Ejemplo n.º 1
def constrainASCII(pathascii, filename, data):

    (ncols, nrows, xllcorner, yllcorner, cellsize,
     NODATA_value) = wk.readheader(pathascii, filename)

    # take the minimum of ncols, nrows and ncols and nrows of data
    nrowsd, ncolsd = np.shape(data)
    ncolsnrows = np.min([ncols, nrows, ncolsd, nrowsd])
    data = data[:ncolsnrows, :ncolsnrows]
    print(ncols, nrows, ncolsd, nrowsd)

    x = np.linspace(0, (ncolsnrows - 1) * cellsize, ncolsnrows)
    y = np.linspace(0, (ncolsnrows - 1) * cellsize, ncolsnrows)

    xe = np.linspace(cellsize / 2.0,
                     (cellsize / 2.0) + ((ncolsnrows - 1) * cellsize),
    ye = np.linspace(cellsize / 2.0,
                     (cellsize / 2.0) + ((ncolsnrows - 1) * cellsize),

    # create my own matrices for the plotting with pcolor or pcolormesh
    xc = np.zeros_like(data)
    yc = np.zeros_like(data)
    xce = np.zeros_like(data)
    yce = np.zeros_like(data)

    for i in range(ncolsnrows):
        xc[:, i] = x
        xce[:, i] = xe

    for i in range(ncolsnrows):
        yc[i, :] = y
        yce[i, :] = ye

    # middle of the dtm (this has to change!)
    ncentery = int(nrows / 2)  # changed
    ncenterx = int(ncols / 2)  # changed

    return (xc, yc, data, ncenterx, ncentery)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def run1(path, filenameXY, filenamecrater, pathplot, pathdata):
    filenameXY = 'data.txt'
    filenamecrater = 'crater_id.txt'

    # the ASCII file (converted from the raster in ArcGIS) is loaded
    #filenames = glob.glob("CPcrater*.asc") #need to fix that if coldspots are included?
    dataXYD = np.loadtxt(filenameXY,delimiter=";",comments="#")
    crater_id = np.genfromtxt(filenamecrater,skip_header=1,dtype=str)
    xcrater = dataXYD[:,0]
    ycrater = dataXYD[:,1]
    diam0 = dataXYD[:,2]
    diam0 = diam0 * 1000.
    r0 = diam0 /2.
    #it takes way too much time this way
    #xarcout = np.array([])
    #yarcout = np.array([])
    #if it is the last step
    for indf, filename in enumerate(crater_id):
        print (indf)
        # should be good this way
        data = np.loadtxt(path + filename + ".asc", skiprows=6)
        data2 = np.rot90(data)
        data3 = np.rot90(data2)
        data4 = np.rot90(data3)
        del data
        del data2
        del data3
        data = copy.deepcopy(data4) #multiplying factor of the elevation (not for kaguya, 0.5 for Kaguya + LOLA)
        del data4
        #correspond to orgin in the lower-left corner and data[x,y] 
        # with x = ncols, y = nrows !!! important
        # the number of columns, rows and extent of the raster is read
        (ncols, nrows, xllcorner, yllcorner, cellsize, NODATA_value) = wk.readheader(path,filename + ".asc")
        # take the minimum of ncols, nrows and ncols and nrows of data
        nrowsd, ncolsd = np.shape(data)
        ncolsnrows = np.min([ncols, nrows, ncolsd, nrowsd])
        data = data[:ncolsnrows, :ncolsnrows]
        x = np.linspace(0,(ncolsnrows-1)*cellsize,ncolsnrows)
        y = np.linspace(0,(ncolsnrows-1)*cellsize,ncolsnrows)
        xe = np.linspace(cellsize/2.0, (cellsize/2.0) + ((ncolsnrows-1)*cellsize), ncolsnrows)
        ye = np.linspace(cellsize/2.0, (cellsize/2.0) + ((ncolsnrows-1)*cellsize), ncolsnrows)
        # create my own matrices for the plotting with pcolor or pcolormesh
        xc = np.zeros_like(data)
        yc = np.zeros_like(data)
        xce = np.zeros_like(data)
        yce = np.zeros_like(data)
        for i in range(ncolsnrows):
            xc[:,i] = x
            xce[:,i] = xe
        for i in range(ncolsnrows):
            yc[i,:] = y
            yce[i,:] = ye
        # middle of the dtm (this has to change!)
        ncentery = int(nrows/2) # changed
        ncenterx = int(ncols/2) # changed
        #other places where ncenterx and ncentery is required 
        x1, y1 = wk.xy_circle(1.0*r0[indf], xe[ncenterx], ye[ncentery]) # xe and ye are equals

