def __init__(self, width, height): super().__init__(width, height) dishtxt = TextAsset(text="Radar Dish", width=200, align='center', style='10px Arial', fill=black) signaltxt = TextAsset(text="Signal (moving)", width=200, align='center', style='10px Arial', fill=red) #suntxt = TextAsset(text="Random Sun", width = 200, align = 'center', style = '10px Arial', fill=black) #planetxt = TextAsset(text="Plane (will idealy move)", width = 200, align = 'center', style = '10px Arial', fill=black) Sprite(RectangleAsset(1000, 500, thinlinesb, skyblue), (0, 0)) dish((100, 450)) Sprite(dishtxt, (45, 450)) signal((100, 450)) Sprite(signaltxt, (75, 375)) plane((cpx, cpy)) #plane1((cpx,cpy)) #plane((900,72)) #Sprite(planetxt,(865,25)) if rainny == 1: for x in range(0, 31): rain((random.randrange(400, 800), random.randrange(0, 500))) if snowy == 1: for x in range(0, 31): snow((random.randrange(400, 800), random.randrange(0, 500))) if foggy == 1: fog((200, 0)) Sprite(LineAsset(1000, 1, thinline), (0, 500)) Sprite(CircleAsset(20, thinlinesun, sun), (200, 100))
def __init__(self, width, height): super().__init__(width, height) black = Color(0, 1) yellow = Color(0xffeb3b, 1.0) white = Color(0xfafafa, 1.0) liner = LineStyle(1, white) line = LineStyle(1, black) = False self.ComicSans = True bg_asset = RectangleAsset(width, height, line, black) bg = Sprite(bg_asset, (0, 0)) text = TextAsset("Press ENTER To Start", style='40pt Comic Sans MS', fill=Color(0xffeb3b, 1), width=700) self.prompt = Sprite(text, (50, 250)) TEXT = TextAsset("Game Over", style='40pt Comic Sans Ms', fill=Color(0xffeb3b, 1), width=700) self.Prompt = Sprite(TEXT, (350, 350)) self.prompt.visible = True self.Prompt.visible = False self.count = 0 self.lost = False Kong.listenKeyEvent("keydown", "enter", self.playing)
def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.gameover = False rectangle = RectangleAsset(1000, 1000, thinline, blue) rectangle1 = RectangleAsset(1000, 1000, thinline, white) Sprite(rectangle, (0, 0)) Sprite(rectangle1, (0, 350)) #initial positions Background((0, 0)) Background((512, 0)) Background((1024, 0)) House1((300, 350)) House2((900, 350)) Grinch((1000, 335)) Grinch((100, 335)) Grinch((1500, 335)) self.p1 = Present1((350, 50)) self.Hlist = Heartlist() #sleigh sleigh_asset = ImageAsset("images/santa_sleigh_PNG72.png") sleigh = Sprite(sleigh_asset, (350, 50)) sleigh.scale = 0.3 #music jingle_asset = SoundAsset("sounds/Santa Claus Is Coming To Town.mp3") jingle = Sound(jingle_asset) jingle.volume = 8
def __init__(self): super().__init__() grid = RectangleAsset(60,60,gridline,white) x = 0 y = 0 for d in range(13): for e in range(20): Sprite(grid, (x,y)) x = x + 60 x = 0 Sprite(grid,(x,y)) y = y + 60 super().__init__() self.listenKeyEvent("keydown", "b", self.cBlock) self.listenKeyEvent("keydown", "p", self.cUser) self.listenKeyEvent("keydown", "s", self.cSpring) self.listenKeyEvent("keydown", "f", self.cPlat) self.listenKeyEvent("keydown", "left arrow", self.Keys) self.listenKeyEvent("keydown", "right arrow", self.Keys) self.listenKeyEvent("keydown", "up arrow", self.Keys) self.listenKeyEvent("keyup", "left arrow", self.stopKeys) self.listenKeyEvent("keyup", "right arrow", self.stopKeys) self.listenKeyEvent("keyup", "up arrow", self.stopKeys) self.listenMouseEvent("mousemove", self.Mouse) self.q = [] self.w = [] self.g = None self.pos = (0,0)
