Ejemplo n.º 1
def boil_out():
	# TODO: Log errors and inform administrator. Only inform user that this
	# should not happen and a bug report has been filed. Encourage user to
	# offer assistance (contact administrator, describe problem).

	import sys
	exc = sys.exc_info()[1]

	print '<B>Unhandled Exception:</B> <I>%s</I>' % exc

	if isinstance(exc, error):
		print ' (%s)' % error.lvl_txt(exc.lvl())
		error(error.error, str(exc))

	print '<BR />\n'

	from germ.txt import errmsg
	print errmsg.failure

	print "<PRE>"
	import traceback
	import sys
	traceback.print_exc(file = sys.stdout)
	print "</PRE>"

	import cf
	print '<HR>Webmaster: ' \
			'<A href="mailto:%s">%s</A>' % (cf.admin_email, cf.admin_email)

	from pso.service import OK
	return OK
Ejemplo n.º 2
	def post(self, act_str):
		if act_str == 'edit':
			if self.__prev_phase == 1 and self.__next_phase == 2:
				attr = self.get_attr_nocheck('mode')
				mode = attr.get()

				if mode == 0:
					# TODO: Create ranking table if necessary.
				elif mode == 1:
					from germ.error.error import error
					raise error(error.error, 'Not yet implemented: %s' %
				elif mode == 2:
					# double elimination

					party = self.get_attr_nocheck('party').get()
					tourney = self.get_attr_nocheck('name').get()

					from double_elimination import double_elimination

					double_elimination.start(party, tourney, self.__teams,
							self._session, self._globals)
					from germ.error.error import error
					raise error(error.error, 'Unknown mode %i' % mode)
Ejemplo n.º 3
	def attr_iter(self, action):
		for aid in self._attr_ids:
			attr = self._attr_map[aid]

			from germ.error.error import error
			error(error.debug, 'checking attribute', aid)

			if attr.dyn_perm(action):
				yield attr
				from germ.attr.dummy import dummy
				yield dummy()
Ejemplo n.º 4
	def query(cls, query):
		from germ.error.error import error
		error(error.debug, 'db_iface query', query)

		if cls.__type == 'mysql':
			rset = cls.__sql_query_mysql(query)
			from germ.error.error import error
			from germ.txt import errmsg
			raise error(error.fail, errmsg.unknown_db_type,
				'db_type: %s' % __type)

		return rset
Ejemplo n.º 5
	def pre(self, act_str):
		if act_str == 'submit':
		elif act_str == 'edit':
			phase = self.get_cur_attr('phase')

			mask = []

			if phase == 0:
				mask = [phase, phase + 1]
			elif phase == 1:
				from team_members import team_members

				party = self.get_attr_nocheck('party').get()
				tourney = self.get_attr_nocheck('name').get()
				size = self.get_attr_nocheck('teamsize').get()

				self.__teams = team_members.get_teams(party, tourney, size,
						self._session, self._globals)

				if len(self.__teams) >= 2:
					mask = [phase, phase + 1]
					mask = [phase]
				from germ.error.error import error
				raise error(error.error, 'Attempt to edit tourney in ' \
						'phase %i' % phase)

			attr = self.get_attr_nocheck('phase')

			self.__prev_phase = phase
			self.__next_phase = attr.get()
Ejemplo n.º 6
	def start_item(self, attrs):
		if self._hide > 0:
			self._hide += 1

		attr_map = dict(attrs)

		ent_str = attr_map.get('entity')
		act_str = attr_map.get('action')

		if ent_str is None or act_str is None:
			from germ.error.error import error
			raise error(error.warn, 'Invalid item', 'entity: %s, action: %s' \
					% (ent_str, act_str))

		entity = self.__check_item(ent_str, act_str)

		for k in attr_map.keys():
			import re

			attr_map[k] = re.sub(r'\$([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*)',
					self.__variable, attr_map[k])

			if self.__unknown_variable:

				self.__unknown_variable = False

		if entity is not None:
			self.__item_stack.append((attr_map, entity, act_str))
Ejemplo n.º 7
Archivo: auth.py Proyecto: drizzd/germ
	def check_pwd(self, aid):
		from germ.erm.helper import sql_query

		rset = sql_query("SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE username = '******'" % \
			(cf.pwd_str, self.__user_table,
			self._attr_map['username'].sql_str()), self._session,

		if len(rset) > 1:
			# TODO: Make this an invalid_key exception. This could very well
			# occur by a user 'mistake'. On the other hand, can it still occur
			# if ref_group.generate_keylist did not complain?
			from germ.error.error import error
			raise error(error.fail, "Ambiguous primary key: result has " + \
					"multiple records", "number of records: %s" % \

