Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: brk.py Proyecto: jasp382/gasp
def break_lines_on_points(lineShp, pntShp, outShp, lnhidonpnt,
                          api='shply', db=None):
    Break lines on points location
    api's available:
    - shply (shapely);
    - psql (postgis);
    if api == 'shply':
        result = shply_break_lines_on_points(
            lineShp, pntShp, lnhidonpnt, outShp)
    elif api == 'psql':
        from gasp.pyt.oss     import fprop
        from gasp.sql.db      import create_db
        from gasp.gql.to      import shp_to_psql
        from gasp.gt.toshp.db import dbtbl_to_shp
        from gasp.gql.brk     import split_lines_on_pnt
        # Create DB
        if not db:
            db = create_db(fprop(lineShp, 'fn', forceLower=True), api='psql')
            from gasp.sql.i import db_exists

            isDb = db_exists(db)
            if not isDb:
                db = create_db(db, api='psql')
        # Send Data to BD
        lnhTbl = shp_to_psql(db, lineShp, api="shp2pgsql")
        pntTbl = shp_to_psql(db,  pntShp, api="shp2pgsql")
        # Get result
        outTbl = split_lines_on_pnt(
            db, lnhTbl, pntTbl,
            fprop(outShp, 'fn', forceLower=True),
            lnhidonpnt, 'gid'
        # Export result
        result = dbtbl_to_shp(
            db, outTbl, "geom", outShp, inDB='psql', tableIsQuery=None,
        raise ValueError(
            "API {} is not available".format(api)
    return result
Ejemplo n.º 2
def matrix_od_mean_dist_by_group(MATRIX_OD, ORIGIN_COL, GROUP_ORIGIN_ID,
                                 GROUP_ORIGIN_NAME, GROUP_DESTINA_ID,
                                 GROUP_DESTINA_NAME, TIME_COL, epsg, db,
    Calculate Mean GROUP distance from OD Matrix
    | origin_entity | origin_group | destina_entity | destina_group | distance
    |     XXXX      |     XXXX     |      XXXX      |      XXX      |   XXX
    | origin_group | destina_group | mean_distance
    |     XXXX     |      XXXX     |      XXXX

    import os
    from gasp.pyt.oss import fprop
    from gasp.gql.to import shp_to_psql
    from gasp.sql.db import create_db
    from gasp.sql.to import q_to_ntbl
    from gasp.to import db_to_tbl

    db = create_db(fprop(MATRIX_OD, 'fn'), overwrite=True, api='psql')

    TABLE = shp_to_psql(db,

    OUT_TABLE = q_to_ntbl(
        fprop(RESULT_MATRIX, 'fn'),
        ("SELECT {groupOriginCod}, {groupOriginName}, {groupDestCod}, "
         "{groupDestName}, AVG(mean_time) AS mean_time FROM ("
         "SELECT {origin}, {groupOriginCod}, {groupOriginName}, "
         "{groupDestCod}, {groupDestName}, "
         "AVG({timeCol}) AS mean_time FROM {t} "
         "GROUP BY {origin}, {groupOriginCod}, {groupOriginName}, "
         "{groupDestCod}, {groupDestName}"
         ") AS foo "
         "GROUP BY {groupOriginCod}, {groupOriginName}, "
         "{groupDestCod}, {groupDestName} "
         "ORDER BY {groupOriginCod}, {groupDestCod}").format(

    return db_to_tbl(db,
                     "SELECT * FROM {}".format(OUT_TABLE),
Ejemplo n.º 3
def line_intersect_to_pnt(inShp, outShp, db=None):
    Get Points where two line features of the same feature class

    from gasp.pyt.oss import fprop
    from gasp.gt.toshp.db import dbtbl_to_shp
    from gasp.sql.db import create_db
    from gasp.gql.to import shp_to_psql
    from gasp.gql.ovly import line_intersection_pnt

    # Create DB if necessary
    if not db:
        db = create_db(fprop(inShp, 'fn', forceLower=True), api='psql')

        from gasp.sql.i import db_exists

        isDb = db_exists(db)

        if not isDb:
            create_db(db, api='psql')

    # Send data to DB
    inTbl = shp_to_psql(db, inShp, api="shp2pgsql")

    # Get result
    outTbl = line_intersection_pnt(db, inTbl,
                                   fprop(outShp, 'fn', forceLower=True))

    # Export data from DB
    outShp = dbtbl_to_shp(db,

    return outShp
Ejemplo n.º 4
def tbl_to_areamtx(inShp, col_a, col_b, outXls, db=None, with_metrics=None):
    Table to Matrix
    Table as:
        FID | col_a | col_b | geom
    0 |  1  |   A   |   A   | ....
    0 |  2  |   A   |   B   | ....
    0 |  3  |   A   |   A   | ....
    0 |  4  |   A   |   C   | ....
    0 |  5  |   A   |   B   | ....
    0 |  6  |   B   |   A   | ....
    0 |  7  |   B   |   A   | ....
    0 |  8  |   B   |   B   | ....
    0 |  9  |   B   |   B   | ....
    0 | 10  |   C   |   A   | ....
    0 | 11  |   C   |   B   | ....
    0 | 11  |   C   |   D   | ....
    classe | A | B | C | D
       A   |   |   |   | 
       B   |   |   |   |
       C   |   |   |   |
       D   |   |   |   |
    col_a = rows
    col_b = cols

    api options:
    * pandas;
    * psql;

    if not db:
        import pandas as pd
        import numpy as np
        from gasp.gt.fmshp import shp_to_obj
        from gasp.to import obj_to_tbl

