Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_single(self):
     geotrie = GeoTrie(precision=6)
     point = (51.528642, -0.101599)
     geotrie.add(point, data='foo')
     assert geotrie.trie.has('gcpvjs')
     assert geotrie.trie.values('gcpvjs') == [
         ((51.528642, -0.101599), 'foo')
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_search(self, precision, search):
        points, expected_hits = search

        geotrie = GeoTrie(precision=precision)
        for p in points:

        center = (51.513284, -0.136539)
        hits = geotrie.radius_search(center, 500)
        assert len(hits) == len(expected_hits)

        hits = map(operator.itemgetter(0), hits)
        for i in expected_hits:
            assert points[i] in hits
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def test_many(self):
     geotrie = GeoTrie(precision=6)
     points = [
         ((51.528642, -0.101599), None),
         ((51.7505017, -1.3177993), None)
     assert geotrie.trie.has('gcpvjs')
     assert geotrie.trie.has('gcpn6h')
     assert geotrie.trie.values('gcpvjs') == [
         ((51.528642, -0.101599), None)
     assert geotrie.trie.values('gcpn6h') == [
         ((51.7505017, -1.3177993), None)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def build(self, geo_df: GeoDataFrame):
     self.gt = GeoTrie(self.gh_len)
     df_columns = list(geo_df.columns)
     for i, row in geo_df.iterrows():
         polygons: List[Polygon] = row["geometry"].geoms
         # TODO: Check for non-polygon entries
         for poly in polygons:
             meta = {
                 column: row[column]
                 for column in list(
                     filter(lambda x: x != "geometry", df_columns))
             gdp = GeoDataPoint(meta, poly)
             geos = self.__gh_intersecting(poly)
             for gh in geos:
                 self.gt.insert(gh, gdp)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def test_multiple(self):
        geotrie = GeoTrie(precision=6)

        point = (51.528642, -0.101599)
        assert geotrie.trie.has('gcpvjs')
        assert geotrie.trie.values('gcpvjs') == [
            ((51.528642, -0.101599), None)

        point = (51.7505017, -1.3177993)
        assert geotrie.trie.has('gcpn6h')
        assert geotrie.trie.values('gcpn6h') == [
            ((51.7505017, -1.3177993), None)
Ejemplo n.º 6
class GeoTrieIndex(SpatialIndex):
    """A geospatial index that using GeoTries as underlying data structure"""
    Two overlap discovery algorithms are provided:
    SUBSAMPLE_GRID: Divides bounding box of given polygon into a grid and maps select points in the grid as geohashes
    NEIGHBOUR_BFS: Performs BFS search on centroid of given polygon till it keeps finding neighbours that intersect
    TOP_DOWN: Performs a top-down search of overlapping grids, starting from largest geohash(es) that contain polygon 
    TOP_DOWN = 3

    _BASE64 = (
        '0123456789'  # noqa: E262    #   10    0x30 - 0x39
        '@'  # +  1    0x40
        'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'  # + 26    0x41 - 0x5A
        '_'  # +  1    0x5F
        'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'  # + 26    0x61 - 0x7A
    )  # = 64    0x30 - 0x7A

    def __init__(self, gh_len: int, scan_algorithm=SUBSAMPLE_GRID):
        self.gh_len = gh_len
        self.gt = None
        self.scan_algorithm = scan_algorithm

    def __gh_encode(self, lon, lat):
        return ghh.encode(lon, lat, precision=self.gh_len)

    def __gh_intersects_poly(cls, gh: str, poly: Polygon):
        node_poly = shape(ghh.rectangle(gh)["geometry"])
        return node_poly.intersects(poly)

    def __gh_contains_poly(cls, gh: str, poly: Polygon):
        node_poly = shape(ghh.rectangle(gh)["geometry"])
        return node_poly.contains(poly)

    def __get_children(cls, parent: str) -> List[str]:
        return [parent + child for child in cls._BASE64]

    def __neighbour_bfs(self, poly: Polygon, precision) -> List[str]:
        centroid = poly.centroid
        gh = ghh.encode(*(centroid.coords[0]), precision=precision)
        overlaps = []
        q1 = FifoQueue()
        q2 = FifoQueue()
        visited = dict()
        discovered = dict()
        level_active = False

        while not q1.empty():
            node = q1.pop()
            if node not in visited.keys():
                visited[node] = True
                discovered[node] = True
                node_poly = shape(ghh.rectangle(node)["geometry"])
                if node_poly.intersects(poly):
                    level_active = True

