Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _build_js(self):
        # build scales
        scales = """ 
            scales = {
                x : get_scales(['%s'], 'horizontal'),
                y : get_scales(['%s'], 'vertical')
        """ % (self.x, self.y)
        # add the line

        x_fxn = Function(None, "d", "return scales.x(d.%s)" % self.x)
        y_fxn = Function(None, "d", "return scales.y(d.%s)" % self.y)

        draw = Function("draw", ("data", ))
        draw += scales
        draw += "var line = " + Selection("d3.svg").add_attribute("line") \
                                                      .add_attribute("x", x_fxn) \
                                                      .add_attribute("y", y_fxn)

        draw += Selection("g").append("'svg:path'") \
                                 .attr("'d'", "line(data)") \
                                 .attr("'class'", "'geom_line'") \
                                 .attr("'id'", "'line_%s_%s'"%(self.x, self.y))

        self.js = JavaScript(draw)
        return self.js
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _build_js(self):

        scales = """
            scales = {
                x: get_scales(['%s'], 'horizontal'),
                y: get_scales(['%s','%s'], 'vertical')
        """ % (self.x, self.ylower, self.yupper)

        x_fxn = Function(None, "d", "return scales.x(d.%s)" % self.x)
        y1_fxn = Function(None, "d", "return scales.y(d.%s)" % self.yupper)
        y0_fxn = Function(None, "d", "return scales.y(d.%s)" % self.ylower)

        draw = Function("draw", ("data", ))
        draw += scales
        draw += "var area = " + Selection("d3.svg").add_attribute("area") \
            .add_attribute("x", x_fxn) \
            .add_attribute("y0", y0_fxn) \
            .add_attribute("y1", y1_fxn)

        draw += "console.log(data)"
        draw += "console.log(area(data))"
        draw += "console.log(scales.y(data[0].y))"

        draw += Selection("g").append("'svg:path'") \
             .attr("'d'", "area(data)") \
             .attr("'class'", "'geom_area'") \
             .attr("'id'", "'area_%s_%s_%s'"%(self.x, self.yupper, self.ylower))

        self.js = JavaScript(draw)
        return self.js
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def _build_js(self):

        # build scales
        scales = """ 
            scales = {
                x : get_scales(['%s'], 'horizontal'),
                y : get_scales(['%s'], 'vertical')
        """ % (self.x, self.y)

        xfxn = Function(None, "d", "return scales.x(d.%s);" % self.x)
        yfxn = Function(None, "d", "return scales.y(d.%s)" % self.y)

        heightfxn = Function(None, "d",
                             "return height - scales.y(d.%s)" % self.y)

        draw = Function("draw", ("data", ), [scales])
        draw += scales
        draw += Selection("g").selectAll("'.bars'") \
            .data("data") \
            .enter() \
            .append("'rect'") \
            .attr("'class'", "'geom_bar'") \
            .attr("'id'", "'%s'"%self._id) \
            .attr("'x'", xfxn) \
            .attr("'y'", yfxn) \
            .attr("'width'", "scales.x.rangeBand()")\
            .attr("'height'", heightfxn)
        # TODO: rangeBand above breaks for histogram type bar-plots... fix!

        self.js = JavaScript() + draw
        self.js += (Function("init", autocall=True) + "console.debug('Hi');")
        return self.js
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def build_js(self):
        xfxn = Function(None, "d",
                        "return scales.%s_x(d.%s);" % (self.x, self.x))

        yfxn = Function(None, "d",
                        "return scales.%(y)s_y(d.%(y)s)" % {"y": self.y})

        heightfxn = Function(
            None, "d",
            "return height - scales.%(y)s_y(d.%(y)s)" % {"y": self.y})

        draw = Function("draw", ("data", ), [])
        draw += Object("g").selectAll("'.bars'") \
            .data("data") \
            .enter() \
            .append("'rect'") \
            .attr("'class'", "'geom_bar'") \
            .attr("'id'", "'%s'"%self._id) \
            .attr("'x'", xfxn) \
            .attr("'y'", yfxn) \
            .attr("'width'", "scales.%s_x.rangeBand()"%self.x)\
            .attr("'height'", heightfxn)
        # TODO: rangeBand above breaks for histogram type bar-plots... fix!

        self.js = JavaScript() + draw
        self.js += (Function("init", autocall=True) + "console.debug('Hi');")
        return self.js
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def _build_js(self):
        scales = """ 
            scales = {
                x : get_scales(['%s'], 'horizontal'),
                y : get_scales(['%s'], 'vertical')
        """ % (self.x, self.y)
        draw = Function("draw", ("data", ))
        draw += scales
        js_cx = Function(None, "d", "return scales.x(d.%s);" % self.x)
        js_cy = Function(None, "d", "return scales.y(d.%s);" % self.y)

        obj = Selection("g").selectAll("'.geom_point'")      \
                            .data("data")                    \
                            .enter()                         \
                            .append("'svg:circle'")          \
                            .attr("'cx'", js_cx)             \
                            .attr("'cy'", js_cy)             \
                            .attr("'r'", 4)                  \
                            .attr("'class'", "'geom_point'") \
                            .attr("'id'", "'%s'"%self._id)
        if self.c:
            fill = Function(None, "return d.%s;" % self.c)
            obj.add_attribute("style", "fill", fill)