        # First detrending (a plane is fitted through the elevations taken at circles
        # 2.0 and 3.0R from the center of the crater )
        #stduse = True #use standard deviation removal
        #ndata = wk.detrending(xc, yc, r0[indf], cellsize, ncenterx, ncentery, data, stduse) # I think it's okay to use xc, yc here
        # txt name
        name_crater_txt = filename + 'XY.txt'
        #and if XY is not found in a certain path
        if os.path.isfile(pathdata + name_crater_txt):
            # the Maximum elevation are selected a first time
            #first_run = True
            mingrade = 0.05
            minclust = 0.05
            slen = 0.1
            #(col_coord_ME, row_coord_ME, col_cells_ME, row_cells_ME, elev_ME, prof_ME) = (
            # wk.rim(xc, yc, ncenterx, ncentery, ndata, r0[indf], 
            #        cellsize, slen, minclust, mingrade, first_run))
            # we get rid of the nan-values for the detrending
            #ixnan = np.where(np.isnan(col_coord_ME) == False)
            # Maximum elevations without NaNs
            #coldetrend = col_coord_ME[ixnan]
            #rowdetrend = row_coord_ME[ixnan]
            #elev4detrend = elev_ME[ixnan]
            # the second detrending through the selected maximum elevation points are done
            #stduse = False
            #Z2 = wk.linear3Ddetrending(coldetrend,rowdetrend,elev4detrend, xc, yc, stduse)
            # the detrended plane is substracted to the DEM
            #ndata2 = ndata - Z2
            # the first detrending has ben run so we change now the first_run flag to false
            first_run = False
            # second run of the function rim
            (col_coord_ME, row_coord_ME, col_cells_ME, row_cells_ME, elev_ME, prof_ME,
             col_coord_LE, row_coord_LE, col_cells_LE, row_cells_LE, elev_LE, prof_LE,
             col_coord_BS, row_coord_BS, col_cells_BS, row_cells_BS, elev_BS, prof_BS) = (
             wk.rim(xc, yc, ncenterx, ncentery, data, r0[indf], 
                    cellsize, slen, minclust, mingrade, first_run))
            # takes only nonnan values from *BS data and merge it to local elevation data
            ixfinite = np.where(np.isfinite(col_coord_BS) == True)
            col_coord_BS = col_coord_BS[ixfinite] 
            row_coord_BS = row_coord_BS[ixfinite] 
            col_cells_BS = col_cells_BS[ixfinite] 
            row_cells_BS = row_cells_BS[ixfinite] 
            elev_BS = elev_BS[ixfinite] 
            prof_BS = prof_BS[ixfinite] 
            use_break_in_slope = False
            if use_break_in_slope:
                # concatenate local maxima and slope change!
                colint = np.concatenate((col_coord_LE, col_coord_BS))
                rowint = np.concatenate((row_coord_LE, row_coord_BS))
                colmap = np.concatenate((col_cells_LE, col_cells_BS)) 
                rowmap = np.concatenate((row_cells_LE, row_cells_BS))
                elevint = np.concatenate((elev_LE, elev_BS))
                profint = np.concatenate((prof_LE, prof_BS))
                # or using only local maxima
                colint = col_coord_LE
                rowint = row_coord_LE
                colmap = col_cells_LE
                rowmap = row_cells_LE
                elevint = elev_LE
                profint = prof_LE
            # Maximum allowed radial discontinuity Drad (I should convert these values in cells)
            Drad = 0.1 * r0[indf]
            # Distance of interest (searching distance)
            Dint = 0.05 * r0[indf]
            # Maximum angular discontinuity (avoid unnecessary large gap angle in the 
            # data)
            angle = 2.0 #(in degrees)
            stangle = [0,45,90,135,180,225,270,315]
            contloop = True
            siftRedundant = True
            kpstitch = False
            OptRims, Omegas, gap, maxradf = wk.rim_composite(col_coord_ME, row_coord_ME, col_cells_ME,
                                                          row_cells_ME, elev_ME, prof_ME,
                                                          colint, rowint, colmap, rowmap, xc, yc, elevint, 
                                                          profint, ncenterx, ncentery,
                                                          angle, stangle, Drad, Dint, 
                                                          contloop, siftRedundant, kpstitch)
            # we want to export the data as X, Y, Z
            # find the best fit
            for i in range(np.shape(OptRims)[0]):
                a = np.mean(maxradf[i]) + (0.5*Omegas[i])
                if i == 0:
                    b = a
                    c = i
                    if a < b:
                        b = a
                        c = i
            # I should get rid of the 0,0 counts and should not append it takes way too much time
            # temporary name
            name_crater_png = filename + 'XY.png'
            #xarcout = np.append(xarcout, np.array(OptRims[c][0,:]) + xllcorner)
            #yarcout = np.append(yarcout, np.array(OptRims[c][1,:]) + yllcorner)
            plt.pcolormesh(xc, yc, data)
            xarcgis = np.array(OptRims[c][0,:])
            xarcgis = xarcgis[np.nonzero(xarcgis)] 
            yarcgis = np.array(OptRims[c][1,:])
            yarcgis = yarcgis[np.nonzero(yarcgis)]
            zarcgis = np.array(OptRims[c][2,:])
            zarcgis = zarcgis[np.nonzero(yarcgis)]
            profgis = np.array(OptRims[c][3,:])
            profgis = profgis[np.nonzero(yarcgis)]
            flaggis = np.array(OptRims[c][4,:])
            flaggis = flaggis[np.nonzero(yarcgis)]
            #xarcgis = np.array(OptRims[c][0,:]) + xllcorner
            #xarcgis = xarcgis[np.nonzero(xarcgis - xllcorner)] 
            #yarcgis = np.array(OptRims[c][1,:]) + yllcorner
            #yarcgis = yarcgis[np.nonzero(yarcgis - yllcorner)]
            #zarcgis = np.array(OptRims[c][2,:])
            #zarcgis = zarcgis[np.nonzero(yarcgis - yllcorner)]
            #profgis = np.array(OptRims[c][3,:])
            #profgis = profgis[np.nonzero(yarcgis - yllcorner)]
            #flaggis = np.array(OptRims[c][4,:])
            #flaggis = flaggis[np.nonzero(yarcgis - yllcorner)]
            #print np.shape(OptRims)
            #fit a circle
            xnewcenter, ynewcenter, rnew, residu = wk.leastsq_circle(xarcgis,yarcgis)
            #other places where ncenterx and ncentery is required (new calculation)
            x1n, y1n = wk.xy_circle(1.0*rnew, xnewcenter, ynewcenter)
            # save plot
            plt.savefig(pathplot + name_crater_png,dpi=300)

            #export the data to a .csv file with ";"
            #xarcgis = np.array(OptRims[c][0,:]) + xllcorner
            #yarcgis = np.array(OptRims[c][1,:]) + yllcorner
            #zarcgis = np.array(OptRims[c][2,:])
            header_txt = 'X;Y;Z;prof;flag'
            arcout = np.column_stack((xarcgis, yarcgis, zarcgis, profgis, flaggis))
            np.savetxt(pathdata + name_crater_txt, arcout, delimiter = ";", header=header_txt,fmt='%10.5f', comments='')
Ejemplo n.º 3
def run2(path, filenameXY, filenamecrater, pathdata):
    filenameXY = 'data.txt'
    filenamecrater = 'crater_id.txt'
    #filenames = glob.glob("CPcrater*.asc")
    crater_id = np.genfromtxt(filenamecrater,skip_header=1,dtype=str)
    #dataXYD = np.loadtxt(filenameXY,delimiter=";",comments="#")
    #xcrater = dataXYD[:,0]
    #ycrater = dataXYD[:,1]
    #diam0 = dataXYD[:,2]
    #diam0 = diam0 * 1000.
    #r0 = diam0 /2.    
    unc_cse = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    med_cse  = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    cse_25 = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    cse_75 = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    cse_min = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    cse_max = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    unc_mcw  = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    med_mcw = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    mcw_25  = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    mcw_75 = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    mcw_min  = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    mcw_max  = np.ones(len(crater_id))

    unc_ucw = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    med_ucw = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    ucw_25  = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    ucw_75 = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    ucw_min  = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    ucw_max  = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    unc_h = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    med_h = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    h_25  = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    h_75 = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    h_min  = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    h_max  = np.ones(len(crater_id))    
    med_depth = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    depthf = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    depth_25  = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    depth_75 = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    depth_min  = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    depth_max  = np.ones(len(crater_id)) 
    diamf = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    med_diam = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    diam_25  = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    diam_75 = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    diam_min  = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    diam_max  = np.ones(len(crater_id))

    unc_crdl = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    med_crdl = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    crdl_25 = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    crdl_75 = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    crdl_min = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    crdl_max = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    unc_frdl = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    med_frdl = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    frdl_25 = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    frdl_75 = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    frdl_min = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    frdl_max = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    unc_rupcw = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    med_rupcw = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    rupcw_25 = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    rupcw_75 = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    rupcw_min = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    rupcw_max = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    unc_rufrc = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    med_rufrc = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    rufrc_25 = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    rufrc_75 = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    rufrc_min = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    rufrc_max = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    unc_lrs = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    med_lrs = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    lrs_25 = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    lrs_75 = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    lrs_min = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    lrs_max = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    unc_urs = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    med_urs = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    urs_25 = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    urs_75 = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    urs_min = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    urs_max = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    unc_fsa = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    med_fsa = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    fsa_25 = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    fsa_75 = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    fsa_min = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    fsa_max = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    for indf, filename in enumerate(crater_id):
        print (indf)
        # load data
        data = np.loadtxt(path + filename + ".asc", skiprows=6)
        data2 = np.rot90(data)
        data3 = np.rot90(data2)
        data4 = np.rot90(data3)
        del data
        del data2
        del data3
        data = copy.deepcopy(data4) # multiplying by scaling factor (*0.50 for Kaguya+LOLA)
        del data4
        # txt name
        name_crater_txt = filename + 'XY.txt'

