Ejemplo n.º 1
    def get_polygon(self, dangle=np.radians(1)):
        Get the wedge as a polygon.

        :param dphi: Approximate phi increment of the circle part (deg)
        :return xy: wedge as a polygon (Nx2 array)
        # end points and angles of arc
        points = intersect(self.horizontal_line, self.circle)
        if self.diagonal_line.isabove(points[0]):
            point1 = points[0]
            point1 = points[1]
        angle1 = np.arctan2(point1[1] - self.circle.yc,
                            point1[0] - self.circle.xc)
        points = intersect(self.diagonal_line, self.circle)
        if self.horizontal_line.isbelow(points[0]):
            point2 = points[0]
            point2 = points[1]
        angle2 = np.arctan2(point2[1] - self.circle.yc,
                            point2[0] - self.circle.xc)

        # arc
        xy = self.circle.get_polygon(angle1, angle2, dangle)

        # prepend origin
        origin = intersect(self.horizontal_line, self.diagonal_line)
        xy = np.insert(xy, 0, origin[0], axis=0)

        return xy
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def intersect(self, object, tol=0.001):
        Intersect the wedge with a line or circle.

        :param object: Line or circle to be intersected.
        :param tol: absolute tolerance for containing points or
            removing duplicate points.
        :return [(x, y), ...]: List of intersection points.
        # intersect the lines and the circle defining the wedge with the line
        points = list(intersect(self.horizontal_line, object))
        points += list(intersect(self.diagonal_line, object))
        points += list(intersect(self.circle, object))
        # collect points outside the wedge
        delete_points = set()
        for point in points:
            if not self.contains(point):
        # collect duplicate points
        points = list(set(points))
        for point1 in points:
            for point2 in points:
                if point1 is point2:
                x1, y1 = point1
                x2, y2 = point2
                if abs(x1 - x2) < tol and abs(y1 - y2) < tol:
        # remove points
        for delete_point in delete_points:
        # order according to increasing distance from origin
        def radius(point):
            return np.hypot(*point)

        return points
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def connect(self, player, dest_pos):
        if player.pos not in self.lighthouses:
            raise MoveError("Player must be located at the origin lighthouse")
        if dest_pos not in self.lighthouses:
            raise MoveError("Destination must be an existing lighthouse")
        orig = self.lighthouses[player.pos]
        dest = self.lighthouses[dest_pos]
        if orig.owner != player.num or dest.owner != player.num:
            raise MoveError("Both lighthouses must be player-owned")
        if dest.pos not in player.keys:
            raise MoveError("Player does not have the destination key")
        if orig is dest:
            raise MoveError("Cannot connect lighthouse to itself")
        assert orig.energy and dest.energy
        pair = frozenset((orig.pos, dest.pos))
        if pair in self.conns:
            raise MoveError("Connection already exists")
        x0, x1 = sorted((orig.pos[0], dest.pos[0]))
        y0, y1 = sorted((orig.pos[1], dest.pos[1]))
        for lh in self.lighthouses:
            if (
                x0 <= lh[0] <= x1
                and y0 <= lh[1] <= y1
                and lh not in (orig.pos, dest.pos)
                and geom.colinear(orig.pos, dest.pos, lh)
                raise MoveError("Connection cannot intersect a lighthouse")
        new_tris = set()
        for c in self.conns:
            if geom.intersect(tuple(c), (orig.pos, dest.pos)):
                raise MoveError("Connection cannot intersect another connection")
            if orig.pos in c:
                third = (l for l in c if l != orig.pos).next()
                if frozenset((third, dest.pos)) in self.conns:
                    new_tris.add((orig.pos, dest.pos, third))

        for i in new_tris:
            self.tris[i] = [j for j in geom.render(i) if self.island[j]]
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def connect(self, player, dest_pos):
        if player.pos not in self.lighthouses:
            raise MoveError("Player must be located at the origin lighthouse")
        if dest_pos not in self.lighthouses:
            raise MoveError("Destination must be an existing lighthouse")
        orig = self.lighthouses[player.pos]
        dest = self.lighthouses[dest_pos]
        if orig.owner != player.num or dest.owner != player.num:
            raise MoveError("Both lighthouses must be player-owned")
        if dest.pos not in player.keys:
            raise MoveError("Player does not have the destination key")
        if orig is dest:
            raise MoveError("Cannot connect lighthouse to itself")
        assert orig.energy and dest.energy
        pair = frozenset((orig.pos, dest.pos))
        if pair in self.conns:
            raise MoveError("Connection already exists")
        x0, x1 = sorted((orig.pos[0], dest.pos[0]))
        y0, y1 = sorted((orig.pos[1], dest.pos[1]))
        for lh in self.lighthouses:
            if (x0 <= lh[0] <= x1 and y0 <= lh[1] <= y1
                    and lh not in (orig.pos, dest.pos)
                    and geom.colinear(orig.pos, dest.pos, lh)):
                raise MoveError("Connection cannot intersect a lighthouse")
        new_tris = set()
        for c in self.conns:
            if geom.intersect(tuple(c), (orig.pos, dest.pos)):
                raise MoveError(
                    "Connection cannot intersect another connection")
            if orig.pos in c:
                third = (l for l in c if l != orig.pos).next()
                if frozenset((third, dest.pos)) in self.conns:
                    new_tris.add((orig.pos, dest.pos, third))

        for i in new_tris:
            self.tris[i] = [j for j in geom.render(i) if self.island[j]]
Ejemplo n.º 5
    wedge = Wedge()
    print(wedge.circle.xc, wedge.circle.yc, wedge.circle.r)

    wedge = Wedge((1, 1, 2), (1, 0, 1))
    print(wedge.circle.xc, wedge.circle.yc, wedge.circle.r)


    line1 = Line(1, 4, 6)
    line2 = Line(-5, 2, -8)
    circle1 = Circle(-1, 2, 5)
    circle2 = Circle(-2, 0, 4)

    solutions = intersect(line1, line2)
    for solution in solutions:
        x, y = solution
        print('x={}, y={}'.format(x, y))
        assert isclose(x, 2)
        assert isclose(y, 1)

    solutions = intersect(circle1, line1)
    for solution in solutions:
        x, y = solution
        print('x={}, y={}'.format(x, y))
        assert isclose((x - circle1.xc)**2 + (y - circle1.yc)**2, circle1.r**2)
        assert isclose(line1.a * x + line1.b * y, line1.c)

    solutions = intersect(line2, circle1)
    for solution in solutions:
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def test_intersect(self):
     assert intersect(self.ab, self.cd)
     assert not intersect(self.ab, self.ef)