Ejemplo n.º 1
def logUserEvent(user, galaxy, targetType, targetID, eventType):
    conn = ghConn()
    cursor = conn.cursor()
    if (cursor):
        # Check if user is experienced enough to give rep bonus
        expGood = False
        # Exclude automated users
        if (user != "etas" and user != "c0pp3r" and user != "RogueOne"
                and user != "SRAlderaan"):
                "SELECT added, repBad FROM tUserStats WHERE userID=%s AND galaxy=%s;",
                (user, galaxy))
            row = cursor.fetchone()
            if (row != None and row[0] != None):
                if (row[0] > (row[1] + 3)):
                    expGood = True

        link = ""
        message = ""
        if eventType == "v" and expGood == True:
            # Get target User if target is resource
            if targetType == "r":
                    "SELECT enteredBy, spawnName FROM tResources WHERE spawnID="
                    + str(targetID) + ";")
                row = cursor.fetchone()
                if (row != None):
                    targetUser = row[0]
                    link = "/resource.py/" + str(galaxy) + "/" + row[1]
                    message = "You gained 1 reputation because someone verified your resource!"
            # Get target user if target is waypoint
            elif targetType == "w":
                    "SELECT owner, spawnName FROM tWaypoint INNER JOIN tResources ON tWaypoint.spawnID = tResources.spawnID WHERE waypointID="
                    + str(targetID) + ";")
                row = cursor.fetchone()
                if (row != None):
                    targetUser = row[0]
                    link = "/resource.py/" + str(galaxy) + "/" + row[1]
                    message = "You gained 1 reputation because someone verified your waypoint!"
            # Increment rep on target user for verification of their entry
            if targetUser != None:
                    "INSERT INTO tUserEvents (userID, targetType, targetID, eventType, eventTime, causeEventType) VALUES ('"
                    + targetUser + "', '" + targetType + "', " +
                    str(targetID) + ", '+', NOW(), '" + eventType + "');", "+",
                    targetUser, galaxy, targetID)
                    "INSERT INTO tAlerts (userID, alertType, alertTime, alertMessage, alertLink, alertStatus) VALUES ('"
                    + targetUser + "', 1, NOW(), '" + message + "', '" + link +
                    "', 0);")

        if (eventType == "n" or eventType == "g") and expGood == True:
            # Get target user that entered the resource that is being corrected
                "SELECT userID, eventTime FROM tResourceEvents WHERE spawnID=%s AND eventType IN ('a','{0}') ORDER BY eventTime DESC;"
                .format(eventType), targetID)
            eventRow = cursor.fetchone()
            targetUser = ''
            while eventRow != None:
                tt = datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()) - eventRow[1]
                # Ignore if user is correcting themself or the previous action was too long ago
                if eventRow[0] != user and tt.days < 28:
                    targetUser = eventRow[0]
                eventRow = cursor.fetchone()
            # Decrement rep on target user for entering a resource with a misspelled name or wrong galaxy
            if targetUser != '':
                # Only allow each user to do this once per resource though
                checkCursor = conn.cursor()
                    "SELECT eventTime FROM tUserEvents WHERE userID=%s AND targetID=%s AND eventType=%s;",
                    (user, targetID, eventType))
                checkRow = checkCursor.fetchone()
                if checkRow == None:
                    link = "/resource.py/" + str(
                        galaxy) + "/" + ghNames.getSpawnName(targetID)
                    message = "You lost 1 reputation because your resource entry had to be corrected!"
                        "INSERT INTO tUserEvents(userID, targetType, targetID, eventType, eventTime, causeEventType) VALUES ('"
                        + targetUser + "', '" + targetType + "', " +
                        str(targetID) + ", '-', NOW(), '" + eventType + "');",
                        "-", targetUser, galaxy, targetID)
                        "INSERT INTO tAlerts(userID, alertType, alertTime, alertMessage, alertLink, alertStatus) VALUES ('"
                        + targetUser + "', 1, NOW(), '" + message + "', '" +
                        link + "', 0);")

        if eventType == "p" and expGood == True:
            # Get target user that marked the resource unavailable that is being corrected
                "SELECT userID, eventTime FROM tResourceEvents WHERE spawnID=%s AND eventType IN ('r') ORDER BY eventTime DESC;",
            eventRow = cursor.fetchone()
            targetUser = ''
            while eventRow != None:
                tt = datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()) - eventRow[1]
                # Ignore if user is correcting themself or the previous action was too long ago
                if eventRow[0] != user and tt.days < 28:
                    targetUser = eventRow[0]
                eventRow = cursor.fetchone()
            # Decrement rep on target user for marking resource unavailable that is still available
            if targetUser != '':
                # Only allow each user to do this once per resource though
                checkCursor = conn.cursor()
                    "SELECT eventTime FROM tUserEvents WHERE userID=%s AND targetID=%s AND eventType=%s;",
                    (user, targetID, eventType))
                checkRow = checkCursor.fetchone()
                if checkRow == None:
                    link = "/resource.py/" + str(
                        galaxy) + "/" + ghNames.getSpawnName(targetID)
                    message = "You lost 1 reputation because you removed a resource that is still available!"
                        "INSERT INTO tUserEvents(userID, targetType, targetID, eventType, eventTime, causeEventType) VALUES ('"
                        + targetUser + "', '" + targetType + "', " +
                        str(targetID) + ", '-', NOW(), '" + eventType + "');",
                        "-", targetUser, galaxy, targetID)
                        "INSERT INTO tAlerts(userID, alertType, alertTime, alertMessage, alertLink, alertStatus) VALUES ('"
                        + targetUser + "', 1, NOW(), '" + message + "', '" +
                        link + "', 0);")

