Ejemplo n.º 1
def merge_clusters(labels_a_weights, n, labels_b, k):
  The merge strategy is described in Section C: Voting Procedure in the paper 
  Detecting Regions of Interest in fMRI, found in the link 

  labels_a_weights : 3D np array: [labels_3d_index_x, labels_3d_index_y, labels_3d_index_z]. This
  is the weights of the primary volume. This is the outcome of merging n volumes of labels together
  n : no. of volumes already merged into labels_a
  labels_b : 3D np array: [labels_3d_index_x, labels_3d_index_y, labels_3d_index_z]. We merge
  this volume of labels into labels_a
  k : no. of clusters

  labels_3d : array has the same shape as img_data.shape. Each elem is the
  cluster label of the merged data.


    assert labels_a_weights.shape[1:] == labels_b.shape

    shape = labels_b.shape

    # separate all points to their respective clusters
    cluster_to_point_map_b = [set() for i in range(k)]
    for i in vol_index_iter(shape):

    # compute a k * k matrix A with A[i, j] indicating similarity between cluster i in a and cluster j in b
    inter_cluster_similarity = np.zeros((k, k)) - 1
    for a_i, b_i in product(range(k), range(k)):
        if a_i != b_i:
            inter_cluster_similarity[(a_i, b_i)] = weighted_similarity(
                labels_a_weights[a_i], cluster_to_point_map_b[b_i])

    # based on the inter-cluster-similarity matrix, decide cluster mapping, matching the most similar a-b pair of clusters first.
    cluster_map = {}
    while len(cluster_map) < k:
        a_index, b_index = np.unravel_index(
            np.argmax(inter_cluster_similarity), (k, k))
        cluster_map[a_index] = b_index
        inter_cluster_similarity[a_index, :] = -float('inf')
        inter_cluster_similarity[:, b_index] = -float('inf')

    # update weights on the primary volume
    for i, j in cluster_map.items():
        for index in vol_index_iter(shape):
            if labels_a_weights[i][index] == 0: continue
            labels_a_weights[i][index] += n / (n + 1)
            new_cluster_index = i if index in cluster_to_point_map_b[
                j] else find_cluster(cluster_to_point_map_b, index)
            labels_a_weights[new_cluster_index][index] += 1 / (n + 1)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def merge_clusters(labels_a_weights, n, labels_b, k):
  The merge strategy is described in Section C: Voting Procedure in the paper 
  Detecting Regions of Interest in fMRI, found in the link 

  labels_a_weights : 3D np array: [labels_3d_index_x, labels_3d_index_y, labels_3d_index_z]. This
  is the weights of the primary volume. This is the outcome of merging n volumes of labels together
  n : no. of volumes already merged into labels_a
  labels_b : 3D np array: [labels_3d_index_x, labels_3d_index_y, labels_3d_index_z]. We merge
  this volume of labels into labels_a
  k : no. of clusters

  labels_3d : array has the same shape as img_data.shape. Each elem is the
  cluster label of the merged data.


  assert labels_a_weights.shape[1:] == labels_b.shape

  shape = labels_b.shape

  # separate all points to their respective clusters
  cluster_to_point_map_b = [set() for i in range(k)]
  for i in vol_index_iter(shape):

  # compute a k * k matrix A with A[i, j] indicating similarity between cluster i in a and cluster j in b
  inter_cluster_similarity = np.zeros((k, k)) - 1
  for a_i, b_i in product(range(k), range(k)):
    if a_i != b_i:
      inter_cluster_similarity[(a_i, b_i)] = weighted_similarity(labels_a_weights[a_i], cluster_to_point_map_b[b_i])

  # based on the inter-cluster-similarity matrix, decide cluster mapping, matching the most similar a-b pair of clusters first.
  cluster_map = {}
  while len(cluster_map) < k:
    a_index, b_index = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(inter_cluster_similarity), (k, k))
    cluster_map[a_index] = b_index
    inter_cluster_similarity[a_index,:] = -float('inf')
    inter_cluster_similarity[:, b_index] = -float('inf')