def __init__(self): super().__init__() black = Color(0, 1) noline = LineStyle(0, black) bg_asset = RectangleAsset(self.width, self.height, noline, black) bg = Sprite(bg_asset, (0,0)) for i in range (1,10): white=Color(0xbbbb00,1) starline=LineStyle(2,white) star_asset =RectangleAsset(10, 10, starline, white) star = Sprite(star_asset, ((random.randint(0,1000)),(random.randint(0,500)))) self.spaceship=SpaceShip((100,100)) asteroid((random.randint(400,800),random.randint(0,200)), self.spaceship) asteroid((random.randint(400,800),random.randint(0,200)), self.spaceship) asteroid((random.randint(400,800),random.randint(0,200)), self.spaceship) asteroid((random.randint(400,800),random.randint(0,200)), self.spaceship) asteroid((random.randint(400,800),random.randint(0,200)), self.spaceship) asteroid((random.randint(400,800),random.randint(0,200)), self.spaceship) asteroid((random.randint(400,800),random.randint(0,200)), self.spaceship) asteroid((random.randint(400,800),random.randint(0,200)), self.spaceship) asteroid((random.randint(0,400),random.randint(0,200)), self.spaceship) asteroid((random.randint(0,400),random.randint(0,200)), self.spaceship) asteroid((random.randint(0,400),random.randint(0,200)), self.spaceship) asteroid((random.randint(0,400),random.randint(0,200)), self.spaceship) asteroid((random.randint(0,400),random.randint(0,200)), self.spaceship) asteroid((random.randint(0,400),random.randint(0,200)), self.spaceship) asteroid((random.randint(0,400),random.randint(0,200)), self.spaceship) asteroid((random.randint(0,400),random.randint(0,200)), self.spaceship)
def __init__(self): Screen.registerturtle(self) self.currentcolor = self.currentthinline = self.thinlineblack width = Screen.width height = Screen.height screencenter = (width / 2, height / 2 ) #finds a tuple for the center of the screen #self.newturtle(self.currentcolor, self.currentthinline) startturtle = PolygonAsset([(5, 5), (20, 13), (5, 21), (10, 13), (5, 5)], self.currentthinline, self.currentcolor) self.turtle = Sprite(startturtle, screencenter) self.rotationgoal = None self.forwardgoal = None self.bkgoal = None self.vr = 0 self.turtle.fxcenter = 1 self.turtle.fycenter = 1 / 2 self.vx = 0 self.vy = 0 self.commandlist = [] self.currentcmd = None self.distance = 0 self.combinedhead = 0 self.fdx = width / 2 self.fdy = height / 2
def __init__(self): super().__init__() # Background black = Color(0, 1) noline = LineStyle(0, black) #bg_asset = RectangleAsset(self.width, self.height, noline, black) #bg = Sprite(bg_asset, (0,0)) starfield_asset = ImageAsset("images/starfield.jpg") starfield_sprite = Sprite(starfield_asset, (0, 0)) # Scale the sprite according to size of screen if self.width > self.height: starfield_sprite.scale = self.width / starfield_sprite.width else: starfield_sprite.scale = self.height / starfield_sprite.height #sun_asset = ImageAsset("images/sun.png") #sun_sprite = Sprite(sun_asset, (self.width / 2, self.height / 2)) # Start Player1 in center of screen self.player1 = PlayerShip((self.width / 2, self.height / 2)) # Start enemy ship @ random location on screen self.safex = 0 self.safey = 0 self.safeRespawn() # Sets difficulty level of enemy ship (frequency of which it makes movements) self.challenge = 100 EnemyShip((self.safex, self.safey), self.challenge)
def endgame(self): if self.gallows.hangingphase == 6: self.wordsprite.destroy() wordasset = TextAsset(finishedword, style='60px Helvetica',align='center',width=1000,fill=red) self.wordsprite = Sprite(wordasset,(500,525)) self.wordsprite.fxcenter = 0.5 Hangman.unlistenMouseEvent('mousemove', myapp.mousemove) Hangman.unlistenMouseEvent('mousedown', myapp.mousedown)
def __init__(self): super().__init__() bg_asset = ImageAsset("images/starfield.jpg") bg = Sprite(bg_asset, (0, 0)) bg.scale = 2 self.rocketship = rocket((500, 30)) self.sun = sun((500, 250)) self.exploding = False
def display(): for x in range(1,mapsize): for y in range(1,mapsize): if coord[(x,y)] == 0: Sprite(deadcell,(x*10,y*10)) elif coord[(x,y)] == 1: Sprite(newcell,(x*10,y*10)) elif coord[(x,y)] == 2: Sprite(oldcell,(x*10,y*10))
