha - beta * np.log(xx)
        return amplitude * np.power(xx, exponent)

    def e_peak(self):
        r"""Spectral energy distribution peak energy (`~astropy.units.Quantity`).

        This is the peak in E^2 x dN/dE and is given by:

        .. math::
            E_{Peak} = E_{0} \exp{ (2 - \alpha) / (2 * \beta)}
        p = self.parameters
        reference = p["reference"].quantity
        alpha = p["alpha"].quantity
        beta = p["beta"].quantity
        return reference * np.exp((2 - alpha) / (2 * beta))
Ejemplo n.º 23
class ExpCutoffPowerLawSpectralModel(SpectralModel):
    r"""Spectral exponential cutoff power-law model.

    For more information see :ref:`exp-cutoff-powerlaw-spectral-model`.

    index : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
    amplitude : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
    reference : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
    lambda_ : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
    alpha : `~astropy.units.Quantity`

    tag = "ExpCutoffPowerLawSpectralModel"

    index = Parameter("index", 1.5)
    amplitude = Parameter("amplitude", "1e-12 cm-2 s-1 TeV-1")
    reference = Parameter("reference", "1 TeV", frozen=True)
    lambda_ = Parameter("lambda_", "0.1 TeV-1")
    alpha = Parameter("alpha", "1.0", frozen=True)

    def evaluate(energy, index, amplitude, reference, lambda_, alpha):
        """Evaluate the model (static function)."""
        pwl = amplitude * (energy / reference)**(-index)
        cutoff = np.exp(-np.power(energy * lambda_, alpha))

        return pwl * cutoff

    def e_peak(self):
        r"""Spectral energy distribution peak energy (`~astropy.units.Quantity`).

        This is the peak in E^2 x dN/dE and is given by:

        .. math::
            E_{Peak} =  \left(\frac{2 - \Gamma}{\alpha}\right)^{1/\alpha} / \lambda
        p = self.parameters
        reference = p["reference"].quantity
        index = p["index"].quantity
        lambda_ = p["lambda_"].quantity
        alpha = p["alpha"].quantity
        if index >= 2 or lambda_ == 0.0 or alpha == 0.0:
            return np.nan * reference.unit
            return np.power((2 - index) / alpha, 1 / alpha) / lambda_
Ejemplo n.º 24
class SineTemporalModel(TemporalModel):
    """Temporal model with a sinusoidal modulation.

    For more information see :ref:`sine-temporal-model`.

    amp : float
        Amplitude of the sinusoidal function
    t_ref: `~astropy.units.Quantity`
        The reference time in mjd.
    omega: `~astropy.units.Quantity`
        Pulsation of the signal.

    tag = ["SineTemporalModel", "sinus"]

    amp = Parameter("amp", 1.0, frozen=False)
    omega = Parameter("omega", "1. rad/day", frozen=False)
    _t_ref_default = Time("2000-01-01")
    t_ref = Parameter("t_ref", _t_ref_default.mjd, unit="day", frozen=False)

    def evaluate(time, amp, omega, t_ref):
        """Evaluate at given times"""
        return 1.0 + amp * np.sin(omega * (time - t_ref))

    def integral(self, t_min, t_max):
        """Evaluate the integrated flux within the given time intervals

        t_min: `~astropy.time.Time`
            Start times of observation
        t_max: `~astropy.time.Time`
            Stop times of observation

        norm : float
            Integrated flux norm on the given time intervals
        pars = self.parameters
        omega = pars["omega"].quantity.to_value("rad/day")
        amp = pars["amp"].value
        t_ref = Time(pars["t_ref"].quantity, format="mjd")
        value = (t_max - t_min
                 ) - amp / omega * (np.sin(omega *
                                           (t_max - t_ref).to_value("day")) -
                                    np.sin(omega *
                                           (t_min - t_ref).to_value("day")))
        return value / self.time_sum(t_min, t_max)
Ejemplo n.º 25
def test_parameter_scale():
    # Basic check how scale is used for value, min, max
    par = Parameter("spam", 42, "deg", 10, 400, 500)

    assert par.value == 420
    assert par.min == 400
    assert_allclose(par.factor_min, 40)
    assert par.max == 500
    assert_allclose(par.factor_max, 50)

    par.value = 70
    assert par.scale == 10
    assert_allclose(par.factor, 7)
Ejemplo n.º 26
def test_set_subcovariance():
    a = Parameter("a", 10)
    b = Parameter("b", 20)
    c = Parameter("c", 30)

    pars_0 = Parameters([a, c, b])
    pars_0.covariance = np.zeros((3, 3))

    pars_1 = Parameters([a, b])
    pars_1.covariance = np.array([[2, 3], [6, 7]])

    assert_equal(pars_0.covariance, np.array([[2, 0, 3], [0, 0, 0], [6, 0, 7]]))
Ejemplo n.º 27
class LinearTemporalModel(TemporalModel):
    """Temporal model with a linear variation.

