Ejemplo n.º 1
    def dist(self, point_a, point_b):
        """Compute the geodesic distance between two points.

        point_a : array-like, shape=[n_samples, dim]
            First point in hyperbolic space.
        point_b : array-like, shape=[n_samples, dim]
            Second point in hyperbolic space.

        dist : array-like, shape=[n_samples, 1]
            Geodesic distance between the two points.
        point_a = gs.to_ndarray(point_a, to_ndim=2)
        point_b = gs.to_ndarray(point_b, to_ndim=2)

        point_a_norm = gs.clip(gs.sum(point_a**2, -1), 0., 1 - EPSILON)
        point_b_norm = gs.clip(gs.sum(point_b**2, -1), 0., 1 - EPSILON)

        diff_norm = gs.sum((point_a - point_b)**2, -1)
        norm_function = 1 + 2 * \
            diff_norm / ((1 - point_a_norm) * (1 - point_b_norm))

        dist = gs.log(norm_function + gs.sqrt(norm_function**2 - 1))
        dist = gs.to_ndarray(dist, to_ndim=1)
        dist = gs.to_ndarray(dist, to_ndim=2, axis=1)
        dist *= self.scale
        return dist
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def dist(self, point_a, point_b):
        """Compute the geodesic distance between two points.

        point_a : array-like, shape=[..., dim]
            First point in the Poincare ball.
        point_b : array-like, shape=[..., dim]
            Second point in the Poincare ball.

        dist : array-like, shape=[...,]
            Geodesic distance between the two points.
        point_a_norm = gs.clip(gs.sum(point_a**2, -1), 0.0, 1 - EPSILON)
        point_b_norm = gs.clip(gs.sum(point_b**2, -1), 0.0, 1 - EPSILON)

        diff_norm = gs.sum((point_a - point_b)**2, -1)
        norm_function = 1 + 2 * diff_norm / ((1 - point_a_norm) *
                                             (1 - point_b_norm))

        dist = gs.log(norm_function + gs.sqrt(norm_function**2 - 1))
        dist *= self.scale
        return dist
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def dist_broadcast(self, point_a, point_b):
        """Compute the geodesic distance between points.

        If n_samples_a == n_samples_b then dist is the element-wise
        distance result of a point in points_a with the point from
        points_b of the same index. If n_samples_a not equal to
        n_samples_b then dist is the result of applying geodesic
        distance for each point from points_a to all points from

        point_a : array-like, shape=[n_samples_a, dim]
            Set of points in hyperbolic space.
        point_b : array-like, shape=[n_samples_b, dim]
            Second set of points in hyperbolic space.

        dist : array-like,
            shape=[n_samples_a, dim] or [n_samples_a, n_samples_b, dim]
            Geodesic distance between the two points.
        if point_a.shape[-1] != point_b.shape[-1]:
            raise ValueError('Manifold dimensions not equal')

        if point_a.shape[0] != point_b.shape[0]:

            point_a_broadcast, point_b_broadcast = gs.broadcast_arrays(
                point_a[:, None], point_b[None, ...])

            point_a_flatten = gs.reshape(point_a_broadcast,
                                         (-1, point_a_broadcast.shape[-1]))
            point_b_flatten = gs.reshape(point_b_broadcast,
                                         (-1, point_b_broadcast.shape[-1]))

            point_a_norm = gs.clip(gs.sum(point_a_flatten**2, -1), 0.,
                                   1 - EPSILON)
            point_b_norm = gs.clip(gs.sum(point_b_flatten**2, -1), 0.,
                                   1 - EPSILON)

            square_diff = (point_a_flatten - point_b_flatten)**2

            diff_norm = gs.sum(square_diff, -1)
            norm_function = 1 + 2 * \
                diff_norm / ((1 - point_a_norm) * (1 - point_b_norm))

            dist = gs.log(norm_function + gs.sqrt(norm_function**2 - 1))
            dist *= self.scale
            dist = gs.reshape(dist, (point_a.shape[0], point_b.shape[0]))
            dist = gs.squeeze(dist)

        elif point_a.shape == point_b.shape:
            dist = self.dist(point_a, point_b)

        return dist
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def dist(self, point_a, point_b):
        """Compute the geodesic distance between two points.

        point_a : array-like, shape=[n_samples, dimension + 1]
            First point in hyperbolic space.
        point_b : array-like, shape=[n_samples, dimension + 1]
            Second point in hyperbolic space.

