Ejemplo n.º 1
def xml2swig(header_name, xml_path, swig_working_dir, case_sense_names,
             docstrings_features, all_index):
    """For a given header file, creates swig (.i) file using
    xml outputs from doxygen (Driver : Doxy2SWIG)

    header_name : Path()
        Name of the header file (h or hpp)
    component_name : string
         component (numerics, kernel, ...) of interest
    xml_path : string
        absolute path to xml files.
    swig_working_dir : Path()
        Absolute path to siconos swig outputs
    case_sense_names : bool
        false if xml output files names are lower case only
    docstrings_features: dict
        all docstrings features (keys) with the header used to build them (values)
    all_index: dict
        class and files names (keys) with a short description (values) (in-out)

     * This function takes into account the value of CASE_SENSE_NAMES parameter
     in doxygen config.
     * .i file will be named as the xml input file, with .i as ext.
     * all latex formula are replaced with temporary strings and postprocess later)

    header_name = Path(header_name).resolve()
    # Get xml files related to current header
    allfiles = common.get_xml_files(header_name, xml_path, case_sense_names)

    # Build .i files
    for f in allfiles:
        # Create doxy2swig parser ...
        p = SiconosDoxy2Swig(f, swig_working_dir)
        # And write p.swig_outputname, e.g. classX.i
        featname, kind, descr = p.get_xml_compound_infos()
        if kind in ('class', 'struct'):
            all_index[featname] = descr
        elif kind == 'file':
            all_index[header_name.name] = descr

        for feat in p.features:
            docstrings_features[feat] = header_name
        if not p.enums:
            docstrings_features['pydata_' + p.name] = p.enums

    # Look for namespaces files

    namespaces_files = [f for f in xml_path.glob('namespace*.xml')]
    # Build corresponding .i files
    for f in namespaces_files:
        namespace_name = f.stem.split('namespace')[-1]
        namespace_name = namespace_name.replace(r'_1_1', r'::')
        # set output filename == xml file without extension + .i
        p = SiconosDoxy2Swig(f, swig_working_dir)
        hpp_name = p.get_specific_subnodes(p.xmldoc, 'location', recursive=4)
        hpp_name = Path(hpp_name[0].attributes['file'].value)
        featname, kind, descr = p.get_xml_compound_infos()
        if kind in ('class', 'struct'):
            all_index[featname] = descr
        elif kind == 'file':
            all_index[hpp_name.name] = descr
        for feat in p.features:
            docstrings_features[feat] = hpp_name
        if p.enums:
            docstrings_features['pydata_' + p.name] = p.enums
Ejemplo n.º 2
def xml2rst(headername, srcdir, component_name, sphinx_directory, doxyconf,
    """Generate rst file(s) from xml (doxygen outputs) for given C/C++ header

    headername : Path()
        name of the header (full path)
    srcdir : string
        absolute path to c/c++ sources (CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR)
    component_name : string
         component (numerics, kernel, ...) of interest
         (i.e. breathe project)
    sphinx_directory : string
        directory where rst files will be written
    doxyconf : dict
        dict describing xml/doxy conf.
    case_sense_names = doxyconf['CASE_SENSE_NAMES']
    xml_path = doxyconf['XML_OUTPUT']
    # First get list of xml files generated from current header by doxygen
    xml_files = common.get_xml_files(headername, xml_path, case_sense_names)
    # Then, for each xml, write sphinx header.
    # 3 cases : class, struct or file.
    for f in xml_files:
        path = os.path.join(xml_path, f)
        root = ET.parse(path).getroot()
        f = f.as_posix()
        compounds = root.findall('compounddef')
        refname = sphinxref4headername(headername.as_posix(), srcdir)
        name, kind, descr = common.get_xml_compound_infos(compounds[0])
        if f.find('class') > -1 or f.find('struct') > -1:
            assert len(compounds) == 1
            all_index[name] = descr
            assert kind in ('struct', 'class')
            label = '.. _' + kind + '_' + name + ':\n\n'
            title = kind.title() + ' ' + name
            lenname = len(title)
            title = label + title + '\n' + lenname * '-' + '\n\n'
            pgm = 'Defined in :ref:`pgm' + refname + '`' + '\n\n'
            gen = title + pgm
            gen += '.. doxygen' + kind + ':: ' + name + '\n'
            gen += '     :project: ' + component_name + '\n'
            outputname = kind + headername.stem
            outputname = Path(sphinx_directory, outputname + '.rst')