        # the number of columns, rows and extent of the raster is read
        (ncols, nrows, xllcorner, yllcorner, cellsize, NODATA_value) = wk.readheader(path, filename + ".asc")
        # take the minimum of ncols, nrows and ncols and nrows of data
        nrowsd, ncolsd = np.shape(data)
        ncolsnrows = np.min([ncols, nrows, ncolsd, nrowsd])
        data = data[:ncolsnrows, :ncolsnrows]
        x = np.linspace(0,(ncolsnrows-1)*cellsize,ncolsnrows)
        y = np.linspace(0,(ncolsnrows-1)*cellsize,ncolsnrows)
        xe = np.linspace(cellsize/2.0, (cellsize/2.0) + ((ncolsnrows-1)*cellsize), ncolsnrows)
        ye = np.linspace(cellsize/2.0, (cellsize/2.0) + ((ncolsnrows-1)*cellsize), ncolsnrows)
        # create my own matrices for the plotting with pcolor or pcolormesh
        xc = np.zeros_like(data)
        yc = np.zeros_like(data)
        xce = np.zeros_like(data)
        yce = np.zeros_like(data)
        for i in range(ncolsnrows):
            xc[:,i] = x
            xce[:,i] = xe
        for i in range(ncolsnrows):
            yc[i,:] = y
            yce[i,:] = ye       
        #load the data
        datagis = loadgis(pathdata, name_crater_txt)
        xarcgis = datagis[:,0]
        yarcgis = datagis[:,1]
        zarcgis = datagis[:,2]
        profgis = datagis[:,3]
        flaggis = datagis[:,4]
        # new get rid of nan values
        xarcgis =  xarcgis[~np.isnan(xarcgis)]
        yarcgis =  yarcgis[~np.isnan(yarcgis)]
        zarcgis =  zarcgis[~np.isnan(zarcgis)]
        profgis =  profgis[~np.isnan(profgis)]
        flaggis =  flaggis[~np.isnan(flaggis)]
        #get rid of outliers 
        #Q1 = np.percentile(zarcgis,25.)
        #Q3 = np.percentile(zarcgis,75.)
        #IQR = Q3 - Q1
        #outliers = (zarcgis < (Q1 - 1.5 * IQR)) | (zarcgis > (Q3 + 1.5 * IQR))
        #not_outliers = np.where(outliers == False)
        x_not_outliers = xarcgis 
        y_not_outliers = yarcgis
        z_not_outliers = zarcgis
        prof_not_outliers = profgis
        # old center
        # get the cell the closest to the center of the crater
        #__, ncenterx_old = wk.find_nearest(xllcorner+xe, xcrater[indf]) #correspond to columns and x
        # because yllcorner is from the top left now
        #__, ncentery_old = wk.find_nearest(yllcorner+ye,ycrater[indf]) #correspond to rows and y
        #ncenterx_old = nrows/2
        #ncentery_old = nrows/2
        #fit a circle
        xnewcenter, ynewcenter, rnew, residu = wk.leastsq_circle(x_not_outliers,y_not_outliers)
        # get the cell the closest to the center of the crater (new calculation)
        # (not good, use xnewcenter and ynewcenter)
        __, ncenterx = wk.find_nearest(xe,xnewcenter)
        __, ncentery = wk.find_nearest(ye,ynewcenter)
        # new
        #ncenterx = np.int(np.round(xnewcenter,decimals=0))
        #ncentery = np.int(np.round(ynewcenter,decimals=0))
        #other places where ncenterx and ncentery is required (new calculation)
        #x1, y1 = wk.xy_circle(1.0*rnew, xe[ncentery], ye[ncenterx])