        dist : array-like, shape=[n_samples, 1]
            Geodesic distance between the two points.
        if self.point_type == 'extrinsic':

            sq_norm_a = self.embedding_metric.squared_norm(point_a)
            sq_norm_b = self.embedding_metric.squared_norm(point_b)
            inner_prod = self.embedding_metric.inner_product(point_a, point_b)

            cosh_angle = -inner_prod / gs.sqrt(sq_norm_a * sq_norm_b)
            cosh_angle = gs.clip(cosh_angle, 1.0, 1e24)

            dist = gs.arccosh(cosh_angle)

            return self.scale * dist

        elif self.point_type == 'ball':

            point_a_norm = gs.clip(gs.sum(point_a**2, -1), 0., 1 - EPSILON)

            point_b_norm = gs.clip(gs.sum(point_b**2, -1), 0., 1 - EPSILON)

            diff_norm = gs.sum((point_a - point_b)**2, -1)

            norm_function = 1 + 2 * \
                diff_norm / ((1 - point_a_norm) * (1 - point_b_norm))

            dist = gs.log(norm_function + gs.sqrt(norm_function**2 - 1))
            dist = gs.to_ndarray(dist, to_ndim=1)
            dist = gs.to_ndarray(dist, to_ndim=2, axis=1)

            return self.scale * dist

            raise NotImplementedError(
                'dist is only implemented for ball and extrinsic')
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def dist(self, point_a, point_b):
        """Compute the geodesic distance between two points.

        point_a : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1]
            First point on the hypersphere.
        point_b : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1]
            Second point on the hypersphere.

        dist : array-like, shape=[..., 1]
            Geodesic distance between the two points.
        norm_a = self.embedding_metric.norm(point_a)
        norm_b = self.embedding_metric.norm(point_b)
        inner_prod = self.embedding_metric.inner_product(point_a, point_b)

        cos_angle = inner_prod / (norm_a * norm_b)
        cos_angle = gs.clip(cos_angle, -1, 1)

        dist = gs.arccos(cos_angle)

        return dist
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def dist(self, point_a, point_b):
        Geodesic distance between two points.

        point_a : array-like, shape=[n_samples, dimension + 1]
                              or shape=[1, dimension + 1]
        point_b : array-like, shape=[n_samples, dimension + 1]
                              or shape=[1, dimension + 1]

        dist : array-like, shape=[n_samples, 1]
                           or shape=[1, 1]
        sq_norm_a = self.embedding_metric.squared_norm(point_a)
        sq_norm_b = self.embedding_metric.squared_norm(point_b)
        inner_prod = self.embedding_metric.inner_product(point_a, point_b)

        cosh_angle = - inner_prod / gs.sqrt(sq_norm_a * sq_norm_b)
        cosh_angle = gs.clip(cosh_angle, 1.0, 1e24)

        dist = gs.arccosh(cosh_angle)

        return dist
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def dist(self, point_a, point_b):
        r"""Geodesic distance between two points.

        The geodesic distance between two points :math: `x, y` corresponds to
        the Procrustes distance after alignment of the pre-shapes. It is
        computed with the formula:

        .. math:

                    d(x, y) = arccos(tr(xy^T))

        where tr is the trace operator.

        point_a : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, m_ambient]
        point_b : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, m_ambient]

        dist : array-like, shape=[...,]
        aligned = self.preshape.align(point_a, point_b)
        trace = gs.einsum('...ij,...ij->...', aligned, point_b)
        trace = gs.clip(trace, -1, 1)
        dist = gs.arccos(trace)
        return dist
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def exp(self, tangent_vec, base_point):
        """Compute the Riemannian exponential of a tangent vector.

        tangent_vec : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1]
            Tangent vector at a base point.
        base_point : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1]
            Point in hyperbolic space.

        exp : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1]
            Point in hyperbolic space equal to the Riemannian exponential
            of tangent_vec at the base point.
        sq_norm_tangent_vec = self.embedding_metric.squared_norm(tangent_vec)
        sq_norm_tangent_vec = gs.clip(sq_norm_tangent_vec, 0, math.inf)

        coef_1 = utils.taylor_exp_even_func(sq_norm_tangent_vec,
        coef_2 = utils.taylor_exp_even_func(sq_norm_tangent_vec,

        exp = gs.einsum("...,...j->...j", coef_1, base_point) + gs.einsum(
            "...,...j->...j", coef_2, tangent_vec)

        exp = Hyperboloid(dim=self.dim).regularize(exp)
        return exp
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def log(self, point, base_point, **kwargs):
        """Compute the Riemannian logarithm of a point.

        point : array-like, shape=[..., n_samples]
            Point on the hypersphere.
        base_point : array-like, shape=[..., n_samples]
            Point on the hypersphere.

        log : array-like, shape=[..., n_samples]
            Tangent vector at the base point equal to the Riemannian logarithm
            of point at the base point.
        inner_prod = self.inner_product(base_point, point)
        cos_angle = gs.clip(inner_prod, -1.0, 1.0)
        theta = gs.arccos(cos_angle)
        coef_1_ = utils.taylor_exp_even_func(theta, utils.inv_sinc_close_0, order=5)
        coef_2_ = utils.taylor_exp_even_func(theta, utils.inv_tanc_close_0, order=5)
        log = gs.einsum("...,...j->...j", theta * coef_1_, point) - gs.einsum(
            "...,...j->...j", theta * coef_2_, base_point

        return log
    def rotation_vector_from_quaternion(self, quaternion):
        Convert a unit quaternion into a rotation vector.
        assert self.n == 3, ('The quaternion representation does not exist'
                             ' for rotations in %d dimensions.' % self.n)
        quaternion = gs.to_ndarray(quaternion, to_ndim=2)
        n_quaternions, _ = quaternion.shape