        # Open data
        df = shp_to_obj(inShp)

        # Remove nan values by -9999
        df = df[pd.notnull(df[col_a])]
        df = df[pd.notnull(df[col_b])]

        # Get Area
        df['realarea'] = df.geometry.area / 1000000

        # Get rows and Cols
        rows = df[col_a].unique()
        cols = df[col_b].unique()
        refval = list(np.sort(np.unique(np.append(rows, cols))))

        # Produce matrix
        outDf = []
        for row in refval:
            newCols = [row]
            for col in refval:
                newDf = df[(df[col_a] == row) & (df[col_b] == col)]

                if not newDf.shape[0]:

                    area = newDf.realarea.sum()



        outcols = ['class'] + refval
        outDf = pd.DataFrame(outDf, columns=outcols)

        if with_metrics:
            from gasp.pyt.dtcls.eval import get_measures_for_mtx

            out_df = get_measures_for_mtx(outDf, 'class')

            return obj_to_tbl(out_df, outXls)

        # Export to Excel
        return obj_to_tbl(outDf, outXls)

        from gasp.pyt.oss import fprop
        from gasp.sql.db import create_db
        from gasp.sql.i import db_exists
        from gasp.gql.to import shp_to_psql
        from gasp.gql.tomtx import tbl_to_area_mtx
        from gasp.to import db_to_tbl

        # Create database if not exists
        is_db = db_exists(db)

        if not is_db:
            create_db(db, api='psql')

