Ejemplo n.º 1
def solve(var):
    # initialize model
    reaction_model = GEKKO()

    # set model time as time gathered data
    reaction_model.time = time

    # Constants
    R = reaction_model.Const(8.3145)  # Gas constant J / mol K

    # Parameters
    T = reaction_model.Param(temperature)

    # Fixed Variables to change
    # bounds

    E_a_1 = reaction_model.FV(E_a_1_initial_guess)
    E_a_2 = reaction_model.FV(E_a_2_initial_guess)
    A_1 = reaction_model.FV(A_1_initial_guess)
    A_2 = reaction_model.FV(A_2_initial_guess)
    alpha = reaction_model.FV(alpha_initial_guess)
    beta = reaction_model.FV(beta_initial_guess)

    # NO bounds
    # state Variables
    Ph_3_minus = reaction_model.SV(Ph_3_minus_initial)

    # variable we will use to regress other Parameters
    Ph_2_minus = reaction_model.SV(Ph_2_minus_initial)

    # intermediates
    k1 = reaction_model.Intermediate(A_1 * reaction_model.exp(-E_a_1 /
                                                              (R * T)))
    k2 = reaction_model.Intermediate(A_2 * reaction_model.exp(-E_a_2 /
                                                              (R * T)))
    r1 = reaction_model.Intermediate(k1 * Ph_2_minus**alpha)
    r2 = reaction_model.Intermediate(k2 * Ph_3_minus**beta)

    # equations
        [Ph_2_minus.dt() == r2 - r1,
         Ph_3_minus.dt() == r1 - r2])

    # parameter options
    # controlled variable options

    # model options and other to solve
    reaction_model.options.IMODE = 4  # set up dynamic simulation
    reaction_model.options.NODES = 2  # number of nodes for collocation equations
    reaction_model.options.SOLVER = 1  # use APOPT active set non-linear solverreaction_model.options.EV_TYPE = 2      # use l-1 norm rather than 2 norm

    return Ph_2_minus.value
Ejemplo n.º 2
    connected = False

# simulation
m = GEKKO()
m.time = np.linspace(0, n, n + 1)
U = 5.0
A = 0.0012
Cp = 500
mass = 0.004
alpha = 0.01
Ta = 23
eps = 0.9
sigma = 5.67e-8
TaK = Ta + 273.15
TC = m.Var(Ta)
TK = m.Intermediate(TC + 273.15)
conv = m.Intermediate(U * A * (Ta - TC))
rad = m.Intermediate(sigma * eps * A * (TaK**4 - TK**4))
loss = m.Intermediate(conv + rad)
gain = m.Intermediate(alpha * 50)
m.Equation(mass * Cp * TC.dt() == conv + rad + gain)
m.options.NODES = 3
m.options.IMODE = 4  # dynamic simulation

# Plot results
plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
plt.plot(m.time, TC, 'b-', label='Simulated')
if connected:
    plt.plot(m.time, T1, 'r.', label='Measured')
Ejemplo n.º 3
Ta = 21.0 + 273.15  # K
mass = 4.0 / 1000.0  # kg
Cp = 0.5 * 1000.0  # J/kg-K
A = 10.0 / 100.0**2  # Area not between heaters in m^2
As = 2.0 / 100.0**2  # Area between heaters in m^2
eps = 0.9  # Emissivity
sigma = 5.67e-8  # Stefan-Boltzmann

TH1 = m.SV()
TH2 = m.SV()
TC1 = m.CV()
TC2 = m.CV()

# Heater Temperatures in Kelvin
T1 = m.Intermediate(TH1 + 273.15)
T2 = m.Intermediate(TH2 + 273.15)

# Heat transfer between two heaters
Q_C12 = m.Intermediate(Us * As * (T2 - T1))  # Convective
Q_R12 = m.Intermediate(eps * sigma * As * (T2**4 - T1**4))  # Radiative

# Energy balances
m.Equation(TH1.dt() == (1.0/(mass*Cp))*(U*A*(Ta-T1) \
                + eps * sigma * A * (Ta**4 - T1**4) \
                + Q_C12 + Q_R12 \
                + alpha1*Q1))

m.Equation(TH2.dt() == (1.0/(mass*Cp))*(U*A*(Ta-T2) \
                + eps * sigma * A * (Ta**4 - T2**4) \
                - Q_C12 - Q_R12 \
Ejemplo n.º 4
class MPCnode(Node):
    def __init__(self, id, x, y, nrj, ctrlHrz, ctrlRes):
        super().__init__(id, x, y, nrj)

        self.verbose = False
        self.errorFlag = False
        self.m = GEKKO(remote=False)

        # time points
        self.ctrlHrz = ctrlHrz  # Control Horizon
        self.ctrlRes = ctrlRes  # Control Resolution. Number of control steps within the control horizon
        self.m.time = np.linspace(0, self.ctrlHrz, self.ctrlRes)
        # constants
        self.Egen = 1 * 10**-5

        #Counter for plots
        self.nrplots = 1
        self.pltColors = ['r-', 'k-', 'b-', 'g-', 'y-', 'c-', 'm-']
        self.labels = [
            "Distance", "Velocity", "Energy Consumption", "Data Remaining",
            "Transmission Rate", "Battery"
        colorNr = rand.randrange(0, len(self.pltColors), 1)
        self.lineColor = self.pltColors[colorNr]

        #Threshold for when objective is seen as 0
        self.limit = np.float64(1e-10)


    def resetGEKKO(self):
        self.errorFlag = False
        self.m = GEKKO(remote=False)
        self.m.time = np.linspace(0, self.ctrlHrz, self.ctrlRes)

        self.vp = np.zeros(self.ctrlRes)
        self.v = self.m.Param(value=self.vp)

        # define distance

        self.dist = self.m.Var()

        self.dtr = self.m.MV(value=0, integer=True, lb=0, ub=20)
        self.dtr.STATUS = 1

        # define energy level
        self.nrj_stored = self.m.Var(value=self.energy, lb=0)

        self.data = self.m.Var()
        #self.data = self.m.CV()
        #self.data.STATUS = 1
        #self.m.options.CV_TYPE = 2
        # energy to transmit
        self.e = self.m.Intermediate((
            (Eelec + EDA) * self.conChildren + self.dtr * self.pSize *
            (Eelec + Eamp * self.dist**2)) - self.Egen)
        #self.e = self.m.Var()
        #self.m.Equation(self.e == ((Eelec+EDA)*self.conChildren + self.dtr*self.pSize*(Eelec + Eamp * self.dist**2)) - self.Egen)
        # equations
        # track the position
        self.m.Equation(self.dist.dt() == self.v)
        self.m.Equation(self.nrj_stored.dt() == -self.e)
        self.m.Equation(self.nrj_stored >= self.e)
        # as data is transmitted, remaining data stored decreases
        self.m.Equation(self.data.dt() == -self.dtr * self.pSize)

        self.deadline = self.m.Var(value=self.ctrlHrz)
        self.dlCost = self.m.Var()
        self.m.Equation(self.deadline.dt() == -1)
        # self.m.Equation(self.energy >= self.e)

        # objective

        #self.data.SP = 0

        # soft (objective constraint)
        self.recedingDeadline = np.zeros(self.ctrlRes)
        self.recedingDeadline[-1] = 100
        self.final = self.m.Param(value=np.zeros(self.ctrlRes))
        #self.final.value[self.ctrlRes//2:-1] = 0.001
        self.final.value[-1] = 1

        #self.m.Obj(self.e) # minimize energy

        self.target = self.m.Intermediate((self.final * (0 - self.data)**2))
        self.m.Obj(self.target)  # transmit data by the end

        # hard constraint
        # this form may cause infeasibility if it can't achieve
        # data=0 at the end
        # options
        # Solutions forced to terminate early by the MAX_TIME
        # constraint do not satisfy the Karush Kuhn Tucker conditions for optimality.
        self.m.options.MAX_TIME = 10
        self.m.options.IMODE = 6  # optimal control
        self.m.options.NODES = 3  # collocation nodes
        self.m.options.SOLVER = 1  # solver (IPOPT), 1 is for when integers is used as MV
        self.m.options.TIME_SHIFT = 1  # Setting for saving values from last solve()

    def produce_vVector(self, xVec, yVec):
        vVec = np.zeros(len(xVec))
        for i in range(len(xVec) - 1):
            dist_Before = np.float64(
                np.sqrt((xVec[i] - self.xPos)**2 + (yVec[i] - self.yPos)**2))
            dist_After = np.float64(
                np.sqrt((xVec[i + 1] - self.xPos)**2 +
                        (yVec[i + 1] - self.yPos)**2))
            vVec[i] = np.float64((dist_After - dist_Before) /
                                 (self.ctrlHrz / (self.ctrlRes - 1)))
        return vVec

    def setDesData(self, dat):
        if (type(self.data.value.value) is list):
            self.data.value[0] = dat * self.pSize
            self.data.value = dat * self.pSize

    def controlPR(self, velocity):
        tempVel = np.float64(velocity)
        tempNrj = np.float64(self.energy)
        tempDist = np.float64(self.getDistance(self.CHparent))

        self.vp[0:] = self.v.value[1]
        if (tempVel == self.vp[0]):
            if self.verbose:
                print('Velocity: {0} was equal to vVal0: {1}'.format(
                    tempVel, self.vp[0]))
                print('Therefore, velocity was set as vp[1:]')
            if self.verbose:
                print('Velocity: {0} was not equal to vVal0: {1}'.format(
                    tempVel, self.v.value[0]))
                print('Therefore, vp[1:] was set as tempVel = {0}'.format(
            self.vp[1:] = tempVel
        self.v.value = self.vp

        if (type(self.data.value.value) is list):
            if (self.data.value.value[0] <= self.limit):
                self.datap = np.zeros(self.ctrlRes)
                self.data.value[0] = 0

        if (type(self.nrj_stored.value.value) is list):
            self.nrj_stored.value[0] = tempNrj
            self.nrj_stored.value = tempNrj

        # define distance
        if (type(self.dist.value.value) is list):
            self.dist.value[0] = tempDist
            self.dist.value = tempDist

        if (type(self.dtr.value.value) is list):
            self.dtrp = np.zeros(self.ctrlRes)
            self.dtrp[0] = np.float64(self.PA)
            self.dtr.value = self.dtrp
            #self.dtr.value.value[0] = np.float64(self.PA)

            #self.nrj_stored.value[0] = self.nrj_stored.value[1]
            #self.data.value[0] = self.data.value[1]

            #if (self.recedingDeadline[0] == 0):
            #    self.recedingDeadline = np.roll(self.recedingDeadline,-1)
            #self.final.value = self.recedingDeadline
            print('EXCEPTION CAUGHT FOR NODE: {0}'.format(self.ID))
            self.errorFlag = True

    def controlPR1(self, sink):
        self.v.value = self.produce_vVector(sink.xP.value, sink.yP.value)

        tempNrj = np.float64(self.energy)
        tempDist = np.float64(np.abs(self.getDistance(self.CHparent)))

        #if(type(self.data.value.value) is list):
        #    if(self.data.value.value[0] <= self.limit):
        #        self.data.value[0] = 0

        if (type(self.nrj_stored.value.value) is list):
            #print('NRJ STORED WAS NOT FLOAT. IT WAS: {0}'.format(type(self.nrj_stored.value.value)))
            self.nrj_stored.value[0] = tempNrj
            self.nrj_stored.value = tempNrj

        # define distance
        if (type(self.dist.value.value) is list):
            #print('DIST WAS NOT INT, IT WAS: {0}'.format(type(self.dist.value.value)))
            self.dist.value[0] = tempDist
            self.dist.value = tempDist