        # First detrending (a plane is fitted through the elevations taken at circles
        # with new center of the circle
            #stduse = True
            # here change the center of the craters!
            #ndata = wk.detrending(xc, yc, rnew, cellsize, ncenterx, ncentery, data, stduse) #detrending            
            #ndata = wk.detrending(xc, yc, rnew, cellsize, ncenterx_old, ncentery_old, data, stduse) #detrending
            # with old data otherwise sometimes the dem area is not large enough
            # the second detrending through the selected maximum elevation points are done
            #stduse = False
            #Z2 = wk.linear3Ddetrending(x_not_outliers,y_not_outliers,z_not_outliers, xc, yc, stduse)
            #ndata2 = wk.detrending_rim(xc, yc, rnew, cellsize, ncenterx, ncentery, ndata, stduse)
            # the detrended plane is substracted to the DEM (with the newly detected)
            #ndata2 = ndata - Z2
            # I should actually rerun the rim detection things one  more time
            # as the centre of the crater has been moved (not the same profiles anymore)
            #need to put some indices there (maybe, they will have different sizes)
            (R_upcw, R_ufrc, cse, slope_mcw, slope_ucw, slope_fsa, slope_lrs, slope_urs,  crdl, frdl,
            h, hr, depth, diam, nnn, prf, crossSections, YSections, XSections) = (wk.calculation(xc, yc, x_not_outliers, 
                              y_not_outliers, z_not_outliers, prof_not_outliers,
                rnew, data, cellsize, ncenterx, ncentery, xllcorner, yllcorner))
			# crossSections has been added
            # the problem is that there are several values for profile = 0? for some reasons?
            # I don't understand that, I guess it must be profiles where....
            # np.where(prf != 0) to get rid of it but it would be nice if the problem would be detected
            #just need to make the calculation, we have the final circle
            # need to find the closest values that does not overlap
            unc_cse[indf] = np.nanstd(cse)/np.sqrt(nnn)
            med_cse[indf] = np.nanmedian(cse)
            cse_25[indf] = np.nanpercentile(cse,25)
            cse_75[indf] = np.nanpercentile(cse,75)
            cse_min[indf] = np.nanmin(cse)
            cse_max[indf] = np.nanmax(cse)
            unc_mcw[indf] = np.nanstd(slope_mcw)/np.sqrt(nnn)
            med_mcw[indf] = np.nanmedian(slope_mcw)
            mcw_25[indf] = np.nanpercentile(slope_mcw,25)
            mcw_75[indf] = np.nanpercentile(slope_mcw,75)
            mcw_min[indf] = np.nanmin(slope_mcw)
            mcw_max[indf] = np.nanmax(slope_mcw)
            unc_ucw[indf] = np.nanstd(slope_ucw)/np.sqrt(nnn)
            med_ucw[indf] = np.nanmedian(slope_ucw)
            ucw_25[indf] = np.nanpercentile(slope_ucw,25)
            ucw_75[indf] = np.nanpercentile(slope_ucw,75)
            ucw_min[indf] = np.nanmin(slope_ucw)
            ucw_max[indf] = np.nanmax(slope_ucw)
            unc_h[indf] = np.nanstd(h)/np.sqrt(nnn)
            med_h[indf] = np.nanmedian(h)
            h_25[indf] = np.nanpercentile(h,25)
            h_75[indf] = np.nanpercentile(h,75)
            h_min[indf] = np.nanmin(h)
            h_max[indf] = np.nanmax(h)
            unc_hr[indf] = np.nanstd(hr)/np.sqrt(nnn)
            med_hr[indf] = np.nanmedian(hr)
            hr_25[indf] = np.nanpercentile(hr,25)
            hr_75[indf] = np.nanpercentile(hr,75)
            hr_min[indf] = np.nanmin(hr)
            hr_max[indf] = np.nanmax(hr)
            depthf[indf] = np.nanstd(depth)/np.sqrt(nnn)
            med_depth[indf] = np.nanmedian(depth)
            depth_25[indf] = np.nanpercentile(depth,25)
            depth_75[indf] = np.nanpercentile(depth,75)
            depth_min[indf] = np.nanmin(depth)
            depth_max[indf] = np.nanmax(depth)
            diamf[indf] = np.nanstd(diam)/np.sqrt(nnn)
            med_diam[indf] = np.nanmedian(diam)
            diam_25[indf] = np.nanpercentile(diam,25)
            diam_75[indf] = np.nanpercentile(diam,75)
            diam_min[indf] = np.nanmin(diam)
            diam_max[indf] = np.nanmax(diam)
            unc_rupcw[indf] = np.nanstd(R_upcw)/np.sqrt(nnn)
            med_rupcw[indf] = np.nanmedian(R_upcw)
            rupcw_25[indf] = np.nanpercentile(R_upcw,25)
            rupcw_75[indf] = np.nanpercentile(R_upcw,75)
            rupcw_min[indf] = np.nanmin(R_upcw)
            rupcw_max[indf] = np.nanmax(R_upcw)
            unc_rufrc[indf] = np.nanstd(R_ufrc)/np.sqrt(nnn)
            med_rufrc[indf] = np.nanmedian(R_ufrc)
            rufrc_25[indf] = np.nanpercentile(R_ufrc,25)
            rufrc_75[indf] = np.nanpercentile(R_ufrc,75)
            rufrc_min[indf] = np.nanmin(R_ufrc)
            rufrc_max[indf] = np.nanmax(R_ufrc)
            unc_lrs[indf] = np.nanstd(slope_lrs)/np.sqrt(nnn)
            med_lrs[indf] = np.nanmedian(slope_lrs)
            lrs_25[indf] = np.nanpercentile(slope_lrs,25)
            lrs_75[indf] = np.nanpercentile(slope_lrs,75)
            lrs_min[indf] = np.nanmin(slope_lrs)
            lrs_max[indf] = np.nanmax(slope_lrs)
            unc_urs[indf] = np.nanstd(slope_urs)/np.sqrt(nnn)
            med_urs[indf] = np.nanmedian(slope_urs)
            urs_25[indf] = np.nanpercentile(slope_urs,25)
            urs_75[indf] = np.nanpercentile(slope_urs,75)
            urs_min[indf] = np.nanmin(slope_urs)
            urs_max[indf] = np.nanmax(slope_urs)
            unc_fsa[indf] = np.nanstd(slope_fsa)/np.sqrt(nnn)
            med_fsa[indf] = np.nanmedian(slope_fsa)
            fsa_25[indf] = np.nanpercentile(slope_fsa,25)
            fsa_75[indf] = np.nanpercentile(slope_fsa,75)
            fsa_min[indf] = np.nanmin(slope_fsa)
            fsa_max[indf] = np.nanmax(slope_fsa)
            unc_crdl[indf] = np.nanstd(crdl)/np.sqrt(nnn)
            med_crdl[indf] = np.nanmedian(crdl)
            crdl_25[indf] = np.nanpercentile(crdl,25)
            crdl_75[indf] = np.nanpercentile(crdl,75)
            crdl_min[indf] = np.nanmin(crdl)
            crdl_max[indf] = np.nanmax(crdl)
            unc_frdl[indf] = np.nanstd(frdl)/np.sqrt(nnn)
            med_frdl[indf] = np.nanmedian(frdl)
            frdl_25[indf] = np.nanpercentile(frdl,25)
            frdl_75[indf] = np.nanpercentile(frdl,75)
            frdl_min[indf] = np.nanmin(frdl)
            frdl_max[indf] = np.nanmax(frdl)
            header_txt = ('mdiam;udiam;diam25;diam75;diam_min;diam_max;' + 
                          'mdepth;udepth;depth25;depth75;depth_min;depth_max;' + 
                          'mh;uh;h25;h75;hmin;hmax;' +
                          'mhr;uhr;hr25;hr75;hrmin;hrmax;' +
                          'm_mcw;u_mcw;mcw_25;mcw_75;mcw_min;mcw_max;' +
                          'm_ucw;u_ucw;ucw_25;ucw_75;ucw_min;ucw_max;' +
            unc_cse[indf] = np.nan
            med_cse[indf] = np.nan
            cse_25[indf] = np.nan
            cse_75[indf] = np.nan
            cse_min[indf] = np.nan
            cse_max[indf] = np.nan
            unc_mcw[indf] = np.nan
            med_mcw[indf] = np.nan
            mcw_25[indf] = np.nan
            mcw_75[indf] = np.nan
            mcw_min[indf] = np.nan
            mcw_max[indf] = np.nan
            unc_ucw[indf] = np.nan
            med_ucw[indf] = np.nan
            ucw_25[indf] = np.nan
            ucw_75[indf] = np.nan
            ucw_min[indf] = np.nan
            ucw_max[indf] = np.nan
            unc_h[indf] = np.nan
            med_h[indf] = np.nan
            h_25[indf] = np.nan
            h_75[indf] = np.nan
            h_min[indf] = np.nan
            h_max[indf] = np.nan
            unc_hr[indf] = np.nan
            med_hr[indf] = np.nan
            hr_25[indf] = np.nan
            hr_75[indf] = np.nan
            hr_min[indf] = np.nan
            hr_max[indf] = np.nan
            depthf[indf] = np.nan
            med_depth[indf] = np.nan
            depth_25[indf] = np.nan
            depth_75[indf] = np.nan
            depth_min[indf] = np.nan
            depth_max[indf] = np.nan
            diamf[indf] = np.nan
            med_diam[indf] = np.nan
            diam_25[indf] = np.nan
            diam_75[indf] = np.nan
            diam_min[indf] = np.nan
            diam_max[indf] = np.nan
            unc_rupcw[indf] = np.nan
            med_rupcw[indf] = np.nan
            rupcw_25[indf] = np.nan
            rupcw_75[indf] = np.nan
            rupcw_min[indf] = np.nan
            rupcw_max[indf] = np.nan
            unc_rufrc[indf] = np.nan
            med_rufrc[indf] = np.nan
            rufrc_25[indf] = np.nan
            rufrc_75[indf] = np.nan
            rufrc_min[indf] = np.nan
            rufrc_max[indf] = np.nan
            unc_lrs[indf] = np.nan
            med_lrs[indf] = np.nan
            lrs_25[indf] = np.nan
            lrs_75[indf] = np.nan
            lrs_min[indf] = np.nan
            lrs_max[indf] = np.nan
            unc_urs[indf] = np.nan
            med_urs[indf] = np.nan
            urs_25[indf] = np.nan
            urs_75[indf] = np.nan
            urs_min[indf] = np.nan
            urs_max[indf] = np.nan
            unc_fsa[indf] = np.nan
            med_fsa[indf] = np.nan
            fsa_25[indf] = np.nan
            fsa_75[indf] = np.nan
            fsa_min[indf] = np.nan
            fsa_max[indf] = np.nan
            unc_crdl[indf] = np.nan
            med_crdl[indf] = np.nan
            crdl_25[indf] = np.nan
            crdl_75[indf] = np.nan
            crdl_min[indf] = np.nan
            crdl_max[indf] = np.nan
            unc_frdl[indf] = np.nan
            med_frdl[indf] = np.nan
            frdl_25[indf] = np.nan
            frdl_75[indf] = np.nan
            frdl_min[indf] = np.nan
            frdl_max[indf] = np.nan            
            header_txt = ('mdiam;udiam;diam25;diam75;diam_min;diam_max;' + 
                          'mdepth;udepth;depth25;depth75;depth_min;depth_max;' + 
                          'mh;uh;h25;h75;hmin;hmax;' +
                          'mhr;uhr;hr25;hr75;hrmin;hrmax;' +
                          'm_mcw;u_mcw;mcw_25;mcw_75;mcw_min;mcw_max;' +
                          'm_ucw;u_ucw;ucw_25;ucw_75;ucw_min;ucw_max;' +
            #if it fails cross sections does not work
        # txt name
        name_crater_f = filename + '_res.txt'
        arc = np.column_stack((med_diam[indf], diamf[indf], diam_25[indf], diam_75[indf], diam_min[indf], diam_max[indf],
                               med_depth[indf], depthf[indf], depth_25[indf], depth_75[indf], depth_min[indf], depth_max[indf],
                               med_h[indf], unc_h[indf], h_25[indf], h_75[indf], h_min[indf], h_max[indf],
                               med_hr[indf], unc_hr[indf], hr_25[indf], hr_75[indf], hr_min[indf], hr_max[indf],
                               med_mcw[indf], unc_mcw[indf], mcw_25[indf], mcw_75[indf], mcw_min[indf], mcw_max[indf],
                               med_ucw[indf], unc_ucw[indf], ucw_25[indf], ucw_75[indf], ucw_min[indf], ucw_max[indf],
                               med_cse[indf], unc_cse[indf], cse_25[indf], cse_75[indf], cse_min[indf], cse_max[indf],
                               med_rupcw[indf], unc_rupcw[indf], rupcw_25[indf], rupcw_75[indf], rupcw_min[indf], rupcw_max[indf],
                               med_rufrc[indf], unc_rufrc[indf], rufrc_25[indf], rufrc_75[indf], rufrc_min[indf], rufrc_max[indf],
                               med_lrs[indf], unc_lrs[indf], lrs_25[indf], lrs_75[indf], lrs_min[indf], lrs_max[indf],
                               med_urs[indf], unc_urs[indf], urs_25[indf], urs_75[indf], urs_min[indf], urs_max[indf],
                               med_fsa[indf], unc_fsa[indf], fsa_25[indf], fsa_75[indf], fsa_min[indf], fsa_max[indf],
                               med_crdl[indf], unc_crdl[indf], crdl_25[indf], crdl_75[indf], crdl_min[indf], crdl_max[indf],
                               med_frdl[indf], unc_frdl[indf], frdl_25[indf], frdl_75[indf], frdl_min[indf], frdl_max[indf]))
        np.savetxt(pathdata + name_crater_f, arc, delimiter = ";", header=header_txt,fmt='%10.5f', comments='#')
        # added part about saving cross sections. I still need to test if this good or not
        name_crater_crossX = filename + '_cross_sectionsX.txt'
        name_crater_crossY = filename + '_cross_sectionsY.txt'
        name_crater_crossZ = filename + '_cross_sectionsZ.txt'
        # in order to save it I have to transform the dictionnary into an array
        # I need to get the maximum length
        maxlength_crossSections = 0
        for xx_tmp, x_tmp in crossSections.items():
            if len(x_tmp) > maxlength_crossSections:
                maxlength_crossSections = len(x_tmp)
        number_crossSections = len(crossSections)
        # create array
        array_crossSections = np.empty((maxlength_crossSections, number_crossSections))
        array_crossSections[:] = np.nan
        arrayY_crossSections = np.empty((maxlength_crossSections, number_crossSections))
        arrayY_crossSections[:] = np.nan  
        arrayX_crossSections = np.empty((maxlength_crossSections, number_crossSections))
        arrayX_crossSections[:] = np.nan           
        # fill array with values
        for xx_tmp, x_tmp in crossSections.items():
            maxlength_crossSections = len(x_tmp)
            array_crossSections[:maxlength_crossSections,xx_tmp] = x_tmp
            arrayY_crossSections[:maxlength_crossSections,xx_tmp] = YSections[xx_tmp]
            arrayX_crossSections[:maxlength_crossSections,xx_tmp] = XSections[xx_tmp]
        np.savetxt(pathdata + name_crater_crossX, arrayX_crossSections, delimiter = ";",fmt='%10.5f', comments='#')
        np.savetxt(pathdata + name_crater_crossY, arrayY_crossSections, delimiter = ";",fmt='%10.5f', comments='#')
        np.savetxt(pathdata + name_crater_crossZ, array_crossSections, delimiter = ";",fmt='%10.5f', comments='#')                              
    return (med_diam, diamf, diam_25, diam_75, diam_min, diam_max, 
            med_depth, depthf, depth_25, depth_75, depth_min, depth_max, 
            med_h, unc_h, h_25, h_75, h_min, h_max,
            med_hr, unc_hr, hr_25, hr_75, hr_min, hr_max,
            med_mcw, unc_mcw, mcw_25, mcw_75, mcw_min, mcw_max,
            med_ucw, unc_ucw, ucw_25, ucw_75, ucw_min, ucw_max,
            med_cse, unc_cse, cse_25, cse_75, cse_min, cse_max,
            med_rupcw, unc_rupcw, rupcw_25, rupcw_75, rupcw_min, rupcw_max,
            med_rufrc, unc_rufrc, rufrc_25, rufrc_75, rufrc_min, rufrc_max,
            med_lrs, unc_lrs, lrs_25, lrs_75, lrs_min, lrs_max,
            med_urs, unc_urs, urs_25, urs_75, urs_min, urs_max,
            med_fsa, unc_fsa, fsa_25, fsa_75, fsa_min, fsa_max,
            med_crdl, unc_crdl, crdl_25, crdl_75, crdl_min, crdl_max,
            med_frdl, unc_frdl, frdl_25, frdl_75, frdl_min, frdl_max)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def run1(path, filenameXY, filenamecrater, pathplot, pathdata):
    filenameXY = 'data.txt'
    filenamecrater = 'crater_id.txt'

