Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, metrics):
        self.n_metrics = gs.len(metrics)
        dimensions = [metric.dimension for metric in metrics]
        signatures = [metric.signature for metric in metrics]

        self.metrics = metrics
        self.dimensions = dimensions
        self.signatures = signatures
                             signature=map(sum, signatures))
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_estimate_default_gradient_descent_so3(self):
        points = self.so3.random_uniform(2)

        mean_vec = FrechetMean(metric=self.so3.bi_invariant_metric,

        logs = self.so3.bi_invariant_metric.log(points, mean_vec.estimate_)
        result = gs.sum(logs, axis=0)
        expected = gs.zeros_like(points[0])
        self.assertAllClose(result, expected)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_sample_belong(self):
        """Test that sample samples in the simplex.

        Check that samples belong to the simplex,
        i.e. that their components sum up to one.
        points = self.dirichlet.random_point(self.n_points)
        samples = self.dirichlet.sample(points, self.n_samples)
        result = gs.sum(samples, -1)
        expected = gs.ones((self.n_points, self.n_samples))
        self.assertAllClose(expected, result)
 def test_weighted_frechet_mean(self):
     """Test for weighted mean."""
     data = gs.array([[0.1, 0.2], [0.25, 0.35]])
     weights = gs.array([3.0, 1.0])
     mean_o = FrechetMean(metric=self.metric, point_type="vector", lr=1.0)
     mean_o.fit(data, weights=weights)
     result = mean_o.estimate_
     expected = self.metric.exp(
         weights[1] / gs.sum(weights) * self.metric.log(data[1], data[0]),
     self.assertAllClose(result, expected)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def test_to_tangent(self):
        """Test to_tangent.

        Test that the result belongs to the tangent space to
        the simplex.
        vectors = -5 + 2 * gs.random.rand(self.n_points, self.dim + 1)
        projected_vectors = self.categorical.to_tangent(vectors)
        result = gs.sum(projected_vectors, -1)
        expected = gs.zeros(self.n_points)
        self.assertAllClose(expected, result, atol=1e-05)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def mean(self, points, weights=None):
        The Frechet mean of (weighted) points computed with the
        Euclidean metric is the weighted average of the points
        in the Euclidean space.
        if isinstance(points, list):
            points = gs.vstack(points)
        points = gs.to_ndarray(points, to_ndim=2)
        n_points = gs.shape(points)[0]

        if isinstance(weights, list):
            weights = gs.vstack(weights)
        elif weights is None:
            weights = gs.ones((n_points, ))

        weighted_points = gs.einsum('n,nj->nj', weights, points)
        mean = (gs.sum(weighted_points, axis=0) / gs.sum(weights))
        mean = gs.to_ndarray(mean, to_ndim=2)
        return mean
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def test_sample_von_mises_fisher(self):
        Check that the maximum likelihood estimates of the mean and
        concentration parameter are close to the real values. A first
        estimation of the concentration parameter is obtained by a
        closed-form expression and improved through the Newton method.
        dim = 2
        n_points = 1000000
        sphere = Hypersphere(dim)

        # check mean value for concentrated distribution
        kappa = 10000000
        points = sphere.random_von_mises_fisher(kappa, n_points)
        sum_points = gs.sum(points, axis=0)
        mean = gs.array([0., 0., 1.])
        mean_estimate = sum_points / gs.linalg.norm(sum_points)
        expected = mean
        result = mean_estimate
        self.assertTrue(gs.allclose(result, expected,
        # check concentration parameter for dispersed distribution
        kappa = 1.
        points = sphere.random_von_mises_fisher(kappa, n_points)
        sum_points = gs.sum(points, axis=0)
        mean_norm = gs.linalg.norm(sum_points) / n_points
        kappa_estimate = (mean_norm * (dim + 1. - mean_norm**2) /
                          (1. - mean_norm**2))
        kappa_estimate = gs.cast(kappa_estimate, gs.float64)
        p = dim + 1
        n_steps = 100
        for _ in range(n_steps):
            bessel_func_1 = scipy.special.iv(p / 2., kappa_estimate)
            bessel_func_2 = scipy.special.iv(p / 2. - 1., kappa_estimate)
            ratio = bessel_func_1 / bessel_func_2
            denominator = 1. - ratio**2 - (p - 1.) * ratio / kappa_estimate
            mean_norm = gs.cast(mean_norm, gs.float64)
            kappa_estimate = kappa_estimate - (ratio - mean_norm) / denominator
        result = kappa_estimate
        expected = kappa
        self.assertAllClose(result, expected, atol=KAPPA_ESTIMATION_TOL)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def linear_mean(points, weights=None, point_type='vector'):
    """Compute the weighted linear mean.

