Ejemplo n.º 1
def approx_equal(a, b):
    try:  #Are they numeric?
        a, b = float(a), float(b)
        return gdaltest.approx_equal(a, b)
    except TypeError:  #Maybe they're lists?
        eq = [gdaltest.approx_equal(a, b) for a, b in zip(a, b)]
        return 0 not in eq
def approx_equal( a, b ):
    try: #Are they numeric?
        a,b = float(a),float(b)
        return gdaltest.approx_equal(a,b)
    except TypeError: #Maybe they're lists?
        eq=[gdaltest.approx_equal(a,b) for a,b in zip(a,b)]
        return 0 not in eq
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_osr_basic_2():

    srs = osr.SpatialReference()
    srs.SetStatePlane(403, 1)  # California III NAD83.
    # print srs.ExportToPrettyWkt()

    parm_list = \
        [(osr.SRS_PP_STANDARD_PARALLEL_1, 38.43333333333333),
         (osr.SRS_PP_STANDARD_PARALLEL_2, 37.06666666666667),
            (osr.SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN, 36.5),
            (osr.SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, -120.5),
            (osr.SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, 2000000.0),
            (osr.SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, 500000.0)]

    for parm in parm_list:
        value = srs.GetProjParm(parm[0], -1111)
        assert gdaltest.approx_equal(parm[1], value), \
            ('got %.16g for %s instead of %.16g.'
                                 % (value, parm[0], parm[1]))

    auth_list = [('GEOGCS', '4269'),
                 ('DATUM', '6269'),
                 ('PROJCS', '26943'),
                 ('PROJCS|UNIT', '9001')]

    for auth in auth_list:
        assert srs.GetAuthorityName(auth[0]) == 'EPSG', \
            ('Got authority %s instead of EPSG for %s'
                                 % (srs.GetAuthorityName(auth[0]),

        assert str(srs.GetAuthorityCode(auth[0])) == auth[1], \
            ('Got code %s instead of %s for %s'
                                 % (srs.GetAuthorityCode(auth[0]),
                                    auth[1], auth[0]))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_osr_basic_2():

    srs = osr.SpatialReference()
    srs.SetStatePlane(403, 1)  # California III NAD83.
    # print srs.ExportToPrettyWkt()

    parm_list = \
        [(osr.SRS_PP_STANDARD_PARALLEL_1, 38.43333333333333),
         (osr.SRS_PP_STANDARD_PARALLEL_2, 37.06666666666667),
            (osr.SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN, 36.5),
            (osr.SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, -120.5),
            (osr.SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, 2000000.0),
            (osr.SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, 500000.0)]

    for parm in parm_list:
        value = srs.GetProjParm(parm[0], -1111)
        assert gdaltest.approx_equal(parm[1], value), \
            ('got %.16g for %s instead of %.16g.'
                                 % (value, parm[0], parm[1]))

    auth_list = [('GEOGCS', '4269'), ('DATUM', '6269'), ('PROJCS', '26943'),
                 ('PROJCS|UNIT', '9001')]

    for auth in auth_list:
        assert srs.GetAuthorityName(auth[0]) == 'EPSG', \
            ('Got authority %s instead of EPSG for %s'
                                 % (srs.GetAuthorityName(auth[0]),

        assert str(srs.GetAuthorityCode(auth[0])) == auth[1], \
            ('Got code %s instead of %s for %s'
                                 % (srs.GetAuthorityCode(auth[0]),
                                    auth[1], auth[0]))
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_osr_basic_3():

    srs = osr.SpatialReference()