        elif f.find('_8h') > -1:
            label = '.. _file' + refname + ':\n\n'
            shortname = headername.as_posix().split(srcdir)[-1]
            shortname = shortname.replace('/./', '/')
            if shortname[0] == '/':
                shortname = shortname[1:]
            title = 'File ' + shortname
            lenname = len(title)
            title = label + title + '\n' + lenname * '-' + '\n\n'
            pgm = ':ref:`Go to the source code of this file <pgm'
            pgm += refname + '>`' + '\n\n'
            gen = title + pgm
            # sphinx_root = Path(sphinx_directory, '../../')
            #relpath = os.path.relpath(srcdir, sphinx_root)
            #fname = os.path.join(relpath, shortname[1:])
            gen += '.. doxygenfile:: ' + shortname + '\n'
            gen += '     :project: ' + component_name + '\n'
            outputname = 'file_' + headername.name.replace('.', '_')
            outputname = Path(sphinx_directory, outputname + '.rst')
            fname = shortname.split('/')[-1]
            all_index[fname] = descr

        else:  # namespaces files.
            # Nothing to be done, breathe deal with those
            # directly from _8h file.

        with open(outputname, 'wt') as out:

    create_rst_for_program(headername.as_posix(), srcdir, sphinx_directory,
Ejemplo n.º 3
def xml2rst(headername, srcdir, component_name, sphinx_directory,
            doxyconf, all_index):
    """Generate rst file(s) from xml (doxygen outputs) for given C/C++ header

    headername : Path()
        name of the header (full path)
    srcdir : string
        absolute path to c/c++ sources (CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR)
    component_name : string
         component (numerics, kernel, ...) of interest
         (i.e. breathe project)
    sphinx_directory : string
        directory where rst files will be written
    doxyconf : dict
        dict describing xml/doxy conf.
    case_sense_names = doxyconf['CASE_SENSE_NAMES']
    xml_path = doxyconf['XML_OUTPUT']
    # First get list of xml files generated from current header by doxygen
    xml_files = common.get_xml_files(headername, xml_path, case_sense_names)
    # Then, for each xml, write sphinx header.
    # 3 cases : class, struct or file.
    for f in xml_files:
        path = os.path.join(xml_path, f)
        root = ET.parse(path).getroot()
        f = f.as_posix()
        compounds = root.findall('compounddef')
        refname = sphinxref4headername(headername.as_posix(), srcdir)
        name, kind, descr = common.get_xml_compound_infos(compounds[0])
        if f.find('class') > -1 or f.find('struct') > -1:
            assert len(compounds) == 1
            all_index[name] = descr
            assert kind in ('struct', 'class')
            label = '.. _' + kind + '_' + name + ':\n\n'
            title = kind.title() + ' ' + name
            lenname = len(title)
            title = label + title + '\n' + lenname * '-' + '\n\n'
            pgm = 'Defined in :ref:`pgm' + refname + '`' + '\n\n'
            gen = title + pgm
            gen += '.. doxygen' + kind + ':: ' + name + '\n'
            gen += '     :project: ' + component_name + '\n'
            outputname = kind + headername.stem
            outputname = Path(sphinx_directory, outputname + '.rst')

        elif f.find('_8h') > -1:
            label = '.. _file' + refname + ':\n\n'
            shortname = headername.as_posix().split(srcdir)[-1]
            shortname = shortname.replace('/./', '/')
            if shortname[0] == '/':
                shortname = shortname[1:]
            title = 'File ' + shortname
            lenname = len(title)
            title = label + title + '\n' + lenname * '-' + '\n\n'
            pgm = ':ref:`Go to the source code of this file <pgm'
            pgm += refname + '>`' + '\n\n'
            gen = title + pgm
            # sphinx_root = Path(sphinx_directory, '../../')
            #relpath = os.path.relpath(srcdir, sphinx_root)
            #fname = os.path.join(relpath, shortname[1:])
            gen += '.. doxygenfile:: ' + shortname + '\n'
            gen += '     :project: ' + component_name + '\n'
            outputname = 'file_' + headername.name.replace('.', '_')
            outputname = Path(sphinx_directory, outputname + '.rst')
            fname = shortname.split('/')[-1]
            all_index[fname] = descr

        else:  # namespaces files.
            # Nothing to be done, breathe deal with those
            # directly from _8h file.

        with open(outputname, 'wt') as out:

    create_rst_for_program(headername.as_posix(), srcdir,
                           sphinx_directory, True)