        #if(self.data.value[0] <= limit):
        #    self.data.value[0] = 0
        if (type(self.dtr.value.value) is list):
            #self.dtrp = np.zeros(self.ctrlRes)
            #self.dtrp[0] = np.float64(self.PA)
            #self.dtr.value = self.dtrp
            self.dtr.value = self.dtr.NXTVAL

            #self.nrj_stored.value[0] = self.nrj_stored.value[1]
            #self.data.value[0] = self.data.value[1]
        self.dtrp = np.zeros(self.ctrlRes)
        self.dtrp[0] = self.dtr.value[1]
        self.dtr.value = self.dtrp
        self.nrj_storedp = np.zeros(self.ctrlRes)
        self.nrj_storedp[0] = self.nrj_stored.value[1]
        self.nrj_stored.value = self.nrj_storedp
        self.datap = np.zeros(self.ctrlRes)
        self.datap[0] = self.data.value[1]
        self.data.value = self.datap
        self.m.TIME_SHIFT = 1
        #self.data.value[0] = self.data.value[1]

            print('EXCEPTION CAUGHT')
            self.errorFlag = True

    def plot(self):
        #plt.cla()   # Clear axis
        #plt.clf()   # Clear figure
        #plt.close() # Close a figure window

        #by_label = OrderedDict(zip(labels, handles))
        #plt.legend(by_label.values(), by_label.keys())

        plt.subplot(6, 1, 1)
        dist_line = plt.plot(self.m.time,
        distance_legend = plt.legend(handles=dist_line)

        plt.subplot(6, 1, 2)
        vel_line = plt.step(self.m.time,
        vel_legend = plt.legend(handles=vel_line)

        plt.subplot(6, 1, 3)
        energyCons_line = plt.step(self.m.time,
        nrjcons_legend = plt.legend(handles=energyCons_line)

        plt.subplot(6, 1, 4)
        dataRem_line = plt.plot(self.m.time,
        #plt.bar(self.m.time, self.data.value, align='center', alpha=0.5)
        dataRem_legend = plt.legend(handles=dataRem_line)

        plt.subplot(6, 1, 5)
        #plt.plot(self.m.time, self.dtr.value,'r-',label='Transmission Rate')
        transmRate_line = plt.step(self.m.time,
        tr_legend = plt.legend(handles=transmRate_line)

        plt.subplot(6, 1, 6)
        battery_line = plt.plot(self.m.time,
        battery_legend = plt.legend(handles=battery_line)



        self.nrplots += 1

    def getDeltaDist(self, sinkX, sinkY, sdeltaX, sdeltaY, deltaDist):
        distBefore = np.sqrt((sinkX**2) + (sinkY**2))
        distAfter = np.sqrt(((sinkX + sdeltaX)**2) + ((sinkY + sdeltaY)**2))
        self.deltaDist = distAfter - distBefore
        return self.deltaDist
Ejemplo n.º 5
evap_c = m.Array(m.Param, 4, value=1e-5)
evap_c[-1].value = 0.5e-5

A = [m.Param(value=i) for i in areas]  #python list comprehension

Vin[0] = m.Param(value=vin)

V = [m.Var(value=i) for i in V0]
h = [m.Var(value=i) for i in h0]
Vout = [m.Var(value=i) for i in Vout0]

Vin[1:4] = [m.Intermediate(Vout[i]) for i in range(3)]
Vevap = [m.Intermediate(evap_c[i] * A[i]) for i in range(4)]

    [V[i].dt() == Vin[i] - Vout[i] - Vevap[i] - Vuse[i] for i in range(4)])
m.Equations([1000 * V[i] == h[i] * A[i] for i in range(4)])
m.Equations([Vout[i]**2 == c[i]**2 * h[i] for i in range(4)])

#Set to simulation mode
m.options.imode = 4


#%% Plot results
Ejemplo n.º 6
def free_flight(vA, mission, rocket, stage, trajectory, general, optimization,
    aux_vA = vA
    g0 = 9.810665
    Re = 6371000

    tb = trajectory.coast_time
    for i in range(0, rocket.num_stages):
        T = stage[i].thrust
        ISP = stage[i].Isp
        tb = tb + (stage[i].propellant_mass) / (T) * g0 * ISP

    tb = Data[0][-1] + (stage[-1].propellant_mass) / (
        stage[-1].thrust) * g0 * stage[-1].Isp

    ##############Ccntrol law for no coast ARC########################
    #### Only for last stage

    Obj = 1000

    #Boundary Defined, for better convergence in Free flight
    t_lb = -(tb - Data[0][-1]) * 0.5
    t_ub = 0
    aux3 = 0

    m = GEKKO(remote=False)

    m.time = np.linspace(0, 1, 100)

    final = np.zeros(len(m.time))
    final[-1] = 1
    final = m.Param(value=final)

    #Lagrange multipliers with l1=0

    l2 = m.FV(-0.01, lb=trajectory.l2_lb, ub=trajectory.l2_ub)
    l2.STATUS = 1

    l3 = m.FV(-1, lb=trajectory.l3_lb, ub=trajectory.l3_ub)
    l3.Status = 1

    l4 = m.Var(value=0)

    rate = m.Const(value=T / ISP / g0)
    tf = m.FV(value=(tb - Data[0][-1] + t_lb),
              ub=tb - Data[0][-1] + t_ub,
              lb=tb - Data[0][-1] + t_lb)
    tf.STATUS = 1

    aux = m.FV(0, lb=-5, ub=5)
    aux.STATUS = 1

    vD = m.FV(value=Data[8][-1])

    #Initial Conditions

    x = m.Var(value=Data[1][-1])
    y = m.Var(value=Data[2][-1])
    vx = m.Var(value=Data[3][-1] * cos(Data[4][-1]))
    vy = m.Var(value=Data[3][-1] * sin(Data[4][-1]), lb=0)
    vG = m.Var(value=Data[7][-1])
    vA = m.Var(value=0)
    gamma = m.Var()
    alpha = m.Var()

    t = m.Var(value=0)

    m.Equations([l4.dt() / tf == -l2])

    m.Equation(t.dt() / tf == 1)

    mrt = m.Intermediate(Data[5][-1] - rate * t)
    srt = m.Intermediate(m.sqrt(l3**2 + (l4 - aux)**2))

        x.dt() / tf == vx,
        y.dt() / tf == vy,
        vx.dt() / tf == (T / mrt * (-l3) / srt - (vx**2 + vy**2) /
                         (Re + y) * m.sin(gamma)),
        vy.dt() / tf == (T / mrt * (-(l4 - aux) / srt) + (vx**2 + vy**2) /
                         (Re + y) * m.cos(gamma) - g0 * (Re / (Re + y))**2),
        vG.dt() / tf == g0 * (Re / (Re + y))**2 * m.sin(m.atan(vy / vx))

    m.Equation(gamma == m.atan(vy / vx))
    m.Equation(alpha == m.atan((l4 - aux) / l3))

    m.Equation(vA.dt() / tf == T / mrt - T / mrt * m.cos((alpha - gamma)))


    # Soft constraints
    m.Obj(final * (y - mission.final_altitude)**2)
    m.Obj(final * 100 *
          (vx - mission.final_velocity * cos(mission.final_flight_angle))**2)
    m.Obj(final * 100 *
          (vy - mission.final_velocity * sin(mission.final_flight_angle))**2)
    m.Obj(final *
          (l2 * vy + l3 *
           (T / (Data[5][-1] - rate * t) * (-l3 / (m.sqrt(l3**2 +
                                                          (l4 - aux)**2))) -
            (vx**2 + vy**2) / (Re + y) * m.sin(gamma)) + (l4 - aux) *
           (T / (Data[5][-1] - rate * t) *
            (-(l4 - aux) / (m.sqrt(l3**2 + (l4 - aux)**2))) + (vx**2 + vy**2) /
            (Re + y) * m.cos(gamma) - g0 * (Re / (Re + y))**2) + 1)**2)

    m.options.IMODE = 6
    m.options.SOLVER = 1
    m.options.NODES = 3
    m.options.MAX_MEMORY = 10

    m.options.MAX_ITER = 500
    m.options.COLDSTART = 0
    m.options.REDUCE = 0

    print("vA", vA.value[-1] + aux_vA)
        #print("Obj= ",Obj)
    print("altitude: ", y.value[-1], vx.value[-1], vy.value[-1])
    print("Final mass=",Data[5][-1]-rate.value*t.value[-1])
    print("Gravity= ",vG.value[-1], " Drag= ",vD.value[-1], " alpha= ", vA.value[-1]," Velocity= ", sqrt(vx.value[-1]**2+vy.value[-1]**2)  )
    print("Flight angle=",gamma.value[-1])
    print("l2:",l2.value[-1],"l3:", l3.value[-1], "aux:", aux.value[-1])
    print("tf:", tf.value[-1], "tb:",tb-Data[0][-1])
    print("Obj:", Obj)
   # if t_lb==-10.0 or t_ub==10.0:
   #     break               


    tm = np.linspace(Data[0][-1], tf.value[-1] + Data[0][-1], 100)

    mass = Data[5][-1]


    for i in range(1, 100):
        Data[3].extend([sqrt(vx.value[i]**2 + vy.value[i]**2)])
        Data[4].extend([atan(vy.value[i] / vx.value[i])])
        Data[5].extend([mass - rate.value * t.value[i]])
        Data[6].extend([atan((l4.value[i] - aux.value[i]) / l3.value[i])])


    DV_required = mission.final_velocity + Data[7][-1] + Data[8][
        -1] + aux_vA + vA.value[-1]

    Obj = m.options.objfcnval + DV_required

    return Data, DV_required, Obj
Ejemplo n.º 7
# Model Decision Variables
# Total Variables = 3

# Audit Coverage %
x_1 = m.Var(value=NC_ATR_MODEL['Coverage Minimum'][AUDIT_NAMES[0]], lb=0, ub=1)
x_2 = m.Var(value=NC_ATR_MODEL['Coverage Minimum'][AUDIT_NAMES[1]], lb=0, ub=1)
x_3 = m.Var(value=NC_ATR_MODEL['Coverage Minimum'][AUDIT_NAMES[2]], lb=0, ub=1)

# Intermediate Calculations

# Compute Normalized Cumulative Additional Tax Revenue (NCATR)
#    for each audit class given audit coverage % (x)
i_NCATR_1 = m.Intermediate(NC_ATR_MODEL['A'][AUDIT_NAMES[0]] *
i_NCATR_2 = m.Intermediate(NC_ATR_MODEL['A'][AUDIT_NAMES[1]] *
i_NCATR_3 = m.Intermediate(NC_ATR_MODEL['A'][AUDIT_NAMES[2]] *

# Compute Cumulative Additional Tax Revenue (CATR) given the population
i_CATR_1 = m.Intermediate(i_NCATR_1 *
i_CATR_2 = m.Intermediate(i_NCATR_2 *
i_CATR_3 = m.Intermediate(i_NCATR_3 *

# (Cost / Audit) * (Audit Coverage %) * Population = $
i_cost_1 = m.Intermediate(x_1 * NC_ATR_MODEL['Audit Cost'][AUDIT_NAMES[0]] *
Ejemplo n.º 8
def pitch(mission, rocket, stage, trajectory, general, optimization, Data):

    alpha_v = 20

    g0 = 9.810665
    Re = 6371000

    T = stage[0].thrust
    Mass = rocket.mass
    ISP = stage[0].Isp
    Area = stage[0].diameter**2 / 4 * np.pi