        # Add data to database
        tbl = shp_to_psql(db, inShp, api='shp2pgsql')

        # Create matrix
        mtx = tbl_to_area_mtx(db, tbl, col_a, col_b, fprop(outXls, 'fn'))

        # Export result
        return db_to_tbl(db, mtx, outXls, sheetsNames='matrix')
Ejemplo n.º 5
def dsn_data_collection_by_multibuffer(inBuffers, workspace, db, datasource,
    Extract Digital Social Network Data for each sub-buffer in buffer.
    A sub-buffer is a buffer with a radius equals to the main buffer radius /2
    and with a central point at North, South, East, West, Northeast, Northwest,
    Southwest and Southeast of the main buffer central point.
    inBuffers = {
        "lisbon"    : {
            'x'      : -89004.994779, # in meters
            'y'      : -102815.866054, # in meters
            'radius' : 10000,
            'epsg'   : 3763
        "london     : {
            'x'      : -14210.551441, # in meters
            'y'      : 6711542.47559, # in meters
            'radius' : 10000,
            'epsg'   : 3857
    inBuffers = {
        "lisbon" : {
            "path" : /path/to/file.shp,
            "epsg" : 3763
    keywords = ['flood', 'accident', 'fire apartment', 'graffiti', 'homeless']
    datasource = 'facebook' or datasource = 'flickr'
    TODO: Only works for Flickr and Facebook
    import os; from osgeo import ogr
    from gasp.pyt         import obj_to_lst
    from gasp.sql.db      import create_db
    from gasp.sql.to      import q_to_ntbl
    from gasp.sql.to      import df_to_db
    from gasp.gql.to      import shp_to_psql
    from gasp.gt.toshp    import df_to_shp
    from gasp.gt.toshp.db import dbtbl_to_shp
    from gasp.gt.prox.bf  import get_sub_buffers, dic_buffer_array_to_shp
    if datasource == 'flickr':
        from gasp.sde.dsn.flickr import photos_location
    elif datasource == 'facebook':
        from gasp.sde.dsn.fb.places import places_by_query
    keywords = obj_to_lst(keywords)
    keywords = ["None"] if not keywords else keywords
    # Create Database to Store Data
    create_db(db, overwrite=True, api='psql')
    for city in inBuffers:
        # Get Smaller Buffers
        if "path" in inBuffers[city]:
            # Get X, Y and Radius
            from gasp.gt.prop.feat.bf import bf_prop
            __bfprop = bf_prop(
                inBuffers[city]["path"], inBuffers[city]["epsg"], isFile=True
            inBuffers[city]["x"]      = __bfprop["X"]
            inBuffers[city]["y"]      = __bfprop["Y"]
            inBuffers[city]["radius"] = __bfprop["R"]
        inBuffers[city]["list_buffer"] = [{
            'X' : inBuffers[city]["x"], 'Y' : inBuffers[city]["y"],
            'RADIUS' : inBuffers[city]['radius'], 'cardeal' : 'major'
        }] + get_sub_buffers(
            inBuffers[city]["x"], inBuffers[city]["y"],
        # Smaller Buffers to File
        multiBuffer = os.path.join(workspace, 'buffers_{}.shp'.format(city))
            inBuffers[city]["list_buffer"], multiBuffer,
            inBuffers[city]['epsg'], fields={'cardeal' : ogr.OFTString}
        # Retrive data for each keyword and buffer
        # Record these elements in one dataframe
        c       = None
        tblData = None
        for bf in inBuffers[city]["list_buffer"]:
            for k in keywords:
                if datasource == 'flickr':
                    tmpData = photos_location(
                        bf, inBuffers[city]["epsg"],
                        keyword=k if k != 'None' else None,
                elif datasource == 'facebook':
                    tmpData = places_by_query(
                        bf, inBuffers[city]["epsg"],
                        keyword=k if k != 'None' else None,
                if type(tmpData) == int:
                    print("NoData finded for buffer '{}' and keyword '{}'".format(
                        bf['cardeal'], k
                tmpData["keyword"]   = k
                tmpData["buffer_or"] = bf["cardeal"]
                if not c:
                    tblData = tmpData
                    c = 1
                    tblData = tblData.append(tmpData, ignore_index=True)
        inBuffers[city]["data"] = tblData
        # Get data columns names
        cols = inBuffers[city]["data"].columns.values
        dataColumns = [
            c for c in cols if c != 'geom' and c != 'keyword' \
            and c != 'buffer_or' and c != 'geometry'
        # Send data to PostgreSQL
        if 'geometry' in cols:
            cgeom = 'geometry'
            cgeom = 'geom'
        inBuffers[city]["table"] = 'tbldata_{}'.format(city)
            db, inBuffers[city]["data"],
            inBuffers[city]["table"], api='psql',
            epsg=inBuffers[city]["epsg"], geomType='POINT', colGeom=cgeom
        # Send Buffers data to PostgreSQL
        inBuffers[city]["pg_buffer"] = shp_to_psql(
            db, multiBuffer, pgTable='buffers_{}'.format(city),
            api="shp2pgsql", srsEpsgCode=inBuffers[city]["epsg"]
        inBuffers[city]["filter_table"] = q_to_ntbl(
            db, "filter_{}".format(inBuffers[city]["table"]), (
                "SELECT srcdata.*, "
                "array_agg(buffersg.cardeal ORDER BY buffersg.cardeal) "
                "AS intersect_buffer FROM ("
                    "SELECT {cols}, keyword, geom, "
                    "array_agg(buffer_or ORDER BY buffer_or) AS extracted_buffer "
                    "FROM {pgtable} "
                    "GROUP BY {cols}, keyword, geom"
                ") AS srcdata, ("
                    "SELECT cardeal, geom AS bfg FROM {bftable}"
                ") AS buffersg "
                "WHERE ST_Intersects(srcdata.geom, buffersg.bfg) IS TRUE "
                "GROUP BY {cols}, keyword, geom, extracted_buffer"
                cols    = ", ".join(dataColumns),
                pgtable = inBuffers[city]["table"],
                bftable = inBuffers[city]["pg_buffer"]
            ), api='psql'
        inBuffers[city]["outside_table"] = q_to_ntbl(
            db, "outside_{}".format(inBuffers[city]["table"]), (
                "SELECT * FROM ("
                "SELECT srcdata.*, "
                "array_agg(buffersg.cardeal ORDER BY buffersg.cardeal) "
                "AS not_intersect_buffer FROM ("
                    "SELECT {cols}, keyword, geom, "
                    "array_agg(buffer_or ORDER BY buffer_or) AS extracted_buffer "
                    "FROM {pgtable} "