    # the ASCII file (converted from the raster in ArcGIS) is loaded


    filenames = glob.glob(
        "CPcrater*.asc")  #need to fix that if coldspots are included?
    dataXYD = np.loadtxt(filenameXY, delimiter=";", comments="#")
    xcrater = dataXYD[:, 0]
    ycrater = dataXYD[:, 1]
    diam0 = dataXYD[:, 2]
    diam0 = diam0 * 1000.
    r0 = diam0 / 2.

    #it takes way too much time this way
    #xarcout = np.array([])
    #yarcout = np.array([])

    #if it is the last step

    for indf, filename in enumerate(filenames):


        # should be good this way
        data = np.loadtxt(path + filename, skiprows=6)
        data2 = np.rot90(data)
        data3 = np.rot90(data2)
        data4 = np.rot90(data3)

        del data
        del data2
        del data3
        data = copy.deepcopy(data4 *
                             0.50)  #multiplying factor of the elevation
        del data4

        #correspond to orgin in the lower-left corner and data[x,y]
        # with x = ncols, y = nrows !!! important

        # the number of columns, rows and extent of the raster is read
        (ncols, nrows, xllcorner, yllcorner, cellsize,
         NODATA_value) = wk.readheader(path, filename)

        # if not the same number of rows or columns
        if ncols > nrows:
            data = data[:nrows, :nrows]
            ncols = nrows
        elif nrows > ncols:
            data = data[:ncols, :ncols]
            nrows = ncols

        #print diam
        # x and y axes are created (x and y have the same size so it is not a big deal
        # if we mix up here)
        x = np.arange(0, ((ncols) * cellsize), cellsize)
        y = np.arange(0, ((nrows) * cellsize), cellsize)

        # x and y at the center of the cell
        xe = np.arange(cellsize / 2., ((ncols) * cellsize), cellsize)
        ye = np.arange(cellsize / 2., ((nrows) * cellsize), cellsize)

        if len(x) > len(xe):
            x = x[:len(xe)]
            y = y[:len(xe)]

