Ejemplo n.º 1
    def infer_posterior(self, context):
        r"""Compute :math:`q(z \| c)` as a function of input context and sample new z.

            context (torch.Tensor): Context values, with shape
                :math:`(X, N, C)`. X is the number of tasks. N is batch size. C
                is the combined size of observation, action, reward, and next
                observation if next observation is used in context. Otherwise,
                C is the combined size of observation, action, and reward.

        params = self._context_encoder(context)
        params = params.view(context.size(0), -1,
        # with probabilistic z, predict mean and variance of q(z | c)
        if self._use_information_bottleneck:
            mu = params[..., :self._latent_dim]
            sigma_squared = F.softplus(params[..., self._latent_dim:])
            z_params = [
                tu.product_of_gaussians(m, s)
                for m, s in zip(torch.unbind(mu), torch.unbind(sigma_squared))
            self.z_means = torch.stack([p[0] for p in z_params])
            self.z_vars = torch.stack([p[1] for p in z_params])
            self.z_means = torch.mean(params, dim=1)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_product_of_gaussians():
    """Test computing mu, sigma of product of gaussians."""
    size = 5
    mu = torch.ones(size)
    sigmas_squared = torch.ones(size)
    output = tu.product_of_gaussians(mu, sigmas_squared)
    assert output[0] == 1
    assert output[1] == 1 / size
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def infer_posterior(self, context):
        # print(context.size())
        params = self._context_encoder.forward(context)
        params = params.view(context.size(0), -1,

        # with probabilistic z, predict mean and variance of q(z | c)
        if self._use_information_bottleneck:
            mu = params[..., :self._latent_dim]
            sigma_squared = F.softplus(params[..., self._latent_dim:])
            z_params = [
                tu.product_of_gaussians(m, s)
                for m, s in zip(torch.unbind(mu), torch.unbind(sigma_squared))
            z_means = torch.stack([p[0] for p in z_params])
            z_vars = torch.stack([p[1] for p in z_params])
            return z_means, z_vars
            z_means = torch.mean(params, dim=1)
            return z_means