Ejemplo n.º 1
def convert(imgdir, annpath, result_dir):
    :param imgdir: directory for your images
    :param annpath: path for your annotations
    :return: coco_output is a dictionary of coco style which you could dump it into a json file
    as for keywords 'info','licenses','categories',you should modify them manually
    coco_output = {}
    coco_output['info'] = {
        "description": "Example Dataset",
        "url": "",
        "version": "1.0",
        "year": 2019,
        "contributor": "Black Jack",
        "date_created": datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat(' ')
    coco_output['licenses'] = [{
        "Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License",
    coco_output['categories'] = [{
        "supercategory": "fish",
        "id": 1,
        "name": "fish",
        "keypoints": [
        "skeleton": [
            [1, 2],
    coco_output['images'] = []
    coco_output['annotations'] = []

    ann = json.load(open(annpath))
    # annotations id start from zero
    ann_id = 0
    num_invalid_images = 0

    cat_id = 1  # 我直接默认所有类别为"fish",所以只有一个cat_id,其值为1
    iscrowd = 0
    #in VIA annotations, keys are image name
    for img_id, key in enumerate(ann.keys()):
        ann_num = 0
        regions = ann[key]["regions"]
        shapes = [r['shape_attributes']['name'] for r in regions]
        if 'polygon' not in shapes:
        i1 = shapes.index('polygon')
        region_polygon = regions[i1]
        points_x = region_polygon['shape_attributes']['all_points_x']
        points_y = region_polygon['shape_attributes']['all_points_y']

        # if filename == 'data2_385.0.png':
        #     print(len(points_x), len(points_y), 'polygonlen')

        assert len(points_x) == len(points_y), \
            "in via json file polygon, length of all_points_x must equal to length of all_points_y. "

        area = getArea.GetAreaOfPolyGon(points_x, points_y)

        if not area:

        min_x = min(points_x)
        max_x = max(points_x)
        min_y = min(points_y)
        max_y = max(points_y)
        box = [min_x, min_y, max_x - min_x, max_y - min_y]
        # 仔细分析json分拣,VIA直接导出的COCO格式的json文件其实是不对的,使用mmdetection库进行训练时,根本不能识别出标注数据。
        # 其中非常明显的就是 segmentation不对。
        segmentation = get_segmenation(points_x, points_y)

        # keypoints
        kp_names = ['head', 'tail']
        keypoints = [0] * (len(kp_names) * 3)
        ik = [i for i, r in enumerate(shapes) if r == 'point']
        num_keypoints = len(ik)
        if len(ik) > 0:
            for i, kp_name in enumerate(kp_names):
                for ik_ in ik:
                    region_kp = regions[ik_]
                    if kp_name in region_kp["region_attributes"].values():
                        keypoints[i * 3 +
                                  0] = region_kp["shape_attributes"]["cx"]
                        keypoints[i * 3 +
                                  1] = region_kp["shape_attributes"]["cy"]
                        keypoints[i * 3 + 2] = 2

        # make annotations info and storage it in coco_output['annotations']
        ann_info = create_annotation_info(ann_id, img_id, cat_id, iscrowd,
                                          area, box, segmentation, keypoints,
        ann_id = ann_id + 1
        ann_num += 1

        if ann_num > 0:
            filename = ann[key]['filename']
            img = cv2.imread(osp.join(imgdir, filename))
            # make image info and storage it in coco_output['images']
            image_info = create_image_info(img_id, os.path.basename(filename),
            shutil.copy(osp.join(imgdir, filename),
                        osp.join(result_dir, 'imgs', filename))
            num_invalid_images += 1
    print('total invalid image number is {}'.format(num_invalid_images))

    return coco_output
Ejemplo n.º 2
def convert(imgdir, annpath, result_dir):
    :param imgdir: directory for your images
    :param annpath: path for your annotations
    :return: coco_output is a dictionary of coco style which you could dump it into a json file
    as for keywords 'info','licenses','categories',you should modify them manually
    coco_output = {}
    coco_output['info'] = {
        "description": "Example Dataset",
        "url": "",
        "version": "1.0",
        "year": 2019,
        "contributor": "Black Jack",
        "date_created": datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat(' ')
    coco_output['licenses'] = [{
        "Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License",
    coco_output['categories'] = [{
        "supercategory": "fish",
        "id": 1,
        "name": "fish",
        "keypoints": [
        "skeleton": [
            [1, 2],
    coco_output['images'] = []
    coco_output['annotations'] = []

