class NNA(Algorithm): # noinspection PyMissingConstructor def __init__(self): self.graph = Graph() pass def add_point(self, point: Point): self.graph.add_point(point, set()) pass def delete_point(self, point: Point): self.graph.remove_point(point) pass def find_nearest_to(self, point: Point): clusters = list(self.graph.graph.keys()) dif = float('inf') nearest = None for cluster in clusters: dist = point.distance_to(cluster) if dist < dif: dif = dist nearest = cluster return nearest pass
def __init__(self): self.graph = Graph() self.cache = None pass
class NRA(Algorithm): # noinspection PyMissingConstructor def __init__(self): self.graph = Graph() self.cache = None pass """ Вычисляем расстояние от добавляемой точки до всех имеющихся точек. Добавляем ближайшую в список соседей """ def add_point(self, point: Point): if len(self.graph) == 0: self.cache = point self.graph.add_point(point) return elif len(self.graph) == 1: fp = self.graph.get_points()[0] self.graph.add_point(point, fp) self.graph.set_neighbours(fp, point) return distances = self.graph.get_distance_to(point) neighbours = set() for index in range(len(distances)): add_flag = True verifiable_cluster = distances[index][1] dist = distances[index][0] for neighbour in neighbours: dist_to_ngh = neighbour.distance_to(verifiable_cluster) if dist >= dist_to_ngh: add_flag = False break if add_flag: neighbours.add(verifiable_cluster) if len(neighbours) == 0: neighbours.add(distances[0][1]) neighbours = self.__check_crossing(point, neighbours) self.graph.add_point(point, neighbours) else: neighbours = self.__check_crossing(point, neighbours) self.graph.add_point(point, neighbours) pass def __check_crossing(self, new_point, neighbours_of_new): for neighbour in copy(neighbours_of_new): neighbours_of_current = self.graph.get_neighbours(neighbour) for ngh_o_c in neighbours_of_current: if new_point.distance_to(neighbour) < ngh_o_c.distance_to(neighbour) and \ new_point.distance_to(ngh_o_c) < ngh_o_c.distance_to(neighbour): neighbours_of_new.add(ngh_o_c) self.graph.delete_neighbours(neighbour, ngh_o_c) self.graph.delete_neighbours(ngh_o_c, neighbour) return neighbours_of_new def __check_relationship(self, point_set: set): for point in point_set: test_set = set() new_check_set = set() neighbours = self.graph.get_distance_to(point) test_set.add(neighbours[1][1]) for index in range(2, len(neighbours)): add_flag = True for test_point in test_set: if neighbours[index][0] > test_point.distance_to( neighbours[index][1]): add_flag = False new_check_set.add(neighbours[index][1]) break if add_flag: test_set.add(neighbours[index][1]) if len(new_check_set) != 0: self.graph.set_neighbours(point, test_set) def delete_point(self, point: Point): if len(self.graph) < 2: self.graph.remove_point(point) else: if point == self.cache: self.cache = self.graph.get_points()[0] neighbours = self.graph.get_neighbours_list(point) self.graph.remove_point(point) self.__check_relationship(neighbours) pass def find_nearest_to(self, point: Point): current = self.cache temp = None minimal = point.distance_to(current) cluster_set = {x for x in self.graph.get_points()} cluster_set.discard(current) while True: the_smallest = float('inf') neighbours = self.graph.get_neighbours(current) cluster_set.difference_update(neighbours) for neighbour in neighbours: dist = neighbour.distance_to(point) if dist < the_smallest: the_smallest = dist temp = neighbour # noinspection PyChainedComparisons if the_smallest < minimal and len( cluster_set) != 0 and minimal != 0: minimal = the_smallest current = temp else: break self.cache = current return current pass
def __init__(self, dist_multiplier=1.0): if dist_multiplier < 1.0: raise Exception('dist_multiplier cannot be lower than 1.0') self.graph = Graph() self.dist_multiplier = dist_multiplier