        cos_half_angle = quaternion[:, 0]
        cos_half_angle = gs.clip(cos_half_angle, -1, 1)
        half_angle = gs.arccos(cos_half_angle)

        half_angle = gs.to_ndarray(half_angle, to_ndim=2, axis=1)
        assert half_angle.shape == (n_quaternions, 1)

        rot_vec = gs.zeros_like(quaternion[:, 1:])

        mask_0 = gs.isclose(half_angle, 0)
        mask_0 = gs.squeeze(mask_0, axis=1)
        mask_not_0 = ~mask_0
        rotation_axis = (quaternion[mask_not_0, 1:] /
        rot_vec[mask_not_0] = (2 * half_angle[mask_not_0] * rotation_axis)

        rot_vec = self.regularize(rot_vec)
        return rot_vec
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def log(self, point, base_point):
        Riemannian logarithm of a point wrt a base point.
        point = gs.to_ndarray(point, to_ndim=2)
        base_point = gs.to_ndarray(base_point, to_ndim=2)

        norm_base_point = self.embedding_metric.norm(base_point)
        norm_point = self.embedding_metric.norm(point)
        inner_prod = self.embedding_metric.inner_product(base_point, point)
        cos_angle = inner_prod / (norm_base_point * norm_point)
        cos_angle = gs.clip(cos_angle, -1., 1.)

        angle = gs.arccos(cos_angle)
        angle = gs.to_ndarray(angle, to_ndim=1)
        angle = gs.to_ndarray(angle, to_ndim=2, axis=1)

        mask_0 = gs.isclose(angle, 0.)
        mask_else = gs.equal(mask_0, gs.array(False))

        mask_0_float = gs.cast(mask_0, gs.float32)
        mask_else_float = gs.cast(mask_else, gs.float32)

        coef_1 = gs.zeros_like(angle)
        coef_2 = gs.zeros_like(angle)

        coef_1 += mask_0_float * (1. + INV_SIN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[1] * angle**2 +
                                  INV_SIN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[3] * angle**4 +
                                  INV_SIN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[5] * angle**6 +
                                  INV_SIN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[7] * angle**8)
        coef_2 += mask_0_float * (1. + INV_TAN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[1] * angle**2 +
                                  INV_TAN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[3] * angle**4 +
                                  INV_TAN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[5] * angle**6 +
                                  INV_TAN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[7] * angle**8)

        # This avoids division by 0.
        angle += mask_0_float * 1.

        coef_1 += mask_else_float * angle / gs.sin(angle)
        coef_2 += mask_else_float * angle / gs.tan(angle)

        log = (gs.einsum('ni,nj->nj', coef_1, point) -
               gs.einsum('ni,nj->nj', coef_2, base_point))

        mask_same_values = gs.isclose(point, base_point)

        mask_else = gs.equal(mask_same_values, gs.array(False))
        mask_else_float = gs.cast(mask_else, gs.float32)
        mask_else_float = gs.to_ndarray(mask_else_float, to_ndim=1)
        mask_else_float = gs.to_ndarray(mask_else_float, to_ndim=2)
        mask_not_same_points = gs.sum(mask_else_float, axis=1)
        mask_same_points = gs.isclose(mask_not_same_points, 0.)
        mask_same_points = gs.cast(mask_same_points, gs.float32)
        mask_same_points = gs.to_ndarray(mask_same_points, to_ndim=2, axis=1)

        mask_same_points_float = gs.cast(mask_same_points, gs.float32)

        log -= mask_same_points_float * log

        return log
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def exp(self, tangent_vec, base_point, **kwargs):
        """Compute the Riemannian exponential of a tangent vector.

        tangent_vec : array-like, shape=[..., n_samples]
            Tangent vector at a base point.
        base_point : array-like, shape=[..., n_samples]
            Point on the hypersphere.

        exp : array-like, shape=[..., n_samples]
            Point on the hypersphere equal to the Riemannian exponential
            of tangent_vec at the base point.
        sinf = HilbertSphere(self.x)
        proj_tangent_vec = sinf.to_tangent(tangent_vec, base_point)
        norm = sinf.metric.norm(proj_tangent_vec)
        norm = gs.clip(norm, -gs.pi, gs.pi)
        coef_1 = utils.taylor_exp_even_func(norm, utils.cos_close_0, order=4)
        coef_2 = utils.taylor_exp_even_func(norm, utils.sinc_close_0, order=4)
        exp = gs.einsum("...,...j->...j", coef_1, base_point) + gs.einsum(
            "...,...j->...j", coef_2, proj_tangent_vec

        return exp
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def rotation_vector_from_quaternion(self, quaternion):
        """Convert a unit quaternion into a rotation vector.