    #The pitch is also considered only in the first stage

    m = GEKKO(remote=False)

    m.time = np.linspace(0, trajectory.pitch_time, 101)

    final = np.zeros(len(m.time))
    final[-1] = 1
    final = m.Param(value=final)

    tf = m.FV(value=1, lb=0.1, ub=100)
    tf.STATUS = 0

    alpha = m.MV(value=0, lb=-0.2, ub=0.1)
    alpha.STATUS = 1

    alpha.DMAX = alpha_v * np.pi / 180 * trajectory.pitch_time / 101

    x = m.Var(value=Data[1][-1], lb=0)
    y = m.Var(value=Data[2][-1], lb=0)
    v = m.Var(value=Data[3][-1], lb=0)
    phi = m.Var(value=Data[4][-1], ub=np.pi / 2, lb=0)
    mass = m.Var(value=Data[5][-1])
    vG = m.Var(value=Data[7][-1])
    vD = m.Var(value=Data[8][-1])

    rho = m.Intermediate(rho_func(y))
    cD = m.Intermediate(Drag_Coeff(v / (m.sqrt(1.4 * 287.053 * Temp_func(y)))))
    D = m.Intermediate(1 / 2 * rho * Area * cD * v**2)

        x.dt() / tf == v * m.cos(phi),
        y.dt() / tf == v * m.sin(phi),
        v.dt() / tf == T / mass * m.cos(alpha) - D / mass - g0 * m.sin(phi) *
        (Re / (Re + y))**2, ISP * g0 * mass.dt() / tf == -T, v * phi.dt() /
        tf == (v**2 / (Re + y) - g0 *
               (Re / (Re + y))**2) * m.cos(phi) + T * m.sin(alpha) / mass,
        vG.dt() / tf == g0 * m.sin(phi) * (Re / (Re + y))**2,
        vD.dt() / tf == D / mass

    m.Obj(final * (phi - trajectory.pitch)**2)
    m.Obj(1e-4 * alpha**2)

    m.options.IMODE = 6
    m.options.SOLVER = 3
    m.options.MAX_ITER = 500

    ###Save Data
    tm = np.linspace(Data[0][-1], m.time[-1] + Data[0][-1], 101)



    return Data
Ejemplo n.º 9
from scipy import optimize
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from gekko import GEKKO
import numpy as np
m = GEKKO()
m.options.SOLVER = 3
m.options.IMODE = 2
xzd = np.linspace(1,5,100)
yzd = np.sin(xzd)
xz = m.Param(value=xzd)
yz = m.CV(value=yzd)
yz.FSTATUS = 1
xp_val = np.array([1, 2, 3, 3.5,   4, 5])
yp_val = np.array([1, 0, 2, 2.5, 2.8, 3])
xp = [m.FV(value=xp_val[i],lb=xp_val[0],ub=xp_val[-1]) for i in range(6)]
yp = [m.FV(value=yp_val[i]) for i in range(6)]
for i in range(6):
    xp[i].STATUS = 0
    yp[i].STATUS = 1
for i in range(5):
x = [m.Var(lb=xp[i],ub=xp[i+1]) for i in range(5)]
x[0].lower = -1e20
x[-1].upper = 1e20
# Variables
slk_u = [m.Var(value=1,lb=0) for i in range(4)]
slk_l = [m.Var(value=1,lb=0) for i in range(4)]
# Intermediates
slope = []
for i in range(5):
Ejemplo n.º 10
class TrajectoryGenerator():
    def __init__(self):
        #################GROUND DRIVING OPTIMIZER SETTTINGS##############
        self.d = GEKKO(remote=False)  # Driving on ground optimizer

        ntd = 7
        self.d.time = np.linspace(0, 1, ntd)  # Time vector normalized 0-1

        # options
        # self.d.options.NODES = 3
        self.d.options.SOLVER = 3
        self.d.options.IMODE = 6  # MPC mode
        # m.options.IMODE = 9 #dynamic ode sequential
        self.d.options.MAX_ITER = 200
        self.d.options.MV_TYPE = 0
        self.d.options.DIAGLEVEL = 0

        # final time for driving optimizer
        self.tf = self.d.FV(value=1.0, lb=0.1, ub=100.0)

        # allow gekko to change the tfd value
        self.tf.STATUS = 1

        # Scaled time for Rocket league to get proper time

        # Acceleration variable
        self.a = self.d.MV(value=1.0, lb=0.0, ub=1.0, integer=True)
        self.a.STATUS = 1
        self.a.DCOST = 1e-10

        # # Boost variable, its integer type since it can only be on or off
        # self.u_thrust_d = self.d.MV(value=0,lb=0,ub=1, integer=False) #Manipulated variable integer type
        # self.u_thrust_d.STATUS = 0
        # self.u_thrust_d.DCOST = 1e-5
        # # Throttle value, this can vary smoothly between 0-1
        # self.u_throttle_d = self.d.MV(value = 1, lb = 0.02, ub = 1)
        # self.u_throttle_d.STATUS = 1
        # self.u_throttle_d.DCOST = 1e-5

        # Turning input value also smooth
        # self.u_turning_d = self.d.MV(lb = -1, ub = 1)
        # self.u_turning_d.STATUS = 1
        # self.u_turning_d.DCOST = 1e-5

        # end time variables to multiply u2 by to get total value of integral
        self.p_d = np.zeros(ntd)
        self.p_d[-1] = 1.0
        self.final = self.d.Param(value=self.p_d)

        # integral over time for u_pitch^2
        # self.u2_pitch = self.d.Var(value=0)
        # self.d.Equation(self.u2.dt() == 0.5*self.u_pitch**2)

        # Data for generating a trajectory
        self.initial_car_state = Car()
        self.final_car_state = Car()

    def update_from_packet(self, packet, idx):  # update initial car state
        data = packet.game_cars[idx]
        #update stuff from packet

    def update_final_car_state(self, data):

    def optimize2D(self, si, sf, vi, vf, ri,
                   omegai):  #these are 1x2 vectors s or v [x, z]
        #NOTE: I should make some data structures to easily pass this data around as one variable instead of so many variables

        #Trajectory to follow
        w = 0.5  # radians/sec of rotation
        amp = 100  #amplitude
        traj_sx = amp * self.d.cos(w * self.d.time)
        # self.t_sx = self.d.Var(value = amp) # Pre-Defined trajectory
        # self.d.Equation(self.t_sx.dt() == w * amp * self.d.sin(w * self.d.time))
        # self.t_sz = self.d.Var(value = 100) # Pre-Defined trajectory
        # self.d.Equation(self.t_sz.dt() == -1 * w * amp * self.d.cos(w * self.d.time))

        # variables intial conditions are placed here
        # Position and Velocity in 2d
        self.sx = self.d.Var(value=si[0], lb=-4096, ub=4096)  #x position
        # self.vx = self.d.Var(value=vi[0]) #x velocity
        self.sy = self.d.Var(value=si[1], lb=-5120, ub=5120)  #y position
        # self.vy = self.d.Var(value=vi[1]) #y velocity
        # Pitch rotation and angular velocity
        self.yaw = self.d.Var(value=ri)  #orientation yaw angle
        # self.omega_yaw = self.d.Var(value=omegai, lb=-5.5, ub=5.5) #angular velocity
        # self.v_mag = self.d.Intermediate(self.d.sqrt((self.vx**2) + (self.vy**2)))
        self.v_mag = self.d.Var(value=self.d.sqrt((vi[0]**2) + (vi[1]**2)),

        self.curvature = self.d.Intermediate(
            (0.0069 - ((7.67e-6) * self.v_mag) + ((4.35e-9) * self.v_mag**2) -
             ((1.48e-12) * self.v_mag**3) + ((2.37e-16) * self.v_mag**4)))

        self.vx = self.d.Intermediate(self.v_mag * self.d.cos(self.yaw))
        self.vy = self.d.Intermediate(self.v_mag * self.d.sin(self.yaw))
        # Errors to minimize trajectory error, take the derivative to get the final error value
        # self.errorx = self.d.Var(value = 0)
        # self.d.Equation(self.errorx.dt() == 0.5*(self.sx - self.t_sx)**2)

        # Differental equations
        self.d.Equation(self.v_mag.dt() == self.tf * self.a * (991.666 + 60))
        self.d.Equation(self.sx.dt() == self.tf *
                        ((self.v_mag * self.d.cos(self.yaw))))
        self.d.Equation(self.sy.dt() == self.tf *
                        ((self.v_mag * self.d.sin(self.yaw))))
        # self.d.Equation(self.vx.dt() == self.tf * (self.a * (991.666+60) * self.d.cos(self.yaw)))
        # self.d.Equation(self.vy.dt() == self.tf * (self.a * (991.666+60) * self.d.sin(self.yaw)))
        # self.d.Equation(self.vx.dt()==self.tf *(self.a * ((-1600 * self.v_mag/1410) +1600) * self.d.cos(self.yaw)))
        # self.d.Equation(self.vy.dt()==self.tf *(self.a * ((-1600 * self.v_mag/1410) +1600) * self.d.sin(self.yaw)))
        # self.d.Equation(self.vx == self.tf * (self.v_mag * self.d.cos(self.yaw)))
        # self.d.Equation(self.vy == self.tf * (self.v_mag * self.d.sin(self.yaw)))
        self.d.Equation(self.yaw.dt() <= self.tf *
                        (self.curvature * self.v_mag))

        # self.d.fix(self.sz, pos = len(self.d.time) - 1, val = 1000)

        #Soft constraints for the end point
        # Uncomment these 4 objective functions to get a simlple end point optimization
        #sf[1] is z position @ final time etc...
        self.d.Obj(self.final * 1e4 * (self.sy - sf[1])**2)  # Soft constraints
        # self.d.Obj(self.final*1e3*(self.vy-vf[1])**2)
        self.d.Obj(self.final * 1e4 * (self.sx - sf[0])**2)  # Soft constraints
        # self.d.Obj(self.final*1e3*(self.vx-vf[0])**2)

        #Objective function to minimize time
        self.d.Obj(self.tf * 1e5)

        #Objective functions to follow trajectory
        # self.d.Obj(self.final * (self.errorx **2) * 1e3)

        # self.d.Obj(self.final*1e3*(self.sx-traj_sx)**2) # Soft constraints
        # self.d.Obj(self.errorz)
        # self.d.Obj(( self.all * (self.sx - trajectory_sx) **2) * 1e3)
        # self.d.Obj(((self.sz - trajectory_sz)**2) * 1e3)

        # minimize thrust used
        # self.d.Obj(self.u2*self.final*1e3)

        # minimize torque used
        # self.d.Obj(self.u2_pitch*self.final)

        # self.d.solve('') # Solve with local apmonitor server
        except Exception as e:
            print('solver error', e)
            return None, None, None
        # NOTE: another data structure type or class here for optimal control vectors
        # Maybe it should have some methods to also make it easier to parse through the control vector etc...
        # print('time', np.multiply(self.d.time, self.tf.value[0]))
        # time.sleep(3)

        self.ts = np.multiply(self.d.time, self.tf.value[0])

        return self.a, self.yaw, self.ts

    def generateDrivingTrajectory(self, i,
                                  f):  #i = initial state, f=final state
        # Extract data from initial and fnial states
        print('initial state data x', i.x)
        if (i.x != None):
            s_ti = [i.x, i.y]
            v_ti = [i.vx, i.vy]
            s_tf = [f.x, f.y]
            v_tf = [f.vx, f.vy]
            r_ti = i.yaw  # inital orientation of the car
            omega_ti = i.wz  # initial angular velocity of car
            return None, None, None, None, None

        # Run optimization algorithm
            a, theta, t = self.optimize2D(s_ti, s_tf, v_ti, v_tf, r_ti,
            # self.plot_data()
            return self.sx, self.sy, self.vx, self.vy, self.yaw

        except Exception as e:
            print('Error in optimize or plotting', e)
            return None, None, None, None, None

    def plot_data(self):

