Ejemplo n.º 1
def bench_gdstk(output=None):
    r = 0.15
    c1 = gdstk.Curve((1 / 2 - r, -(3**0.5) / 6), 1e-3)
    c1.arc(r, numpy.pi, numpy.pi * 2 / 3)
    c1.segment((1 - 2 * r) * numpy.exp(1j * numpy.pi * 2 / 3), relative=True)
    c1.arc(r, -numpy.pi / 3, -numpy.pi * 2 / 3)
    c1.segment((1 - 2 * r) * numpy.exp(-1j * numpy.pi * 2 / 3), relative=True)
    c1.arc(r, numpy.pi / 3, 0)
    p1 = gdstk.Polygon(c1.points())
    c2 = gdstk.Curve((0, -r), 1e-3)
            2 * r * numpy.exp(-1j * numpy.pi / 6),
            r * numpy.exp(1j * numpy.pi / 6),
            (0, 2 * r),
            r * numpy.exp(1j * numpy.pi * 5 / 6),
            2 * r * numpy.exp(-1j * numpy.pi * 5 / 6),
    p2 = gdstk.Polygon(c2.points(), layer=1)
    if output:
        cell = gdstk.Cell("MAIN")
        cell.add(p1, p2)
        cell.write_svg(output, 300)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def bezier_image():
    points = [(4, 1), (4, 3), (0, 5), (-4, 3), (-4, -2), (0, -4), (0, 0)]
    curve = gdstk.Curve((0, 0))
    control_poly = gdstk.Polygon(curve.points(), datatype=1)
    curve = gdstk.Curve((0, 0), tolerance=1e-3)
    polygon = gdstk.Polygon(curve.points())
    return gdstk.Cell("bezier").add(polygon, control_poly)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_init():
    curve = gdstk.Curve(1j)
    assert curve.tolerance == 1e-2
    curve.tolerance = 1e-1
    assert curve.tolerance == 1e-1
    numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(curve.points(), [[0, 1]])

    curve = gdstk.Curve((4, 5), 1e-3)
    assert curve.tolerance == 1e-3
    numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(curve.points(), [[4, 5]])
Ejemplo n.º 4
def arc_image():
    curve = gdstk.Curve((-0.6, 0), tolerance=1e-3)
    curve.segment((1, 0), True)
    curve.arc(1, 0, numpy.pi / 2)
    polygon_1 = gdstk.Polygon(curve.points())

    curve = gdstk.Curve((0.6, 0), tolerance=1e-3)
    curve.segment((1, 0), True)
    curve.arc((2**-0.5, 0.4), -numpy.pi / 4, 3 * numpy.pi / 4, -numpy.pi / 4)
    polygon_2 = gdstk.Polygon(curve.points())
    return gdstk.Cell("arc").add(polygon_1, polygon_2)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def tolerance_image():
    curve = gdstk.Curve((-2.5, 0), tolerance=1e-1)
    curve.arc((2, 3), 0, numpy.pi)
    polygon_1 = gdstk.Polygon(curve.points())
    # print(polygon_1.size)

    curve = gdstk.Curve((2.5, 0), tolerance=1e-3)
    curve.arc((2, 3), 0, numpy.pi)
    polygon_2 = gdstk.Polygon(curve.points())
    # print(polygon_2.size)
    return gdstk.Cell("tolerance").add(polygon_1, polygon_2)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_points():
    points = [(0, 1), (1, 0), (-1, -1)]
    curve = gdstk.Curve(points[0])
    numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(curve.points(), points[:2])
    numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(curve.points(), points)