        quaternion : array-like, shape=[..., 4]

        rot_vec : array-like, shape=[..., 3]
        cos_half_angle = quaternion[:, 0]
        cos_half_angle = gs.clip(cos_half_angle, -1, 1)
        half_angle = gs.arccos(cos_half_angle)

        half_angle = gs.to_ndarray(half_angle, to_ndim=2, axis=1)

        mask_0 = gs.isclose(half_angle, 0.)
        mask_not_0 = ~mask_0

        rotation_axis = gs.divide(
            quaternion[:, 1:],
            gs.sin(half_angle) * gs.cast(mask_not_0, gs.float32) +
            gs.cast(mask_0, gs.float32))
        rot_vec = gs.array(2 * half_angle * rotation_axis *
                           gs.cast(mask_not_0, gs.float32))

        rot_vec = self.regularize(rot_vec)
        return rot_vec
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def log(self, point, base_point, **kwargs):
        """Compute the Riemannian logarithm of a point.

        point : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1]
            Point on the hypersphere.
        base_point : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1]
            Point on the hypersphere.

        log : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1]
            Tangent vector at the base point equal to the Riemannian logarithm
            of point at the base point.
        inner_prod = self.embedding_metric.inner_product(base_point, point)
        cos_angle = gs.clip(inner_prod, -1., 1.)
        squared_angle = gs.arccos(cos_angle) ** 2
        coef_1_ = utils.taylor_exp_even_func(
            squared_angle, utils.inv_sinc_close_0, order=5)
        coef_2_ = utils.taylor_exp_even_func(
            squared_angle, utils.inv_tanc_close_0, order=5)
        log = (gs.einsum('...,...j->...j', coef_1_, point)
               - gs.einsum('...,...j->...j', coef_2_, base_point))

        return log
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def dist(self, point_a, point_b):
        """Compute geodesic distance between two points.

        point_a : array-like, shape=[n_samples, dimension + 1]
                              or shape=[1, dimension + 1]
        point_b : array-like, shape=[n_samples, dimension + 1]
                              or shape=[1, dimension + 1]

        dist : array-like, shape=[n_samples, 1]
                           or shape=[1, 1]
        norm_a = self.embedding_metric.norm(point_a)
        norm_b = self.embedding_metric.norm(point_b)
        inner_prod = self.embedding_metric.inner_product(point_a, point_b)

        cos_angle = inner_prod / (norm_a * norm_b)
        cos_angle = gs.clip(cos_angle, -1, 1)

        dist = gs.arccos(cos_angle)

        return dist
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def dist(self, point_a, point_b):
        """Compute the geodesic distance between two points.

        point_a : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1]
            First point in hyperbolic space.
        point_b : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1]
            Second point in hyperbolic space.

        dist : array-like, shape=[...,]
            Geodesic distance between the two points.
        sq_norm_a = self.embedding_metric.squared_norm(point_a)
        sq_norm_b = self.embedding_metric.squared_norm(point_b)
        inner_prod = self.embedding_metric.inner_product(point_a, point_b)

        cosh_angle = -inner_prod / gs.sqrt(sq_norm_a * sq_norm_b)
        cosh_angle = gs.clip(cosh_angle, 1.0, 1e24)

        dist = gs.arccosh(cosh_angle)
        dist *= self.scale
        return dist
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def exp(self, tangent_vec, base_point):
        """Compute the Riemannian exponential of a tangent vector.

        tangent_vec : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1]
            Tangent vector at a base point.
        base_point : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1]
            Point in hyperbolic space.

        exp : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1]
            Point in hyperbolic space equal to the Riemannian exponential
            of tangent_vec at the base point.
        sq_norm_tangent_vec = self.embedding_metric.squared_norm(
        sq_norm_tangent_vec = gs.clip(sq_norm_tangent_vec, 0, math.inf)
        norm_tangent_vec = gs.sqrt(sq_norm_tangent_vec)

        mask_0 = gs.isclose(sq_norm_tangent_vec, 0.)
        mask_0 = gs.to_ndarray(mask_0, to_ndim=1)
        mask_else = ~mask_0
        mask_else = gs.to_ndarray(mask_else, to_ndim=1)
        mask_0_float = gs.cast(mask_0, gs.float32)
        mask_else_float = gs.cast(mask_else, gs.float32)

        coef_1 = gs.zeros_like(norm_tangent_vec)
        coef_2 = gs.zeros_like(norm_tangent_vec)

        coef_1 += mask_0_float * (
            1. + COSH_TAYLOR_COEFFS[2] * norm_tangent_vec ** 2
            + COSH_TAYLOR_COEFFS[4] * norm_tangent_vec ** 4
            + COSH_TAYLOR_COEFFS[6] * norm_tangent_vec ** 6
            + COSH_TAYLOR_COEFFS[8] * norm_tangent_vec ** 8)
        coef_2 += mask_0_float * (
            1. + SINH_TAYLOR_COEFFS[3] * norm_tangent_vec ** 2
            + SINH_TAYLOR_COEFFS[5] * norm_tangent_vec ** 4
            + SINH_TAYLOR_COEFFS[7] * norm_tangent_vec ** 6
            + SINH_TAYLOR_COEFFS[9] * norm_tangent_vec ** 8)
        # This avoids dividing by 0.
        norm_tangent_vec += mask_0_float * 1.0
        coef_1 += mask_else_float * (gs.cosh(norm_tangent_vec))
        coef_2 += mask_else_float * (
            (gs.sinh(norm_tangent_vec) / (norm_tangent_vec)))

