Ejemplo n.º 1
def Crosswalk(spCode):
    (string) -> tuple

    Returns a tuple of 4 items: GAP species code, ELCode, ITIS TSN, and

    spCode -- the species' unique GAP ID

    >>> Crosswalk('mNAROx')
    (u'mNAROx', u'AMAJF10010', u'180549', 102243)
    import gapdb
        whrCursor, whrCon = gapdb.ConnectWHR()
        qry = whrCursor.execute("""SELECT t.strUC, t.strSort, t.strITIScode, t.intELEMENT_GLOBAL_SEQ_UID
                                FROM dbo.tblTaxa as t
                                WHERE t.strUC = ?""", spCode).fetchone()

        del whrCursor

        xWalkTemp = tuple(qry)

        # Create an empty new list
        xWalk = []
        # For each item resulting from the query
        for item in xWalkTemp:
            # If the item is of type None or is False
            if item == 'None' or item == None:
                # Add an empty string to the list
            # Otherwise, add a string of the item

        # Convert the list to a tuple and return it
        return tuple(xWalk)

    # An exception in this function would indicate that the species is not in
    # the taxa table. Therefore, just return the submitted species code with
    # the remaining fields represented by empty strings.
        return (spCode,'','','')
Ejemplo n.º 2
def ListCONUSEndemics():
    () -> list

    Gets a list of GAP species codes for all species/subspecies that are endemic to CONUS.
    qry = '''
    SELECT ysnCONUSEndemic, strUC
    FROM tblConservationConcern
    WHERE tblConservationConcern.ysnCONUSEndemic = 1

    # Connect to the database
    Cursor, Conn = gapdb.ConnectWHR()
    # Get the range table for the species
    sppEnd = Cursor.execute(qry).fetchall()
    sppEnd = [i[1] for i in sppEnd]

