Ejemplo n.º 1
    def evolve(self, offspring):

        # Add/Replace the information to the location's genome

        # temporary values
        temp_heights = self.heights[offspring.added]
        temp_status = self.status[offspring.added]
        temp_colors = self.colors[offspring.added]

            self.grid_ids = np.delete(self.grid_ids, offspring.dropped)
            self.heights = np.delete(self.heights, offspring.dropped)
            self.status = np.delete(self.status, offspring.dropped)
            self.colors = np.delete(self.colors, offspring.dropped, axis=0)
            self.polygons = np.delete(self.polygons, offspring.dropped)

            self.grid_ids = np.append(self.grid_ids, np.array([offspring.grid_ids[0] for building in offspring.added]))
            self.heights = np.append(self.heights, temp_heights)
            self.status = np.append(self.status, temp_status)
            self.colors = np.append(self.colors, temp_colors, axis=0)

            indices = []
            for id_ in offspring.added:
                indx = np.where(offspring.building_ids == id_)[0].item()
            polygons = move_polygons(offspring.polygons[indices], from_grid=0, to_grid=offspring.grid_ids[0])
            self.polygons = np.append(self.polygons, polygons)

        self.footprints = np.array([polygon.area for polygon in self.polygons])
        self.centroids = np.array(centroids(self.polygons))
        self.features = dict(zip(self.feature_names, get_features(self.footprints, self.heights)))
        self.num_buildings = len(self.heights)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, location, grid_id, size=(750, 750)):
        A class that creates the collection of grid-individuals out of a provided location.

            collection (Collection): A collection of individuals.
            id_ (int): The indice of the individual in the collection.
            cmap (list): The color gradient map that represents heights into colors.
            size ([type]): The extend of the bounding box of an individual, in meters. Used to generate appropriate
                           image outputs.
        self.grid_id = grid_id
        self.size = size
        self.grid_position = None

        # get genome properties from collection
        building_ids = []
        for id_ in location.neighbours[grid_id]:
            building_ids.append(np.where(location.grid_ids == id_))

        self.building_ids = np.concatenate(building_ids, axis=1).ravel()
        self.polygons = move_neighbour_polygons(location.polygons[self.building_ids], self.grid_id)
        self.heights = location.heights[self.building_ids]
        self.colors = location.colors[self.building_ids]
        self.footprints = location.footprints[self.building_ids]
        self.status = location.status[self.building_ids]
        self.centroids = location.centroids[self.building_ids]

        # calcualte features and descriptors
        self.feature_names = ['FSI', 'GSI', 'OSR', 'Mean_height', 'Tare']
        self.features = dict(zip(self.feature_names, get_features(self.footprints, self.heights)))
        self.dangerous = None
        self.sitting = None
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, polygons, colors, heights, grid_ids, status, building_ids, added, dropped, size=(250, 250)):
        A class to create an offspring, along with its properties, out of the crossover or mutation
        of individuals.

            polygons (list): The polygons of the evolved individual.
            colors (list): The colors of the evolved individual.
            heights (list): The heights of the evolved individual.
            size (tuple): The extend of the bounding box of an individual, in meters. Used to generate appropriate
                           image outputs.
        # assign genome
        self.polygons = polygons
        self.colors  = colors
        self.heights = heights
        self.grid_ids = grid_ids
        self.status = status
        self.building_ids = building_ids
        self.added = added
        self.dropped = dropped
        self.size = size

        #calculate phenotype
        self.footprints = np.array([polygon.area for polygon in self.polygons])
        self.feature_names = ['FSI', 'GSI', 'OSR', 'Mean_height', 'Tare']
        self.features = dict(zip(self.feature_names, get_features(self.footprints, self.heights, boundary=self.size)))
        self.centroids = np.array(centroids(self.polygons))
        self.dangerous = None
        self.sitting = None
        self.fi_fitness = None
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, case_folder, color_file, size=(2500, 2500), init=True,
                 polygons=None, heights=None, colors=None, status=None, grid_ids=None,
                 grid_occupancy=None, grids_dangerous=None, grids_sitting=None, dangerous=None, sitting=None,
                 evolved_buildings=None, evolved_grids=None, neighbours=None):
        A class to create an individual representing a whole geographical location, 
        including the information of all individual buildings.

            folder (string): The folder where the genetic information of the location is stored.
            color_file (string): The location where the color file for the collection was stored.

            ValueError: I can't find anything in the selected folder.
            ValueError: A location requires the same number of points, heights, splits, and grid id values.
            self.folder = case_folder
            self.color_file = color_file
            self.cmap = create_cmap(self.color_file)
            self.size = size
            self.evolved_buildings = []
            self.evolved_grids = []
            # get the location's initial genetic information
            self.points = np.load(self.folder  + r"\points\harvard_init.npy").flatten()
            self.heights = np.load(self.folder + r"\heights\harvard_init.npy").flatten()
            self.splits = np.load(self.folder +  r"\splits\harvard_init.npy").flatten()
            self.grid_ids = np.load(self.folder +  r"\grid_ids\harvard_init.npy").flatten()
            self.neighbour_ids = np.load(self.folder +  r"\neighbour_ids\harvard_init.npy").flatten()
            self.neighbour_id_splits = np.load(self.folder +  r"\neighbour_id_splits\harvard_init.npy").flatten()
            self.status = np.load(self.folder +  r"\status\harvard_init.npy").flatten()
            self.grid_occupancy = np.load(self.folder +  r"\grid_occupancy\harvard_init.npy").flatten()

            # Genotype
            self.colors  = np.array([height_to_color(self.cmap, height) for height in np.clip(self.heights, 0, 100)]).astype(int)
            self.polygons = create_shapely_polygons(self.points, self.splits, self.grid_ids)
            self.neighbours = np.split(self.neighbour_ids, np.cumsum(self.neighbour_id_splits))

            #couple of sanity checks to make sure a proper individual was passed
            if (len(self.points)) == len(self.heights) == len(self.splits) == len(self.grid_ids) == len(self.status) == 0:
                    raise ValueError(f"I can't find anything in the selected folder")

            if(len(self.points) != len(self.heights) != len(self.splits) != len(self.status) != len(self.grid_ids)):
                raise ValueError(f"A location requires the same number of points, heights, splits, \
                                 and grid id values.")
            self.polygons = polygons
            self.heights = heights
            self.grid_ids = grid_ids
            self.neighbours = neighbours
            self.status = status
            self.grid_occupancy = grid_occupancy
            self.colors  = colors
            self.color_file = color_file
            self.cmap = create_cmap(self.color_file)
            self.size = size
            self.evolved_buildings = evolved_buildings
            self.evolved_grids = evolved_grids

        # Features and descriptors
        self.footprints = np.array([polygon.area for polygon in self.polygons])
        self.feature_names = ['FSI', 'GSI', 'OSR', 'Mean_height', 'Tare']
        self.features = dict(zip(self.feature_names, get_features(self.footprints, self.heights)))
        self.centroids = np.array(centroids(self.polygons))
        self.num_buildings = len(self.heights)
        self.num_occupied_grids = len(self.grid_occupancy)
        self.grids_dangerous = grids_dangerous
        self.grids_sitting = grids_sitting
        self.dangerous = dangerous
        self.sitting = sitting