        exp = (
            gs.einsum('...,...j->...j', coef_1, base_point)
            + gs.einsum('...,...j->...j', coef_2, tangent_vec))

        hyperbolic_space = Hyperboloid(dim=self.dim)
        exp = hyperbolic_space.regularize(exp)
        return exp
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def dist(self, point_a, point_b):
        Geodesic distance between two points.
        sq_norm_a = self.embedding_metric.squared_norm(point_a)
        sq_norm_b = self.embedding_metric.squared_norm(point_b)
        inner_prod = self.embedding_metric.inner_product(point_a, point_b)

        cosh_angle = -inner_prod / gs.sqrt(sq_norm_a * sq_norm_b)
        cosh_angle = gs.clip(cosh_angle, 1.0, 1e24)

        dist = gs.arccosh(cosh_angle)

        return dist
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def dist(self, point_a, point_b):
        Geodesic distance between two points.
        norm_a = self.embedding_metric.norm(point_a)
        norm_b = self.embedding_metric.norm(point_b)
        inner_prod = self.embedding_metric.inner_product(point_a, point_b)

        cos_angle = inner_prod / (norm_a * norm_b)
        cos_angle = gs.clip(cos_angle, -1, 1)

        dist = gs.arccos(cos_angle)

        return dist
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def log(self, point, base_point):
        Compute the Riemannian logarithm at point base_point,
        of point wrt the metric obtained by
        embedding of the n-dimensional sphere
        in the (n+1)-dimensional euclidean space.

        This gives a tangent vector at point base_point.

        :param base_point: point on the n-dimensional sphere
        :param point: point on the n-dimensional sphere
        :return log: tangent vector at base_point
        point = gs.to_ndarray(point, to_ndim=2)
        base_point = gs.to_ndarray(base_point, to_ndim=2)

        norm_base_point = self.embedding_metric.norm(base_point)
        norm_point = self.embedding_metric.norm(point)
        inner_prod = self.embedding_metric.inner_product(base_point, point)
        cos_angle = inner_prod / (norm_base_point * norm_point)
        cos_angle = gs.clip(cos_angle, -1.0, 1.0)

        angle = gs.arccos(cos_angle)

        mask_0 = gs.isclose(angle, 0.0)
        mask_else = gs.equal(mask_0, False)

        coef_1 = gs.zeros_like(angle)
        coef_2 = gs.zeros_like(angle)

        coef_1[mask_0] = (
                      1. + INV_SIN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[1] * angle[mask_0] ** 2
                      + INV_SIN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[3] * angle[mask_0] ** 4
                      + INV_SIN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[5] * angle[mask_0] ** 6
                      + INV_SIN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[7] * angle[mask_0] ** 8)
        coef_2[mask_0] = (
                      1. + INV_TAN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[1] * angle[mask_0] ** 2
                      + INV_TAN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[3] * angle[mask_0] ** 4
                      + INV_TAN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[5] * angle[mask_0] ** 6
                      + INV_TAN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[7] * angle[mask_0] ** 8)

        coef_1[mask_else] = angle[mask_else] / gs.sin(angle[mask_else])
        coef_2[mask_else] = angle[mask_else] / gs.tan(angle[mask_else])

        log = (gs.einsum('ni,nj->nj', coef_1, point)
               - gs.einsum('ni,nj->nj', coef_2, base_point))

        return log
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def dist(self, point_a, point_b):
        Compute the distance induced on the hyperbolic
        space, from its embedding in the Minkowski space.
        if gs.all(gs.equal(point_a, point_b)):
            return 0.

        sq_norm_a = self.embedding_metric.squared_norm(point_a)
        sq_norm_b = self.embedding_metric.squared_norm(point_b)
        inner_prod = self.embedding_metric.inner_product(point_a, point_b)

        cosh_angle = -inner_prod / gs.sqrt(sq_norm_a * sq_norm_b)
        cosh_angle = gs.clip(cosh_angle, 1, None)

        dist = gs.arccosh(cosh_angle)

        return dist
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def dist(self, point_a, point_b):
        Geodesic distance between two points.
        # TODO(nina): case gs.dot(unit_vec, unit_vec) != 1
        # if gs.all(gs.equal(point_a, point_b)):
        #    return 0.

        norm_a = self.embedding_metric.norm(point_a)
        norm_b = self.embedding_metric.norm(point_b)
        inner_prod = self.embedding_metric.inner_product(point_a, point_b)

        cos_angle = inner_prod / (norm_a * norm_b)
        cos_angle = gs.clip(cos_angle, -1, 1)

        dist = gs.arccos(cos_angle)

        return dist
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def dist(self, point_a, point_b):
        Compute the Riemannian distance between points
        point_a and point_b.
        # TODO(xxx): case gs.dot(unit_vec, unit_vec) != 1
        # if gs.all(gs.equal(point_a, point_b)):
        #    return 0.