    The linear mean is the Frechet mean when points:
    - lie in a Euclidean space with Euclidean metric,
    - lie in a Minkowski space with Minkowski metric.

    points : array-like, shape=[n_samples, dim]
        Points to be averaged.
    weights : array-like, shape=[n_samples, 1], optional
        Weights associated to the points.

    mean : array-like, shape=[1, dim]
        Weighted linear mean of the points.
    # TODO(ninamiolane): Factorize this code to handle lists
    # in the whole codebase
    if isinstance(points, list):
        points = gs.stack(points, axis=0)
    if isinstance(weights, list):
        weights = gs.stack(weights, axis=0)

    n_points = geomstats.vectorization.get_n_points(
        points, point_type)

    if weights is None:
        weights = gs.ones((n_points,))
    sum_weights = gs.sum(weights)

    einsum_str = '...,...j->...j'
    if point_type == 'matrix':
        einsum_str = '...,...jk->...jk'

    weighted_points = gs.einsum(einsum_str, weights, points)

    mean = gs.sum(weighted_points, axis=0) / sum_weights
    return mean
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def test_closest_neighbor_index(self):
        """Check that the closest neighbor is one of neighbors."""
        n_samples = 10
        points = self.space.random_uniform(n_samples=n_samples)
        point = points[0, :]
        neighbors = points[1:, :]
        index = self.metric.closest_neighbor_index(point, neighbors)
        closest_neighbor = points[index, :]

        test = gs.sum(gs.all(points == closest_neighbor, axis=1))
        result = test > 0
Ejemplo n.º 10
def linear_mean(points, weights=None, point_type='vector'):
    """Compute the weighted linear mean.

    The linear mean is the Frechet mean when points:
    - lie in a Euclidean space with Euclidean metric,
    - lie in a Minkowski space with Minkowski metric.

    points : array-like, shape=[..., dim]
        Points to be averaged.
    weights : array-like, shape=[...,]
        Weights associated to the points.
        Optional, default: None.

    mean : array-like, shape=[dim,]
        Weighted linear mean of the points.
    if isinstance(points, list):
        points = gs.stack(points, axis=0)
    if isinstance(weights, list):
        weights = gs.stack(weights, axis=0)

    n_points = geomstats.vectorization.get_n_points(
        points, point_type)

    if weights is None:
        weights = gs.ones((n_points,))
    sum_weights = gs.sum(weights)

    einsum_str = '...,...j->...j'
    if point_type == 'matrix':
        einsum_str = '...,...jk->...jk'

    weighted_points = gs.einsum(einsum_str, weights, points)

    mean = gs.sum(weighted_points, axis=0) / sum_weights
    return mean
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def inner_product(
            self, tangent_vec_a, tangent_vec_b, base_point=None,
        """Compute the inner-product of two tangent vectors at a base point.

        Inner product defined by the Riemannian metric at point `base_point`
        between tangent vectors `tangent_vec_a` and `tangent_vec_b`.

        tangent_vec_a : array-like, shape=[n_samples, dimension + 1]
            First tangent vector at base point.
        tangent_vec_b : array-like, shape=[n_samples, dimension + 1]
            Second tangent vector at base point.
        base_point : array-like, shape=[n_samples, dimension + 1], optional
            Point on the manifold.
        point_type : str, {'vector', 'matrix'}
            Type of representation used for points.