        # create my own matrices for the plotting with pcolor or pcolormesh
        xc = np.zeros_like(data)
        yc = np.zeros_like(data)
        xce = np.zeros_like(data)
        yce = np.zeros_like(data)

        for i in range(ncols):
            xc[:, i] = x
            xce[:, i] = xe

        for i in range(nrows):
            yc[i, :] = y
            yce[i, :] = ye

        # get the cell the closest to the center of the crater (this part has to be changed as the proj is changed)
        #__, ncenterx = wk.find_nearest(xllcorner+xe, xcrater[indf]) #correspond to columns and x

        # because yllcorner is from the top left now
        #__, ncentery = wk.find_nearest(yllcorner+ye,ycrater[indf]) #correspond to rows and y

        # middle of the dtm
        ncentery = int(nrows /
                       2)  #Python 3 770/2 is not directly integer anymore
        ncenterx = int(nrows / 2)

        # Average height at 1R, 2R, 3R, 3.5R and 4R from the centre of the crater
        # (need to be replace with the right centery and x)

        #other places where ncenterx and ncentery is required
        x1, y1 = wk.xy_circle(1.0 * r0[indf], xe[ncenterx],
                              ye[ncentery])  # xe and ye are equals
        #x2, y2 = wk.xy_circle(2.0*r0[indf], xe[ncenterx], ye[ncentery])
        #x3, y3 = wk.xy_circle(3.0*r0[indf], xe[ncenterx], ye[ncentery])
        #x35, y35 = wk.xy_circle(3.5*r0[indf], xe[ncenterx], ye[ncentery])
        #x4, y4 = wk.xy_circle(4.0*r0[indf], xe[ncenterx], ye[ncentery])

        # First detrending (a plane is fitted through the elevations taken at circles
        # 2.0 and 3.0R from the center of the crater )

        stduse = True  #use standard deviation removal
        ndata = wk.detrending(xc, yc, r0[indf], cellsize, ncenterx, ncentery,
                              data, stduse)

        # txt name
        name_crater_txt = filename.split('.asc')[0] + 'XY.txt'

        #and if XY is not found in a certain path
        if os.path.isfile(pathdata + name_crater_txt):


            # the Maximum elevation are selected a first time
            first_run = True
            mingrade = 0.05
            minclust = 0.05
            slen = 0.1

            (col_coord_ME, row_coord_ME, col_cells_ME, row_cells_ME, elev_ME,
             prof_ME) = (wk.rim(xc, yc, ncenterx, ncentery, ndata, r0[indf],
                                cellsize, slen, minclust, mingrade, first_run))

            # we get rid of the nan-values for the detrending
            ixnan = np.where(np.isnan(col_coord_ME) == False)

            # Maximum elevations without NaNs
            coldetrend = col_coord_ME[ixnan]
            rowdetrend = row_coord_ME[ixnan]
            elev4detrend = elev_ME[ixnan]

            # the second detrending through the selected maximum elevation points are done
            stduse = False
            Z2 = wk.linear3Ddetrending(coldetrend, rowdetrend, elev4detrend,
                                       xc, yc, stduse)

            # the detrended plane is substracted to the DEM
            ndata2 = ndata - Z2

            # the first detrending has ben run so we change now the first_run flag to false
            first_run = False

            # second run of the function rim
            (col_coord_ME, row_coord_ME, col_cells_ME, row_cells_ME, elev_ME,
             prof_ME, col_coord_LE, row_coord_LE, col_cells_LE, row_cells_LE,
             elev_LE, prof_LE, col_coord_BS, row_coord_BS, col_cells_BS,
             row_cells_BS, elev_BS,
             prof_BS) = (wk.rim(xc, yc, ncenterx, ncentery, ndata2, r0[indf],
                                cellsize, slen, minclust, mingrade, first_run))

            # takes only nonnan values from *BS data and merge it to local elevation data
            ixfinite = np.where(np.isfinite(col_coord_BS) == True)
            col_coord_BS = col_coord_BS[ixfinite]
            row_coord_BS = row_coord_BS[ixfinite]
            col_cells_BS = col_cells_BS[ixfinite]
            row_cells_BS = row_cells_BS[ixfinite]
            elev_BS = elev_BS[ixfinite]
            prof_BS = prof_BS[ixfinite]

            use_break_in_slope = False

            if use_break_in_slope:
                # concatenate local maxima and slope change!
                colint = np.concatenate((col_coord_LE, col_coord_BS))
                rowint = np.concatenate((row_coord_LE, row_coord_BS))
                colmap = np.concatenate((col_cells_LE, col_cells_BS))
                rowmap = np.concatenate((row_cells_LE, row_cells_BS))
                elevint = np.concatenate((elev_LE, elev_BS))
                profint = np.concatenate((prof_LE, prof_BS))

                # or using only local maxima
                colint = col_coord_LE
                rowint = row_coord_LE
                colmap = col_cells_LE
                rowmap = row_cells_LE
                elevint = elev_LE
                profint = prof_LE

            # Maximum allowed radial discontinuity Drad (I should convert these values in cells)
            Drad = 0.1 * r0[indf]

            # Distance of interest (searching distance)
            Dint = 0.05 * r0[indf]

            # Maximum angular discontinuity (avoid unnecessary large gap angle in the
            # data)
            angle = 2.0  #(in degrees)

            stangle = [0, 45, 90, 135, 180, 225, 270, 315]

            contloop = True
            siftRedundant = True
            kpstitch = False

            OptRims, Omegas, gap, maxradf = wk.rim_composite(
                col_coord_ME, row_coord_ME, col_cells_ME, row_cells_ME,
                elev_ME, prof_ME, colint, rowint, colmap, rowmap, xc, yc,
                elevint, profint, ncenterx, ncentery, angle, stangle, Drad,
                Dint, contloop, siftRedundant, kpstitch)

            # we want to export the data as X, Y, Z
            # find the best fit
            for i in range(np.shape(OptRims)[0]):
                a = np.mean(maxradf[i]) + (0.5 * Omegas[i])
                if i == 0:
                    b = a
                    c = i
                    if a < b:
                        b = a
                        c = i

            # I should get rid of the 0,0 counts and should not append it takes way too much time

            # temporary name
            name_crater_png = filename.split('.asc')[0] + 'XY.png'

            #xarcout = np.append(xarcout, np.array(OptRims[c][0,:]) + xllcorner)
            #yarcout = np.append(yarcout, np.array(OptRims[c][1,:]) + yllcorner)

            plt.pcolormesh(xc, yc, ndata2)
            plt.title(filename.split('.asc')[0], fontsize=16)

            xarcgis = np.array(OptRims[c][0, :])
            xarcgis = xarcgis[np.nonzero(xarcgis)]

            yarcgis = np.array(OptRims[c][1, :])
            yarcgis = yarcgis[np.nonzero(yarcgis)]

            zarcgis = np.array(OptRims[c][2, :])
            zarcgis = zarcgis[np.nonzero(yarcgis)]

            profgis = np.array(OptRims[c][3, :])
            profgis = profgis[np.nonzero(yarcgis)]

            flaggis = np.array(OptRims[c][4, :])
            flaggis = flaggis[np.nonzero(yarcgis)]

            #xarcgis = np.array(OptRims[c][0,:]) + xllcorner
            #xarcgis = xarcgis[np.nonzero(xarcgis - xllcorner)]

            #yarcgis = np.array(OptRims[c][1,:]) + yllcorner
            #yarcgis = yarcgis[np.nonzero(yarcgis - yllcorner)]