        norm_a = self.embedding_metric.norm(point_a)
        norm_b = self.embedding_metric.norm(point_b)
        inner_prod = self.embedding_metric.inner_product(point_a, point_b)

        cos_angle = inner_prod / (norm_a * norm_b)
        cos_angle = gs.clip(cos_angle, -1, 1)

        dist = gs.arccos(cos_angle)

        return dist
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def log(self, point, base_point):
        Riemannian logarithm of a point wrt a base point.
        point = gs.to_ndarray(point, to_ndim=2)
        base_point = gs.to_ndarray(base_point, to_ndim=2)

        norm_base_point = self.embedding_metric.norm(base_point)
        norm_point = self.embedding_metric.norm(point)
        inner_prod = self.embedding_metric.inner_product(base_point, point)
        cos_angle = inner_prod / (norm_base_point * norm_point)
        cos_angle = gs.clip(cos_angle, -1.0, 1.0)

        angle = gs.arccos(cos_angle)

        mask_0 = gs.isclose(angle, 0.0)
        mask_else = gs.equal(mask_0, gs.cast(gs.array(False), gs.int8))

        coef_1 = gs.zeros_like(angle)
        coef_2 = gs.zeros_like(angle)

        coef_1[mask_0] = (
                      1. + INV_SIN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[1] * angle[mask_0] ** 2
                      + INV_SIN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[3] * angle[mask_0] ** 4
                      + INV_SIN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[5] * angle[mask_0] ** 6
                      + INV_SIN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[7] * angle[mask_0] ** 8)
        coef_2[mask_0] = (
                      1. + INV_TAN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[1] * angle[mask_0] ** 2
                      + INV_TAN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[3] * angle[mask_0] ** 4
                      + INV_TAN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[5] * angle[mask_0] ** 6
                      + INV_TAN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[7] * angle[mask_0] ** 8)

        coef_1[mask_else] = angle[mask_else] / gs.sin(angle[mask_else])
        coef_2[mask_else] = angle[mask_else] / gs.tan(angle[mask_else])

        log = (gs.einsum('ni,nj->nj', coef_1, point)
               - gs.einsum('ni,nj->nj', coef_2, base_point))

        return log
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def rotation_vector_from_matrix(self, rot_mat):
        r"""Convert rotation matrix (in 3D) to rotation vector (axis-angle).

        Get the angle through the trace of the rotation matrix:
        The eigenvalues are:
        :math:`\{1, \cos(angle) + i \sin(angle), \cos(angle) - i \sin(angle)\}`
        so that:
        :math:`trace = 1 + 2 \cos(angle), \{-1 \leq trace \leq 3\}`

        Get the rotation vector through the formula:
        :math:`S_r = \frac{angle}{(2 * \sin(angle) ) (R - R^T)}`

        For the edge case where the angle is close to pi,
        the formulation is derived by using the following equality (see the
        Axis-angle representation on Wikipedia):
        :math:`outer(r, r) = \frac{1}{2} (R + I_3)`
        In nD, the rotation vector stores the :math:`n(n-1)/2` values
        of the skew-symmetric matrix representing the rotation.

        rot_mat : array-like, shape=[..., n, n]

        regularized_rot_vec : array-like, shape=[..., 3]
        n_rot_mats, _, _ = rot_mat.shape

        trace = gs.trace(rot_mat, axis1=1, axis2=2)
        trace = gs.to_ndarray(trace, to_ndim=2, axis=1)
        trace_num = gs.clip(trace, -1, 3)
        angle = gs.arccos(0.5 * (trace_num - 1))
        rot_mat_transpose = gs.transpose(rot_mat, axes=(0, 2, 1))
        rot_vec_not_pi = self.vector_from_skew_matrix(rot_mat -
        mask_0 = gs.cast(gs.isclose(angle, 0.), gs.float32)
        mask_pi = gs.cast(gs.isclose(angle, gs.pi, atol=1e-2), gs.float32)
        mask_else = (1 - mask_0) * (1 - mask_pi)

        numerator = 0.5 * mask_0 + angle * mask_else
        denominator = (1 - angle**2 /
                       6) * mask_0 + 2 * gs.sin(angle) * mask_else + mask_pi

        rot_vec_not_pi = rot_vec_not_pi * numerator / denominator

        vector_outer = 0.5 * (gs.eye(3) + rot_mat)
            gs.maximum(0., gs.diagonal(vector_outer, axis1=1, axis2=2)))
        squared_diag_comp = gs.diagonal(vector_outer, axis1=1, axis2=2)
        diag_comp = gs.sqrt(squared_diag_comp)
        norm_line = gs.linalg.norm(vector_outer, axis=2)
        max_line_index = gs.argmax(norm_line, axis=1)
        selected_line = gs.get_slice(vector_outer,
                                     (range(n_rot_mats), max_line_index))
        signs = gs.sign(selected_line)
        rot_vec_pi = angle * signs * diag_comp

        rot_vec = rot_vec_not_pi + mask_pi * rot_vec_pi

        return self.regularize(rot_vec)
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def log(self, point, base_point):
        """Compute the Riemannian logarithm of a point.