		if len(rset) == 0:
			invalid_auth = True
			passwd = rset[0][0]

			invalid_auth = not self._attr_map[aid].check(passwd)

		if invalid_auth:
			from germ.error.invalid_parm import invalid_parm
			raise invalid_parm('Wrong username/password')
Ejemplo n.º 8
def get_entity(ent_str, session, glob = globals()):
		mod = __import__('entity.' + ent_str, glob, locals(), [ent_str])
	except ImportError, e:
		from germ.error.error import error
		raise error(error.fail, "Could not find entity. " + \
				"ImportError: " + str(e), "entity: " + ent_str)
Ejemplo n.º 9
	def get(self):
		val = self._val

		if val not in self.__mask:
			from germ.error.error import error
			raise error(error.error, "Choice does not heed masking",
					"key: %s, mask: %s" % (val, self.__mask))

		return val
Ejemplo n.º 10
	def __init__(self, label, options, perm = [], default = 0,
			chk_func_vec = []):
		attribute.__init__(self, label, perm, default, chk_func_vec)

		if len(options) == 0:
			raise error(error.fail, errmsg.attr_choice_nooptions)

		self.__options = options
		self.__mask = range(len(options))
Ejemplo n.º 11
	def action_txt(self, act_str):
		from germ.txt import misc
		text = self.__action_txt.get(act_str, misc.action.get(act_str))

		if text is None:
			from germ.error.error import error
			raise error(error.warn, 'No action description', 'action: %s' % \
		return text
Ejemplo n.º 12
def get_action(act_str, do_exec):
	action_class_str = 'act_' + act_str

		mod = __import__('germ.erm.' + action_class_str, globals(), locals(),
	except ImportError, e:
		from germ.error.error import error
		raise error(error.fail, "Could not perform action. " + \
				"ImportError: " + str(e), "action: " + act_str)
Ejemplo n.º 13
	def sql_str(self):
		from germ.lib.db_iface import db_iface

		string = self._sql_str()

		if string is None:
			from germ.error.error import error
			raise error(error.error, 'Invalid SQL String', 'attr: %s' % \

		return db_iface.escape_string(string)
Ejemplo n.º 14
	def get_missing_table(cls, e):
		if cls.__type == 'mysql':
			from MySQLdb.constants.ER import NO_SUCH_TABLE

			if e.args[0] == NO_SUCH_TABLE:
				import cf, re
				return re.match("^Table '%s\.([a-z_]*)'" % cf.db_database,
			from germ.error.error import error
			raise error(error.fail, errmsg.unimplemented)

		return None
Ejemplo n.º 15
	def __session_val(self, match):
		if match.group(2) is not None:
			varname = match.group(2)[1:]
			ent_str = match.group(1)

			from helper import get_entity
			entity = get_entity(ent_str, self.__session,

			val = entity.magic_var(varname)
			if val is None:
				from germ.error.error import error
				raise error(error.error, 'Invalid magic variable',
						'entity: %s, varname: %s' % (ent_str, varname))

			return str(val)

		varname = match.group(1)

		val = self.__ent.magic_var(varname)
		if val is not None:
			return val

		if not self.__session.has_key(varname):
			# this will evaluate all comparisons to NULL, i.e. false
			return 'NULL'

		val = self.__session[varname]

		if not isinstance(val, str):
			from germ.error.error import error
			raise error(error.fail, "Session variables for use in an " \
					"SQL condition must be strings",
					"variable: %s, type: %s" % (varname, type(val)))

		from germ.lib.db_iface import db_iface

		return "'%s'" % db_iface.escape_string(val)
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def get_rec_explicit(self, table, key, attrs="*"):
        from germ.erm.helper import sql_query

        rset = sql_query("SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s" % (attrs, table, key), self._session, self._globals)

        if len(rset) != 1:
            # TODO: Make this an invalid_key exception. This could very well
            # occur by a user 'mistake'. On the other hand, can it still occur
            # if ref_group.generate_keylist did not complain?
            from germ.error.error import error

            raise error(error.fail, "Invalid key", "number of records: %s" % len(rset))

        return rset[0]
Ejemplo n.º 17
Archivo: misc.py Proyecto: drizzd/germ
def get_cond(cond, act_str):
	if not isinstance(cond, dict):
		from germ.error.error import error
		raise error(error.error, 'Invalid condition type',
				'cond: %s, type: %s' % (cond, type(cond)))