def __init__(self, asset, *args, **kwargs): """ Required inputs * **asset** a ggame asset * **args** the list of required positional and nonpositional arguments, as named in the posinputsdef and nonposinputsdef lists * **kwargs** all other optional keyword arguments: positioning - logical (default) or physical, size, width, color, style movable """ MathApp._addVisual(self) #Sprite.__init__(self, asset, args[0]) _MathDynamic.__init__(self) self._movable = False self._selectable = False self._strokable = False self.selected = False self.mouseisdown = False # self.positioning = kwargs.get('positioning', 'logical') # positional inputs self.PI = namedtuple('PI', self.posinputsdef) # nonpositional inputs self.NPI = namedtuple('NPI', self.nonposinputsdef) # standard inputs (not positional) standardargs = ['size', 'width', 'color', 'style'] self.SI = namedtuple('SI', standardargs) # correct number of args? if len(args) != len(self.posinputsdef) + len(self.nonposinputsdef): raise TypeError("Incorrect number of parameters provided") self.args = args # generated named tuple of functions from positional inputs self.posinputs = self.PI(*[self.Eval(p) for p in args][:len(self.posinputsdef)]) self._getPhysicalInputs() # first positional argument must be a sprite position! Sprite.__init__(self, asset, self.pposinputs[0]) # generated named tuple of functions from nonpositional inputs if len(self.nonposinputsdef) > 0: self.nposinputs = self.NPI( *[self.Eval(p) for p in args][(-1 * len(self.nonposinputsdef)):]) else: self.nposinputs = [] self.stdinputs = self.SI( self.Eval(kwargs.get('size', self.defaultsize)), self.Eval(kwargs.get('width', self.defaultwidth)), self.Eval(kwargs.get('color', self.defaultcolor)), self.Eval(kwargs.get('style', self.defaultstyle))) self.sposinputs = self.PI(*[0] * len(self.posinputs)) self.spposinputs = self.PI(*self.pposinputs) self.snposinputs = self.NPI(*[0] * len(self.nposinputs)) self.sstdinputs = self.SI(*[0] * len(self.stdinputs))
def __init__(self, width, height): super().__init__(width, height) time.time() black = Color(1, 1) line = LineStyle(2, black) self.peanuts = 0 Score = str(self.peanuts) grass = Color(0x229954, 1) hedge = Color(0x145A32, 1) stone = Color(0xB2BABB, 1) road = Color(0x515A5A, 1) roof = Color(0x5F6A6A, 1) Grass = RectangleAsset(1279, 939, line, grass) Hedge = RectangleAsset(25, 700, line, hedge) Hedge2 = RectangleAsset(25, 340, line, hedge) Hedge3 = RectangleAsset(25, 290, line, hedge) Hedge4 = RectangleAsset(485, 25, line, hedge) Stone = RectangleAsset(20, 50, line, stone) Road = RectangleAsset(60, 940, line, road) Roof = RectangleAsset(30, 400, line, roof) Roof2 = RectangleAsset(30, 300, line, roof) self.score = TextAsset("Score:" + Score + "", style="40pt Comic Sans MS", fill=Color(0xD2B4DE, 1), width=200) self.waituntil = time.time() + 1 X = random.randrange(100) + 1280 X2 = random.randrange(100) + 1380 Y = random.randrange(940) Sprite(Grass, (0, 0)) Sprite(Roof2, (200, 0)) Sprite(Roof2, (200, 600)) Sprite(RectangleAsset(-400, 30, line, roof), (0, 0)) Sprite(CircleAsset(45, line, roof), (215, 40)) Sprite(CircleAsset(25, line, roof), (215, 40)) Sprite(CircleAsset(45, line, roof), (215, 900)) Sprite(CircleAsset(25, line, roof), (215, 900)) People((X2, 300)) People((X, 320)) People((X2, 340)) People((X, 360)) People((X2, 380)) People((X, 400)) People((X2, 420)) People((X, 440)) People((X2, 460)) People((X, 480)) People((X2, 500)) People((X, 520)) People((X2, 540)) People((X, 560)) People((X2, 580)) self.prompt = Sprite(self.score, (10, 10)) Bingo((640, 300), self)
def __init__(self, width, height): super().__init__(width, height) black = Color(0, 1) noline = LineStyle(0, black) #bg_asset = RectangleAsset(width, height, noline, black) bg_asset = ImageAsset("images/starfield.jpg") bg=Sprite(bg_asset,(0,0)) sun_asset = ImageAsset("images/sun.png") self.sun=Sprite(sun_asset, (200,200)) SpaceShip((100,100), self)
