Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, world, name, basedir):
        self.world = world
        self.name = name
        self.basedir = basedir
        self.load_complete = 0

        self.world.consoleOut('zone initializing: ' + self.name)

        # store the in memory WLDFile objects that make uo the zone for direct access
        self.wld_containers = {}  # and as a directory
        self.zone_wld_container = None
        self.obj1_wld_container = None
        self.obj2_wld_container = None
        self.chr_wld_container = None

        # init our texture manager
        self.tm = TextureManager()

        # init our model manager
        self.mm = ModelManager(self)

        self.nulltex = Texture(
        )  # create dummy exture object for use in non textured polys

        self.rootNode = NodePath(PandaNode("zone_root"))

        self.delta_t = 0
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, world, name, basedir):
        self.world = world
        self.name = name
        self.basedir = basedir
        self.load_complete = 0
        self.world.consoleOut('zone initializing: '+self.name)
        # store the in memory WLDFile objects that make uo the zone for direct access
        self.wld_containers = {}        # and as a directory
        self.zone_wld_container = None
        self.obj1_wld_container = None
        self.obj2_wld_container = None
        self.chr_wld_container  = None
        # init our texture manager
        self.tm = TextureManager()

        # init our model manager
        self.mm = ModelManager(self)
        self.nulltex = Texture()  # create dummy exture object for use in non textured polys

        self.rootNode = NodePath(PandaNode("zone_root"))
        self.delta_t = 0
Ejemplo n.º 3
class Zone():
    def __init__(self, world, name, basedir):
        self.world = world
        self.name = name
        self.basedir = basedir
        self.load_complete = 0

        self.world.consoleOut('zone initializing: ' + self.name)

        # store the in memory WLDFile objects that make uo the zone for direct access
        self.wld_containers = {}  # and as a directory
        self.zone_wld_container = None
        self.obj1_wld_container = None
        self.obj2_wld_container = None
        self.chr_wld_container = None

        # init our texture manager
        self.tm = TextureManager()

        # init our model manager
        self.mm = ModelManager(self)

        self.nulltex = Texture(
        )  # create dummy exture object for use in non textured polys

        self.rootNode = NodePath(PandaNode("zone_root"))

        self.delta_t = 0

    # This currently only updates the direct zone sprites
    def update(self):
        if self.load_complete != 1:

        # print 'update delta_t:', globalClock.getDt()
        self.delta_t += globalClock.getDt()
        if self.delta_t > 0.2:
            self.delta_t = 0
            for container in self.wld_containers:
                for sprite in self.wld_containers[container].animated_sprites:

    # build the main zone geometry mesh
    def prepareZoneMesh(self):
        wld_container = self.wld_containers['zone']
        wld_obj = wld_container.wld_file_obj

        # load the 0x36 bsp region fragments (sub meshes): all these meshes together
        # make up the main zone geometry
        for f in wld_obj.fragments.values():
            if f.type == 0x36:
                # print 'adding fragment_36 to main zone mesh'
                # f.dump()
                m = Mesh(self.name)
                m.buildFromFragment(f, wld_container)
                    self.rootNode)  # "hang" the mesh under our root node

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    # create the SPRITE objects: these can reference a single texture or
    # a list of them (for animated textures like water, lava etc.)
    # we need to step through all entries of the 0x31 list fragment for the zone
    # We store the SPRITEs using their index within the 0x31 fragments list as the key
    # because this is exactly how the meshes (0x36 fragments) reference them
    # The lists them selves are keyed by the 0x31 fragmemts id (=index in the diskfile)
    def loadSpriteList(self, wld_container, f31):

        wld = wld_container.wld_file_obj
        wld_container.sprite_list[f31.id] = {}
        sprite_list = wld_container.sprite_list[f31.id]

        idx = 0
        for ref30 in f31.nameRefs:
            sprite_error = 0
            sprite = None
            # print ref30
            f30 = wld.getFragment(ref30)
            # f30.dump()

            material_name = wld.getName(f30.nameRef)

