Ejemplo n.º 1
    def create_celestial_gods(self):
        # Create gods for each celestial body
        for c_body in self.astrology.suns + self.astrology.moons:
            name = self.astrology.language.gen_word(syllables=roll(1, 2), num_phonemes=(3, 20))
            name = lang.spec_cap(name)

            self.gods.append(God(name=name, sphere=c_body.describe()) )
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, moons, suns, language):

        self.moons = []
        self.suns = []

        self.language = language
        self.earth_name = lang.spec_cap(self.language.gen_word(syllables=roll(1, 2), num_phonemes=(3, 20)))

        for moon_color in moons:
            name = self.language.gen_word(syllables=roll(1, 2), num_phonemes=(3, 20))
            name = lang.spec_cap(name)
            self.moons.append(Moon(name=name, earth_name=self.earth_name, astronomy=self, color=moon_color))

        for sun_color in suns:
            name = self.language.gen_word(syllables=roll(1, 2), num_phonemes=(3, 20))
            name = lang.spec_cap(name)
            self.suns.append(Sun(name=name, earth_name=self.earth_name, astronomy=self, color=sun_color))
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def create_nature_gods(self, num_nature_gods):
        # Create misc gods
        for i in xrange(num_nature_gods):
            sphere = random.choice([s for s in natural_spheres if s in self.available_spheres])

            name = self.astrology.language.gen_word(syllables=roll(1, 2), num_phonemes=(3, 20))
            name = lang.spec_cap(name)

            self.gods.append(God(name=name, sphere=sphere))
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def create_misc_gods(self, num_misc_gods):
        # Create misc gods
        for i in xrange(num_misc_gods):
            sphere = self.available_spheres.pop(roll(0, len(self.available_spheres)-1))
            name = self.astrology.language.gen_word(syllables=roll(1, 2), num_phonemes=(3, 20))
            name = lang.spec_cap(name)

            self.gods.append(God(name=name, sphere=sphere))

        # Further shuffle gods
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def update_god_relationships(self):
        # Gods have relationships with each other
        for god in self.gods:
            if god.gender == 1 and roll(0, 1):
                potential_spouses = [g for g in self.gods if g.gender == 0 and g.spouse is None]
                if len(potential_spouses):

                    choice = random.choice(potential_spouses)

                    # Kids
                    for j in xrange(roll(0, 2)):
                        sphere = self.available_spheres.pop(roll(0, len(self.available_spheres)-1))
                        name = self.astrology.language.gen_word(syllables=roll(1, 2), num_phonemes=(3, 20))
                        name = lang.spec_cap(name)

                        child = God(name=name, sphere=sphere)

Ejemplo n.º 6
    def create_myth(self):

        creation_type = r(['ex nihilo', 'diver', 'chaos'])#, #'iteration', 'dismember'])

        opening = r(['In a time before time, ', 'In the beginning, ',
                    'Ages ago, ', 'Eons ago, '])

        ctitle = r(['He Who Has Always Been', 'The One', 'The Creator', 'The First',
                      'God of gods', 'The Prime Being', 'The Mover'])

        c_fullname = r([self.creator.name + ', ' + ctitle + ',',
                        self.creator.name + ', ' + ctitle + ',',
                        ctitle + ', ' + self.creator.name + ','

        if creation_type == 'ex nihilo':
            #### giants/titans

            cverb = r([' created ',
                      ' summoned ', ' brought forth ', ' willed there to be '])

            s1 = r([self.creator.name + ', ' + ctitle + ',' +
                         cverb + self.astrology.list_celestial_bodies() + '.',

                         c_fullname + cverb + self.astrology.list_celestial_bodies() + '.',

                         c_fullname + cverb + self.earth_name + '; the earth.',

                         c_fullname + cverb + r(['the world, and named it ',
                                                 'the earth, and named it ',
                                                 'the world, calling it ',
                                                 'the earth, naming it ',
                                                 'all that is. The center of creation was the world, '
                                                 ]) + self.earth_name + '.',

                         c_fullname + cverb + self.astrology.list_celestial_bodies() + '.'

            s2 = r([self.creator.name + r([' looked upon ', ' looked down upon ']) + self.earth_name + ' and created the oceans, the peaks and the valleys, the hills and the plains.',
                    self.creator.name + ' flooded ' + self.earth_name + ', creating oceans where the water settled and the land where it did not.',
                    self.creator.name + ' then shaped ' + self.earth_name + ' and formed its surface. Next, ' + ctitle + ' created the oceans, lakes, and rivers.'])