    ann = json.load(open(annpath))
    # annotations id start from zero
    ann_id = 0
    num_invalid_images = 0

    cat_id = 1  # 我直接默认所有类别为"fish",所以只有一个cat_id,其值为1
    iscrowd = 0
    kp_names = ['Head', 'Caudal']
    #in VIA annotations, keys are image name
    for img_id, key in enumerate(ann.keys()):
        ann_num = 0
        lab = ann[key]
        filename = lab["filename"]
        img_path = osp.join(imgdir, filename)
        scatter_kps = [
             reg["shape_attributes"]["cx"], reg["shape_attributes"]["cy"])
            # (kp_name, x, y)
            for reg in lab["regions"]
            if reg["shape_attributes"]["name"] == "point"
            and "keypoint" in reg["region_attributes"].keys()

        mask_polygons = [
            for reg in lab["regions"]
            if reg["shape_attributes"]["name"] == "polygon"
        if len(mask_polygons) < 0 or not osp.exists(img_path):

        img = cv2.imread(img_path)
        for polygon in mask_polygons:
            points_x = []
            points_y = []
            for x, y in polygon:
            mask = np.zeros_like(img[:, :, 0])
            mask = cv2.fillPoly(
                pts=[np.expand_dims(np.array(polygon), axis=1)],
                color=(1, ))
            keypoints = []
            num_keypoints = 0
            for kp_name in kp_names:
                chosen = None
                candidates = [kp for kp in scatter_kps if kp[0] == kp_name]
                for kp in candidates:
                    if mask[kp[2], kp[1]] == 1:
                        chosen = [kp[1], kp[2], 2]  # (x, y, visibility)
                        num_keypoints += 1
                if chosen is None:
                    chosen = [0, 0, 0]

            assert len(points_x) == len(points_y), \
                "in via json file polygon, length of all_points_x must equal to length of all_points_y. "

            area = getArea.GetAreaOfPolyGon(points_x, points_y)

            if not area:

            min_x = min(points_x)
            max_x = max(points_x)
            min_y = min(points_y)
            max_y = max(points_y)
            box = [min_x, min_y, max_x - min_x, max_y - min_y]
            # 仔细分析json分拣,VIA直接导出的COCO格式的json文件其实是不对的,使用mmdetection库进行训练时,根本不能识别出标注数据。
            # 其中非常明显的就是 segmentation不对。
            segmentation = get_segmenation(points_x, points_y)

            # make annotations info and storage it in coco_output['annotations']
            ann_info = create_annotation_info(ann_id, img_id, cat_id, iscrowd,
                                              area, box, segmentation,
                                              keypoints, num_keypoints)
            ann_id = ann_id + 1
            ann_num += 1

        if ann_num > 0:
            # make image info and storage it in coco_output['images']
            image_info = create_image_info(img_id, os.path.basename(filename),
            shutil.copy(img_path, osp.join(result_dir, 'imgs', filename))
            num_invalid_images += 1
    print('total invalid image number is {}'.format(num_invalid_images))

    return coco_output
Ejemplo n.º 3
def convert(imgdir, annpath, result_path):
    :param imgdir: directory for your images
    :param annpath: path for your annotations
    :return: coco_output is a dictionary of coco style which you could dump it into a json file
    as for keywords 'info','licenses','categories',you should modify them manually
    via_output = {}
    ann = json.load(open(annpath))
    # annotations id start from zero

    num_invalid_images = 0
    #in VIA annotations, keys are image name
    for img_id, key in enumerate(ann.keys()):
        imgs_valid_list = os.listdir(imgdir)
        regions = ann[key]["regions"]
        filename = ann[key]['filename']
        size = ann[key]["size"]
        if filename not in imgs_valid_list:
        # img = cv2.imread(os.path.join(imgdir, filename))
        num_mask = 0
        regions_new = []
        # for one image ,there are many regions,they share the same img id
        for region in regions:
            # # 这里也需要修改。原作者是region['region_attributes']['label'],
            # # #但是其实应该是region['region_attributes']['supercategory_name']
            # cat = region['region_attributes']['type'] #我的返回的子类的编号,所以其实不需要这一段,
            # print(cat)
            # assert cat in ['fish',]# 如果你的返回的是子类名字。那么这一段就需要。assert cat in ['name1', 'name2', 'name3',...]
            # if cat == 'fish': # if cat == 'name1':
            #     cat_id = 1
            cat_id = 1  # 我直接默认所有类别为"fish",所以只有一个cat_id,其值为1
            iscrowd = 0
            if 'cx' in region['shape_attributes']:
            points_x = region['shape_attributes']['all_points_x']
            points_y = region['shape_attributes']['all_points_y']