                    "GROUP BY {cols}, keyword, geom"
                ") AS srcdata, ("
                    "SELECT cardeal, geom AS bfg FROM {bftable}"
                ") AS buffersg "
                "WHERE ST_Intersects(srcdata.geom, buffersg.bfg) IS NOT TRUE "
                "GROUP BY {cols}, keyword, geom, extracted_buffer"
                ") AS foo WHERE array_length(not_intersect_buffer, 1) = 9"
                cols    = ", ".join(dataColumns),
                pgtable = inBuffers[city]["table"],
                bftable = inBuffers[city]["pg_buffer"]
            ), api='psql'
        # Union these two tables
        inBuffers[city]["table"] = q_to_ntbl(db, "data_{}".format(city), (
            "SELECT * FROM {intbl} UNION ALL "
            "SELECT {cols}, keyword, geom, extracted_buffer, "
            "CASE WHEN array_length(not_intersect_buffer, 1) = 9 "
            "THEN '{array_symbol}' ELSE not_intersect_buffer END AS "
            "intersect_buffer FROM {outbl}"
            intbl        = inBuffers[city]["filter_table"],
            outbl        = inBuffers[city]["outside_table"],
            cols         = ", ".join(dataColumns),
            array_symbol = '{' + '}'
        ), api='psql')
        Get Buffers table with info related:
        -> pnt_obtidos = nr pontos obtidos usando esse buffer
        -> pnt_obtidos_fora = nt pontos obtidos fora desse buffer, mas 
        obtidos com ele
        -> pnt_intersect = nt pontos que se intersectam com o buffer
        -> pnt_intersect_non_obtain = nr pontos que se intersectam mas nao 
        foram obtidos como buffer
        inBuffers[city]["pg_buffer"] = q_to_ntbl(
            db, "dt_{}".format(inBuffers[city]["pg_buffer"]), (
                "SELECT main.*, get_obtidos.pnt_obtidos, "
                "obtidos_fora.pnt_obtidos_fora, intersecting.pnt_intersect, "
                "int_not_obtained.pnt_intersect_non_obtain "
                "FROM {bf_table} AS main "
                "LEFT JOIN ("
                    "SELECT gid, cardeal, COUNT(gid) AS pnt_obtidos "
                    "FROM {bf_table} AS bf "
                    "INNER JOIN {dt_table} AS dt "
                    "ON bf.cardeal = ANY(dt.extracted_buffer) "
                    "GROUP BY gid, cardeal"
                ") AS get_obtidos ON main.gid = get_obtidos.gid "
                "LEFT JOIN ("
                    "SELECT gid, cardeal, COUNT(gid) AS pnt_obtidos_fora "
                    "FROM {bf_table} AS bf "
                    "INNER JOIN {dt_table} AS dt "
                    "ON bf.cardeal = ANY(dt.extracted_buffer) "
                    "WHERE ST_Intersects(bf.geom, dt.geom) IS NOT TRUE "
                    "GROUP BY gid, cardeal"
                ") AS obtidos_fora ON main.gid = obtidos_fora.gid "
                "LEFT JOIN ("
                    "SELECT gid, cardeal, COUNT(gid) AS pnt_intersect "
                    "FROM {bf_table} AS bf "
                    "INNER JOIN {dt_table} AS dt "
                    "ON bf.cardeal = ANY(dt.intersect_buffer) "
                    "GROUP BY gid, cardeal"
                ") AS intersecting ON main.gid = intersecting.gid "
                "LEFT JOIN ("
                    "SELECT gid, cardeal, COUNT(gid) AS pnt_intersect_non_obtain "
                    "FROM {bf_table} AS bf "
                    "INNER JOIN {dt_table} AS dt "
                    "ON bf.cardeal = ANY(dt.intersect_buffer) "
                    "WHERE NOT (bf.cardeal = ANY(dt.extracted_buffer)) "
                    "GROUP BY gid, cardeal"
                ") AS int_not_obtained "
                "ON main.gid = int_not_obtained.gid "
                "ORDER BY main.gid"
                bf_table = inBuffers[city]["pg_buffer"],
                dt_table = inBuffers[city]["table"]
            ), api='psql'
        Get Points table with info related:
        -> nobtido = n vezes um ponto foi obtido
        -> obtido_e_intersect = n vezes um ponto foi obtido usando um buffer 
        com o qual se intersecta
        -> obtido_sem_intersect = n vezes um ponto foi obtido usando um buffer
        com o qual nao se intersecta
        -> nintersect = n vezes que um ponto se intersecta com um buffer
        -> intersect_sem_obtido = n vezes que um ponto nao foi obtido apesar
        de se intersectar com o buffer
        inBuffers[city]["table"] = q_to_ntbl(
            db, "info_{}".format(city), (
                "SELECT {cols}, dt.keyword, dt.geom, "
                "CAST(dt.extracted_buffer AS text) AS extracted_buffer, "
                "CAST(dt.intersect_buffer AS text) AS intersect_buffer, "
                "array_length(extracted_buffer, 1) AS nobtido, "
                "SUM(CASE WHEN ST_Intersects(bf.geom, dt.geom) IS TRUE "
                    "THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS obtido_e_intersect, "
                "(array_length(extracted_buffer, 1) - SUM("
                    "CASE WHEN ST_Intersects(bf.geom, dt.geom) IS TRUE "
                    "THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)) AS obtido_sem_intersect, "
                "array_length(intersect_buffer, 1) AS nintersect, "
                "(array_length(intersect_buffer, 1) - SUM("
                    "CASE WHEN ST_Intersects(bf.geom, dt.geom) IS TRUE "
                    "THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)) AS intersect_sem_obtido "
                "FROM {dt_table} AS dt "
                "INNER JOIN {bf_table} AS bf "
                "ON bf.cardeal = ANY(dt.extracted_buffer) "
                "GROUP BY {cols}, dt.keyword, dt.geom, "
                "dt.extracted_buffer, dt.intersect_buffer"
                dt_table = inBuffers[city]["table"],
                bf_table = inBuffers[city]["pg_buffer"],
                cols     = ", ".join(["dt.{}".format(x) for x in dataColumns])
            ), api='psql'
        # Export Results
            db, inBuffers[city]["table"], 'geom',
            os.path.join(workspace, "{}.shp".format(inBuffers[city]["table"])),
            api='psql', epsg=inBuffers[city]["epsg"]
            db, inBuffers[city]["pg_buffer"], 'geom',
            os.path.join(workspace, "{}.shp".format(inBuffers[city]["pg_buffer"])),
            api='psql', epsg=inBuffers[city]["epsg"]
    return inBuffers
Ejemplo n.º 6
def shps_to_shp(shps, outShp, api="ogr2ogr", fformat='.shp', dbname=None):
    Get all features in several Shapefiles and save them in one file