        # add the event record
            "INSERT INTO tUserEvents (userID, targetType, targetID, eventType, eventTime) VALUES ('"
            + user + "','" + targetType + "'," + str(targetID) + ",'" +
            eventType + "',NOW());")
Ejemplo n.º 2
        planet = dbShared.getPlanetID(planet)
    if planet.isdigit() == False:
        errstr = errstr + "Error: planet must be provided to post resource unless editing."

postBlockedSeconds = dbShared.getUserPostBlockedSecondsRemaining(
    currentUser, 'r')
if dbShared.getUserPostBlockedSecondsRemaining(currentUser, 'r') > 0:
    errstr = errstr + "Error: You are currently blocked from adding or updating resources due to recent activity.  Your cooldown ends in less than " + str(
        (postBlockedSeconds / 3600) + 1) + " hours."

if (errstr == ""):
    result = ""
    galaxyState = dbShared.galaxyState(galaxy)
    if (logged_state > 0 and galaxyState == 1):
        if (spawnName == "" or spawnName == None):
            spawnName = ghNames.getSpawnName(spawnID)

        if (spawnID > -1):
            # spawn already entered
            if (forceOp == "edit"):
                result = "edit: "
                result = result + addResStats(spawnID, resType, CR, CD, DR, FL,
                                              HR, MA, PE, OQ, SR, UT, ER,
                result = addResPlanet(spawnID, planet, spawnName)
                result = result + '  ' + addResStats(
                    spawnID, resType, CR, CD, DR, FL, HR, MA, PE, OQ, SR, UT,
                    ER, forceOp)
            # new spawn
Ejemplo n.º 3
def main():
	# Get current url
		url = os.environ['SCRIPT_NAME']
	except KeyError:
		url = ''

	form = cgi.FieldStorage()
	# Get Cookies
	useCookies = 1
	cookies = Cookie.SimpleCookie()
	except KeyError:
		useCookies = 0

	if useCookies:
			currentUser = cookies['userID'].value
		except KeyError:
			currentUser = ''
			loginResult = cookies['loginAttempt'].value
		except KeyError:
			loginResult = 'success'
			sid = cookies['gh_sid'].value
		except KeyError:
			sid = form.getfirst('gh_sid', '')
		currentUser = ''
		loginResult = 'success'
		sid = form.getfirst('gh_sid', '')

	numRows = form.getfirst("numRows", "")
	# Get form info
	galaxy = form.getfirst("galaxy", "")
	planet = form.getfirst("planet", "")
	spawnID = form.getfirst("resID", "")
	spawnName = form.getfirst("resName", "")
	resType = form.getfirst("resType", "")
	forceOp = form.getfirst("forceOp", "")
	sourceRow = form.getfirst("sourceRow", "")
	CR = form.getfirst("CR", "")
	CD = form.getfirst("CD", "")
	DR = form.getfirst("DR", "")
	FL = form.getfirst("FL", "")
	HR = form.getfirst("HR", "")
	MA = form.getfirst("MA", "")
	PE = form.getfirst("PE", "")
	OQ = form.getfirst("OQ", "")
	SR = form.getfirst("SR", "")
	UT = form.getfirst("UT", "")
	ER = form.getfirst("ER", "")
	# escape input to prevent sql injection
	sid = dbShared.dbInsertSafe(sid)
	numRows = dbShared.dbInsertSafe(numRows)
	galaxy = dbShared.dbInsertSafe(galaxy)
	planet = dbShared.dbInsertSafe(planet)
	spawnID = dbShared.dbInsertSafe(spawnID)
	spawnName = dbShared.dbInsertSafe(spawnName)
	resType = dbShared.dbInsertSafe(resType)
	forceOp = dbShared.dbInsertSafe(forceOp)
	sourceRow = dbShared.dbInsertSafe(sourceRow)
	CR = dbShared.dbInsertSafe(CR)
	CD = dbShared.dbInsertSafe(CD)
	DR = dbShared.dbInsertSafe(DR)
	FL = dbShared.dbInsertSafe(FL)
	HR = dbShared.dbInsertSafe(HR)
	MA = dbShared.dbInsertSafe(MA)
	PE = dbShared.dbInsertSafe(PE)
	OQ = dbShared.dbInsertSafe(OQ)
	SR = dbShared.dbInsertSafe(SR)
	UT = dbShared.dbInsertSafe(UT)
	ER = dbShared.dbInsertSafe(ER)

	spawnName = spawnName.lower()

