Ejemplo n.º 1
    def onBuildingCreated(self, construct, x, y):
        if self.stage == 0 and construct.getTypeString().lower() == "pile":
            self.piles = self.piles + 1
        if self.stage == 0 and self.piles >= 1:

            def pileMessage1():
                    "Good work! Your goblins will store everything in  "
                    "the pile, and it will automatically grow as stuff "
                    "is stored in it. It is a good idea to build  more "
                    "piles, as moving through a pile is difficult and  "
                    "a large pile will really slow things down.        ")
                gcamp.ui.announce("Remember to build more piles as needed!")

            gcamp.delay(125, pileMessage1)

            def pileMessage2():
                    "Next you should do two things:                    "
                    "                                                  "
                    "    -Choose Orders->Designate trees and designate "
                    "trees that can be chopped down for wood.          "
                    "    -Open the Stockmanager and shift+click on the "
                    "+-sign underneath 'Wood log' a few times.         "
                    "                                                  "
                    "Soon you should see two of your goblins grab the  "
                    "two axes and go forth to chop some trees down.    "
                    "                                                  "
                    "The axes will degrade as they're used, and        "
                    "eventually break, so you'll need a stone quarry   "
                    "once you're established to be able to keep felling"
                    "trees.                                            "
                    "                                                  "
                    "You can also filter the stockmanager by typing in "
                    "part of an items name or category, allowing you   "
                    "to quickly find what you need.                    ")
                    "Designate trees and increase the wood log minimum")

            gcamp.delay(1000, pileMessage2)
            self.stage = 10

        elif self.stage == 20 and construct.getTypeString().lower(
        ) == "saw pit":
                "Now order up some planks (50 is a good number)    "
                "from the Stock Manager, we'll need those for more "
                "advanced constructions.                           ")
            self.stage = 30
Ejemplo n.º 2
	def onGameStart(self):
		if gcamp.config.getCVar("tutorial") == '1':
			self.stage = 0
			self.stage = -1
		if self.stage == 0:
			def startMessage():
				gcamp.config.setCVar("tutorial", '0')
						"Welcome to the Goblin Camp tutorial!              "
						"You're best off by first building a pile:         "
						"                                                  "
						"        -Right-click to open the menu             "
						"        -choose Build->Basics->Pile               "
						"                                                  "
						"Then just choose a suitable spot for it and click.")
			gcamp.delay(100, startMessage)
Ejemplo n.º 3
	def onItemCreated(self, item, x, y):
		if self.stage == 10 and item.getTypeString().lower() == "wood log":
						"Now would be a good time to designate a farm plot."
						"Choose some suitable place, designate it, and     "
						"enable planting of all seed types by              "
						"left-clicking the farm plot and clicking the boxes"
						"in the sidebar.                                   "
						"(Build->Basics->Farm plot)")
			gcamp.ui.announce("Build a farm plot")

			def sawpitMessage():
						"Alright, now you have wood logs! Once the logs    "
						"have been stored in the stockpile, choose         "
						"Build->Workshops->Saw pit.                        "
						"Place it somewhere convenient.")
				gcamp.ui.announce("Build a saw pit")
			gcamp.delay(1000, sawpitMessage)
			self.stage = 20
		elif self.stage == 30 and item.getTypeString().lower() == "wood plank":
			self.planks = self.planks + 1
			if (self.planks >= 25):
				gcamp.delay(75, lambda : gcamp.ui.messageBox(
							"Now build a carpenter, it'll allow you to build   "
							"crates to store most items and wooden clubs for   "
							"your future military. Remember to build buckets,  "
							"you'll need them to transport filth to the        "
							"spawning pool and water to put out fires.         "))
				gcamp.delay(1000, lambda : gcamp.ui.messageBox(
							"It's a good idea to check out what your territory "
							"looks like time to time.                          "
							"                                                  "
							"        Territory->Toggle territory overlay       "
							"                                                  "
							"It'll expand automatically as you build things,   "
							"you just need to remember that goblins will mostly"
							"_not_ venture outside your territory to pick items"
							"up or otherwise. They will favour a drinking spot "
							"inside your territory as well                     "))
				gcamp.delay(1750, lambda : gcamp.ui.messageBox(
							"This is the end of the tutorial.                  "
							"It's a good idea to choose a site for the spawning"
							"pool soon.                                        "
							"(Remember to activate filth and corpse dumping    "
							"jobs by right-clicking the spawning pool)         "
							"                                                  "
							"Most constructions will have a description in     "
							"their tooltip, so look through the menus for what "
							"you can build. As you build more, and get more    "
							"orcs and goblins from the spawning pool you'll    "
							"advance through tiers and gain access to more     "
							"advanced buildings.                               "
							"                                                  "
							"Also don't forget about defenses. Dig some        "
							"ramparts, build traps, and establish some guard   "
							"squads!                                           "))

				self.stage = 40