Ejemplo n.º 1
    def act(self, game_actions, alert_coord):
        self.actions = game_actions

        if self.creature in self.ai_state:
            chase_coord, chase_vector = self.ai_state[self.creature]
            chase_coord, chase_vector = None, None

        if self.actions.target_in_sight(alert_coord):
            # passive actions
            if chase_coord is not None and chase_coord != alert_coord:
                chase_vector = get_vector(chase_coord, alert_coord)
            chase_coord = alert_coord

            # actions
            if self.actions.can_reach(alert_coord):
                feedback = self.actions.attack(
                    get_vector(self.coord, alert_coord))
                feedback = self._move_towards(alert_coord)

            # chasing and already at the target square and has a chase vector to pursue
            if chase_coord == self.coord:
                if chase_vector is not None:
                    # resize the chase vector to the creatures sight so the self.creature can just go there
                    chase_vector = resize_vector_to_len(
                        chase_vector, self.creature.sight)

                    # calculate a new target square
                    overarching_target = add_vector(self.coord, chase_vector)
                    chase_coord = self.level.get_last_pathable_coord(
                        self.coord, overarching_target)

                    # if an obstacle is hit end chase
                    if self.coord == chase_coord:
                        chase_coord, chase_vector = None, None
                    chase_coord = None

            # actions
            if chase_coord is not None:
                feedback = self._move_towards(chase_coord)
                feedback = self._move_random()

        if chase_coord is not None or chase_vector is not None:
            self.ai_state[self.creature] = chase_coord, chase_vector

        assert feedback.type not in ActionError, \
            "AI state bug. Got error from game: {} {}".format(feedback.type, feedback.params)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def act(self, game_actions, alert_coord):
        self.actions = game_actions

        if self.creature in self.ai_state:
            chase_coord, chase_vector = self.ai_state[self.creature]
            chase_coord, chase_vector = None, None

        if self.actions.target_in_sight(alert_coord):
            # passive actions
            if chase_coord is not None and chase_coord != alert_coord:
                chase_vector = get_vector(chase_coord, alert_coord)
            chase_coord = alert_coord

            # actions
            if self.actions.can_reach(alert_coord):
                feedback = self.actions.attack(get_vector(self.coord, alert_coord))
                feedback = self._move_towards(alert_coord)

            # chasing and already at the target square and has a chase vector to pursue
            if chase_coord == self.coord:
                if chase_vector is not None:
                    # resize the chase vector to the creatures sight so the self.creature can just go there
                    chase_vector = resize_vector_to_len(chase_vector, self.creature.sight)

                    # calculate a new target square
                    overarching_target = add_vector(self.coord, chase_vector)
                    chase_coord = self.level.get_last_pathable_coord(self.coord, overarching_target)

                    # if an obstacle is hit end chase
                    if self.coord == chase_coord:
                        chase_coord, chase_vector = None, None
                    chase_coord = None

            # actions
            if chase_coord is not None:
                feedback = self._move_towards(chase_coord)
                feedback = self._move_random()

        if chase_coord is not None or chase_vector is not None:
            self.ai_state[self.creature] = chase_coord, chase_vector

        assert feedback.type not in ActionError, \
            "AI state bug. Got error from game: {} {}".format(feedback.type, feedback.params)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def _calculate_next_direction(self, old_direction, walk_type):
     if walk_type == WALK_IN_PLACE:
         return old_direction
     elif walk_type == CORRIDOR:
         forward_dirs, orthogonal_dirs, ignored_dirs = self._get_corridor_candidate_dirs(old_direction)
         if len(forward_dirs) == 1:
             new_direction = forward_dirs.pop()
             return new_direction
         elif len(forward_dirs) > 1 and len(orthogonal_dirs) == 1:
             new_direction = orthogonal_dirs.pop()
             if all(get_vector(new_direction, other) in Dir.AllPlusStay for other in forward_dirs):
                 return new_direction
         forward = self._passable(old_direction)
         sides = self._get_side_passables(old_direction)
         if forward and sides == walk_type:
             return old_direction
     return None
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def _calculate_next_direction(self, old_direction, walk_type):
     if walk_type == WALK_IN_PLACE:
         return old_direction
     elif walk_type == CORRIDOR:
         forward_dirs, orthogonal_dirs, ignored_dirs = self._get_corridor_candidate_dirs(
         if len(forward_dirs) == 1:
             new_direction = forward_dirs.pop()
             return new_direction
         elif len(forward_dirs) > 1 and len(orthogonal_dirs) == 1:
             new_direction = orthogonal_dirs.pop()
             if all(
                     get_vector(new_direction, other) in Dir.AllPlusStay
                     for other in forward_dirs):
                 return new_direction
         forward = self._passable(old_direction)
         sides = self._get_side_passables(old_direction)
         if forward and sides == walk_type:
             return old_direction
     return None
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def can_reach(self, target_coord):
     """Free action."""
     return (self.coord == target_coord or get_vector(self.coord, target_coord) in Dir.All)