    points = [(0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 0), (-1, -1), (0.02, 1.02)]
    curve = gdstk.Curve(points[0], 1e-1)
    numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(curve.points(), points[:-1])
Ejemplo n.º 7
def render_text(text, size=None, position=(0, 0), font_prop=None, tolerance=0.1):
    tol = 0.1 * tolerance
    path = TextPath(position, text, size=size, prop=font_prop)
    polys = []
    xmax = position[0]
    for points, code in path.iter_segments():
        if code == path.MOVETO:
            c = gdstk.Curve(points, tolerance=tolerance)
        elif code == path.LINETO:
            c.segment(points.reshape(points.size // 2, 2))
        elif code == path.CURVE3:
            c.quadratic(points.reshape(points.size // 2, 2))
        elif code == path.CURVE4:
            c.cubic(points.reshape(points.size // 2, 2))
        elif code == path.CLOSEPOLY:
            poly = c.points()
            if poly.size > 0:
                if poly[:, 0].min() < xmax:
                    i = len(polys) - 1
                    while i >= 0:
                        if gdstk.inside(poly[:1], [polys[i]], precision=tol)[0]:
                            p = polys.pop(i)
                            b = gdstk.boolean([p], [poly], "xor", tol)
                            poly = b[0].points
                        elif gdstk.inside(polys[i][:1], [poly], precision=tol)[0]:
                            p = polys.pop(i)
                            b = gdstk.boolean([p], [poly], "xor", tol)
                            poly = b[0].points
                        i -= 1
                xmax = max(xmax, poly[:, 0].max())
    return polys
Ejemplo n.º 8
def cubic_image():
    curve = gdstk.Curve((0, 0), tolerance=1e-3)
    curve.cubic([(1, -2), (2, -2), (3, 0)])
    curve.cubic([(2.7, 1), (1.8, 1), (1.5, 0), (1.3, -0.2), (0.3, -0.2),
                 (0, 0)])
    polygon = gdstk.Polygon(curve.points())
    return gdstk.Cell("cubic").add(polygon)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def segment_image():
    curve = gdstk.Curve((1, 0))
    curve.segment((0, 1))
    curve.segment([0j, -1 + 0j])
    curve.segment([(0, -1), (2, -1)], True)
    polygon = gdstk.Polygon(curve.points())
    return gdstk.Cell("segment").add(polygon)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def init_image():
    curve = gdstk.Curve((3, 4), tolerance=1e-3)
    curve.segment((1, 1), True)
    curve.turn(1, -numpy.pi / 2)
    curve.segment((1, -1), True)
    polygon = gdstk.Polygon(curve.points())
    return gdstk.Cell("init").add(polygon)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def interpolation_image():
    points = [(4, 1), (4, 3), (0, 5), (-4, 3), (-4, -2), (0, -4)]
    curve = gdstk.Curve((0, 0))
    control_poly_1 = gdstk.Polygon(curve.points(), datatype=1)
    curve = gdstk.Curve((0, 0), tolerance=1e-3)
    curve.interpolation(points, cycle=True)
    polygon_1 = gdstk.Polygon(curve.points())

    half_pi = numpy.pi / 2
    angles = [half_pi, None, None, None, -half_pi, -half_pi, None]
    curve = gdstk.Curve((4, -9))
    curve.segment(points, relative=True)
    control_poly_2 = gdstk.Polygon(curve.points(), datatype=1)
    curve = gdstk.Curve((4, -9), tolerance=1e-3)
    curve.interpolation(points, angles, cycle=True, relative=True)
    polygon_2 = gdstk.Polygon(curve.points())
    return gdstk.Cell("interpolation").add(polygon_1, control_poly_1,
                                           polygon_2, control_poly_2)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def parametric_image():
    def top(u):
        x = 4 * u
        y = 1 - numpy.cos(4 * numpy.pi * u)
        return (x, y)

    curve = gdstk.Curve((-2, 0), tolerance=1e-3)
    curve.parametric(lambda u:
                     (4 - 2 * u**0.5) * numpy.exp(-1.5j * numpy.pi * u) - 4)
    polygon = gdstk.Polygon(curve.points())
    return gdstk.Cell("parametric").add(polygon)
Ejemplo n.º 13
        def _f(p0, v0, p1, v1):
            p0 = numpy.array(p0)
            v0 = numpy.array(v0)
            p1 = numpy.array(p1)
            v1 = numpy.array(v1)

