Ejemplo n.º 1
def crop_face_from_image(image):
    """ Return a cropped face from a given image. """

    # Try to detect faces in the image - if there is None,
    # there is nothing to do. Otherwise, keep only the first
    # face regardless of how many were detected.
    faces = voting_face_detect(image)
    if len(faces) == 0:
        return None

    (x, y, w, h) = faces[0][0]
    logger.info("Found face with size %d x %d" % (w, h))

    # Take the first detected face and scale the rectangle
    # 2 times around its center.
    face_rect = (x, y, x + w, y + h)
    face_rect = rectangle_scale(*face_rect, factor = 2)
    logger.info("Doubling both dimensions to %d x %d" % (face_rect[2] - face_rect[0],
                                                         face_rect[3] - face_rect[1]))

    # Intersect this with the image rectangle
    image_rect = (0, 0, image.size[0], image.size[1])
    cropping_rect = rectangle_intersection(face_rect, image_rect)
    logger.info("Final cropping rect has dimensions %d x %d" % (cropping_rect[2] - cropping_rect[0],
                                                                cropping_rect[3] - cropping_rect[1]))
    logger.info("Cropping rect: %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f" % (cropping_rect[0],

    cropping_rect = (int(cropping_rect[0]), int(cropping_rect[1]),
                     int(cropping_rect[2]), int(cropping_rect[3]))
    cropped_image = image.crop(cropping_rect)

    # Save both images and log this so we can debug more easily
    temp_path_full_image = random_file_name('jpg')
    temp_path_face_image = random_file_name('jpg')
    logger.info("Saved full image at %s" % temp_path_full_image)
    logger.info("Saved full image at %s" % temp_path_face_image)

    return cropped_image
Ejemplo n.º 2
def crop_head_using_skeleton(image, skeleton):
    """ Given an image taken from the kinect RGB in PIL format, and a set
        of skeleton coordinates, crop the head and return the cropped image.

    # We will cut off a rectangle with the center in the head
    # and the dimension 2 * head-neck distance.
    neck_length = dist(skeleton['head']['X'], skeleton['head']['Y'],
                       skeleton['neck']['X'], skeleton['neck']['Y'])
    head_rect = (skeleton['head']['X'] - neck_length,
                 skeleton['head']['Y'] - neck_length,
                 skeleton['head']['X'] + neck_length,
                 skeleton['head']['Y'] + neck_length)

    # Intersect our rectangle with the actual image, and crop it
    image_rect = (0, 0, image.size[0], image.size[1])
    cropping_rect = rectangle_intersection(head_rect, image_rect)
    cropping_rect = (int(cropping_rect[0]), int(cropping_rect[1]),
                     int(cropping_rect[2]), int(cropping_rect[3]))

    return image.crop(cropping_rect)