Ejemplo n.º 1
    def direction_vector(self):
        Vector in the direction of the segment, going from `start`
        to `end` and with the same length as the segment itself.

        :return: `Vector` with length equal to segment's length
        return make_vector_between(self.start, self.end)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def contains_point(self, point):
        Tests whether the polygon contains the given point.

        :param point: `Point`
        :return: `bool` contains point?
        if point in self.vertices:
            return True

        vecs = [make_vector_between(point, vertex) for vertex in self.vertices]
        paired_vecs = make_round_pairs(vecs)
        angle_sum = reduce(operator.add,
                           [v1.angle_to(v2) for v1, v2 in paired_vecs])

        return are_close_enough(angle_sum, 2 * math.pi)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def intersection_with(self, other):
        Computes the intersection with another line. Returns `None`
        if the lines don't intersect.

        :param other: `Line`
        :return: intersection `Point` or `None`
        if self.is_parallel_to(other):
            return None

        d1, d2 = self.direction, other.direction
        cross_prod = d1.cross(d2)
        delta = make_vector_between(self.base, other.base)
        t1 = (delta.u * d2.v - delta.v * d2.u) / cross_prod

        return self.base.displaced(d1, t1)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def penetration_vector(self, other):
        Assuming this and `other` circles overlap, it computes the
        vector going from `other`'s center point towards this'
        center point, and has a length of the maximum penetration
        between the two.

        :param other: `Circle`
        :return: `Vector`
        if not self.overlaps(other):
            return None

        direction = make_vector_between(other.center, self.center)
        centers_dist = self.center.distance_to(other.center)
        radii_sum = self.radius + other.radius

        return direction.with_length(radii_sum - centers_dist)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def closest_point_to(self, p: Point):
        Computes the point which belongs to the segment and is
        closest to a given external point `p`.

        :param p: `Point`
        :return: `Point` in segment closest to `p`
        v = make_vector_between(self.start, p)
        d = self.direction_versor
        vs = v.projection_over(d)

        if vs < 0:
            return self.start

        if vs > self.length:
            return self.end

        return self.start.displaced(d, vs)