        # print('u', acceleration.value)
        # print('tf', self.tf.value)
        # print('tf', self.tf.value[0])
        print('sx', self.sx.value)
        print('sy', self.sy.value)
        print('a', self.a.value)

        ts = self.d.time * self.tf.value[0]
        # plot results
        fig = plt.figure(2)
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
        # plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
        Axes3D.plot(ax, self.sx.value, self.sy.value, ts, c='r', marker='o')
        plt.ylim(-5120, 5120)
        plt.xlim(-4096, 4096)
        plt.ylabel('Position y')
        plt.xlabel('Position x')

        fig = plt.figure(3)
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
        # plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
        Axes3D.plot(ax, self.vx.value, self.vy.value, ts, c='r', marker='o')
        plt.ylim(-2500, 2500)
        plt.xlim(-2500, 2500)
        plt.ylabel('velocity y')
        plt.xlabel('Velocity x')

        plt.subplot(3, 1, 1)
        plt.plot(ts, self.a, 'r-')

        plt.subplot(3, 1, 2)
        plt.plot(ts, np.multiply(self.yaw, 1 / math.pi), 'r-')
        plt.ylabel('turning input')

        plt.subplot(3, 1, 3)
        plt.plot(ts, self.v_mag, 'b-')
        # plt.figure(1)
        # plt.subplot(7,1,1)
        # plt.plot(ts,self.sz.value,'r-',linewidth=2)
        # plt.ylabel('Position z')
        # plt.legend(['sz (Position)'])
        # plt.subplot(7,1,2)
        # plt.plot(ts,self.vz.value,'b-',linewidth=2)
        # plt.ylabel('Velocity z')
        # plt.legend(['vz (Velocity)'])
        # # plt.subplot(4,1,3)
        # # plt.plot(ts,mass.value,'k-',linewidth=2)
        # # plt.ylabel('Mass')
        # # plt.legend(['m (Mass)'])
        # plt.subplot(7,1,3)
        # plt.plot(ts,self.u_thrust.value,'g-',linewidth=2)
        # plt.ylabel('Thrust')
        # plt.legend(['u (Thrust)'])
        # plt.subplot(7,1,4)
        # plt.plot(ts,self.sx.value,'r-',linewidth=2)
        # plt.ylabel('Position x')
        # plt.legend(['sx (Position)'])
        # plt.subplot(7,1,5)
        # plt.plot(ts,self.vx.value,'b-',linewidth=2)
        # plt.ylabel('Velocity x')
        # plt.legend(['vx (Velocity)'])
        # # plt.subplot(4,1,3)
        # # plt.plot(ts,mass.value,'k-',linewidth=2)
        # # plt.ylabel('Mass')
        # # plt.legend(['m (Mass)'])
        # plt.subplot(7,1,6)
        # plt.plot(ts,self.u_pitch.value,'g-',linewidth=2)
        # plt.ylabel('Torque')
        # plt.legend(['u (Torque)'])
        # plt.subplot(7,1,7)
        # plt.plot(ts,self.pitch.value,'g-',linewidth=2)
        # plt.ylabel('Theta')
        # plt.legend(['p (Theta)'])
        # plt.xlabel('Time')

        # plt.figure(2)
        # plt.subplot(2,1,1)
        # plt.plot(self.m.time,m.t_sx,'r-',linewidth=2)
        # plt.ylabel('traj pos x')
        # plt.legend(['sz (Position)'])
        # plt.subplot(2,1,2)
        # plt.plot(self.m.time,m.t_sz,'b-',linewidth=2)
        # plt.ylabel('traj pos z')
        # plt.legend(['vz (Velocity)'])
        # #export csv
        # f = open('optimization_data.csv', 'w', newline = "")
        # writer = csv.writer(f)
        # writer.writerow(['time', 'sx', 'sz', 'vx', 'vz', 'u thrust', 'theta', 'omega_pitch', 'u pitch']) # , 'vx', 'vy', 'vz', 'ax', 'ay', 'az', 'quaternion', 'boost', 'roll', 'pitch', 'yaw'])
        # for i in range(len(self.m.time)):
        #     row = [self.m.time[i], self.sx.value[i], self.sz.value[i], self.vx.value[i], self.vz.value[i], self.u_thrust.value[i], self.pitch.value[i],
        #     self.omega_pitch.value[i], self.u_pitch.value[i]]
        #     writer.writerow(row)
        #     print('wrote row', row)

Ejemplo n.º 11
class gekko_model():
    def __init__(self, x0, param0, physics0, x_target):

        x_pos = x0[0]
        y_pos = x0[1]
        x_vel = x0[2]
        y_vel = x0[3]
        heading = x0[4]
        ang_vel = x0[5]
        SPS_mass = x0[6]
        RCS_mass = x0[7]

        dry_mass = param0[0]
        SPS_thrust = param0[1]
        RCS_thrust = param0[2]
        SPS_mass_flow = param0[3]
        RCS_mass_flow = param0[4]
        J = param0[5]
        r = param0[6]

        x_pos_t = x_target[0]
        y_pos_t = x_target[1]
        x_vel_t = x_target[2]
        y_vel_t = x_target[3]

        mu = physics0[0]

        self.m = GEKKO(remote=False)

        self.x_t = self.m.Var(value=x_pos_t)
        self.y_t = self.m.Var(value=y_pos_t)
        self.x_vel_t = self.m.Var(value=x_vel_t)
        self.y_vel_t = self.m.Var(value=y_vel_t)

        self.dry_mass = self.m.Param(value=dry_mass)
        self.mu = self.m.Param(value=mu)
        self.SPS_flow = self.m.FV(value=SPS_mass_flow, lb=0, ub=SPS_mass)
        self.RCS_flow = self.m.FV(value=RCS_mass_flow, lb=0, ub=RCS_mass)
        self.r = self.m.Param(value=r)

        self.RCS_bias = self.m.FV(value=1.0, ub=1.5, lb=.5)
        self.SPS_bias = self.m.FV(value=1.0, ub=1.5, lb=.5)

        self.RCS_com = self.m.MV(value=0, lb=-1, ub=1, integer=True)
        self.SPS_com = self.m.MV(value=0, lb=0, ub=1, integer=True)

        self.x = self.m.CV(value=x_pos, name='x')
        self.y = self.m.CV(value=y_pos, name='y')
        self.x_vel = self.m.CV(value=x_vel, name='x_vel')
        self.y_vel = self.m.CV(value=y_vel, name='y_vel')
        self.heading = self.m.CV(value=heading, name='heading')
        self.ang_vel = self.m.CV(value=ang_vel, name='ang_vel')
        self.SPS_mass = self.m.Var(value=SPS_mass,
        self.RCS_mass = self.m.Var(value=RCS_mass,

        self.J = self.m.FV(value=J)
        self.SPS_thrust = self.m.FV(value=SPS_thrust)
        self.RCS_thrust = self.m.FV(value=RCS_thrust)

        self.SPS_thrust_f = self.m.Intermediate(
            self.SPS_com * self.SPS_thrust * self.SPS_bias)
        self.RCS_thrust_f = self.m.Intermediate(
            self.RCS_com * self.RCS_thrust * self.RCS_bias)

        self.d_t = self.m.Intermediate(self.m.sqrt(self.x_t**2 + self.y_t**2))
        self.r_dd_t = self.m.Intermediate(-self.mu / self.d_t**3)

        self.mass_t = self.m.Intermediate(self.dry_mass + self.RCS_mass +

        self.d = self.m.Intermediate(self.m.sqrt(self.x**2 + self.y**2))
        self.r_dd = self.m.Intermediate(-self.mu / (self.d**3))

        self.x_accel_g = self.m.Intermediate(self.x * self.r_dd)
        self.y_accel_g = self.m.Intermediate(self.y * self.r_dd)

        self.x_accel_SPS = self.m.Intermediate(
            self.SPS_thrust_f * self.m.sin(self.heading) / self.mass_t)
        self.y_accel_SPS = self.m.Intermediate(
            self.SPS_thrust_f * self.m.cos(self.heading) / self.mass_t)

        self.phase = self.m.Intermediate(self.m.atan(self.x / self.y))
        self.phase_t = self.m.Intermediate(self.m.atan(self.x_t / self.y_t))

        self.m.Equation(self.x.dt() == self.x_vel)
        self.m.Equation(self.y.dt() == self.y_vel)
        self.m.Equation(self.x_vel.dt() == self.x_accel_g + self.x_accel_SPS)
        self.m.Equation(self.y_vel.dt() == self.y_accel_g + self.y_accel_SPS)
        self.m.Equation(self.heading.dt() == self.ang_vel)
        self.m.Equation(self.ang_vel.dt() == self.RCS_thrust_f * self.r /
        self.m.Equation(self.SPS_mass.dt() == -self.SPS_flow * self.SPS_com *
        self.m.Equation(self.RCS_mass.dt() == -self.RCS_flow *
                        self.m.abs(self.RCS_com) * self.RCS_bias)

        self.m.Equation(self.x_t.dt() == self.x_vel_t)
        self.m.Equation(self.y_t.dt() == self.y_vel_t)
        self.m.Equation(self.x_vel_t.dt() == self.x_t * self.r_dd_t)
        self.m.Equation(self.y_vel_t.dt() == self.y_t * self.r_dd_t)

    def mpc_setup(self, time):
        self.m.time = time

        p = np.zeros(len(time))
        p[-2:] = 1
        p[:] = 1

        self.final = self.m.Param(value=p)

        self.RCS_com.STATUS = 1
        self.SPS_com.STATUS = 1

        self.m.options.MAX_ITER = 1000

            self.d >= 6471000
        )  #Distance must be larger than the radius of the Earth + 100 km
        self.m.Equation(self.RCS_mass >= 0)  #Must have positive mass in tanks
        self.m.Equation(self.SPS_mass >= 0)
        self.m.Equation(self.m.abs(self.ang_vel) <= 2 * 3.14)

        self.m.Obj((self.final * (self.d - self.d_t)**2))
        self.m.Obj(1e12 * self.final * (self.phase - self.phase_t)**2)
        self.m.Obj((self.m.sqrt(self.x_vel**2 + self.y_vel**2) -
                    self.m.sqrt(self.x_vel_t**2 + self.y_vel_t**2))**2)

        self.m.options.IMODE = 6

    def mpc_update(self, x0, x_target):
        x_pos = x0[0]
        y_pos = x0[1]
        x_vel = x0[2]
        y_vel = x0[3]
        heading = x0[4]
        ang_vel = x0[5]
        SPS_mass = x0[6]
        RCS_mass = x0[7]

        x_pos_t = x_target[0]
        y_pos_t = x_target[1]
        x_vel_t = x_target[2]
        y_vel_t = x_target[3]

        self.x.VALUE = x_pos
        self.y.VALUE = y_pos
        self.x_vel.VALUE = x_vel
        self.y_vel.VALUE = y_vel
        self.heading.VALUE = heading
        self.ang_vel.VALUE = ang_vel
        self.SPS_mass.VALUE = SPS_mass
        self.RCS_mass.VALUE = RCS_mass

        self.x_t.VALUE = x_pos_t
        self.y_t.VALUE = y_pos_t
        self.x_vel_t.VALUE = x_vel_t
        self.y_vel_t.VALUE = y_vel_t

    def mpc_solve(self):
            RCS_com = self.RCS_com.NEWVAL
            SPS_com = self.SPS_com.NEWVAL
            print("Did not finish")
            RCS_com = 0
            SPS_com = 0

        return ([SPS_com, RCS_com])

    def mhe_setup(self, time):
        self.m.time = time
        self.m.options.EV_TYPE = 1
        self.m.options.IMODE = 5
        self.m.options.ICD_CALC = 1

