Ejemplo n.º 1
def main(lims, args, epp_logger):
    d_elts = []
    no_updated = 0
    incorrect_udfs = 0
    project_names = ''
    source_udfs = args.source_udf
    dest_udfs = args.dest_udf
    s_elt = Process(lims, id=args.pid)
    analytes, inf = s_elt.analytes()

    for analyte in analytes:
        for samp in analyte.samples:
    d_elts = list(set(d_elts))

    if args.status_changelog:

    if not dest_udfs:
        dest_udfs = source_udfs
    elif len(dest_udfs) != len(source_udfs):
            "source_udfs and dest_udfs lists of arguments are uneven.")

    for d_elt in d_elts:
        project_names = ' '.join([project_names, d_elt.name])
        for i in range(len(source_udfs)):
            source_udf = source_udfs[i]
            dest_udf = dest_udfs[i]
            with open(args.status_changelog, 'a') as changelog_f:
                if source_udf in s_elt.udf:
                    copy_sesion = CopyField(s_elt, d_elt, source_udf, dest_udf)
                    test = copy_sesion.copy_udf(changelog_f)
                    if test:
                        no_updated = no_updated + 1
                        ("Udf: {1} in Process {0} is undefined/blank, exiting"
                         ).format(s_elt.id, source_udf))
                    incorrect_udfs = incorrect_udfs + 1

    if incorrect_udfs > 0:
        warn = "Failed to update %s udf(s) due to missing/wrong source udf info." % incorrect_udfs
        warn = ''

    d = {'up': no_updated, 'ap': len(d_elts), 'w': warn, 'pr': project_names}

    abstract = ("Updated {up} udf(s). Handeled project(s): {pr} {w}").format(
    print >> sys.stderr, abstract
Ejemplo n.º 2
def main(lims, args, epp_logger):
    d_elts = []
    no_updated = 0
    incorrect_udfs = 0
    project_names = ''
    source_udfs = args.source_udf
    dest_udfs = args.dest_udf
    s_elt = Process(lims,id = args.pid)
    analytes, inf = s_elt.analytes()

    for analyte in analytes:
        for samp in analyte.samples:
    d_elts = list(set(d_elts))

    if args.status_changelog:

    if not dest_udfs:
        dest_udfs = source_udfs
    elif len(dest_udfs) != len(source_udfs):
        logging.error("source_udfs and dest_udfs lists of arguments are uneven.")
    for d_elt in d_elts:
        project_names = ' '.join([project_names, d_elt.name])
        for i in range(len(source_udfs)):
            source_udf = source_udfs[i]
            dest_udf = dest_udfs[i]
            with open(args.status_changelog, 'a') as changelog_f:
                if source_udf in s_elt.udf:
                    copy_sesion = CopyField(s_elt, d_elt, source_udf, dest_udf)
                    test = copy_sesion.copy_udf(changelog_f)
                    if test:
                        no_updated = no_updated + 1
                    logging.warning(("Udf: {1} in Process {0} is undefined/blank, exiting").format(s_elt.id, source_udf))
                    incorrect_udfs = incorrect_udfs + 1

    if incorrect_udfs > 0:
        warn = "Failed to update %s udf(s) due to missing/wrong source udf info." %incorrect_udfs
        warn = ''

    d = {'up': no_updated,
         'ap': len(d_elts),
         'w' : warn,
         'pr': project_names}

    abstract = ("Updated {up} udf(s). Handeled project(s): {pr} {w}").format(**d)
    print >> sys.stderr, abstract
Ejemplo n.º 3
def main(lims, args, epp_logger):
    source_udfs = args.source_udf
    dest_udfs = args.dest_udf
    correct_artifacts = 0
    incorrect_artifacts = 0
    no_updated = 0
    p = Process(lims, id=args.pid)
    artifacts, inf = p.analytes()

    if args.status_changelog:

    if not dest_udfs:
        dest_udfs = source_udfs
    elif len(dest_udfs) != len(source_udfs):
            "source_udfs and dest_udfs lists of arguments are uneven.")
    for i in range(len(source_udfs)):
        source_udf = source_udfs[i]
        dest_udf = dest_udfs[i]
        with open(args.status_changelog, 'a') as changelog_f:
            for artifact in artifacts:
                if source_udf in artifact.udf:
                    correct_artifacts = correct_artifacts + 1
                    copy_sesion = CopyField(artifact, artifact.samples[0],
                                            source_udf, dest_udf)
                    test = copy_sesion.copy_udf(changelog_f)
                    if test:
                        no_updated = no_updated + 1
                    incorrect_artifacts = incorrect_artifacts + 1
                    logging.warning(("Found artifact for sample {0} with {1} "
                                     "undefined/blank, exiting").format(
                                         artifact.samples[0].name, source_udf))

    if incorrect_artifacts == 0:
        warning = "no artifacts"
        warning = "WARNING: skipped {0} udfs(s)".format(incorrect_artifacts)
    d = {
        'ua': no_updated,
        'ca': correct_artifacts,
        'ia': incorrect_artifacts,
        'warning': warning

    abstract = ("Updated {ua} udf(s), out of {ca} in total, "
                "{warning} with incorrect udf info.").format(**d)

    print >> sys.stderr, abstract  # stderr will be logged and printed in GUI
Ejemplo n.º 4
def main(lims, args, epp_logger):
    source_udfs = args.source_udf
    dest_udfs = args.dest_udf
    correct_artifacts = 0
    incorrect_artifacts = 0
    no_updated = 0
    p = Process(lims,id = args.pid)
    artifacts, inf = p.analytes()

    if args.status_changelog:

    if not dest_udfs:
        dest_udfs = source_udfs
    elif len(dest_udfs) != len(source_udfs):
        logging.error("source_udfs and dest_udfs lists of arguments are uneven.")
    for i in range(len(source_udfs)):
        source_udf = source_udfs[i]
        dest_udf = dest_udfs[i]
        with open(args.status_changelog, 'a') as changelog_f:
            for artifact in artifacts:
                if source_udf in artifact.udf:
                    correct_artifacts = correct_artifacts +1
                    copy_sesion = CopyField(artifact, artifact.samples[0], source_udf, dest_udf)
                    test = copy_sesion.copy_udf(changelog_f)
                    if test:
                        no_updated = no_updated + 1
                    incorrect_artifacts = incorrect_artifacts + 1
                    logging.warning(("Found artifact for sample {0} with {1} "
                                   "undefined/blank, exiting").format(artifact.samples[0].name, source_udf))

    if incorrect_artifacts == 0:
        warning = "no artifacts"
        warning = "WARNING: skipped {0} udfs(s)".format(incorrect_artifacts)
    d = {'ua': no_updated,
         'ca': correct_artifacts,
         'ia': incorrect_artifacts,
         'warning' : warning}

    abstract = ("Updated {ua} udf(s), out of {ca} in total, "
                "{warning} with incorrect udf info.").format(**d)

    print >> sys.stderr, abstract # stderr will be logged and printed in GUI