def __init__(self, width, height): super().__init__(width, height) xaxis = RectangleAsset(1920,1, thinline, black) yaxis = RectangleAsset(1,1080, thinline, black) sprite1 = Sprite(xaxis, (0, 500)) sprite2 = Sprite(yaxis, (840, 0)) #origin (840,500) Dot((0,0))
def test_spritecollision(self): s1 = Sprite(self.image, (51,52)) s2 = Sprite(self.image, (51, 52)) cl = s2.collidingWithSprites() self.assertEqual(len(cl), 1) self.assertEqual(s2.collidingWith(cl[0]), True) s2.x = 125 self.assertEqual(s2.collidingWith(cl[0]), False) s1.destroy() s2.destroy()
def change(info): x = int(info.x/10) y = int(info.y/10) if x >= mapsize or y >= mapsize or x <= 0 or y <= 0: return elif coord[(x,y)] == 0: coord[(x,y)] = 1 Sprite(newcell,(x*10,y*10)) else: coord[(x,y)] = 0 Sprite(deadcell,(x*10,y*10))
def NewCellAt(coords): global screenoffset if not coords in livecells: try: newcell = deadcells.pop() except: newcell = (Sprite(redcircle, (0, 0)), Sprite(bluecircle, (0, 0))) livecells[coords] = newcell newcell[0].position = newcell[1].position = pfroml( (coords[0] + screenoffset[0], coords[1] + screenoffset[1])) newcell[0].visible = True newcell[1].visible = False
def test_sprite(self): s = Sprite(self.image, (51,52)) self.assertEqual(s.x, 51) self.assertEqual(s.y, 52) self.assertEqual(s.width, 71) self.assertEqual(s.height, 100) self.assertEqual(s.position, (51,52)) self.assertEqual(s.fxcenter, 0.0) s.x = 41 self.assertEqual(s.x, 41) self.assertEqual(s.width, 71) s.destroy()
def test_sprite(self): s = Sprite(self.image, (51, 52)) self.assertEqual(s.x, 51) self.assertEqual(s.y, 52) self.assertEqual(s.width, 71) self.assertEqual(s.height, 100) self.assertEqual(s.position, (51, 52)) self.assertEqual(s.fxcenter, 0.0) s.x = 41 self.assertEqual(s.x, 41) self.assertEqual(s.width, 71) s.destroy()
def displayCells(): x = 0 y = 0 for i in grid: for j in i: if j > 7: Sprite(circles[6], (x, y)) elif j > 0: Sprite(circles[j - 1], (x, y)) x += 10 x = 0 y += 10
def step(self): if self.statechange != 0 or != 0: self.state += (self.statechange + self.statechange = 0 = 0 if self.state > 0: LiveCell = RectangleAsset(98, 98, nl, black) Sprite(LiveCell, (self.x, self.y)) self.state = 1 else: self.state = 0 DeadCell = RectangleAsset(98, 98, nl, white) Sprite(DeadCell, (self.x, self.y))
def __init__(self, position): ball_asset = ImageAsset("images/orb-150545_640.png") #pull from repository ball = Sprite(ball_asset, (0, 400)) ball.scale = 0.07 # custom attributes ball.direction = 1 ball.go = True # Sounds pew1_asset = SoundAsset("sounds/pew1.mp3") pew1 = Sound(pew1_asset) pop_asset = SoundAsset("sounds/reappear.mp3") pop = Sound(pop_asset) super().__init__(ball_asset, position)
def guessletter(self): global wordinprogress global word global displayedword global wordsprite global alreadyguessedstring global guessedasset global wordasset global hangingphase global gallows global guessedsprite global allletters displayedword = '' guessedletter = input('Please guess a letter!') guessedletter = guessedletter.lower() while alreadyguessed.count(guessedletter) > 0: guessedletter = input('You already guessed that letter! Try again:') while allsymbols.count(guessedletter) > 0: guessedletter = input("That's not a letter! Try again:") while len(guessedletter) > 1: guessedletter = input("Please only input one letter:") if word.count(guessedletter) > 0: for x in range(len(word)): if guessedletter == word[x]: wordinprogress = wordinprogress[:x] + "{0}".format(guessedletter) + wordinprogress[x+1:] for x in range(len(wordinprogress)): displayedword = displayedword + "{0:<3}".format(wordinprogress[x]) self.wordsprite.destroy() wordasset = TextAsset(displayedword, style='60px Helvetica',align='center',width=1000) self.wordsprite = Sprite(wordasset,(500,525)) self.wordsprite.fxcenter = 0.5 alreadyguessed.append(guessedletter) alreadyguessedstring = alreadyguessedstring + "{0:<3}".format(guessedletter) else: alreadyguessed.append(guessedletter) alreadyguessedstring = alreadyguessedstring + "{0:<3}".format(guessedletter) self.gallows.hangingphase += 1 self.gallows.setImage(self.gallows.hangingphase) self.guessedsprite.destroy() guessedasset = TextAsset(alreadyguessedstring, style='20px Helvetica',align='center',width=100) self.guessedsprite = Sprite(guessedasset, (100,250)) self.endgame() self.wongame()