            # Note on TRANSPARENCY: as far as I can tell so far, bit 2 in the params1 field of f30
            # is the "semi-transparent" indicator used for all types of water surfaces for the old
            # zones (pre POP? Seems to not work like this in zones like POV for example anymore)
            # lets go by this theory anyway for now
            if f30.params1 & 0x00000004:
                print 'SEMI TRANSPARENT MATERIAL:'
            # print 'looking up 0x05 fragment with id_plus_1:', f30.frag05Ref

            # Note that there are frag05Refs inside some 0x30 fragments with value <=0
            # these named references seem to point directly to 0x03 texture fragments
            # instead of the usual indirection chain  0x05->0x04->0x03
            # in some instances these point nowhere meaningful at all though. Need to catch all these
            frag = wld.getFragment(f30.frag05Ref)
            if frag != None:
                if frag.type == 0x03:  # this is a direct 0x03 ref (see note above)
                    f03 = frag
                    texfile_name = f03.names[0]
                    tx = self.tm.getTexture(texfile_name)
                    if tx != None:
                        # we dont have a sprite def (0x04) for these, so we use the material (0x30) name
                        sprite = Sprite(material_name, idx, f30.params1,
                        sprite.addTexture(texfile_name, tx)
                        sprite_error = 1
                        print 'Error in Sprite:', material_name, 'Texture not found:', texfile_name
                elif frag.type == 0x05:  # this is the "normal" indirection chain 0x30->0x05->0x04->0x03
                    f05 = frag
                    # f05.dump()
                    f04 = wld.getFragment(f05.frag04Ref)
                    # f04.dump()

                    name = wld.getName(f04.nameRef)
                    sprite = Sprite(name, idx, f30.params1, self.tm)

                    for f03ref in f04.frag03Refs:
                        f03 = wld.getFragment(f03ref)
                        # f03.dump()
                        # NOTE that this assumes the zone 0x03 fragments only ever reference one single texture
                        texfile_name = f03.names[0]
                        tx = self.tm.getTexture(texfile_name)
                        if tx != None:
                            sprite.addTexture(texfile_name, tx)
                            sprite_error = 1
                            print 'Error in Sprite:', name, 'Texure not found:', texfile_name
                    # This is the "does point nowhere meaningful at all" case
                    # infact the reference points back to the same fragment (circular)
                    # This type of 0x30 fragment seems  to only have been used for zone boundary polygons
                    # in the original EQ classic zones
                    # Note that we create a sprite with just a dummy texture in it for these

                    # sprite_error = 1
                    print 'Warning : Non standard material:%s. Texture ref in 0x30 frag is not type 0x5 or 0x3 but 0x%x' % (
                        material_name, frag.type)
                    # print 'F30 DUMP:'
                    # f30.dump()
                    # print 'Referenced Fragment DUMP:'
                    # frag.dump()

                    # this will be a sprite with just the dummy nulltex textures
                    # we need this so that transparent zonewalls in the very old classic zones work
                    # newer zones have actually textured ("collide.dds") zone walls
                    sprite = Sprite(material_name, idx, f30.params1, self.tm)
                    sprite.addTexture('nulltexture', self.nulltex)
                sprite_error = 1
                print 'Error in Sprite: could not resolve frag05ref:%i in 0x30 fragment:%i' % (
                    f30.frag05Ref, f30.id)

            if sprite_error != 1:  # only add error free sprites
                # sprite.dump()
                # new style sprite list
                sprite_list[idx] = sprite
                if sprite.anim_delay != 0:
                    print("Adding animated sprite to master list " +

            idx += 1  # need to increment regardless of whether we stored or not
            # so that the index lookup using the refs in the 0x36's works

    # preloadWldTextures actually does quite a bit more than just preloading texture files
    # the main task of this code is to generate our SPRITES
    # Params
    # wld_container is a WldContainer object
    def preloadWldTextures(self, wld_container):
        self.world.consoleOut('preloading textures for container: ' +
        wld = wld_container.wld_file_obj  # the in memory wld file

