Ejemplo n.º 1
async def test_fetch_tiles(session):
    Test fetching map tiles.
    tiles = [
        Tile('http://a.b.c/1', 'o', 'image', None),
        Tile('http://a.b.c/2', 'o', 'image', None),
        Tile('http://a.b.c/3', 'o', None, 'error'),
        Tile('http://a.b.c/4', 'o', 'image', None),
    tasks = [asyncio.Future() for t in tiles]
    for task, tile in zip(tasks, tiles):

    ctx_ac = mock.patch.object(asyncio, 'as_completed')
    ctx_ft = mock.patch.object(geotiler.tile.io, 'fetch_tile')
    with ctx_ac as mock_as_completed, ctx_ft:
        mock_as_completed.return_value = tasks
        tiles = [t async for t in fetch_tiles(tiles, 2)]

        img = [tile.img for tile in tiles]
        assert ['image', 'image', None, 'image'] == img, tiles

        error = [tile.error for tile in tiles]
        assert [None, None, 'error', None] == error, tiles
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_redis_downloader_and_cache():
    Test Redis downloader and cache functions.
    async def images(tiles, num_workers):
        tile = partial(Tile, error=None, offset=None)
        for t in tiles:
            yield tile(url=t.url, img='img')

    async def as_list(tiles):
        return [t async for t in tiles]

    client = mock.MagicMock()
    client.get.side_effect = ['c-img1', None, 'c-img3']
    downloader = redis_downloader(client, downloader=images, timeout=10)
    assert caching_downloader == downloader.func

    urls = ['url1', 'url2', 'url3']
    tiles = [Tile(url, None, None, None) for url in urls]

    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
    tiles = downloader(tiles, 2)
    result = loop.run_until_complete(as_list(tiles))

    args = [v[0][0] for v in client.get.call_args_list]
    assert ['url1', 'url2', 'url3'] == args

    args = sorted(v[0] for v in client.setex.call_args_list)
    assert 3 == len(args)
    assert ('url1', 'c-img1', 10) == args[0]
    assert ('url2', 'img', 10) == args[1]
    assert ('url3', 'c-img3', 10) == args[2]
Ejemplo n.º 3
async def test_fetch_tile_error(session):
    Test fetching a map tile with an error.
    # assign something to `img` and `error` to see if they are overriden
    # properly in case of an error
    tile = Tile('http://a.b.c', 'a', 'b', 'c')
    with mock_url_open(session, 'image', error_msg='some error'):
        tile = await fetch_tile(session, tile)
        assert tile.img is None

        error = 'Unable to download http://a.b.c (error: some error)'
        assert error == str(tile.error)
Ejemplo n.º 4
async def test_fetch_tile(session):
    Test fetching a map tile.
    tile = Tile('http://a.b.c', None, None, None)

    with mock_url_open(session, 'image'):
        result = await fetch_tile(session, tile)

        assert result is not tile  # copy of tile is returned
        assert tile.url == result.url
        assert 'image' == result.img
        assert result.error is None
Ejemplo n.º 5
async def _tile_generator(offsets, data):
    Create asynchronous generator of map tiles.
    for o, i in zip(offsets, data):
        yield Tile(None, o, i, None)