def test_advancedspritecollision(self): class SpriteChild(Sprite): pass s1 = Sprite(self.image, (51, 52)) s2 = Sprite(self.image, (61, 52)) s3 = SpriteChild(self.image, (71, 52)) cl = s1.collidingWithSprites(SpriteChild) self.assertEqual(len(cl), 1) self.assertIs(cl[0], s3) cl = s1.collidingWithSprites() self.assertEqual(len(cl), 2) s1.destroy() s2.destroy() s3.destroy()
def __init__(self, width, height): super().__init__(width, height) black = Color(0, 1) noline = LineStyle(0, black) bg_asset = ImageAsset("images/starfield.jpg") txt_asset= TextAsset(text="Press R to Reset", width=200, align='center',style='20px Arial', fill=Color(0xff2222,1)) star0 = Sprite(bg_asset, (0,0)) star1= Sprite(bg_asset, (512,0)) star2= Sprite(bg_asset, (0,512)) star3= Sprite(bg_asset, (512, 512)) txt = Sprite(txt_asset, (0,0)) Sunthing((500,360)) SpaceShip((300,300)) '''
def __init__(self): super().__init__() black = Color(0, 1) line = LineStyle(0, black) bg_asset = RectangleAsset(self.width, self.height, line, black) bg = Sprite(bg_asset, (0,0)) self.shooter = Shooter((500,450)) Enemy((40, 10)) Enemy((130, 10)) Enemy((220, 10)) Enemy((310, 10)) Enemy((400, 10)) Enemy((490, 10)) Enemy((580, 10)) Enemy((670, 10)) Enemy((760, 10)) Enemy((850, 10)) Enemy((940, 10)) Enemy((40, 80)) Enemy((130, 80)) Enemy((220, 80)) Enemy((310, 80)) Enemy((400, 80)) Enemy((490, 80)) Enemy((580, 80)) Enemy((670, 80)) Enemy((760, 80)) Enemy((850, 80)) Enemy((940, 80)) #self.blast = Blast(self) SpaceShooter.listenKeyEvent("keydown", "space", self.ShootOn)
def __init__(self, width, height): super().__init__(width, height) black = Color(0, 1) noline = LineStyle(0, black) bg_asset = RectangleAsset(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, noline, black) bg = Sprite(bg_asset, (0, 0)) SpaceShip((100, 100))
def destination(place, file): thequestion=input("Welcome to {0}! You may: 1. Look around, 2. Attempt to Trade, 3. Stop to Rest, 4. See your health, 5. Review your items, 6. Go to the Store, 7. Continue on the hike".format(place)) if thequestion is "1": picture=ImageAsset("images/" + file) picture_sprite=Sprite(picture, (0,0)) myapp = App()
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(RectangleAsset(1, 1), *args, **kwargs) self._val = self.nposinputs.initial() self._steps = kwargs.get('steps', 50) self._step = (self.nposinputs.maxval() - self.nposinputs.minval()) / self._steps self._leftctrl = kwargs.get('leftkey', None) self._rightctrl = kwargs.get('rightkey', None) self._centerctrl = kwargs.get('centerkey', None) self.selectable = True # must be after super init! self.strokable = True # this enables grabbing/slideing the thumb self.thumbcaptured = False self._thumbwidth = max(self.stdinputs.width() / 40, 1) self.thumb = Sprite( RectangleAsset(self._thumbwidth, self.stdinputs.size() - 2, LineStyle(1, self.stdinputs.color()), self.stdinputs.color()), self.thumbXY()) self._touchAsset() if self._leftctrl: MathApp.listenKeyEvent("keydown", self._leftctrl, self.moveLeft) if self._rightctrl: MathApp.listenKeyEvent("keydown", self._rightctrl, self.moveRight) if self._centerctrl: MathApp.listenKeyEvent("keydown", self._centerctrl, self.moveCenter)
def __init__(self): super().__init__() # Background black = Color(0, 1) noline = LineStyle(0, black) bg_asset = RectangleAsset(self.width, self.height, noline, black) bg = Sprite(bg_asset, (0, 0))