            # if filename == 'data2_385.0.png':
            #     print(len(points_x), len(points_y), 'polygonlen')

            assert len(points_x) == len(points_y), \
                "in via json file polygon, length of all_points_x must equal to length of all_points_y. "

            area = getArea.GetAreaOfPolyGon(points_x, points_y)

            if area <= 0:

            # min_x = min(points_x)
            # max_x = max(points_x)
            # min_y = min(points_y)
            # max_y = max(points_y)
            # box = [min_x, min_y, max_x-min_x, max_y-min_y]
            # # patch = img[min_y: max_y, min_x: max_x]
            # # patch_name = filename[:-4]+'_'+str(num_mask)+'.jpg'
            # # cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(result_path, patch_name), patch)
            # points_x = [i - min_x for i in points_x]
            # points_y = [i - min_y for i in points_y]
            region_new = {
                "shape_attributes": {
                    "name": "polygon",
                    "all_points_x": points_x,
                    "all_points_y": points_y
                "region_attributes": {
                    "type": "fish"
            num_mask += 1
        if num_mask > 0:
            shutil.copy(os.path.join(imgdir, filename),
                        os.path.join(result_path, filename))
            num_invalid_images += 1

        via_output[filename + str(size)] = {
            'filename': filename,
            'size': size,
            'regions': regions_new,
            "file_attributes": {}
    print('total invalid image number is {}'.format(num_invalid_images))

    return via_output
def vgg_to_labelme(img_dir, out_dir):
    :param img_dir: 图片和json文件位于同一个目录下
    :param out_dir: 输出路径
    # 获取所有json文件全路径
    vgg_json = glob.glob(os.path.join(img_dir, "*.json"))

    # 遍历文件夹中所有的json文件
    for num, json_file in enumerate(vgg_json):
        coco_output = {}
        coco_output['version'] = "4.2.9"
        coco_output['flags'] = {}
        coco_output['shapes'] = []
        shapes_info = []  # shapes的结果

        json_file_name = os.path.basename(json_file)
        img_file_name = json_file_name.replace(".json", ".jpg")
        img_path = os.path.join(img_dir, img_file_name)
        img = cv2.imread(img_path)
        # 用 base64 将图片保存为字符串
        # 读取二进制图片,获得原始字节码,注意 'rb'
        with open(img_path, 'rb') as jpg_file:
            byte_content = jpg_file.read()
        # 把原始字节码编码成 base64 字节码
        base64_bytes = b64encode(byte_content)
        # 将 base64 字节码解码成 utf-8 格式的字符串
        base64_string = base64_bytes.decode('utf-8')

        data = json.load(open(json_file))
        for img_id, key in enumerate(data.keys()):
            filename = data[key]['filename']
            regions = data[key]["regions"]
            for region in regions:
                shapes_sample = {}
                shape_att = region["shape_attributes"]
                if shape_att['name'] == 'polygon':
                    shapes_sample['label'] = 'building'
                    all_points_x = shape_att["all_points_x"]
                    all_points_y = shape_att["all_points_y"]
                    area = getArea.GetAreaOfPolyGon(all_points_x, all_points_y)
                    points = _get_point(all_points_x, all_points_y)
                    shapes_sample['points'] = points
                    shapes_sample['group_id'] = None
                    shapes_sample['shape_type'] = "polygon"
                    shapes_sample['flags'] = {}
                    #shapes_sample['area'] = area
                    if area < 2:
        coco_output["shapes"] = shapes_info
        coco_output['imagePath'] = os.path.basename(img_file_name)
        coco_output['imageData'] = base64_string
        coco_output['imageHeight'] = img.shape[0]
        coco_output['imageWidth'] = img.shape[1]