	cond_act = cond.get(act_str)
	cond_all = cond.get('all')

	if cond_act is None:
		return cond_all
	elif cond_all is None:
		return cond_act
		return '(%s) AND (%s)' % (cond_all, cond_act)
Ejemplo n.º 18
	def startend_attr(self, attrs):
		attr_map = dict(attrs)

		aid = attr_map.get('id')

		if aid is None:
			from germ.error.error import error
			raise error(error.warn, 'Invalid attr tag', 'id: %s' % (aid))

		attr = self.__rec.get_attr(aid, 'view')

		from attr_act_view import attr_act_view
		act_view = attr_act_view()

		return act_view.get_text()
Ejemplo n.º 19
Archivo: gamer.py Proyecto: drizzd/germ
	def has_paid(self):
		# TODO: This is very similar to ent_table.get_rec().

		from germ.erm.helper import sql_query

		rset = sql_query("SELECT paid FROM %s WHERE %s" % \
				(self._name, self.get_attr_sql_pk()), self._session,

		if len(rset) != 1:
			from germ.error.error import error
			raise error(error.fail, "Invalid primary key: result is empty " + \
					"or has multiple records", "number of records: %s" % \

		return rset[0][0] == 1
Ejemplo n.º 20
	def __variable(self, match):
		varname = match.group(1)

		if not self._session.has_key(varname):
			self.__unknown_variable = True
			return ''

		val = self._session[varname]

		if not isinstance(val, str):
			from germ.error.error import error
			raise error(error.fail, "Session variables for use in a " \
					"URL must be strings",
					"variable: %s, type: %s" % (varname, type(val)))

		import urllib

		return urllib.quote_plus(val, '')
Ejemplo n.º 21
def handler(req):
	from log_file import log_file

	error.log_file = log_file()

	from germ.lib import misc

		import cf



		import cgi
		form = cgi.FieldStorage(keep_blank_values = True)

		# Get index.

		wholename = cf.ht_docpath + '/index.html'

		index = None

			index = file(wholename)
		except IOError, e:
			raise error(error.fail, e, 'Could not open index file "%s"' % \

		#	req.pso().session['reloads'] += 1
		#	req.pso().session['reloads'] = 1

		#session = req.pso().session
		from pso.session import CookieFileImpl
		session = req.pso().getSession(CookieFileImpl,

		ret = get_content(form, session)

		if isinstance(ret, bool):
			return ret

		content = ret

		from ht_parser import ht_parser
		parser = ht_parser()

		parser.set_params(content, session)

		while True:
			text = index.read()

			if not len(text) > 0:



		print parser.output()
Ejemplo n.º 22
	def to_lock(self):
		if not self.is_set():
			from germ.error.error import error
			raise error(error.fail, errmsg.tried_locking_unset_attr)
			self.__to_lock = True
Ejemplo n.º 23
def print_form(entity, act_str, page, prompt_pk_only, display_errors):
    import cf

    formtext = '<FORM method="GET" action="%s" autocomplete="off">\n' % cf.ht_index

    # Give form again until user has seen all the fields, except for a view.
    if not prompt_pk_only or act_str == "view":
        formtext += '<INPUT type="hidden" name="do_exec">\n'

    formtext += '<INPUT type="hidden" name="entity" value="%s">\n' % entity.get_name()
    formtext += '<INPUT type="hidden" name="action" value="%s">\n' % act_str

    if page is not None:
        formtext += '<INPUT type="hidden" name="page" value="%s">\n' % page

    formtext += "<TABLE>\n"

    error_vec = []

    from attr_act_form_field import attr_act_form_field

    act_form_field = attr_act_form_field()
    from attr_act_form_key import attr_act_form_key

    act_form_key = attr_act_form_key()

    attr_vec = entity.get_attr_vec(act_str)
    pk_set = entity.get_pk_set()
    prev_was_key = False
    prev_group = None
    cnt = 0
    while len(attr_vec) > 0:
        group = entity.get_ref_group(attr_vec[0])

        from germ.error.error import error

        error(error.debug, "printing attribute", "aid: %s, group: %s" % (attr_vec[0], group))

        if group is None:
            aid = attr_vec.pop(0)

            if prompt_pk_only:

            prev_was_key = False

            attr = entity.get_attr_nocheck(aid)

            formtext += '<TR><TD colspan="2">%s:</TD><TD>' % attr.label()