        point : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1]
            Point on the hypersphere.
        base_point : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1]
            Point on the hypersphere.

        log : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1]
            Tangent vector at the base point equal to the Riemannian logarithm
            of point at the base point.
        norm_base_point = self.embedding_metric.norm(base_point)
        norm_point = self.embedding_metric.norm(point)
        inner_prod = self.embedding_metric.inner_product(base_point, point)
        cos_angle = inner_prod / (norm_base_point * norm_point)
        cos_angle = gs.clip(cos_angle, -1., 1.)

        angle = gs.arccos(cos_angle)
        angle = gs.to_ndarray(angle, to_ndim=1)
        angle = gs.to_ndarray(angle, to_ndim=2, axis=1)

        mask_0 = gs.isclose(angle, 0.)
        mask_else = gs.equal(mask_0, gs.array(False))

        mask_0_float = gs.cast(mask_0, gs.float32)
        mask_else_float = gs.cast(mask_else, gs.float32)

        coef_1 = gs.zeros_like(angle)
        coef_2 = gs.zeros_like(angle)

        coef_1 += mask_0_float * (1. + INV_SIN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[1] * angle**2 +
                                  INV_SIN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[3] * angle**4 +
                                  INV_SIN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[5] * angle**6 +
                                  INV_SIN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[7] * angle**8)
        coef_2 += mask_0_float * (1. + INV_TAN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[1] * angle**2 +
                                  INV_TAN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[3] * angle**4 +
                                  INV_TAN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[5] * angle**6 +
                                  INV_TAN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[7] * angle**8)

        # This avoids division by 0.
        angle += mask_0_float * 1.

        coef_1 += mask_else_float * angle / gs.sin(angle)
        coef_2 += mask_else_float * angle / gs.tan(angle)

        log = (gs.einsum('...i,...j->...j', coef_1, point) -
               gs.einsum('...i,...j->...j', coef_2, base_point))

        mask_same_values = gs.isclose(point, base_point)

        mask_else = gs.equal(mask_same_values, gs.array(False))
        mask_else_float = gs.cast(mask_else, gs.float32)
        mask_else_float = gs.to_ndarray(mask_else_float, to_ndim=1)
        mask_else_float = gs.to_ndarray(mask_else_float, to_ndim=2)
        mask_not_same_points = gs.sum(mask_else_float, axis=1)
        mask_same_points = gs.isclose(mask_not_same_points, 0.)
        mask_same_points = gs.cast(mask_same_points, gs.float32)
        mask_same_points = gs.to_ndarray(mask_same_points, to_ndim=2, axis=1)

        mask_same_points_float = gs.cast(mask_same_points, gs.float32)

        log -= mask_same_points_float * log

        return log
    def rotation_vector_from_matrix(self, rot_mat):
        In 3D, convert rotation matrix to rotation vector
        (axis-angle representation).

        Get the angle through the trace of the rotation matrix:
        The eigenvalues are:
        1, cos(angle) + i sin(angle), cos(angle) - i sin(angle)
        so that: trace = 1 + 2 cos(angle), -1 <= trace <= 3

        Get the rotation vector through the formula:
        S_r = angle / ( 2 * sin(angle) ) (R - R^T)

        For the edge case where the angle is close to pi,
        the formulation is derived by going from rotation matrix to unit
        quaternion to axis-angle:
         r = angle * v / |v|, where (w, v) is a unit quaternion.

        In nD, the rotation vector stores the n(n-1)/2 values of the
        skew-symmetric matrix representing the rotation.
        rot_mat = gs.to_ndarray(rot_mat, to_ndim=3)
        n_rot_mats, mat_dim_1, mat_dim_2 = rot_mat.shape
        assert mat_dim_1 == mat_dim_2 == self.n

        rot_mat = closest_rotation_matrix(rot_mat)

        if self.n == 3:
            trace = gs.trace(rot_mat, axis1=1, axis2=2)
            trace = gs.to_ndarray(trace, to_ndim=2, axis=1)
            assert trace.shape == (n_rot_mats, 1), trace.shape

            cos_angle = .5 * (trace - 1)
            cos_angle = gs.clip(cos_angle, -1, 1)
            angle = gs.arccos(cos_angle)

            rot_mat_transpose = gs.transpose(rot_mat, axes=(0, 2, 1))
            rot_vec = vector_from_skew_matrix(rot_mat - rot_mat_transpose)

            mask_0 = gs.isclose(angle, 0)
            mask_0 = gs.squeeze(mask_0, axis=1)
            rot_vec[mask_0] = (rot_vec[mask_0] * (.5 -
                                                  (trace[mask_0] - 3.) / 12.))

            mask_pi = gs.isclose(angle, gs.pi)
            mask_pi = gs.squeeze(mask_pi, axis=1)