        # 把结果导出json文件
        out_path = os.path.join(out_dir, json_file_name)
        with open(out_path, 'w', encoding='utf8') as file_obj:
            json.dump(coco_output, file_obj, indent=2)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def convert(VIA_ORIGINAL_ANNOTATIONS_NAME, imgdir, annpath):
    :param imgdir: directory for your images
    :param annpath: path for your annotations
    :return: coco_output is a dictionary of coco style which you could dump it into a json file
    as for keywords 'info','licenses','categories',you should modify them manually

    annotations = json.load(
        open(VIA_ORIGINAL_ANNOTATIONS_NAME, encoding="utf-8"))
    annotations = list(annotations.values())  # don't need the dict keys
    annotations = [a for a in annotations if a['regions']]
    name_supercategory_dict = {}
    for a in annotations:
        names = [r['region_attributes']['name'] for r in a['regions']]
        supercategories = ["part" for r in a['regions']]
        for index, name in enumerate(names):
            if name not in name_supercategory_dict.keys():
                name_supercategory_dict[name] = supercategories[index]

    coco_output = {}
    coco_output['info'] = {
        "description": "CAR Dataset",
        "url": "https://github.com/Lplenka/",
        "version": "0.1.0",
        "year": 2020,
        "contributor": "Lplenka",
        "date_created": datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat(' ')

    coco_output['licenses'] = [{
        "Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License",

    # coco_output['categories'] = [{
    #     'id': 1,
    #     'name': "中性杆状核粒细胞",
    #     'supercategory': "粒細胞系",
    #     },
    #     {
    #         'id': 2,
    #         'name': '中性中幼粒细胞',
    #         'supercategory': '粒細胞系',
    #     },
    #                 .
    #                 .
    #                 .
    # ]

    # get the coco category from dict
    coco_output['categories'] = []
    for i in range(len(name_supercategory_dict)):
        category = {
            i + 1,
    coco_output['images'] = []
    coco_output['annotations'] = []

    ann = json.load(open(annpath, encoding="utf-8"))
    # annotations id start from zero
    ann_id = 0
    # in VIA annotations, [key]['filename'] are image name
    for img_id, key in enumerate(ann.keys()):
        filename = ann[key]['filename']
        img = cv2.imread(imgdir + filename)
        # make image info and storage it in coco_output['images']
        image_info = create_image_info(img_id, os.path.basename(filename),

        regions = ann[key]["regions"]
        # for one image ,there are many regions,they share the same img id
        for region in regions:
            cate = region['region_attributes']['name']
            # cate must in categories
            assert cate in [i['name'] for i in coco_output['categories']]
            # get the cate_id
            cate_id = 0
            for category in coco_output['categories']:
                if cate == category['name']:
                    cate_id = category['id']

            iscrowd = 0
            points_x = region['shape_attributes']['all_points_x']
            points_y = region['shape_attributes']['all_points_y']
            area = getArea.GetAreaOfPolyGon(points_x, points_y)

            min_x = min(points_x)
            max_x = max(points_x)
            min_y = min(points_y)
            max_y = max(points_y)
            box = [min_x, min_y, max_x - min_x, max_y - min_y]
            segmentation = get_segmenation(points_x, points_y)

            # make annotations info and storage it in coco_output['annotations']
            ann_info = create_annotation_info(ann_id, img_id, cate_id, iscrowd,
                                              area, box, segmentation)
            ann_id = ann_id + 1

    return coco_output
Ejemplo n.º 6
def convert(imgdir, annpath):
    :param imgdir: directory for your images
    :param annpath: path for your annotations
    :return: coco_output is a dictionary of coco style which you could dump it into a json file
    as for keywords 'info','licenses','categories',you should modify them manually

    coco_output = {}
    coco_output['info'] = {
        "description": "Example Dataset",
        "url": "https://triasoft.wordpress.com/",
        "version": "0.1.0",
        "year": 2019,
        "contributor": "schwabse",
        "date_created": datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat(' ')
    coco_output['licenses'] = [{
        "Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License",
    coco_output['categories'] = [{
        'id': 1,
        'name': 'vertebrae',
        'supercategory': 'spine',
    }, {
        'id': 2,
        'name': 'vertebrae',
        'supercategory': 'spine',
    coco_output['images'] = []
    coco_output['annotations'] = []

    ann = json.load(open(annpath))
    # annotations id start from zero
    ann_id = 0

    # in VIA annotations, keys are image name
    for img_id, key in enumerate(ann.keys()):

        filename = ann[key]['filename']
        img = cv2.imread(imgdir + filename)