    api options:
    * ogr2ogr;
    * psql;
    * pandas;
    * psql;

    import os

    if type(shps) != list:
        # Check if is dir
        if os.path.isdir(shps):
            from gasp.pyt.oss import lst_ff
            # List shps in dir
            shps = lst_ff(shps, file_format=fformat)

            raise ValueError((
                'shps should be a list with paths for Feature Classes or a path to '
                'folder with Feature Classes'))

    if api == "ogr2ogr":
        from gasp import exec_cmd
        from gasp.gt.prop.ff import drv_name

        out_drv = drv_name(outShp)

        # Create output and copy some features of one layer (first in shps)
        cmdout = exec_cmd('ogr2ogr -f "{}" {} {}'.format(
            out_drv, outShp, shps[0]))

        # Append remaining layers
        lcmd = [
            exec_cmd('ogr2ogr -f "{}" -update -append {} {}'.format(
                out_drv, outShp, shps[i])) for i in range(1, len(shps))

    elif api == 'pandas':
        Merge SHP using pandas

        from gasp.gt.fmshp import shp_to_obj
        from gasp.gt.toshp import df_to_shp

        if type(shps) != list:
            raise ValueError(
                'shps should be a list with paths for Feature Classes')

        dfs = [shp_to_obj(shp) for shp in shps]

        result = dfs[0]

        for df in dfs[1:]:
            result = result.append(df, ignore_index=True, sort=True)

        df_to_shp(result, outShp)

    elif api == 'psql':
        import os
        from gasp.sql.tbl import tbls_to_tbl, del_tables
        from gasp.gql.to import shp_to_psql

        if not dbname:
            from gasp.sql.db import create_db

            create_db(dbname, api='psql')

        pg_tbls = shp_to_psql(dbname, shps, api="shp2pgsql")

        if os.path.isfile(outShp):
            from gasp.pyt.oss import fprop
            outbl = fprop(outShp, 'fn')

            outbl = outShp

        tbls_to_tbl(dbname, pg_tbls, outbl)

        if outbl != outShp:
            from gasp.gt.toshp.db import dbtbl_to_shp


        del_tables(dbname, pg_tbls)

    elif api == 'grass':
        from gasp import exec_cmd

        rcmd = exec_cmd(
            ("v.patch input={} output={} --overwrite --quiet").format(
                ",".join(shps), outShp))

        raise ValueError("{} API is not available")

    return outShp
Ejemplo n.º 7
Archivo: prj.py Proyecto: jasp382/gasp
def proj(inShp, outShp, outEPSG, inEPSG=None,
        gisApi='ogr', sql=None, db_name=None):
    Project Geodata using GIS
    API's Available:
    * ogr;
    * ogr2ogr;
    * pandas;
    * ogr2ogr_SQLITE;
    * psql;
    import os
    if gisApi == 'ogr':
        Using ogr Python API
        if not inEPSG:
            raise ValueError(
                'To use ogr API, you should specify the EPSG Code of the'
                ' input data using inEPSG parameter'
        from osgeo             import ogr
        from gasp.g.lyr.fld    import copy_flds
        from gasp.gt.prop.feat import get_gtype
        from gasp.gt.prop.ff   import drv_name
        from gasp.gt.prop.prj  import get_sref_from_epsg, get_trans_param
        from gasp.pyt.oss      import fprop
        def copyShp(out, outDefn, lyr_in, trans):
            for f in lyr_in:
                g = f.GetGeometryRef()
                new = ogr.Feature(outDefn)
                for i in range(0, outDefn.GetFieldCount()):
                    new.SetField(outDefn.GetFieldDefn(i).GetNameRef(), f.GetField(i))
        # ####### #
        # Project #
        # ####### #
        transP = get_trans_param(inEPSG, outEPSG)
        inData = ogr.GetDriverByName(
            drv_name(inShp)).Open(inShp, 0)
        inLyr = inData.GetLayer()
        out = ogr.GetDriverByName(
        outlyr = out.CreateLayer(
            fprop(outShp, 'fn'), get_sref_from_epsg(outEPSG),
                inShp, name=None, py_cls=True, gisApi='ogr'
        # Copy fields to the output
        copy_flds(inLyr, outlyr)
        # Copy/transform features from the input to the output
        outlyrDefn = outlyr.GetLayerDefn()
        copyShp(outlyr, outlyrDefn, inLyr, transP)
    elif gisApi == 'ogr2ogr':
        Transform SRS of any OGR Compilant Data. Save the transformed data
        in a new file

        if not inEPSG:
            from gasp.gt.prop.prj import get_epsg_shp
            inEPSG = get_epsg_shp(inShp)
        if not inEPSG:
            raise ValueError('To use ogr2ogr, you must specify inEPSG')
        from gasp            import exec_cmd
        from gasp.gt.prop.ff import drv_name
        cmd = (
            'ogr2ogr -f "{}" {} {}{} -s_srs EPSG:{} -t_srs EPSG:{}'
            drv_name(outShp), outShp, inShp,
            '' if not sql else ' -dialect sqlite -sql "{}"'.format(sql),
            str(inEPSG), str(outEPSG)
        outcmd = exec_cmd(cmd)
    elif gisApi == 'ogr2ogr_SQLITE':
        Transform SRS of a SQLITE DB table. Save the transformed data in a
        new table
        from gasp import exec_cmd
        if not inEPSG:
            raise ValueError((
                'With ogr2ogr_SQLITE, the definition of inEPSG is '
        # TODO: Verify if database is sqlite
        db, tbl = inShp['DB'], inShp['TABLE']
        sql = 'SELECT * FROM {}'.format(tbl) if not sql else sql
        outcmd = exec_cmd((
            'ogr2ogr -update -append -f "SQLite" {db} -nln "{nt}" '
            '-dialect sqlite -sql "{_sql}" -s_srs EPSG:{inepsg} '
            '-t_srs EPSG:{outepsg} {db}'
            db=db, nt=outShp, _sql=sql, inepsg=str(inEPSG),
    elif gisApi == 'pandas':
        # Test if input Shp is GeoDataframe
        from gasp.gt.fmshp import shp_to_obj
        from gasp.gt.toshp import df_to_shp

        df = shp_to_obj(inShp)
        # Project df
        newDf = df.to_crs({'init' : 'epsg:{}'.format(str(outEPSG))})
        # Save as file 
        return df_to_shp(df, outShp)
    elif gisApi == 'psql':
        from gasp.sql.db      import create_db
        from gasp.pyt.oss     import fprop
        from gasp.gql.to      import shp_to_psql
        from gasp.gt.toshp.db import dbtbl_to_shp
        from gasp.gql.prj     import sql_proj

        # Create Database
        if not db_name:
            db_name = create_db(fprop(
                outShp, 'fn', forceLower=True), api='psql'
            from gasp.sql.i import db_exists

            isDb = db_exists(db_name)

            if not isDb:
                create_db(db_name, api='psql')

