Ejemplo n.º 1
import argparse
import getpass
from garminexport.garminclient import GarminClient
import json
import logging
import sys

logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format="%(asctime)-15s [%(levelname)s] %(message)s")
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

if __name__ == "__main__":   
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    # positional args
        "username", metavar="<username>", type=str, help="Account user name.")
    # optional args
        "--password", type=str, help="Account password.")

    args = parser.parse_args()

    if not args.password:
        args.password = getpass.getpass("Enter password: "******"client object ready for use.")
Ejemplo n.º 2
def incremental_backup(username: str,
                       password: str = None,
                       user_agent_fn: Callable[[],str] = None,
                       backup_dir: str = os.path.join(".", "activities"),
                       export_formats: List[str] = None,
                       ignore_errors: bool = False,
                       max_retries: int = 7):
    """Performs (incremental) backups of activities for a given Garmin Connect account.

    :param username: Garmin Connect user name
    :param password: Garmin Connect user password. Default: None. If not provided, would be asked interactively.
    :keyword user_agent_fn: A function that, when called, produces a
    `User-Agent` string to be used as `User-Agent` for the remainder of the
    session. If set to None, the default user agent of the http request
    library is used.
    :type user_agent_fn: Callable[[], str]
    :param backup_dir: Destination directory for downloaded activities. Default: ./activities/".
    :param export_formats: List of desired output formats (json_summary, json_details, gpx, tcx, fit).
    Default: `None` which means all supported formats will be backed up.
    :param ignore_errors: Ignore errors and keep going. Default: False.
    :param max_retries: The maximum number of retries to make on failed attempts to fetch an activity.
    Exponential backoff will be used, meaning that the delay between successive attempts
    will double with every retry, starting at one second. Default: 7.

    The activities are stored in a local directory on the user's computer.
    The backups are incremental, meaning that only activities that aren't already
    stored in the backup directory will be downloaded.

    # if no --format was specified, all formats are to be backed up
    export_formats = export_formats if export_formats else supported_export_formats
    log.info("backing up formats: %s", ", ".join(export_formats))

    if not os.path.isdir(backup_dir):

    if not password:
        password = getpass.getpass("Enter password: "******"scanning activities for %s ...", username)
        activities = set(retryer.call(client.list_activities))
        log.info("account has a total of %d activities", len(activities))

        missing_activities = garminexport.backup.need_backup(activities, backup_dir, export_formats)
        backed_up = activities - missing_activities
        log.info("%s contains %d backed up activities", backup_dir, len(backed_up))

        log.info("activities that aren't backed up: %d", len(missing_activities))

        for index, activity in enumerate(missing_activities):
            id, start = activity
            if id not in [578518094]:
                log.info("backing up activity %s from %s (%d out of %d) ...",
                     id, start, index + 1, len(missing_activities))
                    garminexport.backup.download(client, activity, retryer, backup_dir, export_formats)
                except Exception as e:
                    log.error("failed with exception: %s", e)
                    if not ignore_errors:

        # gewicht herunterladen
        import urllib.request, json 
        import datetime
        import time
        WeightURL = "https://connect.garmin.com/modern/proxy/userprofile-service/userprofile/personal-information/weightWithOutbound/filterByDay?from="+str(int(datetime.datetime(2008,1,1,0,0).timestamp()))+"999"+"&until="+str(int(time.time()))+"999"
        response = client.session.get(WeightURL)
        if response.status_code in (404, 204):
            log.info("failed to download weight 404,204")
        if response.status_code != 200:
            log.info("failed to download weight ungleich 200")
            data = json.loads(response.text)
            heute = datetime.date.today()
            with open(os.path.join(backup_dir,'weight_'+str(heute.year)+'-'+str(heute.month)+'-'+str(heute.day)+'.json'), 'w') as outfile:
Ejemplo n.º 3
def incremental_backup(username: str,
                       password: str = None,
                       backup_dir: str = os.path.join(".", "activities"),
                       export_formats: List[str] = None,
                       ignore_errors: bool = False,
                       max_retries: int = 7):
    """Performs (incremental) backups of activities for a given Garmin Connect account.

    :param username: Garmin Connect user name
    :param password: Garmin Connect user password. Default: None. If not provided, would be asked interactively.
    :param backup_dir: Destination directory for downloaded activities. Default: ./activities/".
    :param export_formats: List of desired output formats (json_summary, json_details, gpx, tcx, fit).
    Default: `None` which means all supported formats will be backed up.
    :param ignore_errors: Ignore errors and keep going. Default: False.
    :param max_retries: The maximum number of retries to make on failed attempts to fetch an activity.
    Exponential backoff will be used, meaning that the delay between successive attempts
    will double with every retry, starting at one second. Default: 7.

    The activities are stored in a local directory on the user's computer.
    The backups are incremental, meaning that only activities that aren't already
    stored in the backup directory will be downloaded.
    # if no --format was specified, all formats are to be backed up
    export_formats = export_formats if export_formats else supported_export_formats
    log.info("backing up formats: %s", ", ".join(export_formats))

    if not os.path.isdir(backup_dir):

    if not password:
        password = getpass.getpass("Enter password: "******"scanning activities for %s ...", username)
        activities = set(retryer.call(client.list_activities))
        log.info("account has a total of %d activities", len(activities))

        missing_activities = garminexport.backup.need_backup(
            activities, backup_dir, export_formats)
        backed_up = activities - missing_activities
        log.info("%s contains %d backed up activities", backup_dir,

        log.info("activities that aren't backed up: %d",

        for index, activity in enumerate(missing_activities):
            id, start = activity
            log.info("backing up activity %s from %s (%d out of %d) ...", id,
                     start, index + 1, len(missing_activities))
                garminexport.backup.download(client, activity, retryer,
                                             backup_dir, export_formats)
            except Exception as e:
                log.error("failed with exception: %s", e)
                if not ignore_errors:
Ejemplo n.º 4
        "--log-level", metavar="LEVEL", type=str,
        help=("Desired log output level (DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR). "
              "Default: INFO."), default="INFO")

    args = parser.parse_args()
    if len(args.activity)>1 and (args.description is not None or args.name is not None):
        parser.error("When uploading multiple activities, --name or --description cannot be used.")
    if not args.log_level in LOG_LEVELS:
        raise ValueError("Illegal log-level argument: {}".format(

        if not args.password:
            args.password = getpass.getpass("Enter password: "******"uploading activity file {} ...".format(activity.name))
                    id = client.upload_activity(activity, name=args.name, description=args.description, private=args.private, activity_type=args.type)
                except Exception as e:
                    log.error("upload failed: {!r}".format(e))
                    log.info("upload successful: https://connect.garmin.com/modern/activity/{}".format(id))
    except Exception as e:
        exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
        log.error(u"failed with exception: %s", e)