        inner_prod : array-like, shape=[n_samples, 1]
            Inner-product of the two tangent vectors.
        if base_point is None:
            base_point = [None, ] * self.n_metrics

        if point_type is None:
            point_type = self.default_point_type
        if point_type == 'vector':
            tangent_vec_a = gs.to_ndarray(tangent_vec_a, to_ndim=2)
            tangent_vec_b = gs.to_ndarray(tangent_vec_b, to_ndim=2)
            base_point = gs.to_ndarray(base_point, to_ndim=2)
            intrinsic = self._is_intrinsic(tangent_vec_b)
            args = {'tangent_vec_a': tangent_vec_a,
                    'tangent_vec_b': tangent_vec_b,
                    'base_point': base_point}
            inner_prod = self._iterate_over_metrics(
                'inner_product', args, intrinsic)
            return gs.sum(gs.hstack(inner_prod), axis=1)
        elif point_type == 'matrix':
            tangent_vec_a = gs.to_ndarray(tangent_vec_a, to_ndim=3)
            tangent_vec_b = gs.to_ndarray(tangent_vec_b, to_ndim=3)
            base_point = gs.to_ndarray(base_point, to_ndim=3)
            inner_products = [metric.inner_product(tangent_vec_a[:, i],
                                                   tangent_vec_b[:, i],
                                                   base_point[:, i])
                              for i, metric in enumerate(self.metrics)]
            return sum(inner_products)
            raise ValueError('invalid point_type argument: {}, expected '
                             'either matrix of vector'.format(point_type))
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def log(self, point, base_point, n_steps=N_STEPS, step='euler'):
        """Compute logarithm map associated to the affine connection.

        Solve the boundary value problem associated to the geodesic equation
        using the Christoffel symbols and conjugate gradient descent.

        point : array-like, shape=[n_samples, dim]
            Point on the manifold.
        base_point : array-like, shape=[n_samples, dim]
            Point on the manifold.
        n_steps : int
            The number of discrete time steps to take in the integration.
        step : str, {'euler', 'rk4'}
            The numerical scheme to use for integration.

        tangent_vec : array-like, shape=[n_samples, dim]
            Tangent vector at the base point.
        point = gs.to_ndarray(point, to_ndim=2)
        base_point = gs.to_ndarray(base_point, to_ndim=2)
        n_samples = len(base_point)

        def objective(velocity):
            """Define the objective function."""
            velocity = velocity.reshape(base_point.shape)
            delta = self.exp(velocity, base_point, n_steps, step) - point
            loss = 1. / self.dim * gs.sum(delta**2, axis=1)
            return 1. / n_samples * gs.sum(loss)

        objective_grad = autograd.elementwise_grad(objective)

        def objective_with_grad(velocity):
            """Create helpful objective func wrapper for autograd comp."""
            return objective(velocity), objective_grad(velocity)

        tangent_vec = gs.random.rand(gs.sum(gs.shape(base_point)))
        res = minimize(objective_with_grad,
                           'disp': False,
                           'maxiter': 25

        tangent_vec = res.x
        tangent_vec = gs.reshape(tangent_vec, base_point.shape)
        return tangent_vec
Ejemplo n.º 13
        def cost_fun(param):
            """Compute the energy of the polynomial curve defined by param.

            param : array-like, shape=(degree - 1, dim)
                Parameters of the curve coordinates' polynomial functions of time.

            energy : float
                Energy of the polynomial approximation of the geodesic.
            length : float
                Length of the polynomial approximation of the geodesic.
            curve : array-like, shape=(n_times, dim)
                Polynomial approximation of the geodesic.
            velocity : array-like, shape=(n_times, dim)
                Velocity of the polynomial approximation of the geodesic.
            last_coef = end_point - initial_point - gs.sum(param, axis=0)
            coef = gs.vstack((initial_point, param, last_coef))

            t = gs.linspace(0.0, 1.0, n_times)
            t_curve = [t**i for i in range(degree + 1)]
            t_curve = gs.stack(t_curve)
            curve = gs.einsum("ij,ik->kj", coef, t_curve)

            t_velocity = [i * t**(i - 1) for i in range(1, degree + 1)]
            t_velocity = gs.stack(t_velocity)
            velocity = gs.einsum("ij,ik->kj", coef[1:], t_velocity)