            #zarcgis = np.array(OptRims[c][2,:])
            #zarcgis = zarcgis[np.nonzero(yarcgis - yllcorner)]

            #profgis = np.array(OptRims[c][3,:])
            #profgis = profgis[np.nonzero(yarcgis - yllcorner)]

            #flaggis = np.array(OptRims[c][4,:])
            #flaggis = flaggis[np.nonzero(yarcgis - yllcorner)]

            #print np.shape(OptRims)
            plt.plot(xarcgis, yarcgis, "ko")
            plt.plot(x1, y1, "b")

            # save plot
            plt.savefig(pathplot + name_crater_png, dpi=300)

            #export the data to a .csv file with ";"
            #xarcgis = np.array(OptRims[c][0,:]) + xllcorner
            #yarcgis = np.array(OptRims[c][1,:]) + yllcorner
            #zarcgis = np.array(OptRims[c][2,:])
            header_txt = 'X;Y;Z;prof;flag'

            arcout = np.column_stack(
                (xarcgis, yarcgis, zarcgis, profgis, flaggis))
            np.savetxt(pathdata + name_crater_txt,
Ejemplo n.º 5
def run2(path, filenameXY, filenamecrater, pathdata):
    filenameXY = 'data.txt'
    filenamecrater = 'crater_id.txt'

    filenames = glob.glob("CPcrater*.asc")
    crater_id = np.genfromtxt(filenamecrater, skip_header=1, dtype=None)
    dataXYD = np.loadtxt(filenameXY, delimiter=";", comments="#")
    xcrater = dataXYD[:, 0]
    ycrater = dataXYD[:, 1]
    diam0 = dataXYD[:, 2]
    diam0 = diam0 * 1000.
    r0 = diam0 / 2.

    unc_cse = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    med_cse = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    cse_25 = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    cse_75 = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    cse_min = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    cse_max = np.ones(len(crater_id))

    unc_mcw = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    med_mcw = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    mcw_25 = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    mcw_75 = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    mcw_min = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    mcw_max = np.ones(len(crater_id))

    unc_ucw = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    med_ucw = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    ucw_25 = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    ucw_75 = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    ucw_min = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    ucw_max = np.ones(len(crater_id))

    unc_h = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    med_h = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    h_25 = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    h_75 = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    h_min = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    h_max = np.ones(len(crater_id))

    med_depth = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    depthf = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    depth_25 = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    depth_75 = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    depth_min = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    depth_max = np.ones(len(crater_id))

    diamf = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    med_diam = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    diam_25 = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    diam_75 = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    diam_min = np.ones(len(crater_id))
    diam_max = np.ones(len(crater_id))

    for indf, filename in enumerate(filenames):


        # load data
        data = np.loadtxt(path + filename, skiprows=6)
        data2 = np.rot90(data)
        data3 = np.rot90(data2)
        data4 = np.rot90(data3)

        del data
        del data2
        del data3
        data = copy.deepcopy(data4 * 0.50)  # multiplying by scaling factor
        del data4

        # txt name
        name_crater_txt = filename.split('.asc')[0] + 'XY.txt'

        # the number of columns, rows and extent of the raster is read
        (ncols, nrows, xllcorner, yllcorner, cellsize,
         NODATA_value) = wk.readheader(path, filename)

        # if not the same number of rows or columns
        if ncols > nrows:
            data = data[:nrows, :nrows]
            ncols = nrows
        elif nrows > ncols:
            data = data[:ncols, :ncols]
            nrows = ncols

        # define a few variables
        x = np.arange(0, ((ncols) * cellsize), cellsize)
        y = np.arange(0, ((nrows) * cellsize), cellsize)

        # x and y at the center of the cell
        xe = np.arange(cellsize / 2., ((ncols) * cellsize), cellsize)
        ye = np.arange(cellsize / 2., ((nrows) * cellsize), cellsize)

        if len(x) > len(xe):
            x = x[:len(xe)]
            y = y[:len(xe)]

        # create my own matrices for the plotting with pcolor or pcolormesh
        xc = np.zeros_like(data)
        yc = np.zeros_like(data)
        xce = np.zeros_like(data)
        yce = np.zeros_like(data)

        for i in range(ncols):
            xc[:, i] = x
            xce[:, i] = xe

        for i in range(nrows):
            yc[i, :] = y
            yce[i, :] = ye

        #load the data
        datagis = loadgis(pathdata, name_crater_txt)
        xarcgis = datagis[:, 0]
        yarcgis = datagis[:, 1]
        zarcgis = datagis[:, 2]
        profgis = datagis[:, 3]
        flaggis = datagis[:, 4]

        #get rid of outliers
        #Q1 = np.percentile(zarcgis,25.)
        #Q3 = np.percentile(zarcgis,75.)
        #IQR = Q3 - Q1
        #outliers = (zarcgis < (Q1 - 1.5 * IQR)) | (zarcgis > (Q3 + 1.5 * IQR))
        #not_outliers = np.where(outliers == False)

        x_not_outliers = xarcgis
        y_not_outliers = yarcgis
        z_not_outliers = zarcgis
        prof_not_outliers = profgis

        # old center
        # get the cell the closest to the center of the crater
        #__, ncenterx_old = wk.find_nearest(xllcorner+xe, xcrater[indf]) #correspond to columns and x

        # because yllcorner is from the top left now
        #__, ncentery_old = wk.find_nearest(yllcorner+ye,ycrater[indf]) #correspond to rows and y
        ncenterx_old = nrows / 2
        ncentery_old = nrows / 2

        #fit a circle
        xnewcenter, ynewcenter, rnew, residu = wk.leastsq_circle(
            x_not_outliers, y_not_outliers)

        # get the cell the closest to the center of the crater (new calculation)
        __, ncenterx = wk.find_nearest(xe, xnewcenter)
        __, ncentery = wk.find_nearest(ye, ynewcenter)

        #other places where ncenterx and ncentery is required (new calculation)
        #x1, y1 = wk.xy_circle(1.0*rnew, xe[ncentery], ye[ncenterx])

        # First detrending (a plane is fitted through the elevations taken at circles
        # with new center of the circle
            stduse = True
            ndata = wk.detrending(xc, yc, rnew, cellsize, ncenterx_old,
                                  ncentery_old, data, stduse)  #detrending
            # with old data otherwise sometimes the dem area is not large enough

            # the second detrending through the selected maximum elevation points are done
            stduse = False
            Z2 = wk.linear3Ddetrending(x_not_outliers, y_not_outliers,
                                       z_not_outliers, xc, yc, stduse)

            # the detrended plane is substracted to the DEM (with the newly detected)
            ndata2 = ndata - Z2

            # I should actually rerun the rim detection things one  more time
            # as the centre of the crater has been moved (not the same profiles anymore)

            #need to put some indices there (maybe, they will have different sizes)
            (R_upcw, R_ufrc, cse, slope_mcw, slope_ucw, slope_fsa, slope_lrs,
             slope_urs, h, depth, diam, nnn, prf, crossSections, YSections,
             XSections) = (wk.calculation(xc, yc, x_not_outliers,
                                          y_not_outliers, z_not_outliers,
                                          prof_not_outliers, rnew, ndata2,
                                          cellsize, ncenterx, ncentery,
                                          xllcorner, yllcorner))

            # crossSections has been added

            # the problem is that there are several values for profile = 0? for some reasons?
            # I don't understand that, I guess it must be profiles where....
            # np.where(prf != 0) to get rid of it but it would be nice if the problem would be detected