        # loop over all 0x03 fragments and PRELOAD all referenced texture files from the s3d
        f31 = None
        f31_list = []
        for f in wld.fragments.values():
            if f.type == 0x03:
                # f.dump()

                # NOTE
                # in VERSION 2 WLD zones (ex. povalor, postorms) I've found texture names
                # that have three parameters prepended like this for example: 1, 4, 0, POVSNOWDET01.DDS
                # no idea yet as to what these mean but in order to be able to load the texture from
                # the s3d container we need to strip this stuff
                for name in f.names:
                    i = name.rfind(',')
                    if i != -1:
                        # See NOTE above
                        print 'parametrized texture name found:%s wld version:0x%x' % (
                            name, self.wldZone.version)
                        name = name[i + 1:].strip()

                    self.tm.loadTexture(name.lower(), wld_container)

            # need to store the 0x31 texture lists
            if f.type == 0x31:

        # not all wld files define sprites
        if len(f31_list) == 0:

        for f31 in f31_list:
            self.loadSpriteList(wld_container, f31)
            #print("Loaded sprites got this many: " + str(len(wld_container.animated_sprites)))

    # preload the textures/sprites for all loaded containers
    def preloadTextures(self):
        # self.preloadWldTextures(self.zone_wld_container)
        for wld_obj in self.wld_containers.values():

    # We let Panda3D "flatten" the plethora of GEOMs we created from the original bsp tree
    # ==> this process creates a complete new NodePath->GeomNode tree from our original
    # In order to implement texture animation and transparency we need to map the new Geom's textures
    # back to our Sprites so we can change texture assignments and transparency on a Geom level in
    # the new structure

    # Remap the Textures in use for the main Zone Geometry
    def remapTextures(self):
        # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # trying to evaluate the scene graph structure under our root node here
        # since flattenStrong() totally changes the structure of our scene from how we
        # originally created it, we need to find a way to:
        #   - get a the geoms that the flatten process has produced
        #   - find their textures
        #   - map those back to our sprites
        #   - and finally set up the update process for texture animations based on the above
        # NOTE this code will fail if there is more than one sprite useing a single texture!
        # Not encountered this yet though.

        self.world.consoleOut('setting up animated textures for zone geometry')
        for child in self.rootNode.getChildren():
            # print child
            geom_node = child.node()
            for geom_number in range(0, geom_node.getNumGeoms()):
                geom_render_state = geom_node.getGeomState(geom_number)
                attr = geom_render_state.getAttrib(
                )  # attrib 26 is the texture attribute (hope this is static)
                if attr != None:
                    # print attr
                    tex = attr.getTexture()

                    # print tex       # BINGO! now we have the texture for this GEOM, lets find the sprite
                    sprite = self.zone_wld_container.findSpriteUsing(tex)
                    if sprite != None:
                        # print sprite

                        # set general texture alpha based tansparency for masked textures
                        # if sprite.masked == 1:
                        #     child.setTransparency(TransparencyAttrib.MAlpha)

                        if sprite.transparent == 1 or sprite.masked == 1:
                            # EXPERIMENTAL TRANSPARENCY SUPPORT ###############
                            # This is for semi-transparent polygons (water surfaces etc)
                            # we implement the transparency via the alpha component of the GEOM's ColorAttrib
                            ta = TransparencyAttrib.make(
                            geom_render_state = geom_render_state.setAttrib(
                                ta, 1
                            )  # potentialy needs passing "int override" (=1?) as second param

                            if not sprite.masked == 1:
                                ca = ColorAttrib.makeFlat(
                                    Vec4(1, 1, 1, sprite.alpha))
                                geom_render_state = geom_render_state.setAttrib(
                                    ca, 1
                                )  # potentialy needs passing "int override" (=1?) as second param