    # Close the database connection

    return sppEnd
Ejemplo n.º 3
def SppInAOI(AOIShp, hucShp, workDir, origin, season, reproduction,
    (string, string, string, string, list, list, list, list) -> list
    Returns a list of species occurring within the provided polygon.  Runtime
    is about 3-5 minutes.
    AOIShp -- A shapefile polygon (dissolved) to investigate.  Should have 
        the same coordinate systems as the huc shapefile.
    hucShp -- A 12 digit huc shapefile that matches the GAP species database hucs.
    workDir -- Where to work and save output.
    origin -- Origin codes to include.
    season -- Season codes to include.
    reproduction -- Reproduction codes to include.
    presence -- Presence codes to include.
    >>> sppList = SppInPolygon(AOIShp = "T:/Temp/BlueMountains2.shp",
                               hucShp = config.hucs,
                               workDir = "T:/Temp/",
                               origin = [1],
                               season = [1, 3, 4],
                               reproduction = [1, 2, 3],
                               presence = [1, 2, 3])
    import arcpy
    arcpy.env.workspace = workDir
    import pandas as pd
    ##############################################  Get list of hucs within polygon
    print("\nSelecting HUCs completely within the AOI shapefile\n")
    arcpy.management.MakeFeatureLayer(hucShp, 'HUCs_lyr')
    arcpy.management.MakeFeatureLayer(AOIShp, 'shp_lyr')
    arcpy.management.SelectLayerByLocation('HUCs_lyr', 'INTERSECT', 'shp_lyr')
    # Make an empty list to append
    selHUCsList = []
    # Get the fields from the input selected HUCs layer
    fields = arcpy.ListFields('HUCs_lyr')
    # Create a fieldinfo object
    fieldinfo = arcpy.FieldInfo()
    # Use only the HUC12RNG field and set it to fieldinfo
    for field in fields:
        if field.name == "HUC12RNG":
            fieldinfo.addField(field.name, field.name, "VISIBLE", "")
    # The selected HUCs layer will have fields as set in fieldinfo object
    arcpy.MakeTableView_management("HUCs_lyr", "selHUCsTV", "", "", fieldinfo)
    # Loop through the selected HUCs and add them to a list
    for row in sorted(arcpy.da.SearchCursor('selHUCsTV', ['HUC12RNG'])):
    # Make the selected HUCs list a set for comparing with species range HUCs
    selHUCsSet = set(selHUCsList)
    #################################################  Get a species list to assess
    print("Comparing species ranges to selected HUCs\n")
    ## Make WHRdb and Species databse connections
    whrCursor, whrConn = gapdb.ConnectWHR()
    sppCursor, sppConn = gapdb.ConnectSppDB()
    # Build and SQL statement that returns CONUS
    # full species codes and names that are in the modeled list
    sql = """SELECT t.strUC, t.strCommonName, t.strScientificName,
                    t.strsubSciNameText, t.ysnInclude, intRegionCode               
                    FROM dbo.tblAllSpecies as t
                    WHERE (t.ysnInclude = 'True') AND t.intRegionCode < 7"""
    # Pull into a dataframe
    dfAllSpp = pd.read_sql(sql, whrConn)
     # Drop the region code and include fields
    dfAllSpp = dfAllSpp.drop(['intRegionCode','ysnInclude'], axis=1)
    # Drop duplicates to get unique species codes
    dfUnique = dfAllSpp.drop_duplicates(subset='strUC', keep='first')
    ################################  Asses each species' occurence in polygon hucs
    # List to collect species in AOI
    masterList = []
    for SC in list(dfUnique.strUC):
        taxa = dictionaries.taxaDict[SC[0]]
        # What hucs are species' in?
        sql = """SELECT t.strHUC12RNG, t.strUC, t.intGapOrigin, t.intGapPres, 
                    t.intGapRepro, t.intGapSeas 
                    FROM dbo.tblRanges_""" + taxa + """ as t
                    WHERE (t.strUC = '""" + str(SC) + """') 
                    AND t.strHUC12RNG < '190000000000'"""
        dfRngHUCs = pd.read_sql(sql, sppConn)
        # Which hucs have acceptable attributes?
        select={'intGapPres':presence, 'intGapSeas':season, 
                'intGapOrigin':origin, 'intGapRepro':reproduction}
        dfS1 = dfRngHUCs[dfRngHUCs[select.keys()].isin(select).all(axis=1)]   
        # Get the strHUC12RNG column into a set
        SpeciesSet = set(dfS1[dfS1.columns[0]].tolist())
        # Compare the species and AOI huc sets to see if there's any overlap.
        if len(selHUCsSet & SpeciesSet) > 0:
    if len(masterList) == 0:
        print "!!!!  There was some sort of problem  !!!!\n"
        # Delete cursors and close db connections
        del sppCursor, sppConn
        del whrCursor, whrConn
        return masterList
Ejemplo n.º 4
def GetEndemics(extentShapefile, shpHucs, workDir, keyword):
    (string, string, string) -> string & saved csv file.
        Use this to create a CSV file of species' (including subspecies)
    whose ranges are endemic to a specified input AOI shapefile.
    Generally, the AOI shapefile should be a single polygon. The script
    uses a select by location function in which 12-digit HUCs are
    selected that are completely within the AOI shapefile. If there
    is more than one polygon, the selections will be made within each
    individual polygon - i.e. there will by multiple selections as
    opposed to one continuous set of HUCs.
    The shapefile must have projection and coordinate system that 
    matches the 12-digit HUC shapefile from which species' ranges are
    The final CSV file will contain the following fields:
    Species Code
    Scientific Name
    Common Name
    NOTE: Be careful with this function, finding endemics may be more 
    difficult than it seems. This obviously does not take into account 
    species' ranges outside CONUS since GAP ranges are not complete outside
    the lower 48 (with some AK, HI, PR exceptions). And, obviously again, this
    does not take into consideration ranges in other countries during
    different seasons. It would be possible to alter this script to
    look for seasonal endemism. As currently written, the sql query
    to get HUC range data includes all seasons and known, possibly,
    and potentially present ocurrence status.  Also, bear in mind that you
    may need to take extra caution regarding endemic species that are 
    distributed up to the edges of oceans.
    extentShapfile -- A designated AOI shapefile with projection and coordinate
                system to match the 12-digit HUC range shapefile.
    shpHucs -- A 12-digit HUC range shapefile.
    workDir -- Where to save the csv file (KeywordEndemicSpecies.txt)
    keyword -- Keyword to use in output file name, whatever you want that to be.
    >> csvPath = GetEndemics(extent="T:/Project/ProjectExtent.shp",
    import arcpy
    import pandas as pd, datetime
    from datetime import datetime
    starttime = datetime.now()
    # +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    #            ++++ Directory & File Locations ++++
    arcpy.env.workspace = workDir