            #just need to make the calculation, we have the final circle
            # need to find the closest values that does not overlap

            unc_cse[indf] = np.nanstd(cse) / np.sqrt(nnn)
            med_cse[indf] = np.nanmedian(cse)
            cse_25[indf] = np.nanpercentile(cse, 25)
            cse_75[indf] = np.nanpercentile(cse, 75)
            cse_min[indf] = np.nanmin(cse)
            cse_max[indf] = np.nanmax(cse)

            unc_mcw[indf] = np.nanstd(slope_mcw) / np.sqrt(nnn)
            med_mcw[indf] = np.nanmedian(slope_mcw)
            mcw_25[indf] = np.nanpercentile(slope_mcw, 25)
            mcw_75[indf] = np.nanpercentile(slope_mcw, 75)
            mcw_min[indf] = np.nanmin(slope_mcw)
            mcw_max[indf] = np.nanmax(slope_mcw)

            unc_ucw[indf] = np.nanstd(slope_ucw) / np.sqrt(nnn)
            med_ucw[indf] = np.nanmedian(slope_ucw)
            ucw_25[indf] = np.nanpercentile(slope_ucw, 25)
            ucw_75[indf] = np.nanpercentile(slope_ucw, 75)
            ucw_min[indf] = np.nanmin(slope_ucw)
            ucw_max[indf] = np.nanmax(slope_ucw)

            unc_h[indf] = np.nanstd(h) / np.sqrt(nnn)
            med_h[indf] = np.nanmedian(h)
            h_25[indf] = np.nanpercentile(h, 25)
            h_75[indf] = np.nanpercentile(h, 75)
            h_min[indf] = np.nanmin(h)
            h_max[indf] = np.nanmax(h)

            depthf[indf] = np.nanstd(depth) / np.sqrt(nnn)
            med_depth[indf] = np.nanmedian(depth)
            depth_25[indf] = np.nanpercentile(depth, 25)
            depth_75[indf] = np.nanpercentile(depth, 75)
            depth_min[indf] = np.nanmin(depth)
            depth_max[indf] = np.nanmax(depth)

            diamf[indf] = np.nanstd(diam) / np.sqrt(nnn)
            med_diam[indf] = np.nanmedian(diam)
            diam_25[indf] = np.nanpercentile(diam, 25)
            diam_75[indf] = np.nanpercentile(diam, 75)
            diam_min[indf] = np.nanmin(diam)
            diam_max[indf] = np.nanmax(diam)

            header_txt = (
                'mdiam;udiam;diam25;diam75;diam_min;diam_max;' +
                'mdepth;udepth;depth25;depth75;depth_min;depth_max;' +
                'mh;uh;h25;h75;hmin;hmax;' +
                'm_mcw;u_mcw;mcw_25;mcw_75;mcw_min;mcw_max;' +
                'm_ucw;u_ucw;ucw_25;ucw_75;ucw_min;ucw_max;' +

            unc_cse[indf] = np.nan
            med_cse[indf] = np.nan
            cse_25[indf] = np.nan
            cse_75[indf] = np.nan
            cse_min[indf] = np.nan
            cse_max[indf] = np.nan

            unc_mcw[indf] = np.nan
            med_mcw[indf] = np.nan
            mcw_25[indf] = np.nan
            mcw_75[indf] = np.nan
            mcw_min[indf] = np.nan
            mcw_max[indf] = np.nan

            unc_ucw[indf] = np.nan
            med_ucw[indf] = np.nan
            ucw_25[indf] = np.nan
            ucw_75[indf] = np.nan
            ucw_min[indf] = np.nan
            ucw_max[indf] = np.nan

            unc_h[indf] = np.nan
            med_h[indf] = np.nan
            h_25[indf] = np.nan
            h_75[indf] = np.nan
            h_min[indf] = np.nan
            h_max[indf] = np.nan

            depthf[indf] = np.nan
            med_depth[indf] = np.nan
            depth_25[indf] = np.nan
            depth_75[indf] = np.nan
            depth_min[indf] = np.nan
            depth_max[indf] = np.nan

            diamf[indf] = np.nan
            med_diam[indf] = np.nan
            diam_25[indf] = np.nan
            diam_75[indf] = np.nan
            diam_min[indf] = np.nan
            diam_max[indf] = np.nan

            header_txt = (
                'mdiam;udiam;diam25;diam75;diam_min;diam_max;' +
                'mdepth;udepth;depth25;depth75;depth_min;depth_max;' +
                'mh;uh;h25;h75;hmin;hmax;' +
                'm_mcw;u_mcw;mcw_25;mcw_75;mcw_min;mcw_max;' +
                'm_ucw;u_ucw;ucw_25;ucw_75;ucw_min;ucw_max;' +

        # txt name
        name_crater_f = filename.split('.asc')[0] + '_res.txt'

        arc = np.column_stack(
            (med_diam[indf], diamf[indf], diam_25[indf], diam_75[indf],
             diam_min[indf], diam_max[indf], med_depth[indf], depthf[indf],
             depth_25[indf], depth_75[indf], depth_min[indf], depth_max[indf],
             med_h[indf], unc_h[indf], h_25[indf], h_75[indf], h_min[indf],
             h_max[indf], med_mcw[indf], unc_mcw[indf], mcw_25[indf],
             mcw_75[indf], mcw_min[indf], mcw_max[indf], med_ucw[indf],
             unc_ucw[indf], ucw_25[indf], ucw_75[indf], ucw_min[indf],
             ucw_max[indf], med_cse[indf], unc_cse[indf], cse_25[indf],
             cse_75[indf], cse_min[indf], cse_max[indf]))

        np.savetxt(pathdata + name_crater_f,

        # added part about saving cross sections. I still need to test if this good or not
        name_crater_cross = filename.split('.asc')[0] + '_cross_sections.txt'

        # in order to save it I have to transform the dictionnary into an array
        # I need to get the maximum length
        maxlength_crossSections = 0
        for xx_tmp, x_tmp in crossSections.items():
            if len(x_tmp) > maxlength_crossSections:
                maxlength_crossSections = len(x_tmp)

        number_crossSections = len(crossSections)

        # create array
        array_crossSections = np.empty(
            (maxlength_crossSections, number_crossSections))
        array_crossSections[:] = np.nan

        arrayY_crossSections = np.empty(
            (maxlength_crossSections, number_crossSections))
        arrayY_crossSections[:] = np.nan

        arrayX_crossSections = np.empty(
            (maxlength_crossSections, number_crossSections))
        arrayX_crossSections[:] = np.nan

        # fill array with values
        for xx_tmp, x_tmp in crossSections.items():
            maxlength_crossSections = len(x_tmp)
            array_crossSections[:maxlength_crossSections, xx_tmp] = x_tmp
                                 xx_tmp] = YSections[xx_tmp]
                                 xx_tmp] = XSections[xx_tmp]

        datacross = np.column_stack(
            (arrayY_crossSections, arrayX_crossSections, array_crossSections))
        np.savetxt(pathdata + name_crater_cross,

    return (med_diam, diamf, diam_25, diam_75, diam_min, diam_max, med_depth,
            depthf, depth_25, depth_75, depth_min, depth_max, med_h, unc_h,
            h_25, h_75, h_min, h_max, med_mcw, unc_mcw, mcw_25, mcw_75,
            mcw_min, mcw_max, med_ucw, unc_ucw, ucw_25, ucw_75, ucw_min,
            ucw_max, med_cse, unc_cse, cse_25, cse_75, cse_min, cse_max)