    # California III NAD83 (feet)
    srs.SetStatePlane(403, 1, 'Foot', 0.3048006096012192)
    # print srs.ExportToPrettyWkt()

    parm_list = \
        [(osr.SRS_PP_STANDARD_PARALLEL_1, 38.43333333333333),
         (osr.SRS_PP_STANDARD_PARALLEL_2, 37.06666666666667),
            (osr.SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN, 36.5),
            (osr.SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, -120.5),
            (osr.SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, 6561666.666666667),
            (osr.SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, 1640416.666666667)]

    for parm in parm_list:
        value = srs.GetProjParm(parm[0], -1111)
        assert gdaltest.approx_equal(parm[1], value), \
            ('got %.16g for %s instead of %.16g.'
                                 % (value, parm[0], parm[1]))

    auth_list = [('GEOGCS', '4269'),
                 ('DATUM', '6269')]

    for auth in auth_list:
        assert srs.GetAuthorityName(auth[0]) == 'EPSG', \
            ('Got authority %s instead of EPSG for %s'
                                 % (srs.GetAuthorityName(auth[0]),

        assert str(srs.GetAuthorityCode(auth[0])) == auth[1], \
            ('Got code %s instead of %s for %s'
                                 % (srs.GetAuthorityCode(auth[0]),
                                    auth[1], auth[0]))

    assert srs.GetAuthorityName('PROJCS') is None, \
        'Got a PROJCS Authority but we should not'

    assert str(srs.GetAuthorityCode('PROJCS|UNIT')) != '9001', \
        'Got METER authority code on linear units.'

    assert srs.GetLinearUnitsName() == 'Foot', 'Didnt get Foot linear units'

    if srs.GetLinearUnits() != 0.3048006096012192:
        print('%.16g' % srs.GetLinearUnits())
        pytest.fail('Didnt get Foot linear units')

    if srs.GetTargetLinearUnits('PROJCS') != 0.3048006096012192:
        print('%.16g' % srs.GetTargetLinearUnits('PROJCS'))
        pytest.fail('Didnt get Foot linear units')

    if srs.GetTargetLinearUnits(None) != 0.3048006096012192:
        print('%.16g' % srs.GetTargetLinearUnits(None))
        pytest.fail('Didnt get Foot linear units')
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_osr_basic_3():

    srs = osr.SpatialReference()

    # California III NAD83 (feet)
    srs.SetStatePlane(403, 1, 'Foot', 0.3048006096012192)
    # print srs.ExportToPrettyWkt()

    parm_list = \
        [(osr.SRS_PP_STANDARD_PARALLEL_1, 38.43333333333333),
         (osr.SRS_PP_STANDARD_PARALLEL_2, 37.06666666666667),
            (osr.SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN, 36.5),
            (osr.SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, -120.5),
            (osr.SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, 6561666.666666667),
            (osr.SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, 1640416.666666667)]

    for parm in parm_list:
        value = srs.GetProjParm(parm[0], -1111)
        assert gdaltest.approx_equal(parm[1], value), \
            ('got %.16g for %s instead of %.16g.'
                                 % (value, parm[0], parm[1]))

    auth_list = [('GEOGCS', '4269'), ('DATUM', '6269')]

    for auth in auth_list:
        assert srs.GetAuthorityName(auth[0]) == 'EPSG', \
            ('Got authority %s instead of EPSG for %s'
                                 % (srs.GetAuthorityName(auth[0]),

        assert str(srs.GetAuthorityCode(auth[0])) == auth[1], \
            ('Got code %s instead of %s for %s'
                                 % (srs.GetAuthorityCode(auth[0]),
                                    auth[1], auth[0]))

    assert srs.GetAuthorityName('PROJCS') is None, \
        'Got a PROJCS Authority but we should not'

    assert str(srs.GetAuthorityCode('PROJCS|UNIT')) != '9001', \
        'Got METER authority code on linear units.'

    assert srs.GetLinearUnitsName() == 'Foot', 'Didnt get Foot linear units'

    if srs.GetLinearUnits() != 0.3048006096012192:
        print('%.16g' % srs.GetLinearUnits())
        pytest.fail('Didnt get Foot linear units')

    if srs.GetTargetLinearUnits('PROJCS') != 0.3048006096012192:
        print('%.16g' % srs.GetTargetLinearUnits('PROJCS'))
        pytest.fail('Didnt get Foot linear units')

    if srs.GetTargetLinearUnits(None) != 0.3048006096012192:
        print('%.16g' % srs.GetTargetLinearUnits(None))
        pytest.fail('Didnt get Foot linear units')
Ejemplo n.º 7
def osr_basic_3():
    srs = osr.SpatialReference()