            half_trace_width = 0.5 * numpy.sqrt(numpy.sum((p0 - p1)**2))
            a = half_trace_width + fillet_radius
            c = pad_radius + fillet_radius
            b = (c**2 - a**2)**0.5
            alpha = numpy.arccos(a / c)
            gamma = numpy.arctan2(v0[1], v0[0]) + 0.5 * numpy.pi

            curve = gdstk.Curve(p0 - v0 * b, tolerance=tolerance)
            if fillet_radius > 0:
                curve.arc(fillet_radius, gamma, gamma - alpha)
            curve.arc(pad_radius, gamma - numpy.pi - alpha, gamma + alpha)
            if fillet_radius > 0:
                curve.arc(fillet_radius, gamma - numpy.pi + alpha,
                          gamma - numpy.pi)

            return curve.points()
Ejemplo n.º 14
def render_text(text,
                position=(0, 0),
    precision = 0.1 * tolerance
    path = TextPath(position, text, size=size, prop=font_prop)
    polys = []
    xmax = position[0]
    for points, code in path.iter_segments():
        if code == path.MOVETO:
            c = gdstk.Curve(points, tolerance=tolerance)
        elif code == path.LINETO:
            c.segment(points.reshape(points.size // 2, 2))
        elif code == path.CURVE3:
            c.quadratic(points.reshape(points.size // 2, 2))
        elif code == path.CURVE4:
            c.cubic(points.reshape(points.size // 2, 2))
        elif code == path.CLOSEPOLY:
            pts = c.points()
            if pts.size > 0:
                poly = gdstk.Polygon(pts)
                if pts[:, 0].min() < xmax:
                    i = len(polys) - 1
                    while i >= 0:
                        if polys[i].contain_any(*poly.points):
                            p = polys.pop(i)
                            poly = gdstk.boolean(p, poly, "xor", precision)[0]
                        elif poly.contain_any(*polys[i].points):
                            p = polys.pop(i)
                            poly = gdstk.boolean(p, poly, "xor", precision)[0]
                        i -= 1
                xmax = max(xmax, poly.points[:, 0].max())
    return polys
Ejemplo n.º 15
def cubic_smooth_image():
    curve = gdstk.Curve((0, 0), tolerance=1e-3)
    curve.cubic([1 + 0j, 1.5 + 0.5j, 1 + 1j])
    curve.cubic_smooth([1j, 0j])
    polygon = gdstk.Polygon(curve.points())
    return gdstk.Cell("cubic_smooth").add(polygon)
Ejemplo n.º 16
    ellipse = gdstk.ellipse((4, 0), [1, 2], tolerance=1e-4)

    # Circular arc example
    arc = gdstk.ellipse(
        (2, 4),
        initial_angle=-0.2 * numpy.pi,
        final_angle=1.2 * numpy.pi,
    draw(gdstk.Cell("circles").add(circle, ellipse, arc), path)

    # Curves
    # Construct a curve made of a sequence of line segments
    c1 = gdstk.Curve((0, 0)).segment([(1, 0), (2, 1), (2, 2), (0, 2)])
    p1 = gdstk.Polygon(c1.points())

    # Construct another curve using relative coordinates
    c2 = gdstk.Curve((3, 1)).segment([(1, 0), (2, 1), (2, 2), (0, 2)],
    p2 = gdstk.Polygon(c2.points())
    draw(gdstk.Cell("curves").add(p1, p2), path)

    # Curves 1
    # Use complex numbers to facilitate writing polar coordinates
    c3 = gdstk.Curve(2j).segment(4 * numpy.exp(1j * numpy.pi / 6),
    # Elliptical arcs have syntax similar to gdstk.ellipse
    c3.arc((4, 2), 0.5 * numpy.pi, -0.5 * numpy.pi)
    p3 = gdstk.Polygon(c3.points())
Ejemplo n.º 17
def commands_image():
    curve = gdstk.Curve((0, 0), tolerance=1e-3)
    curve.commands("l", 1, 1, "a", 1, -numpy.pi / 2, "l", 1, -1, "S", 1, -2, 0,
    polygon = gdstk.Polygon(curve.points())
    return gdstk.Cell("commands").add(polygon)