Ejemplo n.º 1
 def reverse(self, pt):
     '''Takes a point in gmap meters and converts it to image coordinates'''
     lat, lon, alt, roll, pitch, yaw = self.params  # camera parameters (location, orientation, focal length)
     width = self.width  # image width
     height = self.height  # image height
     Fx = self.Fx
     Fy = self.Fy
     # convert input pt from meters to lat lon
     ptlon, ptlat = metersToLatLon([pt[0], pt[1]])
     ptalt = 0
     px, py, pz = transformLonLatAltToEcef([ptlon, ptlat, ptalt])
     pt = numpy.array([[px, py, pz,
                        1]]).transpose()  # convert to column vector
     cameraMatrix = numpy.matrix(
             [Fx, 0, width / 2.0],  # matrix of intrinsic camera parameters
             [0, Fy, height / 2.0],
             [0, 0, 1]
     x, y, z = transformLonLatAltToEcef(
         (lon, lat, alt))  # camera pose in ecef
     rotation = rotFromEul(roll, pitch, yaw)  # euler to matrix
     rotation = numpy.transpose(rotation)
     cameraPoseColVector = numpy.array([[x, y, z]]).transpose()
     translation = -1 * rotation * cameraPoseColVector
     rotTransMat = numpy.c_[
         translation]  # append the translation matrix (3x1) to rotation matrix (3x3) -> becomes 3x4
     ptInImage = cameraMatrix * rotTransMat * pt
     u = ptInImage.item(0) / ptInImage.item(2)
     v = ptInImage.item(1) / ptInImage.item(2)
     ptInImage = [u, v]
     return ptInImage
Ejemplo n.º 2
def testTransformClass():
    lat, lon, alt, Fx, Fy, width, height = getInitialData()
    camLonLatAlt = (lon, lat, alt)
    rotMatrix = rotMatrixOfCameraInEcef(lon, transformLonLatAltToEcef(camLonLatAlt))    
    print "rotation Matrix is"
    print rotMatrix
    print "euler angle is"
    r,p,y = eulFromRot(rotMatrix)
    print [r,p,y]
    print "back to rotation Matrix"
    print rotFromEul(r,p,y)
#     pt = [width / 2.0, height / 2.0]  # if image coord is at center of image
#     fwdRetval = forward(pt)
#     print "ecef should be at 0, 0, some radius"
#     print fwdRetval
#     print "back to image coordinates"
#     print reverse(fwdRetval)
#     print"back to ecef"
#     print forward(reverse(fwdRetval))
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def getInitParams(cls, toPts, fromPts, imageId):
     mission, roll, frame = imageId.split('-')
     issImage = ISSimage(mission, roll, frame, '')
         issLat = issImage.extras.nadirLat
         issLon = issImage.extras.nadirLon
         issAlt = issImage.extras.altitude
         foLenX = issImage.extras.focalLength[0]
         foLenY = issImage.extras.focalLength[1]
         camLonLatAlt = (issLon, issLat, issAlt)
         rotMatrix = rotMatrixOfCameraInEcef(
             issLon, transformLonLatAltToEcef(
                 camLonLatAlt))  # initially nadir pointing
         roll, pitch, yaw = eulFromRot(
             rotMatrix)  # initially set to nadir rotation
         # these values are not going to be optimized. But needs to be passed to fromParams
         # to set it as member vars.
         width = issImage.extras.width
         height = issImage.extras.height
     except Exception as e:
         print "Could not retrieve image metadata from the ISS MRF: " + str(
     return [
         issLat, issLon, issAlt, roll, pitch, yaw, foLenX, foLenY, width,
Ejemplo n.º 4
def getCenterPoint(issImage):
    Center point is only available if the image has mission, roll, and frame.
    if issImage:
        lat = issImage.extras.centerLat
        lon = issImage.extras.centerLon
        alt = issImage.extras.altitude
        focalLength = issImage.extras.focalLength
        sensorSize = issImage.extras.sensorSize
        if (lat is None) or (lon is None):
            nadirLat = issImage.extras.nadirLat
            nadirLon = issImage.extras.nadirLon
            nadirLonLatAlt = (nadirLon, nadirLat, alt)
            centerCoords = [issImage.width / 2.0, issImage.height / 2.0]
            opticalCenter = (int(issImage.width / 2.0),
                             int(issImage.height / 2.0))
            rotMatrix = rotMatrixOfCameraInEcef(
                nadirLon, transformLonLatAltToEcef(nadirLonLatAlt))
            centerPointEcef = imageCoordToEcef(nadirLonLatAlt, centerCoords,
                                               opticalCenter, focalLength,
            lon, lat, alt = transformEcefToLonLatAlt(centerPointEcef)
        print "Error: image metadata is not available from the given ISS image ID"
        return None
    return {"lon": lon, "lat": lat, "alt": alt}
Ejemplo n.º 5
def imageCoordToEcef(cameraLonLatAlt, pixelCoord, opticalCenter, focalLength,
    Given the camera position in ecef and image coordinates x,y
    returns the coordinates in ecef frame (x,y,z)
    rotationMatrix: from camera frame to ecef frame.