    def mhe_on(self):
        self.x.FSTATUS = 1  #Receive measurements
        self.y.FSTATUS = 1
        self.ang_vel.FSTATUS = 1
        self.RCS_com.FSTATUS = 1
        self.SPS_com.FSTATUS = 1
        self.SPS_bias.FSTATUS = 0
        self.RCS_bias.FSTATUS = 0

        self.x.STATUS = 1
        self.y.STATUS = 1
        self.ang_vel.STATUS = 1
        self.RCS_com.STATUS = 0
        self.SPS_com.STATUS = 0
        self.SPS_bias.STATUS = 1
        self.RCS_bias.STATUS = 1

        self.SPS_bias.DMAX = .05
        self.RCS_bias.DMAX = .05

    def mhe_add(self, x, y, ang_vel, SPS_com, RCS_com):
        self.x.MEAS = x
        self.y.MEAS = y
        self.ang_vel.MEAS = ang_vel
        self.SPS_com.MEAS = SPS_com
        self.RCS_com.MEAS = RCS_com

    def mhe_solve(self, x, y, ang_vel, SPS_com, RCS_com):

        self.x.MEAS = x
        self.y.MEAS = y
        self.ang_vel.MEAS = ang_vel
        self.SPS_com.MEAS = SPS_com
        self.RCS_com.MEAS = RCS_com


        return ([self.SPS_bias.NEWVAL, self.RCS_bias.NEWVAL],
                [self.x.MODEL, self.y.MODEL, self.ang_vel.MODEL])

    def sim_setup(self, time):
        self.m.time = time

        self.RCS_com.FSTATUS = 1
        self.SPS_com.FSTATUS = 1

        self.m.options.SOLVER = 3
        self.m.options.IMODE = 4

    def sim_solve(self, SPS_com, RCS_com):
        self.RCS_com.MEAS = RCS_com
        self.SPS_com.MEAS = SPS_com
        self.SPS_com.STATUS = 0
        self.RCS_com.STATUS = 0

        return ([self.x.MODEL, self.y.MODEL, self.ang_vel.MODEL])
Ejemplo n.º 12
def reservoirs():

    #Initial conditions
    c = np.array([0.03, 0.015, 0.06, 0])
    areas = np.array([13.4, 12, 384.5, 4400])
    V0 = np.array([0.26, 0.18, 0.68, 22])
    h0 = 1000 * V0 / areas
    Vout0 = c * np.sqrt(h0)
    vin = [
        0.13, 0.13, 0.13, 0.21, 0.21, 0.21, 0.13, 0.13, 0.13, 0.13, 0.13, 0.13,
    Vin = [0, 0, 0, 0]

    #Initialize model
    m = GEKKO()

    #time array
    m.time = np.linspace(0, 1, 13)
    #define constants
    #ThunderSnow Constants exist
    c = m.Array(m.Const, 4, value=0)
    c[0].value = 0.03
    c[1].value = c[0] / 2
    c[2].value = c[0] * 2
    c[3].value = 0
    #python constants are equivilant to ThunderSnow constants
    Vuse = [0.03, 0.05, 0.02, 0.00]

    evap_c = m.Array(m.Param, 4, value=1e-5)
    evap_c[-1].value = 0.5e-5

    A = [m.Param(value=i) for i in areas]  #python list comprehension

    Vin[0] = m.Param(value=vin)

    V = [m.Var(value=i) for i in V0]
    h = [m.Var(value=i) for i in h0]
    Vout = [m.Var(value=i) for i in Vout0]

    Vin[1:4] = [m.Intermediate(Vout[i]) for i in range(3)]
    Vevap = [m.Intermediate(evap_c[i] * A[i]) for i in range(4)]

        [V[i].dt() == Vin[i] - Vout[i] - Vevap[i] - Vuse[i] for i in range(4)])
    m.Equations([1000 * V[i] == h[i] * A[i] for i in range(4)])
    m.Equations([Vout[i]**2 == c[i]**2 * h[i] for i in range(4)])

    #Set to simulation mode
    m.options.imode = 4


    hvals = [h[i].value for i in range(4)]
    assert (test.like(
            19.40299, 19.20641, 19.01394, 19.31262, 19.60511, 19.89159,
            19.6849, 19.48247, 19.28424, 19.09014, 18.90011, 18.71408, 18.53199
             15.0, 15.15939, 15.31216, 15.46995, 15.63249, 15.79955, 15.95968,
             16.11305, 16.25983, 16.40018, 16.53428, 16.66226, 16.7843
             1.768531, 1.758775, 1.74913, 1.739597, 1.730178, 1.720873,
             1.71168, 1.702594, 1.693612, 1.684731, 1.675947, 1.667259,
             5.0, 5.001073, 5.002143, 5.003208, 5.004269, 5.005326, 5.00638,
             5.007429, 5.008475, 5.009516, 5.010554, 5.011589, 5.012619
                 name='Cp_air')  #J/kgK (found using HYSYS calculations)
kf_air = m.Const(value=.01855,
                 name='kf_air')  #W/mK (found using HYSYS calculations)
mass_batt = m.Const(value=142 / 4, name='mass_batt')  #kg
Cp_batt = m.Const(value=900, name='Cp_batt')  #J/kgK
kf_batt = m.Const(value=6, name='kf_batt')  #W/mK
radius_batt = m.Const(value=.5 / 2,
                      name='radius_batt')  #m (Estimation based on photographs)
length_total = m.Const(
    value=2, name='length_total')  #m (Estimation based on photographs)
length_motor = m.Const(value=.5, name='length_motor')  #m (Guess)
V_open_circuit = m.Const(value=44, name='V_open_circuit')  #Volts
mu2 = m.Param(value=mu, name='mu2')

length_batt = m.Intermediate(length_total - length_motor,
                             name='length_batt')  #m
Pr = m.Intermediate(Cp_air * mu2 / kf_air, name='Pr')

################ Variables only discretized against time ######################

#Constants and values for convective heat transfer
motor_power = m.Param(value=motor, name='motor_power')  #W (Not used)
t_air2 = m.Param(value=t_air, name='t_air2')  #K
T_SP2 = m.Param(value=T_SP, name='T_SP2')  #K
re = m.Param(value=re2, name='re')
eff_motor = m.Param(value=motor_efficiency, name='eff_motor')
I_load = m.Param(value=motor_current, name='I_load')  #Amps
V_load = m.Param(value=motor_voltage, name='V_load')  #Volts

R_batt = m.Const(
Ejemplo n.º 14
class MPCnode(Node):
    def __init__(self, id, x, y, nrj, ctrlHrz, ctrlRes):
        super().__init__(id, x, y, nrj)

        self.verbose = False
        self.errorFlag = False

        # Creates the optimizing GEKKO module
        #self.m = GEKKO(remote=False)

        # Horizon, time points
        self.ctrlHrz = ctrlHrz  # Control Horizon
        self.ctrlRes = ctrlRes  # Control Resolution. Number of control steps within the control horizon
        #self.m.time = np.linspace( 0, self.ctrlHrz, self.ctrlRes)
        self.desData = 0
        self.DLcounter = 1  # Counts control steps during a round in order to be able to move the deadline forward after each control cycle
        # constants
        self.Egen = 1 * 10**-5
        self.Egen = 0

        # Counter for plots, list for plot colors to choose from
        self.nrplots = 1
        self.pltColors = ['r-', 'k-', 'b-', 'g-', 'y-', 'c-', 'm-']
        self.labels = [
            "Distance", "Velocity", "Energy Consumption", "Data Remaining",
            "Transmission Rate", "Battery"
        colorNr = rand.randrange(0, len(self.pltColors), 1)
        self.lineColor = self.pltColors[colorNr]

        # Resets the gekko module so that the optimizing can be done with new parameters and variables

    def resetGEKKO(self):
        self.errorFlag = False  # Sets errorflag back to false
        self.m = GEKKO(remote=False)  # Creates new GEKKO module
        self.m.time = np.linspace(0, self.ctrlHrz, self.ctrlRes)

        self.vp = np.zeros(self.ctrlRes)
        self.v = self.m.Param(value=self.vp)

        # define distance
        self.dist = self.m.Var()

        self.dtr = self.m.MV(value=0, integer=True, lb=0, ub=20)
        self.dtr.STATUS = 1
        # define energy level
        self.nrj_stored = self.m.Var(value=self.energy, lb=0)

        self.data = self.m.Var(value=self.desData)
        self.DSround = 0  # Data sent this round

        self.e = self.m.Intermediate((
            (Eelec + EDA) * self.conChildren + self.dtr * self.pSize *
            (Eelec + Eamp * self.dist**2)) - self.Egen)

        # equations
        # track the position
        self.m.Equation(self.dist.dt() == self.v)
        self.m.Equation(self.nrj_stored.dt() == -self.e)
        self.m.Equation(self.nrj_stored >= self.e)
        # as data is transmitted, remaining data stored decreases
        self.m.Equation(self.data.dt() == -self.dtr * self.pSize)

        self.deadline = self.m.Var(value=self.ctrlHrz)
        self.dlCost = self.m.Var()
        self.m.Equation(self.deadline.dt() == -1)
        # self.m.Equation(self.energy >= self.e)

        # objective

        #self.data.SP = 0

        # soft (objective constraint)
        self.final = self.m.Param(value=np.zeros(self.ctrlRes))
        self.final.value[-1] = 1

        self.target = self.m.Intermediate((self.final * (0 - self.data)**2))
        self.m.Obj(self.target)  # transmit data by the end

        # options
        # Solutions forced to terminate early by the MAX_TIME constraint do
        # not satisfy the Karush Kuhn Tucker conditions for optimality.
        self.m.options.MAX_TIME = 10
        self.m.options.IMODE = 6  # optimal control
        self.m.options.NODES = 3  # collocation nodes
        #self.m.options.CTRLMODE = 3
        self.m.options.SOLVER = 1  # solver (IPOPT), 1 is for when integers is used as MV
        self.m.options.TIME_SHIFT = 1  # Setting for saving values from last solve()

    def produce_vVector(self, xVec, yVec):
        vVec = np.zeros(len(xVec))
        for i in range(len(xVec) - 1):
            dist_Before = np.float64(
                np.sqrt((xVec[i] - self.xPos)**2 + (yVec[i] - self.yPos)**2))
            dist_After = np.float64(
                np.sqrt((xVec[i + 1] - self.xPos)**2 +
                        (yVec[i + 1] - self.yPos)**2))
            vVec[i] = np.float64((dist_After - dist_Before) /
                                 (self.ctrlHrz / (self.ctrlRes - 1)))
        return vVec

    def setDesData(self, dat):
        self.desData = dat * self.pSize
        #if(type(self.data.value.value) is list):
        #    self.data.value[0] = dat*self.pSize
        #    self.data.value = dat*self.pSize

    def plot(self, **kwargs):
        plt.subplot(6, 1, 1)
        dist_line = plt.plot(self.m.time[1:],
        distance_legend = plt.legend(handles=dist_line)

        plt.subplot(6, 1, 2)
        vel_line = plt.step(self.m.time[1:],
        vel_legend = plt.legend(handles=vel_line)

        plt.subplot(6, 1, 3)
        energyCons_line = plt.step(self.m.time[1:],
        nrjcons_legend = plt.legend(handles=energyCons_line)

        plt.subplot(6, 1, 4)
        dataRem_line = plt.plot(self.m.time[1:],
        #plt.bar(self.m.time, self.data.value, align='center', alpha=0.5)
        dataRem_legend = plt.legend(handles=dataRem_line)

        plt.subplot(6, 1, 5)
        #plt.plot(self.m.time, self.dtr.value,'r-',label='Transmission Rate')
        transmRate_line = plt.step(self.m.time[1:],
        tr_legend = plt.legend(handles=transmRate_line)

        plt.subplot(6, 1, 6)
        battery_line = plt.plot(self.m.time[1:],
        battery_legend = plt.legend(handles=battery_line)

        if ('timesegment' in kwargs):
            plt.xlabel('Time, Segm {0}'.format(kwargs['timesegment']))


        self.nrplots += 1

    def controlPR(self, sink):
        #self.data.value = self.desData
        #print('ELELELELE SECOND TIME')

        self.v.value = self.produce_vVector(sink.xP.value, sink.yP.value)

        tempNrj = np.float64(self.energy)
        tempDist = np.float64(np.abs(self.getDistance(self.CHparent)))

        if (type(self.nrj_stored.value.value) is list):
            self.nrj_stored.value[0] = tempNrj
            self.nrj_stored.value = tempNrj