        draw += obj
        self.js = JavaScript(draw)
        return self.js
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def _build_js(self):
     draw = Function("draw", ("data",), [])
     draw += Selection("g") \
         .selectAll("'circle.node'") \
         .data("data.nodes") \
         .enter() \
         .append("'circle'") \
         .attr("'class'","'node'") \
         .attr("'r'", 12) 
     draw += Selection("g") \
         .selectAll("'line.link'") \
         .data("data.links") \
         .enter() \
         .append("'line'") \
         .attr("'class'", "'link'")
     code = [
         "var force = d3.layout.force()",
             '.size([width, height])',
         'force.on("tick", function() {',
             'g.selectAll("line.link").attr("x1", function(d) { return d.source.x; })',
                 '.attr("y1", function(d) { return d.source.y; })',
                 '.attr("x2", function(d) { return d.target.x; })',
                 '.attr("y2", function(d) { return d.target.y; });',
             'g.selectAll("circle.node").attr("cx", function(d) { return d.x; })',
                 '.attr("cy", function(d) { return d.y; });',
     # TODO the order of the next two lines seems inappropriately important
     draw += JavaScript(code)
     self.js = JavaScript() + draw
     self.js += (Function("init", autocall=True) + "console.debug('Hi');")
     return self.js
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def build_js(self):
        # add the line
        draw = Function("draw", ("data", ))

        x_fxn = Function(None, "d", "return scales.%s_x(d.%s)"%(self.x, self.x))
        y_fxn = Function(None, "d", "return scales.%s_y(d.%s)"%(self.y, self.y))

        draw += "var line = " + Object("d3.svg").add_attribute("line") \
                                                      .add_attribute("x", x_fxn) \
                                                      .add_attribute("y", y_fxn)

        draw += Object("g").append("'svg:path'") \
                                 .attr("'d'", "line(data)") \
                                 .attr("'class'", "'geom_line'") \
                                 .attr("'id'", "'line_%s_%s'"%(self.x, self.y))

        self.js = JavaScript(draw)
        return self.js
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def build_js(self):
        draw = Function("draw", ("data",))
        js_cx = Function(None, "d", "return scales.%s_x(d.%s);"%(self.x,self.x)) 
        js_cy = Function(None, "d", "return scales.%s_y(d.%s);"%(self.y,self.y)) 

        obj = Object("g").selectAll("'.geom_point'")      \
                            .data("data")                    \
                            .enter()                         \
                            .append("'svg:circle'")          \
                            .attr("'cx'", js_cx)             \
                            .attr("'cy'", js_cy)             \
                            .attr("'r'", 4)                  \
                            .attr("'class'", "'geom_point'") \
                            .attr("'id'", "'%s'"%self._id)
        if self.c:
            fill = Function(None, "return d.%s;"%self.c)
            obj.add_attribute("style", "fill", fill)

        draw += obj
        self.js = JavaScript(draw)
        return self.js
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def build_js(self):
        draw = Function("draw", ("data", ), [])
        scale = "scales.%s_%s" % (self.var, self.var)
        draw += "%s = d3.svg.axis().scale(%s)%s" % (
            self.name, scale,
            ".orient('%s')" % self.orient if self.orient else "")

        axis_group = Object("g").append('"g"') \
              .attr('"class"','"%s"'%self.name) \
              .attr('"transform"', '"translate(" + margin + ",0)"') \
        draw += axis_group

        self.js = JavaScript() + draw
        return self.js
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def _build_js(self):
        draw = Function("draw", ("data",), [])
        scale = "scales.y"
        draw += "yAxis = d3.svg.axis().scale(%s).orient('left')"%scale
        yaxis_group = Selection("g").append('"g"') \
              .attr('"class"','"yaxis"') \
        draw += yaxis_group

        if self.label:
            # TODO: Have the transform on this label be less hacky
            label_group = Selection("g").append('"text"') \
                    .add_attribute("text", '"%s"'%self.label) \
                    .attr('"y"', '- margin.left + 15') \
                    .attr('"x"', '- height / 2.0') \
                    .attr('"text-anchor"', '"middle"') \
                    .attr('"transform"', '"rotate(-90, 0, 0)"')
            draw += label_group

        self.js = JavaScript() + draw
        return self.js
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def _build_js(self):
        draw = Function("draw", ("data", ), [])
        scale = "scales.x"
        draw += "xAxis = d3.svg.axis().scale(%s)" % scale

        xaxis_group = Selection("g").append('"g"') \
              .attr('"class"','"xaxis"') \
              .attr('"transform"', '"translate(0," + height + ")"') \
        draw += xaxis_group

        if self.label:
            # TODO: Have the transform on this label be less hacky
            label_group = Selection("g").append('"text"') \
                    .add_attribute("text", '"%s"'%self.label) \
                    .attr('"text-anchor"', '"middle"') \
                    .attr('"x"', "width/2") \
                    .attr('"y"', "height+45")
            draw += label_group

        self.js = JavaScript() + draw
        return self.js