Ejemplo n.º 1
def main():
    # Load config
    config_file = ".contribution-report.yaml"

    with open(config_file, "r") as f:
        config = yaml.load(f)

    start_date = config["start_date"]

    save = [["Project", "Pull request", "Status", "Title"]]

    # Gather github
    for user in config["github_users"]:
        report.extend(get_stats(user, config["github_repos"], since=start_date))

    # Gather gerrit
    ppl = GerritUsers(
    gerrit_patches = ppl.fixes(start_date, dt.now(), branch="master", format="github")
    for user in config["gerrit_users"]:

    # Report
    for item in sorted(report, key=lambda k: k["created_at"]):
        save.append([item["repository_url"].split("/")[-1], item["html_url"], item["state"], item["title"]])
        print "%s - %s - %s - %s - %s - %s" % (

    # Save to csv
    save_csv("/tmp/report.csv", save)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def main():
    fixes = {}
    bugs_cur = {}
    bugs_last = {}
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Deploy OpenStack and run Fuel health check.')
    parser.add_argument('report_date', type=str, help="Report date.", nargs='?',
            default = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))
    parser.add_argument("-l", "--login", help="Login", action="store_true")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # Let's caclulate report dates, we need fridays since we publish bugfix report on fridays
    # but we use saturday as report_date in order to use '<' in date strings comparision.
    report_day = datetime.datetime.strptime(args.report_date, '%Y-%m-%d')
    last_sun = report_day - datetime.timedelta(days=report_day.weekday()) + \
            datetime.timedelta(days=6, weeks=-1)
    prelast_sun = last_sun - datetime.timedelta(weeks=1)
    last_mon = last_sun + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
    print "Report day: %s" % report_day
    print "Last Monday: %s" % last_mon
    print "Last Sunday: %s" % last_sun
    print "Pre-last Sunday: %s" % prelast_sun

    # Login with your Google account
    gc = gspread.authorize(credentials)

    # Open worksheet from spreadsheet
    patches_sh = gc.open_by_key(SpreadsheetKey)

    # Let's gather engineers info and build patches_worksheets dict
    patches_worksheet_list = patches_sh.worksheets()
    patches_worksheets = {}
    for worksheet in patches_worksheet_list:
        if worksheet.title in ['summary', 'template']:
        # getting list of engineers from worksheet
        patches_worksheets[worksheet.title] = []
        engineers = worksheet.col_values(1)[2:-2]

    # Let's gather gerrit and LP info now, it can take a while
    for ws in patches_worksheets:
        for engineers in patches_worksheets[ws]:
            print "Gathering gerrit reviews info for '%s' worksheet, engineers: %s" % (ws, engineers)
            ppl = GerritUsers(engineers)
            fixes[ws] = ppl.fixes(start_date, report_day.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), branch, cachedir="/var/tmp/.gerrit")
            print "Gathering LP bugs fixed info for '%s' worksheet, engineers: %s" % (ws, engineers)
            lp_ppl = LpUsers(engineers, login = args.login)
            # Get info from start to last Sun and cache it for future
            bugs_last[ws] = lp_ppl.bugs(start_date, last_mon.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), ms, cachedir='/var/tmp/.launchpadlib')
            # Get info for current week and cache it separately
            bugs_cur[ws] = lp_ppl.bugs(last_sun.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), report_day.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), ms, cachedir='/var/tmp/.curlaunchpadlib')

    # Another login session with our Google account to avoid 502 errors due to timeouts
    second_gc = gspread.authorize(credentials)