        # Import Data
        inTbl = shp_to_psql(db_name, inShp, api='shp2pgsql', encoding="LATIN1")

        # Transform
        oTbl = sql_proj(
            db_name, inTbl, fprop(outShp, 'fn', forceLower=True),
            outEPSG, geomCol='geom', newGeom='geom'

        # Export
        outShp = dbtbl_to_shp(
            db_name, oTbl, 'geom', outShp, api='psql', epsg=outEPSG
        raise ValueError('Sorry, API {} is not available'.format(gisApi))
    return outShp
Ejemplo n.º 8
def lnh_to_polygons(inShp, outShp, api='saga', db=None):
    Line to Polygons
    API's Available:
    * saga;
    * grass;
    * pygrass;
    * psql;

    if api == 'saga':
        Converts lines to polygons. Line arcs are closed to polygons simply
        by connecting the last point with the first. Optionally parts of
        polylines can be merged into one polygon optionally. 

        from gasp import exec_cmd

        rcmd = exec_cmd(("saga_cmd shapes_polygons 3 -POLYGONS {} "
                         "LINES {} -SINGLE 1 -MERGE 1").format(outShp, inShp))

    elif api == 'grass' or api == 'pygrass':
        # Do it using GRASS GIS

        import os
        from gasp.gt.wenv.grs import run_grass
        from gasp.pyt.oss import fprop

        # Create GRASS GIS Session
        wk = os.path.dirname(outShp)
        lo = fprop(outShp, 'fn', forceLower=True)

        gs = run_grass(wk, lo, srs=inShp)

        import grass.script as grass
        import grass.script.setup as gsetup
        gsetup.init(gs, wk, lo, 'PERMANENT')

        # Import Packages
        from gasp.gt.toshp.cff import shp_to_grs, grs_to_shp
        from gasp.gt.toshp.cgeo import line_to_polyline
        from gasp.gt.toshp.cgeo import geomtype_to_geomtype
        from gasp.gt.toshp.cgeo import boundary_to_areas

        # Send data to GRASS GIS
        lnh_shp = shp_to_grs(inShp,
                             fprop(inShp, 'fn', forceLower=True),
                             asCMD=True if api == 'grass' else None)

        # Build Polylines
        pol_lnh = line_to_polyline(lnh_shp,
                                   asCmd=True if api == 'grass' else None)

        # Polyline to boundary
        bound = geomtype_to_geomtype(pol_lnh,
                                     cmd=True if api == 'grass' else None)

        # Boundary to Area
        areas_shp = boundary_to_areas(bound,
                                      useCMD=True if api == 'grass' else None)

        # Export data
        outShp = grs_to_shp(areas_shp,
                            asCMD=True if api == 'grass' else None)

    elif api == 'psql':
        """ Do it using PostGIS """
        from gasp.pyt.oss import fprop
        from gasp.sql.db import create_db
        from gasp.gql.to import shp_to_psql
        from gasp.gt.toshp.db import dbtbl_to_shp
        from gasp.gql.cnv import lnh_to_polg
        from gasp.gt.prop.prj import get_epsg_shp

        # Create DB
        if not db:
            db = create_db(fprop(inShp, 'fn', forceLower=True), api='psql')

            from gasp.sql.i import db_exists
            isDB = db_exists(db)

            if not isDB:
                create_db(db, api='psql')

        # Send data to DB
        in_tbl = shp_to_psql(db, inShp, api="shp2pgsql")

        # Get Result
        result = lnh_to_polg(db, in_tbl, fprop(outShp, 'fn', forceLower=True))

        # Export Result
        outshp = dbtbl_to_shp(db,

        raise ValueError("API {} is not available".format(api))

    return outShp
Ejemplo n.º 9
    Script to check differences between pairs of Feature Classes
    Suponha que temos diversas Feature Classes (FC) e que cada uma delas
    possui um determinado atributo; imagine tambem que,
    considerando todos os pares possiveis entre estas FC,
    se pretende comparar as diferencas na distribuicao dos valores
    desse atributo para cada par.
    * Dependencias:
    - GRASS;
    - PostgreSQL;
    - PostGIS.

    import datetime
    import os
    import pandas
    from gasp.sql.fm import q_to_obj
    from gasp.to import db_to_tbl
    from gasp.sql.to import df_to_db
    from gasp.gt.toshp.cff import shp_to_shp
    from gasp.gt.toshp.db import dbtbl_to_shp
    from gasp.gt.toshp.rst import rst_to_polyg
    from gasp.gql.to import shp_to_psql
    from gasp.gql.tomtx import tbl_to_area_mtx
    from gasp.gt.prop.ff import check_isRaster
    from gasp.pyt.oss import fprop
    from gasp.sql.db import create_db
    from gasp.sql.tbl import tbls_to_tbl
    from gasp.sql.to import q_to_ntbl
    from gasp.gql.cln import fix_geom
    from gasp.to import db_to_tbl

    # Check if folder exists, if not create it
    if not os.path.exists(OUT_FOLDER):
        from gasp.pyt.oss import mkdir
        mkdir(OUT_FOLDER, overwrite=None)
        raise ValueError('{} already exists!'.format(OUT_FOLDER))

    from gasp.gt.wenv.grs import run_grass

    gbase = run_grass(OUT_FOLDER,

    import grass.script as grass
    import grass.script.setup as gsetup

    gsetup.init(gbase, OUT_FOLDER, 'shpdif', 'PERMANENT')

    from gasp.gt.toshp.cff import shp_to_grs, grs_to_shp
    from gasp.gt.torst import rst_to_grs
    from gasp.gt.tbl.fld import rn_cols