    cameraPoseEcef = transformLonLatAltToEcef(cameraLonLatAlt)
    cameraPose = Point3(
        cameraPoseEcef[0], cameraPoseEcef[1],
        cameraPoseEcef[2])  # ray start is camera position in world coordinates
    dirVector = pixelToVector(
        opticalCenter, focalLength,
        pixelCoord)  # vector from center of projection to pixel on image.
    dirVector_np = np.array([[dirVector.dx], [dirVector.dy], [dirVector.dz]])
    dirVecEcef_np = rotationMatrix * dirVector_np
    dirVectorEcef = Vector3(dirVecEcef_np[0], dirVecEcef_np[1],
    dirVectorEcef = dirVectorEcef.norm()  # normalize the direction vector
    ray = Ray3(cameraPose, dirVectorEcef)  # construct the ray
    earthCenter = Point3(0, 0, 0)  # since we use ecef, earth center is 0 0 0
    earth = Sphere(earthCenter, EARTH_RADIUS_METERS)
    t = earth.intersect(ray)  # intersect it with Earth
    if t != float("inf"):
        ecefCoords = ray.start + t * ray.dir
        return pointToTuple(ecefCoords)
        return None
Ejemplo n.º 6
def reverse(pt):
    Takes a point in gmap meters and converts it to image coordinates
    lat, lon, alt, Fx, Fy, width, height = getInitialData()
    camLonLatAlt = (lon,lat,alt)
    rotMatrix = rotMatrixOfCameraInEcef(lon, transformLonLatAltToEcef(camLonLatAlt)) 
    roll, pitch, yaw = eulFromRot(rotMatrix)
#     #convert point to lat lon, and then to ecef
#     ptlon, ptlat = transform.metersToLatLon([pt[0], pt[1]])
#     ptalt = 0
#     # convert lon lat alt to ecef
#     px, py, pz = transformLonLatAltToEcef([ptlon, ptlat, ptalt])
#     print ("0,0 lat lon to meters")
#     print transform.lonLatToMeters([0,0])
#     print (px, py, pz)
    px, py, pz = (pt[0],pt[1], pt[2])  
    pt = numpy.array([[px, py, pz, 1]]).transpose()
    cameraMatrix = numpy.matrix([[Fx, 0, width / 2.0],  # matrix of intrinsic camera parameters
                                [0, Fy, height / 2.0],
                                [0, 0, 1]],
    x,y,z = transformLonLatAltToEcef((lon,lat,alt))  # camera pose in ecef
    # euler to matrix
    rotation = rotFromEul(roll, pitch, yaw)
    rotation = numpy.transpose(rotation)  # can I do this?
#         rotation = rotMatrixFromEcefToCamera(lon, [x,y,z])  # world to camera
    cameraPoseColVector = numpy.array([[x, y, z]]).transpose()
    translation = -1* rotation * cameraPoseColVector
    # append the translation matrix (3x1) to rotation matrix (3x3) -> becomes 3x4
    rotTransMat = numpy.c_[rotation, translation]
    ptInImage = cameraMatrix * rotTransMat * pt
    u = ptInImage.item(0) / ptInImage.item(2)
    v = ptInImage.item(1) / ptInImage.item(2)
    ptInImage =  [u, v]
    return ptInImage
Ejemplo n.º 7
def forward(pt):
    Takes in a point in pixel coordinate and returns point in gmap units (meters)
    lat, lon, alt, Fx, Fy, width, height = getInitialData()
    camLonLatAlt = (lon,lat,alt)
    rotMatrix = rotMatrixOfCameraInEcef(lon, transformLonLatAltToEcef(camLonLatAlt)) 
    print "rotMatrix"
    print rotMatrix
    roll, pitch, yaw = eulFromRot(rotMatrix)
    print 'roll pitch yaw'
    print (roll * (180/numpy.pi), pitch * (180/numpy.pi), yaw * (180/numpy.pi))
    rotMatrix = rotFromEul(roll, pitch, yaw)
    print "rot matrix back"
    print rotMatrix
    opticalCenter = (int(width / 2.0), int(height / 2.0))
    focalLength = (Fx, Fy)
    # convert image pixel coordinates to ecef
    ecef = imageCoordToEcef(camLonLatAlt, pt, opticalCenter, focalLength, rotMatrix) 
    return ecef