            next_level = list(ghh.neighbours(node).values())
            for nbr in next_level:
                if nbr not in discovered.keys():
                    discovered[nbr] = True
            if q1.empty() and level_active:
                level_active = False
                q2, q1 = q1, q2

        return overlaps

    # TODO: Make this a generator
    def __matrix_geohashes(self, poly) -> List:
        precision_box = ghh.rectangle(''.join(
            ["0" for _ in range(self.gh_len)]))["bbox"]
        grid_intercept = min(abs(precision_box[0] - precision_box[2]),
                             abs(precision_box[1] - precision_box[3]))
        poly_bbox = poly.bounds
        subsamples = set()
        for lon in np.arange(poly_bbox[0], poly_bbox[2] + grid_intercept,
            for lat in np.arange(poly_bbox[1], poly_bbox[3] + grid_intercept,
                subsamples.add(self.__gh_encode(lon, lat))
        return list(subsamples)

    def __subsample_grid(self, poly: Polygon) -> List[str]:
        subsamples = self.__matrix_geohashes(poly)
        overlaps = []
        for gh in subsamples:
            if self.__gh_intersects_poly(gh, poly):
        return overlaps

    def __search_gh_box(self, poly: Polygon, prefix: str) -> List[str]:
        # Check if geohash of required length intersects polygon. if so, it is part of the solution
        if len(prefix) == self.gh_len:
            return [prefix] if self.__gh_intersects_poly(prefix, poly) else []

        # If prefix doesn't intersect polygon, none of its children will.
        if not self.__gh_intersects_poly(prefix, poly):
            return []

        intersects = []
        children = self.__get_children(prefix)
        # Recurse on all children
        for child in children:
            intersects.extend(self.__search_gh_box(poly, child))
        return intersects

    def __smallest_container(self, poly: Polygon) -> Union[str, None]:
        centroid_coords = poly.centroid.coords[0]
        gh_centroid = self.__gh_encode(*centroid_coords)
        i = 0
        while not self.__gh_contains_poly(gh_centroid, poly):
            i += 1
            if i == self.gh_len:
                return None
            gh_centroid = ghh.encode(*centroid_coords,
                                     precision=self.gh_len - i)
        return gh_centroid

    def __top_down_search(self, poly: Polygon) -> List[str]:
        # find top level geohashes intersecting polygon
        smallest_gh = self.__smallest_container(poly)
        if smallest_gh is None:
            top_level = self.__neighbour_bfs(poly, 1)
            top_level = [smallest_gh]
        overlaps = []
        for tgh in top_level:
            overlaps.extend(self.__search_gh_box(poly, tgh))
        return overlaps

    def __gh_intersecting(self, poly: Polygon) -> List[str]:
        if self.scan_algorithm == self.SUBSAMPLE_GRID:
            return self.__subsample_grid(poly)
        elif self.scan_algorithm == self.NEIGHBOUR_BFS:
            return self.__neighbour_bfs(poly, self.gh_len)
        elif self.scan_algorithm == self.TOP_DOWN:
            return self.__top_down_search(poly)
            raise Exception("Invalid scan algorithm")

    def build(self, geo_df: GeoDataFrame):
        self.gt = GeoTrie(self.gh_len)
        df_columns = list(geo_df.columns)
        for i, row in geo_df.iterrows():
            polygons: List[Polygon] = row["geometry"].geoms
            # TODO: Check for non-polygon entries
            for poly in polygons:
                meta = {
                    column: row[column]
                    for column in list(
                        filter(lambda x: x != "geometry", df_columns))
                gdp = GeoDataPoint(meta, poly)
                geos = self.__gh_intersecting(poly)
                for gh in geos:
                    self.gt.insert(gh, gdp)

    def lookup(self, point: Point):
        if self.gt is None:
            raise ValueError("index is not built")
        gh = self.__gh_encode(*(point.coords[0]))
        candidates = self.gt.search(gh)
        containers = []
        for c in candidates:
            if c.poly.contains(point):
        return containers

    def gh_boxes(self, gh):
        return self.gt.search(gh)

    def show(self, long_format=False):
        if self.gt is None:
            raise ValueError("index is not built")

        def print_formatted(trie_dict: dict):
            for k, v in trie_dict.items():
                if long_format:
                    print(k, "->", ', '.join([str(i) for i in v]))
                    print(k, "->", len(v))
