Ejemplo n.º 1
    def getRay(self, line):
        """ Get the path of the light inside the stone. We suppose
        that the incident ray comes from the top of the stone."""

        rays = []

        # Search for the face on wich come the ray
        for face in self.getgTopFaces():
            M = face['seg'].interceptLine(line)
            if M:

        seg_in_ray = geo.Segment(line, y=[M[1],1])

        out_rays = face['seg'].getOutRays(line, 1, 1.9, M)
        old_face = face
        old_M = M

        rays.append(geo.Segment(out_rays['refracted'], y=[M[1], 1]))
        reflected_ray = out_rays['reflected']

        for face in self.getgAllFacesButOne(old_face):
            M = face['seg'].interceptLine(reflected_ray)
            if M:

        seg_ray = geo.Segment(reflected_ray, y=[old_M[1], M[1]])

        return rays
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, plat_line, hauteur, culasse, ior):
        self.Faces = []
        self.ior = ior
        table_line = geo.Line(0, [0, hauteur])
        # interception entre plat et table
        inter_plat_table = table_line.intercept(plat_line)
        if not inter_plat_table:

        table_hsize = max(inter_plat_table[0], 0)
        table = geo.Segment(table_line, x=[-table_hsize, table_hsize])
        plat = geo.Segment(plat_line, x=[1, table_hsize])

        self.addFace("table", table, True)
        self.addFace("platG", plat, True)
        self.addFace("platD", plat.getYSymetric(), True)

        # Culasse
        xstart = 1
        for i,line in enumerate(culasse):
            if i+1 < len(culasse):
                nline = culasse[i+1]
                intercept = line.intercept(nline)
                xend = intercept[0]
                xend = 0
            s = geo.Segment(line, x=[xstart, xend])
            self.addFace("cplat" + str(i) + "G", s, False)
            self.addFace("cplat" + str(i) + "D", s.getYSymetric(), False)
            xstart = xend
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def getLightPath(self, line):
        # Contains every light rays
        rays = []

        ray = line
        prev_face = False
        prev_intercept = False
        for iteration in range(0,4):
            FacesGenerator = self.getgAllFacesButOne(prev_face)
            if iteration == 0:
                FacesGenerator = self.getgTopFaces()

            # For every face in the generator, search if the ray of
            # light intercept it
            for face in FacesGenerator:
                face_seg = face['seg']
                intercept = face_seg.interceptLine(ray)
                if intercept:

            if not intercept:
                # No face was found, nothing else to do

            # We can delimit the previous ray and add it to the list
            if prev_intercept:
                rays.append({'inside': True,
                             'seg': geo.Segment(ray, y=[prev_intercept[1], intercept[1]])
                rays.append({'inside': False,
                             'line': ray})

            # Indice of refraction: First is the stone, then the air,
            # but for the first iteration
            n1, n2 = self.ior, 1
            if iteration == 0:
                n1, n2 = 1, self.ior

            new_rays = face_seg.getOutRays(ray, n1, n2, intercept)

            if iteration == 0:
                inside_ray = new_rays['refracted']
                outside_ray = new_rays['reflected']
                inside_ray = new_rays['reflected']
                outside_ray = new_rays['refracted']
            # Put the outside ray in the list
            rays.append({'inside': False,
                         'line': outside_ray})

            # the inside ray become the new ray and we start again
            ray = inside_ray
            prev_face = face
            prev_intercept = intercept

        return rays
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def testGetOutRays(self):
        line = geo.Line(0, [0, 0])
        segment = geo.Segment(line, x=[0, 2])
        i1 = 1
        for i in range(0, 50):
            i2 = 0.5 + random.random()
            angle = random.random() * 2 * math.pi

            ray = geo.Line(angle, [1, 0])
            rays = segment.getOutRays(ray, i1, i2)

            incident_angle = math.fabs(angle - math.pi / 2) % math.pi
            incident_quarter = angle // (math.pi / 2)

            reflected = rays['reflected']
            reflected_angle = math.fabs(reflected.angle -
                                        math.pi / 2) % math.pi
            reflected_quarter = reflected.angle // (math.pi / 2)
                                   msg="Bad reflected angle")
            # Check that the reflected ray is on the right quarter of the trigo circle
                incident_quarter % 2,
                reflected_quarter % 2,
                msg="Reflected ray is the same as incident ray (%s)" % {
                    'angle': angle,
                    'i2': i2

            if 'refracted' in rays:
                refracted = rays['refracted']
                refracted_angle = math.fabs(refracted.angle -
                                            math.pi / 2) % math.pi
                refracted_quarter = refracted.angle // (math.pi / 2)
                self.assertAlmostEqual(i1 * math.sin(incident_angle),
                                       i2 * math.sin(refracted_angle))
                    math.fabs(refracted_quarter - incident_quarter) == 2,
                    msg="Refracted ray is not on the right quarter (%r)" % {
                        'angle': angle,
                        'i2': i2,
                        'ray': ray,
                        'rays': rays
Ejemplo n.º 5
def split(polygon, line):
    points = ([], [])
    segment_points = []
    segment_idxs = [-1, -1]
    point_mappings = ([], [])
    last_point = polygon.points[-1]
    last_parity = point_parity(last_point, line)
    point_idx = 0

    for point in polygon.points:
        parity = point_parity(point, line)
        if parity == 0:
            idx = 0 if last_parity == -1 else 1
            segment_idxs[idx] = len(points[idx])

            idx = 0 if parity == -1 else 1
        last_parity = parity
        point_idx += 1

    polygon0 = None
    polygon1 = None
    segment = None
    if len(segment_points) == 2:
        segment = geo.Segment(segment_points[0], segment_points[1])
    if len(points[0]) > 2:
        polygon0 = geo.Polygon(points[0])
    if len(points[1]) > 2:
        polygon1 = geo.Polygon(points[1])

    return (polygon0, polygon1, segment, segment_idxs, point_mappings)
Ejemplo n.º 6
#!/bin/env python
import geo
from math import pi

g = geo.Line(pi / 2, [1, 0])
h = geo.Line(0, [0, 1])
m = g.intercept(h)
print "%s intercept %s in %s" % (g, h, m)

g = geo.Line(pi / 4, [1, 0])
h = geo.Line(3 * pi / 4, [-1, 0])
m = g.intercept(h)
print "%s intercept %s in %s" % (g, h, m)

line = geo.Line(pi / 4, [0, 0])
segment = geo.Segment(line, x=[0, 1])
print segment

line = geo.Line(pi / 2, [1, 0])
segment = geo.Segment(line, y=[0, 1])
print segment

line = geo.Line(0, [0, 0])
segment = geo.Segment(line, x=[0, 2])
ray = geo.Line(pi / 2, [1, 0])
rays = segment.getOutRays(ray, 1, 1.9)
print "Segment: %s, Ray: %s\n * Reflected: %s\n * Refracted: %s" % (
    segment, ray, rays['reflected'], rays['refracted'])

line = geo.Line(0, [0, 0])
segment = geo.Segment(line, x=[0, 2])