        # make image info and storage it in coco_output['images']
        image_info = create_image_info(img_id, os.path.basename(filename),

        regions = ann[key]["regions"]
        # for one image ,there are many regions,they share the same img id
        for region in regions:

            cur = regions[region]

                cat = cur['region_attributes']['label']
                assert cat in ['vertebrae', 'S']
                cat = ''

            if cat == 'rib':
                cat_id = 1
                cat_id = 2
            iscrowd = 0

            points_x = cur['shape_attributes']['all_points_x']
            points_y = cur['shape_attributes']['all_points_y']
            area = getArea.GetAreaOfPolyGon(points_x, points_y)
            min_x = min(points_x)
            max_x = max(points_x)
            min_y = min(points_y)
            max_y = max(points_y)
            box = [min_x, min_y, max_x - min_x, max_y - min_y]
            segmentation = get_segmenation(points_x, points_y)

            # make annotations info and storage it in coco_output['annotations']
            ann_info = create_annotation_info(ann_id, img_id, cat_id, iscrowd,
                                              area, box, segmentation)
            ann_id = ann_id + 1

    return coco_output
Ejemplo n.º 7
def convert(imgdir, annpath, result_dir):
    :param imgdir: directory for your images
    :param annpath: path for your annotations
    :return: coco_output is a dictionary of coco style which you could dump it into a json file
    as for keywords 'info','licenses','categories',you should modify them manually
    coco_output = {}
    coco_output['info'] = {
        "description": "Example Dataset",
        "url": "",
        "version": "1.0",
        "year": 2019,
        "contributor": "Black Jack",
        "date_created": datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat(' ')
    coco_output['licenses'] = [{
        "Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License",
    coco_output['categories'] = [
            'id': 1,
            'name': 'shrimp',
            'supercategory': 'allShrimp',
    coco_output['images'] = []
    coco_output['annotations'] = []

    ann = json.load(open(annpath))
    # annotations id start from zero
    ann_id = 0
    num_invalid_images = 0

    cat_id = 1  # 我直接默认所有类别为"fish",所以只有一个cat_id,其值为1
    iscrowd = 0
    #in VIA annotations, keys are image name
    for img_id, key in enumerate(ann.keys()):
        ann_num = 0
        regions = ann[key]["regions"]
        filename = ann[key]['filename']
        img_path = osp.join(imgdir, filename)
        if not osp.exists(img_path):
        # for one image ,there are many regions,they share the same img id
        for region in regions:
            if region['shape_attributes']['name'] == "point":
                x = region['shape_attributes']['x']
                y = region['shape_attributes']['y']
                width = region['shape_attributes']['width']
                height = region['shape_attributes']['height']
                box = [x, y, width, height]

                area = 0
                segmentation = [[]]
                ann_info = create_annotation_info(ann_id, img_id, cat_id,
                                                  iscrowd, area, box,
                ann_id = ann_id + 1

            # # 这里也需要修改。原作者是region['region_attributes']['label'],
            # # #但是其实应该是region['region_attributes']['supercategory_name']
            # cat = region['region_attributes']['type'] #我的返回的子类的编号,所以其实不需要这一段,
            # print(cat)
            # assert cat in ['fish',]# 如果你的返回的是子类名字。那么这一段就需要。assert cat in ['name1', 'name2', 'name3',...]
            # if cat == 'fish': # if cat == 'name1':
            #     cat_id = 1
            elif region['shape_attributes']['name'] == "polygon":
                points_x = region['shape_attributes']['all_points_x']
                points_y = region['shape_attributes']['all_points_y']

                # if filename == 'data2_385.0.png':
                #     print(len(points_x), len(points_y), 'polygonlen')

                assert len(points_x) == len(points_y), \
                    "in via json file polygon, length of all_points_x must equal to length of all_points_y. "

                area = getArea.GetAreaOfPolyGon(points_x, points_y)

                if not area:

                min_x = min(points_x)
                max_x = max(points_x)
                min_y = min(points_y)
                max_y = max(points_y)
                box = [min_x, min_y, max_x - min_x, max_y - min_y]
                # 仔细分析json分拣,VIA直接导出的COCO格式的json文件其实是不对的,使用mmdetection库进行训练时,根本不能识别出标注数据。
                #其中非常明显的就是 segmentation不对。
                segmentation = get_segmenation(points_x, points_y)
                # make annotations info and storage it in coco_output['annotations']
                ann_info = create_annotation_info(ann_id, img_id, cat_id,
                                                  iscrowd, area, box,
                ann_id = ann_id + 1
                ann_num += 1