	# Get a session
	logged_state = 0

	sess = dbSession.getSession(sid)
	if (sess != ''):
		logged_state = 1
		currentUser = sess

	#  Check for errors
	errstr = ""
	if (len(spawnName) < 1 and spawnID == ""):
		errstr = errstr + "Error: no resource name. \r\n"
	if ((resType == "none" or len(resType) < 1) and spawnID == "" and forceOp != "verify"):
		errstr = errstr + "Error: no resource type. \r\n"
		#  Some automated updaters post reptillian meat as 'reptilian', normalize
		resType = resType.replace("reptilian", "reptillian")

	if spawnID == "":
		if galaxy == "":
			errstr = errstr + "Error: no galaxy selected. \r\n"
			# try to look up spawnID for editing and verifying
			spawnID = dbShared.getSpawnID(spawnName, galaxy)

	if re.search('\W', spawnName):
		errstr = errstr + "Error: spawn name contains illegal characters."
	if (forceOp != "edit" and planet.isdigit() == False):
		# attempt to lookup planet by name
		if planet != "":
			planet = dbShared.getPlanetID(planet)
		if planet.isdigit() == False:
			errstr = errstr + "Error: planet must be provided to post resource unless editing."

	postBlockedSeconds = dbShared.getUserPostBlockedSecondsRemaining(currentUser, 'r')
	if dbShared.getUserPostBlockedSecondsRemaining(currentUser, 'r') > 0:
		errstr = errstr + "Error: You are currently blocked from adding or updating resources due to recent activity.  Your cooldown ends in less than " + str((postBlockedSeconds / 3600) + 1) + " hours."

	if (errstr == ""):
		result = ""
		galaxyState = dbShared.galaxyState(galaxy)
		if (logged_state > 0 and galaxyState == 1):
			if (spawnName == "" or spawnName == None):
				spawnName = ghNames.getSpawnName(spawnID)

			if (spawnID>-1):
				# spawn already entered
				if (forceOp == "edit"):
					result = "edit: "
					result = result + addResStats(spawnID, resType, CR, CD, DR, FL, HR, MA, PE, OQ, SR, UT, ER, forceOp, currentUser, galaxy)
					result = addResPlanet(spawnID, planet, spawnName, currentUser, galaxy)
					result = result + '  ' + addResStats(spawnID, resType, CR, CD, DR, FL, HR, MA, PE, OQ, SR, UT, ER, forceOp, currentUser, galaxy)
				# new spawn
				result = addResource(spawnName, galaxy, resType, CR, CD, DR, FL, HR, MA, PE, OQ, SR, UT, ER, currentUser)
				spawnID = dbShared.getSpawnID(spawnName, galaxy)
				result = addResPlanet(spawnID, planet, spawnName, currentUser, galaxy) + '  ' + result

			if logged_state > 0:
				result = "Error: You cannot add resource data for an Inactive Galaxy."
				result = "Error: must be logged in to add resources"
		result = errstr

	print 'Content-type: text/xml\n'
	doc = minidom.Document()
	eRoot = doc.createElement("result")

	eName = doc.createElement("spawnName")
	tName = doc.createTextNode(spawnName)
	eText = doc.createElement("resultText")
	tText = doc.createTextNode(result)
	eSource = doc.createElement("sourceRow")
	tSource = doc.createTextNode(sourceRow)
	print doc.toxml()

	if (result.find("Error:") > -1):
Ejemplo n.º 4
		longitude = int(location[location.find(",")+1:].lstrip())
		if (lattitude < -8192 or lattitude > 8192 or longitude < -8192 or longitude > 8192):
			errstr = errstr + "Error: Invalid location coordinates.  Value too large.  "
	except ValueError:
		errstr = errstr + "Error: Could not identify lat/lon as numbers.  "

	errstr = errstr + "Error: location is not in the right format. Separate the cooridinates with a comma."

# Only process if no errors or just verifying
if (errstr == "" or (forceOp == "verify" and wpID != None and wpID.isdigit())):
	result = ""
	if (logged_state > 0):
		if forceOp != "verify":
			if (spawnName == "" or spawnName == None):
				spawnName = ghNames.getSpawnName(spawnID)
			# First see if resource is entered at all
			if (spawnID == ""):
				spawnID = getSpawnID(spawnName, galaxy)

		if (spawnID > -1 or forceOp == "verify"):
			# waypoint already entered?
			if (wpID != None and wpID.isdigit()):
				# check owner
					conn = dbShared.ghConn()
					cursor = conn.cursor()
				except Exception:
					result = "Error: could not connect to database"

				if (cursor):