def hit2(self): elapsed = time.time() if elapsed > self.end: print(self.dead) self.dead.destroy() global t t = 1 if self.lives == 0: gameoverT = TextAsset("Final Score: {0}".format(score)) Sprite(gameoverT, (myapp.width - 150, 40)) if SCREEN_WIDTH1 / 1071 < SCREEN_HEIGHT / 571: self.go = Sprite(gameover, (1, 1)) self.go.scale = SCREEN_WIDTH1 / 1071 else: self.go = Sprite(gameover, (1, 1)) self.go.scale = SCREEN_HEIGHT / 571
def __init__(self, width, height): super().__init__(width, height) for x in range(self.width // Stars.width + 1): for y in range(self.height // Stars.height + 1): Stars((x * Stars.width, y * Stars.height)) self.sun = Sun((self.width / 2, self.height / 2)) self.ship1 = Ship1(self, (self.width / 2 - 140, self.height / 2), (0, -120), self.sun) self.ship2 = Ship2(self, (self.width / 2 + 140, self.height / 2), (0, 120), self.sun) self.tsprites = { k: Sprite( TextAsset(text=v, width=200, align='center', style='20px Arial', fill=Color(0xff2222, 1))) for k, v in Spacewar.strings.items() } self.tsprites['winner'].visible = False self.tsprites['winner'].y = self.height / 2 self.tsprites['tie'].visible = False self.tsprites['tie'].position = (self.width / 2 - 100, self.height / 2 + 50) self.tsprites['space'].position = (self.width / 2 - 100, self.height * 3 / 4) self.tsprites['left'].position = (self.width / 4 - 50, self.height / 2) self.tsprites['right'].position = (self.width * 3 / 4 - 50, self.height / 2) self.state = 'instructions' self.listenKeyEvent('keydown', 'space',
def test_advancedspritecollision(self): class SpriteChild(Sprite): pass s1 = Sprite(self.image, (51,52)) s2 = Sprite(self.image, (61,52)) s3 = SpriteChild(self.image, (71,52)) cl = s1.collidingWithSprites(SpriteChild) self.assertEqual(len(cl), 1) self.assertIs(cl[0], s3) cl = s1.collidingWithSprites() self.assertEqual(len(cl), 2) s1.destroy() s2.destroy() s3.destroy()
SCREEN_WIDTH = 640 SCREEN_HEIGHT = 480 green = Color(0x00ff00, 1) black = Color(0, 1) noline = LineStyle(0, black) bg_asset = RectangleAsset(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, noline, green) bg = Sprite(bg_asset, (0,0)) # A ball! This is already in the ggame-tutorials repository ball_asset = ImageAsset("images/orb-150545_640.png") ball = Sprite(ball_asset, (0, 0)) # Original image is too big. Scale it to 1/10 its original size ball.scale = 0.1 # custom attributes ball.dir = 1 ball.go = True #Sounds pew1_asset = SoundAsset("sounds/pew1.mp3") pew1 = Sound(pew1_asset) pop_asset = SoundAsset("sounds/reappear.mp3") pop = Sound(pop_asset) def reverse(b): b.dir *= -1
oshape = CircleAsset(30, oline, clear) xshape = PolygonAsset([(5,5),(35,35),(65,5),(5,65),(35,35),(65,65)], xline, red) Sprite(vline, (140, 40)) Sprite(vline, (240, 40)) Sprite(hline, (40, 140)) Sprite(hline, (40, 240)) osprites = [ ] xsprites = [ ] playeralive = [ ] compalive = [ ] for x in [95, 195, 295]: for y in [95, 195, 295]: so = Sprite(oshape, (x,y)) so.visible = False osprites.append(so) for x in [60, 160, 260]: for y in [60, 160, 260]: sx = Sprite(xshape, (x,y)) sx.visible = False xsprites.append(sx) choice = input("Would you like to be X's or O's? ") player = 0 while player==0: if choice=="x": player = xsprites
SCREEN_WIDTH = 640 SCREEN_HEIGHT = 480 green = Color(0x00FF00, 1) brown = Color(0x966F33, 1) black = Color(0, 1) noline = LineStyle(0, black) bg_asset = RectangleAsset(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, noline, brown) cover_asset = RectangleAsset(600, 440, noline, green) bg = Sprite(bg_asset, (0, 0)) cover = Sprite(cover_asset, (20, 20)) # A ball! This is already in the ggame-tutorials repository ball_asset = ImageAsset("images/orb-150545_640.png") beach_asset = ImageAsset("images/beach-ball-575425_640.png") ball = Sprite(ball_asset, (0, 0)) beach = Sprite(beach_asset, (40, 40)) # Original image is too big. Scale it to 1/10 its original size ball.scale = 0.1 # custom attributes ball.dir = 1 ball.go = True beach.scale = 0.1 beach.dir = 2 beach.go = True def reverse(b): b.dir *= -1
