Ejemplo n.º 1
Created on Mon Dec  6 11:43:14 2021

@author: rmw61

from pathlib import Path
from ges.functions_RunModelV1 import derivatives, sat_conc
from ges.parameters import ACH, ias
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.dates import DateFormatter, WeekdayLocator, DayLocator, MONDAY
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from ges.config import config

path_conf = config(section="paths")
data_dir = Path(path_conf["data_dir"])
filepath_Weather = data_dir / path_conf["filename_weather"]
filepath_Monitored = data_dir / path_conf["filename_monitored"]
filepath_LastDataPoint = data_dir / path_conf["filename_lastdatapoint"]
filepath_ACH = data_dir / path_conf["filename_ach"]
filepath_IAS = data_dir / path_conf["filename_ias"]
filepath_Length = data_dir / path_conf["filename_length"]

# Import Weather Data
header_list = ["DateTime", "T_e", "RH_e"]
Weather = pd.read_csv(filepath_Weather, delimiter=",", names=header_list)

# Latest timestamp for weather and monitored data - hour (for lights)
Weather_hour = pd.DataFrame(Weather, columns=["DateTime", "T_e",
Ejemplo n.º 2
import logging
from TestScenarioV1_1 import testScenario, FILEPATH_WEATHER

# from CalibrationV2 import runCalibration
import pandas as pd
from pathlib import Path
from ges.dataAccess import (
from ges.config import config

path_conf = config(section="paths")

data_dir = Path(path_conf["data_dir"])
filepath_resultsRH = data_dir / path_conf["filename_resultsrh"]
filepath_resultsT = data_dir / path_conf["filename_resultst"]

cal_conf = config(section="calibration")
SENSOR_RH_16B2_DATABASE_ID = int(cal_conf["sensor_id"])

    "measure_database_id": 1,
    "result_index": 0,
    "preprocess": "to_celcius",
    "result_key": "T_air",
Ejemplo n.º 3
import logging
from typing import Dict
from ges.functions_scenarioV1 import (
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from ges.config import config


CAL_CONF = config(section="calibration")

USE_LIVE = False

# Import Weather Data
header_list = ["DateTime", "T_e", "RH_e"]
Weather = pd.read_csv(FILEPATH_WEATHER, delimiter=",", names=header_list)

# Latest timestamp for weather and monitored data - hour (for lights)
Weather_hour = pd.DataFrame(Weather, columns=["DateTime", "T_e",
LatestTime = Weather_hour[-1:]
LatestTimeHourValue = pd.DatetimeIndex(LatestTime.index).hour.astype(float)[0]

def getTimeParameters() -> Dict:
Ejemplo n.º 4
def main():

    # Code to run the GU physics-based simulation (GES) to predict temperature and relative
    # humidity (RH) in the tunnel, then calibrate the parameters ACH (ventilation rate) and
    # IAS (internal air speed) using monitored data.
    # At each data point the GES code runs using the previous 10 days of weather data
    # in order to calculate values for relative humidity at the time corresponding to the
    # data point.  The code runs 60 times with different ACH,IAS pairs to generate 60
    # values of RH to use as input for the calibration.
    # The calibration takes as input the 60 simulated values of RH, the 60 ACH,IAS input
    # pairs that generate the simulated RH values and the monitored data point. A GP is
    # fitted to the 60 RH values and input pairs. The particle filter then uses the GP
    # to calculate values for each of the particles (1000 ACH,IAS pairs).
    # This version (may_v2) downloads data from the data base and runs the model
    # calibration over the previous 20 days.

    path_conf = config(section="paths")
    data_dir = Path(path_conf["data_dir"])
    filepath_Weather = data_dir / path_conf["filename_weather"]
    filepath_Monitored = data_dir / path_conf["filename_monitored"]
    filepath_LastDataPoint = data_dir / path_conf["filename_lastdatapoint"]
    filepath_ACH = data_dir / path_conf["filename_ach"]
    filepath_IAS = data_dir / path_conf["filename_ias"]
    filepath_Length = data_dir / path_conf["filename_length"]
    filepath_ACHprior = data_dir / path_conf["filename_achprior"]
    filepath_IASprior = data_dir / path_conf["filename_iasprior"]
    filepath_Lengthprior = data_dir / path_conf["filename_lengthprior"]

    tic = time.time()

    useDataBase = True
    DataPoint = 0.7  # Dummy value in case of nan at first point


    cal_conf = config(section="calibration")

    # Get weather data and monitored data from database.  This code pulls in the latest
    # data, identifies the most recent common timestamp and then selects 10 days prior
    # to that for both the weather data and the monitored data.
    # Note no cleaning algorithm has yet been written, so it is assumed that
    # the data are complete.

