Ejemplo n.º 1
class KMedoids(object):
    Implementation of kmedoids clustering.
    There are two ways to find a medoid:
    - Use the element which is closest to the centroids. 
    This is the "kmeans based" kemdoids.
    - Use the elemen which has the smalles summed distance to the other cluster
    member. This is the "kmedian based" kmedoids.
    So far this implementation uses the kmeans based approach.
    def __init__(self, corpus, num_features, num_clusters, max_iterations):
        self.similarity_index = Similarity(output_prefix = 'similarities', 
                                           corpus = corpus,
                                           num_features = num_features)
        self.num_docs = len(self.similarity_index)
        self.num_clusters = num_clusters
        self.max_iterations = max_iterations
        self.num_features = num_features
        self.corpus = corpus
        self.MIN_CLUSTER_SIZE = 2
    def get_medoids(self):
        Retuirns a Matrix containing the medoids
        return self.medoid_similarity_index.index
    def __medoid_generator(self):
        Yields all medoid documents
        for medoid_id in self.medoids.iterkeys():
            yield self.similarity_index.vector_by_id(medoid_id)
    def __create_medoid_similarity_index(self):
        self.medoid_similarity_index = MatrixSimilarity(
                                           corpus = list(self.__medoid_generator()),
                                           num_features = self.num_features)        
    def __random_init_medoids(self):
        #the keys are the indices of the medoids
        #the values are indices list of the elements belonging to medoid
        self.medoids = defaultdict(list)
        #init random medoids
        for x in xrange(self.num_clusters):
            medoid_index = random.randrange(self.num_docs)
            self.medoids[medoid_index] = []  
        #create similarity index of medoids  
    def __assign(self):
        #We use cosine-similarity as metric
        #NOTE: the closer the cosine is to 1 the closer the documents are
        #the cosine distance is in <-1, 1> where 1 is the closest and -1 the farthest
        #we might convert it to <0, 2> where 0 is the closest and 2 the farthest in the future
        #dis = (dis * -1) +1 

        #clear all clusters
        for id, _ in self.medoids.iteritems():
            self.medoids[id] = []
        #assign each doc to closest medoid
        args = itertools.izip(enumerate(self.corpus), 
        pool = multiprocessing.Pool(POOL_SIZE)
        #for id, pos in pool.imap_unordered(assign_doc_to_cluster, args, 
        #                         chunksize= CHUNK_SIZE):
        for id, pos in pool.imap_unordered(assign_doc_to_cluster, args):
    def __get_centroid(self, cluster):
        #averages all docs in cluster
        count = 0
        centroid = numpy.zeros(self.num_features, dtype=numpy.float32)
        for doc_id in cluster:
            doc = self.similarity_index.vector_by_id(doc_id).toarray().flatten()
            #full_doc = matutils.sparse2full(doc, self.num_features)
            centroid = centroid + doc
            count += 1
        if count != 0:
            centroid = centroid / count
        return matutils.full2sparse(centroid)
    def __recalculate_medoids(self):
        changed = False
        count = 0
        for medoid_id, cluster in self.medoids.items():
            if count % 1000 == 0:
                logger.info("PROGRESS: Recalculate medoid for cluster #%d id%d" 
                            % (count, medoid_id))
            count +=1 
            if len(cluster) < self.MIN_CLUSTER_SIZE:
                #cluster is too small, init a new random medoid
                #remove medoid
                del self.medoids[medoid_id]
                #add new random medoid. the id could already be used as medoid.
                # for now we just risk our it ;)
                medoid_index = random.randrange(self.num_docs)
                self.medoids[medoid_index] = [] 
                changed = True
                logger.debug("Find new centroid for cluster %d." % medoid_id)
                #calculate centroid and assign closest doc as new medoid
                centroid = self.__get_centroid(cluster)   
                old_num_best = self.similarity_index.num_best
                #similarity index should only return the best fit
                self.similarity_index.num_best = 1
                    new_medoid_id, _ = self.similarity_index[centroid][0]
                except IndexError as e:
                    logger.error("Could not find best fit for centroid: %s." % (e))
                    #use random medoid index
                    new_medoid_id = random.randrange(self.num_docs)
                self.similarity_index.num_best = old_num_best
                if new_medoid_id != medoid_id:
                    changed = True
                    #remove old medoid
                    del self.medoids[medoid_id]
                #empty medoid in any case
                self.medoids[new_medoid_id] = []

        if changed:
        return changed
    def cluster(self):
        logger.info("Init random medoids.")
        logger.info("Assign elements to random clusters.")
        changed = True
        count = 0
        while changed and count < self.max_iterations:
            changed = False
            count += 1
            logger.info("Entering iteration #%d." % count)
            #recalculate medoids
            logger.info("Recalculate medoids.")
            changed = self.__recalculate_medoids()
            #assign all doc to medoids
            logger.info("Assign elements to new clusters.")
            assignment = self.__assign()
        if count < self.max_iterations:
            logger.info("Converged in %d iterations." % count)
            logger.info("May not have converged after %d iterations." % 
        return self.medoids