        # define distance
        if (type(self.dist.value.value) is list):
            self.dist.value[0] = tempDist
            self.dist.value = tempDist

        #if(type(self.dtr.value.value) is list):
        #    print('dtr.value BEFORE: {0}'.format(self.dtr.value))
        #    self.dtr.value = self.dtr.value[1]
        #    print('dtr.value AFTER: {0}'.format(self.dtr.value))
        In order to move the horizon forward to make sure that the deadline is held 
        (finish transmitting it's desired data before the time segments run out),
        the following if-block checks if the difference between total time segments
        and past time segments is equal or smaller than the controller's horizon.
        If it is, it is time to start rolling the end-value point forward. 
        The objective function prioritizes solutions that reaches the desired state in  
        steps before final[wherever the 1-value is].
        if ((time_segments - self.DLcounter) <= self.ctrlHrz):
            self.final.value = np.roll(
                -((self.ctrlHrz) - (time_segments - self.DLcounter)))

            self.PA = self.dtr.value[1]
            self.desData -= self.dtr.value.value[1] * self.pSize
            self.DLcounter += 1
            print('EXCEPTION CAUGHT FOR NODE {0}'.format(self.ID))
            self.errorFlag = True
            self.DLcounter += 1

        if (self.DLcounter > time_segments):
            self.DLcounter = 1

Ejemplo n.º 15
class MPCsink(Sink):
    def __init__(self, sizex, sizey, ctrlHrz, ctrlRes):
        super().__init__(sizex, sizey)
        self.ctrlHrz = ctrlHrz
        self.ctrlRes = ctrlRes
        self.v = 1

        #Counter for plots
        self.nrplots = 1
        self.xTarg = xSize / 2
        self.yTarg = ySize / 2

    def resetGEKKO(self):
        self.m = GEKKO(remote=False)
        self.m.time = np.linspace(0, self.ctrlHrz, self.ctrlRes)
        self.m.TIME_SHIFT = 1

        self.xMove = self.m.MV(integer=True, lb=-self.v, ub=self.v)
        self.xMove.STATUS = 1
        self.yMove = self.m.MV(integer=True, lb=-self.v, ub=self.v)
        self.yMove.STATUS = 1

        self.xP = self.m.Var(value=self.xPos, lb=0, ub=xSize)
        self.yP = self.m.Var(value=self.yPos, lb=0, ub=ySize)

        self.xTar = self.m.Param(value=self.xTarg)
        self.yTar = self.m.Param(value=self.yTarg)

        self.xDist = self.m.CV()
        self.xDist.STATUS = 1
        self.yDist = self.m.CV()
        self.yDist.STATUS = 1
        self.m.options.CV_TYPE = 2  #Squared Error

        self.xDist.value = self.xP.value - self.xTarg
        self.yDist.value = self.yP.value - self.yTarg

        self.m.Equation(self.xDist == self.xP - self.xTar)
        self.m.Equation(self.yDist == self.yP - self.yTar)

        self.m.Equation(self.xDist.dt() == self.xMove)
        self.m.Equation(self.yDist.dt() == self.yMove)

        self.xErr = self.m.Intermediate((self.xTar - self.xP))
        self.yErr = self.m.Intermediate((self.yTar - self.yP))

        self.xDist.SP = 0
        self.yDist.SP = 0

        self.m.options.IMODE = 6
        self.m.options.MAX_TIME = 10

    def setTarPoint(self, x, y):
        self.xTarg = x
        self.yTarg = y

    def produce_MoveVector(self):
        if(type(self.xDist.value.value) is not list):
            self.xDist.value = self.xP.value - self.xTar.value
            self.yDist.value = self.yP.value - self.yTar.value 
            self.xMove[0] = self.xMove.NXTVAL
            self.yMove[0] = self.yMove.NXTVAL
            self.xP[0] = self.xPos
            self.yP[0] = self.yPos
            if(type(self.xTar.value.value) is list):
                self.xTar.value = self.xTar.value.value[0]
                self.yTar.value = self.yTar.value.value[0]
                self.xDist.value = self.xP.value[0] - self.xTar.value.value
                self.yDist.value = self.yP.value[0] - self.yTar.value.value
                self.xDist.value[0] = self.xP.value[0] - self.xTar.value.value
                self.yDist.value[0] = self.yP.value[0] - self.yTar.value.value

        #print('xTar: {0}\n yTar: {1}\n xDst: {2}\n yDst: {3}\n'.format(self.xTar.value,self.yTar.value,self.xDist.value,self.yDist.value))
        #print('SECOND PRINT')
        #print('xTar: {0}\n yTar: {1}\n xDst: {2}\n yDst: {3}\n'.format(self.xTar.value,self.yTar.value,self.xDist.value,self.yDist.value))

    def plot(self):
        plt.subplot(4, 1, 1)
        plt.step(self.m.time, self.xDist, 'r-', label='X-DIST')

        plt.subplot(4, 1, 2)
        plt.step(self.m.time, self.xMove, 'b-', label='X-VEL')

        plt.subplot(4, 1, 3)
        plt.step(self.m.time, self.yDist, 'k--', label='Y-DIST')

        plt.subplot(4, 1, 4)
        plt.step(self.m.time, self.yMove, 'b-', label='Y-VEL')

        self.nrplots += 1
Ejemplo n.º 16
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

#%% Process
p = GEKKO()

p.time = [0, .5]

n = 1  #process model order

p.u = p.MV()
p.K = p.Param(value=1)  #gain
p.tau = p.Param(value=5)  #time constant

p.x = [p.Intermediate(p.u)]

p.x.extend([p.Var() for _ in range(n)])  #state variables
p.y = p.SV()  #measurement

    [p.tau / n * p.x[i + 1].dt() == -p.x[i + 1] + p.x[i] for i in range(n)])
p.Equation(p.y == p.K * p.x[n])

p.options.IMODE = 4

#p.u.FSTATUS = 1
#p.u.STATUS = 0
Ejemplo n.º 17
class Brain():
    def __init__(self, remote=True, bfgs=True, explicit=True):
        self.m = GEKKO(remote=remote)
        #generic model options
        self.m.options.MAX_ITER = 4000
        self.m.options.OTOL = 1e-4
        self.m.options.RTOL = 1e-4
        if bfgs:
            self.m.solver_options = ['hessian_approximation limited-memory']

        self._explicit = explicit
        self._input_size = None
        self._output_size = None
        self._layers = []
        self._weights = []
        self._biases = []
        self.input = []
        self.output = []

    def input_layer(self, size):
        #store input size
        self._input_size = size
        #build FV with Feedback to accept inputs
        self.input = [self.m.Param() for _ in range(size)]
        #        #set FV options
        #        for n in self.input:
        #            n.FSTATUS = 1
        #            n.STATUS = 0

        #add input layer to list of layers

    def layer(self,
        Layer types:
            pool (mean)
        Activation options:
        size = relu + tanh + linear + gaussian + bent + leaky
        if size < 1:
            raise Exception("Need at least one node")

        if ltype == 'dense':

            ## weights between neurons
            n_p = len(self._layers[-1])  #number of neuron in previous layer
            n_c = n_p * size  # number of axion connections
            # build n_c FVs as axion weights, initialize randomly in [-1,1]
                self.m.FV(value=[np.random.rand() * 2 - 1]) for _ in range(n_c)
            for w in self._weights[-1]:
                w.STATUS = 1
                w.FSTATUS = 0
            #input times weights, add bias and activate
            self._biases.append([self.m.FV(value=0) for _ in range(size)])
            for b in self._biases[-1]:
                b.STATUS = 1
                b.FSTATUS = 0

            count = 0

            if self._explicit:

                # build new neuron weighted inputs
                neuron_inputs = [
                    self.m.Intermediate(self._biases[-1][i] + sum(
                        (self._weights[-1][(i * n_p) + j] *
                         self._layers[-1][j]) for j in range(n_p)))
                    for i in range(size)
                ]  #i counts nodes in this layer, j counts nodes of previous layer

                ##neuron activation
                if linear > 0:
                    self._layers[-1] += [
                        for i in range(count, count + linear)
                    count += linear
                if tanh > 0:
                    self._layers[-1] += [
                        for i in range(count, count + tanh)
                    count += tanh
                if relu > 0:
                    self._layers[-1] += [
                            self.m.log(1 + self.m.exp(neuron_inputs[i])))
                        for i in range(count, count + relu)
                    count += relu
                if gaussian > 0:
                    self._layers[-1] += [
                        for i in range(count, count + gaussian)
                    count += gaussian
                if bent > 0:
                    self._layers[-1] += [
                            (self.m.sqrt(neuron_inputs[i]**2 + 1) - 1) / 2 +
                        for i in range(count, count + bent)
                    count += bent
                if leaky > 0:
                    s = [self.m.Var(lb=0) for _ in range(leaky * 2)]
                        (1.5 * neuron_inputs[i + count]) -
                        (0.5 * neuron_inputs[i + count]) == s[2 * i] -
                        s[2 * i + 1] for i in range(leaky)
                    self._layers[-1] += [
                        self.m.Intermediate(neuron_inputs[count + i] +
                                            s[2 * i]) for i in range(leaky)
                    [self.m.Obj(s[2 * i] * s[2 * i + 1]) for i in range(leaky)]
                        [s[2 * i] * s[2 * i + 1] == 0 for i in range(leaky)])
                    count += leaky

            else:  #type=implicit

                # build new neuron weighted inputs
                neuron_inputs = [self.m.Var() for i in range(size)]
                        neuron_inputs[i] == self._biases[-1][i] + sum(
                            (self._weights[-1][(i * n_p) + j] *
                             self._layers[-1][j]) for j in range(n_p))
                        for i in range(size)
                )  #i counts nodes in this layer, j counts nodes of previous layer

                ##neuron activation
                neurons = [self.m.Var() for i in range(size)]

                ##neuron activation
                if linear > 0:
                        neurons[i] == neuron_inputs[i]
                        for i in range(count, count + linear)
                    count += linear
                if tanh > 0:
                        neurons[i] == self.m.tanh(neuron_inputs[i])
                        for i in range(count, count + tanh)
                    for n in neurons[count:count + tanh]:
                        n.LOWER = -5
                        n.UPPER = 5
                    count += tanh
                if relu > 0:
                        neurons[i] == self.m.log(1 +
                        for i in range(count, count + relu)
                    for n in neurons[count:count + relu]:
                        n.LOWER = -10
                    count += relu
                if gaussian > 0:
                        neurons[i] == self.m.exp(-neuron_inputs[i]**2)
                        for i in range(count, count + gaussian)
                    for n in neurons[count:count + gaussian]:
                        n.LOWER = -3.5
                        n.UPPER = 3.5
                    count += gaussian
                if bent > 0:
                        neurons[i] == (
                            (self.m.sqrt(neuron_inputs[i]**2 + 1) - 1) / 2 +
                        for i in range(count, count + bent)
                    count += bent
                if leaky > 0:
                    s = [self.m.Var(lb=0) for _ in range(leaky * 2)]
                        (1.5 * neuron_inputs[count + i]) -
                        (0.5 * neuron_inputs[count + i]) == s[2 * i] -
                        s[2 * i + 1] for i in range(leaky)
                        neurons[count + i] == neuron_inputs[count + i] +
                        s[2 * i] for i in range(leaky)
                        self.m.Obj(10000 * s[2 * i] * s[2 * i + 1])
                        for i in range(leaky)
                    #self.m.Equations([s[2*i]*s[2*i+1] == 0 for i in range(leaky)])
                    count += leaky

            raise Exception('layer type not implemented yet')

    def output_layer(self, size, ltype='dense', activation='linear'):
        Layer types:
            pool (mean)
        Activation options:

        # build a layer to ensure that the number of nodes matches the output
        self.layer(size, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ltype)

        self.output = [self.m.CV() for _ in range(size)]
        for o in self.output:
            o.FSTATUS = 1
            o.STATUS = 1

        #link output CVs to last layer
        for i in range(size):
            self.m.Equation(self.output[i] == self._layers[-1][i])

    def think(self, inputs):

        #convert inputs to numpy ndarray
        inputs = np.atleast_2d(inputs)

        ##confirm input/output dimensions
        in_dims = inputs.shape
        ni = len(self.input)
        #consistent layer size
        if in_dims[0] != ni:
            raise Exception('Inconsistent number of inputs')

        #set input values
        for i in range(ni):
            self.input[i].value = inputs[i, :]

        #solve in SS simulation
        self.m.options.IMODE = 2
        #disable all weights
        for wl in self._weights:
            for w in wl:
                w.STATUS = 0
        for bl in self._biases:
            for b in bl:
                b.STATUS = 0

        ##return result
        res = []  #concatentate result from each CV in one list
        for i in range(len(self.output)):

        return res

    def learn(self, inputs, outputs, obj=2, gap=0, disp=True):
        Make the brain learn. 
        Give inputs as (n)xm
            Where n = input layer dimensions
            m = number of datasets
        Give outputs as (n)xm
            Where n = output layer dimensions
            m = number of datasets
        Objective can be 1 (L1 norm) or 2 (L2 norm)
        If obj=1, gap provides a deadband around output matching.

        #convert inputs to numpy ndarray
        inputs = np.atleast_2d(inputs)
        outputs = np.atleast_2d(outputs)

        ##confirm input/output dimensions
        in_dims = inputs.shape
        out_dims = outputs.shape
        ni = len(self.input)
        no = len(self.output)
        #consistent dataset size
        if in_dims[1] != out_dims[1]:
            raise Exception('Inconsistent number of datasets')
        #consistent layer size
        if in_dims[0] != ni:
            raise Exception('Inconsistent number of inputs')
        if out_dims[0] != no:
            raise Exception('Inconsistent number of outputs')

        #set input values
        for i in range(ni):
            self.input[i].value = inputs[i, :]

        #set output values
        for i in range(no):
            o = self.output[i]
            o.value = outputs[i, :]
            if obj == 1:  #set meas_gap while cycling through CVs
                o.MEAS_GAP = gap

        #solve in MPU mode
        self.m.options.IMODE = 2
        self.m.options.EV_TYPE = obj
        self.m.options.REDUCE = 3
        #enable all weights
        for wl in self._weights:
            for w in wl:
                w.STATUS = 1
        for bl in self._biases:
            for b in bl:
                b.STATUS = 1


    def shake(self, percent):
        """ Neural networks are non-convex. Some stochastic shaking can 
        sometimes help bump the problem to a new region. This function 
        perturbs all weights by +/-percent their values."""

        for l in self._weights:
            for f in l:
                f.value = f.value[-1] * (
                    1 + (1 - 2 * np.random.rand()) * percent / 100)
Ejemplo n.º 18
m = GEKKO()
t = time.time()
s = sum(v)
y = m.Var()
m.Equation(y == s)
print('Elapsed time: ' + str(time.time() - t))

# summation method 2 - Intermediates
m = GEKKO()
t = time.time()
s = 0
for i in range(n):
    s = m.Intermediate(s + v[i])
y = m.Var()
m.Equation(y == s)
print('Elapsed time: ' + str(time.time() - t))

# summation method 3 - Gekko sum
m = GEKKO()
t = time.time()
s = m.sum(v)
y = m.Var()
m.Equation(y == s)
Ejemplo n.º 19
A_2 = reaction_model.FV(A_2_initial_guess)
alpha = reaction_model.FV(alpha_initial_guess)
beta = reaction_model.FV(beta_initial_guess)

# one-sided bounds
#alpha.LOWER = 0
#beta.LOWER = 0

# state Variables
Ph_3_minus = reaction_model.SV(Ph_3_minus_initial)

# variable we will use to regress other Parameters
Ph_2_minus = reaction_model.CV(ph_abs)

# intermediates
k1 = reaction_model.Intermediate(A_1 * reaction_model.exp(-E_a_1 / (R * T)))
k2 = reaction_model.Intermediate(A_2 * reaction_model.exp(-E_a_2 / (R * T)))
# forward reaction
r1 = reaction_model.Intermediate(k1 * Ph_2_minus**alpha)
# backwards reaction
r2 = reaction_model.Intermediate(k2 * Ph_3_minus**beta)

# equations
    [Ph_2_minus.dt() == r2 - r1,
     Ph_3_minus.dt() == r1 - r2])

# parameter options
E_a_1.STATUS = 1
E_a_2.STATUS = 1
A_1.STATUS = 0
Ejemplo n.º 20
# constants
c1 = 0.13
c2 = 0.20
Ac = 2  # m^2

# inflow of volume per time
qin1 = 0.5  # m^3/hr

# variables
h1 = m.Var(value=0, lb=0, ub=1)
h2 = m.Var(value=0, lb=0, ub=1)
overflow1 = m.Var(value=0, lb=0)
overflow2 = m.Var(value=0, lb=0)

# outflow equations
qin2 = m.Intermediate(c1 * h1**0.5)
qout1 = m.Intermediate(qin2 + overflow1)
qout2 = m.Intermediate(c2 * h2**0.5 + overflow2)

# mass balance equations
m.Equation(Ac * h1.dt() == qin1 - qout1)
m.Equation(Ac * h2.dt() == qin2 - qout2)

# Minimize overflow.
m.Obj(overflow1 + overflow2)

# Set options.
m.options.IMODE = 6  # dynamic optimization

# Simulate differential equations.
Ejemplo n.º 21
R = m.Var(value=0.0)

# Parameters
l_e = m.Param(value=50.0)
R0 = m.Param(value=17.0)
p = m.Param(value=1.0)
tau = m.Param(value=0.7)
theta = m.Param(value=0.5)
nu = m.Param(value=0.5)
eta = m.Param(value=0.5)
tInf = m.Param(value=21.0)
tImm = m.Param(value=20.0)
tImm_V = m.Param(value=50.0)

# Intermediates
mu = m.Intermediate(1 / l_e)
beta = m.Intermediate(R0 * (gamma + mu))
gamma = m.Intermediate(365 / tInf)
sigma = m.Intermediate(1 / tImm)
sigmaV = m.Intermediate(1 / tImm_V)
strain1_frac = m.Intermediate((I1 + J1) / N)
strain2_frac = m.Intermediate((I2 + J2 + Iv2) / N)
S_frac = m.Intermediate(S / N)
V_frac = m.Intermediate(V / N)
R_1_frac = m.Intermediate((R1 + R) / N)
R_2_frac = m.Intermediate((R2 + R) / N)
R_frac = m.Intermediate(R / N)
r1 = m.Intermediate(mu * (1 - p) * N)
r2 = m.Intermediate(mu * p * N)
r3 = m.Intermediate(mu * S)
r4 = m.Intermediate(mu * V)
Ejemplo n.º 22
from gekko import GEKKO
import numpy as np
m = GEKKO(remote=False)
x1 = m.Param(-2)
x2 = m.Param(-1)
x3 = np.linspace(0, 1, 6)
x4 = m.Array(m.Param, 3)
y4 = m.Array(m.Var, 3)
y5 = m.Intermediate(3)
for i in range(3):
    x4[i].value = -0.2
    y4[i] = m.abs3(x4[i])
# create variable
y = m.Var()
# y = 3.6 =            -2 -1   + 3          + 0            +3        + 0.6
m.Equation(y == m.sum([x1, x2]) + m.sum(x3) + m.sum([x1 + x2, x3, y5]) +
m.solve()  # solve
print('x1: ' + str(x1.value))
print('x2: ' + str(x2.value))
print('y: ' + str(y.value))
Ejemplo n.º 23
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

m = GEKKO()

nt = 101
m.time = np.linspace(0, 1, nt)

x1 = m.Var(value=1)
x2 = m.Var(value=0)
T = m.Var(value=380, lb=298, ub=398)

final = np.zeros(nt)
final[-1] = 1
final = m.Param(value=final)

k1 = m.Intermediate(4000 * m.exp(-2500 / T))
k2 = m.Intermediate(6.2e5 * m.exp(-5000 / T))

m.Equation(x1.dt() == -k1 * x1**2)
m.Equation(x2.dt() == k1 * x1**2 - k2 * x2)

m.Obj(final * x2)

m.options.IMODE = 6


plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
plt.plot(m.time, x1.value)
plt.plot(m.time, x2.value)
Ejemplo n.º 24
# one-sided bounds
#alpha.LOWER = 0
#beta.LOWER = 0

# state Variables
Ph_3_minus = reaction_model.SV(Ph_3_minus_initial)
Ph_3_minus_2 = reaction_model.SV(Ph_3_minus_initial_2)
Ph_3_minus_3 = reaction_model.SV(Ph_3_minus_initial_3)

# variable we will use to regress other Parameters
Ph_2_minus = reaction_model.CV(ph_abs)
Ph_2_minus_2 = reaction_model.CV(ph_abs_2)
Ph_2_minus_3 = reaction_model.CV(ph_abs_3)

# intermediates
k1 = reaction_model.Intermediate(A_1 * reaction_model.exp(-E_a_1 / (R * T)))
k2 = reaction_model.Intermediate(A_2 * reaction_model.exp(-E_a_2 / (R * T)))
k3 = reaction_model.Intermediate(A_1 * reaction_model.exp(-E_a_1 / (R * T_2)))
k4 = reaction_model.Intermediate(A_2 * reaction_model.exp(-E_a_2 / (R * T_2)))
k5 = reaction_model.Intermediate(A_1 * reaction_model.exp(-E_a_1 / (R * T_3)))
k6 = reaction_model.Intermediate(A_2 * reaction_model.exp(-E_a_2 / (R * T_3)))

# forward reaction
r1 = reaction_model.Intermediate(k1 * Ph_2_minus**alpha)
# backwards reaction
r2 = reaction_model.Intermediate(k2 * Ph_3_minus**beta)
# forward reaction
r3 = reaction_model.Intermediate(k3 * Ph_2_minus_2**alpha)
# backwards reaction
r4 = reaction_model.Intermediate(k4 * Ph_3_minus_2**beta)
# forward reaction
Ejemplo n.º 25
class MPC2ndLayer():
    def __init__(self):
        self.verbose = False
        self.nrplots = 0

        self.m = GEKKO(remote=False)