            self.story_text.append(' '.join([opening + s1, s2 ]) )

            s3 = r([self.creator.name + ' saw the earth, and, feeling it empty, created the all the flora, trees, and plants. ' \
                                        'Thus the first living things were made. Even so, ' + ctitle + ' still felt it empty. '\
                                        'All manner of creatures thus came to be. But ' + self.creator.name + 'still felt it empty. '\
                                        'Thus was the race of Man created, so that others could appreciate the earth.',

                    self.creator.name + ' created Man in ' + self.creator.get_pronoun(s=0) + ' image. So that Man was not alone, '\
                                        'all manner of beasts were created to populate ' + self.earth_name + ', along with various flora '\
                                        'to sustain both man and beast alike.',

                    self.creator.name + ' then created all living things; trees, insects, fish, and animals. Man alone received the '\
                                        'gift of Knowledge, and this elevated him above all other creatures.'

            self.story_text.append(' '.join([s3]))

        elif creation_type == 'diver':
            ### Covered story

            l_adj = ['inundated with', 'covered in', 'only']

            liq = r(['water'])

            s1 = self.earth_name + ', the earth, was ' + r(l_adj) + ' ' + liq + '.'
            s2 = ''
            s3 = ''

            #method = r(['raised', 'animal'])
            method = r(['animal'])

            if method == 'raised':

                fl_action = r([' saw the emptiness and '])

                action = r(['raised mountains from the deep.',
                            'formed the continents.',
                            'formed land.',
                            'bombarded the ' + liq + ' with great boulders until land had formed.',

                s2 = c_fullname + r([' ', fl_action]) + action

            elif method == 'animal':
                land = r(['sand', 'mud'])
                a_type = r(['bird', 'amphibian'])
                a_name = self.language.gen_word(syllables=roll(1, 2), num_phonemes=(3, 20))
                a_name = lang.spec_cap(a_name)

                expand_phrase = r(['which expanded into ' + r(['land.', 'the earth.']),
                                  'which became ' + r(['land.', 'the earth.', 'the continent.']),
                                  'which grew into ' + r(['land.', 'the earth.', 'the continent.']),
                                  ' which begat ' + r(['land.', 'the earth.', 'the continent.'])

                if a_type == 'bird':
                    animal = r(['sparrow', 'lark', 'eagle', 'hawk', 'vulture'])

                    a_method = r(['traveled to ' + self.earth_name + ' from the heavens. It',
                                  'descended to ' + self.earth_name + ' on a rope. It',
                                  'glided to ' + self.earth_name + '. It',
                                  'came upon ' + self.earth_name + '. It',
                                  'fell to ' + self.earth_name + '. Confused, it'])

                    a_action = r(['flapped its wings until the ocean gave way to land.',
                                  'splashed the water aside and packed the '+land+' into earth.',
                                  'dove into the waters to find ' + land + '. Slowly the ' +land+ ' was piled together to form land.',
                                  'dove into the waters and brought ' +land+ ' to the surface, ' + expand_phrase,
                                  'had nowhere to rest and dove into the waters in search of ' + land + '. ' + a_name + ' brought ' +land+ ' to the surface, ' + expand_phrase])

                elif a_type == 'amphibian':
                    animal = r(['toad', 'salamander', 'frog'])

                    a_method = r(['traveled to ' + self.earth_name + ' from the heavens. It',
                                  'descended to ' + self.earth_name + ' on a rope. It',
                                  'was cast down to ' + self.earth_name + '. It',
                                  'fell to ' + self.earth_name + '. Confused, it'])

                    a_action = r(['dove into the waters to find ' + land + '. Slowly the ' + land + ' was piled together to form land.',
                                  'had nowhere to rest, and dove into the waters in search of ' + land + '. ' + a_name + ' brought ' +land+ ' to the surface, ' + expand_phrase])

                s2 = r([a_name + ', the ' + animal + ', ' + a_method + ' ' + a_action,
                        self.creator.name + ' sent ' + a_name + ', the ' + animal + ', to ' + self.earth_name + '. It ' + a_action])

                animal_follow_up = roll(0, 1)
                if animal_follow_up:
                    a_name = self.language.gen_word(syllables=roll(1, 2), num_phonemes=(3, 20))
                    a_name = lang.spec_cap(a_name)
                    animal = r(['sparrow', 'lark', 'eagle', 'hawk', 'vulture'])

                    s3 = r([a_name + ', the ' + animal + ', was sent to see if the landmass was dry. It was still soft, and ' +
                            a_name + '\'s wings grazed the earth, creating the mountains and the valleys.',