See: for detailed information on ggame. """ from ggame import App, Color, LineStyle, Sprite, RectangleAsset, CircleAsset, EllipseAsset, PolygonAsset # add your code here \/ \/ \/ # Three primary colors with no transparency (alpha = 1.0) red = Color(0xff0000, 1.0) green = Color(0x00ff00, 1.0) blue = Color(0x0000ff, 1.0) black = Color(0x000000, 1.0) # Define a line style that is a thin (1 pixel) wide black line thinline = LineStyle(1, black) # A graphics asset that represents a rectangle rectangle = RectangleAsset(50, 20, thinline, blue) # Now display a rectangle rectSprite = Sprite(rectangle) rectSprite.scale = 10.0 # add your code here /\ /\ /\ myapp = App()
SCREEN_HEIGHT = 480 green = Color(0x00ff00, 1) black = Color(0, 1) noline = LineStyle(0, black) bg_asset = RectangleAsset(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, noline, green) bg = Sprite(bg_asset, (0,0)) # Sounds pew1_asset = SoundAsset("sounds/pew1.mp3") pew1 = Sound(pew1_asset) pop_asset = SoundAsset("sounds/reappear.mp3") pop = Sound(pop_asset) # A ball! This is already in the ggame-tutorials repository ball_asset = ImageAsset("images/orb-150545_640.png") ball = Sprite(ball_asset, (0, 0)) # Original image is too big. Scale it to 1/10 its original size ball.scale = 0.1 ball.y = 200 # custom attributes ball.dir = 1 ball.go = True # Sounds pew1_asset = SoundAsset("sounds/pew1.mp3") pew1 = Sound(pew1_asset) pop_asset = SoundAsset("sounds/reappear.mp3") pop = Sound(pop_asset) def reverse(b): b.dir *= -1
green = Color(0x00ff00, 1.0) blue = Color(0x0000ff, 1.0) black = Color(0x000000, 1.0) # Define a line style that is a thin (1 pixel) wide black line thinline = LineStyle(1, black) # A graphics asset that represents a rectangle brectangle = RectangleAsset(50, 20, thinline, blue) rrectangle = RectangleAsset(50, 20, thinline, red) bellipse = EllipseAsset(500,250,thinline, blue) rpolygon = PolygonAsset([(50,0),(950,0),(1000,50),(1000,450), (950,500),(50,500),(0,450),(0,50),(50,0)],thinline, redtransparent) # Now display a rectangle Sprite(brectangle,(100,100)) Sprite(rrectangle,(110,110)) Sprite(bellipse,(500,250)) polySprite = Sprite(rpolygon,(0,0)) count = 0; while count < 10: polySprite.scale = random.random() time.sleep(1) count = count + 1 myapp = App()
from ggame import LineStyle, Color, Sprite, Sound white = Color(0xffffff, 1.0) black = Color(0x000000, 1.0) red = Color(0xff0000, 1.0) noline = LineStyle(0, black) line = LineStyle(.2, black) list1 = [] square = RectangleAsset(20, 20, noline, red) screen = RectangleAsset(500,500, line, white) Sprite(screen,(0,0)) for x in range(0,25): for y in range(0,25): s = Sprite(square, (20*x,20*y)) s.visible = False list1.append(s) class Conway(App): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.listenMouseEvent( 'click', self.running = False self.listenKeyEvent("keydown", "space", self.spacebar) self.listenKeyEvent("keydown", "s", self.skey) def click(self, event): x = event.x y = event.y
def test_spritevariety(self): s1 = Sprite(self.multiimage) s2 = Sprite(self.rect) s3 = Sprite(self.circ) s4 = Sprite(self.ellipse) s5 = Sprite(self.line) s6 = Sprite(self.poly) s7 = Sprite(self.text) s1.destroy() s2.destroy() s3.destroy() s4.destroy() s5.destroy() s6.destroy() s7.destroy()
lights = RectangleAsset(10, 30, noline, yellow) windshield = RectangleAsset(30, 140, noline, translucent) handle = RectangleAsset(20, 5, noline, white) # Now display a rectangle #Car one Sprite(rectangle, (100, 200)) Sprite(circle, (475, 400)) Sprite(circle, (225, 400)) Sprite(cartriangle1, (100, 200)) Sprite(cartriangle2, (600, 200)) Sprite(window1, (330, 275)) Sprite(window1, (495, 275)) Sprite(lights, (100, 360)) s1 = Sprite(windshield, (237, 220)) s1.rotation = -0.9 Sprite(handle, (320, 325)) Sprite(handle, (485, 325)) #Car two Sprite(rectangle2, (700, 200)) Sprite(circle, (1075, 400)) Sprite(circle, (825, 400)) Sprite(cartriangle1, (700, 200)) Sprite(cartriangle2, (1200, 200)) Sprite(window1, (930, 275)) Sprite(window1, (1095, 275)) Sprite(lights, (700, 360)) s2 = Sprite(windshield, (837, 220)) s2.rotation = -0.9