                            # #####################################################

                        if sprite.anim_delay > 0:
                            # ANIMATED SPRITE
                            # sprite.addAnimGeomRenderState((geom_node, geom_number, geom_render_state))
                                (geom_node, geom_number, geom_render_state))

                        print 'could not find sprite for geom node, node texture cant be animated'

    # load up everything related to this zone
    def load(self):

        # ---- ZONE GEOMETRY ----

        # load main zone s3d
        s3dfile_name = self.name + '.s3d'
        self.world.consoleOut('zone loading zone s3dfile: ' + s3dfile_name)

        s3d = S3DFile(self.basedir + self.name)
        if s3d.load() != 0:
            self.world.consoleOut('ERROR loading s3dfile:' + self.basedir +
            return -1

        # s3d.dumpListing()

        # load main zone wld
        wldZone = WLDFile(self.name)
        # wldZone.setDumpList([0x14, 0x15])
        self.zone_wld_container = WLDContainer('zone', self, wldZone, s3d)
        self.wld_containers['zone'] = self.zone_wld_container

        # load the objects.wld file from the same container
        # this basically consists of 0x15 model references for putting all placeables in place
        wldZoneObj = WLDFile('objects')
        # wldZoneObj.setDumpList([0x14, 0x15])
        self.zone_obj_wld_container = WLDContainer('zone_obj', self,
                                                   wldZoneObj, s3d)
        self.wld_containers['zone_obj'] = self.zone_obj_wld_container

        # ---- placeables definitions ------------------------------------

        s3dfile_name = self.name + '_obj.s3d'
        print '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
        self.world.consoleOut('zone loading placeable objects s3dfile: ' +

        s3d = S3DFile(self.basedir + self.name + '_obj')
        if s3d.load() == 0:
            # s3d.dumpListing()
            wldObj1 = WLDFile(self.name + '_obj')
            wldObj1.setDumpList([0x14, 0x13, 0x12, 0x11, 0x10])
            self.obj1_wld_container = WLDContainer('obj', self, wldObj1, s3d)
            self.wld_containers['obj1'] = self.obj1_wld_container
            self.world.consoleOut('zone object 1 s3dfile does not exist:' +
                                  self.basedir + s3dfile_name)

        s3dfile_name = self.name + '_2_obj.s3d'
        print '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
        self.world.consoleOut('zone loading placeable objects 2 s3dfile: ' +

        s3d = S3DFile(self.basedir + self.name + '_2_obj')
        if s3d.load() == 0:
            # s3d.dumpListing()
            wldObj2 = WLDFile(self.name + '_2_obj')
            # wldObj2.setDumpList([0x14, 0x15, 0x2D, 0x36])
            self.obj2_wld_container = WLDContainer('obj', self, wldObj2, s3d)
            self.wld_containers['obj2'] = self.obj2_wld_container
            self.world.consoleOut('zone object 2 s3dfile does not exist:' +
                                  self.basedir + s3dfile_name)

        s3dfile_name = self.name + '_chr.s3d'
        print '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
        self.world.consoleOut('zone loading character s3dfile: ' +

        s3d = S3DFile(self.basedir + self.name + '_chr')
        if s3d.load() == 0:
            # s3d.dumpListing()
            wldChr = WLDFile(self.name + '_chr')
            # wldChr.setDumpList([0x14, 0x15, 0x2D, 0x36])
            self.chr_wld_container = WLDContainer('chr', self, wldChr, s3d)
            self.wld_containers['chr'] = self.chr_wld_container
            self.world.consoleOut('zone character s3dfile does not exist:' +
                                  self.basedir + s3dfile_name)

        # --- TEXTURES ----
        self.world.consoleOut('preloading textures')

        # ---- Generate main Zone Geometry ----
        self.world.consoleOut('preparing zone mesh')

        # let Panda3D attempt to flatten the zone geometry (reduce the excessive
        # Geom count resulting from the layout of the .wld zone data as a huge
        # bunch of tiny bsp regions)
        self.world.consoleOut('flattening zone mesh geom tree')