    # Weather
    num_weather_days = int(cal_conf["num_weather_days"])
    # There should really be data every 5 or 10 minutes, but to play it safe, allow for
    # every minute.
    max_number_of_query_rows = num_weather_days * 24 * 60

    Weather_data = getDaysWeather(num_weather_days, max_number_of_query_rows)
    Weather_hour = pd.DataFrame(Weather_data,
                                columns=["DateTime", "T_e",

    # Monitored Data
    Monitored_data = getDaysHumidityTemp(num_weather_days,
    Monitored_10_minutes = pd.DataFrame(Monitored_data,
                                        columns=["DateTime", "T_i",

    Monitored_hour = Monitored_10_minutes.resample("H").mean()
        Monitored_hour.index = Monitored_hour.index.tz_convert(
            None)  # Ensure consistency of timestamps
    except TypeError:
        # If the index is already time zone naive.

    # Check final timestamps for RH_hour and Weather

    logging.info(Monitored_hour[-1:].index == Weather_hour[-1:].index)

    # Select oldest of the two final timestamps (or most recent 3am/3pm time
    # which occurs in both)

    LatestTime = min((Monitored_hour.index[-1]), (Weather_hour.index[-1]))

    # Identify start hour to feed into light setting
    LatestTimeHourValue = float(LatestTime.hour)

    # Select data for 20 days prior to selected timestamp
    deltaDays = int(cal_conf["delta_days"])
    delta = datetime.timedelta(days=deltaDays)
    StartTime = LatestTime - delta

    Monitored = Monitored_hour.loc[StartTime:LatestTime]
    Weather = Weather_hour.loc[StartTime:LatestTime]

    # Change the index so we can step through by integer and not datetime
    Monitored = Monitored.reset_index()
    Weather = Weather.reset_index()

    df_Weather = DataFrame(Weather)
    df_Weather.to_csv(filepath_Weather, index=None, header=False)

    df_Monitored = DataFrame(Monitored)
    df_Monitored.to_csv(filepath_Monitored, index=None, header=False)


    # initialize calibration class
    sigmaY = float(cal_conf["sigma_y"])  # std measurement error GASP lambda_e
    nugget = float(
        cal_conf["nugget"])  # same as mean GASP parameter 1/lambda_en
    cal = calibration.calibrate(priorPPF, sigmaY, nugget)

    ### Time period for calibration
    # To be run every 12 hours ideally 3am, 3pm but for now every 12 hours from
    # start of the data

    calibration_window_days = int(cal_conf["calibration_window_days"])
    p1 = 24 * calibration_window_days  # start hour
    ndp = int(cal_conf["num_data_points"])  # number of data points
    delta_h = int(cal_conf["delta_h"])  # hours between data points
    p2 = (ndp - 1) * delta_h + p1  # end data point

    seq = np.linspace(p1, p2, ndp)

    # Step through each data point

    LastDataPoint = pd.DataFrame()

    for ii in range(ndp):

        ### Calibration runs

        h2 = int(seq[ii])
        # TODO Why the -1?
        h1 = int(seq[ii] - (calibration_window_days * 24 - 1))

        Parameters = np.genfromtxt(cal_conf["ach_ias_pairs"].split(";"),
                                   delimiter=",")  # ACH,IAS pairs
        NP = np.shape(Parameters)[0]

        start = time.time()
        logging.info("Running model ...")

        if useDataBase:
            results = derivatives(
                h1, h2, Parameters, Weather,
                LatestTimeHourValue)  # runs GES model over ACH,IAS pairs
            results = derivatives(h1,
                                  )  # runs GES model over ACH,IAS pairs

        # logging.info("CSV: {0}".format(results))
        # logging.info("Database: {0}".format(results))
        T_air = results[1, -1, :]
        Cw_air = results[11, -1, :]
        RH_air = Cw_air / sat_conc(T_air)

        logging.info("... ended")

        end = time.time()
        logging.info(end - start)

        ## Initialise DataPoint for calibration

        DataPoint = Monitored.RH_i[h2]
        testdp = np.isnan(DataPoint)
        # logging.info(testdp)
        # logging.info(DataPoint)

        if testdp == False:
            # Divide by 100 to convert percentages to ratios
            DataPoint = DataPoint / 100
            # takes previous value if nan recorded
            DataPoint = (LastDataPoint[-1:]).DataPoint[0]


        dpnew = pd.DataFrame({"DataPoint": DataPoint},
        LastDataPoint = LastDataPoint.append(dpnew)