from ggame import LineStyle, Color SCREEN_WIDTH = 500 SCREEN_HEIGHT = 500 green = Color(0x00ff00, 1) blue = Color(0x2EFEF7, 1) black = Color(0, 1) noline = LineStyle(0, black) bg_asset = RectangleAsset(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, noline, green) bg = Sprite(bg_asset, (0,0)) ball_asset = ImageAsset("images/orb-150545_640.png") ball = Sprite(ball_asset, (0, 0)) ball.scale = 0.07 ball.y = 200 ball.dir = 0.76 ball.go = True def reverse(b): b.dir *= -0.76 def step(): if ball.go: ball.x += ball.dir if ball.x + ball.width > SCREEN_WIDTH or ball.x < 0:
from ggame import App, RectangleAsset, ImageAsset, SoundAsset from ggame import LineStyle, Color, Sprite, Sound rectangle dimensions:1728 862 # A ball! This is already in the ggame-tutorials repository ball_asset = ImageAsset("images/orb-150545_640.png") ball = Sprite(ball_asset, (0, 0)) ball.fxcenter = 0.7 ball.fycenter = 0.6 # Original image is too big. Scale it to 1/10 its original size ball.scale = 0.05 #Handle the mouse movement def mouseMove(event): ball.x = event.x ball.y = event.y myapp = App() myapp.listenMouseEvent('mousemove', mouseMove)
nlu = LineStyle(5 , blue) thickline = LineStyle(5 , red) thickline2 = LineStyle(5, orange) circle = CircleAsset(10, noline, beige) poly = PolygonAsset([(20,20), (30,40), (50,160), (20,100)], thickline, red) portal1 = EllipseAsset(40, 10, nlu, white) rectum = RectangleAsset(40, 60, thickline2, orange) portal2 = EllipseAsset(40, 10, thickline2, white) rectum2 = RectangleAsset(40, 30, thickline2, orange) legs = RectangleAsset(5, 30, thickline2, orange) #arm1 = #arm2 = arm1 = Sprite(legs, (130, 480)) arm2 = Sprite(legs, (30, 480)) arm1.rotation=-1 arm2.rotation=1 #arm1.roation=.5 Sprite(circle, (80, 478)) Sprite(poly, (90, 530)) Sprite(portal1, (80, 150)) Sprite(portal2, (80, 550)) Sprite(rectum, (60, 490)) Sprite(rectum2, (60, 150)) Sprite(legs, (60, 180)) Sprite(legs, (95, 180))
gameend = True if wintext.visible == False: losetext.visible = True if wintext.visible == False: secondslist[secondssincestart].visible = True #Win/Lose message youwin = TextAsset("Congrats, you win!!") youlose = TextAsset("Sorry, but you lose :(") for s in secondslist: s.visible = False for s in blocklist: s.visible = False blocklist[0].visible = True wintext = Sprite(youwin, (0, 0)) wintext.visible = False losetext = Sprite(youlose, (0, 365)) losetext.visible = False blockcount = 0 #Mouse clicks def mouseClick(event): global blockcount if gameend == False: if blockcount >= len(blocklist): return if event.x >= blocklist[blockcount].x and event.y >= blocklist[blockcount].y and event.x <= blocklist[blockcount].x + 50 and event.y <= blocklist[blockcount].y + 50: if event.x >= rect11.x and event.y >= rect11.y and event.x <= rect11.x + 50 and event.y <= rect11.y + 50: wintext.visible = True #blocklist[blockcount].visible = False
Write and submit a program that implements the spacewar game: """ from ggame import App, RectangleAsset, ImageAsset, Sprite, LineStyle, Color, Frame from math import sin, cos SCREEN_WIDTH = 1423 SCREEN_HEIGHT = 788 asset1 = ImageAsset("images/starfield.jpg") width = 512 height = 512 stars = Sprite(asset1) stars1 = Sprite(asset1) stars1.x = 512 stars1.y = 0 stars2 = Sprite(asset1) stars2.x = 1024 stars2.y = 0 stars3 = Sprite(asset1) stars3.x = 0 stars3.y = 512 stars4 = Sprite(asset1) stars4.x = 512 stars4.y = 512 stars5 = Sprite(asset1) stars5.x = 1024 stars5.y = 512