        # self.rootNode.ls()

        # texture->sprite remapping after the flatten above

        # COLLISION:
        # The following makes the complete zone base geometry eligible for collisions
        # this is of course extremely inefficient. TODO: at some point we need to use the
        # bsp structures already provided in the wld file to optimize whats in our scene graph
        # and also to build a more intelligent collision system

        # ---- load MODELS and spawn placeables -----------------------

        # go through all the 0x15 refs and create empty model "shells"
        # for every unique entry
        self.world.consoleOut('loading placeables models')
        # self.rootNode.ls()

        print 'zone load complete'
        self.load_complete = 1

        return 0
Ejemplo n.º 4
class Zone():

    def __init__(self, world, name, basedir):
        self.world = world
        self.name = name
        self.basedir = basedir
        self.load_complete = 0
        self.world.consoleOut('zone initializing: '+self.name)
        # store the in memory WLDFile objects that make uo the zone for direct access
        self.wld_containers = {}        # and as a directory
        self.zone_wld_container = None
        self.obj1_wld_container = None
        self.obj2_wld_container = None
        self.chr_wld_container  = None
        # init our texture manager
        self.tm = TextureManager()

        # init our model manager
        self.mm = ModelManager(self)
        self.nulltex = Texture()  # create dummy exture object for use in non textured polys

        self.rootNode = NodePath(PandaNode("zone_root"))
        self.delta_t = 0
    # This currently only updates the direct zone sprites
    def update(self):
        if self.load_complete != 1:
        # print 'update delta_t:', globalClock.getDt()
        self.delta_t += globalClock.getDt()
        if self.delta_t > 0.2:
            self.delta_t = 0
            for container in self.wld_containers:
                  for sprite in self.wld_containers[container].animated_sprites:
    # build the main zone geometry mesh
    def prepareZoneMesh(self):
        wld_container = self.wld_containers['zone']
        wld_obj = wld_container.wld_file_obj
        # load the 0x36 bsp region fragments (sub meshes): all these meshes together
        # make up the main zone geometry
        for f in wld_obj.fragments.values():
            if f.type == 0x36:
                # print 'adding fragment_36 to main zone mesh'
                # f.dump()
                m = Mesh(self.name)
                m.buildFromFragment(f, wld_container)
                m.root.reparentTo(self.rootNode)        # "hang" the mesh under our root node

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------             
    # create the SPRITE objects: these can reference a single texture or
    # a list of them (for animated textures like water, lava etc.)
    # we need to step through all entries of the 0x31 list fragment for the zone
    # We store the SPRITEs using their index within the 0x31 fragments list as the key
    # because this is exactly how the meshes (0x36 fragments) reference them
    # The lists them selves are keyed by the 0x31 fragmemts id (=index in the diskfile)
    def loadSpriteList(self, wld_container, f31):
        wld = wld_container.wld_file_obj
        wld_container.sprite_list[f31.id] = {}
        sprite_list = wld_container.sprite_list[f31.id]
        idx = 0
        for ref30 in f31.nameRefs:
            sprite_error = 0
            sprite = None
            # print ref30
            f30 = wld.getFragment(ref30)
            # f30.dump()