    # Now we can update google doc
    second_sh = second_gc.open_by_key(SpreadsheetKey)
    for ws in patches_worksheets:
        # updating every worksheet
        worksheet = second_sh.worksheet(ws)
        safe_method(worksheet.update_cell, 1, 1, "Report date: %s" % report_day.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))
        for engineers in patches_worksheets[ws]:
            for engineer in engineers:
                # updating info for every engineer
                # calculating bugs
                current_week_bugs = []
                last_week_bugs = []
                inprogress_bugs = []
                total_bugs = []
                print "\nChecking bugs for %s" % engineer
                for bug in bugs_last[ws][engineer] + bugs_cur[ws][engineer]:
                    print "%s %s %s %s" % (bug['web_link'], bug['importance'], bug['status'], bug['change_date'])
                    if bug['status'] in ["Fix Committed", "Fix Released"]:
                        if bug['change_date'][:10] >= last_mon.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'):
                        elif bug['change_date'][:10] >= prelast_sun.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'):
                    elif bug['status'] == "In Progress":

                print "\nUpdating worksheet info for %s" % engineer
                print total_bugs
                cell = safe_method(worksheet.find, engineer)
                safe_method(worksheet.update_cell, cell.row, cell.col + 1, len(fixes[ws][engineer]['open_this_week']))
                safe_method(worksheet.update_cell, cell.row, cell.col + 2, len(fixes[ws][engineer]['merged_this_week']))
                safe_method(worksheet.update_cell, cell.row, cell.col + 3, len(current_week_bugs))
                safe_method(worksheet.update_cell, cell.row, cell.col + 4, len(fixes[ws][engineer]['merged_last_week']))
                safe_method(worksheet.update_cell, cell.row, cell.col + 5, len(last_week_bugs))
                safe_method(worksheet.update_cell, cell.row, cell.col + 6, len(inprogress_bugs))
                safe_method(worksheet.update_cell, cell.row, cell.col + 7, len(fixes[ws][engineer]['merged']))
                safe_method(worksheet.update_cell, cell.row, cell.col + 8, len(total_bugs))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def main():
    fixes = {}
    os_fixes = {}
    infra_fixes = {}
    bugs = {}
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Deploy OpenStack and run Fuel health check.')
    parser.add_argument('report_date', type=str, help="Report date (UTC).", nargs='?',
            default = "current")
    parser.add_argument('--start-date', type=str, help="Report start date.",
            default = "2015-06-22")
    parser.add_argument('--milestone', type=str, help="Milestone.",
            default = "7.0")
    parser.add_argument("-l", "--login", help="Login", action="store_true")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # Let's caclulate report dates
    weekday = datetime.datetime.today().weekday()
    if args.report_date == "current":
        report_date = datetime.datetime.now(pytz.utc)
        report_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(args.report_date, '%Y-%m-%d').replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc)

    start_date = pytz.utc.localize(datetime.datetime.strptime(args.start_date, '%Y-%m-%d'))
    last_sun = report_date.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) - \
            datetime.timedelta(days=report_date.weekday()) + \
            datetime.timedelta(days=6, weeks=-1)
    prelast_sun = last_sun - datetime.timedelta(weeks=1)
    last_mon = last_sun + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
    print "Report date: %s" % report_date
    print "Last Monday: %s" % last_mon
    print "Last Sunday: %s" % last_sun
    print "Pre-last Sunday: %s" % prelast_sun
    ms = args.milestone
    # Login with your Google account
    gc = gspread.authorize(credentials)

    # Open worksheet from spreadsheet
    patches_sh = gc.open_by_key(SpreadsheetKey)

    # Let's gather engineers info and build patches_worksheets dict
    patches_worksheet_list = patches_sh.worksheets()
    patches_worksheets = {}
    for worksheet in patches_worksheet_list:
        if worksheet.title in ['summary', 'template']:
#        if worksheet.title != 'template':
        # getting list of engineers from worksheet
        patches_worksheets[worksheet.title] = []
        engineers = [list(group) for k, group in groupby(worksheet.col_values(1)[2:], lambda x: x == "Total") if not k]