            if curve.min() < 0:
                return np.inf, np.inf, curve, np.nan

            velocity_sqnorm = self.squared_norm(vector=velocity,
            length = gs.sum(velocity_sqnorm**(1 / 2)) / n_times
            energy = gs.sum(velocity_sqnorm) / n_times
            return energy, length, curve, velocity
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def test_sample_von_mises_fisher_mean(self, dim, mean, kappa, n_points):
     Check that the maximum likelihood estimates of the mean and
     concentration parameter are close to the real values. A first
     estimation of the concentration parameter is obtained by a
     closed-form expression and improved through the Newton method.
     space = self.space(dim)
     points = space.random_von_mises_fisher(mu=mean, kappa=kappa, n_samples=n_points)
     sum_points = gs.sum(points, axis=0)
     result = sum_points / gs.linalg.norm(sum_points)
     expected = mean
     self.assertAllClose(result, expected, atol=MEAN_ESTIMATION_TOL)
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def test_sample(self):
        Test that the sample method samples variates from beta distributions
        with the specified parameters, using the law of large numbers
        n_samples = self.n_samples
        tol = (n_samples * 10)**(-0.5)
        point = self.beta.random_uniform(n_samples)
        samples = self.beta.sample(point, n_samples * 10)
        result = gs.mean(samples, axis=1)
        expected = point[:, 0] / gs.sum(point, axis=1)

        self.assertAllClose(result, expected, rtol=tol, atol=tol)
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def ball_to_half_space_tangent(tangent_vec, base_point):
        """Convert ball to half-space tangent coordinates.

        Convert the parameterization of a tangent vector to the
        hyperbolic space from its Poincare ball coordinates, to
        the Poinare half-space coordinates.

        tangent_vec : array-like, shape=[..., dim]
            Tangent vector at the base point in the Poincare ball.
        base_point : array-like, shape=[..., dim]
            Point in the Poincare ball.

        tangent_vec_half_spacel : array-like, shape=[..., dim]
            Tangent vector in the Poincare half-space.

        sq_norm = gs.sum(base_point ** 2, axis=-1)
        den = 1 + sq_norm - 2 * base_point[..., -1]
        scalar_prod = gs.sum(base_point * tangent_vec, -1)
        component_1 = gs.einsum(
            "...i,...->...i", tangent_vec[..., :-1], 2.0 / den
        ) - 4.0 * gs.einsum(
            base_point[..., :-1],
            (scalar_prod - tangent_vec[..., -1]) / den ** 2,
        component_2 = (
            -2.0 * scalar_prod / den
            - 2 * (1.0 - sq_norm) * (scalar_prod - tangent_vec[..., -1]) / den ** 2
        tangent_vec_half_space = gs.concatenate(
            [component_1, component_2[..., None]], axis=-1

        return tangent_vec_half_space
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def test_random_von_mises_general_dim_mean(self):
        for dim in [2, 9]:
            sphere = Hypersphere(dim)
            n_points = 100000

            # check mean value for concentrated distribution
            kappa = 10
            points = sphere.random_von_mises_fisher(kappa=kappa,
            sum_points = gs.sum(points, axis=0)
            expected = gs.array([1.0] + [0.0] * dim)
            result = sum_points / gs.linalg.norm(sum_points)
            self.assertAllClose(result, expected, atol=KAPPA_ESTIMATION_TOL)
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def _loss(self, X, y, param, shape, weights=None):
        """Compute the loss associated to the geodesic regression.

        X : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape=[...,}]
            Training input samples.
        y : array-like, shape=[..., {dim, [n,n]}]
            Training target values.
        param : array-like, shape=[2, {dim, [n,n]}]
            Parameters intercept and coef of the geodesic regression,
            vertically stacked.
        weights : array-like, shape=[...,]
            Weights associated to the points.
            Optional, default: None.

        _ : float
        intercept, coef = gs.split(param, 2)
        intercept = gs.reshape(intercept, shape)
        coef = gs.reshape(coef, shape)
        intercept = gs.cast(intercept, dtype=y.dtype)
        coef = gs.cast(coef, dtype=y.dtype)
        if self.method == "extrinsic":
            base_point = self.space.projection(intercept)
            penalty = self.regularization * gs.sum((base_point - intercept)**2)
            base_point = intercept
            penalty = 0
        tangent_vec = self.space.to_tangent(coef, base_point)
        distances = self.metric.squared_dist(
            self._model(X, tangent_vec, base_point), y)
        if weights is None:
            weights = 1.0
        return 1.0 / 2.0 * gs.sum(weights * distances) + penalty
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def mobius_add(self, point_a, point_b):
        """Compute the mobius addition of two points.