    # California III NAD83 (feet)
    srs.SetStatePlane( 403, 1, 'Foot', 0.3048006096012192 )
    #print srs.ExportToPrettyWkt()
    parm_list = \
              [ (osr.SRS_PP_STANDARD_PARALLEL_1, 38.43333333333333),
                (osr.SRS_PP_STANDARD_PARALLEL_2, 37.06666666666667),
                (osr.SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN, 36.5),
                (osr.SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, -120.5),
                (osr.SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, 6561666.666666667),
                (osr.SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, 1640416.666666667) ]

    for parm in parm_list:
        value = srs.GetProjParm( parm[0], -1111 )
        if not gdaltest.approx_equal(parm[1], value):
            gdaltest.post_reason( 'got %.16g for %s instead of %.16g.' \
                                  % (value, parm[0], parm[1] ) )
            return 'fail'

    auth_list = [ ('GEOGCS', '4269'),
                  ('DATUM', '6269') ]

    for auth in auth_list:
        if srs.GetAuthorityName( auth[0] ) != 'EPSG':
            gdaltest.post_reason( 'Got authority %s instead of EPSG for %s' \
                                  % (srs.GetAuthorityName( auth[0] ),
                                     auth[0]) )
            return 'fail'
        if str(srs.GetAuthorityCode( auth[0] )) != auth[1]:
            gdaltest.post_reason( 'Got code %s instead of %s for %s' \
                                  % (srs.GetAuthorityCode( auth[0] ),
                                     auth[1], auth[0]) )
            return 'fail'

    if srs.GetAuthorityName( 'PROJCS' ) is not None:
        gdaltest.post_reason( 'Got a PROJCS Authority but we shouldnt' )
        return 'fail'

    if str(srs.GetAuthorityCode( 'PROJCS|UNIT' )) is '9001':
        gdaltest.post_reason( 'Got METER authority code on linear units.' )
        return 'fail'

    if srs.GetLinearUnitsName() != 'Foot':
        gdaltest.post_reason( 'Didnt get Foot linear units' )
        return 'fail'
    return 'success'
Ejemplo n.º 8
def osr_basic_3():

    srs = osr.SpatialReference()

    # California III NAD83 (feet)
    srs.SetStatePlane(403, 1, 'Foot', 0.3048006096012192)
    #print srs.ExportToPrettyWkt()

    parm_list = \
              [ (osr.SRS_PP_STANDARD_PARALLEL_1, 38.43333333333333),
                (osr.SRS_PP_STANDARD_PARALLEL_2, 37.06666666666667),
                (osr.SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN, 36.5),
                (osr.SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, -120.5),
                (osr.SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, 6561666.666666667),
                (osr.SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, 1640416.666666667) ]

    for parm in parm_list:
        value = srs.GetProjParm(parm[0], -1111)
        if not gdaltest.approx_equal(parm[1], value):
            gdaltest.post_reason( 'got %.16g for %s instead of %.16g.' \
                                  % (value, parm[0], parm[1] ) )
            return 'fail'

    auth_list = [('GEOGCS', '4269'), ('DATUM', '6269')]

    for auth in auth_list:
        if srs.GetAuthorityName(auth[0]) != 'EPSG':
            gdaltest.post_reason( 'Got authority %s instead of EPSG for %s' \
                                  % (srs.GetAuthorityName( auth[0] ),
                                     auth[0]) )
            return 'fail'

        if str(srs.GetAuthorityCode(auth[0])) != auth[1]:
            gdaltest.post_reason( 'Got code %s instead of %s for %s' \
                                  % (srs.GetAuthorityCode( auth[0] ),
                                     auth[1], auth[0]) )
            return 'fail'

    if srs.GetAuthorityName('PROJCS') is not None:
        gdaltest.post_reason('Got a PROJCS Authority but we shouldnt')
        return 'fail'

    if str(srs.GetAuthorityCode('PROJCS|UNIT')) is '9001':
        gdaltest.post_reason('Got METER authority code on linear units.')
        return 'fail'

    if srs.GetLinearUnitsName() != 'Foot':
        gdaltest.post_reason('Didnt get Foot linear units')
        return 'fail'

    return 'success'