  # update weights on the primary volume
  for i, j in cluster_map.items():
    for index in vol_index_iter(shape):
      if labels_a_weights[i][index] == 0: continue
      labels_a_weights[i][index] += n / (n + 1) 
      new_cluster_index = i if index in cluster_to_point_map_b[j] else find_cluster(cluster_to_point_map_b, index)
      labels_a_weights[new_cluster_index][index] += 1 / (n + 1)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def pad_boundary_per_image(data, brain_mask, pad_thickness):
  brain_points, non_brain_points = [], []
  for i in vol_index_iter(data.shape):
    if brain_mask[i]:
  tree = cKDTree(np.array(brain_points))
  non_brain_points = [i for i in vol_index_iter(data.shape) if (not brain_mask[i])]
  neighbors_list = tree.query_ball_point(non_brain_points, pad_thickness)
  for list_i, neighbors in enumerate(neighbors_list):  
    i = non_brain_points[list_i]
    if len(neighbors) != 0:
      data[i] = np.mean([data[brain_points[j]] for j in neighbors])
Ejemplo n.º 4
def pad_boundary_per_image(data, brain_mask, pad_thickness):
  brain_points, non_brain_points = [], []
  for i in vol_index_iter(data.shape):
    if brain_mask[i]:
  tree = cKDTree(np.array(brain_points))
  non_brain_points = [i for i in vol_index_iter(data.shape) if (not brain_mask[i])]
  neighbors_list = tree.query_ball_point(non_brain_points, pad_thickness)
  for list_i, neighbors in enumerate(neighbors_list):  
    i = non_brain_points[list_i]
    if len(neighbors) != 0:
      data[i] = np.mean([data[brain_points[j]] for j in neighbors])
 def __init__(self, in_brain_mask, dist_from_center):
     points = [
         i for i in vol_index_iter(in_brain_mask.shape) if in_brain_mask[i]
     self.tree = cKDTree(np.array(points))
     self.points = points
     self.dist_from_center = dist_from_center
Ejemplo n.º 6
def weighted_similarity(cluster_a_weights, cluster_b):
  shape = cluster_a_weights.shape
  accu_weight = 0
  for i in vol_index_iter(shape):
    if i in cluster_b: 
      accu_weight += cluster_a_weights[i]
  return accu_weight / np.sum(cluster_a_weights)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def weighted_similarity(cluster_a_weights, cluster_b):
    shape = cluster_a_weights.shape
    accu_weight = 0
    for i in vol_index_iter(shape):
        if i in cluster_b:
            accu_weight += cluster_a_weights[i]
    return accu_weight / np.sum(cluster_a_weights)
def correlation_map(data, cond_filename):
  tr_times = np.arange(0, 30, TR)
  convolved = conv_main(data.shape[-1], cond_filename, TR)

  corrs = np.zeros((data.shape[:-1]))
  for i in general_utils.vol_index_iter(data.shape[:-1]):
    corrs[i] = np.corrcoef(data[i], convolved)[1,0]
  return corrs
Ejemplo n.º 9
def correlation_map(data, cond_filename):
    tr_times = np.arange(0, 30, TR)
    convolved = conv_main(data.shape[-1], cond_filename, TR)

    corrs = np.zeros((data.shape[:-1]))
    for i in general_utils.vol_index_iter(data.shape[:-1]):
        corrs[i] = np.corrcoef(data[i], convolved)[1, 0]
    return corrs
def correlation_map_without_convoluation(data, cond_filename):
  n_trs = data.shape[-1] + 5
  time_course = events2neural_rounded(cond_filename, TR, n_trs) 
  correlations = np.zeros(data.shape[:-1])
  for i in general_utils.vol_index_iter(data.shape[:-1]):
    vox_values = data[i]
    correlations[i] = np.corrcoef(time_course, vox_values)[1, 0]
Ejemplo n.º 11
def correlation_map_without_convoluation(data, cond_filename):
    n_trs = data.shape[-1] + 5
    time_course = events2neural_rounded(cond_filename, TR, n_trs)
    time_course = time_course[5:]
    correlations = np.zeros(data.shape[:-1])
    for i in general_utils.vol_index_iter(data.shape[:-1]):
        vox_values = data[i]
        correlations[i] = np.corrcoef(time_course, vox_values)[1, 0]
Ejemplo n.º 12
def plot_cluster_3d(labels_3d, cluster_index):
    Xs, Ys, Zs = [], [], []
    for i, j, k in vol_index_iter(labels_3d.shape):
        if labels_3d[i, j, k] == cluster_index:
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = Axes3D(fig)
    ax.scatter(Xs, Ys, Zs)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def plot_cluster_3d(labels_3d, cluster_index):
  Xs, Ys, Zs = [], [], []
  for i, j, k in vol_index_iter(labels_3d.shape):
    if labels_3d[i, j, k] == cluster_index:
  fig = plt.figure()
  ax = Axes3D(fig)
  ax.scatter(Xs, Ys, Zs)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def correlation_map(data, cond_filename):
  Generate a cross-correlation per voxel between BOLD signals and a convolved 
  gamma baseline function. Assume that the first 5 images are already dropped.
  convolved = conv_main(data.shape[-1] + 5, cond_filename, TR)[5:]
  corrs = np.zeros((data.shape[:-1]))