        Mobius addition is necessary for computation of the log and exp
        using the 'poincare' representation set as point_type.

        point_a : array-like, shape=[n_samples, dimension + 1]
                              or shape=[1, dimension + 1]
        point_b : array-like, shape=[n_samples, dimension + 1]
                              or shape=[1, dimension + 1]

        mobius_add : array-like, shape=[n_samples, 1]
                           or shape=[1, 1]
        norm_point_a = gs.sum(point_a**2, axis=-1, keepdims=True)

        # to redefine to use autograd
        norm_point_a = gs.repeat(norm_point_a, point_a.shape[-1], -1)

        norm_point_b = gs.sum(point_b**2, axis=-1, keepdims=True)
        norm_point_b = gs.repeat(norm_point_b, point_a.shape[-1], -1)

        sum_prod_a_b = (point_a * point_b).sum(-1, keepdims=True)

        sum_prod_a_b = gs.repeat(sum_prod_a_b, point_a.shape[-1], -1)

        add_nominator = ((1 + 2 * sum_prod_a_b + norm_point_b) * point_a +
                         (1 - norm_point_a) * point_b)

        add_denominator = (1 + 2 * sum_prod_a_b + norm_point_a * norm_point_b)

        mobius_add = add_nominator / add_denominator

        return mobius_add
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def log(self, point, base_point, **kwargs):
        """Compute Riemannian logarithm of a point wrt a base point.

        point : array-like, shape=[..., dim]
            Point in the Poincare ball.
        base_point : array-like, shape=[..., dim]
            Point in the Poincare ball.

        log : array-like, shape=[..., dim]
            Tangent vector at the base point equal to the Riemannian logarithm
            of point at the base point.
        mobius_addition = self.mobius_add(-base_point, point)
        squared_norm_add = gs.sum(mobius_addition**2, axis=-1)
        squared_norm_bp = gs.sum(base_point**2, axis=-1)
        coef = (1 - squared_norm_bp) * utils.taylor_exp_even_func(
            squared_norm_add, utils.arctanh_card_close_0)
        log = gs.einsum("...,...j->...j", coef, mobius_addition)
        return log
Ejemplo n.º 21
        def coefficients(ind_k):
            param_k = base_point[..., ind_k]
            param_sum = gs.sum(base_point, -1)
            c1 = 1 / gs.polygamma(1, param_k) / (
                1 / gs.polygamma(1, param_sum)
                - gs.sum(1 / gs.polygamma(1, base_point), -1))
            c2 = - c1 * gs.polygamma(2, param_sum) / gs.polygamma(1, param_sum)

            mat_ones = gs.ones((n_points, self.dim, self.dim))
            mat_diag = from_vector_to_diagonal_matrix(
                - gs.polygamma(2, base_point) / gs.polygamma(1, base_point))
            arrays = [gs.zeros((1, ind_k)),
                      gs.ones((1, 1)),
                      gs.zeros((1, self.dim - ind_k - 1))]
            vec_k = gs.tile(gs.hstack(arrays), (n_points, 1))
            val_k = gs.polygamma(2, param_k) / gs.polygamma(1, param_k)
            vec_k = gs.einsum('i,ij->ij', val_k, vec_k)
            mat_k = from_vector_to_diagonal_matrix(vec_k)

            mat = gs.einsum('i,ijk->ijk', c2, mat_ones)\
                - gs.einsum('i,ijk->ijk', c1, mat_diag) + mat_k

            return 1 / 2 * mat
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def test_estimate_default_gradient_descent_so_matrix(self):
        points = self.so_matrix.random_uniform(2)
        mean_vec = FrechetMean(
        logs = self.so_matrix.bi_invariant_metric.log(points,
        result = gs.sum(logs, axis=0)
        expected = gs.zeros_like(points[0])