    # Let's gather gerrit and LP info now, it can take some time
    for ws in patches_worksheets:
        for engineers in patches_worksheets[ws]:
            print "Gathering gerrit reviews info for '%s' worksheet, engineers: %s" % (ws, engineers)
            ppl = GerritUsers(engineers)
            os_fixes[ws] = ppl.fixes(start_date, report_date, branch='master')
            ppl = GerritUsers(engineers,
                    gerrit = 'https://review.fuel-infra.org',
                    projects = ['^.*'],
                    url = 'https://review.fuel-infra.org/#/c/%s')
            infra_fixes[ws] = ppl.fixes(start_date, report_date, branch='.*')
            print "Gathering LP bugs fixed info for '%s' worksheet, engineers: %s" % (ws, engineers)
            lp_ppl = LpUsers(engineers, login = args.login)
            bugs[ws] = lp_ppl.bugs(start_date, report_date, ms)

    # Another login session with our Google account to avoid 502 errors due to timeouts
    second_gc = gspread.authorize(credentials)

    # Now we can update google doc
    second_sh = second_gc.open_by_key(SpreadsheetKey)
    for ws in patches_worksheets:
        # updating every worksheet
        worksheet = second_sh.worksheet(ws)
        updated_on = safe_method(worksheet.cell, 1, 1).value
        safe_method(worksheet.update_cell, 1, 1, "Updated on: %s UTC" % report_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"))
        for engineers in patches_worksheets[ws]:
            for engineer in engineers:
                # Updating info for every engineer
                # Calculating bugs
                current_week_bugs = []
                last_week_bugs = []
                inprogress_bugs = []
                total_bugs = []
                unresolved_bugs = []
                print "\nChecking bugs for %s" % engineer
                for bug in bugs[ws][engineer]:
                    print "%s [%s] [%s] %s" % (bug['web_link'], bug['importance'], bug['status'], bug['change_date'])
                    if bug['status'] in ["Fix Committed", "Fix Released"]:
                        if bug['change_date'] >= last_mon:
                        elif bug['change_date'] >= prelast_sun:
                    elif bug['status'] == "In Progress":
                    elif bug['status'] in ["New", "Confirmed", "Triaged"]:

                # Calculating reviews
                fixes['open_this_week'] = os_fixes[ws][engineer]['open_this_week'] + \
                fixes['merged_this_week'] = os_fixes[ws][engineer]['merged_this_week'] + \
                fixes['merged_last_week'] = os_fixes[ws][engineer]['merged_last_week'] + \
                fixes['merged'] = os_fixes[ws][engineer]['merged'] + \

                # Printing some info for debug/troubleshooting
                # TODO: re-do all the printing via logger
                print "\nUpdating worksheet info for %s" % engineer
                print "Bugs this week: %s" % current_week_bugs
                print "Bugs last week: %s" % last_week_bugs
                print "Bugs total: %s" % total_bugs
                print "Reviews open_this_week: %s" % fixes['open_this_week']
                print "Reviews merged_this_week: %s" % fixes['merged_this_week']
                print "Reviews merged_last_week: %s" % fixes['merged_last_week']
                print "Reviews merged total: %s" % fixes['merged']

                # Updating worksheet for engineer
                cell = safe_method(worksheet.find, engineer)
                cell_list = safe_method(worksheet.range, 'A%s:L%s' % (cell.row, cell.row))

                # Copy allocation from current week to the last week on Mondays
                if weekday == 0:
                    if re.search(report_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), updated_on):
                        print "Allocation should be already copied"
                        print "Copying resource allocation"
                        cell_list[5].value = cell_list[1].value

                cell_list[2].value = len(fixes['open_this_week'])
                cell_list[3].value = len(fixes['merged_this_week'])
                cell_list[4].value = len(current_week_bugs)
                cell_list[6].value = len(fixes['merged_last_week'])
                cell_list[7].value = len(last_week_bugs)
                cell_list[8].value = len(unresolved_bugs)
                cell_list[9].value = len(inprogress_bugs)
                cell_list[10].value = len(fixes['merged'])
                cell_list[11].value = len(total_bugs)

                # Update cells in batch
                safe_method(worksheet.update_cells, cell_list)

    print "Finished at: %s" % datetime.datetime.now(pytz.utc)