Ejemplo n.º 1
def snapshot_config(snapshot, map_obj, request):
    Get the snapshot map configuration - look up WMS parameters (bunding box)
    for local GeoNode layers
    def source_config(maplayer):
        Generate a dict that can be serialized to a GXP layer source
        configuration suitable for loading this layer.
            cfg = json.loads(maplayer.source_params)
        except Exception:
            cfg = dict(ptype="gxp_gnsource", restUrl="/gs/rest")

        if maplayer.ows_url:
            cfg["url"] = ows_sub.sub('', maplayer.ows_url)
            if "ptype" not in cfg:
                cfg["ptype"] = "gxp_wmscsource"

        if "ptype" in cfg and cfg["ptype"] == "gxp_gnsource":
            cfg["restUrl"] = "/gs/rest"
        return cfg

    def layer_config(maplayer, user):
        Generate a dict that can be serialized to a GXP layer configuration
        suitable for loading this layer.

        The "source" property will be left unset; the layer is not aware of the
        name assigned to its source plugin.  See
        :method:`geonode.maps.models.Map.viewer_json` for an example of
        generating a full map configuration.

            cfg = json.loads(maplayer.layer_params)
        except Exception:
            cfg = dict()

        if maplayer.format:
            cfg['format'] = maplayer.format
        if maplayer.name:
            cfg["name"] = maplayer.name
        if maplayer.opacity:
            cfg['opacity'] = maplayer.opacity
        if maplayer.styles:
            cfg['styles'] = maplayer.styles
        if maplayer.transparent:
            cfg['transparent'] = True

        cfg["fixed"] = maplayer.fixed
        if 'url' not in cfg:
            cfg['url'] = maplayer.ows_url
        if cfg['url']:
            cfg['url'] = ows_sub.sub('', cfg['url'])
        if maplayer.group:
            cfg["group"] = maplayer.group
        cfg["visibility"] = maplayer.visibility

        if maplayer.name is not None and maplayer.source_params.find(
                "gxp_gnsource") > -1:
            # Get parameters from GeoNode instead of WMS GetCapabilities
                gnLayer = Layer.objects.get(typename=maplayer.name)
                if gnLayer.srs:
                    cfg['srs'] = gnLayer.srs
                if gnLayer.bbox:
                    cfg['bbox'] = json.loads(gnLayer.bbox)
                if gnLayer.llbbox:
                    cfg['llbbox'] = json.loads(gnLayer.llbbox)
                cfg['attributes'] = (get_layer_attributes(gnLayer))
                attribute_cfg = gnLayer.attribute_config()
                if "getFeatureInfo" in attribute_cfg:
                    cfg["getFeatureInfo"] = attribute_cfg["getFeatureInfo"]
                cfg['queryable'] = (gnLayer.storeType == 'dataStore'),
                cfg['disabled'] = user is not None and not user.has_perm(
                    'maps.view_layer', obj=gnLayer)
                # cfg["displayOutsideMaxExtent"] = user is not None and  user.has_perm('maps.change_layer', obj=gnLayer)
                cfg['visibility'] = cfg['visibility'] and not cfg['disabled']
                cfg['abstract'] = gnLayer.abstract
                cfg['styles'] = maplayer.styles
                cfg['local'] = True
            except Exception, e:
                # Give it some default values so it will still show up on the map, but disable it in the layer tree
                cfg['srs'] = 'EPSG:900913'
                cfg['llbbox'] = [-180, -90, 180, 90]
                cfg['attributes'] = []
                cfg['queryable'] = False,
                cfg['disabled'] = False
                cfg['visibility'] = cfg['visibility'] and not cfg['disabled']
                cfg['abstract'] = ''
                cfg['styles'] = ''
                print "Could not retrieve Layer with typename of %s : %s" % (
                    maplayer.name, str(e))
        elif maplayer.source_params.find("gxp_hglsource") > -1:
            # call HGL ServiceStarter asynchronously to load the layer into HGL geoserver
            from geonode.queue.tasks import loadHGL
Ejemplo n.º 2
def snapshot_config(snapshot, map_obj, request):
    Get the snapshot map configuration - look up WMS parameters (bunding box)
    for local GeoNode layers