class DVA(Algorithm): # noinspection PyMissingConstructor def __init__(self, dist_multiplier=1.0): if dist_multiplier < 1.0: raise Exception('dist_multiplier cannot be lower than 1.0') self.graph = Graph() self.dist_multiplier = dist_multiplier def add_point(self, point: Point): # This list contains tuples of points and distances to them : (distance, point) list_distances = self.graph.get_distance_to(point) # If graph is empty we don't need to do any specific operations but adding point if len(list_distances) == 0: self.graph.add_point(point, set()) return # Get nearest point num_nearest_distance = list_distances[0][0] # Get list of new neighbors of point filter_tuples = filter( lambda x: x[0] <= num_nearest_distance * self.dist_multiplier, list_distances) list_neighbors = list(filter_tuples) map_neighbors = map(lambda x: x[1], list_neighbors) set_neighbors = set(map_neighbors) # Add point and its neighbors to graph self.graph.add_point(point, set_neighbors) def delete_point(self, point: Point): # Get list of points which connections is needed to correct list_neighbors = self.graph.get_neighbours_list(point) if len(list_neighbors) == 0: self.graph.remove_point(point) return map_neighbors = map(lambda x: x[1], list_neighbors) list_points_to_correct = list(map_neighbors) # Remove point self.graph.remove_point(point) # Correct graph structure self.__correct_graph_structure(list_points_to_correct) def find_nearest_to(self, point: Point): set_a = set(self.graph.get_points()) point_current = set_a.pop() num_current_distance = point.distance_to(point_current) list_neighbors = self.graph.get_neighbours_list(point_current) while len(list_neighbors) != 0: # Get shortest distance among neighbors list_distances = list( map(lambda x: x[1].distance_to(point), list_neighbors)) num_new_distance = min(list_distances) if num_current_distance < num_new_distance: return point_current # Update current distance num_current_distance = num_new_distance # Update point_current index_of_new_distance = list_distances.index(num_new_distance) point_current = list_neighbors[index_of_new_distance][1] # Update set_a for neighbor in list_neighbors: set_a.discard(neighbor) # Update list_neighbors filter_only_a_marked_points = filter( lambda x: x[1] in set_a, self.graph.get_neighbours_list(point_current)) list_neighbors = list(filter_only_a_marked_points) return point_current def __correct_graph_structure(self, list_pointsToCorrect: list): """ This method corrects connections of each point in list_pointsToCorrect NEED TO MODIFY. DANGER OF LOSS OF CONNECTIONS BETWEEN PARTS OF GRAPH :return: none """ for point in list_pointsToCorrect: # Get neighbors of point list_tuples_current_neighbors = self.graph.get_neighbours_list( point) # Get distance to nearest neighbor if len(list_tuples_current_neighbors ) == 0 or list_tuples_current_neighbors is None: self.add_point(point)
class NRA(Algorithm): # noinspection PyMissingConstructor def __init__(self): self.graph = Graph() self.cache = None pass """ Вычисляем расстояние от добавляемой точки до всех имеющихся точек. Добавляем ближайшую в список соседей """ def add_point(self, point: Point): if len(self.graph) == 0: self.cache = point self.graph.add_point(point) return elif len(self.graph) == 1: fp = self.graph.get_points()[0] self.graph.add_point(point, fp) self.graph.set_neighbours(fp, point) return distances = self.graph.get_distance_to(point) neighbours = set() for index in range(len(distances)): add_flag = True verifiable_cluster = distances[index][1] dist = distances[index][0] for neighbour in neighbours: dist_to_ngh = neighbour.distance_to(verifiable_cluster) if dist >= dist_to_ngh: add_flag = False break if add_flag: neighbours.add(verifiable_cluster) if len(neighbours) == 0: neighbours.add(distances[0][1]) self.graph.add_point(point, neighbours) else: self.graph.add_point(point, neighbours) pass def delete_point(self, point: Point): if len(self.graph) < 3: isolated_points = self.graph.remove_point(point) for p in isolated_points: self.graph.remove_point(p) self.add_point(p) elif self.graph.is_in_graph(point): neighbours = self.graph.get_neighbours(point) self.graph.remove_point(point) for neighbour in neighbours: isolated_points = self.graph.remove_point(neighbour) for p in isolated_points: self.graph.remove_point(p) self.add_point(p) self.add_point(neighbour) pass def find_nearest_to(self, point: Point): current = self.cache temp = None minimal = point.distance_to(current) cluster_set = {x for x in self.graph.get_points()} cluster_set.discard(current) while True: the_smallest = float('inf') neighbours = self.graph.get_neighbours(current) cluster_set.difference_update(neighbours) for neighbour in neighbours: dist = neighbour.distance_to(point) if dist < the_smallest: the_smallest = dist temp = neighbour # noinspection PyChainedComparisons if the_smallest < minimal and len( cluster_set) != 0 and minimal != 0: minimal = the_smallest current = temp else: break self.cache = current return current pass
def __init__(self): self.graph = Graph() pass