        self.assertAllClose(result, expected, atol=1e-5)
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def __init__(self, group,
                 left_or_right='left', **kwargs):
        super(InvariantMetric, self).__init__(dim=group.dim, **kwargs)

        self.group = group
        if inner_product_mat_at_identity is None:
            inner_product_mat_at_identity = gs.eye(self.group.dim)

            left_or_right, 'left_or_right', ['left', 'right'])

        eigenvalues = gs.linalg.eigvalsh(inner_product_mat_at_identity)
        mask_pos_eigval = gs.greater(eigenvalues, 0.)
        n_pos_eigval = gs.sum(gs.cast(mask_pos_eigval, gs.int32))
        mask_neg_eigval = gs.less(eigenvalues, 0.)
        n_neg_eigval = gs.sum(gs.cast(mask_neg_eigval, gs.int32))
        mask_null_eigval = gs.isclose(eigenvalues, 0.)
        n_null_eigval = gs.sum(gs.cast(mask_null_eigval, gs.int32))

        self.inner_product_mat_at_identity = inner_product_mat_at_identity
        self.left_or_right = left_or_right
        self.signature = (n_pos_eigval, n_null_eigval, n_neg_eigval)
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def dist(self, point_a, point_b):
        """Compute the geodesic distance between two points.

        point_a : array-like, shape=[..., dim]
            First point in the Poincare ball.
        point_b : array-like, shape=[..., dim]
            Second point in the Poincare ball.

        dist : array-like, shape=[...,]
            Geodesic distance between the two points.
        point_a_norm = gs.clip(gs.sum(point_a**2, -1), 0.0, 1 - EPSILON)
        point_b_norm = gs.clip(gs.sum(point_b**2, -1), 0.0, 1 - EPSILON)

        diff_norm = gs.sum((point_a - point_b) ** 2, -1)
        norm_function = 1 + 2 * diff_norm / ((1 - point_a_norm) * (1 - point_b_norm))

        dist = gs.log(norm_function + gs.sqrt(norm_function**2 - 1))
        dist *= self.scale
        return dist
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def baker_campbell_hausdorff(self, matrix_a, matrix_b, order=2):
        """Calculate the Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff approximation of given order.

        The implementation is based on [CM2009a]_ with the pre-computed
        constants taken from [CM2009b]_. Our coefficients are truncated to
        enable us to calculate BCH up to order 15.

        This represents Z = log(exp(X)exp(Y)) as an infinite linear combination
        of the form Z = sum z_i e_i where z_i are rational numbers and e_i are
        iterated Lie brackets starting with e_1 = X, e_2 = Y, each e_i is given
        by some i',i'': e_i = [e_i', e_i''].

        matrix_a, matrix_b : array-like, shape=[..., n, n]
        order : int
            The order to which the approximation is calculated. Note that this
            is NOT the same as using only e_i with i < order.
            Optional, default 2.

        .. [CM2009a] F. Casas and A. Murua. An efficient algorithm for
            computing the Baker–Campbell–Hausdorff series and some of its
            applications. Journal of Mathematical Physics 50, 2009
        .. [CM2009b] http://www.ehu.eus/ccwmuura/research/bchHall20.dat
        if order > 15:
            raise NotImplementedError("BCH is not implemented for order > 15.")

        number_of_hom_degree = gs.array(
            [2, 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 18, 30, 56, 99, 186, 335, 630, 1161, 2182]
        n_terms = gs.sum(number_of_hom_degree[:order])

        el = [matrix_a, matrix_b]
        result = matrix_a + matrix_b

        for i in gs.arange(2, n_terms):
            i_p = BCH_COEFFICIENTS[i, 1] - 1
            i_pp = BCH_COEFFICIENTS[i, 2] - 1

            el.append(self.bracket(el[i_p], el[i_pp]))
            result += (
                float(BCH_COEFFICIENTS[i, 3]) / float(BCH_COEFFICIENTS[i, 4]) * el[i]
        return result
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def test_srv_metric_dist_and_geod(self):
        """Test that the length of the geodesic gives the distance.