        # DT = Data['DateTimex']
        # logging.info(DT[h2])

        # ### Run calibration

        # ## Standardise RH_air
        # values chosen to ensure comparability against MATLAB model
        ym = float(cal_conf["ym"])
        ystd = float(cal_conf["ystd"])

        RH_s = (RH_air - ym) / ystd
        logging.info("Standardised RH_air (RH_s):{0}".format(RH_s))

        ## Standardise data point

        RHD_s = (DataPoint - ym) / ystd

        # Normalise calibration parameters

        Pmax = np.max(Parameters, axis=0)
        Pmin = np.min(Parameters, axis=0)

        Cal = (Parameters - Pmin) / (Pmax - Pmin)

        ## Start calibration here
        logging.info("Calibration ...")
        m = 1  # No. of data points

        # params
        ts = np.linspace(1, m, m)

        # coordinates
        xModel = np.array([0.5])
        xData = np.array([0, 0.5, 1])

        # calibration parameters
        n = np.size(Cal, 0)

        tModel = Cal

        yModel = np.zeros((n, len(xModel), len(ts)))
        for i in range(n):
            yModel[i, 0, :] = RH_s[i]

        yData = np.zeros((m, len(xData)))
        for i in range(m):
            yData[i, :] = np.ones(3) * RHD_s

        ### implement sequential calibration
        nparticles = 1000  # will be 1000
        lambda_e = 1  # same as mean of GASP parameter lambda_eta

        # load coordinates and data
                              xData)  # OK here as data all at same location

        # particle filter over data outputs
        beta_r = np.array([0.05, 0.05, 0.05])

        ## initialise priorSamples/posteriors
        if ii == 0:
            posteriors = np.zeros((ndp, nparticles, 3))
            priorSamples = np.zeros((ndp, nparticles, 3))
            mlSamples = np.zeros((ndp, nparticles))
            wSamples = np.zeros((ndp, nparticles))
            indsSamples = np.zeros((ndp, nparticles))

        cal.updateTrainingData(tModel, yModel[:, :, 0],
                               np.reshape(yData[0, :], ((1, 3))))
                             logConstraint=np.array([0, 0, 1]))
        priorSamples[ii, :, :] = cal.prior
        posteriors[ii, :, :] = cal.posteriorSamples
        mlSamples[ii, :] = cal.mlS
        wSamples[ii, :] = cal.wS
        indsSamples[ii, :] = cal.inds
        logging.info("... ended")

        posterior_ACH = posteriors[ii, :, 0]
        posterior_IAS = posteriors[ii, :, 1]
        posterior_length = posteriors[ii, :, 2]

            df = pd.read_csv(filepath_ACH)
        except FileNotFoundError:
            df = pd.DataFrame()
        df[str(ii)] = posteriors[ii, :, 0]
        df.to_csv(filepath_ACH, index=False)

            df = pd.read_csv(filepath_IAS)
        except FileNotFoundError:
            df = pd.DataFrame()
        df[str(ii)] = posteriors[ii, :, 1]
        df.to_csv(filepath_IAS, index=False)

            df = pd.read_csv(filepath_Length)
        except FileNotFoundError:
            df = pd.DataFrame()
        df[str(ii)] = posteriors[ii, :, 2]
        df.to_csv(filepath_Length, index=False)

    # Time
    toc = time.time()
    logging.info(toc - tic)

    # Output priors and data

    prior_ACH = priorSamples[:, :, 0]
    df_priorACH = DataFrame(prior_ACH)
    df_priorACH.to_csv(filepath_ACHprior, index=None, header=False)

    prior_IAS = priorSamples[:, :, 1]
    df_priorIAS = DataFrame(prior_IAS)
    df_priorIAS.to_csv(filepath_IASprior, index=None, header=False)

    prior_Length = priorSamples[:, :, 2]
    df_priorLength = DataFrame(prior_Length)
    df_priorLength.to_csv(filepath_Lengthprior, index=None, header=False)

    df_Weather = DataFrame(Weather)
    df_Weather.to_csv(filepath_Weather, index=None, header=False)  # p = python

    df_Monitored = DataFrame(Monitored)
    df_Monitored.to_csv(filepath_Monitored, index=None,
                        header=False)  # p = python

    LastDataPoint = LastDataPoint.reset_index()
    LastDataPoint.to_csv(filepath_LastDataPoint, index=None, header=False)