            material_name = wld.getName(f30.nameRef)
            # Note on TRANSPARENCY: as far as I can tell so far, bit 2 in the params1 field of f30
            # is the "semi-transparent" indicator used for all types of water surfaces for the old
            # zones (pre POP? Seems to not work like this in zones like POV for example anymore)
            # lets go by this theory anyway for now
            if f30.params1 & 0x00000004:
                print 'SEMI TRANSPARENT MATERIAL:'
            # print 'looking up 0x05 fragment with id_plus_1:', f30.frag05Ref
            # Note that there are frag05Refs inside some 0x30 fragments with value <=0 
            # these named references seem to point directly to 0x03 texture fragments
            # instead of the usual indirection chain  0x05->0x04->0x03
            # in some instances these point nowhere meaningful at all though. Need to catch all these
            frag = wld.getFragment(f30.frag05Ref)
            if frag != None:
                if frag.type == 0x03:    # this is a direct 0x03 ref (see note above)
                    f03 = frag
                    texfile_name = f03.names[0]                   
                    tx = self.tm.getTexture(texfile_name)
                    if tx != None:
                        # we dont have a sprite def (0x04) for these, so we use the material (0x30) name
                        sprite = Sprite(material_name, idx, f30.params1, self.tm)
                        sprite.addTexture(texfile_name, tx) 
                        sprite_error = 1
                        print 'Error in Sprite:', material_name, 'Texture not found:', texfile_name                        
                elif frag.type == 0x05: # this is the "normal" indirection chain 0x30->0x05->0x04->0x03
                    f05 = frag
                    # f05.dump()
                    f04 = wld.getFragment(f05.frag04Ref)
                    # f04.dump()

                    name = wld.getName(f04.nameRef)
                    sprite = Sprite(name, idx, f30.params1, self.tm)
                    for f03ref in  f04.frag03Refs:
                        f03 = wld.getFragment(f03ref)
                        # f03.dump()
                        # NOTE that this assumes the zone 0x03 fragments only ever reference one single texture
                        texfile_name = f03.names[0]
                        tx = self.tm.getTexture(texfile_name)
                        if tx != None:
                            sprite.addTexture(texfile_name, tx) 
                            sprite_error = 1
                            print 'Error in Sprite:', name, 'Texure not found:', texfile_name
                    # This is the "does point nowhere meaningful at all" case
                    # infact the reference points back to the same fragment (circular)
                    # This type of 0x30 fragment seems  to only have been used for zone boundary polygons
                    # in the original EQ classic zones 
                    # Note that we create a sprite with just a dummy texture in it for these
                    # sprite_error = 1
                    print 'Warning : Non standard material:%s. Texture ref in 0x30 frag is not type 0x5 or 0x3 but 0x%x' % (material_name, frag.type)
                    # print 'F30 DUMP:'
                    # f30.dump()
                    # print 'Referenced Fragment DUMP:'
                    # frag.dump()
                    # this will be a sprite with just the dummy nulltex textures
                    # we need this so that transparent zonewalls in the very old classic zones work
                    # newer zones have actually textured ("collide.dds") zone walls
                    sprite = Sprite(material_name, idx, f30.params1, self.tm)
                    sprite.addTexture('nulltexture', self.nulltex)
                sprite_error = 1
                print 'Error in Sprite: could not resolve frag05ref:%i in 0x30 fragment:%i' % (f30.frag05Ref, f30.id)