            # This can happen if the attribute is already locked for the first
            # request.
            if attr.is_locked():
                formtext += '<INPUT type="hidden" name="lock" ' 'value="%s">' % aid

            parm_name = cf.ht_parm_prefix_attr + aid


            formtext += act_form_field.get_text()

            if display_errors:
                formtext += get_error(attr, error_vec)

            formtext += "</TD></TR>\n"
            cnt += 1
            j = 0
            first = True

            # Also display remaining attributes of the same reference group.
            while j < len(attr_vec):
                if not group.has_key(attr_vec[j]):
                    j += 1

                aid = attr_vec.pop(j)
                attr = entity.get_attr_nocheck(aid)

                if prompt_pk_only and aid not in pk_set:

                if prev_group != group and prev_was_key:
                    formtext += '<TR><TD colspan="2"></TD><TD><HR></TD></TR>\n'

                prev_group = group
                prev_was_key = True

                from sets import Set as set

                keyset = group.has_fk(aid) and set(group.get_keys(aid)) or set()

                locked = attr.is_locked()

                lock = locked or len(keyset) == 1

                formtext += (
                    '<TR><TD>%s:</TD><TD align="right"><INPUT '
                    'type="radio" name="to_lock%u" '
                    % (attr.label(), cnt, aid, (lock) and " disabled" or "", (not lock and first) and " checked" or "")

                if lock:
                    formtext += '<INPUT type="hidden" name="lock" ' 'value="%s">' % aid
                elif first:
                    first = False

                parm_name = cf.ht_parm_prefix_attr + aid
                change_handler = (
                    "var radios = this.form.elements['to_lock%u']; "
                    "for (var i = 0; i < radios.length; i++) {"
                    "	if (radios[i].value == '%s') {"
                    "		radios[i].checked = true; "
                    "		break; "
                    "	}"
                    "}" % (cnt, aid)

                if group.has_fk(aid):
                    formtext += '<SELECT name="%s" onchange="%s"%s>' % (
                        locked and " disabled" or "",

                    if attr.is_set():
                        cur_key = attr.sql_str()
                        cur_key = None

                    tmp_attr = attr.copy()

                    prev_key = None
                    for key in keyset:
                        formtext += '\t<OPTION value="%s"%s>' % (key, key == cur_key and " selected" or "")


                        formtext += act_form_key.get_text()

                        formtext += "</OPTION>\n"

                        prev_key = key

                    formtext += "</SELECT>"

                    if attr.is_locked():
                        formtext += '<INPUT type="hidden" name="%s" ' 'value="%s">' % (parm_name, attr.get())
                    act_form_field.set_handler("change", change_handler)
                    formtext += act_form_field.get_text()

                if display_errors:
                    formtext += get_error(attr, error_vec)

                formtext += "</TD></TR>\n"

    from germ.lib.misc import txt_lang

    formtext += (
        '<TR><TD colspan="2"></TD>'
        '<TD><INPUT type="submit" value="%s"></TD>'
        "</TR>\n" % txt_lang(entity.action_txt(act_str))

    formtext += "</TABLE>\n</FORM>"

    from germ.txt import errmsg

    errortext = len(error_vec) > 0 and txt_lang(errmsg.attr_error) + ":<BR />\n" or ""

    for i, e_vec in enumerate(error_vec):
        err_str = ""
        for e in e_vec:
            err_str += "%s<BR />\n" % e

        errortext += '<SPAN style="color: red">%s</SPAN>: %s' % (i + 1, err_str)

    errortext += len(error_vec) > 0 and "<BR />\n" or ""

    return (formtext, errortext)
Ejemplo n.º 24
	def _do_set(self, val):
		from germ.error.error import error
		raise error(error.fail, errmsg.abstract_func, 'class: %s' % self.__class__)
Ejemplo n.º 25
	def do_accept(self, action):
		raise error(error.fail, errmsg.abstract_func)
Ejemplo n.º 26
	def _get_sql_query(self, table, sql_str):
		raise error(error.error, errmsg.abstract_func)
Ejemplo n.º 27
def get_content(form, session):
	import cf

	# First we get the action object and an entity, then the parameters.
	# No action means 'just display the page', i.e. we need the 'page'
	# parameter.

	p_action = form.getfirst('action', None)
	p_entity = form.getfirst('entity', None)
	p_page = form.getfirst('page', None)

	fullpage = form.has_key('fullpage')

	if p_action is None:
		if p_entity is not None:
			raise error(error.fail, "Request for an entity without an " +
					"action to act on it", "entity: %s" % p_entity)

		if p_page is None:
			p_page = cf.ht_default_page
			p_action = cf.ht_default_action
			p_entity = cf.ht_default_entity
	elif p_entity is None:
		raise error(error.fail, "Request for an action without an " \
				"entity to act on", "action: %s" % p_action)