    # Convert to SHAPE if file is Raster
    i = 0
    _SHP_TO_COMPARE = {}
    for s in SHAPES_TO_COMPARE:
        isRaster = check_isRaster(s)

        if isRaster:
            # To GRASS
            rstName = fprop(s, 'fn')
            inRst = rst_to_grs(s, "rst_" + rstName, as_cmd=True)
            # To Vector
            d = rst_to_polyg(inRst,

            # Export Shapefile
            shp = grs_to_shp(d, os.path.join(OUT_FOLDER, d + '.shp'), "area")

            _SHP_TO_COMPARE[shp] = "lulc_{}".format(i)

            # To GRASS
            grsV = shp_to_grs(s, fprop(s, 'fn'), asCMD=True)

            # Change name of column with comparing value
            ncol = "lulc_{}".format(str(i))
            rn_cols(grsV, {SHAPES_TO_COMPARE[s]: "lulc_{}".format(str(i))},

            # Export
            shp = grs_to_shp(grsV, os.path.join(OUT_FOLDER, grsV + '_rn.shp'),

            _SHP_TO_COMPARE[shp] = "lulc_{}".format(str(i))

        i += 1


    # Create database
    create_db(DB, api='psql')
    """ Union SHAPEs """

    UNION_SHAPE = {}
    FIX_GEOM = {}

    SHPS = list(__SHAPES_TO_COMPARE.keys())
    for i in range(len(SHPS)):
        for e in range(i + 1, len(SHPS)):
            # Optimized Union
            print("Union between {} and {}".format(SHPS[i], SHPS[e]))
            time_a = datetime.datetime.now().replace(microsecond=0)
            __unShp = optimized_union_anls(
                os.path.join(OUT_FOLDER, "un_{}_{}.shp".format(i, e)),
                os.path.join(OUT_FOLDER, "work_{}_{}".format(i, e)),
            time_b = datetime.datetime.now().replace(microsecond=0)
            print(time_b - time_a)

            # Rename cols
            unShp = rn_cols(
                __unShp, {
                    "a_" + __SHAPES_TO_COMPARE[SHPS[i]]:
                    "b_" + __SHAPES_TO_COMPARE[SHPS[e]]:

            UNION_SHAPE[(SHPS[i], SHPS[e])] = unShp

    # Send data to postgresql
    SYNTH_TBL = {}

    for uShp in UNION_SHAPE:
        # Send data to PostgreSQL
        union_tbl = shp_to_psql(DB, UNION_SHAPE[uShp], api='shp2pgsql')

        # Produce table with % of area equal in both maps
        areaMapTbl = q_to_ntbl(
            ("SELECT CAST('{lulc_1}' AS text) AS lulc_1, "
             "CAST('{lulc_2}' AS text) AS lulc_2, "
             "CAST(SUM(g_area) / 1000000 AS numeric), 4"
             ") AS agree_area, round("
             "CAST((SUM(g_area) / MIN(total_area)) * 100 AS numeric), 4"
             ") AS agree_percentage, "
             "CAST(MIN(total_area) / 1000000 AS numeric), 4"
             ") AS total_area FROM ("
             "SELECT {map1_cls}, {map2_cls}, ST_Area(geom) AS g_area, "
             "CASE "
             "WHEN {map1_cls} = {map2_cls} "
             "THEN 1 ELSE 0 "
             "END AS isthesame, total_area FROM {tbl}, ("
             "SELECT SUM(ST_Area(geom)) AS total_area FROM {tbl}"
             ") AS foo2"
             ") AS foo WHERE isthesame = 1 "
             "GROUP BY isthesame").format(
                 lulc_1=fprop(uShp[0], 'fn'),
                 lulc_2=fprop(uShp[1], 'fn'),

        # Produce confusion matrix for the pair in comparison
        matrixTbl = tbl_to_area_mtx(DB, union_tbl,
                                    union_tbl + '_mtx')

        SYNTH_TBL[uShp] = {"TOTAL": areaMapTbl, "MATRIX": matrixTbl}

    total_table = tbls_to_tbl(DB, [SYNTH_TBL[k]["TOTAL"] for k in SYNTH_TBL],

    # Create table with % of agreement between each pair of maps
    mapsNames = q_to_obj(
        ("SELECT lulc FROM ("
         "SELECT lulc_1 AS lulc FROM {tbl} GROUP BY lulc_1 "
         "UNION ALL "
         "SELECT lulc_2 AS lulc FROM {tbl} GROUP BY lulc_2"
         ") AS lu GROUP BY lulc ORDER BY lulc").format(tbl=total_table),

    FLDS_TO_PIVOT = ["agree_percentage", "total_area"]