        if ann_num > 0:
            img = cv2.imread(img_path)
            # make image info and storage it in coco_output['images']
            image_info = create_image_info(img_id, os.path.basename(filename),
            shutil.copy(img_path, osp.join(result_dir, 'imgs', filename))
            num_invalid_images += 1
    print('total invalid image number is {}'.format(num_invalid_images))

    return coco_output
Ejemplo n.º 8
def convert(
        first_class_index=1,  # typically, 0 or 1
    :param imgdir: directory for your images
    :param annpath: path for your annotations
    :return: coco_output is a dictionary of coco style which you could dump it into a json file
    as for keywords 'info','licenses','categories',you should modify them manually

    if categories is None:
        categories = ["rib", "clavicle"]

    default_category = categories[0]

    category_dict = dict()
    for (cat_id, cat_name) in enumerate(categories, start=first_class_index):
        category_dict[cat_name] = cat_id

    if super_categories is None:
        default_super_category = "bone"
        super_categories = [default_super_category for _ in categories]

    coco_output = {}
    coco_output["info"] = {
        "description": "Example Dataset",
        "url": "https://github.com/waspinator/pycococreator",
        "version": "0.1.0",
        "year": 2018,
        "contributor": "waspinator",
        "date_created": datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat(" "),
    coco_output["licenses"] = [{
        "Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License",
    coco_output["categories"] = [{
        "id": category_dict[cat_name],
        "name": cat_name,
        "supercategory": super_cat_name,
    } for (cat_name, super_cat_name) in zip(categories, super_categories)]
    coco_output["images"] = []
    coco_output["annotations"] = []

    ann = json.load(open(annpath))
    # annotations id start from zero
    ann_id = 0
    # in VIA annotations, keys are image name
    for img_id, key in enumerate(ann.keys()):

        filename = ann[key]["filename"]
        img = Image.open(imgdir + filename)
        # make image info and storage it in coco_output['images']
        image_info = create_image_info(img_id,
        # Caveat: image shapes are conventionally (height, width) whereas image sizes are conventionally (width, height)
        # References:
        # -   https://note.nkmk.me/en/python-opencv-pillow-image-size/
        # -   https://github.com/facebookresearch/detectron2/blob/master/detectron2/data/detection_utils.py#L189
        regions = ann[key]["regions"]
        # for one image ,there are many regions,they share the same img id
        for region in regions:
            region_attributes = regions[region]["region_attributes"]
                cat_name = region_attributes["label"]
            except KeyError:
                cat_name = default_category
                cat_id = category_dict[cat_name]
            except KeyError:
                print("Skipping unknown category {} in {}".format(
                    cat_name, filename))
            iscrowd = 0
            shape_attributes = regions[region]["shape_attributes"]
            points_x = shape_attributes["all_points_x"]
            points_y = shape_attributes["all_points_y"]
            area = getArea.GetAreaOfPolyGon(points_x, points_y)
            min_x = min(points_x)
            max_x = max(points_x)
            min_y = min(points_y)
            max_y = max(points_y)
            box = [min_x, min_y, max_x - min_x, max_y - min_y]
            segmentation = get_segmenation(points_x, points_y)
            # make annotations info and storage it in coco_output['annotations']
            ann_info = create_annotation_info(ann_id, img_id, cat_id, iscrowd,
                                              area, box, segmentation)
            ann_id = ann_id + 1

    if output_file_name is not None:
        print("Saving to {}".format(output_file_name))

        with open(output_file_name, "w") as f:
            json.dump(coco_output, f)

    return coco_output
Ejemplo n.º 9
def convert(xmls):
    json_dict = {
        "images": [],
        "type": "instances",
        "annotations": [],
        "categories": []
    image_id = START_IMAGE_ID
    # categories = ['人物', '背景', '天空', '轿车', '其他', '巴士', '狗', '马']
    for i, xml in enumerate(xmls):
        print(i, xml)
        name = xml.split('/')[-1].replace('.xml', '.jpg')
        tree = ET.parse(xml)
        root = tree.getroot()

        size = get_and_check(root, 'size', 1)
        width = int(get_and_check(size, 'width', 1).text)
        height = int(get_and_check(size, 'height', 1).text)
        image = {
            'file_name': name,
            'height': height,
            'width': width,
            'id': image_id