        N.B: Here curve_a and curve_b are seen as curves in R3 and not S2.
        geod = self.srv_metric_r3.geodesic(
            initial_curve=self.curve_a, end_curve=self.curve_b
        geod = geod(self.times)
        srv = self.srv_metric_r3.srv_transform(geod)
        srv_derivative = self.n_discretized_curves * (srv[1:, :] - srv[:-1, :])
        norms = self.srv_metric_r3.l2_metric.norm(srv_derivative)
        result = gs.sum(norms, 0) / self.n_discretized_curves

        expected = self.srv_metric_r3.dist(self.curve_a, self.curve_b)
        self.assertAllClose(result, expected)
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def test_srv_norm(self, curve_a, curve_b, times):
        l2_metric_s2 = L2CurvesMetric(ambient_manifold=s2)
        srv_metric_r3 = SRVMetric(ambient_manifold=r3)
        curves_ab = l2_metric_s2.geodesic(curve_a, curve_b)
        curves_ab = curves_ab(times)
        srvs_ab = srv_metric_r3.srv_transform(curves_ab)

        result = srv_metric_r3.l2_curves_metric.norm(srvs_ab)
        products = srvs_ab * srvs_ab
        sums = [gs.sum(product) for product in products]
        squared_norm = gs.array(sums) / (srvs_ab.shape[-2] + 1)
        expected = gs.sqrt(squared_norm)
        self.assertAllClose(result, expected)

        result = result.shape
        expected = [srvs_ab.shape[0]]
        self.assertAllClose(result, expected)
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def inner_product(self, tangent_vec_a, tangent_vec_b, base_point=None):
        Inner product defined by the Riemannian metric at point base_point
        between tangent vectors tangent_vec_a and tangent_vec_b.
        if base_point is None:
            base_point = [
            ] * self.n_metrics

        inner_products = [
            self.metrics[i].inner_product(tangent_vec_a[i], tangent_vec_b[i],
            for i in range(self.n_metrics)
        inner_product = gs.sum(inner_products)
        return inner_product
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def baker_campbell_hausdorff(self, matrix_a, matrix_b, order=2):
        """Calculate the Baker Campbell Hausdorff approximation of given order.

        We use the algorithm published by Casas / Murua in their paper
        "An efficient algorithm for computing the Baker–Campbell–Hausdorff
        series and some of its applications" in J.o.Math.Physics 50 (2009) as
        well as their computed constants from
        Our file is truncated to enable us to calculate BCH up to order 15

        This represents Z =log(exp(X)exp(Y)) as an infinite linear combination
        of the form
        Z = sum z_i e_i
        where z_i are rational numbers and e_i are iterated Lie brackets
        starting with e_1 = X, e_2 = Y, each e_i is given by some i',i'':
        e_i = [e_i', e_i''].

        matrix_a: array-like, shape=[n_sample, n, n]
        matrix_b: array-like, shape=[n_sample, n, n]
        order: int
            the order to which the approximation is calculated. Note that this
            is NOT the same as using only e_i with i < order
        if order > 15:
            raise NotImplementedError("BCH is not implemented for order > 15.")

        number_of_hom_degree = gs.array(
            [2, 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 18, 30, 56, 99, 186, 335, 630, 1161, 2182])
        n_terms = gs.sum(number_of_hom_degree[:order])

        ei = gs.zeros((n_terms, self.n, self.n))
        ei[0] = matrix_a
        ei[1] = matrix_b
        result = matrix_a + matrix_b

        for i in gs.arange(2, n_terms):
            i_p = BCH_INFO[i, 1] - 1
            i_pp = BCH_INFO[i, 2] - 1

            ei[i] = self.lie_bracket(ei[i_p], ei[i_pp])
            result = result + BCH_INFO[i, 3] / float(BCH_INFO[i, 4]) * ei[i]

        return result
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def _belongs_ball(point, tolerance=TOLERANCE):
        """Evaluate if a point belongs to the Hyperbolic space (poin. ball).

        Evaluate if a point belongs to the Hyperbolic space based on
        the poincare ball representation, i.e. evaluate if its
        squared norm is lower than one.

        point : array-like, shape=[n_samples, dimension]
                Input points.
        tolerance : float, optional

        belongs : array-like, shape=[n_samples, 1]
        return gs.sum(point**2, -1) < (1 + tolerance)