    For more information see :ref:`linear-temporal-model`.

    alpha : float
        Constant term of the baseline flux
    beta : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
        Time variation coefficient of the flux
    t_ref: `~astropy.units.Quantity`
        The reference time in mjd. Frozen per default, at 2000-01-01.

    tag = ["LinearTemporalModel", "linear"]

    alpha = Parameter("alpha", 1.0, frozen=False)
    beta = Parameter("beta", 0.0, unit="d-1", frozen=False)
    _t_ref_default = Time("2000-01-01")
    t_ref = Parameter("t_ref", _t_ref_default.mjd, unit="day", frozen=True)

    def evaluate(time, alpha, beta, t_ref):
        """Evaluate at given times"""
        return alpha + beta * (time - t_ref)

    def integral(self, t_min, t_max):
        """Evaluate the integrated flux within the given time intervals

        t_min: `~astropy.time.Time`
            Start times of observation
        t_max: `~astropy.time.Time`
            Stop times of observation

        norm : float
            Integrated flux norm on the given time intervals
        pars = self.parameters
        alpha = pars["alpha"]
        beta = pars["beta"].quantity
        t_ref = Time(pars["t_ref"].quantity, format="mjd")
        value = alpha * (t_max - t_min) + beta / 2.0 * ((t_max - t_ref) *
                                                        (t_max - t_ref) -
                                                        (t_min - t_ref) *
                                                        (t_min - t_ref))
        return value / self.time_sum(t_min, t_max)
Ejemplo n.º 28
class GaussianTemporalModel(TemporalModel):
    r"""A Gaussian temporal profile

            F(t) = exp( -0.5 * \frac{ (t - t_{ref})^2 } { \sigma^2 })

    t_ref: `~astropy.units.Quantity`
        The reference time in mjd at the peak.
    sigma : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
        Width of the gaussian profile.

    tag = ["GaussianTemporalModel", "gauss"]

    _t_ref_default = Time("2000-01-01")
    t_ref = Parameter("t_ref", _t_ref_default.mjd, unit="day", frozen=False)
    sigma = Parameter("sigma", "1 d", frozen=False)

    def evaluate(time, t_ref, sigma):
        return np.exp(-((time - t_ref)**2) / (2 * sigma**2))

    def integral(self, t_min, t_max, **kwargs):
        """Evaluate the integrated flux within the given time intervals

        t_min: `~astropy.time.Time`
            Start times of observation
        t_max: `~astropy.time.Time`
            Stop times of observation

        norm : float
            Integrated flux norm on the given time intervals
        pars = self.parameters
        sigma = pars["sigma"].quantity
        t_ref = Time(pars["t_ref"].quantity, format="mjd")
        norm = np.sqrt(np.pi / 2) * sigma

        u_min = (t_min - t_ref) / (np.sqrt(2) * sigma)
        u_max = (t_max - t_ref) / (np.sqrt(2) * sigma)

        integral = norm * (scipy.special.erf(u_max) - scipy.special.erf(u_min))
        return integral / self.time_sum(t_min, t_max)
Ejemplo n.º 29
class _LogGaussianSpectralModel(SpectralModel):
    r"""Log Gaussian spectral model with a weird parametrisation.

    This should not be exposed to end-users as a Gammapy spectral model!
    See Table 3 in https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2013APh....43..171B

    L = Parameter("L", 1e-12 * u.Unit("cm-2 s-1"))
    Ep = Parameter("Ep", 0.107 * u.TeV)
    w = Parameter("w", 0.776)

    def evaluate(energy, L, Ep, w):
        return (L / (energy * w * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi)) *
                np.exp(-((np.log(energy / Ep))**2) / (2 * w**2)))
Ejemplo n.º 30
def test_parameters_from_stack():
    a = Parameter("a", 1)
    b = Parameter("b", 2)
    c = Parameter("c", 3)

    pars = Parameters([a, b]) + Parameters([]) + Parameters([c])
    assert pars.names == ["a", "b", "c"]

    pars1 = Parameters.from_values([1, 2], covariance=np.full((2, 2), 2))
    pars2 = Parameters.from_values([3, 4, 5], covariance=np.full((3, 3), 3))
    pars = pars1 + pars2

    assert_allclose(pars.values, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
    assert_allclose(pars.covariance[0], [2, 2, 0, 0, 0])
    assert_allclose(pars.covariance[4], [0, 0, 3, 3, 3])