            # choose the largest diagonal element
            # to avoid a square root of a negative number
            a = 0
            if gs.any(mask_pi):
                a = gs.argmax(gs.diagonal(rot_mat[mask_pi], axis1=1, axis2=2))
            b = gs.mod(a + 1, 3)
            c = gs.mod(a + 2, 3)

            # compute the axis vector
            sq_root = gs.sqrt(
                (rot_mat[mask_pi, a, a] - rot_mat[mask_pi, b, b] -
                 rot_mat[mask_pi, c, c] + 1.))
            rot_vec_pi = gs.zeros((sum(mask_pi), self.dimension))
            rot_vec_pi[:, a] = sq_root / 2.
            rot_vec_pi[:, b] = (
                (rot_mat[mask_pi, b, a] + rot_mat[mask_pi, a, b]) /
                (2. * sq_root))
            rot_vec_pi[:, c] = (
                (rot_mat[mask_pi, c, a] + rot_mat[mask_pi, a, c]) /
                (2. * sq_root))

            rot_vec[mask_pi] = (angle[mask_pi] * rot_vec_pi /

            mask_else = ~mask_0 & ~mask_pi
            rot_vec[mask_else] = (angle[mask_else] /
                                  (2. * gs.sin(angle[mask_else])) *
            skew_mat = self.embedding_manifold.group_log_from_identity(rot_mat)
            rot_vec = vector_from_skew_matrix(skew_mat)

        return self.regularize(rot_vec)
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def exp(self, tangent_vec, base_point):
        """Compute the Riemannian exponential of a tangent vector.

        tangent_vec : array-like, shape=[n_samples, dimension + 1]
            Tangent vector at a base point.
        base_point : array-like, shape=[n_samples, dimension + 1]
            Point in hyperbolic space.

        exp : array-like, shape=[n_samples, dimension + 1]
            Point in hyperbolic space equal to the Riemannian exponential
            of tangent_vec at the base point.
        if self.point_type == 'extrinsic':
            tangent_vec = gs.to_ndarray(tangent_vec, to_ndim=2)
            base_point = gs.to_ndarray(base_point, to_ndim=2)

            sq_norm_tangent_vec = self.embedding_metric.squared_norm(
            sq_norm_tangent_vec = gs.clip(sq_norm_tangent_vec, 0, math.inf)
            norm_tangent_vec = gs.sqrt(sq_norm_tangent_vec)

            mask_0 = gs.isclose(sq_norm_tangent_vec, 0.)
            mask_0 = gs.to_ndarray(mask_0, to_ndim=1)
            mask_else = ~mask_0
            mask_else = gs.to_ndarray(mask_else, to_ndim=1)
            mask_0_float = gs.cast(mask_0, gs.float32)
            mask_else_float = gs.cast(mask_else, gs.float32)

            coef_1 = gs.zeros_like(norm_tangent_vec)
            coef_2 = gs.zeros_like(norm_tangent_vec)

            coef_1 += mask_0_float * (
                1. + COSH_TAYLOR_COEFFS[2] * norm_tangent_vec**2 +
                COSH_TAYLOR_COEFFS[4] * norm_tangent_vec**4 +
                COSH_TAYLOR_COEFFS[6] * norm_tangent_vec**6 +
                COSH_TAYLOR_COEFFS[8] * norm_tangent_vec**8)
            coef_2 += mask_0_float * (
                1. + SINH_TAYLOR_COEFFS[3] * norm_tangent_vec**2 +
                SINH_TAYLOR_COEFFS[5] * norm_tangent_vec**4 +
                SINH_TAYLOR_COEFFS[7] * norm_tangent_vec**6 +
                SINH_TAYLOR_COEFFS[9] * norm_tangent_vec**8)
            # This avoids dividing by 0.
            norm_tangent_vec += mask_0_float * 1.0
            coef_1 += mask_else_float * (gs.cosh(norm_tangent_vec))
            coef_2 += mask_else_float * ((gs.sinh(norm_tangent_vec) /

            exp = (gs.einsum('ni,nj->nj', coef_1, base_point) +
                   gs.einsum('ni,nj->nj', coef_2, tangent_vec))

            hyperbolic_space = Hyperbolic(dimension=self.dimension)
            exp = hyperbolic_space.regularize(exp)
            return exp

        elif self.point_type == 'ball':
            norm_base_point = gs.to_ndarray(gs.linalg.norm(base_point, -1), 2,
            norm_base_point = gs.repeat(norm_base_point, base_point.shape[-1],
            den = 1 - norm_base_point**2

            norm_tan = gs.to_ndarray(gs.linalg.norm(tangent_vec, axis=-1), 2,
            norm_tan = gs.repeat(norm_tan, base_point.shape[-1], -1)

            lambda_base_point = 1 / den

            direction = tangent_vec / norm_tan

            factor = gs.tanh(lambda_base_point * norm_tan)

            exp = self.mobius_add(base_point, direction * factor)

            return exp
            raise NotImplementedError(
                'exp is only implemented for ball and extrinsic')