def test_insert_docs():
    DESCR: gets three blogs, and then inserts, third is a duplicate to test key
    INPUT: none
    OUTPUT: none
    test1_url = ''
    test2_url = ''
    test3_url = ''

    stuff = [test1_url, test2_url, test3_url]

    # Get all blogs
    for url in stuff:
        blog_info = get_whole_blog(url)

        # If it works insert
        if blog_info:
                blog_info['_id'] = blog_info['ID']  #to have specified key
            except DuplicateKeyError:
                print "ERROR: Duplicate error on insert of {}".format(blog_info['ID'])
                print "ERROR: unknown insert error of {}".format(blog_info['ID'])
            print "ERROR: Problem get blog for url: {}".format(url)
def get_and_insert_doc(url):
    DESCR: get a single blog object, insert into mongodb
        url - string, domain of wordpress blog
    OUTPUT: none
        length = get_num_posts_byurl(url)
        print length

        if length > BLOG_SIZE_MAX:
            print "Blog too big({}): {}".format(length, url)
            with open('errors.txt', "a") as f:
                f.write("Blog too big({}): {}\n".format(length, url))

        elif length < BLOG_SIZE_MIN:
            print "Blog too small({}): {}".format(length, url)
            with open('errors.txt', "a") as f:
                f.write("Blog too small({}): {}\n".format(length, url))

        # Ok its nots too big or too small, go ahead and get all of it
            blog_info = get_whole_blog(url)

            # Non empty blog object means success and is interpreted as True
            if blog_info:
                    blog_info['_id'] = blog_info['ID']  #to have specified key
                except DuplicateKeyError:
                    print "ERROR: Duplicate error on insert of {}".format(blog_info['ID'])
                    with open('errors.txt', "a") as f:
                        f.write("ERROR: Duplicate error on insert of {}\n".format(url))
                except Exception as e:
                    print "ERROR: {} when inserting {}".format(str(e), blog_info['ID'])
                    with open('errors.txt', "a") as f:
                        f.write("ERROR: {} when inserting {}\n".format(str(e), url))

                with open('errors.txt', "a") as f:
                    f.write("ERROR: problem getting info on {}\n".format(url))

    except Exception as e:
        with open('errors.txt', "a") as f:
            f.write('problem with blog {} retrieval, exception: {}\n'.format(url, str(e)))