            if sprite_error != 1:   # only add error free sprites
                # sprite.dump()
                # new style sprite list
                sprite_list[idx] = sprite
                if sprite.anim_delay != 0:
                    print("Adding animated sprite to master list " + sprite.name)
            idx += 1    # need to increment regardless of whether we stored or not
                        # so that the index lookup using the refs in the 0x36's works
    # preloadWldTextures actually does quite a bit more than just preloading texture files
    # the main task of this code is to generate our SPRITES
    # Params
    # wld_container is a WldContainer object
    def preloadWldTextures(self, wld_container):
        self.world.consoleOut('preloading textures for container: '+ wld_container.name)
        wld = wld_container.wld_file_obj  # the in memory wld file
        # loop over all 0x03 fragments and PRELOAD all referenced texture files from the s3d
        f31 = None
        f31_list = []
        for f in wld.fragments.values():
            if f.type == 0x03:
                # f.dump()
                # NOTE
                # in VERSION 2 WLD zones (ex. povalor, postorms) I've found texture names
                # that have three parameters prepended like this for example: 1, 4, 0, POVSNOWDET01.DDS
                # no idea yet as to what these mean but in order to be able to load the texture from 
                # the s3d container we need to strip this stuff
                for name in f.names:
                    i = name.rfind(',')
                    if i != -1:
                        # See NOTE above
                        print 'parametrized texture name found:%s wld version:0x%x' % (name, self.wldZone.version)
                        name = name[i+1:].strip()
                    self.tm.loadTexture(name.lower(), wld_container)
            # need to store the 0x31 texture lists        
            if f.type == 0x31:
        # not all wld files define sprites
        if len(f31_list) == 0:
        for f31 in f31_list:
            self.loadSpriteList(wld_container, f31)
            #print("Loaded sprites got this many: " + str(len(wld_container.animated_sprites)))
    # preload the textures/sprites for all loaded containers
    def preloadTextures(self):
        # self.preloadWldTextures(self.zone_wld_container)
        for wld_obj in self.wld_containers.values():
    # We let Panda3D "flatten" the plethora of GEOMs we created from the original bsp tree
    # ==> this process creates a complete new NodePath->GeomNode tree from our original
    # In order to implement texture animation and transparency we need to map the new Geom's textures
    # back to our Sprites so we can change texture assignments and transparency on a Geom level in 
    # the new structure
    # Remap the Textures in use for the main Zone Geometry
    def remapTextures(self):
        # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # trying to evaluate the scene graph structure under our root node here
        # since flattenStrong() totally changes the structure of our scene from how we 
        # originally created it, we need to find a way to:
        #   - get a the geoms that the flatten process has produced
        #   - find their textures
        #   - map those back to our sprites
        #   - and finally set up the update process for texture animations based on the above
        # NOTE this code will fail if there is more than one sprite useing a single texture!
        # Not encountered this yet though.
        self.world.consoleOut('setting up animated textures for zone geometry')        
        for child in self.rootNode.getChildren():
            # print child
            geom_node = child.node()
            for geom_number in range(0, geom_node.getNumGeoms()):
                geom_render_state = geom_node.getGeomState(geom_number)              
                attr = geom_render_state.getAttrib(26)  # attrib 26 is the texture attribute (hope this is static)
                if attr != None:
                    # print attr
                    tex = attr.getTexture()

                    # print tex       # BINGO! now we have the texture for this GEOM, lets find the sprite
                    sprite = self.zone_wld_container.findSpriteUsing(tex)
                    if sprite != None:
                        # print sprite
                        # set general texture alpha based tansparency for masked textures
                        # if sprite.masked == 1:
                        #     child.setTransparency(TransparencyAttrib.MAlpha)

                        if sprite.transparent == 1 or sprite.masked == 1:
                            # EXPERIMENTAL TRANSPARENCY SUPPORT ###############
                            # This is for semi-transparent polygons (water surfaces etc) 
                            # we implement the transparency via the alpha component of the GEOM's ColorAttrib
                            ta = TransparencyAttrib.make(TransparencyAttrib.MAlpha)
                            geom_render_state = geom_render_state.setAttrib(ta, 1)  # potentialy needs passing "int override" (=1?) as second param
                            if not sprite.masked == 1:
                                ca = ColorAttrib.makeFlat(Vec4(1, 1, 1, sprite.alpha))
                                geom_render_state = geom_render_state.setAttrib(ca, 1)  # potentialy needs passing "int override" (=1?) as second param
                            geom_node.setGeomState(geom_number, geom_render_state)
                            # #####################################################
                        if sprite.anim_delay > 0:
                            # ANIMATED SPRITE
                            # sprite.addAnimGeomRenderState((geom_node, geom_number, geom_render_state))
                            sprite.addAnimGeomRenderState((geom_node, geom_number, geom_render_state))

                        print 'could not find sprite for geom node, node texture cant be animated'
    # load up everything related to this zone
    def load(self):
        # ---- ZONE GEOMETRY ----
        # load main zone s3d
        s3dfile_name = self.name+'.s3d'
        self.world.consoleOut('zone loading zone s3dfile: ' + s3dfile_name)
        s3d = S3DFile(self.basedir+self.name)
        if s3d.load() != 0:
            self.world.consoleOut( 'ERROR loading s3dfile:' + self.basedir+s3dfile_name)
            return -1
        # s3d.dumpListing()
        # load main zone wld
        wldZone = WLDFile(self.name)
        # wldZone.setDumpList([0x14, 0x15])
        self.zone_wld_container = WLDContainer('zone', self, wldZone, s3d)
        self.wld_containers['zone'] = self.zone_wld_container