    # ***************************************************************
    ''' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
        Select HUCs of the CONUS HUC shapefile that are completely within the
        user defined source layer feature shapefile. Each must be made into a
        layer prior to using SelectLayerByLocation
    print "\nSelecting HUCs completely within the designated shapefile ....\n"
    arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(shpHucs, 'HUCs_lyr')
    arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(extentShapefile, 'shp_lyr')
    arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management('HUCs_lyr', 'COMPLETELY_WITHIN', 'shp_lyr')
    # Make an empty list to append
    selHUCsList = []
    # Get the fields from the input selected HUCs layer
    fields = arcpy.ListFields('HUCs_lyr')
    # Create a fieldinfo object
    fieldinfo = arcpy.FieldInfo()
    # Use only the HUC12RNG field and set it to fieldinfo
    for field in fields:
        if field.name == "HUC12RNG":
            fieldinfo.addField(field.name, field.name, "VISIBLE", "")
    # The selected HUCs layer will have fields as set in fieldinfo object
    arcpy.MakeTableView_management("HUCs_lyr", "selHUCsTV", "", "", fieldinfo)
    # Loop through the selected HUCs and add them to a list
    for row in sorted(arcpy.da.SearchCursor('selHUCsTV', ['HUC12RNG'])):
    # Make the selected HUCs list a set for comparing with species range HUCs
    selHUCsSet = set(selHUCsList)
    ''' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
        Get HUC range data from the Species Database
    print "\n++++++++++++++ Comparing species ranges to selected HUCs +++++++++++++++++\n"
    # Make an empty master dataframe
    dfMaster = pd.DataFrame()
    ## Make WHRdb and Species databse connections
    whrCursor, whrConn = gapdb.ConnectWHR()
    sppCursor, sppConn = gapdb.ConnectSppDB()
    # Build and SQL statement that returns CONUS
    # full species codes and names that are in the modeled list
    sql = """SELECT t.strUC, t.strCommonName, t.strScientificName,
                    t.strsubSciNameText, t.ysnInclude, intRegionCode               
                    FROM dbo.tblAllSpecies as t
                    WHERE (t.ysnInclude = 'True') AND t.intRegionCode < 7"""
    # Pull into a dataframe
    dfAllSpp = pd.read_sql(sql, whrConn)
     # Drop the region code and include fields
    dfAllSpp = dfAllSpp.drop(['intRegionCode','ysnInclude'], axis=1)
    # Drop duplicates to get unique species codes
    dfUnique = dfAllSpp.drop_duplicates(subset='strUC', keep='first')
    ''' Loop over the unique species list to calculate each
        one's range size and percentage
    # Set up an iterator to get row index for dfUSpp dataframe
    # First, sort and reset the row index in dfUnique dataframe
    dfSort = dfUnique.sort_values(by='strUC')
    dfUSpp = dfSort.reset_index(drop=True)
    i = -1
    for spp in dfUSpp['strUC']:
        print "Working on " + spp + " ...."
        # Add one to the iterartor
        i += 1
        # Now, get the scientific name, subspecies name,
        # common name, and species code based on row index
        SN = dfUSpp['strScientificName'][i]
        SSN = dfUSpp['strsubSciNameText'][i]
        CN = dfUSpp['strCommonName'][i]
        SC = dfUSpp['strUC'][i]
        # Get the taxon from the species code
        if spp[0] == 'a':
            taxa = 'Amphibians'
        elif spp[0] == 'b':
            taxa = 'Birds'
        elif spp[0] == 'm':
            taxa = 'Mammals'
            taxa = 'Reptiles'
        # Build an SQL statement that returns relevant fields in the
        # appropriate taxa table tblRanges_<taxa> using a species code
        # Limit the HUC codes to only CONUS - i.e. < 190000000000    
        sql = """SELECT t.strHUC12RNG, t.strUC, t.intGapOrigin, t.intGapPres, 
                    t.intGapRepro, t.intGapSeas 
                    FROM dbo.tblRanges_""" + taxa + """ as t
                    WHERE (t.strUC = '""" + str(spp) + """') 
                    AND t.strHUC12RNG < '190000000000'"""
        dfRngHUCs = pd.read_sql(sql, sppConn)
        # Select only known, possibly, or potentially present;
        #             year-round, winter, or summer seasons
        select={'intGapPres':[1,2,3], 'intGapSeas':[1,3,4]}
        dfS1 = dfRngHUCs[dfRngHUCs[list(select)].isin(select).all(axis=1)]
        # Get the strHUC12RNG column into a set
        dfS1Set = set(dfS1[dfS1.columns[0]].tolist())
        # Subtract this species' range HUC set from the shapefile's HUC set
        # to see if the set is empty => all range HUCs for the species would
        # then be entirely within the shapefile's interior HUCs
        if len(dfS1Set - selHUCsSet) == 0:
            print SN, "range is endemic to the input shapefile\n"
            # Add the species' info to a dataframe
            dfMaster = dfMaster.append({'Species Code':SC, 
                                        'Scientific Name':SN,
                                        'subspecies Name':SSN,
                                        'Common Name':CN}, ignore_index=True)
            print "Range not endemic to AOI. Moving on to next species...\n"
    # Check to see if there are any species with their range entirely
    # within the designated shapefile. If not print message to the screen
    if len(dfMaster) == 0:
        print " ========= No species have endemic range within the AOI =========\n"
        # Reorder columns in completed dataframe
        dfMaster = dfMaster[['Species Code', 'Scientific Name','Common Name']]
        # Export to text file
        outFileName = workDir + keyword + "EndemicSpeciesList.txt"
        # Return dfMaster
        return outFileName
    # Delete cursors and close db connections
    del sppCursor, sppConn
    del whrCursor, whrConn
    del dfAllSpp, dfUnique, dfSort, dfUSpp
    del dfS1, dfS1Set
    endtime = datetime.now()
    delta = endtime - starttime
    print "+"*35
    print "Processing time: " + str(delta)
    print "+"*35