    Q = ("SELECT * FROM crosstab('"
         "SELECT CASE "
         "WHEN foo.lulc_1 IS NOT NULL THEN foo.lulc_1 ELSE jtbl.tmp1 "
         "END AS lulc_1, CASE "
         "WHEN foo.lulc_2 IS NOT NULL THEN foo.lulc_2 ELSE jtbl.tmp2 "
         "END AS lulc_2, CASE "
         "WHEN foo.{valCol} IS NOT NULL THEN foo.{valCol} ELSE 0 "
         "END AS agree_percentage FROM ("
         "SELECT lulc_1, lulc_2, {valCol} FROM {tbl} UNION ALL "
         "SELECT lulc_1, lulc_2, {valCol} FROM ("
         "SELECT lulc_1 AS lulc_2, lulc_2 AS lulc_1, {valCol} "
         "FROM {tbl}"
         ") AS tst"
         ") AS foo FULL JOIN ("
         "SELECT lulc_1 AS tmp1, lulc_2 AS tmp2 FROM ("
         "SELECT lulc_1 AS lulc_1 FROM {tbl} GROUP BY lulc_1 "
         "UNION ALL "
         "SELECT lulc_2 AS lulc_1 FROM {tbl} GROUP BY lulc_2"
         ") AS tst_1, ("
         "SELECT lulc_1 AS lulc_2 FROM {tbl} GROUP BY lulc_1 "
         "UNION ALL "
         "SELECT lulc_2 AS lulc_2 FROM {tbl} GROUP BY lulc_2"
         ") AS tst_2 WHERE lulc_1 = lulc_2 GROUP BY lulc_1, lulc_2"
         ") AS jtbl ON foo.lulc_1 = jtbl.tmp1 AND foo.lulc_2 = jtbl.tmp2 "
         "ORDER BY lulc_1, lulc_2"
         "') AS ct("
         "lulc_map text, {crossCols}"

    for f in FLDS_TO_PIVOT:
        if not TOTAL_AGREE_TABLE:
            TOTAL_AGREE_TABLE = q_to_ntbl(
                         crossCols=", ".join([
                             "{} numeric".format(map_) for map_ in mapsNames

            TOTAL_AREA_TABLE = q_to_ntbl(DB,
                                                  crossCols=", ".join([
                                                      "{} numeric".format(map_)
                                                      for map_ in mapsNames

    # Union Mapping
    UNION_MAPPING = pandas.DataFrame(
        [[k[0], k[1], fprop(UNION_SHAPE[k], 'fn')] for k in UNION_SHAPE],
        columns=['shp_a', 'shp_b', 'union_shp'])

    UNION_MAPPING = df_to_db(DB, UNION_MAPPING, 'union_map', api='psql')

    # Export Results
              ] + [SYNTH_TBL[x]["MATRIX"] for x in SYNTH_TBL]

    SHEETS = ["union_map", "agreement_percentage", "area_with_data_km"] + [
        "{}_{}".format(fprop(x[0], 'fn')[:15],
                       fprop(x[1], 'fn')[:15]) for x in SYNTH_TBL

    db_to_tbl(DB, ["SELECT * FROM {}".format(x) for x in TABLES],

    return REPORT
Ejemplo n.º 10
Archivo: brk.py Proyecto: jasp382/gasp
def v_break_at_points(workspace, loc, lineShp, pntShp, db, srs, out_correct,
    Break lines at points - Based on GRASS GIS v.edit
    Use PostGIS to sanitize the result
    TODO: Confirm utility
    Problem: GRASS GIS always uses the first line to break.
    import os
    from gasp.gql.to       import shp_to_psql
    from gasp.gt.toshp.db  import dbtbl_to_shp
    from gasp.gt.wenv.grs  import run_grass
    from gasp.pyt.oss      import fprop
    from gasp.sql.db       import create_db
    from gasp.sql.to       import q_to_ntbl
    tmpFiles = os.path.join(workspace, loc)
    gbase = run_grass(workspace, location=loc, srs=srs)
    import grass.script       as grass
    import grass.script.setup as gsetup
    gsetup.init(gbase, workspace, loc, 'PERMANENT')
    from gasp.gt.toshp.cff import shp_to_grs, grs_to_shp
    grsLine = shp_to_grs(
        lineShp, fprop(lineShp, 'fn', forceLower=True)
    vedit_break(grsLine, pntShp, geomType='line')
    LINES = grs_to_shp(grsLine, os.path.join(
        tmpFiles, grsLine + '_v1.shp'), 'line')
    # Sanitize output of v.edit.break using PostGIS
    create_db(db, overwrite=True, api='psql')
    LINES_TABLE = shp_to_psql(
        db, LINES, srsEpsgCode=srs,
        pgTable=fprop(LINES, 'fn', forceLower=True), api="shp2pgsql"
    # Delete old/original lines and stay only with the breaked one
    Q = (
        "SELECT {t}.*, foo.cat_count FROM {t} INNER JOIN ("
            "SELECT cat, COUNT(cat) AS cat_count, "
            "MAX(ST_Length(geom)) AS max_len "
            "FROM {t} GROUP BY cat"
        ") AS foo ON {t}.cat = foo.cat "
        "WHERE foo.cat_count = 1 OR foo.cat_count = 2 OR ("
            "foo.cat_count = 3 AND ST_Length({t}.geom) <= foo.max_len)"
    CORR_LINES = q_to_ntbl(
        db, "{}_corrected".format(LINES_TABLE), Q, api='psql'
    # TODO: Delete Rows that have exactly the same geometry
    # Highlight problems that the user must solve case by case
    Q = (
        "SELECT {t}.*, foo.cat_count FROM {t} INNER JOIN ("
            "SELECT cat, COUNT(cat) AS cat_count FROM {t} GROUP BY cat"
        ") AS foo ON {t}.cat = foo.cat "
        "WHERE foo.cat_count > 3"
    ERROR_LINES = q_to_ntbl(
        db, "{}_not_corr".format(LINES_TABLE), Q, api='psql'
        db, CORR_LINES, "geom", out_correct,
        db, ERROR_LINES, "geom", out_tocorrect,