    def source_config(maplayer):
        Generate a dict that can be serialized to a GXP layer source
        configuration suitable for loading this layer.
            cfg = json.loads(maplayer.source_params)
        except Exception:
            cfg = dict(ptype="gxp_gnsource", restUrl="/gs/rest")

        if maplayer.ows_url:
            cfg["url"] = ows_sub.sub('', maplayer.ows_url)
            if "ptype" not in cfg:
                cfg["ptype"] = "gxp_wmscsource"

        if "ptype" in cfg and cfg["ptype"] == "gxp_gnsource":
            cfg["restUrl"] = "/gs/rest"
        return cfg

    def layer_config(maplayer, user):
        Generate a dict that can be serialized to a GXP layer configuration
        suitable for loading this layer.

        The "source" property will be left unset; the layer is not aware of the
        name assigned to its source plugin.  See
        :method:`geonode.maps.models.Map.viewer_json` for an example of
        generating a full map configuration.

            cfg = json.loads(maplayer.layer_params)
        except Exception:
            cfg = dict()

        if maplayer.format:
            cfg['format'] = maplayer.format
        if maplayer.name:
            cfg["name"] = maplayer.name
        if maplayer.opacity:
            cfg['opacity'] = maplayer.opacity
        if maplayer.styles:
            cfg['styles'] = maplayer.styles
        if maplayer.transparent:
            cfg['transparent'] = True

        cfg["fixed"] = maplayer.fixed
        if 'url' not in cfg:
            cfg['url'] = maplayer.ows_url
        if cfg['url']:
            cfg['url'] = ows_sub.sub('', cfg['url'])
        if maplayer.group:
            cfg["group"] = maplayer.group
        cfg["visibility"] = maplayer.visibility

        if maplayer.name is not None and maplayer.source_params.find("gxp_gnsource") > -1:
            # Get parameters from GeoNode instead of WMS GetCapabilities
                gnLayer = Layer.objects.get(alternate=maplayer.name)
                if gnLayer.srid:
                    cfg['srs'] = gnLayer.srid
                if gnLayer.bbox:
                    cfg['bbox'] = json.loads(gnLayer.bbox)
                if gnLayer.llbbox:
                    cfg['llbbox'] = json.loads(gnLayer.llbbox)
                cfg['attributes'] = (get_layer_attributes(gnLayer))
                attribute_cfg = gnLayer.attribute_config()
                if "getFeatureInfo" in attribute_cfg:
                    cfg["getFeatureInfo"] = attribute_cfg["getFeatureInfo"]
                cfg['queryable'] = (gnLayer.storeType == 'dataStore'),
                cfg['disabled'] = user is not None and not user.has_perm('maps.view_layer', obj=gnLayer)
                # cfg["displayOutsideMaxExtent"] = user is not None and  user.has_perm('maps.change_layer', obj=gnLayer)
                cfg['visibility'] = cfg['visibility'] and not cfg['disabled']
                cfg['abstract'] = gnLayer.abstract
                cfg['styles'] = maplayer.styles
                cfg['local'] = True
            except Exception, e:
                # Give it some default values so it will still show up on the map, but disable it in the layer tree
                cfg['srs'] = 'EPSG:900913'
                cfg['llbbox'] = [-180, -90, 180, 90]
                cfg['attributes'] = []
                cfg['queryable'] = False,
                cfg['disabled'] = False
                cfg['visibility'] = cfg['visibility'] and not cfg['disabled']
                cfg['abstract'] = ''
                cfg['styles'] = ''
                print "Could not retrieve Layer with typename of %s : %s" % (maplayer.name, str(e))
        elif maplayer.source_params.find("gxp_hglsource") > -1:
            # call HGL ServiceStarter asynchronously to load the layer into HGL geoserver
            from geonode.queue.tasks import loadHGL