        # constants
        self.Egen = 1 * 10**-5
        self.pSize = ps

        self.PERC = 0.4
        self.nds = 50  # ALL NODES
        self.CHs = int(self.nds * self.PERC)  # CLUSTER HEADS
        self.nonCHs = int(self.nds - self.CHs)  # NON-CHs
        self.CHLst = []  # List of CH positions Param()
        self.CHdistLst = []  # List of CHs distances Var()

        self.nonCHLst = []  # List of non-CH positions Param()
        self.nonCHdistLst = []  # List of non-CHs distances Var()

        self.intermeds = [
        ]  # List of intermediate equations for energy consumption of nodes

        #Counter for plots
        self.nrplots = 1
        This part is in case the LEACH protocol is to be used in the model.
        self.dm1 = np.sum(self.CHdistLst)/len(self.CHdistLst)            # Mean distance of CH to sink
        self.dm2 = np.sum(self.nonCHdistLst)/len(self.nonCHdistLst)      # Mean distance of nonCH to sink
        self.e1 = self.m.Intermediate(((Eelec+EDA)*self.packet + self.packs*self.pSize*(Eelec + Eamp * self.dm1**2))*len(self.CHdistLst)) # Mean energy consumption per round for CHs
        self.e2 = self.m.Intermediate((self.packs*self.pSize*(Eelec + Eamp * self.dm2**2))*len(self.nonCHdistLst)) # Mean energy consumption per round for CHs
        self.rnd = self.m.Intermediate(self.E_tot/(self.PERC*self.E_tot*self.e1+(1-self.PERC)*self.e2))

        # options
        self.m.options.IMODE = 3  # optimize a solid state

    def controlEnv(self):


        self.sinkPos = self.m.Var(
            lb=0, ub=100
        )  # Upper bound should be something like sqrt(100**2 + 100**2)

        #self.sinkV = self.m.MV(lb=-3,ub=3)
        #self.sinkV.STATUS = 1

        # as data is transmitted, remaining data stored decreases

        for i in range(self.CHs):
            self.CHLst.append(self.m.Param(value=4 * i))
                self.m.Var(value=self.sinkPos.value - self.CHLst[i].value))
            self.m.Equation(self.CHdistLst[i] == self.sinkPos - self.CHLst[i])

        for i in range(self.nonCHs):
            self.nonCHLst.append(self.m.Param(value=2 * i))
                self.m.Var(value=self.sinkPos.value - self.nonCHLst[i].value))

            self.m.Equation(self.nonCHdistLst[i] == self.sinkPos -

        self.packs = 1
        self.dtrLst = []
        self.rnds = self.m.Var(integer=True, lb=1)
        self.E_tot = self.m.Param(value=0.010)
        self.e1Sum = []
        self.e1Vars = []
        self.e2Sum = []
        self.e2Vars = []

        for i in range(self.CHs):
            self.dtrLst.append(self.m.Var(lb=1, ub=20))
                self.m.Intermediate((Eelec + EDA) * self.packs +
                                    self.dtrLst[-1] * self.pSize *
                                    (Eelec + Eamp * self.CHdistLst[i]**2)))
            self.m.Equation(self.e1Vars[-1] == (Eelec + EDA) * self.packs +
                            self.dtrLst[-1] * self.pSize *
                            (Eelec + Eamp * self.CHdistLst[i]**2))

        for i in range(self.nonCHs):
                self.m.Intermediate(self.packs * self.pSize *
                                    (Eelec + Eamp * self.nonCHdistLst[i]**2)))
                self.e2Vars[-1] == (self.packs * self.pSize *
                                    (Eelec + Eamp * self.nonCHdistLst[i]**2)))

        #self.m.Equation(self.E_tot >= (self.m.sum(self.e1Sum)+ self.m.sum(self.e2Sum))*self.rnds)
            self.E_tot >= (self.m.sum(self.e1Vars) + self.m.sum(self.e2Vars)) *
        self.target = self.m.Intermediate(self.m.sum(self.dtrLst))
        self.m.Obj(-self.target * self.rnds)

        print('Sink\'s optimal Position: {0}'.format(self.sinkPos.value))
        print('Number of rounds for optimal amount of data transmitted: {0}'.

    def plot(self):
        objects = np.linspace(1, len(self.CHLst), len(self.CHLst))
        #for i in range(self.CHLst):
        #    objects.append(self.CHdistLst[i].)

        y_pos = np.arange(len(objects))
        ydtr = np.linspace(0, 20, 11)

        ydist = np.linspace(-50, 50, 11)

        CHDL = []
        for i in range(len(self.CHdistLst)):

        DTRL = []
        for i in range(len(self.dtrLst)):

        plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
        plt.bar(y_pos, CHDL, align='center', alpha=0.5)
        plt.yticks(ydist, ydist)

        plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
        plt.bar(y_pos, DTRL, align='center', alpha=0.5)
        plt.yticks(ydtr, ydtr)
        plt.ylabel('Packets Desired')


    def clearGEKKO(self):
Ejemplo n.º 26
m.time = np.linspace(0, 20, 41)

mass = 500

b = m.Param(value=50)
K = m.Param(value=0.8)
#Manipulated variable
p = m.MV(value=0, lb=0, ub=100)

#Controlled Variable
v = m.CV(value=0)

i = m.Intermediate(-v * b)

m.Equation(mass * v.dt() == i + K * b * p)

#%% Tuning

m.options.IMODE = 6  #control

#MV tuning
p.STATUS = 1  #allow optimizer to change
p.DCOST = 0.1  #smooth out gas pedal movement
p.DMAX = 20  #slow down change of gas pedal

#CV tuning
Ejemplo n.º 27
tf = 200
m.time = np.linspace(0, tf, 2 * tf + 1)
step = np.zeros(2 * tf + 1)
step[3:40] = 2.0
step[40:] = 5.0

# Controller model
Kc = 15.0  # controller gain
tauI = 2.0  # controller reset time
tauD = 1.0  # derivative constant
OP_0 = m.Const(value=0.0)  # OP bias
OP = m.Var(value=0.0)  # controller output
PV = m.Var(value=0.0)  # process variable
SP = m.Param(value=step)  # set point
Intgl = m.Var(value=0.0)  # integral of the error
err = m.Intermediate(SP - PV)  # set point error
m.Equation(Intgl.dt() == err)  # integral of the error
m.Equation(OP == OP_0 + Kc * err + (Kc / tauI) * Intgl - PV.dt())

# Process model
Kp = 0.5  # process gain
tauP = 10.0  # process time constant
m.Equation(tauP * PV.dt() + PV == Kp * OP)

m.options.IMODE = 4

plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
plt.plot(m.time, OP.value, 'b:', label='OP')
Ejemplo n.º 28
class MPCnode(Node):
    def __init__(self, id, x, y, nrj, ctrlHrz, ctrlRes):
        super().__init__(id, x, y, nrj)  
        self.verbose = True
        self.ctrlHrz = ctrlHrz                  # Control Horizon
        # time points
        self.ctrlRes = ctrlRes                  # Control Resolution. Number of control steps within the control horizon
        # constants
        self.Egen = 1*10**-5
        self.const = 0.6
        self.packet = 1
        self.E = 1
        self.m = GEKKO(remote=False)
        self.m.time = np.linspace( 0, self.ctrlHrz, self.ctrlRes)
        #self.deltaDist = -1.5
        self.deltaDist = self.m.FV(value = -1.5)
        #self.deltaDist.STATUS = 1

                # packet rate
        self.pr = self.m.MV(value=self.PA, integer = True,lb=1,ub=20)
        self.pr.STATUS = 1
        self.pr.DCOST = 0
        # Energy Stored
        self.nrj = self.m.Var(value=0.05, lb=0)                  # Energy Amount
        self.d = self.m.Var(value=70, lb = 0)                     # Distance to receiver
        self.d2 = self.m.Intermediate(self.d**2)
        # energy/pr balance
        #self.m.Equation(self.d.dt() == -1.5)
        self.m.Equation(self.d.dt() == self.deltaDist)
        self.m.Equation(self.nrj >= self.Egen - ((Eelec+EDA)*self.packet + self.pr*self.pSize*(Eelec + Eamp * self.d2)))
        self.m.Equation(self.nrj.dt() == self.Egen - ((Eelec+EDA)*self.packet + self.pr*self.pSize*(Eelec + Eamp * self.d2)))
        # objective (profit)
        self.J = self.m.Var(value=0)
        # final objective
        self.Jf = self.m.FV()
        self.Jf.STATUS = 1
        self.m.Equation(self.J.dt() == self.pr*self.pSize)
        # maximize profit
        # options
        self.m.options.IMODE = 6  # optimal control
        self.m.options.NODES = 3  # collocation nodes
        self.m.options.SOLVER = 1 # solver (IPOPT)

    def resetGEKKO(self):
        self.m = GEKKO(remote=False)
        self.m.time = np.linspace( 0, self.ctrlHrz, self.ctrlRes)
        self.pr = self.m.MV(value=self.PA, integer = True,lb=1,ub=20)
        self.pr.STATUS = 1
        self.pr.DCOST = 0

    def getDeltaDist(self, sinkX, sinkY, sdeltaX, sdeltaY, deltaDist):        
        distBefore = np.sqrt((sinkX**2)+(sinkY**2))
        distAfter = np.sqrt(((sinkX+sdeltaX)**2)+((sinkY+sdeltaY)**2))
        self.deltaDist = distAfter - distBefore
        return self.deltaDist
    def controlPR(self, deltaD):        

        # solve optimization problem
        self.deltaDist.value = 1.5

        #self.pr.value = self.pr.value[1]
        # print profit
        print('Optimal Profit: ' + str(self.Jf.value[0]))
        if self.verbose:
            # plot results
                     label='final packets = '+str(self.Jf.value[0]))
            plt.plot(self.m.time,self.pr.value,'k.-',label='packet rate')
            plt.xlabel('Time (yr)')
Ejemplo n.º 29
alpha = m.MV(value=0.0, lb=-20 * d2r, ub=20 * d2r)
alpha.STATUS = 1

x = m.Var(value=0., lb=0.)
y = m.Var(value=0., lb=0.)
v = m.Var(value=0., lb=0.)  # , ub=1000.)

gam = m.Var(value=89.9 * d2r, lb=-180. * d2r, ub=180. * d2r)
mass = m.Var(value=m0)#, lb=m0-mp0, ub=m0)

tave = mp0 * Isp * g / tsp
step = [0 if z > tsp else tave for z in t_array * tf.value]
ft = m.Param(value=step)

rho = m.Intermediate( 1.22 * m.exp(-0.000091 * y + -1.88e-9 * y**2 ))
q = m.Intermediate(0.5 * rho * v ** 2.)

cd0 = m.Var(value=0.02)
cdf = m.Var(value=0.5)
cna = m.Var(value=0.2)

cs = m.Intermediate(-0.00117 * y + 340.288)
mn = m.Var(value=0.0)
m.Equation(mn == v / cs)

t_mn = [0.3, 0.5, 0.9, 1.2, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0]
t_cd0 = [0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01]
t_cdf = [0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.65, 0.6, 0.5, 0.4, 0.3, 0.25, 0.2]
t_cna = [0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2]
Ejemplo n.º 30
vp = np.ones(n) * 10
vp[3:6] = -5
v = m.Param(value=vp)

# define distance
x = m.Var(20)

# define data transmission rate
dtr = m.MV(lb=0, ub=100)
dtr.STATUS = 1

# define how much data must be transmitted
data = m.Var(500)

# energy to transmit
e = m.Intermediate(dtr * x**2 * 1e-5)

# equations

# track the position
m.Equation(x.dt() == v)

# as data is transmitted, remaining data stored decreases
m.Equation(data.dt() == -dtr)

# objective
m.Obj(e)  # minimize energy

# soft (objective constraint)
final = m.Param(value=np.zeros(n))
final.value[-1] = 1