        for obj in get(root, 'object'):
            category = get_and_check(obj, 'name', 1).text
            # if category not in categories:
            #     categories.append(category)
                category_id = CATEGORIES[category]
                bndbox = get_and_check(obj, 'bndbox', 1)
                assert len(bndbox) % 2 == 0
                points = []
                for i in range(len(bndbox) // 2):
                            get_and_check(bndbox, 'x{}'.format(i + 1),
                            get_and_check(bndbox, 'y{}'.format(i + 1),
                all_x, all_y = points[0::2], points[1::2]
                xmin, xmax = min(all_x), max(all_x)
                ymin, ymax = min(all_y), max(all_y)
                o_width = xmax - xmin
                o_height = ymax - ymin
                area = getArea.GetAreaOfPolyGon(all_x, all_y)
                ann = {
                    'image_id': image_id,
                    'bbox': [xmin, ymin, o_width, o_height],
                    'area': area,
                    'iscrowd': 0,
                    'ignore': 0,
                    'category_id': category_id,
                    'id': bnd_id,
                    'segmentation': [points]
                bnd_id += 1
        image_id += 1

    categories = [
            'supercategory': 'background',
            'id': 0,
            'name': 'background'
            'supercategory': 'person',
            'id': 1,
            'name': 'person'
            'supercategory': 'dog',
            'id': 3,
            'name': 'dog'
    json_dict['catgories'] = categories

    return json_dict
Ejemplo n.º 10
def convert(imgdir, annpath):
    :param imgdir: directory for your images
    :param annpath: path for your annotations
    :return: coco_output is a dictionary of coco style which you could dump it into a json file
    as for keywords 'info','licenses','categories',you should modify them manually
    coco_output = {}
    coco_output['info'] = {
        "description": "Example Dataset",
        "url": "",
        "version": "1.0",
        "year": 2019,
        "contributor": "Black Jack",
        "date_created": datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat(' ')
    coco_output['licenses'] = [
            "id": 1,
            "name": "Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License",
            "url": "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/"
    coco_output['categories'] = [
        'id': 1,
        'name': 'papercup',
        'supercategory': 'rubbish',
            'id': 2,
            'name': 'can',
            'supercategory': 'rubbish',
            'id': 3,
            'name': 'plasticbottle',
            'supercategory': 'rubbish',
            'id': 4,
            'name': 'hand',
            'supercategory': 'rubbish',
    coco_output['images'] = []
    coco_output['annotations'] = []

    ann = json.load(open(annpath))
    # annotations id start from zero
    ann_id = 0
    #in VIA annotations, keys are image name
    for img_id, key in enumerate(ann.keys()):

        filename = ann[key]['filename']
        img = cv2.imread(imgdir+filename)
        # make image info and storage it in coco_output['images']
        image_info = create_image_info(img_id, os.path.basename(filename), img.shape[:2])
        regions = ann[key]["regions"]
        # for one image ,there are many regions,they share the same img id
        for region in regions:
            # 这里也需要修改。原作者是region['region_attributes']['label'],
            # #但是其实应该是region['region_attributes']['supercategory_name']
            cat = region['region_attributes']['rubbish'] #我的返回的子类的编号,所以其实不需要这一段,
            assert cat in ['1', '2', '3', '4']# 如果你的返回的是子类名字。那么这一段就需要。assert cat in ['name1', 'name2', 'name3',...]
            if cat == '1': # if cat == 'name1':
                cat_id = 1
            elif cat == '2':
                cat_id = 2
            elif cat == '3':
                cat_id = 3
                cat_id = 4
            iscrowd = 0
            points_x = region['shape_attributes']['all_points_x']
            points_y = region['shape_attributes']['all_points_y']
            area = getArea.GetAreaOfPolyGon(points_x, points_y)
            min_x = min(points_x)
            max_x = max(points_x)
            min_y = min(points_y)
            max_y = max(points_y)
            box = [min_x, min_y, max_x-min_x, max_y-min_y]
            # 仔细分析json分拣,VIA直接导出的COCO格式的json文件其实是不对的,使用mmdetection库进行训练时,根本不能识别出标注数据。
            #其中非常明显的就是 segmentation不对。
            segmentation = get_segmenation(points_x, points_y)
            # make annotations info and storage it in coco_output['annotations']
            ann_info = create_annotation_info(ann_id, img_id, cat_id, iscrowd, area, box, segmentation)
            ann_id = ann_id + 1
    return coco_output