Ejemplo n.º 1
    def getAccessiblePaths(self, pathLength=0):
        # Stats for the entire network
        totalPaths = 0  # Total mutational paths (only shortest)
        allAccPaths = 0  # No. of accessible paths (only shortest)

        # Get the sequence with the highest score. This sequence
        # will represent the global peak. All paths use this
        # sequence as the target.
        summit = Utils.getSeqWithMaxScore(self.network, self.bitManip.seqLength)

        # Get the vertex object that represents the summit
        trgtVrtx = self.netUtils.getVertex(summit, self.network)

        # Store a copy of the summit
        self.summitId = trgtVrtx.index

        # Get a list of all sequences in the network
        sequences = self.network.vs["sequences"]
        # Remove the target itself

        # For each sequence in the network
        for source in sequences:
            # If we only need to calculate all accessible paths, regardless
            # of the path length,
            if pathLength == 0:
                # Get all shortest paths as well as all accessible
                # shortest paths from source to summit
                self.getShortestAccPaths(source, trgtVrtx, pathLength)
            else:   # Ratios should be calculated
                shrtPaths, accPaths = self.getShortestAccPaths(source,
                                                               pathLength + 1)

                # If at least one shortest path of length == 'pathLength' was
                # found,
                if shrtPaths:
                    # Increment the counts
                    totalPaths += float(len(shrtPaths))
                    allAccPaths += float(len(accPaths))

            return float(allAccPaths) / float(totalPaths)
        except ZeroDivisionError:
            return 0
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def populateDistsToSummit(self) :
        # Convenient handle for bitManip
        bm = self.bitManip

        # Get the summit sequence
        summit = Utils.getSeqWithMaxScore(self.network,

        # Get vertex that represents summit
        trgtVrtx = self.netUtils.getVertex(summit, self.network)

        # Reference to the list of sequences in the network
        vertices = [ self.netUtils.getVertex(seq, self.network) \
                     for seq in self.network.vs["sequences"] ]

        self.network.vs["Distance from Summit"] = \
            [ 	len(self.network.get_shortest_paths(srcVrtx, to=trgtVrtx, \
                        weights=None, mode=igraph.OUT, output="epath")[0]) \
                for srcVrtx in vertices ]