                            a_name + ', the ' + animal + ', was sent to see if the landmass was dry. It was still soft, and ' +
                            a_name + '\'s claws scraped the earth, creating the valleys and the mountains.'])
                    s3 = r([c_fullname + ' saw the earth, and shaped the land.',
                            c_fullname + ' saw the earth, and formed the land into mountains, and hills, and valleys.'])

            self.story_text.append( opening + ' '.join([s1, s2, s3]) )

        elif creation_type == 'chaos':
            cosmos = r(['universe ', 'cosmos ', 'entirety of existence ', 'world '])
            v_name = self.language.gen_word(syllables=roll(1, 2), num_phonemes=(3, 20))
            v_name = lang.spec_cap(v_name)

            v_adj = r(['Expanse', 'Void'])

            form = r(['formless.', 'without form.',  'an endless expanse.',
                      'formless and shapeless.', 'devoid of form.', 'void.', 'a void.',
                      'an abyss.', 'darkness.', 'shrouded in darkness.'])
            s1 = r(['the ' + cosmos + 'was ' + form])

            s2 = r([v_name + ', the ' + v_adj + ', was ' + r(['filled with ', 'composed of ', 'made up of ']) +
                    r(['a thick, foggy vapor.', 'dense, obscuring fog.', 'swirling, gaseous matter.']),

                    'The ' + v_adj + ' seethed freely with ' +
                    r(['a thick, foggy vapor.', 'dense, obscuring fog.', 'gaseous matter.'])

            prep = r(['From this state, ', 'From the chaos, ', 'Using this material, ', ''])
            cverb = r([' brought order to the unformed void and fashioned ',
                      ' created ', ' brought forth '])

            s3 = r([ prep + c_fullname + cverb + self.earth_name + '; the earth.',

                     prep + c_fullname + cverb + r(['the world, and named it ',
                                                 'the earth, and named it ',
                                                 'the world, calling it ',
                                                 'the earth, naming it ',
                                                 'all that is. The center of this creation was the world, '
                                                 ]) + self.earth_name + '.',

                      prep  +   c_fullname + cverb + self.astrology.list_celestial_bodies() + '.'

            s4 = r([self.creator.name + r([' then looked upon ', ' looked down upon ']) + self.earth_name + ' and created the oceans, the peaks and the valleys, the hills and the plains.',
                    self.creator.name + ' then flooded ' + self.earth_name + ', creating oceans ' + r([' in the basins', ' where the water settled']) + ' and dry land elsewhere.',
                    self.creator.name + ' then shaped ' + self.earth_name + ' and formed its surface. Next, ' + ctitle + ' created the oceans, lakes, and rivers.'])
            self.story_text.append(opening + ' '.join([s1, s2, s3, s4]) )
            s5 = r([self.creator.name + ' saw the earth, and, feeling it empty, created the all the flora, trees, and plants. ' \
                                        'Thus the first living things were made. Even so, ' + ctitle + ' still felt it empty. '\
                                        'All manner of creatures thus came to be. But ' + self.creator.name + 'still felt it empty. '\
                                        'Thus was the race of Man created, so that others could appreciate the earth.',

                    self.creator.name + ' created Man in ' + self.creator.get_pronoun(s=0) + ' image. So that Man was not alone, '\
                                        'all manner of beasts were created to populate ' + self.earth_name + ', along with various flora '\
                                        'to sustain both man and beast alike.',

                    self.creator.name + ' then created all living things; trees, insects, fish, and animals. Man alone received the '\
                                        'gift of Knowledge, and this elevated him above all other creatures.'

            self.story_text.append(' '.join([s5]))
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def set_name(self):
     if roll(1, 2) == 1:
         self.name = 'Pantheon of {0}'.format(self.gods[0].name)
         self.name = '{0}mites'.format(lang.spec_cap(self.astrology.language.gen_word(syllables=roll(1, 2), num_phonemes=(3, 20))))