        # load the objects.wld file from the same container
        # this basically consists of 0x15 model references for putting all placeables in place
        wldZoneObj = WLDFile('objects')
        # wldZoneObj.setDumpList([0x14, 0x15])
        self.zone_obj_wld_container = WLDContainer('zone_obj', self, wldZoneObj, s3d)
        self.wld_containers['zone_obj'] = self.zone_obj_wld_container

        # ---- placeables definitions ------------------------------------
        s3dfile_name = self.name+'_obj.s3d'
        print '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
        self.world.consoleOut('zone loading placeable objects s3dfile: ' + s3dfile_name)
        s3d = S3DFile(self.basedir+self.name+'_obj')
        if s3d.load() == 0:
            # s3d.dumpListing()
            wldObj1 = WLDFile(self.name+'_obj')
            wldObj1.setDumpList([0x14, 0x13, 0x12, 0x11, 0x10])
            self.obj1_wld_container = WLDContainer('obj', self, wldObj1, s3d)
            self.wld_containers['obj1'] = self.obj1_wld_container
            self.world.consoleOut( 'zone object 1 s3dfile does not exist:' + self.basedir+s3dfile_name)
        s3dfile_name = self.name+'_2_obj.s3d'
        print '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
        self.world.consoleOut('zone loading placeable objects 2 s3dfile: ' + s3dfile_name)
        s3d = S3DFile(self.basedir+self.name+'_2_obj')
        if s3d.load() == 0:
            # s3d.dumpListing()
            wldObj2 = WLDFile(self.name+'_2_obj')
            # wldObj2.setDumpList([0x14, 0x15, 0x2D, 0x36])
            self.obj2_wld_container = WLDContainer('obj', self, wldObj2, s3d)
            self.wld_containers['obj2'] = self.obj2_wld_container
            self.world.consoleOut( 'zone object 2 s3dfile does not exist:' + self.basedir+s3dfile_name)
        s3dfile_name = self.name+'_chr.s3d'
        print '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
        self.world.consoleOut('zone loading character s3dfile: ' + s3dfile_name)
        s3d = S3DFile(self.basedir+self.name+'_chr')
        if s3d.load() == 0:
            # s3d.dumpListing()
            wldChr = WLDFile(self.name+'_chr')
            # wldChr.setDumpList([0x14, 0x15, 0x2D, 0x36])
            self.chr_wld_container = WLDContainer('chr', self, wldChr, s3d)
            self.wld_containers['chr'] = self.chr_wld_container
            self.world.consoleOut( 'zone character s3dfile does not exist:' + self.basedir+s3dfile_name)
        # --- TEXTURES ----
        self.world.consoleOut('preloading textures')
        # ---- Generate main Zone Geometry ----
        self.world.consoleOut( 'preparing zone mesh')
        # let Panda3D attempt to flatten the zone geometry (reduce the excessive
        # Geom count resulting from the layout of the .wld zone data as a huge
        # bunch of tiny bsp regions)
        self.world.consoleOut('flattening zone mesh geom tree')        
        # self.rootNode.ls()

        # texture->sprite remapping after the flatten above
        # COLLISION:
        # The following makes the complete zone base geometry eligible for collisions
        # this is of course extremely inefficient. TODO: at some point we need to use the
        # bsp structures already provided in the wld file to optimize whats in our scene graph
        # and also to build a more intelligent collision system

        # ---- load MODELS and spawn placeables -----------------------
        # go through all the 0x15 refs and create empty model "shells"
        # for every unique entry
        self.world.consoleOut( 'loading placeables models')
        # self.rootNode.ls()
        print 'zone load complete'
        self.load_complete = 1
        return 0