	# Get page.

	page = None

	if p_page is not None:
		page = get_page(p_page)

	if page is None and p_entity is not None:
		page = get_page(p_entity)

	if p_action is None:
		pagetext = ''

		if page is not None:
			while True:
				text = page.read()

				if not len(text) > 0:

				pagetext += text

		return pagetext

	# Parse GET parameters.

	from sets import Set

	attr_map = {}
	attr_locks = Set()
	attr_to_lock = Set()
	do_exec = False
	for name, val in [(parm.name, parm_val(parm)) for parm in form.list]:
		if name.startswith(cf.ht_parm_prefix_attr):
			# Handle multivalued parameters.
			pos = name.find('__', len(cf.ht_parm_prefix_attr))

			if pos < 0:
				attr = name[len(cf.ht_parm_prefix_attr):]

				if attr_map.has_key(attr):
					if isinstance(attr_map[attr], dict):
						raise error(error.error, "Multi-valued parameter " \
								"overwritten with single-valued parameter",
								"attribute: %s" % attr)
						# If a single-valued parameter is specified multiple
						# times, the last occurence counts.

				attr_map[attr] = val
				attr = name[len(cf.ht_parm_prefix_attr):pos]

				if not attr_map.has_key(attr):
					attr_map[attr] = {}
				elif not isinstance(attr_map[attr], dict):
					raise error(error.error, "Single-valued parameter " \
							"overwritten with multi-valued parameter",
							"attribute: %s" % attr)

				attr_map[attr][name[pos+2:]] = val
		elif name == 'lock':
		elif name.startswith('to_lock'):
		elif name == 'do_exec':
			do_exec = True

	from germ.erm.helper import get_entity
	entity = get_entity(p_entity, session, globals())

	found_invalid_parm = False

	for attr, value in attr_map.iteritems():
		from germ.error.invalid_parm import invalid_parm
			a = entity.get_attr(attr, p_action)

			from attr_act_set import attr_act_set

		except invalid_parm, e:
			found_invalid_parm = True

			if attr in attr_locks:
				raise error(error.fail, "Locked attribute has invalid value",
						"attr: %s, error: %s" % (attr, e))
			elif attr in attr_to_lock:
Ejemplo n.º 28
			from germ.error.perm_denied import perm_denied
			from germ.error.do_not_exec import do_not_exec
			from germ.error.missing_lock import missing_lock
			from germ.error.missing_pk_lock import missing_pk_lock

			if isinstance(e, no_valid_keys) or isinstance(e, perm_denied):
				self._hide += 1
				return None
			elif not (isinstance(e, do_not_exec) or \
					isinstance(e, missing_lock) or \
					isinstance(e, missing_pk_lock)):
				import sys
				exctype, exc, tb = sys.exc_info()
				raise exctype, exc, tb
			raise error(error.error, 'action succeeded without do_exec',
				'entity: %s, action: %s' % (ent_str, act_str))

		return entity

	def __variable(self, match):
		varname = match.group(1)

		if not self._session.has_key(varname):
			self.__unknown_variable = True
			return ''

		val = self._session[varname]

		if not isinstance(val, str):
			from germ.error.error import error
			raise error(error.fail, "Session variables for use in a " \
Ejemplo n.º 29
				and (not do_exec or found_invalid_parm):
			display_errors = False

		error_str = str(e) + "<BR />\n<BR />\n"

		if isinstance(e, missing_lock):
			if not do_exec:
				error_str = str(do_not_exec()) + "<BR />\n<BR />\n"
		elif isinstance(e, invalid_parm):
		elif isinstance(e, do_not_exec):
		elif isinstance(e, missing_pk_lock):
			prompt_pk_only = True
		elif isinstance(e, no_valid_keys) or isinstance(e, perm_denied):
			error(error.warn, e, "action: %s, entity: %s" % \
					(p_action, p_entity))

			return error_str
			import sys
			exctype, exc, tb = sys.exc_info()
			raise exctype, exc, tb

	print_parm = {
			'handler': print_handler,
			'entity': entity,
			'action': p_action,
			'page': p_page,
			'prompt_pk_only': prompt_pk_only,
			'display_errors': display_errors,
			'error_str': error_str }
Ejemplo n.º 30
	def check(self, crypted_pwd):
		from crypt import crypt

		from germ.error.error import error
		error(error.debug, 'checking password %s (%s)' % (self._val, crypted_pwd))
		return crypted_pwd == crypt(self._val, crypted_pwd)