  for i in gu.vol_index_iter(data.shape[:-1]):
    r = np.corrcoef(data[i], convolved)[1,0]
    if np.isnan(r):
      r = 0
    corrs[i] = r
  return corrs
Ejemplo n.º 15
def correlation_map(data, cond_filename):
  Generate a cross-correlation per voxel between BOLD signals and a convolved 
  gamma baseline function. Assume that the first 5 images are already dropped.
    convolved = conv_main(data.shape[-1] + 5, cond_filename, TR)[5:]
    corrs = np.zeros((data.shape[:-1]))

    for i in gu.vol_index_iter(data.shape[:-1]):
        r = np.corrcoef(data[i], convolved)[1, 0]
        if np.isnan(r):
            r = 0
        corrs[i] = r

    return corrs
Ejemplo n.º 16
def correlation_map_without_convoluation(data, cond_filename):
  Generate a cross-correlation per voxel between BOLD signals and a square wave
  baseline function, which represents the boolean array of the on-off time 
  course. Assume that the first 5 images are already dropped.
    n_trs = data.shape[-1] + 5
    time_course = events2neural_rounded(cond_filename, TR, n_trs)[5:]
    correlations = np.zeros(data.shape[:-1])

    for i in gu.vol_index_iter(data.shape[:-1]):
        vox_values = data[i]
        r = np.corrcoef(time_course, vox_values)[1, 0]
        if np.isnan(r):
            r = 0
        correlations[i] = r

    return correlations
Ejemplo n.º 17
def correlation_map_without_convoluation(data, cond_filename):
  Generate a cross-correlation per voxel between BOLD signals and a square wave
  baseline function, which represents the boolean array of the on-off time 
  course. Assume that the first 5 images are already dropped.
  n_trs = data.shape[-1] + 5
  time_course = events2neural_rounded(cond_filename, TR, n_trs)[5:]
  correlations = np.zeros(data.shape[:-1])

  for i in gu.vol_index_iter(data.shape[:-1]):
    vox_values = data[i]
    r = np.corrcoef(time_course, vox_values)[1, 0]
    if np.isnan(r):
      r = 0
    correlations[i] = r

  return correlations
Ejemplo n.º 18
	def __init__(self, in_brain_mask, dist_from_center):
		points = [i for i in vol_index_iter(in_brain_mask.shape) if in_brain_mask[i]]
		self.tree = cKDTree(np.array(points))
		self.points = points
		self.dist_from_center = dist_from_center
Ejemplo n.º 19
def assign_points(labels_weights, shape):
    labels = np.zeros((shape))
    for x, y, z in vol_index_iter(shape):
        labels[x, y, z] = np.argmax(labels_weights[:, x, y, z])
    return labels
Ejemplo n.º 20
def form_initial_weights(labels, n_clusters):
    shape = labels.shape
    result_labels_weights = np.zeros((n_clusters, ) + shape)
    for i, j, k in vol_index_iter(shape):
        result_labels_weights[labels[i, j, k], i, j, k] = 1
    return result_labels_weights
Ejemplo n.º 21
def form_initial_weights(labels, n_clusters):
  shape = labels.shape
  result_labels_weights = np.zeros((n_clusters,) + shape)
  for i, j, k in vol_index_iter(shape):
    result_labels_weights[labels[i, j, k], i, j, k] = 1
  return result_labels_weights
Ejemplo n.º 22
def assign_points(labels_weights, shape):
  labels = np.zeros((shape))
  for x,y,z in vol_index_iter(shape):
    labels[x,y,z] = np.argmax(labels_weights[:,x,y,z])
  return labels